#The Key to Mass Adoption of Wearables
Wellness surveillance makes workers unwell
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I'm on tour with my new, nationally bestselling novel The Bezzle! Catch me in TORONTO on Mar 22, then with LAURA POITRAS in NYC on Mar 24, then Anaheim, and more!
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"National conversation" sounds like one of those meaningless buzzphrases – until you live through one. The first one I really participated in actively was the national conversation – the global conversation – about privacy following the Snowden revelations.
This all went down when my daughter was five, and as my wife and I talked about the news, our kid naturally grew curious about it. I had to literally "explain like I'm five" global mass surveillance:
But parenting is a two-way street, so even as I was explaining surveillance to my kid, my own experiences raising a child changed how I thought about surveillance. Obviously I knew about many of the harms that surveillance brings, but parenting helped me viscerally appreciate one of the least-discussed, most important aspects of being watched: how it compromises being your authentic self:
As I wrote then:
There are times when she is working right at the limits of her abilities – drawing or dancing or writing or singing or building – and she catches me watching her and gets this look of mingled embarrassment and exasperation, and then she changes back to some task where she has more mastery. No one – not even a small child – likes to look foolish in front of other people.
Learning, growth, and fulfillment all require a zone of privacy, a time and place where we are not observed. Far from making us accountable, continuous, fine-grained surveillance by authority figures just scares us into living a cramped, inauthentic version of ourselves, where growth is all but impossible. Others have observed the role this plays in right-wing culture war bullshit: "an armed society is a polite society" is code for "people who make me feel uncomfortable just by existing should be terrorized into hiding their authentic selves from me." The point of Don't Say Gay laws and anti-trans bills isn't to eliminate gender nonconformity – it's to drive it into hiding.
Given all this, it's no surprise that workers who face workplace surveillance in the name of "wellness" feel unwell as a result:
As the Future of Work Institute found in its study, some technologies – systems that make it easier to collaborate and communicate with colleagues – increase workers' sense of wellbeing. But wearables and AI tools make workers feel significantly worse:
Workers who reported these negative feelings confirmed that these tools make them feel "monitored." I mean, of course they do. Even where these tools are nominally designed to help you do your job better, they're also explicitly designed to help your boss keep track of you from moment to moment. As Brandon Vigliarolo writes for The Register, these are the same bosses who have been boasting to their investors about their plans to fire their workers and replace them with AI:
"Bossware" is a key example of the shitty rainbow of "disciplinary technology," tools that exist to take away human agency by making it easier to surveil and control its users:
Bossware is one of the stages of the Shitty Technology Adoption Curve: the process by which abusive and immiserating technologies progress up the privilege gradient as their proponents refine and normalize dystopian technologies in order to impose them on wider and wider audiences:
The kinds of metrics that bossware gathers might be useful to workers, but only if the workers get to decide when, whether and how to share that data with other people. Microsoft Office helps you catch typos by underlining words its dictionary doesn't recognize; the cloud-based, "AI-powered" Office365 tells your boss that you're the 11th-worst speller in your division and uses "sentiment analysis" to predict whether you are likely to cause trouble:
Two hundred years ago, Luddites rose up against machines. Contrary to the ahistorical libel you've heard, the Luddites weren't angry or frightened of machines – they were angry at the machines' owners. They understood – correctly – that the purpose of a machine "so easy a child could use it" was to fire skilled adult workers and replace them with kidnapped, indentured Napoleonic War orphans who could be maimed and killed on the job without consequence:
A hundred years ago, the "Taylorites" picked up where those mill owners left off: choreographing workers' movements to the finest degree in a pseudoscientific effort to produce a kind of kabuki of boss-pleasing robotic efficiency. The new, AI-based Taylorism goes even further, allowing bosses to automatically blacklist gig workers who refuse to cross picket-lines, monitor "self-employed" call center operators in their own homes, and monitor the eyeballs of Amazon drivers:
AI-based monitoring technologies dock workers' wages, suspend them, and even fire them, and when workers object, they're stuck arguing with a chatbot that is the apotheosis of Computer Says No:
There's plenty of research about AI successfully "augmenting" workers, making them more productive and I'm the last person to say that automation can't help you get more done:
But without understanding how AI augments class warfare – disciplining workers with a scale, speed and granularity beyond the sadistic fantasies of even the most micromanaging asshole boss – this research is meaningless.
The irony of bosses imposing monitoring to improve "wellness" and stave off "burnout" is that nothing is more exhausting, more immiserating, more infuriating than being continuously watched and judged.
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Name your price for 18 of my DRM-free ebooks and support the Electronic Frontier Foundation with the Humble Cory Doctorow Bundle.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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Image: Cryteria (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:HAL9000.svg
CC BY 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.en
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b2bbusiness · 15 days
The Evolution and Growth of the Cruise Industry
The cruise industry has experienced remarkable growth over the past few decades, transforming from a niche luxury experience to a mainstream vacation option accessible to millions worldwide. Today, cruise lines offer a wide array of experiences, catering to diverse demographics, ranging from families and couples to solo travelers and adventure enthusiasts. This article explores the evolution, current trends, and the future of the cruise industry, including its environmental impact and role in global tourism.
The Evolution of the Cruise Industry
The cruise industry began as an elite experience for the wealthy in the early 19th century, with steamships providing luxurious transatlantic voyages. By the mid-20th century, cruise vacations became more affordable, thanks to innovations in shipbuilding and the rise of mass tourism. Major players like Carnival, Royal Caribbean, and Norwegian Cruise Line emerged in the 1970s, offering diverse itineraries and amenities at competitive prices.
Today, the industry is a multi-billion-dollar sector, hosting more than 30 million passengers annually. With the development of mega-ships that resemble floating cities, the industry has expanded to offer everything from gourmet dining and live entertainment to water parks, shopping centers, and even zip lines on board.
Key Trends Shaping the Cruise Industry
Sustainable Cruising: In recent years, there has been increasing pressure on the cruise industry to reduce its environmental footprint. Many cruise lines are adopting green technologies, such as using LNG (liquefied natural gas) as fuel, implementing advanced wastewater treatment systems, and investing in carbon offset programs.
Personalized Experiences: Modern cruise lines offer highly customizable vacation packages. Passengers can choose from a wide range of options, including specialty dining, exclusive shore excursions, and tailored entertainment, ensuring that their vacation experience matches their personal preferences.
Expedition Cruises: Adventurous travelers are increasingly opting for expedition cruises to remote and pristine destinations such as Antarctica, the Arctic, and the Galapagos Islands. These cruises focus on nature, wildlife, and cultural immersion, often featuring expert guides and lecturers.
Technology Integration: Smart technology is revolutionizing the cruise experience. From facial recognition systems for smoother boarding processes to wearable devices that allow guests to make purchases, track locations, and access staterooms, cruise lines are adopting innovative tech to enhance convenience and safety.
Diverse Destinations: While the Caribbean has long been a popular cruise destination, more lines are expanding their offerings to lesser-known locations such as Southeast Asia, the South Pacific, and Northern Europe. These regions offer unique cultural experiences and breathtaking natural landscapes.
The Economic Impact of the Cruise Industry
The cruise industry plays a vital role in the global economy. It creates jobs in shipbuilding, hospitality, tourism, and retail sectors. Popular port cities like Miami, Barcelona, and Singapore benefit from the influx of cruise passengers, which stimulates local businesses, restaurants, and transportation services.
Environmental Challenges and Solutions
Despite its economic benefits, the cruise industry faces criticism for its environmental impact. Cruise ships are often compared to floating cities due to the large amount of waste they generate and the emissions they produce. However, in response to increasing public scrutiny, the industry is working toward becoming more eco-friendly.
Cruise lines are taking steps to improve fuel efficiency, reduce plastic waste, and promote recycling. Many are also exploring the use of renewable energy sources and are committed to reducing their carbon footprint in the coming years. Some companies have pledged to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.
The Future of Cruising
The future of the cruise industry looks promising, with a focus on sustainability, innovation, and creating unique guest experiences. The pandemic temporarily halted operations, but the industry has since bounced back, with even more emphasis on health and safety. As global travel resumes, the demand for cruising is expected to continue growing, driven by evolving consumer preferences and technological advancements.
In the coming years, we can expect to see more eco-friendly ships, personalized itineraries, and cutting-edge onboard facilities, solidifying the cruise industry’s position as a cornerstone of global tourism.
Buy the Full Report for More Cruises Market Insights, Download a Free Report Sample
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icdoleddisplay · 6 months
Exploring the Evolution of HDMI and Round TFT Displays: A Journey Through Technological Advancements
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In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, innovations continue to shape our daily lives, making tasks more efficient, entertainment more immersive, and communication more accessible. Two such innovations that have significantly impacted the way we interact with digital content are HDMI (High-Definition Multimedia Interface) and round TFT (Thin-Film Transistor) displays. These advancements have revolutionized the viewing experience, providing crisp visuals and immersive displays across various devices.
HDMI, first introduced in 2003, has become the standard interface for transmitting high-definition audio and video signals between devices. Its widespread adoption can be attributed to its ability to deliver uncompressed digital content, ensuring superior image and sound quality. Initially designed to connect televisions and DVD players, HDMI has since found its way into numerous devices, including gaming consoles, computers, and even smartphones.
The key features of HDMI include support for high resolutions, multi-channel audio, and bi-directional communication between connected devices. With each iteration, HDMI has evolved to meet the growing demands of consumers and the advancements in display technology. The latest version, HDMI 2.1, supports resolutions up to 10K and offers features like Dynamic HDR (High Dynamic Range) for enhanced contrast and colors, Variable Refresh Rate (VRR) for smoother gameplay, and eARC (enhanced Audio Return Channel) for high-quality audio transmission.
Parallel to the evolution of HDMI, the development of TFT displays has also witnessed significant progress. TFT technology, based on thin-film transistors that control individual pixels, has become the standard for producing high-quality flat-panel displays. Initially confined to rectangular shapes, TFT displays have now transcended traditional boundaries with the introduction of round TFT displays.
Round TFT displays offer a unique visual experience, departing from the conventional rectangular screens. These displays, often utilized in smartwatches, fitness trackers, and other wearable devices, provide a sleek and futuristic design while maintaining excellent image quality. The integration of round TFT displays has not only enhanced the aesthetics of wearable gadgets but also improved their functionality by providing more screen real estate for displaying information and notifications.
One of the challenges in developing round TFT displays lies in the manufacturing process, as traditional methods are optimized for rectangular shapes. However, advancements in fabrication techniques have enabled the mass production of round TFT displays, making them more accessible to manufacturers and consumers alike.
The synergy between HDMI and round TFT displays has opened up new possibilities in various applications. For instance, smartwatches equipped with HDMI connectivity can wirelessly stream content from smartphones or other compatible devices, providing users with a seamless multimedia experience on a compact round display. Similarly, HDMI-enabled round TFT displays can be integrated into automotive dashboards, offering drivers enhanced navigation and entertainment options without compromising on aesthetics.
Moreover, the integration of HDMI and round TFT displays extends beyond consumer electronics into industries such as healthcare, where wearable devices with round displays can provide vital health monitoring data in real-time, seamlessly transmitted to larger screens for analysis and diagnosis.
Looking ahead, the future of HDMI and round TFT displays holds even greater promise. As display technologies continue to advance, we can expect further improvements in image quality, energy efficiency, and versatility. With the advent of technologies like OLED (Organic Light-Emitting Diode) and MicroLED, the boundaries of display design will be pushed even further, offering thinner, lighter, and more flexible displays with unparalleled visual fidelity.
In conclusion, the evolution of HDMI and round TFT displays represents a remarkable journey through technological advancements, reshaping the way we consume and interact with digital content. From delivering immersive multimedia experiences to enhancing the functionality of wearable devices, these innovations continue to drive innovation and inspire new possibilities across industries. As we embrace the future of display technology, one thing remains certain: the dynamic synergy between HDMI and round TFT displays will continue to redefine our digital experiences for years to come.
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cfsensor · 7 months
The Future is Micro: The Miniature MEMS Sensors Changing the World
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In our modern era of rapid technological evolution, one innovation stands out as truly revolutionary - MEMS (Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems) sensors. These microscopic marvels seamlessly fuse mechanical and electrical components at a miniature scale, leveraging the precision of semiconductor manufacturing techniques. From their humble beginnings to widespread adoption across industries, MEMS sensors have transformed how devices interact with and perceive their surroundings.
The origins of this groundbreaking technology can be traced back to 1967 when pioneering scientist Harvey C. Nathanson and his team at Westinghouse Research Laboratories developed the first MEMS device - the resonant gate transistor. This seminal achievement demonstrated the immense potential of combining microscopic mechanical elements with electronic circuitry on a single chip.
At their core, MEMS sensors are designed to detect and measure various physical phenomena with remarkable accuracy and reliability. By integrating microfabricated mechanical structures capable of responding to external stimuli like pressure, acceleration, temperature, or chemical presence, these sensors can transduce these mechanical changes into electrical signals. This transduction is achieved through techniques like capacitive, piezoresistive, piezoelectric, or thermal sensing mechanisms.
The converted electrical signals are then processed by integrated circuits, allowing for amplification, filtering, analog-to-digital conversion, and ultimately, interpretation by external systems or microcontrollers. This entire process, seamlessly merging mechanics and electronics at a microscale, enables MEMS sensors to function as highly sensitive and precise data acquisition tools.
The advantages of MEMS sensors are numerous, driving their widespread adoption across diverse industries. Their incredibly small size allows for integration into even the most compact devices without significantly impacting weight or dimensions. This miniaturization is particularly beneficial for portable electronics, wearables, medical implants, and space-constrained applications.
Moreover, MEMS sensors are designed for exceptionally low power consumption, extending the operational life of battery-powered devices like smartphones, fitness trackers, and remote sensing systems. Despite their diminutive size, they offer remarkable precision and sensitivity, capable of detecting minute changes in physical phenomena – a critical requirement for applications demanding accurate measurements, such as automotive safety systems and medical diagnostics.
Another key advantage is cost-effectiveness, as MEMS sensors leverage established semiconductor manufacturing processes, enabling mass production at relatively low costs. Additionally, their versatility allows a single MEMS device to measure a wide range of physical and chemical parameters, from pressure and acceleration to temperature, humidity, and even biological elements.
The robustness and reliability of MEMS sensors further contribute to their appeal, making them suitable for harsh environments and extreme conditions found in automotive, aerospace, and industrial settings. Rapid response times and the ability to integrate multiple sensing functions onto a single chip also enhance their performance and ease of implementation.
The applications of MEMS sensors span a vast array of industries, each leveraging their unique capabilities to drive innovation and enhance functionality:
Consumer Electronics: Smartphones, tablets, and wearable devices rely on MEMS sensors like accelerometers, gyroscopes, and magnetometers for features like screen orientation changes, motion detection for gaming, navigation, and fitness tracking.
Automotive: MEMS sensors are critical for vehicle safety systems, with pressure sensors and accelerometers enabling airbag deployment during collisions. Gyroscopes and accelerometers also contribute to vehicle stability control and navigation systems.
Healthcare: Medical devices like digital blood pressure monitors, wearable health trackers, and hearing aids incorporate MEMS sensors for precise monitoring and diagnosis. The "lab-on-a-chip" concept, enabled by MEMS technology, allows for miniaturized devices for rapid testing and drug delivery.
Industrial and Environmental Monitoring: Pressure and temperature sensors play a vital role in process control and monitoring within industrial settings, ensuring safety and efficiency. MEMS sensors are also used for detecting and measuring environmental parameters like air quality, humidity, and temperature.
Consumer Goods: Smart home devices, such as thermostats and security systems, leverage MEMS sensors for environmental monitoring and control, enhancing comfort and security.
Entertainment and Gaming: Motion control in gaming consoles and virtual reality systems is made possible through MEMS sensors that detect player movements, creating immersive interactive experiences.
While the current applications of MEMS sensors are vast, the future holds even greater promise as emerging trends converge with this technology. The Internet of Things (IoT) is poised to drive an explosion of interconnected devices, each requiring sophisticated sensing capabilities that MEMS sensors can provide. In healthcare, wearable technology and e-textiles integrated with MEMS sensors could revolutionize remote patient monitoring and personalized medicine.
The automotive industry is also set to benefit greatly from advancements in MEMS sensor technology, enabling more advanced safety features, autonomous driving capabilities, and improved vehicle performance monitoring. Industrial automation and manufacturing processes will become smarter and more efficient through the integration of MEMS sensors for precise monitoring and control.
Perhaps most significantly, the convergence of MEMS sensors with artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) could unlock unprecedented opportunities. By harnessing the vast amounts of data generated by these sensors, AI and ML algorithms can extract valuable insights, identify patterns, and make intelligent decisions, driving innovation across sectors.
To fully capitalize on the potential of MEMS sensors, it is crucial for engineers and innovators to understand the process of integrating these components into their projects effectively. This involves defining precise requirements, selecting appropriate sensors, designing compatible system architectures, developing firmware and software, prototyping and testing, calibrating for accuracy, and optimizing for production.
As MEMS sensor technology continues to evolve, driven by the relentless pursuit of innovation and the ever-increasing demand for smarter, more efficient systems, the future promises even greater integration, intelligence, and versatility. These microscopic marvels will become increasingly woven into the fabric of our lives, blurring the lines between the digital and physical worlds, and shaping the future of technology in ways we can scarcely imagine.
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omkarpatel · 9 months
Wearable Sensors Market is Estimated to Witness High Growth Owing to Increased Use in Healthcare Applications
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Wearable sensors are small devices that can be worn on the body to detect, track and monitor physical, physiological as well as contextual parameters of the user. Wearable sensor technology has transformed various domains including healthcare, fitness, industrial and lifestyle applications. Healthcare sensors analyze vital parameters such as blood pressure, heart rate and body temperature to detect abnormalities and predict well-being of patients. Their miniature size and ability to detect multiple health metrics makes them extremely useful for assisted living applications and remote patient monitoring.
The global wearable sensors market is estimated to be valued at US$ 978.86 Mn in 2023 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 16% over the forecast period 2023 to 2030, as highlighted in a new report published by Coherent Market Insights. Market Opportunity: Increased use in healthcare applications is one of the major opportunities fueling the growth of the wearable sensors market. The elderly population across the globe is rising rapidly which is expected to increase the demand for remote healthcare monitoring solutions. Integration of multiple sensors in a single wearable device to measure vital health parameters will help in early detection of chronic diseases. This factor is encouraging healthcare providers as well as insurance companies to invest in wearable sensor technology to provide cost-effective preventive care. The wearable health sensors can transmit vital health data of patients to clinics and hospitals, thereby improving healthcare accessibility especially in remote areas. The ability to monitor patients outside of clinical settings is poised to transform the healthcare industry significantly over the coming years. Porter’s Analysis Threat of new entrants: The wearable sensors market requires large investments in R&D. Established players dominate distribution channels making it difficult for new players to enter. Bargaining power of buyers: Buyers have high bargaining power due to availability of substitute products and less switching costs. They can choose between various brands based on features and prices. Bargaining power of suppliers: Major component suppliers in the market include sensor manufacturers who have moderate bargaining power. Threat of new substitutes: Threat from substitute products like smartphones, tablets, and other electronic gadgets is high as they offer similar features and functions. Competitive rivalry: Intense competition exists among key players to gain market share through new product launches and investments in technology. SWOT Analysis Strength: Growing demand for self-monitoring devices and remote patient monitoring. Technological advancements enable integration of various sensors on wearable platforms. Weakness: High cost of development and components affects mass adoption. Concerns around data privacy and security issues. Opportunity: Scope for wearable technology in areas of industrial monitoring, healthcare and defence sector. Growing internet penetration enables use of connected sensors. Threats: Fast changing technology landscape results in quick product obsolescence. Dependence on disposable batteries affects sustainability. Key Takeaways The global wearable sensors market is expected to witness high growth due to factors like increasing health awareness, growing digitisation and use of IoT devices for various applications. The global wearable sensors market is estimated to be valued at US$ 978.86 Mn in 2023 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 16% over the forecast period 2023 to 2030. The Asia Pacific region dominates the market currently due to wide consumer base and advancements in healthcare infrastructure in countries like China, India and Japan. North America is another major regional market driven by technological advancements and adoption of wearable devices for sports, fitness and lifestyle monitoring. Key players operating in the wearable sensors market include Google, Panasonic Corporation, Freescale Semiconductor, Fossil Groups, InvenSense, Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, Infineon Technologies AG, ST Microelectronics, and Analog Devices, Inc. Major players focus on developing innovative products integrated with MEMS sensors and enhancing processing power to enable real-time tracking of various health parameters.
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Emerging Applications of Ultra-Thin Glass in Automotive Technology
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The Ultra-Thin Glass Market is estimated for 2023 for the forecast period 2023-2030, as highlighted in a new report published by Coherent Market Insights.
Market Overview:
Ultra-thin glass is a non-silicate glass under 1mm thick that is increasingly being used in touch panels, displays and cover glass applications. Its ultra-thin profile offers advantages in terms of durability, light weight and flexibility.
Market Dynamics:
The ultra-thin glass market is expected to witness significant growth over the forecast period owing to rising demand from consumer electronics such as smartphones, tablets and wearable devices. The smartphone and tablet industries have been a major driver of ultra-thin glass demand with manufacturers favoring edge-to-edge screens requiring ultra-thin cover glass panels. Additionally, growth in the wearable device sector is also fueling market demand as smart watches and smart glasses utilize ultra-thin glass to enable a lightweight and durable form factor ideal for electronic accessories. The broader trend of miniaturization and performance enhancement across various electronics is working in favor of ultra-thin glass which allows for innovative product designs.
Ultra-Thin Glass Market Drivers:
Increasing smartphone adoption driving demand for ultra-thin glass
The widespread adoption of smartphones across the globe has been one of the major factors contributing to the growth of the ultra-thin glass market. Smartphone manufacturers are constantly looking for ways to make their devices thinner, lighter, and more aesthetically pleasing in order to attract more consumers. Ultra-thin glass plays a critical role in achieving these design goals as it allows for much thinner screen profiles compared to conventional glass. According to research, over 6 billion smartphones were shipped globally in 2020 alone, highlighting the massive scale of this industry. As long as smartphone sales continue climbing, the need for ultra-thin cover glass and displays will also rise significantly.
Growing demand from wearables industry propelling market growth
The burgeoning wearables industry comprising smartwatches, smart glasses, VR/AR headsets etc. has emerged as another major end-use sector driving demand for ultra-thin glass. Similar to smartphones, wearable device manufacturers are constantly under pressure to miniaturize their products and make them as lightweight as possible for enhanced comfort and portability. Ultra-thin glass is perfectly suited to meet these requirements. Statistics show annual shipments of smartwatches have more than doubled between 2016-2020. Meanwhile, the global AR/VR market value is projected to rise from $6.1 billion in 2016 to $209.2 billion by 2025. As innovative wearable products continue gaining widespread consumer adoption, ultra-thin glass uptake is likely to surge commensurately.
Ultra-Thin Glass Market Restrain:
High production costs pose challenges for widespread commercialization
One of the key factors restraining the ultra-thin glass market's growth is its relatively high production costs compared to conventional glass sheets. Producing glass that is just 0.1mm thick or less is an extremely complex manufacturing process involving precise temperature and pressure controls. It also requires specialized production lines built with more advanced machinery than traditional float glass lines. All these factors contribute to significantly higher capital and operating expenditures for ultra-thin glass production. While costs have reduced considerably over the past decade due to technological advancements, ultra-thin glass still remains considerably more expensive than regular glass. This high price point poses challenges for its mass adoption across diverse consumer electronics where cost is a major purchase consideration.
Ultra-Thin Glass Market Opportunity:
Rising demand for flexible displays opens new avenues
One of the most promising opportunities for ultra-thin glass manufacturers lies in the emerging flexible display market. Flexible displays are revolutionizing the consumer electronics space by enabling versatile form factors that were previously impossible with rigid glass. Major tech giants like Samsung, LG and BOE have already commercialized flexible OLED display-based products like foldable smartphones. The global flexible display market size is estimated to reach $31.85 billion by 2028, growing at a CAGR of above 35% during the forecast period. Flexible ultra-thin glass with bend radii of 5mm or less will be critical to effectively protect these flexible panels. This flexible characteristic allows it to be integrated into smartphones, tablets, laptops, wearables and other next-gen consumer devices with curved/foldable designs.
Ultra-Thin Glass Market Trends:
Advent of specialized production technologies reducing costs
One of the most significant trends impacting the ultra-thin glass industry is the ongoing advancement in specialized manufacturing technologies that are helping to reduce production costs substantially. Traditional float glass lines are being replaced by tailored technologies like down-draw, fusion, and slot-drawing that provide finer control over ultra-thin glass thickness. Meanwhile, precision polishing and strength-enhancing post-processing techniques minimize glass defects and wastage. Automation is also being increasingly adopted to enhance productivity and yield rates. As a result of these technological upgrades, ultra-thin glass production costs are declining at a promising pace. For instance, costs are projected to drop below $1 per square meter by 2025 compared to $5-10 per square meter a few years ago. This ongoing reduction in pricing through optimized manufacturing is expected to boost ultra-thin glass commercialization across various industries going forward.
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Unveiling Tomorrow: The Evolution of Biometric Technology
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Biometric technology refers to the automated recognition and authentication of individuals based on their physical or behavioral traits. Common examples include fingerprints, iris/retina scans, facial recognition, voice recognition, and even vein patterns. As technology continues advancing, biometrics are being integrated into more applications for convenient and secure identity verification.  
The Growth and Evolution of Biometrics
The origins of biometrics date back over a century to the late 1800s when law enforcement began using fingerprints and facial photos for criminal identification. However, the past few decades have seen massive evolution and civilian adoption. Some key developments include:
1960s - First commercial biometric tech for fingerprint recognition
1970s - Voice recognition and iris scanning capabilities emerge  
1980s/90s - Facial recognition and signature verification software introduced
2000s - Widespread integration into commercial devices and systems 
2010s - AI and neural networks propel accuracy and versatility  
Today biometric authentication is ubiquitous for everything from unlocking smartphones to passing border security. The global biometric market size is expected to grow from $45 billion in 2022 to over $125 billion by 2028.
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Top Applications and Use Cases
Some top practical applications of biometrics include:
Government ID systems - e-passports, national IDs, voter registration  
Law enforcement fingerprinting, face matching, and DNA analysis
Banking and financial services for fraud prevention and secure access
Smartphones, laptops, tablets that unlock via fingerprints or face scans   
Airport security and border control including extensive biometric checks
Access control systems for facilities like data centers and laboratories
Healthcare organizations to control confidential records access
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Cutting Edge Innovations  
With constant improvements in sensor technologies and AI algorithms, the capabilities of biometrics are rapidly evolving. Some innovations gaining traction include:
Multi-modal systems combining multiple identifiers for better accuracy
Contactless biometrics like facial recognition or iris scans from a distance
Behavioral biometrics utilizing things like signature dynamics and gait  
Expanded mobile applications leveraging built-in sensors  
Emerging identifiers such as palm print, vein, and heartbeat recognition
Many expect biometric wearables integrated into clothing, accessories, and implants to eventually help facilitate frictionless interactions and commerce.
Challenges and Concerns
Despite the benefits, the expanded use of biometrics raises important challenges around ethics and privacy:  
Mass surveillance and profiling risks from aggregated biometric data sets
Accurately balancing security with convenience and user experience   
New spoofing and hacking vulnerabilities to protect against
Establishing strict controls and audit trails for internal users of data  
Potential discrimination biases in underlying face/voice algorithms 
Maintaining public trust and accentuating cybersecurity will be paramount as biometric prevalence grows. Carefully crafted policy and regulations can help guide responsible development.
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The Future of Biometric ID
Many envision a future with biometrics seamlessly authenticating us for daily services ranging from mass transit to retail payments. Our physical identifiers could eliminate remembering passwords, showing ID cards, carrying keys, and more. This will ultimately depend on the technology proving highly reliable, and secure and addressing the ethical pitfalls around privacy erosion. If these conditions are met, biometrics could one day enable frictionless access control and transactions integrated into background processes.
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david843346 · 11 months
Wearable AI Market Global Demand Analysis & Opportunity Outlook 2031
Research Nester published a report titled “Wearable AI Market: Global Demand Analysis & Opportunity Outlook 2031” which delivers detailed overview of the global wearable AI marketin terms of market segmentation by device type, application, end-user industry, and by region.
Further, for the in-depth analysis, the report encompasses the industry growth indicators, restraints, supply and demand risk, along with detailed discussion on current and future market trends that are associated with the growth of the market.
Theglobal wearable AI market is anticipated to attain a CAGR of ~25% over the forecast period, i.e., 2022 – 2031. The market is segmented on the basis of device type into smart watch, smart glasses, ear wear, gloves, and others. Out of these, the smart watch segment is anticipated to witness highest growth over the forecast period owing to the increasing acceptance of smart watches amongst common people, along with the rising disposable income of the masses.
Get a Sample PDF Brochure: https://www.researchnester.com/sample-request-3876
Theglobal wearable AI market is estimated to grow on the back of increasing adoption of AI amongst various end-user industries, including healthcare and defense. For instance, in 2019,more than 35% of the organizations globally, were using artificial intelligence. Moreover, the growing penetration of advanced technologies, such as, cloud-computing, machine learning, and IoT, are estimated to boost the market growth in the upcoming years.
On the basis of geographical analysis, the global wearable AI market is segmented into five major regions including North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America and Middle East & Africa region.The market in the North America region is anticipated to gain the largest market share throughout the forecast period on the back of higher adoption of innovative technology, along with growing penetration of AI based devices in the region.
For more information about this report visit: https://www.researchnester.com/reports/wearable-ai-market/3876
The research is global in nature and covers detailed analysis on the market in North America (U.S., Canada), Europe (U.K., Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Hungary, Belgium, Netherlands & Luxembourg, NORDIC [Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark], Poland, Turkey, Russia, Rest of Europe), Latin America (Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Rest of Latin America), Asia-Pacific (China, India, Japan, South Korea, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand, Rest of Asia-Pacific), Middle East and Africa (Israel, GCC [Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Oman], North Africa, South Africa, Rest of Middle East and Africa). In addition, analysis comprising market size, Y-O-Y growth & opportunity analysis, market players’ competitive study, investment opportunities, demand for future outlook etc. has also been covered and displayed in the research report.
Growing Penetration of Artificial Intelligence to Boost the Market Growth
The advancement in technology, along with higher adoption of advanced technologies is expected to boost the demand for wearable AI in the upcoming years. Moreover, AI-based devices are already a crucial part of modern lifestyle, with the presence of AI voice assistants in smartphones and other devices. In addition to this, the growing demand for smart watches, is also estimated to boost the market growth.
However, manufacturing wearable AI requires a huge investment, which is expected to operate as key restraint to the growth of global wearable AI marketover the forecast period.
For Requesting Sample Copy of Report @ https://www.researchnester.com/sample-request-3876
This report also provides the existing competitive scenario of some of the key players of the global wearable AI marketwhich includes company profiling ofApple Inc., Google LLC, Sony Group Corporation, Fitbit LLC, TomTom International BV, Microsoft Corporation, Garmin Ltd., Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., Samsung Group, and SuuntoOy. The profiling enfolds key information of the companies which encompasses business overview, products and services, key financials and recent news and developments. On the whole, the report depicts detailed overview of the global wearable AI marketthat will help industry consultants, equipment manufacturers, existing players searching for expansion opportunities, new players searching possibilities and other stakeholders to align their market centric strategies according to the ongoing and expected trends in the future.     
Do You Have Any Query Or Specific Requirement? Ask to Our Expert: https://www.researchnester.com/ask-the-analyst/rep-id-3876
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acadiamfg · 11 months
The Power of Small Quantity Prototyping in Product Development
In the realm of product development, prototyping is a critical phase that can significantly impact the success of a project. While traditional prototyping typically involves creating full-scale models or samples, small quantity prototyping has gained traction as a more efficient and cost-effective alternative. Let's explore what small quantity prototyping is, its benefits, and how it's changing the way businesses innovate.
Understanding Small Quantity Prototyping
Small quantity prototyping, as the name suggests, involves creating a limited number of prototypes or samples of a product, often in quantities that are well below mass production levels. These prototypes are used for testing, evaluation, and validation purposes before moving forward with large-scale manufacturing.
Benefits of Small Quantity Prototyping
Cost-Efficiency: Small quantity prototyping allows businesses to test their product concepts without investing heavily in tooling and setup costs required for mass production. It's a budget-friendly way to iterate and refine ideas.
Quick Iteration: Traditional prototyping methods can be time-consuming. Small quantity prototyping allows for rapid iterations. When design changes are needed, they can be implemented quickly without disrupting large-scale production schedules.
Risk Mitigation: By testing a small batch of prototypes, businesses can identify and address potential issues, ensuring that the final product meets quality and safety standards. This helps prevent costly recalls or modifications in the later stages.
Market Testing: Small quantity prototypes can be used for market testing and feedback collection. This valuable input from early adopters can guide product improvements and market readiness.
Customization: In industries where customization is key, such as medical devices or aerospace, small quantity prototyping allows for tailoring products to specific client needs without the constraints of mass production.
Reduced Waste: Building only a limited number of prototypes reduces material waste, making small quantity prototyping more environmentally friendly.
Small Quantity Prototyping in Action
Small quantity prototyping has found applications across various industries. Here are some examples:
Electronics: Electronics companies often create a small batch of prototypes for new devices or components to ensure they function correctly before moving to full-scale production.
Automotive: Automobile manufacturers use small quantity prototyping for vehicle components or systems, allowing them to evaluate performance and safety features.
Consumer Goods: Companies that produce consumer products like kitchen gadgets or wearable tech use small quantity prototyping to refine designs and assess user experience.
Medical Devices: Medical device manufacturers utilize small quantity prototyping to create custom prosthetics, surgical instruments, or diagnostic equipment to ensure they meet specific patient or clinical requirements.
The Future of Prototyping
As technology continues to advance, small quantity prototyping is becoming even more accessible. 3D printing and digital design tools have revolutionized the process, making it easier for businesses to create small runs of prototypes. This trend toward small quantity prototyping is transforming the product development landscape, making it more agile, cost-effective, and innovative.
In conclusion, small quantity prototyping is a game-changer in product development. Its cost-efficiency, speed, and risk reduction benefits are revolutionizing how businesses innovate and bring products to market. This approach ensures that products are not only well-designed but also aligned with market needs, all while minimizing waste and maximizing flexibility.
For more info visit here:-
Large quantity prototyping
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priyanshisingh · 1 year
Mixed Martial Art Equipment Market Is Expected To Generate A Revenue Of USD 0.62 billion By 2030
The latest market report published by Credence Research, Inc. “Global Mixed Martial Art Equipment Market: Growth, Future Prospects, and Competitive Analysis, 2016 – 2028. The global mixed martial art equipment market has witnessed steady growth in recent years and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 6.50% between 2023 and 2030. The market was valued at USD 0.4 billion in 2022 and is expected to reach USD 0.62 billion in 2030.
Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) equipment and food market, examining key trends, growth drivers, challenges, and opportunities in the industry. As experts in the field, we aim to offer valuable insights to businesses, investors, and enthusiasts interested in understanding the dynamics of this rapidly evolving market.
Mixed Martial Art Equipment Market Key Growth Trends refer to the emerging patterns and developments within the market for equipment used in mixed martial arts. As this form of combat gains popularity globally, manufacturers and suppliers are witnessing a surge in demand for high-quality gear. The key growth trends encompass several aspects, including technological advancements, product innovations, increasing investments by major players, rising awareness among enthusiasts, and the growing number of training centers and professional competitions. These trends have led to a significant expansion of the mixed martial art equipment market as more individuals are participating in this sport or adopting it as part of their fitness routine.
Analyzing the MMA Food Market
Market Landscape
The MMA food market is an essential aspect of the industry, catering to the nutritional needs of fighters and fitness enthusiasts. Proper nutrition is crucial for maximizing performance and promoting rapid recovery.
Key Food Categories:
Protein Supplements
Protein supplements, such as whey protein and plant-based protein powders, are vital for muscle repair and growth. As athletes focus on maintaining lean muscle mass, the demand for high-quality protein supplements is on the rise.
Energy Bars and Snacks
Convenience and nutrition merge in energy bars and snacks, providing fighters with a quick source of energy during training sessions and competitions.
Hydration Drinks
Electrolyte-rich hydration drinks play a pivotal role in replenishing essential minerals lost during intense workouts. The convenience of ready-to-drink hydration solutions makes them popular among MMA practitioners.
Growth Factors:
Increased Awareness of Sports Nutrition
Athletes, including MMA fighters, are becoming more conscious of the significance of proper nutrition to enhance their performance. This growing awareness drives the demand for specialized food products designed for athletes.
Sponsorships and Endorsements
Partnerships between food companies and MMA athletes contribute to product endorsements, creating a positive impact on consumer preferences.
Browse 220 pages report Mixed Martial Art Equipment Market By Product Type (Gloves, Ankle/Knee/Elbow Guards, Punching Bags, Shin Guard, Head Gear, Others) By Sales Channel (Independent Sports Outlet, Franchised Sports Market, Modern Trade Channels, Direct to Consumer Intuitional Channel, Direct to Consumer Online Channel, Third Party Online Channel)- Growth, Future Prospects & Competitive Analysis, 2016 – 2030)- https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/mixed-martial-art-equipment-market
Opportunities and Challenges in the MMA Market
International Market Expansion
MMA has transcended geographical boundaries, presenting opportunities for market expansion into new regions and untapped markets.
E-Commerce Growth
The rise of e-commerce platforms enables manufacturers to reach a broader customer base, allowing consumers from all around the world to access MMA equipment and food products.
Technological Advancements
Incorporating technology, such as smart wearables and nutritional apps, presents opportunities to enhance training and dietary regimens for MMA practitioners.
Regulatory Compliance
Strict regulations and safety standards govern the production and sale of MMA equipment and food products, posing challenges to manufacturers entering the market.
Intense Competition
The MMA market is highly competitive, with numerous established brands vying for consumer attention. New entrants must differentiate their offerings to gain a competitive edge.
Changing Consumer Preferences
Consumer preferences and trends in the MMA industry are subject to rapid changes, necessitating adaptability and innovation from businesses.
In conclusion, the MMA equipment and food market exhibit promising growth prospects driven by the sport's rising popularity and increased emphasis on fitness and nutrition. By capitalizing on opportunities, addressing challenges, and providing high-quality products that meet the demands of MMA enthusiasts, businesses can position themselves for success in this dynamic and thriving industry.
Why to Buy This Report-
The report provides a qualitative as well as quantitative analysis of the global Mixed Martial Art Equipment Market by segments, current trends, drivers, restraints, opportunities, challenges, and market dynamics with the historical period from 2016-2020, the base year- 2021, and the projection period 2022-2028.
The report includes information on the competitive landscape, such as how the market's top competitors operate at the global, regional, and country levels.
Major nations in each region with their import/export statistics
The global Mixed Martial Art Equipment Market report also includes the analysis of the market at a global, regional, and country-level along with key market trends, major players analysis, market growth strategies, and key application areas.
Browse Full Report: https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/mixed-martial-art-equipment-market
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Browse Our Blog: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/mixed-martial-art-equipment-market-global-industry-share-singh
Browse Our Blog: https://medium.com/@priyanshi_97937/mixed-martial-art-equipment-market-analysis-with-size-revenue-growth-drivers-and-forecast-to-2030-99fbcdad8e8b
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Credence Research is a viable intelligence and market research platform that provides quantitative B2B research to more than 10,000 clients worldwide and is built on the Give principle. The company is a market research and consulting firm serving governments, non-legislative associations, non-profit organizations, and various organizations worldwide. We help our clients improve their execution in a lasting way and understand their most imperative objectives. For nearly a century, we’ve built a company well-prepared for this task.
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alliedcreation · 1 year
At-Home Fitness Equipment Market to Garner $11.45 Billion | Top Players, Application and Forecast to 2027
Home Fitness Equipment Market by Product Type, Distribution Channel, End User, and Price Point: Global Opportunity Analysis and Industry Forecast, 2021-2027," the at-home fitness equipment market size is expected to reach $11,459 million by 2027 at a CAGR of 7.8% from 2021 to 2027.
Fitness equipment are widely used for physical fitness, weight management, and improving body stamina & muscular strength. The commonly used at-home fitness equipment are treadmills, stationary cycles, stair climbers, rowing machines, elliptical, and free weights. Rise in awareness regarding health & fitness, increase in obese population, government initiatives to promote healthy lifestyle, and increase in youth population are the major factors that drive the growth of the global at-home fitness equipment market. Moreover, upsurge in youth population, improved lifestyle, and rise in disposable income of individual in developing countries are anticipated to offer immense opportunities for the market players.
Ask for  sample copy of this report >>> https://www.alliedmarketresearch.com/request-sample/11795
An alarming rise in global obesity, especially in urban areas, supplements the growth of the at-home fitness equipment market. According to WHO, in 2016, around 1.9 billion adults were overweight and of these around 650 million were obese. Obesity is associated to a number of health issues or disorders such as sudden cardiac arrest, hypertension, hypotension, and diabetes. Therefore, to lose weight, reduce stress, and improve blood circulation, obese people tend to use more of fitness equipment, thereby increasing the sales for these products.
Further, the growing adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning technology in the at-home fitness equipment is driving the global at-home fitness equipment market. It is expected that the AI based personal trainer is the upcoming trend in the at-home fitness equipment market. Tech giants such as Google and Apple are engaged in developing their smart wearable devices that can virtually guide and assist its users based on health data collection. This will boost the at-home fitness equipment market in future.
The global at-home fitness equipment market is segmented into product type, distribution channel, end user, price point, and region. Depending on product type, the at-home fitness equipment market is categorized into cardiovascular training equipment, free weights, and power racks. The cardiovascular training equipment segment is sub-segmented into treadmills, stationary cycles, rowing machines, and elliptical and others. By distribution channel, the global at-home fitness equipment market is segregated into dealers, online, retail, and gyms/clubs.
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The online segment is further segregated into direct distribution and 3rd party retailers. The retail segment is further fragmented into mass retailer and specialty retailer. By end user, the at-home fitness equipment market is segregated into households, apartment, and gym in apartment. By price point, the market is segmented into low, mid, and luxury.
Companies can operate their business in highly competitive market by launching new products or updated versions of existing products. Partnership/collaboration agreement with key stakeholders is expected to be a key strategy to sustain in the market. In the recent past, many leading players opted for product launch or partnership strategies to strengthen their foothold in the market. To understand the key trends of the market, strategies of leading players are analyzed in the report. Some of the key players in the fitness equipment market analysis includes Tonal Systems, Inc., ICON Health & Fitness, Inc., PENT, Technogym, Louis Vuitton, PELOTON, NOHrD, Nordic Track, ProForm, Precor, Inc., Schwinn, JTX Fitness, Keiser Corporation, Corepump, and York Barbell.
 Buy Now :- https://www.alliedmarketresearch.com/checkout-final/280c665125b0997d6ae198392c88d662
Key findings
North America dominates in terms of at-home fitness equipment market share and is expected to retain its dominance during the forecast period. In 2019, based on product type, the cardiovascular training equipment segment leads in terms of market share, and is expected to gain market share in the upcoming years
The free weights segment is poised to grow at highest CAGR during the forecast period.
Households segment is expected to gain market share in the upcoming years and is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 9.6% during the forecast period. Based on region, Europe is anticipated to grow with robust CAGR of 7.6% during the forecast period.
Key offering of the Report:
Key driving factors: An in-depth study of the dynamic factors such as drivers, restraints, challenges, and opportunities Current market trends & forecasts: A comprehensive study of the the At-Home Fitness Equipment Market along with recent market trends and forecasts during the forecast period to help customers make an informed decision and formulate lucrative business strategies Segmental Analysis: A study of each segment coupled with driving factors and growth rate analysis of every segment Geographical analysis: An in-depth analysis of the market across several geographical regions that help market players to leverage fruitful market opportunities Competitive landscape: A study of prime market players that are currently leading the At-Home Fitness Equipment Market
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laocommunity · 1 year
Revolutionary New Polymer Brings Affordable Thermal Imaging to the Masses
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Revolutionary New Polymer Brings Affordable Thermal Imaging to the Masses The Revolutionary New Polymer Brings Affordable Thermal Imaging to the Masses and is changing the way we perceive thermal imaging. Read on to discover how this innovative material is transforming the industry and making it accessible to more people. Thermal Imaging for Everyone: The Revolutionary New Polymer Brings Affordable Heat Sensing Technology to the Masses The world of technology is constantly advancing, and with these advancements, we see new possibilities open up. One such area that has seen tremendous innovation in recent years is thermal imaging. Being able to see thermal energy, or heat, has been a game changer in several industries, from law enforcement and search and rescue operations to healthcare and infrastructure maintenance. However, the price of thermal imaging equipment has been prohibitive for many, limiting its accessibility and use. Thankfully, a revolutionary new polymer has been developed that can change all that. Revolutionary New Polymer Brings Affordable Thermal Imaging to the Masses Thermal imaging works by detecting and measuring infrared radiation, which is emitted by all objects with a temperature above absolute zero (-273.15°C). By creating images based on the temperature of different objects and surfaces, thermal imaging allows us to see in complete darkness and through various barriers such as smoke, fog, and foliage. However, the cost of traditional thermal imaging cameras and sensors has been a major roadblock to wider adoption and use of this technology. Enter the revolutionary new polymer. This innovative material has unique properties that make it ideal for use in thermal imaging equipment. It is transparent to infrared radiation, meaning it can allow the camera to see thermal energy while being lightweight and affordable to produce. This breakthrough has the potential to make thermal imaging accessible to a much wider range of applications and industries. The Properties and Benefits of the Revolutionary New Polymer The revolutionary new polymer is not just an inexpensive solution for thermal imaging; it also has a range of other benefits and uses. Here are some of the properties and benefits of this material: Transparency to Infrared Radiation The key property that makes this polymer so innovative is its ability to be transparent to infrared radiation. This means that it can be used in place of traditional detectors or sensors to allow objects to emit radiation and be captured in thermal images. Lightweight and Flexible The polymer can be applied in various forms, including as a film or coating, and is lightweight and flexible. This makes it ideal for use in various applications such as wearable devices, smartphones, drones, and even automobiles. Low-Cost Production Since the manufacturing process is relatively straightforward, it is inexpensive to produce. This makes it an affordable solution for businesses or individuals who need thermal imaging equipment but couldn't afford it before. Compatibility with Other Materials The revolutionary new polymer can be combined with other materials to produce even more innovative products. For example, it can be combined with graphene to create heat-conductive transparent sheets. Applications of the Revolutionary New Polymer The applications of the revolutionary new polymer are many and varied. Here are just a few examples of how this polymer is already being used and how it has the potential to be used in the future: Medical Imaging Thermal imaging has been valuable in the medical field for many years, allowing doctors to see blood flow, inflammation, and other body functions that are associated with temperature changes. With the development of the revolutionary new polymer, medical professionals will be able to see these changes even more clearly and at a lower cost. Home and Building Inspections Thermal imaging has been used in home and building inspections for detecting problems such as water damage, insulation defects, and electrical issues. With the reduced cost of the new polymer, thermal imaging is likely to be used more frequently in these applications. Law Enforcement and Search and Rescue Thermal imaging has been instrumental in helping law enforcement and search and rescue teams locate missing persons, suspects, and even pets in the dark and through various barriers. With the new polymer, the technology can be made more affordable, making it easier for smaller departments and rescue teams to use. Security and Surveillance The use of thermal imaging in security and surveillance applications has been growing in recent years. It allows for better monitoring of areas and reduces the risk of false alarms due to lighting conditions. With the reduced cost of using the new polymer, it is likely this trend will continue. FAQs What is thermal imaging? Thermal imaging is a technology that detects and measures infrared radiation emitted by objects or materials with a temperature above absolute zero. What are some applications of thermal imaging? Thermal imaging has various applications such as in medicine, home and building inspections, law enforcement and search and rescue, and security and surveillance. What is the revolutionary new polymer? The revolutionary new polymer is a material that is transparent to infrared radiation, making it ideal for use in thermal imaging equipment. What are the benefits of using the revolutionary new polymer? The benefits of using the revolutionary new polymer include low-cost production, compatibility with other materials, and flexibility. What are some potential future applications of the revolutionary new polymer? The revolutionary new polymer has many potential future applications such as in smartphones, drones, and automobiles. How will the revolutionary new polymer affect the accessibility and use of thermal imaging? The reduced cost of using the new polymer will make thermal imaging accessible to a much wider range of applications and industries. Conclusion The development of the revolutionary new polymer is changing the way we perceive thermal imaging. The low-cost production and transparency to infrared radiation make it a game-changer for various applications such as medicine, home and building inspections, law enforcement and search and rescue, and security and surveillance. This innovative material has made thermal imaging accessible to more people, potentially transforming industries and making our lives safer and easier. With its potential future applications, the revolutionary new polymer is a material to watch out for. The Revolutionary New Polymer Brings Affordable Thermal Imaging to the Masses and is a technological advancement that could change the world as we know it. #TECH Read the full article
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bentonkole6 · 2 years
VVToken: Allows individuals to create a realistic avatar of themself from a mobile device, using a single photo
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VV Token Introduction
VV Token is a deflationary BEP-20 token built on the Binance Smart Chain. The token is used throughout the VV Eco-system providing a seamless ownership system and the main currency for Unus World, our metaverse. VV Tokens aims to build a central hub for individuals in their online world, providing a system that restores digital ownership to the people and eliminates the position of being the product. By utilizing self-developed technology, individuals can create a virtual version of themselves that serves as a simple form of identity and central place to access the internet.
VV Token Mission
VV Token core mission is to provide a system that restores digital ownership to the people and removes them from the position of being the product. By utilising our self-developed technology you are able to create a Virtual version of yourself, to act as the central hub for your online world. This will act as a simple form of identity, and be the central place for you to enter into the internet, wherever that may be. Entering the virtual world you are behind your character. At the base layer is you, your Virtual Version. That holds all your information, nfts, digital assets, land and game assets in one place. This is our foundation technology that will allow us to pave the way for the next evolution in Web3 and the internet. We bridge the gap between Web2 and Web3 to seamlessly create mass adoption by giving everybody the tools to take ownership of their online world.
VV has been actively building its avatar technology for over two years in R&D stage and is now in the early prototype stage, with R&D proving successful. The solution can be used across Web2 and Web3 applications and aims to be a seamless onboarding point for individuals who are currently using both. A metaverse ready technology with a mission to create the first avatar solution that interconnects all metaverses together and allows individuals to take ownership of their digital world.
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Virtual Versions
The Virtual Version is a high-fidelity avatar that can be utilised anywhere online, with our patent pending technology we are focused on bringing the simplest way to take ownership of your online self and create your Virtual Version that can be used seamlessly cross-platform, providing a single identification system as well as end user simplicity.
VV Token solution allows individuals to create a realistic avatar of themself from a mobile device, using a single photo. Key notables:
A better solution than current Facebook avatars
Easy onboarding via mobile phone
Business/Tech valued at over $6m Pre-Seed (valuation as of January 2022)
Ability to create an avatar from one photo in 20-90 seconds
Interoperable and can be used in gaming, web2, web3, console gaming, AR/VR, and more.
Hyper realism (Not Cartoon)
$VV Token
$VV Token is the engine powering the VV ecosystem. $VV token is the easiest device for using every feature VV has to offer including:
Access to virtual entertainment experiences like concerts, museum exhibitions, and comedy shows in the VV metaverse
Discounts on wearable NFTs for avatars
First access to the 6-District VV Metaverse
Purchasing, rent, and building land
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VV Social
The social media app acts as the central hub for your digital identity. VV is a Web3 digital identity solution that pairs individuals with a high-fidelity Virtual Version, which can be used in VR, AR, Web2, Web3, and metaverse applications. A metaverse-ready technology with a mission to create the first avatar solution that interconnects all metaverses together and allows individuals to take ownership of their digital world, with their social media profile acting as the central hub and access point.
Within the app, you are able to create your avatar, buy & sell NFTs, attach wearables to your Virtual Version and create animated social posts with your VV. The app includes a full social media feed and can be used with Web2 and Web3 systems to bring a larger audience to our virtual environment spaces in the future. We see our platform as a seamless onboarding point for everyone, providing an interoperable experience from the comfort of your mobile device or PC, and begin the journey to introduce personal data monetization, ownership, virtual experiences, and more.
Core Team
Harrison Gwinnett (Founder&CEO) A serial entrepreneur who took his first business from idea to an 8 figure exit in under 3 years, Harrison's passion is creating a brighter future for the internet using blockchain. Additionally, he is a keen advisor to a multitude of businesses & projects including the largest security token in the world. Key notables:
Exited his previous business at an 8-figure valuation
Grew his previous business from 0 to over 185,000 regular visitors monthly
His previous company was featured on fifa20 and was seen over 15,000 times a day
Donated to over 12 charities during his previous business
Revenue growth of 700% year on year at his previous venture
Archie Baker (Creative Director) Archie is a board member and is taking on the role of creative director at VV. His focus is to capture the essence of life through emotion and feeling across documentaries, music, and fashion. He has worked with major brands such as Adidas, Gymshark, Stella Mccartney, Reebok, Sidemen, House Of CB & many more. Key Notables:
Degree in digital film production and directing
Worked with billion-dollar brands
Created over 25 documentaries, short stories, and films
Accumulated over 30,000 loyal followers in his community
Extraordinary reach and network
Thomas Gwinnett (Web3 Lead & Director) Tom's Web3 experience spans over 18 months worth of in-depth learning, research, and hands-on experience which has led him to the Web3 lead of Unus labs X VV. He believes that Web3 requires an injection of real-world value and utility, which he aims to provide to our community via our multiple ventures across the ecosystem. Key Notables:
Assisted Multi-million dollar companies
Web3 expert with over 18 months of experience
Well-rounded marketing and operations knowledge
Visionary for future products
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Phase One
Smart Contract Creation
Website Launch
Community Building & Marketing push
Whitepaper Launch
1,000 Telegram Members
Launchpad partnerships
2,000 Telegram Members
Phase Two
Third Party Audits
3,000+ Holders
10,000 Telegram Members
Strategic Investor Rounds
Influencer Marketing Partnerships
User interface development
Pre-Alpha Testing the platform
Phase Three
Alpha Testing the platform
CEX Listings
Beta Testing the platform
Further our partnerships
VV Social platform launch V1.0
More to announced...
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Website : https://www.vvtoken.xyz Telegram : https://t.me/VVTokenOfficialGroup Twitter : https://twitter.com/VVtokens Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/vvtokens/
Bitcointalk name: Benton Kole Bitcointalk profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3475499 Telegram username: @BentonKole Wallet address: 0xede0B0eDEBc788F99BEB151Fa36aD2f139870EcB
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darkleaf540 · 2 years
VVToken: A deflationary BEP-20 token built on the Binance Smart Chain
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VV Token Introduction
VV Token is a deflationary BEP-20 token built on the Binance Smart Chain. The token is used throughout the VV Eco-system providing a seamless ownership system and the main currency for Unus World, our metaverse. VV Tokens aims to build a central hub for individuals in their online world, providing a system that restores digital ownership to the people and eliminates the position of being the product. By utilizing self-developed technology, individuals can create a virtual version of themselves that serves as a simple form of identity and central place to access the internet.
VV Token Mission
VV Token core mission is to provide a system that restores digital ownership to the people and removes them from the position of being the product. By utilising our self-developed technology you are able to create a Virtual version of yourself, to act as the central hub for your online world. This will act as a simple form of identity, and be the central place for you to enter into the internet, wherever that may be. Entering the virtual world you are behind your character. At the base layer is you, your Virtual Version. That holds all your information, nfts, digital assets, land and game assets in one place. This is our foundation technology that will allow us to pave the way for the next evolution in Web3 and the internet. We bridge the gap between Web2 and Web3 to seamlessly create mass adoption by giving everybody the tools to take ownership of their online world.
VV has been actively building its avatar technology for over two years in R&D stage and is now in the early prototype stage, with R&D proving successful. The solution can be used across Web2 and Web3 applications and aims to be a seamless onboarding point for individuals who are currently using both. A metaverse ready technology with a mission to create the first avatar solution that interconnects all metaverses together and allows individuals to take ownership of their digital world.
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Virtual Versions
The Virtual Version is a high-fidelity avatar that can be utilised anywhere online, with our patent pending technology we are focused on bringing the simplest way to take ownership of your online self and create your Virtual Version that can be used seamlessly cross-platform, providing a single identification system as well as end user simplicity.
VV Token solution allows individuals to create a realistic avatar of themself from a mobile device, using a single photo. Key notables:
A better solution than current Facebook avatars
Easy onboarding via mobile phone
Business/Tech valued at over $6m Pre-Seed (valuation as of January 2022)
Ability to create an avatar from one photo in 20-90 seconds
Interoperable and can be used in gaming, web2, web3, console gaming, AR/VR, and more.
Hyper realism (Not Cartoon)
$VV Token
$VV Token is the engine powering the VV ecosystem. $VV token is the easiest device for using every feature VV has to offer including:
Access to virtual entertainment experiences like concerts, museum exhibitions, and comedy shows in the VV metaverse
Discounts on wearable NFTs for avatars
First access to the 6-District VV Metaverse
Purchasing, rent, and building land
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VV Social
The social media app acts as the central hub for your digital identity. VV is a Web3 digital identity solution that pairs individuals with a high-fidelity Virtual Version, which can be used in VR, AR, Web2, Web3, and metaverse applications. A metaverse-ready technology with a mission to create the first avatar solution that interconnects all metaverses together and allows individuals to take ownership of their digital world, with their social media profile acting as the central hub and access point.
Within the app, you are able to create your avatar, buy & sell NFTs, attach wearables to your Virtual Version and create animated social posts with your VV. The app includes a full social media feed and can be used with Web2 and Web3 systems to bring a larger audience to our virtual environment spaces in the future. We see our platform as a seamless onboarding point for everyone, providing an interoperable experience from the comfort of your mobile device or PC, and begin the journey to introduce personal data monetization, ownership, virtual experiences, and more.
Core Team
Harrison Gwinnett (Founder&CEO) A serial entrepreneur who took his first business from idea to an 8 figure exit in under 3 years, Harrison's passion is creating a brighter future for the internet using blockchain. Additionally, he is a keen advisor to a multitude of businesses & projects including the largest security token in the world. Key notables:
Exited his previous business at an 8-figure valuation
Grew his previous business from 0 to over 185,000 regular visitors monthly
His previous company was featured on fifa20 and was seen over 15,000 times a day
Donated to over 12 charities during his previous business
Revenue growth of 700% year on year at his previous venture
Archie Baker (Creative Director) Archie is a board member and is taking on the role of creative director at VV. His focus is to capture the essence of life through emotion and feeling across documentaries, music, and fashion. He has worked with major brands such as Adidas, Gymshark, Stella Mccartney, Reebok, Sidemen, House Of CB & many more. Key Notables:
Degree in digital film production and directing
Worked with billion-dollar brands
Created over 25 documentaries, short stories, and films
Accumulated over 30,000 loyal followers in his community
Extraordinary reach and network
Thomas Gwinnett (Web3 Lead & Director) Tom's Web3 experience spans over 18 months worth of in-depth learning, research, and hands-on experience which has led him to the Web3 lead of Unus labs X VV. He believes that Web3 requires an injection of real-world value and utility, which he aims to provide to our community via our multiple ventures across the ecosystem. Key Notables:
Assisted Multi-million dollar companies
Web3 expert with over 18 months of experience
Well-rounded marketing and operations knowledge
Visionary for future products
Tumblr media
Phase One
Smart Contract Creation
Website Launch
Community Building & Marketing push
Whitepaper Launch
1,000 Telegram Members
Launchpad partnerships
2,000 Telegram Members
Phase Two
Third Party Audits
3,000+ Holders
10,000 Telegram Members
Strategic Investor Rounds
Influencer Marketing Partnerships
User interface development
Pre-Alpha Testing the platform
Phase Three
Alpha Testing the platform
CEX Listings
Beta Testing the platform
Further our partnerships
VV Social platform launch V1.0
More to announced...
Tumblr media
Website : https://www.vvtoken.xyz Telegram : https://t.me/VVTokenOfficialGroup Twitter : https://twitter.com/VVtokens Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/vvtokens/
Author details
Bitcointalk name: Darkleaf Bitcointalk profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3474915 Telegram username: @Darkleaff Wallet address: 0xA3144F1E128e0Ef75Bbed31b28e7dB9D07f67579
0 notes
liftcorec · 2 years
VVToken: Mission is to build the central hub for your online world
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VV Token Introduction
VV Token is a deflationary BEP-20 token built on the Binance Smart Chain. The token is used throughout the VV Eco-system providing a seamless ownership system and the main currency for Unus World, our metaverse. VV Tokens aims to build a central hub for individuals in their online world, providing a system that restores digital ownership to the people and eliminates the position of being the product. By utilizing self-developed technology, individuals can create a virtual version of themselves that serves as a simple form of identity and central place to access the internet.
VV Token Mission
VV Token core mission is to provide a system that restores digital ownership to the people and removes them from the position of being the product. By utilising our self-developed technology you are able to create a Virtual version of yourself, to act as the central hub for your online world. This will act as a simple form of identity, and be the central place for you to enter into the internet, wherever that may be. Entering the virtual world you are behind your character. At the base layer is you, your Virtual Version. That holds all your information, nfts, digital assets, land and game assets in one place. This is our foundation technology that will allow us to pave the way for the next evolution in Web3 and the internet. We bridge the gap between Web2 and Web3 to seamlessly create mass adoption by giving everybody the tools to take ownership of their online world.
VV has been actively building its avatar technology for over two years in R&D stage and is now in the early prototype stage, with R&D proving successful. The solution can be used across Web2 and Web3 applications and aims to be a seamless onboarding point for individuals who are currently using both. A metaverse ready technology with a mission to create the first avatar solution that interconnects all metaverses together and allows individuals to take ownership of their digital world.
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Virtual Versions
The Virtual Version is a high-fidelity avatar that can be utilised anywhere online, with our patent pending technology we are focused on bringing the simplest way to take ownership of your online self and create your Virtual Version that can be used seamlessly cross-platform, providing a single identification system as well as end user simplicity.
VV Token solution allows individuals to create a realistic avatar of themself from a mobile device, using a single photo. Key notables:
A better solution than current Facebook avatars
Easy onboarding via mobile phone
Business/Tech valued at over $6m Pre-Seed (valuation as of January 2022)
Ability to create an avatar from one photo in 20-90 seconds
Interoperable and can be used in gaming, web2, web3, console gaming, AR/VR, and more.
Hyper realism (Not Cartoon)
$VV Token
$VV Token is the engine powering the VV ecosystem. $VV token is the easiest device for using every feature VV has to offer including:
Access to virtual entertainment experiences like concerts, museum exhibitions, and comedy shows in the VV metaverse
Discounts on wearable NFTs for avatars
First access to the 6-District VV Metaverse
Purchasing, rent, and building land
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VV Social
The social media app acts as the central hub for your digital identity. VV is a Web3 digital identity solution that pairs individuals with a high-fidelity Virtual Version, which can be used in VR, AR, Web2, Web3, and metaverse applications. A metaverse-ready technology with a mission to create the first avatar solution that interconnects all metaverses together and allows individuals to take ownership of their digital world, with their social media profile acting as the central hub and access point.
Within the app, you are able to create your avatar, buy & sell NFTs, attach wearables to your Virtual Version and create animated social posts with your VV. The app includes a full social media feed and can be used with Web2 and Web3 systems to bring a larger audience to our virtual environment spaces in the future. We see our platform as a seamless onboarding point for everyone, providing an interoperable experience from the comfort of your mobile device or PC, and begin the journey to introduce personal data monetization, ownership, virtual experiences, and more.
Core Team
Harrison Gwinnett (Founder&CEO) A serial entrepreneur who took his first business from idea to an 8 figure exit in under 3 years, Harrison's passion is creating a brighter future for the internet using blockchain. Additionally, he is a keen advisor to a multitude of businesses & projects including the largest security token in the world. Key notables:
Exited his previous business at an 8-figure valuation
Grew his previous business from 0 to over 185,000 regular visitors monthly
His previous company was featured on fifa20 and was seen over 15,000 times a day
Donated to over 12 charities during his previous business
Revenue growth of 700% year on year at his previous venture
Archie Baker (Creative Director) Archie is a board member and is taking on the role of creative director at VV. His focus is to capture the essence of life through emotion and feeling across documentaries, music, and fashion. He has worked with major brands such as Adidas, Gymshark, Stella Mccartney, Reebok, Sidemen, House Of CB & many more. Key Notables:
Degree in digital film production and directing
Worked with billion-dollar brands
Created over 25 documentaries, short stories, and films
Accumulated over 30,000 loyal followers in his community
Extraordinary reach and network
Thomas Gwinnett (Web3 Lead & Director) Tom's Web3 experience spans over 18 months worth of in-depth learning, research, and hands-on experience which has led him to the Web3 lead of Unus labs X VV. He believes that Web3 requires an injection of real-world value and utility, which he aims to provide to our community via our multiple ventures across the ecosystem. Key Notables:
Assisted Multi-million dollar companies
Web3 expert with over 18 months of experience
Well-rounded marketing and operations knowledge
Visionary for future products
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Phase One
Smart Contract Creation
Website Launch
Community Building & Marketing push
Whitepaper Launch
1,000 Telegram Members
Launchpad partnerships
2,000 Telegram Members
Phase Two
Third Party Audits
3,000+ Holders
10,000 Telegram Members
Strategic Investor Rounds
Influencer Marketing Partnerships
User interface development
Pre-Alpha Testing the platform
Phase Three
Alpha Testing the platform
CEX Listings
Beta Testing the platform
Further our partnerships
VV Social platform launch V1.0
More to announced...
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Website : https://www.vvtoken.xyz Telegram : https://t.me/VVTokenOfficialGroup Twitter : https://twitter.com/VVtokens Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/vvtokens/
Bitcointalk username: Lift Core Bitcointalk profile link : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3403164 Telegram username: @LiftCore Wallet address: 0xC8199E8A032D41953a403Aa88c8131b83ccC44df
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edwardhopkin · 2 years
VVToken: Will take your metaverse experience on a whole new level
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VV Token Introduction
VV Token is a deflationary BEP-20 token built on the Binance Smart Chain. The token is used throughout the VV Eco-system providing a seamless ownership system and the main currency for Unus World, our metaverse. VV Tokens aims to build a central hub for individuals in their online world, providing a system that restores digital ownership to the people and eliminates the position of being the product. By utilizing self-developed technology, individuals can create a virtual version of themselves that serves as a simple form of identity and central place to access the internet.
VV Token Mission
VV Token core mission is to provide a system that restores digital ownership to the people and removes them from the position of being the product. By utilising our self-developed technology you are able to create a Virtual version of yourself, to act as the central hub for your online world. This will act as a simple form of identity, and be the central place for you to enter into the internet, wherever that may be. Entering the virtual world you are behind your character. At the base layer is you, your Virtual Version. That holds all your information, nfts, digital assets, land and game assets in one place. This is our foundation technology that will allow us to pave the way for the next evolution in Web3 and the internet. We bridge the gap between Web2 and Web3 to seamlessly create mass adoption by giving everybody the tools to take ownership of their online world.
VV has been actively building its avatar technology for over two years in R&D stage and is now in the early prototype stage, with R&D proving successful. The solution can be used across Web2 and Web3 applications and aims to be a seamless onboarding point for individuals who are currently using both. A metaverse ready technology with a mission to create the first avatar solution that interconnects all metaverses together and allows individuals to take ownership of their digital world.
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Virtual Versions
The Virtual Version is a high-fidelity avatar that can be utilised anywhere online, with our patent pending technology we are focused on bringing the simplest way to take ownership of your online self and create your Virtual Version that can be used seamlessly cross-platform, providing a single identification system as well as end user simplicity.
VV Token solution allows individuals to create a realistic avatar of themself from a mobile device, using a single photo. Key notables:
A better solution than current Facebook avatars
Easy onboarding via mobile phone
Business/Tech valued at over $6m Pre-Seed (valuation as of January 2022)
Ability to create an avatar from one photo in 20-90 seconds
Interoperable and can be used in gaming, web2, web3, console gaming, AR/VR, and more.
Hyper realism (Not Cartoon)
$VV Token
$VV Token is the engine powering the VV ecosystem. $VV token is the easiest device for using every feature VV has to offer including:
Access to virtual entertainment experiences like concerts, museum exhibitions, and comedy shows in the VV metaverse
Discounts on wearable NFTs for avatars
First access to the 6-District VV Metaverse
Purchasing, rent, and building land
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VV Social
The social media app acts as the central hub for your digital identity. VV is a Web3 digital identity solution that pairs individuals with a high-fidelity Virtual Version, which can be used in VR, AR, Web2, Web3, and metaverse applications. A metaverse-ready technology with a mission to create the first avatar solution that interconnects all metaverses together and allows individuals to take ownership of their digital world, with their social media profile acting as the central hub and access point.
Within the app, you are able to create your avatar, buy & sell NFTs, attach wearables to your Virtual Version and create animated social posts with your VV. The app includes a full social media feed and can be used with Web2 and Web3 systems to bring a larger audience to our virtual environment spaces in the future. We see our platform as a seamless onboarding point for everyone, providing an interoperable experience from the comfort of your mobile device or PC, and begin the journey to introduce personal data monetization, ownership, virtual experiences, and more.
Core Team
Harrison Gwinnett (Founder&CEO) A serial entrepreneur who took his first business from idea to an 8 figure exit in under 3 years, Harrison's passion is creating a brighter future for the internet using blockchain. Additionally, he is a keen advisor to a multitude of businesses & projects including the largest security token in the world. Key notables:
Exited his previous business at an 8-figure valuation
Grew his previous business from 0 to over 185,000 regular visitors monthly
His previous company was featured on fifa20 and was seen over 15,000 times a day
Donated to over 12 charities during his previous business
Revenue growth of 700% year on year at his previous venture
Archie Baker (Creative Director) Archie is a board member and is taking on the role of creative director at VV. His focus is to capture the essence of life through emotion and feeling across documentaries, music, and fashion. He has worked with major brands such as Adidas, Gymshark, Stella Mccartney, Reebok, Sidemen, House Of CB & many more. Key Notables:
Degree in digital film production and directing
Worked with billion-dollar brands
Created over 25 documentaries, short stories, and films
Accumulated over 30,000 loyal followers in his community
Extraordinary reach and network
Thomas Gwinnett (Web3 Lead & Director) Tom's Web3 experience spans over 18 months worth of in-depth learning, research, and hands-on experience which has led him to the Web3 lead of Unus labs X VV. He believes that Web3 requires an injection of real-world value and utility, which he aims to provide to our community via our multiple ventures across the ecosystem. Key Notables:
Assisted Multi-million dollar companies
Web3 expert with over 18 months of experience
Well-rounded marketing and operations knowledge
Visionary for future products
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Phase One
Smart Contract Creation
Website Launch
Community Building & Marketing push
Whitepaper Launch
1,000 Telegram Members
Launchpad partnerships
2,000 Telegram Members
Phase Two
Third Party Audits
3,000+ Holders
10,000 Telegram Members
Strategic Investor Rounds
Influencer Marketing Partnerships
User interface development
Pre-Alpha Testing the platform
Phase Three
Alpha Testing the platform
CEX Listings
Beta Testing the platform
Further our partnerships
VV Social platform launch V1.0
More to announced...
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Website : https://www.vvtoken.xyz Telegram : https://t.me/VVTokenOfficialGroup Twitter : https://twitter.com/VVtokens Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/vvtokens/
Bitcointalk Unsername: I Am Man Bitcointalk Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2734184 BEP20 Address: 0x73c0200eb3c8a6e4865f98514b80bcff1ee28bdb
0 notes