#The Secret Island of Dr Quandary
thefreecheese · 1 year
The Free Cheese Episode 524: Educational Games
This week on The Free Cheese, what did you learn? We chronicle the rough timeline of educational software and share key lessons we’ve learned in video games. 
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arconinternet · 5 months
The Secret Island of Dr. Quandary (DOS, MECC, 1992)
You can play the floppy disk version in your browser here, or download the CD ROM version for use in DOSBox here.
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tastycitrus · 5 years
The Powerpuff Girls (SRW) get their souls trapped in dolls and then stranded on Dr. Quandary’s Secret Island
Or, Meme Dwellers play The Secret Island of Dr. Quandary (except not really, I never wrote anything more for this). A joke story I wrote for some reason like two years ago that I’m now putting on here for some reason? It’s just a shitpost, lol.
Who thought it was a good idea to force the Steel Dragons to attend a carnival? The only culprit that came to mind was Excellen, but as crafty as she was there was no way she could’ve convinced the higher-ups to turn a carnival trip into a “mandatory team-building exercise” for the Steel Dragons and their associates.
Now, normally being forced to attend a carnival wasn’t the worst thing ever. But this carnival was really something else. I mean…really something else.
It was clear at first glance that the people behind this horrible place pretending to be a fun carnival didn’t care a single bit for their patrons’ safety. They also probably cared even less about making it actually fun.
The Ferris wheel was stopped for what had to be the fifteenth time that day, leaving the unfortunate victims who were dumb enough to get on trapped inside until the maintenance workers could get it moving again. The bathrooms smelled like rotten ass and probably had seventeen different STDs infesting the seats. The food was tasteless at best and looked like they had failed every bit of health inspection out there. All the games looked uninteresting and were probably rigged anyway.
To top it all off, even the atmosphere itself seemed to be as bleak and gloomy as this parody of a carnival. How the hell did this place manage to stay in business?
Katia, Melua, and Tenia thought long and hard about that question as they wandered around this travesty that called itself a carnival.
“Where’s Touya, Calvina, and the bland twins?” Tenia asked. “How’d we lose them in this place? I mean—I can understand losing Akimi and Akemi, but Touya and Calvina are pretty distinct, you know?”
Melua glanced around. “Yeah, usually Calvina’s the one who loses us, not the other way around.”
“You’d think we’d be able to keep track of the four people we were supposed to be exploring this ‘carnival’ with.” Katia scanned the premises for a familiar face. “Also, where the heck is anybody else? This place can’t be that big.”
She sighed, pulling out her phone. “You know what, why don’t we just try calling Calvina instead of wandering around like lost kids—”
Suddenly, a carny shouted very loudly in their direction, “Step right up! Have a try at this game! It’s free!”
Katia coughed after a moment. “Well, I’ll call—”
“Come on, don’t be shy! Try your hand at Troggle Shoot! You win a prize every time!”
“…I’ll call—”
“And yes, I am talking to you, trio of girls who look like lost children and whose color schemes are blatantly ripping off the Powerpuff Girls. Come here and play Troggle Shoot!”
The three girls sighed and turned to look at the carny shouting at them. He was a man dressed in purple robes and a funny hat manning a stand that no one seemed to be paying much attention to. His stand was evidently his game of Troggle Shoot, judging by his earlier shouting and also the flashing neon pink sign that said “Troggle Shoot” on top of the stand.
The three exchanged glances.
“What if it’s a kidnapping attempt?” Katia asked.
“Surprisingly, we haven’t run into that in this carnival yet,” Melua replied. “I don’t see any of the others, but if we shout loud enough someone should come running…”
“He doesn’t look so tough.” Tenia glanced at the carny. “He looks old and scrawny. I bet even we could beat him up. And he did go through all the trouble of calling us out.”
Katia sighed. “I swear, you two are going to land us in a shallow grave out on the side of a road one day.”
They reluctantly headed over to the carny’s stand, because he was a creepy old man being incredibly insistent on having three girls play his probably terrible game. He gave them what was likely supposed to be a disarming smile as they approached. Unfortunately, it just made him look creepier.
“Welcome, girls! I am the ingenious Dr. Quandary, the quintessential quizmaster! But you may call me Doctor Q.”
Oh great, alliteration. How wonderful—I absolutely adore the amazing appeal of alliteration. It’s immensely impressive to implement.
“You must be so happy,” Katia whispered to Melua. “You’ve finally found kin.”
“Shut up, Katia.”
Doctor Q continued on. “It’s your lucky day! I am offering you three a free game of Troggle Shoot! If you win, you can have these three dolls.”
He gestured to three dolls sitting atop a shelf in the stand. One was of a babyish blond child dressed in blue overalls. Another was a pink-skinned…person dressed in blinding yellow clothes. The last was aptly described as a horrific pumpkin-headed mutant wearing a popped-collar shirt and Hawaiian shorts.
“Excuse me, did I say dolls? I meant to say…Lifelike Action Figures!”
“…Just call them dolls, dude.” Tenia gave him her best impression of Calvina’s “what the fuck is this shit” face. “We’re not even boys—trying to play to that stereotype doesn’t make any sense!”
“Also these dolls are the ugliest things I’ve ever seen,” Katia added.
Melua grimaced. “Trying to offer them as prizes just makes me want to play this game even less!”
Doctor Q waved his hands. “Hey, hey, don’t be like that. Who knows? Maybe you’ll grow to like these precious faces!”
“I doubt that,” the three girls said in unison.
“…Look, it’s a free game and you get free stuff. Didn’t your parents teach you not to look a gift horse in the mouth?”
“Our parents are dead.”
“…Well, why not distract yourself from the grief and sadness with a little game of Troggle Shoot! It’s free! See that Troggle in the box marked TARGET?”
“We don’t want to—”
He pointed insistently at an LCD screen built into the side of the stand that showed an image that was probably supposed to be that Troggle thing he was talking about.
“Shoot as many of them as you can.” He set three BB guns on the table. “You each have 20 bullets. You can start firing whenever you’re ready.”
The three girls sighed. What a pushy guy. Seeing as he probably wasn’t going to leave them alone until they played his crappy game, they took the guns he offered them. Doctor Q’s smile widened as he stepped aside to activate the game. In the back of the stand, Troggles of all shapes and sizes began to roll across the shooting gallery’s three rows, but the girls were aiming for only one type.
One such Troggle came out first from the right on the middle row. Katia aimed and fired first. However, she aimed where it was instead of where it was going to be, so the Troggle rolled onward unharmed while her bullet looked stupid as it hit nothing.
“Oops. Well, at least Calvina isn’t here to complain about how much I suck at shooting.”
At least her mistake taught Tenia and Melua that they should aim slightly ahead of the Troggles to hit them. With that lesson learned, the girls began to shoot down Troggle after Troggle with relative ease. The game was surprisingly simple with no bullshit rigging involved, and they each had some experience in shooting because during their little venture in space Calvina decided to give them lessons since they had nothing else to do most of the time.
Once they used up their 20 bullets, their total Troggles shot came up to 53. Doctor Q shut off the machine and applauded them.
“Bravo, girls! Nice shooting! You’ve won your prizes.” He paused. “Though I must warn you; the prize you choose may have a dramatic effect on your future. These are not your ordinary Lifelike Action Figures. In fact, you might even swear they were alive sometimes!” He let out a deep laugh.
“Are you seriously still calling them Lifelike Action Figures?” asked Tenia. “And why does this sound incredibly foreboding?”
Doctor Q ignored her. “Let me tell you about them.”
He first gestured to the babyish one on the far left. “This is B. Ginner. It’s harmless, mostly.”
He moved on to the pink one on the far right. “This is O. D. Nary. A nice, middle of the road fellow.”
Finally, he motioned to the tan one with the pumpkin head. “And this is D. Fee Cult. It can be a real pain in the posterior. Which one will you take?”
“What’s with the punny names?” Katia asked. “And also the foreboding descriptions? Everything about this whole setup is incredibly suspicious and I don’t think we should accept these dolls.”
“Even if this whole thing didn’t scream danger, I still wouldn’t want these things,” Melua muttered. “They’re all so freaky.”
Doctor Q slammed his fist on the stand, making the girls jump. “You’ll accept these Lifelike Action Figures and you’ll like it!”
“Okay, fine! We’ll take the stupid dolls!” Melua turned to the others. “I’m…going with B. Ginner. It’s the least freaky of the bunch.”
Katia shrugged. “Alright, I’ll go with O. D. Nary then.”
“Wait, but that leaves me with D. Fee Cult!” Tenia whined. “It’s so freaky with that swollen pumpkin head!”
“Too late, Tenia. At least it looks like the ultimate dudebro with that outfit.”
She groaned. “Fine. Maybe I can freak Touya out by sticking it in his room…”
The three girls reluctantly accepted their prizes. God, they were so freaky and ugly.
As they studied their freaky prizes, the dolls decided to make themselves more horrifying by suddenly opening their eyes.
The dolls began to glow, blotting out their view with bright technicolor light. The girls heard Doctor Q laugh maniacally before they blacked out.
Katia awoke with a splitting headache. She rolled onto her side and pushed herself off the sand, rubbing her head with a groan. Thankfully, her ears didn’t get any sand in them—they were however filled with the sound of the ocean’s grey waves, destined to seek life beyond the shore just out of reach. Er, wait—I mean she heard the ocean lapping against the shore.
…Wait, when the hell did she get to the beach?
Katia looked up and nearly fell over when the first thing she saw were two of those freaky dolls she, Tenia, and Melua had been given moving around like they were alive. Also, they had somehow become as big as she was.
Her outburst drew the attention of the dolls, who also startled back and screamed. Their voices sounded an awful lot like—
“Tenia? Melua?” Katia asked tentatively as she looked down at herself. The clothes she was wearing certainly weren’t those she had on at the carnival. And her skin was definitely not pink before.
The only thing she knew that had this ungodly pallor and disgustingly bright set of clothes was…that doll…
Looking back up, she saw that the other two seemed to have drawn the same conclusion as her. Their expressions slowly shifted into that of surprise and growing horror. Faced with this terrible realization, the girls reacted the only way they knew how:
By screaming about it.
“Dammit, I knew we were going to wind up in some crazy situation one day!”
“This is the last time I play crappy carnival games or accept ugly dolls from strangers!”
Their freak-out session was interrupted by a bottle washing up on the shore. Inside was a rolled-up paper. The three girls looked at it and then at each other.
Tenia walked over to the bottle, uncorking it and pulling out the paper inside. She unfurled it as the other two came over to read the message written on it.
Dear suckers:
Ha! You have fallen into my trap! I have implanted your minds into these DOLLS and transported you to my Secret Island! Unless you can solve all my puzzles and meet all my challenges, you’ll never see your bodies again! You’ll be real nobodies! Get it? NO BODIES! Ha ha ha ha ha
Yours Q-ly,
Doctor Quandary
“…Well, that explains how we got in this situation,” Tenia muttered.
“What the heck is wrong with this guy? Who the hell thinks ‘I’m going to go trap random kids into ugly dolls for shits and giggles’? Literally what does he stand to gain from doing any of this?”
“…Katia, I think we should be more concerned about possibly losing our bodies forever at the moment,” Melua said.
“Yeah, but how are we supposed to get our bodies back? What, is he going to make us make some fixer elixir by completing his stupid challenges?”
As Katia spoke, Tenia walked over to the recycling bin that was conveniently placed nearby and dropped the message inside. Recycling was a habit she gained after Calvina got really angry at her for littering. Surprisingly, Calvina cared a lot about the environment.
Much to her surprise, a receipt popped out after she recycled the message.
“Wait, what? I got a receipt for recycling?” She picked it up and read the big words printed on the top. “…Doctor Q’s Fixer Elixir?”
Katia stared at her. “Are you kidding me.”
She and Melua went over to read the list with Tenia. They went through the entire list in silence.
“…What kind of an ingredient list is this?” Tenia asked. “What do you mean, ‘under-the-table decoration’? Who writes a recipe in riddles?”
Melua pointed at the directions. “The directions aren’t better. ‘Heat it up until it’s too hot to drink’? ‘Drink it’? Screw you too, Doctor Q.”
Tenia groaned. “This is gonna suck. We’re gonna need some major help with this one.”
She pulled out her phone from…somewhere and dialed a number. Katia stared at her pocketless shorts.
“…Where did you get your phone from?”
The Ferris wheel had been stopped for a whole ten minutes with no signs of moving yet. Heck, the maintenance workers hadn’t even shown up. Trapped in one of the compartments at the top were Calvina, Touya, and the Akatsuki twins. Calvina glared at everyone else as they all sat in awkward silence.
“I told you this thing would break down.”
Touya looked at the floor while Akimi and Akemi stared out of opposite windows.
“…Worth it.”
“Was it? Was it really?”
“…A little.”
Calvina sighed. “This is almost as bad as that time we were stuck in that escape shuttle meant for only two people at best.”
“I wouldn’t say it’s that bad,” Touya replied. “At least this time we have breathing room and you don’t have to steer with Akimi’s ass in your face.”
Akimi coughed. “Yeah, this…is a lot better than that.”
“And we also don’t have any space malaria to worry about.” Akemi frowned. “How did we even get into that situation to begin with?”
Akimi shrugged. “Beats me. We just kinda…woke up like that. Anyway, I hope the ride starts again soon. Don’t freak out yet, but I kinda have to pee.”
The others stared at him.
“…I hope they get the ride fixed soon,” Touya muttered.
“I’ll beat the shit out of you if you piss yourself,” Calvina said flatly.
Akimi lowered his head. “Uh…got it…”
Akemi patted him on the shoulder. “If it comes down to it, you can probably pop open the compartment door and pee out there.”
“Ew, I’m not going to do that.”
Suddenly, Calvina’s phone rang.
“…Really, Calvina? Your ringtone is Megalovania?”
“Shut up, Touya.” She took out her phone and checked the caller ID before taking it. “What is it, Tenia?”
“Calvina, we need your help. Some old fart named Dr. Quandary forced us to play his crappy game and then stuffed our souls into these ugly ass dolls. Now we’re stranded on his secret island and he’s making us solve a bunch of puzzles to gather ingredients to make what sounds like a very unappetizing drink to cure our dollness. We gotta do it, because otherwise we’ll be stuck like this forever and I don’t want to be an ugly ass pumpkin-head dudebro forever, this doll is the ugliest thing I’ve ever seen. So can you please help us solve these puzzles when we get to them?”
“What did Tenia get into?” Touya asked.
“Apparently she, Katia, and Melua played a suspicious carnival game in the ten minutes we were separated and then the guy running the stand stuffed their souls into some dolls. Or something.”
“…What?” the other three said at the same time.
“Yeah…” Calvina frowned. “Wait, if you three are stuck in dolls without your bodies how do you still have your phone?”
In the background, she heard Katia shout, “That’s what I asked!” Tenia on the other hand was silent.
“…I don’t know, but it’s convenient, shut up. Are you going to help us or not?”
Calvina rubbed her forehead. “I mean, I guess…it’s not like the four of us are going anywhere, since these idiots wanted to ride the Ferris wheel so damn badly.” She glared at the others once again.
“What? But that thing was obviously going to break down!”
“Yeah, that’s what I said! But nooo, we just had to ride it. Look, I’m putting you on speaker now so everyone can hear what you’re saying.”
She did exactly that before setting her phone on her leg. “Okay, what are we dealing with? Where are you right now?”
“Uh, we’re on a beach. I got a message in a bottle and recycled it to get a recipe for this ‘Fixer Elixir’ which is probably the thing that’s supposed to turn us back to normal. The recipe is weird as shit though. Here, I’ll send Touya a pic.”
Touya’s phone buzzed and he pulled it out. A moment later he held out his phone to show Tenia’s pic. Everyone leaned in to read.
“…What the hell is ‘under-the-table decoration’ supposed to mean?” Akimi asked.
“That’s what I want to know!”
“Well…this seems like the start of a whole bunch of ‘what the hell is this shit’ shenanigans,” Akemi muttered as she went over the list. “Maybe we’ll get a better idea what the heck any of this is supposed to be once you start getting things.”
“I guess…I see a forest nearby so we’re going to head there first. Come on guys, let’s go.”
Calvina sighed. “This is going to be a long day…”
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retro-spectives · 7 years
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The Secret Island of Dr. Quandary (1992) I have been thinking about this game for a while. I couldn’t remember the name (And seeing it now, no wonder why).
I have a lot of memories being in early middle school, playing this game in the computer lab. It counted as an educational game, and it was the most interesting of all the options besides Math Blaster.
I think the most fascinating part of this is that it’s also set-up like a horror fantasy. You go to a carnival and play this game where you shoot creepy little glass figures (And likely fail) and the dude running the tent, Dr. Quandary, offers you a prize anyway -- One of three incredibly creepy dolls. As soon as you touch the doll, you are transported to another world, a seemingly empty island where mystical creatures are roaming about. Oh, did I mention that you are trapped inside the doll’s body? Because you’re trapped inside the dolls body. In revisiting it as an adult, the color schemes are bright but in a way that they don’t match with each other. Your dolls are between neon pink and yellow. It does make you feel disoriented and overstimulated in a creepy way.
I was also expecting my adult mind to handle some of the puzzles better, but they are still really hard, and many are unexplained. Similar to Myst, I’m still wandering around lost, trying to solve these puzzles.
Anyway, you can replay the game online.
Who else remembers this treasure?
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vertigovault · 6 years
Saga of the Swamp Thing #5
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Story Title: “The Screams of Hungry Flesh” (main story), “...But the Patient Died!” (back-up feature)
Writer: Martin Pasko (main story), Mike W. Barr (back-up feature)
Artist: Tom Yeates (main story), Tony DeZuniga (back-up feature)
Editor: Len Wein
Colorist: Tatanja Wood (main story), Cal Gafford (back-up feature)
Letterer: John Costanza (main story), Milt Snappin (back-up feature)
Release Date: September 1982
This issue exists in a weird sort of twilight space within Pasko’s run. While the last few issues have been united by the common thread of Swampy’s relationship with the mysterious psychic half-pint, they’ve also been self-contained. This issue acts as kind of a transitional segue into the much more serialized stories that follow. Here we’re introduced to Dr. Dennis Barclay, a massive piece of shit who’s just the absolute worst. Still, that won’t become apparent until a ways on, and here he’s presented as being as sympathetic as a cardboard cut out can be. We’re also reintroduced to fashion disaster/probable Nazi Dr. Harry Kay, who last time we saw him had all of his skin, and more importantly his awful clothes, burned off in a fire. 
When we last left our Jolly Green Giant, he was being shipped off to a clinic belonging to the mysterious and sinister Sunderland Corporation after nearly dying in a fight with a child-murdering demon. You know, we’ve all had those days. Arriving at the clinic, Swampy meets Dr. Barclay, who claims to have magic hands. Typically the correct response to any doctor claiming to have “magic hands” is to run away as quickly as possible, but Barclay seems to be telling the truth when he rubs those hands all over Swampy’s chest, healing him. This makes him significantly cooler than our previous handy man, Grasp. (Magic hands are cooler than robo-hands. Sorry to any cyborgs reading this. I don’t make the rules) Barclay has been studying under Dr. Kay for a while, and he views him as a sort of surrogate father. This really blows for Dennis when he finds out that his magic hands are actually just regular old hands, which makes him significantly less cool than Grasp. It also turns out that the clinic hasn’t been using FDA approved methods to heal its patients. Instead they’ve been growing homunculi in a secret basement and pumping the afflicted’s afflictions into those boys instead. Dr. Kay uses one of them to heal his own burns, and we’re treated to the revelation that he’s had a mustache this whole time, hidden by the line work. Naturally the artificial humans aren’t too happy about being made biological scapegoats, and attack Kay and his cronies. Like with Michael Bay’s 2005 science fiction masterpiece The Island, this whole thing could have been avoided if they just lobotomized the suckers before subjecting them to horrifying biological atrocities. The issue ends with Swampy and Liz, now fugitives from Sunderland, hitting the road along with Dennis, because what this series was really missing was a mediocre male protagonist to round out the roster. 
This story is... fine. Aside from the obvious of logic of why is this even an issue in the first place, it’s executed well enough to remain interesting. The biggest disappointment is that there’s barely any exploration of what could be an interesting moral quandary, instead using the premise purely for shock value and horror. This is a major missed opportunity, but it’s possible that it was an intentional move to balance out the heaviness of the preceding issue.There’s also some delightfully macabre art near the issue’s end as the abused monstrosities rise up against their abusers. The issue does a decent job of reintroducing Kay back into the fold, establishing him as a major player in the issue to come. The Phantom Stranger backup is a charmingly retro conclusion to last issue’s cliffhanger, and while the reintroduction of Tannarak as a villain isn’t quite as compelling as the anthology format that proceeded it, it’s still a fun little story. All in all, this  is a mostly unremarkable issue other than introducing elements that will be important in the stories to come. I’ll see you there. 
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catsanddcashews · 7 years
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OMG so I’ve wondered for a while about this kinda creepy game I remember playing on the computers in elementary school but for the life of me I haven’t remembered enough details to figure out what it was BUT I FINALLY FOUND IT TODAY. “Secret island of dr. quandary” and the screenshots are taking me BACK. I literally could only remember there was a carnival and you picked one of the things (creepy ass dolls that scared me then and still freak me out now). “Troggle shoot” !! The name brings it all back! Do you guys remember this game or is it just me?
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owlisaurus · 7 years
i should do a christmas stream of art and the Secret Island of Dr Quandary Gameplay and Commentary
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iminthetunnels · 7 years
"the secret island of dr. quandary" You pick a doll from a carnival game and a guy kidnaps you, seals you in the body of the doll, and makes you do math to escape. Am I right?
yes!!! OMG i’ve thot abt this game ever since i was in elementary school playing it one year they changed out the computers and i couldnt remember what it was called now like 15 years later i post abt it and someone randomly posts a picture? life isnt real
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strawberryslothcake · 7 years
i finally beat the secret island of dr quandary the game that i never beat in elementary school that plagued my head when ever i remembered it. screw dr quandary!
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laughterkey · 5 years
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Kathy Bradley Shares the Key to Using Insights and Angels for a Better Life in Navigating the Clickety Clack: How to Live a Peace-Filled Life in a Seemingly Toxic World – Volume 2.
https://authoritypresswire.com/?p=34529&wpwautoposter=1618614079 2020 – the year that EVERYTHING changed! The world traded handshakes for elbow bumps, gatherings for Zoom calls, connectedness for isolation, and abundance for lack. A historic time brought the world to its knees and left many wondering if normal would ever exist again. Observing quickly the urgent need for bringing hope to the world, Keith Leon S. gathered together an impressive list of thought leaders and best-selling authors and formed Navigating the Clickety Clack: How to Live a Peace-Filled Life in a Seemingly Toxic World. Noting that tips and insights for implementing solace were exactly what the world needed to march forward, and recognizing that 2020’s quandaries were also advancing steadily into 2021, Keith sought out to assemble an all-new collection of prominent industry leaders, forming Volume 2! In the April 6th release of  Navigating the Clickety Clack: How to Live a Peace-Filled Life in a Seemingly Toxic World –Volume 2, Kathy Bradley, who holds a B.S. in Business from Niagara University, is Certified as an Interior Refiner and Designer, and in Mastering Alchemy, Sound Therapy & Success Signature training with "Healing with the Masters", and Reiki Drumming, as well as being a successful business owner for more than 25 years, and is the Founder of Kathy Bradley and the Angels, shares her insights, techniques, and gift of connecting with angels, that she uses to inspire her clients to awaken and discover their true divine path, and purpose. Through diving life coaching, Kathy, author of The Light Becomes You: Manifesting Your Soul’s Desires, guides individuals to make a powerful, energetic connection with Source and helps them simplify their lives enabling them to live in bliss, known as the Empowerment Process. In this process, individuals who are ready to take full responsibility for their life and their creations, and release fear, stress, anger, and doubt will be taught to shift energy from lack to abundance despite life’s distractions, put an end to self-sabotage, develop a divine discipline to stay focused, learn to develop a healthy personal environment without being affected by others, awaken internal guidance to become capable and confident, and reclaim inner power to enjoy the life, love, and happiness they deserve!Certified as an Angel Therapy Practitioner®, Kathy’s miraculous gift of clairvoyance (seeing), clairaudience (hearing), and clairsentience (feeling) allows her to communicate with angels, spirit guides, and loves ones who have passed over and provide healing and validation to clients all over the world through spiritual messages. Navigating the Clickety Clack: How to Live a Peace-Filled Life in a Seemingly Toxic World – Volume 2, features an exciting new lineup of highly acclaimed leaders in their respective industries including Kathy Bradley, author, teacher, consciousness facilitator, Reiki Master Teacher, and Angel Therapy Practitioner®, NY Times best-selling authors and Law of Attraction experts Marie Diamond and Dr. Joe Vitale, also featured in the worldwide phenomenon and hit movie and book, The Secret, and Adam Markel, #1 Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Los Angeles Times, and Publisher’s Weekly best-selling author and TEDx speaker. Contributing authors, whose stories will help readers acquire ways to begin incorporating peace back into their lives, include Phyllis Marlene Benstein, Cindy Costley, Katherine Brooke-MacKenzie, Gwen Lepard, Dario Cucci, Brian Evans, Naomi Gillespie, Deanna Hansen, Brigitte Keane, Lidia Kuleshnyk, Jason Daveon Mitchell, Cassie Schwind, Jennifer Sprague, Linda Tan, Lisa Warner, and Leslie Warren.Many may still wonder about the term “clickety-clack”. This phrase was coined by Fletch Rainey, spiritual mentor to Keith Leon S., and his wife Maura. To Rainey, the clickety clack symbolized periods of uncertainty that individuals generally experience throughout life. To illustrate the caption, Rainey described a scenario of a child riding a ten-speed bike emphasizing the moment where the child needs to change gears. During that moment of gear change, the bike would make a sound Rainey referred to as a clickety-clack. As a child, this sound is no cause for worry, however, and the journey continues uninterrupted by not even a moment of doubt.As billions globally are continuing to search for assurance from a world that previously provided such hope and opportunity, Navigating the Clickety Clack: How to Live a Peace-Filled Life in a Seemingly Toxic World- Volume 2, promises readers will receive notable insights from experts, become armed to embrace a more rewarding life both personally and professionally, thrive in moments of clickety clack, learn to make better choices for their emotional and spiritual health, uncover new opportunities for adding in peace and abundance, and become a master at replacing doubt with certainty! Fascinating contributions by Kathy Bradley will encourage readers to dig deeper, motivate them to push past intimidating barriers that hold them back, and become inspired to seek a life of unlimited possibilities!   ####ABOUT THE INDUSTRY LEADERKathy Bradley, is a best-selling author, consciousness facilitator, and founder of Kathy Bradley and the Angels. As a successful business owner for more than 25 years, Kathy shares her insights, techniques, and guidance, inspiring her many clients to awaken to their true divine path and purpose. She provides practical tools to assist in consciously navigating the changing times into the New Paradigm. The teachings offered are short and simple to use and are specifically designed for those with busy lives to effortlessly attract the experiences they desire. The information she shares is a culmination of her studies, personal experiences, and channeling. Kathy is a seasoned lecturer, offering bespoke programs promoting growth, healing, and conscious living. Her Empowerment Process provides a platform and structure to awaken and guide individuals in game-changing transformation leading to a more peaceful, happy, fulfilling life, and releasing fear, limitation, stress, anxiety, and worry. Kathy is married to her husband of thirty-seven years and happily lives on the eastern end of Long Island. 
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lemoot · 12 years
I Played this game in Elementary school and I still have nightmares. 
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Kathy Bradley Shares the Key to Using Insights and Angels for a Better Life in Navigating the Clickety Clack: How to Live a Peace-Filled Life in a Seemingly Toxic World – Volume 2.
https://authoritypresswire.com/?p=34529&wpwautoposter=1618603358 2020 – the year that EVERYTHING changed! The world traded handshakes for elbow bumps, gatherings for Zoom calls, connectedness for isolation, and abundance for lack. A historic time brought the world to its knees and left many wondering if normal would ever exist again. Observing quickly the urgent need for bringing hope to the world, Keith Leon S. gathered together an impressive list of thought leaders and best-selling authors and formed Navigating the Clickety Clack: How to Live a Peace-Filled Life in a Seemingly Toxic World. Noting that tips and insights for implementing solace were exactly what the world needed to march forward, and recognizing that 2020’s quandaries were also advancing steadily into 2021, Keith sought out to assemble an all-new collection of prominent industry leaders, forming Volume 2! In the April 6th release of  Navigating the Clickety Clack: How to Live a Peace-Filled Life in a Seemingly Toxic World –Volume 2, Kathy Bradley, who holds a B.S. in Business from Niagara University, is Certified as an Interior Refiner and Designer, and in Mastering Alchemy, Sound Therapy & Success Signature training with "Healing with the Masters", and Reiki Drumming, as well as being a successful business owner for more than 25 years, and is the Founder of Kathy Bradley and the Angels, shares her insights, techniques, and gift of connecting with angels, that she uses to inspire her clients to awaken and discover their true divine path, and purpose. Through diving life coaching, Kathy, author of The Light Becomes You: Manifesting Your Soul’s Desires, guides individuals to make a powerful, energetic connection with Source and helps them simplify their lives enabling them to live in bliss, known as the Empowerment Process. In this process, individuals who are ready to take full responsibility for their life and their creations, and release fear, stress, anger, and doubt will be taught to shift energy from lack to abundance despite life’s distractions, put an end to self-sabotage, develop a divine discipline to stay focused, learn to develop a healthy personal environment without being affected by others, awaken internal guidance to become capable and confident, and reclaim inner power to enjoy the life, love, and happiness they deserve!Certified as an Angel Therapy Practitioner®, Kathy’s miraculous gift of clairvoyance (seeing), clairaudience (hearing), and clairsentience (feeling) allows her to communicate with angels, spirit guides, and loves ones who have passed over and provide healing and validation to clients all over the world through spiritual messages. Navigating the Clickety Clack: How to Live a Peace-Filled Life in a Seemingly Toxic World – Volume 2, features an exciting new lineup of highly acclaimed leaders in their respective industries including Kathy Bradley, author, teacher, consciousness facilitator, Reiki Master Teacher, and Angel Therapy Practitioner®, NY Times best-selling authors and Law of Attraction experts Marie Diamond and Dr. Joe Vitale, also featured in the worldwide phenomenon and hit movie and book, The Secret, and Adam Markel, #1 Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Los Angeles Times, and Publisher’s Weekly best-selling author and TEDx speaker. Contributing authors, whose stories will help readers acquire ways to begin incorporating peace back into their lives, include Phyllis Marlene Benstein, Cindy Costley, Katherine Brooke-MacKenzie, Gwen Lepard, Dario Cucci, Brian Evans, Naomi Gillespie, Deanna Hansen, Brigitte Keane, Lidia Kuleshnyk, Jason Daveon Mitchell, Cassie Schwind, Jennifer Sprague, Linda Tan, Lisa Warner, and Leslie Warren.Many may still wonder about the term “clickety-clack”. This phrase was coined by Fletch Rainey, spiritual mentor to Keith Leon S., and his wife Maura. To Rainey, the clickety clack symbolized periods of uncertainty that individuals generally experience throughout life. To illustrate the caption, Rainey described a scenario of a child riding a ten-speed bike emphasizing the moment where the child needs to change gears. During that moment of gear change, the bike would make a sound Rainey referred to as a clickety-clack. As a child, this sound is no cause for worry, however, and the journey continues uninterrupted by not even a moment of doubt.As billions globally are continuing to search for assurance from a world that previously provided such hope and opportunity, Navigating the Clickety Clack: How to Live a Peace-Filled Life in a Seemingly Toxic World- Volume 2, promises readers will receive notable insights from experts, become armed to embrace a more rewarding life both personally and professionally, thrive in moments of clickety clack, learn to make better choices for their emotional and spiritual health, uncover new opportunities for adding in peace and abundance, and become a master at replacing doubt with certainty! Fascinating contributions by Kathy Bradley will encourage readers to dig deeper, motivate them to push past intimidating barriers that hold them back, and become inspired to seek a life of unlimited possibilities!   ####ABOUT THE INDUSTRY LEADERKathy Bradley, is a best-selling author, consciousness facilitator, and founder of Kathy Bradley and the Angels. As a successful business owner for more than 25 years, Kathy shares her insights, techniques, and guidance, inspiring her many clients to awaken to their true divine path and purpose. She provides practical tools to assist in consciously navigating the changing times into the New Paradigm. The teachings offered are short and simple to use and are specifically designed for those with busy lives to effortlessly attract the experiences they desire. The information she shares is a culmination of her studies, personal experiences, and channeling. Kathy is a seasoned lecturer, offering bespoke programs promoting growth, healing, and conscious living. Her Empowerment Process provides a platform and structure to awaken and guide individuals in game-changing transformation leading to a more peaceful, happy, fulfilling life, and releasing fear, limitation, stress, anxiety, and worry. Kathy is married to her husband of thirty-seven years and happily lives on the eastern end of Long Island. 
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Kathy Bradley Shares the Key to Using Insights and Angels for a Better Life in Navigating the Clickety Clack: How to Live a Peace-Filled Life in a Seemingly Toxic World – Volume 2.
https://authoritypresswire.com/?p=34529&wpwautoposter=1618513207 2020 – the year that EVERYTHING changed! The world traded handshakes for elbow bumps, gatherings for Zoom calls, connectedness for isolation, and abundance for lack. A historic time brought the world to its knees and left many wondering if normal would ever exist again. Observing quickly the urgent need for bringing hope to the world, Keith Leon S. gathered together an impressive list of thought leaders and best-selling authors and formed Navigating the Clickety Clack: How to Live a Peace-Filled Life in a Seemingly Toxic World. Noting that tips and insights for implementing solace were exactly what the world needed to march forward, and recognizing that 2020’s quandaries were also advancing steadily into 2021, Keith sought out to assemble an all-new collection of prominent industry leaders, forming Volume 2! In the April 6th release of  Navigating the Clickety Clack: How to Live a Peace-Filled Life in a Seemingly Toxic World –Volume 2, Kathy Bradley, who holds a B.S. in Business from Niagara University, is Certified as an Interior Refiner and Designer, and in Mastering Alchemy, Sound Therapy & Success Signature training with "Healing with the Masters", and Reiki Drumming, as well as being a successful business owner for more than 25 years, and is the Founder of Kathy Bradley and the Angels, shares her insights, techniques, and gift of connecting with angels, that she uses to inspire her clients to awaken and discover their true divine path, and purpose. Through diving life coaching, Kathy, author of The Light Becomes You: Manifesting Your Soul’s Desires, guides individuals to make a powerful, energetic connection with Source and helps them simplify their lives enabling them to live in bliss, known as the Empowerment Process. In this process, individuals who are ready to take full responsibility for their life and their creations, and release fear, stress, anger, and doubt will be taught to shift energy from lack to abundance despite life’s distractions, put an end to self-sabotage, develop a divine discipline to stay focused, learn to develop a healthy personal environment without being affected by others, awaken internal guidance to become capable and confident, and reclaim inner power to enjoy the life, love, and happiness they deserve!Certified as an Angel Therapy Practitioner®, Kathy’s miraculous gift of clairvoyance (seeing), clairaudience (hearing), and clairsentience (feeling) allows her to communicate with angels, spirit guides, and loves ones who have passed over and provide healing and validation to clients all over the world through spiritual messages. Navigating the Clickety Clack: How to Live a Peace-Filled Life in a Seemingly Toxic World – Volume 2, features an exciting new lineup of highly acclaimed leaders in their respective industries including Kathy Bradley, author, teacher, consciousness facilitator, Reiki Master Teacher, and Angel Therapy Practitioner®, NY Times best-selling authors and Law of Attraction experts Marie Diamond and Dr. Joe Vitale, also featured in the worldwide phenomenon and hit movie and book, The Secret, and Adam Markel, #1 Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Los Angeles Times, and Publisher’s Weekly best-selling author and TEDx speaker. Contributing authors, whose stories will help readers acquire ways to begin incorporating peace back into their lives, include Phyllis Marlene Benstein, Cindy Costley, Katherine Brooke-MacKenzie, Gwen Lepard, Dario Cucci, Brian Evans, Naomi Gillespie, Deanna Hansen, Brigitte Keane, Lidia Kuleshnyk, Jason Daveon Mitchell, Cassie Schwind, Jennifer Sprague, Linda Tan, Lisa Warner, and Leslie Warren.Many may still wonder about the term “clickety-clack”. This phrase was coined by Fletch Rainey, spiritual mentor to Keith Leon S., and his wife Maura. To Rainey, the clickety clack symbolized periods of uncertainty that individuals generally experience throughout life. To illustrate the caption, Rainey described a scenario of a child riding a ten-speed bike emphasizing the moment where the child needs to change gears. During that moment of gear change, the bike would make a sound Rainey referred to as a clickety-clack. As a child, this sound is no cause for worry, however, and the journey continues uninterrupted by not even a moment of doubt.As billions globally are continuing to search for assurance from a world that previously provided such hope and opportunity, Navigating the Clickety Clack: How to Live a Peace-Filled Life in a Seemingly Toxic World- Volume 2, promises readers will receive notable insights from experts, become armed to embrace a more rewarding life both personally and professionally, thrive in moments of clickety clack, learn to make better choices for their emotional and spiritual health, uncover new opportunities for adding in peace and abundance, and become a master at replacing doubt with certainty! Fascinating contributions by Kathy Bradley will encourage readers to dig deeper, motivate them to push past intimidating barriers that hold them back, and become inspired to seek a life of unlimited possibilities!   ####ABOUT THE INDUSTRY LEADERKathy Bradley, is a best-selling author, consciousness facilitator, and founder of Kathy Bradley and the Angels. As a successful business owner for more than 25 years, Kathy shares her insights, techniques, and guidance, inspiring her many clients to awaken to their true divine path and purpose. She provides practical tools to assist in consciously navigating the changing times into the New Paradigm. The teachings offered are short and simple to use and are specifically designed for those with busy lives to effortlessly attract the experiences they desire. The information she shares is a culmination of her studies, personal experiences, and channeling. Kathy is a seasoned lecturer, offering bespoke programs promoting growth, healing, and conscious living. Her Empowerment Process provides a platform and structure to awaken and guide individuals in game-changing transformation leading to a more peaceful, happy, fulfilling life, and releasing fear, limitation, stress, anxiety, and worry. Kathy is married to her husband of thirty-seven years and happily lives on the eastern end of Long Island. 
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Kathy Bradley Shares the Key to Using Insights and Angels for a Better Life in Navigating the Clickety Clack: How to Live a Peace-Filled Life in a Seemingly Toxic World – Volume 2.
https://authoritypresswire.com/?p=34529&wpwautoposter=1618506004 2020 – the year that EVERYTHING changed! The world traded handshakes for elbow bumps, gatherings for Zoom calls, connectedness for isolation, and abundance for lack. A historic time brought the world to its knees and left many wondering if normal would ever exist again. Observing quickly the urgent need for bringing hope to the world, Keith Leon S. gathered together an impressive list of thought leaders and best-selling authors and formed Navigating the Clickety Clack: How to Live a Peace-Filled Life in a Seemingly Toxic World. Noting that tips and insights for implementing solace were exactly what the world needed to march forward, and recognizing that 2020’s quandaries were also advancing steadily into 2021, Keith sought out to assemble an all-new collection of prominent industry leaders, forming Volume 2! In the April 6th release of  Navigating the Clickety Clack: How to Live a Peace-Filled Life in a Seemingly Toxic World –Volume 2, Kathy Bradley, who holds a B.S. in Business from Niagara University, is Certified as an Interior Refiner and Designer, and in Mastering Alchemy, Sound Therapy & Success Signature training with "Healing with the Masters", and Reiki Drumming, as well as being a successful business owner for more than 25 years, and is the Founder of Kathy Bradley and the Angels, shares her insights, techniques, and gift of connecting with angels, that she uses to inspire her clients to awaken and discover their true divine path, and purpose. Through diving life coaching, Kathy, author of The Light Becomes You: Manifesting Your Soul’s Desires, guides individuals to make a powerful, energetic connection with Source and helps them simplify their lives enabling them to live in bliss, known as the Empowerment Process. In this process, individuals who are ready to take full responsibility for their life and their creations, and release fear, stress, anger, and doubt will be taught to shift energy from lack to abundance despite life’s distractions, put an end to self-sabotage, develop a divine discipline to stay focused, learn to develop a healthy personal environment without being affected by others, awaken internal guidance to become capable and confident, and reclaim inner power to enjoy the life, love, and happiness they deserve!Certified as an Angel Therapy Practitioner®, Kathy’s miraculous gift of clairvoyance (seeing), clairaudience (hearing), and clairsentience (feeling) allows her to communicate with angels, spirit guides, and loves ones who have passed over and provide healing and validation to clients all over the world through spiritual messages. Navigating the Clickety Clack: How to Live a Peace-Filled Life in a Seemingly Toxic World – Volume 2, features an exciting new lineup of highly acclaimed leaders in their respective industries including Kathy Bradley, author, teacher, consciousness facilitator, Reiki Master Teacher, and Angel Therapy Practitioner®, NY Times best-selling authors and Law of Attraction experts Marie Diamond and Dr. Joe Vitale, also featured in the worldwide phenomenon and hit movie and book, The Secret, and Adam Markel, #1 Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Los Angeles Times, and Publisher’s Weekly best-selling author and TEDx speaker. Contributing authors, whose stories will help readers acquire ways to begin incorporating peace back into their lives, include Phyllis Marlene Benstein, Cindy Costley, Katherine Brooke-MacKenzie, Gwen Lepard, Dario Cucci, Brian Evans, Naomi Gillespie, Deanna Hansen, Brigitte Keane, Lidia Kuleshnyk, Jason Daveon Mitchell, Cassie Schwind, Jennifer Sprague, Linda Tan, Lisa Warner, and Leslie Warren.Many may still wonder about the term “clickety-clack”. This phrase was coined by Fletch Rainey, spiritual mentor to Keith Leon S., and his wife Maura. To Rainey, the clickety clack symbolized periods of uncertainty that individuals generally experience throughout life. To illustrate the caption, Rainey described a scenario of a child riding a ten-speed bike emphasizing the moment where the child needs to change gears. During that moment of gear change, the bike would make a sound Rainey referred to as a clickety-clack. As a child, this sound is no cause for worry, however, and the journey continues uninterrupted by not even a moment of doubt.As billions globally are continuing to search for assurance from a world that previously provided such hope and opportunity, Navigating the Clickety Clack: How to Live a Peace-Filled Life in a Seemingly Toxic World- Volume 2, promises readers will receive notable insights from experts, become armed to embrace a more rewarding life both personally and professionally, thrive in moments of clickety clack, learn to make better choices for their emotional and spiritual health, uncover new opportunities for adding in peace and abundance, and become a master at replacing doubt with certainty! Fascinating contributions by Kathy Bradley will encourage readers to dig deeper, motivate them to push past intimidating barriers that hold them back, and become inspired to seek a life of unlimited possibilities!   ####ABOUT THE INDUSTRY LEADERKathy Bradley, is a best-selling author, consciousness facilitator, and founder of Kathy Bradley and the Angels. As a successful business owner for more than 25 years, Kathy shares her insights, techniques, and guidance, inspiring her many clients to awaken to their true divine path and purpose. She provides practical tools to assist in consciously navigating the changing times into the New Paradigm. The teachings offered are short and simple to use and are specifically designed for those with busy lives to effortlessly attract the experiences they desire. The information she shares is a culmination of her studies, personal experiences, and channeling. Kathy is a seasoned lecturer, offering bespoke programs promoting growth, healing, and conscious living. Her Empowerment Process provides a platform and structure to awaken and guide individuals in game-changing transformation leading to a more peaceful, happy, fulfilling life, and releasing fear, limitation, stress, anxiety, and worry. Kathy is married to her husband of thirty-seven years and happily lives on the eastern end of Long Island. 
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