#The One Flower I Could Not Part With - My Carnation; /Drake&Aya
multixminds · 2 years
[Aya @ Drake]
your  name: Aya
your age: 27
your perfect date: We, um, we just got home from a private dinner. It's, um, it's raining outside, but we made it home just before the rain. We're curled up together on the bed, under warm covers, and reading as we listen to the rain hit the windows.
make out in private or in public?: In private
do you like to cuddle?: Always
tell me something about you: I, um, almost joined the marines, after I first left home.
why do you want to be my valentine?: Because I love you.
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Drake's grin was a mile wide as he scooped Aya up into his arms, allowing her to sit within midair upon his forearms as her weight wasn't even remotely an issue for someone of his level of strength.
Grey eyes gazed upon her sweet face and his grin softened as he peered at her a litlte more closely than before.
"Valentine accepted, wholeheartedly," he murmured just before pressing a kiss to her temple. "I love you too."
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multixminds · 3 years
[Aya~] Frisky!
Being aboard Aya’s ship, The Flying Lilly, was quite comfortable--roughly as comfortable as being aboard his own ship--and he had no complaints that he wanted to voice to his lover. His nose was actually buried into a rather large book and Aya--grey eyes glanced over at her and noted that she was talking with the large fishwoman near the railing--she was talking with a friend.
Eventually, the fishwoman--Andria, Drake believed her name was--moved on and the ginger dog-eared the page he was on in his book before setting it aside on his seat once he’d moved to stand. He then made his way towards Aya with a smile curling onto his lips and upon standing next to her, he wrapped a leather clad arm around her waist with easy. She was such a little, dainty thing and that suited Drake just fine honestly. If she had been a large woman, towering over him, he would love her just the same, but her small stature was certainly a weakness.
“I couldn't allow you to stay alone for long,” Drake leaned over to murmur quietly, and though he was delighted when an arm moved to curl around his waist in turn, his cheeks flushed when Aya’s right hand moved down to rest on his rear which was hidden--thankfully--behind his cape. There was even a gentle squeeze which caused the ginger to chuckle.
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“It’s quite unfair to touch me in public like this when I cannot do the same to you, dear Aya,” the ginger spoke up again, but it was hardly even a half-hearted complaint. Drake’s tone indicated that he was more than a little pleased at Aya’s boldness, actually. Her surprising him like this was always thrilling.
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multixminds · 3 years
[Aya, of course!] Send 💋 if your muse wants a kiss from mine
Send 💋 if your muse wants a kiss from mine
“A kiss?” Drake echoed, setting his drawing pad down for the moment. Though he flushed a little bit, the idea of kissing Aya was more than a little pleasant. It sounded quite wonderful right about now, actually, and if he were to be honest with himself, it was about time that he had taken some time away from doodling. He could always pick up his habit again another time or even tomorrow.
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Reaching out to rest his hands on soft, hanging portion of Aya’s dress, the ginger tugged the pink haired woman forward towards where he was seated and took her face in his hands; she was beautiful--the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen.
With this thought in mind, he pressed a lingering kiss to Aya’s lips.
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multixminds · 3 years
cont’d. / @bucketfullofocs.
Peering down at her from where she stood near his abs, Drake idly wondered if he should start picking Aya up so that she was closer to his face and then, she’d at least be able to lean her head on his shoulder instead of snuggling up to his abs. Of course, it wasn’t her fault that she was much smaller than he was. “Well, you’re right about that... I’m sorry I cannot say that to you, Aya.” He had his reasons, but once more, Drake pushed such thoughts to the back of his mind.
Huh. Just a few islands to start ... ? Going over his plans mentally, the ginger weighed his options before... he nodded. Yes. He could afford to take about a month to allow himself to get sidetracked. In any case it would make for a nice break even though it wasn’t truly a break.
Chuckling softly at the little kisses, Drake moved to carefully pick Aya up, wrapping his arms around her legs as his forearms came together to make a nice seat for her pert rear end; she hardly weighed a thing so it really was effortless to carry her this way. Holding her close, the ginger allowed a bit of a smirk to curl his lips.
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“Welcome aboard the Liberal Hind for the next month then, Aya.”
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multixminds · 4 years
Aya makes a soft noise. "You're, um, you're more than just 'adequate', Drake! You're, um, you're - you're perfect. All, um, all of you." Clawed hands, sharp teeth - Aya loved all of him.
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“Perfect, huh? I don’t know about that, but thank you all the same Aya. My heart swells hearing it come from you.”
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multixminds · 4 years
[Aya - Sexy Positivity meme] "I, um, I find your voice sexy. And, um, and your hands." She flushes red, fidgeting and worrying at her bottom lip. "I, um, I also.. how, um, how big you are-" A pause, then Aya flushes even further, "I mean how, um, how tall you are!!" Someone end her now.
It’s Sexy Positivity time! Have your muse tell mine at least three things that they find sexy about them.
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“Well now, I’m glad I’m ... adequate, Aya.”
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multixminds · 4 years
Send 😗 for my muses reaction to your muse randomly kissing them [Aya~]
Drake had been leaning up against the railing of his ship, peering out towards the sea when Aya had settled next to him. Glancing over at her, a smile had curled on his lips at the sight of her before his gaze returned back to the sea stretched out before him. There were two beautiful sights in front of him now, but only one of those could return his smile.
His eyes softened as he shuffled a bit closer towards Aya and slowly wrapped an arm around her. There was hardly anyone around for the moment, so this snatch of affection should be easy to get away with.
Turning towards her, he had leaned down to say something when she surprised him with a kiss. His other arm wrapped around Aya in turn, deepening the kiss since she seemed to be feeling bold enough to kiss him.
Eventually though, he let her pull back with a smirk.
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"Feeling bold today, are we?"
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multixminds · 3 years
--ship tag dump.
just to have them come up for easier tagging.
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multixminds · 4 years
[Aya, of course] First - Our muses having their first time
1. First - Our muses having their first time!
The moment Aya had shyly told him that she was ready to take the next step in their relationship, Drake had initially been quite excited. Well, he was excited, still, but he couldn't lie and say that he wasn't worried.
Aya was tiny. Compared to Drake himself, most people in general were smaller, but Aya really was a tiny little thing, and he didn't want to hurt her in an intimate fashion.
However, Drake decided to take it slow and lavished her in attention to comfort her as much as possible. The ginger was thorough in his attention throughout their session, especially when it came to her lower half which Drake was not ashamed to say that he thoroughly enjoyed giving quite the lengthy kiss.
Of course, she needed some time after that which Drake was more than happy to give her.
She was so cute.
Though now, as he settled between her splayed legs, sliding home into her sweetest spot, Drake couldn't help but wonder as to what he had been so worried about in the first place on one hand; of course, that was his lusting brain talking.
The resulting lovemaking slowly built into a near frantic pace with a well placed warning before the chance in pace ("Brace yourself, Aya") in addition to an apology ("I'll try not to be too rough") before it had even started at all.
Aya felt better than even his wildest dreams he'd had about her. The sounds she made... the expressions she wore... It was incredible. He wanted to praise her and yet, he couldn't ... so instead, he voiced his pleasure, but couldn't control the fluctuating volume.
Aya was just that good.
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multixminds · 4 years
Aya wanted to bring Drake a gift. Hands carefully holding a wrapped box, she held it out for him to take. "I, um, I was making chocolates today and, um, I thought you might like some!" Is her reason stated. But inside the box were no normal chocolates. Inside sat six rather large lizard shaped chocolates, carefully painted with edible coloring to match actual lizard colorings.
Smiling a bit when he spied a particular pink haired woman who had been sitting at the forefront of his mind for the past few minutes, his smile grew a bit more when he noted a wrapped box. Drake, of course, too it with a good heart, but listened to her speak first before moving to open it. Inside of the box was something quite unexpected ... lizard shaped chocolates that seemed to have been painted with edible chocolate ... or perhaps it was edible paint?
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Either way, it was a thoughtful gift, and honestly, the ginger wasted no time taking out one of the adorable little lizards to bite into. ... ... It was delicious.
“It’s very good, Aya,” the ginger complimented after a moment of enjoying the chocolate. “I’d like to share it with you.”
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