#ic ask response; /drake
multixminds · 2 years
[Aya @ Drake :3c ] Nearly a year come and gone, and Aya had only just started to really move on. A part of her could understand why he vanished - he'd told her such a huge secret, one he wasn't supposed to share. He was likely trying to protect her. It didn't mean she wasn't furious at him for it, though.
But the fury had dulled into plain hurt as the months ticked by. Andria had oh so helpfully offered to track him down for her, but Aya had declined - if he wanted nothing more to do with her, she wouldn't force him otherwise. If he wanted to talk to her, it wouldn't be hard to find her. In truth, however, Aya expected to never hear directly from the man again.
So, when spending her free time in a quiet part of the port city they had stopped at, Aya saw a familiar shock of red hair heading her way, she froze. Once, long ago, she had chased after him in a similar situation, crying his name. Now? She stood, stock still, eyes wide in shock as he neared. Did he see her? Would he walk right by without saying a word? Did he even care?
"Drake...." She breathed his name, a barely there whisper. It was all she could do in her shock.
Drake was a man who considered himself well-versed in the art of tracking people down thanks to his former years as a seasoned marine, and truth be told, the skill hadn't let him down yet. Of course, there was also the fact that Aya and her crewmates were a unique looking set of individuals, and it made it easier for the average person to have some sort of recollection--even if it was to say that they passed through the town, city, etc.
He'd spotted her immediately after a few minutes of strolling through the port city, and honestly, Drake considered that lucky. Over his usual garb was dark cloak, and now that she'd spotted him in turn, it seemed, he raised the hood to hide his brightly colored hair from view as his long legs carried him towards him.
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Aya saying his name--barely managed to make it out even as he continued to close the distance between him--wasn't lost on the Zoan user. He nearly paused, but it was more important that he continue moving, that he get to her, now that they were aware of each other.
Gods, she'd been all he'd thought about these past handful of months--during his leisure in pleasure when the sunset pinkened the sky, in yearning on his loneliest days, and with hope on the bleakest ones.
A multitude of emotions swirled within his gaze as he finally moved to stand in front of her, peering down at her small form. There was so much he wanted to say--so much he wanted to tell her--though he would likely not say too much overall.
"Walk with me, Aya," the ginger spoke up, gaze settled on her face, wishing, hoping, that he still had the right to her very presence after all this time, "please." While there were not many people out and about this morning--on top of Drake already having risked his identity by going hoodless upon stopping at the port city--they were still out in the open, in wide spaces, and that would not do.
A little privacy was in order ... if Aya would agree, that is.
Drake certainly hoped that she would.
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bluerosefox · 10 months
Courting Chaos (to Balance)
A KlarionxDanny brain worm that has spawned
Tim Drake, aka Red Robin gets kidnapped suddenly and very randomly by Klarion in the middle of a JL and others meeting.
Leaving with a
And fire and chaos in his wake.
While the JL, and others scramble to figure out what Klarion has planned this time, Tim manages to break free of whatever Klarion had used to kidnap him only to find himself on a couch and Klarion nervously petting Teekl on his lap while also sitting in a chair across from him.
When Tim goes to demand to know why Klarion kidnapped him Klarion finally speaks.
"Okay, I wanna strike a deal. I won't bug you or your little Young Just US buddies if you help me ask someone out..."
"...What the fuck Klarion?" Was Tim's only response.
So it turns out, every so often the three main entities and actual factions of Order, Chaos, and Balance get together to well discuss things happening in certain Realms, worlds, and timelines. Basicly to touch base, see where everyone was at. Etc etc.
Order was Order. Chaos was Chaos.
Very simple.
Both could be bad. To much order caused restraint and could snuff out growth. To much Chaos could get out of hand and cause ruin.
Both could be good. Order help stabilizes worlds and builds their future. Chaos allowed creativity to roam and brought forth wonderful things.
And Balance.
Well Balance was the very scales that kept both sides in check. They were neutral grounds. The ones that normally oversaw the meetings as well. And despite their low numbers they held powerful entities that more than made up for it.
Balance did their best to keep things in check, sure they do have their own preference sometimes and allowed the scales to tip a tiny bit but always corrected it later if it tips to much.
It was at this meeting, a meeting even Klarion knew better than to do anything too chaotic, pranks were fine but nothing too much, and had been chatting with a newcomer to the side of Chaos (Danielle, call me Ellie, Phantom. She did some heroing on the side but liked causing chaos in her wake to do so, he liked her so far though.) When the bells for the side of Balance to appear announced them.
Ellie had smiled brightly and said her brother was coming with his mentor, turns out her brother was apart of the Balance group which meant that he was strong, strong enough to need a mentor.
He watched as the members of Balance walked, teleported, flew, and other means into the meeting halls. And then froze when his eyes caught sight of him.
Floating next to a blue skined being that was switching ages was a beautiful otherworldly person.
Snow white hair that wisped upwards oh so softly. Glowing green eyes that were cat-like with their piercing glance. A galaxy cloak hanged around his shoulders and seemed to shift with each movement. Star like freckles decorated his face and seemed to glow a soft bluish white. A crown made of ice and aurora lights floated above his head as well.
All in all Klarion couldn't keep his eyes off of the being at all. He nearly spat his water out when Ellie commented that was her brother Danny, or rather.
High King of the Infinite Realms, Daniel 'Danny' Phantom. The Great One. Defeater of the Tyrant King. The Halfa. The Peaceful End. The Balance of the Undead. (And his mentor was the Ghost of Time itself. THE very Keeper of Time, Kronos original form himself.)
Klarion honestly didn't know what to think or rather what emotions he was feeling when he spotted Danny, nor why his face felt so hot and red when the young man looked over at them and smiled. (He was smiling at Ellie but Klarion for some reason hoped it was for him as well)
It wasn't until halfway in the meeting when a rather ingenious prank that Klarion, Ellie, and a few others had set up went off... thing was it strong enough that it had hit Danny's side of the meeting and had hit him.
Now, again pranks were okay but only after the meetings. It was one of the few rules many, even those in Chaos, took seriously because once it was done and over they could go do their things. So for it to happen in the middle of a meeting means someone set their time on the prank wrong and add the fact it hit a person on the Balance side...
Yeah not good.
Only instead of getting angry, even Clockwork who was seated next to Danny was chuckling, Danny threw his head back and laughed about it. And his laugh... was very cute.
And before he knew it, Klarion had already fallen.
"So yeah.... Since you have a boyfriend and know how to date in this modern age, I need your advice."
".... Klarion just because I'm dating Bernard doesn't mean I know how I did it..."
"Bernard? I thought you were dating that one Supes?"
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leth-writes · 1 month
Yandere! Batfam x Poor! Hacker! Reader
The first thing you noticed when you approached your apartment, arms laden with groceries, was the sleek, black car parked in front. This was unusual; you were in a neighborhood where a car like this would get its tires stolen.
As you entered the lobby, you spotted the elderly lady that lived upstairs. 
She was shaking like a leaf, face teary and pale, and her whispy hair was hanging loosely around her face like she had been running her hand through it.
“Oh dear, oh no!” She sobbed upon spotting you.
“What's wrong, Mrs. Lark?” You asked, concerned.
“There's someone upstairs… He came in that fancy car looking for you!”
It felt like ice down your spine. You couldn't believe it; who would be looking for you?
You handed her the groceries and bounded up the stairs two at a time, stopping on your floor and bending over, gasping for air.
Who could possibly be looking for you? Who was waiting for you? Was it the elusive new owner, who you still hadn't met?
You opened the unlocked door slowly, attempting to soundlessly slip in without notice. You failed.
Sitting in your one armchair was a young man, maybe 19, leaning back with his legs loosely crossed. His arms were laid upon the armrests. and cold, icey blue eyes were locked onto you. His midnight blue suit was without crease, and his leather shoes looked out of place on your dark, scuffed wooden floors. His short, dark hair floated lightly around his starkly pale face, with eyes lined in eyebags a deep, dark purple. 
“So you're our mysterious thief.” He droned, head tilted to the side slightly, and eyes narrowed.
It was Timothy Drake, young CEO of Wayne Industries and the brightest mind in the city. You'd forgotten about him in your hunger-induced stupor.
“I'm sorry…” you intoned, head lowered.
“You could at least have the decency to look the man you've been stealing from in the eye when you apologize.” He said, mouth pulled into a frown.
You met his eyes, and the world shifted to the left.
Your eyes widened in shock. You could see it in the corner of your eye, the grey threads that signified your soul family, with the inner most one, hooked around your pinky, slowly turning glacial blue, the same color as Tim's eyes. He looked shocked, glancing from the thin thread connecting your pinky and his right index to you. He slowly stood up, face still slack in surprised.
“I-I…” He stuttered, one hand limply raising in your direction.
You took off running,hearing him swear faintly in response. That was your second mistake.
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methoughtsphantom · 8 months
not me thinking about imaginary scenarios of ten year old Tim Drake in the ghost zone (pariah’s castle)
where Tim thinks it’s strangely soothing that despite being the only one whose steps connect to the ground, there’s not that eerie silence that befell drake manor
strange blob creatures chitter softly and nip at his hair and swooshes and wisps of wind betray the presence of an invisible ghost
which after following he realizes it’s almost like he’s trailing after the black dark shadow that is batman again
which gives him the idea that, maybe, just this one time, he can play the part of robin
that in mind Tim makes out a game of sneaking to the side of ghosts that look like they’re brooding and if they can spot him he loses
most just grunt in response (very in character) while others fuss over him and ask questions which Tim uses to infodump
he also politely asks the ghost that always asks him how he’s doing to instead say the word “report”
(the ghost looks at him weirdly but humors him and besides the answer would be the same anyways)
Tim also(!!)
gets on the case of why the walls lack tangibility when he is the one leaning on them (he doesn’t live down the time he wanted to look cool only to fall through the wall)
hyperfixates on how gravity works in the ghost zone because he couldn’t do a skateboard trick he has pulled off many many times and he’s salty about it
tries to figure out where they are getting human food from (cause it’s hot enough to be homemade but also there’s no kitchen —so how could it be) (also he wants coffee)
finds out the dude that often gives him a side eye when he finds that Tim knows how to do something (math homework), is next in line for the throne and yet doesn’t have a single “mingle and talk people up” bone in his body. (despite it his networking is a solid 7/10)
gets a ghost horse to adopt him what
discovers pretty quickly that there are rooms to which he can’t phase through (a.k.a. he’s not allowed entry) to which he begrudgingly backs off even though that stands in his way of doing a very thorough layout™ of the place (robin would)
sulks over the lack of extreme sports in the place
(Danny takes him to the Far Frozen where they go tire sliding in the snow and where tim learns how to use a skateboard skate and also that ghost ice cream is just as good as normal ice cream)
sulks again cuz he caught a common cold
also because there’s no sun or moon poor Timmy’s already screwed sleep schedule gets more messed up to the point no one knows when or where he will fall asleep
(ghosts find him in the most unhinged of places with a signature purple cloak draped over him every. single. time.)
overall, be a menace
see-> the time he threatened to build ghost weapons he’d somehow memorized the blueprints of cause Danny wouldn’t let him visit the radium girls factory but yes the renaissance period
see-> that time he went through the whole ghost energy and how to work with it book section in the library and half an hour later had a prototype of a star wars laser beam made
(note: bribing only works for hot chocolate, not for letting him keep cool-looking guns)
just tim having the time of his life
clockwork being no help at all (the ghost loves being a cryptid)
and danny trying not to get attached while he progressively gets more concerned over this chaos child he emotionally adopted as his little brother
(to fit canon cause i want it to this would just be until Danny finds the dimension little Timmy is from, then they can safely yeet the child back to the moment he first went missing)
anyways before anyone knows it’s been three months
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angelasscribbles · 6 months
Follower Appreciation Post
Okay, first of all.....
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I just want to take a moment to say how much I appreciate all my followers and all the friendships I've made here.
And to show my appreciation, I'm going to open my asks for a little drabble event. Here are the parameters:
You can ask me to write anything you want. So yes, @twinkleallnight, this means you can ask for Drake x Olivia 😆
I reserve the right to refuse to fulfill any request for any reason (I can't imagine a situation where this would happen, but I'm covering my bases)
I will endeavor to keep my responses to 500 words or less.
I will accept requests for this challenge through the end of next week. So March 22nd, 2024.
Requests can be for fics, or they can just be questions about any of my existing characters/pairings. In addition to the series on my primary master list, feel free to send asks for Cordonian Royal Airlines or Law's End.
Requests do not have to be TRR though that is the primary fandom I write for.
Just FYI, I likely will not start on these until April.
Choices fandoms I will take requests for:
The Royal Romance
Ride or Die
Queen B
Open Heart
Romance Club fandoms I will take requests for:
Heaven's Secret
Vying for Versailles
On Thin Ice
Tagging everyone on my "everything" master list under the cut.
@karahalloway, @harleybeaumont @alj4890 @aussiegurl1234 @nestledonthaveone
@walkerdrakewalker @kingliam2019 @bascmve01 @twinkleallnight
@lovingchoices14  @tinkie1973
@secretaryunpaid  @irishgrl2022
@kristinamae093 @tessa-liam
@gabesmommie1130 @queenmiarys
@differenttyphoonwerewolf  @jared2612  @belencha77
@dcbbw  @amandablink @indiacater
@bebepac @twinkle-320 @mattiematt1234
@emersyn-in-cordonia @lunaseasblog  
@hollygirl1269 @mainstreetreader
@ladyangel70 @ohmyeightpastlives  @gardeningourmet
@sillydg @phoenixrising0308
@3pawandme @21-wishes @73geenalove @jennieausten
@princessleac1 @kachrisberry @tornbetween2loves
@fangirling12566  @pinklipsandmasonjars @savannahdix
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brucewaynehater101 · 2 months
Grandpa Drake would be a himbo except he looks a little too much like a noodle, he looks like milo thatch but with black hair or a black haired pre serum steve rogers, this does not stop him from absolutely getting into drag down knock out fights at bars when he spots some jerk who is harassing a woman or, even worse, has drugged a drink. And while he may be a bit air headed at times, he is a savant when it comes to pharmaceutical science and the general realm of developing medicine.
Grandma Drake looks like a little music box ballerina, she is small and fine boned and as mention previously, is completely capable of breaking a person's femur with a kick. She is fiercely loyal, incredibly intelligent, and likes to be prepared. She is the type of person to have a full first aid kit, a snack, a bottle of water, and a tire repair kit in her bag ready for an emergency. While she can and will knock out anyone who's messing with her friends or family, she'll try verbally eviscerating them first because she doesn't want to be kicked out of the bar or banned. The majority of the time her verbal battles are won and result in her opponent being in tears.
Grandy is something like a piece of the void of space and stardust in a mostly humanoid shape or sometimes an amorphous blob. They enjoy pretty things and are a noted patron of the arts across the galaxy as well as being dedicated to their duty and to their duchy. The way to immediately annoy Grandy is by being rude to service workers. Grandy developed a crush on Grandma Drake when they saw her dancing on stage. They dated for awhile but Grandy had to return to their planet to fulfill their responsibilities and Grandma wasn't ready to leave earth. The break up was amicable and they were still friends. Grandy fell for Grandpa after they saw how they made Grandma laugh and liked how Grandpa inspired such joy and they both looked just so pretty when they were happy that they felt compelled to ask out the Drakes. They courted both of the Drakes and this time when they asked the two to come with them to space the Drakes figured why not? Janet was all grown up and married after all, Mary was also married and living happily with her beloved, and, as far as they knew, David was dead. They figured they could come back to visit sometime. They left an an emergency beacon with Janet and told her to use it if she had important news for them. Jack accidentally broke it at one point and hid the pieces which is why they didn't return to see their grandchild when he was a tiny baby. Janet found out later when she tried to use it to get her parents' attention regarding their coming grandchild. Jack was on very thin ice for a very long time. (Had Grandpa, Grandma, and Grandy known about what David was up to, the Drakes would have done their very best to kick their son/step son's ass into the next year or hired probably lobo or some other intergalactic mercenary to do it for them since they were getting up there in age. They also left behind a sizeable deposit with a detective agency to continue to investigate Jack Drake every year and give Janet the report just in case. The agency wouldn't follow the Drakes outside of the states so this is one of the reasons that Jack pushed for lots of trips abroad.)
Grandpa and Grandma are the most beautiful beings in the galaxy the eyes of Grandy until they see their adorable adopted grandchildren. Then the grandchildren as well as grandma and grandpa are the most perfect examples of beauty, wonder, and joy in the eyes of Grandy.
Grandma, Grandpa, and Grandy all get along very well with Ma and Pa Kent. None of the Drakes are particularly well versed in the kitchen, they can cook in a pinch but it's not their favorite thing to do, so they don't infringe on Martha's kitchen dominance.
Of course Alfred was in a thruple with Martha and Thomas, personally I don't believe there's any reality where he wasn't.
I can't find the OG posts this is referencing. If I do, I'll add the link back in later ^^
The last point I 100% agree with. Alfred/Martha/Thomas all the way. It makes Alfred's angst even heavier (especially if the three were hiding their relationship from Bruce, and thus the kid never knew Alfred to be another parent figure. He was still considered family, but the change in roles was definitely a transition stage for both Alfred and Bruce).
Anyways, thank you for expanding on the AU some more!!! I especially love the way that Grandy is described. Their form seems so beautiful.
Hmm... In this AU, Dick, Cass, and Tim are Grandpa Drake's bio grandkids. Does the grandparent thruple recognize their siblings (Duke, Jason, Damian, maybe Babs and Steph) as their grandkids as well? I'd imagine so.
Also, have the G.T. (grandparent thruple) recognized anyone else as their kids/grandkids through adoption? It'd be hilarious if they considered Starro as their kid and thus Jarro is their grandkid (not sure how to make that work, though).
I would love to see more adventures of G.T. in space, getting to know their grandkids, and hanging out with Ma Kent and Alfred.
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Only the Dead 7
part 1
Damian stiffens, eyeing Phantom warily. ‘Prince?’
Phantom gets a foot underneath himself and pushes himself upright, and then into the air. “Fright Knight,” he says.
“My prince,” says the ghost possessing Red Robin. “We feared you’d passed on! It’s been months without word, and even our best trackers were unable to locate you!”
Phantom wraps both arms around his chest. Fright Knight watches the movement closely, frowning at the green blood spreading through Phantom’s jumpsuit. “Mm,” hums Phantom. “The hunters got me.”
“They did to you as what they did to the subsapients they’d captured,” Fright Knight says. It’s not a question, and Phantom stays silent. “I see.” His hands tighten around the grip of his sword. “That is an act of war. King Pariah will doubtlessly order me to slay them all, and I must admit it is a relief to know they have brought it on themselves.”
“Do not,” Phantom hisses. “I am not in accord with Pariah Dark. The people of this city are innocent. I am more to blame than them.”
“No!” Fright Knight barks. “You are a child, not even old enough to assume the throne! No matter your responsibilities, you are not to blame for the actions of evildoers!”
“Yet how many child ghosts has Pariah Dark created today?” Phantom asks.
Fright Knight looks away. “My prince, I have no desire to fight you. But you know my duty. I am enthralled. I cannot disobey King Pariah’s orders.” Fright Knight looks to Jason, hogtied, squirming and helpless. “He is my quarry. Leave now, my prince. I will not tell King Pariah I saw you here today.”
Phantom steps between the bats and Fright Knight. His eyes glow a vivid blue, and a rapier of ice forms in his hand. “You know I can’t do that.”
“Then stop me!” Fright Knight lunges.
Phantom parries with a grunt. He glances at Damian from the corner of his eye. “Take Red Hood and go! I’ll hold him off!”
Though his hands are slick with blood and the pain makes tears prick in his eyes, Damian draws his blade. He didn’t become Robin to let an unknown fight his battles for him, and he didn’t become Robin to leave Drake, his brother, for dead. Next to him, Cass raises her fists, batarang in hand. Together, they leap into the fray.
Still sword locked with Phantom, Fright Knight ducks beneath Damian’s swipe. With his free hand, he reaches out to catch Black Bat’s fist, but she deftly twirls around him to land a strong punch to his shoulder, knocking him backwards. He is only barely able to dodge Phantom’s follow up stab.
Fright Knight rapidly slashes at Black Bat. “Don’t let his sword cut you!” Phantom cries. She ducks an overhead swing and nimbly jumps over a low feint.
Damian slinks behind Fright Knight and thrusts an elbow towards his spine. Fright Knight staggers forwards. Black Bat jabs at his throat, and though Tim’s body gasps and wheezes, the Fright Knight is undeterred. He twists inhumanly and strikes Damian in the cheek with a hard backhand.
Phantom leaps in with quick, graceful stabs. The Fright Knight parries them, seemingly without effot. Phantom switches to a wide slash, which the Fright Knight blocks with a forearm, but it was a feint, and Phantom backflips smoothly, coming up with the point of his blade aimed at Red Robin’s throat. Damian’s breath catches, for an instant convinced he is about to see his brother die, but the Fright Knight easily knocks his thrust aside.
“You’ve gotten rusty, my prince,” the Fright Knight says, lashing out with a kick to Phantom’s gut. Phantom goes flying, but he twists in midair to land on his feet.
“I’m a bit out of practice,” Phantom pants.
“Nonetheless, it seems you’ve surrounded yourself with capable allies,” the Fright Knight says. Cass leaps out of the shadows, throwing a batarang. The Fright Knight knocks it away with his sword, but it seems like he’s too slow to block her follow up punch. Before it connects, however, a second, heavily armored arm emerges from within Red Robin’s arm to grab her wrist. Cass’ eyes widen. “Unfortunately, they are no match for me.” He twists her wrist harshly, and Cass screams as it audibly snaps. The Fright Knight then throws her into the slide hard enough to make it collapse. She doesn’t get back up.
Enraged, Damian lunges at the Fright Knight. He easily blocks Damian’s strike with his sword, and then with a twist of his wrist he sends Damian’s blade flying out of his blood slicked hands. With his free hand, he grabs Damian by the throat, and hoists him into the air with strength greather than Red Robin’s body should be capable of. Damian grabs the Fright Knight’s wrist and kicks at Red Robin’s body, but the Fright Knight doesn’t even seem to feel it. Desperately, Damian tries and fails to inhale.
Fright Knight brings his blade up to Damian’s throat. “I apologize, but I must do this.”
“You don’t!” Phantom cries. “He isn’t your target!”
Fright Knight casts a long look at Phantom, then unceremoniously drops Damian. Damian gasps. “You are correct,” he says, turning towards where Jason lays. “It seems I’ve gotten carried away-- ah--“
At the Fright Knight’s stutter, Damian looks at Jason. Cass is there, and Jason is slung over the shoulder of her broken wrist. She pulls out her grapple with her uninjured hand. “Retreat,” she says, and grapples up to the nearest roof. She swiftly disappears into the shadows.
Fright Knight takes a step to follow, but Phantom intercepts him. “Go!” he shouts at Damian. “I’ll catch up!”
Damian grits his teeth. Retreating rankles like nothing else, but Damian is injured and tired, and even if he were at his best the Fright Knight would be a difficult opponent.
“Don’t kill Red Robin,” Damian tells Phantom.
“Of course! What do you take me for?!”
Damian retrieves his blade, turns, and runs.
@coruscateselene @somecrappyclone @quirky-gardener @undead-essence @gin2212 @the-archer-goddess @learning-to-fly-on-my-own @krzys2000 @thegreawizards @luckykittens198 @violently-lovely @wackyattack @0j-9 @darkhinauniverse @just-for-dpxdc @jotaroslooseeyebrowhair @fisticuffsatapplebees @ saltyladynightmare @all-mights-asscheeks @icedbluesoul
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neilljcsten · 5 days
it’s on the tip of everyone’s tongue and it fills each silence with a tense, bloated energy. the trial, aaron’s trial, is coming up. aaron will have to take the stand and detail how he killed drake. smashed his head in with a racquet. andrew will have to take the stand and detail why drake was there at all.
neil knows he’s oblivious but he isn’t stupid. he sees the tense set of aaron’s shoulders and the vacant gaze creeping into andrew’s hazel eyes. the twins haven’t been in the same room for a month, other than their visits to bee.
he schemes.
he starts with allison. she’ll know best, he figures, what the media will do with something like this. as it turns out, to nobody’s surprise, columbia has shit privacy rules. (it’s not the world that’s cruel - it’s the people in it) reporters won’t be in the room but there will be no publication ban. neil knows the story will spread like wildfire. he asks allison what would top it.
he schemes.
he calls stuart. lawyers cost money and the mafia isn’t lacking in that department. he also needs a favour. he did, after all, omit the hatford’s from his FBI testimony.
he schemes.
it’s a week before the trial and he slips out of the dorm early one morning. “i’ll be back later” he tells andrew, giving the man a quick kiss. “there’s ice cream in the freezer and the dorm is yours for the day; i made sure they’ll leave you alone”. andrew nods in response before sliding back into his vacant state of being.
allison picks him up in her convertible. their mission takes a day, nothing more, but neil knows he needs her there - it wasn’t a job for andrew and he shudders to think about how it would turn out if kevin was involved.
he waits.
aaron and andrew were both told to stay off their phones and avoid all media the days leading up to the trial. for once, they listen. the day of the trial comes and neil watches the weight fall off of them as the not guilty verdict comes down within an hour of jury deliberations. neil sends stuart a quick thank you before turning off his phone; the constant buzzing was getting old.
later, he sits with andrew in the mas. andrew’s checking his phone for the first time in days and neil knows the moment he finds neil’s omission. not a lie - never a lie, not to andrew - but something he didn’t share.
“abram.” andrew grits out. neil hums back at him, a small smile on his face. “drew”
“don’t drew me - what the fuck is this?” neil turns in his seat to look at him. blue meets hazel, unwavering and sure.
“allison said we needed a bigger story to keep the trial from making headlines. i gave them one. nobody will give a shit about aaron now - not that i understand why they did in the first place.” neil dances around the truth that they both know - it wasn’t aaron neil was protecting.
later, back at the dorms, neil finds a copy of the latest issue of ‘exy magazine’ on the counter. he lets a rare smile slip at the cover; his last secret is out.
“Neil Josten: Scars & All - The Striker’s First Interview and Photoshoot Since Finals”
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potabo · 1 year
That one damn hospital scene
There's something (besides the creepy faceless angel) that has always struck me as a Little Odd about the light world hospital scene in Chapter 2. As you may or may not be aware, in Chapter 2, the hospital has a scene where Noelle and her father, Rudy, are playing the in-game stand-in for Deltarune, Dragon Blazers. Now by the time Kristoph and Susleigh get to the room, the two are about to take on the
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(now if "Silver Drake" means anything in particular I'm a bit lost as to what but, again, perfectly possible) From here Rudy makes the perfectly reasonable suggestion
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because this is, as we learn... elsewhere, the Ice Palace boss
in response to which she says the following:
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Which reads as "the only party member who can use spells such as fireshock (the mage) is no longer with the party," at least by the point which you reach this ice boss.
This is where things become a Little Odd.
So we, having completed the Alternate Route, establish that we are fighting the same boss, the ice palace drake:
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this time Rudy asks Noelle what the game plan is, but this in and of itself doesn't seem terribly significant beyond being one of those Slight Differences we all love (perhaps a showcase of how her Boldness going up means she interacts with the world differently)
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but then here's the kicker:
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Now there's two main takeaways from this, firstly Noelle is still a bit Fucked (understandably) from the whole chain of events leading to this scene
but secondly and, more importantly, this implies that the game Dragon Blazers- the in-universe mirror of Deltarune has changed between routes
More specifically, the mage in this version has not left the party.
Now I think there are two main ways you can read this with regards to Deltarune as a whole:
This means that Noelle returning to the dark world is a Side B exclusive thing (uh oh)
We fight Noelle at some point (also uh oh), Noelle being the Ice Palace boss, and this is some clever wordplay around how having done Side B does not help the situation (Iceshock being ineffective and all that)
But also neither of those seem super likely to me at least, so theres some room to work with here
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multixminds · 2 years
Drake being their ally doesn’t stop Robin from staring him down. 👁️👁️
-- unprompted.
Drake was aware that he was being watched--and he was only comfortably aware because of the awful experiences he had upon coming under the wing of the Marines shortly after the destruction of his father's crew and part of Minion Island that still bore marks from the vicious canon fire from over a decade ago.
It was a sea of eyes from cadets and higher ranking Marines alike. Those that were his age were bolder and didn't hide it at all, and unfortunately, some older Marines weren't much better.
Turning his head, his grey eyed gaze looked onto ... Nico Robin.
He met her gaze head on, staring right back at her in turn.
They were allies and he was not bothered by her.
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could you do headcanons platonic batboys like being just older brothers to reader like what thiere like if thiere close
Batboys being older brothers 
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Dick Grayson 
Dick is the best older brother,As the eldest he's the most responsible brother out of the bat boys. He’s the brother you go to when you want emotional support. He’s the type of brother to do something for you without making a big deal about it unlike some of the other bat boys. He lets you come on patrol with him as long as you stay out of the way and don't get hurt. His way of spending time together is training or going for ice cream together. 
Jason Todd 
Jason is a complicated guy even when it comes to his siblings' relationship. He’s the brother you’d go to if you needed to hide a body or you needed to hide something from bruce. The guy would kill for you but ask him to get you something and it isn't happening. He isnt letting you come with him on patrol as red hood no matter how much you ask him. His way of spending time with you is just being in the same room together doing your own thing .
Tim Drake 
Tim enjoys being a big brother he likes to piss you off along with Jason, he’d do anything for you but ask him for something and you’ll never hear it off. His way of spending time together is mostly hanging in the bat cave and annoying the rest of your siblings together.
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uummi · 1 year
Written for @dicktimweek 2023
Day 5: First Crush/Love | Dick learns Tim is his soulmate after Damian Gains Robin | BAMF Tim Drake
Words Count: 1649
Title: Black Dahlia
Pairing: Dick Grayson/Tim Drake
Warnings: Implied Character Death| Implied Reverse Robins AU| Implied Joker Junior AU
Dick was a naturally gifted master of performance
Perhaps the fact that he opened his eyes in a show where the led lamps illuminating the interior of the tent gave the feeling of the soft shadow of the moon and the noise of applause served as a lullaby was one of the reasons why he had this habit
Even when he was a baby bird that was too small to carry his parents in the sky with his own wings, he invited people to the show of their lives with his bright smile on his face, enjoyed the smell of excitement spreading around with pleasure
But every art had an inspiration, like that his father and mother had painted their canvas, before they met which was a blank piece of white brick, using the colors of the rainbow they had collected while floating
Dick, on the other hand, has his own in the blue eyes of an older boy he met by chance one day
A boy with a huge camera that looks big on tiny but obviously very painful calloused hands and a small but strong shining smile like a star
Timothy Drake...
It all started on a summer day when he turned 5 and it was going to be determined whether he would start accompanying his parents to their shows
That's why it wasn't a strange situation when everyone was running around with celebration supplies from a month ago, or talking about the childhood of the acrobat who made the sun jealous with their excited tones to each other
For Dick, on the other hand everything was a mess because he still hadn't figured out how to do his family's special move
Even if he felt his muscles crying with pain every day, he worked late into the night and even sometimes gave up sleeping and continued his training, nothing he did was working
He could see that his parents were looking at him with sadness so he was starting to get scared now
What if he fails and his parents start denying Dick's existence? What was he going to do then, he didn't have another family
He didn't want to be alone...
As a result, although he knew that everyone was waiting for him, he decamped through the caravans and started running towards the wooded area next to where the circus decided to stay
He had no strength left to endure this expectation any longer...
He also did not believe that anyone would try to find him, which is perhaps why the thin fingers touching his shoulder caused him to scream
Ice blue eyes that would melt with warmth nevertheless complement the body dressed in red clothes and looked at it with such sincerity that Dick believed for a moment that he was an extremely important person
'Why are you crying, are you hurt?'
He touched his hand to the point where his eyelids were, and when he felt the wetness, he made a surprised sound towards the air because he was not even aware that the tears had regained their freedom
The boy began to speak as if he had never removed the question he was asking from his thin lips while Dick was trying to wipe the wetness off his face, and the other was trying to ignore them after a caress with the hand he placed on his knee
Also Dick was having new thoughts about the beauty of the being in front of him every passing second
The more Timmy talked, I told you to call me Tim why are you already trying to find a nickname when I have one, Dick was starting to calm down a little more. Two of them even started bouncing stones in the lake opposite where they were sitting
At the end of about an hour, the younger boy began to explain what the situation that was bothering him was
In fact, he was just waiting for a conversation consisting of sentences indicating how upset they were or that such a thing would definitely not happen
It happened to everyone else like this
So the response he received in return was the last thing he expected
'Do you want me to teach you?'
In response to his incredulous looks, the teenager with straight black hair said that he really had a great teacher and that he was trying to learn all the movements that attracted his interest after his training with him
And even before his sentence was finished, he presented a perfect work of art
A special show for only certain people, like a bird flying at night
He was so lucky...
Timmy gave him tips to perfect the movement for a while, and Dick felt that after a long time he was really ready to fly
Dick wanted to give something on top of that, but what could it be?
For a few seconds, his eye was caught on the camera, which Tim did not let go of for a long time. With the idea that came to his mind, he tried to find a suitable angle by taking the machine left by the tree in his hand
When he got the position he wanted, he quickly sat Tim down and settled into his lap
'Smile Timmy!'
The young boy complied with the request and also joined their cheeks and planted a small kiss on Dick's one at a moment when he was sure that the machine had caught
After both sides got their photos in their hands, the sounds of footsteps began to approach before Dick had a chance to say anything else
'Timothy, if you're done, let's go now. Don't keep father waiting any longer'
After the sound heard from a grown man, Dick, who saw that the young boy had provided his head and slowly began to advance his body, shouted in alarm
He didn't want it to end, he didn't want to leave Timmy's side!
'Watch me before you go!'
Tim's eyebrows rose into the air with a pleasant curl, and although Dick knew even from this that his cheeks were starting to blush, he did not disturb his determined posture
Upon these words, he became possessed of that image that did not come out of his dreams. The normally air-stitched hair scattered by the summer breeze closed the ice-blue eyes for a moment, the hand that did not hold the camera threw a few tufts behind the ear, and an angelic smile that pinched the sides of his face decorated the pink lips
Ah... He didn't want him go because he had fallen in love
He forgot about the fingers touching the top of his head, the arm dragging him towards the tent or the other boy he saw just for a second who called Timmy, and he wasn't fully himself until he reached his parents' side or even presented the Grayson family's special move
If Tim is able to do the Quadruple Somersault, wouldn't that make him a Grayson?
He was awakened from his thoughts by the kiss that his mother placed on his cheeks and greeted them gently in response to the sounds of applause
'My little Robin... We always knew you would make us proud'
He could look into his mother's smiling eyes and feel that he was starting to laugh through his aching cheeks, or he could relive how full of confidence his father's peaceful embrace was
Turning his head, he turned to Tim, who was standing at the end of the tent door. The young boy was waiting like being the most beautiful being he had ever seen, and he was kind of sending his congratulations by raising his thumb to him
And then he was gone before Dick could talk to him again
So Dick squeezed the photo he put in his pocket with all his might
The one which Tim kissed him...
Would he ever see him again, he wonder
This question continued to haunt his brain until the death show of his family. Every year, he would examine the people inside the tent before going on stage and would give Tim his art along with every beautiful feeling from his heart
Now the top of his canvas was covered with blood, a storm had broken in the sky he was flying
He closed his eyes and tried to eliminate the pain, but he just didn't know what to do
And then Dick felt startled by the hand placed on his shoulder as he cried, knowing that his parents' broken wings would never heal again and that their bodies, captured by wild animals, would be buried in the ground
Nevertheless, he raised his head, ignoring the drops floating from the tears that filled the blues
Opposite him was a young man whose hair reached to his shoulders. Although the hood was tightly covered, the green wires decorating the ends could be noticed
But the really noticeable part was perhaps the scars that turned the sides of his mouth into a horror movie scene. It's like someone put a knife through the tip of his lip and went to the last point he could go
As if this situation would prevent Dick from recognizing him...
The blue-green eyes opened in surprise and the decayed hands buried in his hair paused for a few seconds
Then the head area moved towards the shoulder with a slight curve. As if he didn't know what he was talking about
Dick remembered a news story he had read in one of the newspapers called the Joker attack in Gotham and what happened as a result, and realized that the stones had fallen into place
So while he was even more upset that everyone he loved had to suffer, he cried once again for all of the childhood he had lost
He was cursed...
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can I be honest about white people and rap/hip hop/r&b?
We were taught it's thug music. In movies (80s and 90s) it was only listened to by thugs (even when it was the "good misunderstood thugs", like Gangsters' Paradise). Then, in the late 90s and early 00s the messaging was that it's pimp music (and many of the songs that played on MTV were of the "my bitches my hoes" sub genre). I think the first time I saw a ~ wholesome ~ character listen to hip-hop was Miles in Into the Spiderverse. In 2018. Like, five years ago.
(glaring exception to this is female r&b artists, many of whom are mainstream)
But I wouldn't even know where to start finding non-misogynistic, non-"thug life" music (outside of the few titles that make it onto soundtracks), because until it was spoon-fed to me on the soundtrack of Spiderverse, I honestly didn't really know it existed.
i think my main response to this is that you are singling out misogyny in black genres. like black misogyny is worse to you for some reason. most male dominated music genres are misogynistic and objectify women (classic rock definitely does, all alternative music does too) but that does not stick out to you for some reason.
on top of that, have you never heard a drake song. i dont like drake very much and would not really recommend him but he was like one of the biggest rappers of the last decade and he was known for wholesome rap like it was a joke how he was in his feelings all the time. wayyyy before post malone did sunflower. or chance the rapper. chance the rapper was like an artistic darling when coloring book came out, and its a beautiful album. same drugs still gets me. kanye west died badly and you shouldnt listen to him but besides his talent as a rapper he was kind of a game changer in that he was not a thug rapper and often had wholesome messages or like. he had a song thanking god. and he was like the biggest rapper before he died badly. or like lil nas x. montero is an exploration of self and sexuality. are you listening to any of the lyrics?? do you just hear aave and mentions or sex and drugs and assume its nothing but hard talk?
if youre looking for music that is less misogynistic, in any genre, listen to women. megan the stallion, ice spice, doja cat, estelle, missy elliot, janelle monáe.
im not trying to be mean btw its just like extremely interesting to me what sticks out to you. you arent listening.
anyway im not the person to ask for recommendations. im a punk, and while i occasionally listen to some rap and r&b i dont make a habit of it. idk what the scene looks like.
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earth-93 · 10 months
Stars & Stripes Hotline [Version 1.10]
C: \login\BuddyHolly
Directory of C: \BrigadeFiles\Xmen
04/26/2006 9:19 AM Total Files Listed: 15 File(s) 168,248 bytes
Directory of C:\BrigadeFiles\Xmen\DRAKE_ROBERT.txt
[file data =
Main Alias/Moniker: Iceman
Legal Name: Robert Louis Drake
Other Aliases: Bobby, Bobii, Dairaku Bō-chan, Frostbite, Frosty
Date of Birth: June 14th, 1987 (Age: 18)
Status: Alive
Species: Mutant
Sex: Male
Gender: Cisgender
Height/Weight: 5'4'' (1.62m) / 115 lbs (51.8kg)
Hair/Eye Color: Brown / Blue
Timeline (1986 - 2002): Bobby was overprotected by his parents growing up. He was named after an uncle who died in Vietnam, and spent the first few weeks of his life in intensive care after being born premature. His parents reportedly harsh and disapproving of the slightest of behaviors—which, according to Bobby, included skateboarding and pop-punk music, so the Drake's standards for bad behavior were decidedly low. Their discipline only grew harsher as the family expanded, and his parents overexerted themselves with Bobby's other two siblings. This home life led to Bobby growing up with poor self-esteem, paired with a fixation on excitement and leaving his life in suburbia behind.
Timeline (2002): Bobby's powers first manifested at a classmate's birthday party. He and several others were in the home's heated pool, and all but Bobby eventually crawled out citing the water growing prohibitively cold. The adults involved chalked up the incident to a fault in the pool's heater, but the incident made Bobby realize he always had a high tolerance to cold weather. In addition, by that point the Fantastic Four had formed within the last few weeks, and Bobby was among the many New Yorkers swept up in the mania over the return of superheroes. Even with the word "mutant" not yet in his mind, it was enough to convince Bobby that there was more to him than just environmental tolerance, and he was right.
Over the next few weeks, he began to experiment in private, learning to not just affect temperatures around him, but freeze bodies of water and even the humidity. Bobby was priming himself to become the next big superhero, but even as he perfected his ice-slides, courtesy of his skateboarding skills, he was still too far out to get in and out of the city without drawing his parent's suspicion. Thus, most of Bobby's earliest tenure as a superhero was largely patrolling his Long Island neighborhood.
On one such patrol, Bobby oversaw a submarine rising out from the coast. Investigating, he ran into Johnny Storm, who was also staking out the sub. Bobby had his first team-up, helping the Human Torch save an unconscious Sub-Mariner from a gang of pirates, and Bobby went back to the Baxter Building, where he first gained a more proper understanding of his powers. The Fantastic Four did not give Bobby the recruitment offer he was hoping for, but he returned home early that morning feeling his big break was finally coming. Those hopes were cut short by the time he made it home, where his parents were awake and waiting for him.
The only member of Bobby's family who knew about his powers was his little sister, Aurora. The two siblings had conjoined rooms and Aurora ventured into Bobby's one night after being awoken by a chill to find her brother's room filled with snow. Aurora was amazed and delighted by Bobby's powers and was his first fan and confidante, but she ultimately buckled when the eldest Drake, Ronny, grew suspicious of Bobby and confronted Aurora. Ronny in turn told their parents, who grounded Bobby but were apparently evasive to acknowledge his abilities. When Bobby relayed him being a mutant from Richards, his only response was his mother sheepishly asking Bobby to try "not being a mutant."
Timeline (2002 - 2003): The whole experience left Bobby in a fowl, despondent mood. So much so that when Rocky Beasely, a frequent bully of Bobby's, began taunting him one day, Bobby lashed out, freezing Beasely solid. The incident was quickly swallowed by anti-mutant hysteria, with Bobby detained by the authorities and his assault trial becoming a local news event. That was when we first got involved. The Professor arranged for Agent Duncan to act as Bobby's legal defense. In addition, both Wren and the Fantastic Four navigated the public discourse around Bobby's case. It was Richards who first theorized that Bobby would be a able to unfreeze Beasely with no health complications. The theory ended up becoming true, and with it the assault charges were overturned.
The Beaselys dropped charges, but the stigma surrounding Bobby remained. The Professor once more intervened, offering for Bobby to finish his education under his tutelage. To the surprise of most of us, they agreed, though we had our suspicions it had more to do with distancing themselves from the acrimony Bobby's arrest had caused than it was his well-being. Out of all of us, Bobby started out with the most stress and negative feelings towards his mutant identity, but the fresh environment of the Mansion also gave him the opportunity to test his limits without burden.
Looking back, in his earliest days Bobby hadn't yet so much embraced being a mutant than he thought he could get his dreams of superheroism back on track among the rest of us. This is probably why, despite having the least personal investment to intervene in Santo Marco, he was the most enthused among us to form what would become the X-Men, and to save the world as a bona fide superhero. That enthusiasm did a lot to convince the Professor for Bobby to come along, what with him being the youngest and still a minor at the time. And it's a good thing he did, as Bobby ended up being our secret weapon in Santo Marco.
continue data? y/n]
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writebackatya · 1 year
Spend this Night with Me! (working title) WIP Preview!
You know when you feel like sharing a part of your wip with the world to show that you are indeed writing? Well I got that feeling now! And here’s a preview of the next chapter in The Iron Duck of Steel: The Gizmoduck Movie, Part I!!
I guess I wanna share this now since it’s the first scene I’ve ever written that features the Darkwing Duck trio (Drake, Gosalyn, and Launchpad) where they interact with one another! Also Alistair Boorswan is there too!
Anyway this scene is a work in progress, hasn’t even been beta read, so it’s due to change. You know how the process works, but for now. Enjoy
St. Canard was a city with many fine establishments ranging from well-known chains to local restaurants that were well-known to the citizens of the large city. One of which was a small café that was about ten-to-twenty-minute drive from the Audobon Bridge (depending on traffic, of course), where the Mallards had decided to have their lunch today.
Gosalyn entered the restaurant immediately scanning the area. Behind the young duck was her father who entered shortly after she did.
“Nice place you picked out, Gos.” Drake complimented as he looked around the establishment and sniffed the air. “What do you recommend?”
Gosalyn was only half-paying attention to Drake for she was in the zone for her search, which reached its thrilling conclusion when she spotted her target.
“Uh, they got great food here. Come on!” Gosalyn answered as she grabbed Drake’s wrist and lead the older duck away from the greeter.
“Shouldn’t we-?”
“Oh don’t worry about that. This is one of those places that lets you sit anywhere you want.”
“Well do you think maybe we can get a booth? Afterall we are expecting-”
“Drake!” A very familiar and British sounding voice caught the attention of the mallard.
“Alistair Boorswan?!”
“Well what do you know!?” Gosalyn said acting surprised at the situation at hand. “Famed film director Alistair Boorswan and St. Canard’s most wanted actor Drake Mallard in the same location?”
Drake looked down at Gosalyn in suspicion but before he could say anything, the young duck hopped into the booth, pulling her dad in the seat across from the swan’s.
“It’s been since what, Darkwing: First Darkness? You two have a lot to catch up on.” Gosalyn said breaking the ice.
Boorswan glanced over at Gosalyn like a cat reacting to an unfamiliar creature entering in its territory before smiling over at Drake. “I know the last time we were together it was under circumstances that were rather…unfavorable for the both of us, but so I’m very happy to see that you are here.”
“…To eat lunch?”
“Ha!” Boorswan blurted out before picking up the menu. “Well, you’re not wrong there. I guess we can take care of our hunger eating at us before we get down to business.”
“Wait, business?” Drake asked while looking over to Gosalyn who had her face buried in her menu. “Is there anything you want to tell me, Gos?”
“Nope! I don’t even know what I want to drink yet.” Gosalyn answered bringing her menu closer to her face.
“You know what? Can’t go wrong with a Pep. Now what to eat…”
“Aw cool! They got bread bowls here!”
Alistair slowly lowered his menu, “I’m sorry, but couldn’t you have gotten a sitter for your…child?”
“Hey! I’m fourteen; not a child.” Gosalyn glared at the staring swan.
“I mean really, I don’t know why you and your agent insisted that she be brought here!”
“Actually Boorswan,” Drake sighed as he pulled the menu out of Gosalyn’s hands, “it was just my ‘agent’…”
“Hey, babe.” Gosalyn held her hand out to the dumbfounded Boorswan who stared back at the teen’s devious grin.
“…Drake, please don’t take this criticism personally, but I really don’t think someone who is not old enough to drive should have the responsibilities of an agent.”
“I know how to drive.” Gosalyn folded her arms.
“Oh puh-leaze, you don’t even know how to count.” Boorswan once again looked towards Drake for help. “She demanded that I call ahead and reserve a booth near the window on the west end of the restaurant for four!”
“Oh good, he found the place.” Gosalyn stated as she peeked out the window. The teen then looked over at Alistair with a cocky grin on her face. “Looks like I can count.”
“Sorry I’m late guys!” A shout came from the entrance disrupting the entire restaurant.
“Launchpad!” Drake and Gosalyn greeted the pilot as he slid into the booth, squishing Drake into Gosalyn in the process.
“Hey sorry I’m late everyone. Took a bit longer to drive from Duckburg to St. Canard today. What with all the traffic and evil robots.” Launchpad explained before bringing his full attention to Alistair. “Hey Mr. B! It’s me, Launchpad! Remember? We’re both Darkwing fans!”
“…Uh, hello?”
“It’s been since what, Darkwing: First Darkness?”
“…Are you his agent too?”
“No, I’m his pilot! Also I’m Mr. McD’s pilot. I’m a lot of people’s pilots. Two, I suppose.”
“…Drake, why couldn’t you and I have met in private without your agent and without your personal pilot?”
“Because I had no idea we were meeting today!” Drake exclaimed before motioning to Gosalyn. “And she’s not my agent. She did however arrange for this lunch to happen but did not let me nor Launchpad know that you’d be here.”
“Actually, she told me.” Launchpad admitted.
“Wait, what?” Drake and Alistair asked in unison.
“Launchpad…” Gosalyn groaned.
“Oh…so you mean Drake doesn’t know about the Boorswan’s big superhero movie which he wants Drake to star in?” Launchpad inquired out loud. “Huh…guess I wasn’t as late as I thought…Boy, am I getting better at this whole living two different lives thing!”
The staff and other patrons of the restaurant flinched as the duck spoke in the quietest volume he could possibly manage.
“Gosalyn!” Drake smiled over to the duck currently snapping her fingers to make sure her sense of hearing was still working. “Why didn’t you tell me about this? I’ll do it!”
“…Ha-ha” Boorswan awkwardly chuckled before clearing his throat, “I’m afraid no studio out there is as passionate as we were about that project, Drake. But do you know who they really want to see?...”
Gosalyn slunk down in her seat, preparing herself for Drake’s reaction. While Launchpad sat back and smiled in anticipation.
“Gizmoduck!” Boorswan answered with gravitas.
“GIZMODUCK!?!?” Drake repeated causing everyone in the restaurant to once again flinch. As Alistair continued speaking, the other patrons and staff of the restaurant glared over to Drake before going back to their business.
“Yeah, I know. Not a really a fan of the name either.”
“Isn’t that great, Drake!?” Launchpad asked. “I just know you’ll be a great Gizmoduck, buddy!”
“Gosalyn!” Drake looked over to the duck who sat back up with her arms folded. “Why didn’t you tell me about this? I won’t do it!”
“You won’t!?” Both Alistair and Launchpad asked in disappointment.
“Because I knew that’s how you’d react.” Gosalyn replied to Drake. “Could you at least listen to Boorswan’s pitch first before we decide how much of the merchandise profits you’re gonna get from this.”
“We are not deciding any of this! Cause you are not my agent. And I’m not doing it.”
“Oh come on,” Gosalyn groaned, “this could be great for your career! God knows you need it.”
“I’m sorry Drake, but who is she exactly?” Alistair asked Drake motioning to Gosalyn.
“…” Drake looked at Gosalyn and then back to Boorswan. “Oh right, Alistair this is Gosalyn. She’s my…well I’ve been taking care of her ever since her grandfather-”
“Went missing.” Gosalyn answered for Drake.
“Right.” Drake nodded at Gosalyn, before looking up at Launchpad. “And well Launchpad has been helping me with her too”
“Oh…” Boorswan stated as he started to put everything together, “…so are you three a…family of some sorts?”
“Yeah!” Launchpad answered. “I’m the uncle!”
“…I…” Alistair tried to find where he wanted to go with that sentence but ended up grabbing a napkin which he quickly scribbled. “Drake, are you busy tonight?”
“Well, the three of us didn’t really have any major plans other th-”
“Terrific!” Boorswan stated as he held the napkin out for Drake, “I would like it if you came over to my place for dinner.”
“We’ll do it!” Gosalyn answered as she took the napkin from Boorswan. “Let’s say seven?”
“I’ve got some fun board games and my Darkwing Duck fan film in the car!” Launchpad suggested. “This’ll be a fun night!”
“Actually,” Alistair grabbed the napkin back from Gosalyn and tucked it into Drake’s shirt, “I only want Drake to come. Afterall it’s his opinion I’m asking for, not yours.”
Gosalyn grabbed Drake and motioned for Launchpad to join in on the huddle. “I don’t know if you should go by yourself. This movie will be a big deal and he’s taking you to his place to get wined and dined. I don’t want you get fu-”
Drake closed Gosalyn’s beak with his fingers as he looked over to his partner. “Launchpad, do you think you can watch Gosalyn tonight?”
“Uh sure thing, Drake does she have a hockey game tonight?”
“No, I’ll just need you to watch her tonight when I have dinner with Boorswan.” Drake looked over to Alistair, “I’m not saying I’ll do it, but I’ll hear you out. Plus, it has been a while since we’ve seen each other.”
“Terrific, I’ll see you tonight, say seven?” Boorswan asked while smirking at an eye rolling Gosalyn.
“Seven we’ll be fine.”
“Well, I’ll leave you and your family be.” Alistair stated as he draped his scarf around his neck and stepped away from the booth. “I’ll see you tonight Drake and…” the swan looked over to Gosalyn and then Launchpad, “…I hope you’re at least insured.”
Gosalyn pushed Drake’s hand away from her beak. “Make sure you wear your finest scarf tonight, okay Boory?”
“Cute…” Alistair stated as he walked away.
As the swan walked away, the table’s server finally approached the group.
“…So I assume this’ll be on one check?”
“Yep!” Gosalyn answered, “LP do you think you can use your company credit card?”
“Actually Gosalyn, Mr. McD doesn’t give out company credit cards.” Launchpad stated as he looked at the menu.
“What? That’s lame!”
“Are you three at least ready to order?” The server asked.
“Aw cool! They got bread bowls!” Launchpad set his menu down. “So I’d like to order soup in a bread bowl. But instead of soup, can I have macaroni and cheese?”
“…I’ll see if the kitchen can give you an adult size portion of that, sir.”
“Oooh cool!” Gosalyn set her menu down. “Can I get the same thing?! Adult size portion as well.”
“That adult portion does not come with apple sauce, is that okay?”
“It’s fine.” Gosalyn rolled her eyes.
“And you sir?”
Drake sat in silence as he thought about all the conversations he went through in the past few minutes. Everything seemed to happen so fast. In a way he felt trapped, but that could be because he was sitting in between Gosalyn and Launchpad.
The mallard glanced at the menu and then back to the server.
“I think I’ll have what they’re having.”
…And cue DuckTales theme song
So that’s all I got for now! Probably won’t share another preview of this story until I finish a scene with either Dewey or Gandra
But in case you’re wondering why Alistair wants to make a movie about Gizmoduck, then perhaps you should check out the first story in this series, Up, Up, and Away!
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joshuaorrizonte · 2 years
Find the word tag!
I was tagged by @on-noon with the words pocket, mock, attack, knock, and pack!
Tagging @livvywrites @justwriteyoudummy @raevenlywrites @emelkae and @kyofsonder with the words love, death, drink, hands, and hurt!
Not in the text
“Fair enough. You’re in a different wing than I am, but I’m sure we can track down a servant who can point you in the right direction. C’mon.”
She left her books and gestured for me to follow her, and I did so. We wandered back down the hallway and nearly ran headlong into Mika, Drake's brother. “There you are,” he said, deep relief in his bronze eyes.
“Mom already sent the cavalry out after me?” I asked, a bit annoyed.
“Already? She said it's been an hour, and it's the middle of the night besides. Let's get you back to your rooms so you can get some sleep, you look so tired.” His gaze turned to Serra, and I could see a hint of hostility in his gaze. “Thank you for finding him. I've got it from here.”
“As you wish, General Regent.” She gave a mocking bow and turned, going back to the library.
Mika watched until she was back inside the doors before putting a hand on my shoulder. “Do you need to talk about anything?”
Joshua sighed. “Evan.” My blood ran cold at the name. I didn't need to research. Evan was said to have attempted to destroy the world to end all suffering. He couldn't be stopped by mortals, and he couldn't be reasoned with. He believed that life itself was nothing but suffering and resented that he had been brought into existence against his will. He was determined to not let mortals suffer the same fate. I didn't know what to do with this information, and so I simply stared at Joshua, wide-eyed and silent. Joshua seemed to understand that I was waiting for him to say something further, and so he said, “It's entirely possible that Serra didn't know this would happen. You're right, we have no evidence that she was acting in bad faith. “I'm not saying that she's definitely our enemy, just… we need to be careful. Very, very careful. If she meant to release Evan, we're going to have two demigods actively trying to destroy us all. And…” He seemed to hesitate to say his next words. “And I'm worried about you, uncle. You're not strong enough to fend her off if she attacks you.”
I suppressed an irritated response. “I control Infinity, Joshua.”
“And she's only half-dragon. Just… humor me. Please.”
I sighed heavily. “Fine, but no one's going to be armed.”
“That's—that's acceptable, I suppose.”
I found Aninala in her room. She answered the door quickly when I knocked and gave a little “Oh!” of surprise when she saw me. I gave her what, I hoped, was a reassuring smile. “How is Gareth doing?” I asked, trying to break the ice.
“He's… he's doing fine,” she said hesitantly. She seemed to debate something in her mind, then said, a bit stronger, “He wants to spend more time with you. I really wish you'd seek him out.”
I grimaced. There was something more to her words than just telling me that Gareth wanted to get to know me, and it was unfair. But I had bigger things to worry about at that moment. “Yes, well, now that you mention it, I will plan to have dinner with him tonight. But meanwhile, I'm… going to have a meeting I want you to be at.”
My words surprised her. “What about?”
“It might take a while to explain. Can I come in?”
“I'm alright,” I murmured, not sure if I was. I felt so weird, and now I wasn't sure it was all excitement and tension. My hand was shaking and my head felt hot against my palm. “I--I think I'm getting sick,” I murmured. “I don't feel right.”
“It's just excitement,” Alex said, although there was concern in his voice and hazel eyes.
Anna reached over and pressed her wrist to my forehead. She shook her head as she pulled away. “No, I think he's getting sick,” she murmured. “We better take you home. Alex, can you take care of the bill?”
Alex nodded hastily and rose, jogging to the bar to pay for their drinks. Anna gathered their books, stuffing them into their packs, then helped me to my feet. “I'm fine,” I protested, shaking her hands off. The motion made me dizzy and made me doubt that statement.
“You're allowed to admit when you don't feel good,” Alex said, returning. The three of us wandered out into the brisk twilight, and Alex shielded his eyes with his hand, looking west towards the sinking sun. “It's getting late, anyway. I'm surprised they allowed you to leave.”
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