#The Social Golfer Open
untilthenexttee · 1 year
Under the beautiful skies of Surrey’s Bletchingley Golf Club, the members of The Social Golfer, an online golf club, gathered for their 14th annual major championship – The SOCIAL GOLFER OPEN 2023. This year’s event held extra significance as it marked the partnership between the community-based website, handicapping platform and Uganda’s AFRIYEA Golf Academy. In a unique celebration of their…
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valvemaan · 4 months
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-by sum chick named val
Im actually so desperate I WILL do art trades for golfer art
Q&A's are always open except for NSFW asks and personal stuff. Anonymous asks are welcome, too. And in either Spanish or English. You can also submit requests for quick drawings or lil fanfics—(but those fanfics’ll be published on my alternative account: Valvmama). I don't mind shipping, do whatever you will but just know that I'm not gonna be the big supplier for any ship works or artworks that you're gonna wanna see. If I do any shipping content that's on my own time and interest.
I don't have any sort of posting schedule or mainly routine, but what I'll list out is my other socials with different sort of works I put on the platform. Newgrounds and Instagram are for complete works, and my Ao3 (ofc) is for my legitimate fanfics. (As well was wattpad, buuuut I don't use that as much anymore because ykw it's just been downhill from 2019 and we're heading towards a fukin cliff)
Ng— https://valvemaan.newgrounds.com/
insta— https://www.instagram.com/valvemaan/
ao3— https://archiveofourown.org/users/SecretValve
I post everything on Tumblr, for every fandom I'm in and will. So it's a bit of a mess. Ciao.
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isaacapatow · 1 year
@reneebrxndxn * the links
"I bet you knew a lot of golfers," Ike said. It was mostly to break the tension. Renee'd been kept up the night before looking after some barfy flu-ridden kids, so far as Ike could tell, so he'd insisted that she sleep on the drive -- and if that gave him a break from weathering her stony stares, well, that was just a bonus.
But they'd parked on the far side of the gated golf community from their destination, next to the course where there was just one of those tall nets to keep golf balls from dinging passing cars, and they had a ways to hoof it so now there was plenty of room to talk. Ike cut open the fence and held it for Renee to get through; he pushed through their tightly-bundled duffel bags after her and then himself.
"Having money and all. Your kind of thing, huh, princess? Or at least your social bracket. Though I could see you as one'a them lady golfers, with the--" he raised a hand over the crown of his head, whirling it, "--the high really tight ponytails and a visor cap." He squinted at her. "Yeeeeeah, you'd be one'a those, all right."
Whether or not Renee golfed or didn't golf or hated golf or won golf tournaments wasn't really the point. It was something to talk about, or at least for Ike to natter on about. It was a long walk ahead.
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universitypenguin · 2 years
I love how Lloyd considers himself princess’s best friend! It warms my heart to see his cold facade melt with her and how warmly he regards her. She brings out the good in him. I wanted to know do they have little friend dates/outings to the movies or grab ice cream together or maybe try new restaurants that have just opened up? Do you think the other boys crashed those little dates (not counting the time after she and Lloyd first began their affair 😜). Also, would princess introduce Lloyd to some of her friends outside of work?
I definitely think they have friend dates!
Lloyd isn't the most social person in the world, and Princess is much more extraverted. One way to think of introversion/extraversion is to consider if someone is more focused on people or if their mind is more preoccupied by ideas and concepts. By this definition, Lloyd is an introvert who has extraverted qualities because he's so confident. Princess is a genuine extravert. She's focused on the people she meets and less consumed with abstract ideas.
So, when she joined the firm, she decided to spend lots of time getting Lloyd to open up. It's important to get him out of the house, you know. She lets Lloyd teach her golf. This is a massive fail. However, they have great iced tea and sandwiches at the club house, which she does enjoy. Lloyd accepts that Princess will never be much of a golfer and suggests they try something different.
Princess takes him paddle boarding at a rental place in Georgetown. It turns out he's really good at it. She... manages to figure it out. Lloyd has to jump in and rescue her twice that first day. Now, they go paddle boarding at least twice every summer. When he decides to take the office's health challenge and run a 5k, she goes with him on Saturday afternoon runs. This is where they demo the strategy of her renting a bike and riding along with him while he runs.
Princess enjoys riding along with him. While she likes physical activity in general, she isn't into super hard exercise. Everything in moderation! She also appreciates how safe she feels biking around the park while he's with her. Plus, she has an excuse for sticking to a slower pace when he's jogging along. Lloyd likes to listen to her talk while he's running. He gets to know a lot of office gossip during these training sessions. He's into hard exercise, so he can't really say much back and she controls the conversation. (Because Lloyd Hansen does not run at a conversational pace, ever. He wants to be struggling and drenched in sweat by the end. He's after those endorphins.)
Princess finds it enjoyable to lead the conversation. Since Lloyd is her best friend, it's comfortable for her to simply tell him everything. During work he's so focused and on-task that she doesn't have enough time to just talk. When they're done he showers and takes her out for dinner and a movie. He's very amused at how comfortable she is cuddling with him at the theatre, even though he isn't her boyfriend. But he loves holding her so much he doesn't mention it. For years, he can't admit even to himself, how tempting it is to lean in for a kiss during one of these "dates." However, the fear of ruining their friendship which means so much to him, keeps him from following through.
Of course, these two idiots are hopelessly in love, so it's only a matter of time before the other shoe dropped.
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scotianostra · 2 years
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Tommy Morris had his first recorded outing at the Perth Open Tournament in April, 1864. He was 12 years old and arrived with his father intent upon playing in the big event. The committee, however, considered that "his close connection with the game paternally" rendered him ineligible to play in the amateur part of the tournament; not being a professional either, he was debarred from taking part at all. It is hardly surprising that he was refused entry to the professional competition. Win or lose, the presence of a 12-year-old in the field could be an embarrassment to the professionals and would hardly add stature to the event.
Tom Morris won after a play-off with Willie Park (Tom was the game's most eminent player and Park his biggest rival, from the Musselburgh links), but in spite of being barred, it was the young Tommy who really stole the show. The organisers were sympathetic to Tommy's exclusion and they set up a match between him and William Greig, who was considered at the time to be the best boy player, at Perth. Tommy at once gave notice of the skill and style that was shortly to outclass all other players of his day and propel him to the very summit of golf. A contemporary newspaper reported:
"But perhaps the most interesting match of the day was between Master Morris, son of the redoubtable 'Tom', and Master William Greig of, as it seems, Perth juvenile golfing celebrity. They really are wonderful players, for their years, both of them. We had no idea that very-young-Perth could produce so proficient a golfer as Mr Greig. He played with astonishing neatness and precision, but the honours of the day were in store for his competitor. Master Morris seems to have been both born and bred to golf. He has been cast in the very mould of a golfer and plays with all the steadiness and certainty in embryo of his father."
The local press devoted more space to Tommy's exploits than to the tournament proper, and much was subsequently written about his performance. A silver collection was raised from the crowd that followed the boys which, as the newspaper reported, "exceeded the numbers following the principal players".
In that first public appearance, Tommy was already conveying his infectious excitement to the game and his dash and vigour made him a spectacle. It was something he would learn to use to best advantage in the years to come for he, more than anyone, was responsible for capturing the imagination of the public and turning golf into a popular spectator sport.
If Tommy ever gave any thought to an occupation outside golf it did not last long. His roots and his life were inextricably linked with golf and his flowering in the game was as inevitable as summer following spring. In 1866 Tommy really started to bloom.
The gentlemen of the Royal and Ancient were noticing his play at St Andrews and, although they did not yet invite him to partner them in matches, it was thought that he brought a new style of play to the game. (The wealthy members, of social high standing, of the famous club at St Andrews would call upon the services of professionals as foursomes partners).
The graceful sweep or swing of the club that the early writers so much admired was not something that Tommy pretended to. He swung the club with a flourish and a dash, the like of which had not been seen before. The Rev W Proudfoot of St Andrews wrote: "Tommy was the embodiment of masterful energy. Every muscle of his well-knit frame seemed summoned into service. He stood well back from the ball, and with dashing, pressing, forceful style of driving, which seldom failed, sent it whizzing on its far and sure flight."
His swing was quick and wristy. He hit the ball hard and when he needed it to go further he hit it harder. It was said that he could break a shaft with the force of his preliminary waggle on addressing the ball. He accepted no conventions and created a variety of shots hitherto unknown. The rut iron, a club with a very small, lofted head that most players carried to extricate the ball from ruts or rabbit scrapes, he used to great effect, floating the ball up to the flag in a wide variety of approach strokes.
t is from the reminiscences of Bob Ferguson, a contemporary rival (and winner of three Open Championships in the 1880s), partner and admirer of Tommy Morris, that we have the best overall account of Tommy's play, particularly his devastating putting. Ferguson, who regarded his rival with great affection and held him in some esteem, insisted that Tommy was the greatest player in the world and the finest golfer he ever played against. After suffering a heavy defeat at Luffness, Ferguson remarked that he had never seen golf played like it. "Time and time again," he said, "Tommy would make his putt and watch the ball progress towards the hole with the words to his caddie, 'Pick it out the hole, laddie'."
In 1868 Tommy won his first Champion's Belt with the phenomenal score of 154, eight strokes better than the previous best. His father took second place, three strokes adrift. The outcome of this Championship is remarkable: for the first, and almost certainly last time, a son and his father took first and second places respectively in the Open. Tommy was 17 and his father 47.
Tommy won the Belt again in 1869 with a score of 157, 11 strokes ahead of Bob Kirk in second place. The field at Prestwick was small, perhaps due to the acceptance of Tommy's invincibility. The excitement was undoubtedly about Tommy's hole-in-one in the first round at the 8th, the 166-yard Station Hole. It was the first recorded in the Open Championship. Tommy was breaking new ground in every respect.
The 1870 competition for the Belt was Tommy's greatest challenge, because a third straight victory would give him the trophy outright. He prepared well, travelling the length and breadth of the country playing competitive golf, and his progress was extensively covered in the press. He went down to Westward Ho! in Devon, then to London, at Blackheath. On his way north, he went to the Liverpool Golf Club at Hoylake, the course that his uncle, George, had laid out and his cousin, Jack, had been left to look after. When, in May, he went round the St Andrews Links in 77, equalling Jamie Anderson's course record, his supremacy was widely noted.
It is the consideration of the course, and the equipment, that confounds and amazes. The heads of the wooden clubs were, by today's standards, not at all conducive to sending the ball a long way and the irons had no markings on the face, so backspin was virtually impossible. The performance of hand-hammered gutta balls was substantially less than the revolutionary rubber-cored ball introduced at the start of the 20th century, and a world away from today's high-technology balls.
Even with the availability of the horse-drawn mower, the fairways were little more than rough tracks of grass interspersed with whin bushes on both sides. Bunkers were naturally sandy scrapes, or simply huge sand dunes, pitted with rabbit holes, completely unkempt and untended in any way. The greens were in general no better than today's fairways and would be derided by today's golfers. Playing the St Andrews course in 77 strokes in 1870 is an achievement probably unsurpassed in the game.
It is clear from newspaper accounts that Tommy Morris had achieved sporting celebrity status. His travels and the coverage he was attracting were responsible for the increase in the size of the 1870 field for the Champion's Belt. Prestwick considered him a favourite son (he had spent his early life there when Tom was in charge of the Prestwick links) and equally clear that Tommy relished his popularity there.
The crowd that flocked to see the competition was huge, the like of which would not be seen again for many years. Complaints about the spectators were many and vociferous, the newspapers opining that the majority were "clearly completely new to the sport" and "decidedly unruly in most part". It did not affect Tommy in the slightest. His first round of 12 holes in 47 strokes, taking into account the clubs, the gutta ball and the rudimentary greenkeeping of the day, is arguably the greatest ever played.
Tommy's score was never bettered for as long as the gutta ball was in use. If his play at many of the holes merits a eulogy, then his three at the opening hole, a mighty 510 yards generally held to be a par six, with hickory clubs and a gutta ball, deserves an anthem. Even walking the links as they are today, one is left awe-struck.
Tommy built on his first-round lead for a total of 149 to win by 12 strokes, leaving the press of the day, as well as the rest of the field, stunned. Tommy had won the Challenge Belt for the last time; his third successive win made the Belt his personal property, and it would come to be replaced by the Claret Jug that is still played for today.
The celebrations in Prestwick continued in St Andrews. When he returned there, his friends carried Tommy shoulder high from the train, all the way up the links and into Mr Leslie's Golf Inn, where an enthusiastic reception awaited them.
The next time such a crowd would turn out in honour of Tommy Morris, it was for his funeral.
This extract is adapted from a book, Tom Morris of St Andrews, The Colossus of Golf, by David Malcolm and Peter E Crabtree.
Tom Morris, who presided over the greatest period in the development of golf, and his prodigiously gifted son won eight of the first 12 Open Championships between them, and are still respectively the oldest and youngest players to have won the Open. Tom was the first golf professional, arguably the first to build and design a course from scratch, and his development of the Old Course at St Andrews – venue for the 150th Open earlier this year– made it the most famous golfing arena in the world. Tom Morris's life was a remarkable blend of triumph and tragedy, marked by the early death of Tommy at the age of 24. Tom outlived all his sons and daughters, as well as his wife.
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Healing Torn Tendons Non Surgically
If you have Tennis Elbow or Golfer’s Elbow and you find out you have a tear in your tendon – Is it possible to recover without surgery?
And are there any less-invasive alternatives to full, open surgery if, in fact, you do need some medical intervention?
In this podcast episode, Allen Willette, from Tennis Elbow Classroom answers these and other questions related to tendons tears – Specifically related to these particular elbow injuries, including:
How tears diagnosed in the first place
The different types of tears
The prospect of healing different degrees of severity and what they probably require
The less-invasive alternatives to surgery, including ProloTherapy, PRP and Stem Cell Therapy
Two “lessor” surgical procedures, Tenex and TenJet that can be performed rapidly under local anesthesia
And for the full article, visit:
Healing Tendon Tears Without Surgery [Article]
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gerry-falletta · 2 days
Across the Field and Fairway: A Deep Dive into the World of Competitive Sports from Soccer to Golf
Competitive sports encompass a vast array of activities, each with its unique characteristics, rules, and cultures. From the team-centric dynamism of soccer to the individual precision of golf, these sports offer diverse experiences that attract millions of participants and spectators worldwide. This exploration delves into the intricate world of competitive sports, focusing on two widely popular yet distinctly different games: soccer and golf.
Soccer: The Global Game
Soccer, known as football outside North America, is arguably the most popular sport in the world, engaging fans across every continent. The game’s simplicity and the minimal equipment requirements contribute to its widespread appeal. At its core, soccer involves two teams of eleven players each, competing to score goals by getting a ball into the opposing team's net, using any part of the body except the hands and arms.
The Appeal of Soccer
Soccer’s popularity stems from its ability to bring communities together, whether they are playing in a dusty alley in a small village or a state-of-the-art stadium during the FIFA World Cup. The sport is celebrated for its fluid gameplay and the creativity it allows. Players like Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo have elevated the game to an art form, demonstrating skills that captivate and inspire fans around the globe.
Competitive Structure
The competitive structure of soccer varies from domestic leagues like the English Premier League and Spain’s La Liga to international tournaments such as the UEFA Champions League and the World Cup. These competitions showcase high levels of skill, strategy, and teamwork, making soccer a sport of intense drama and excitement.
Golf: A Game of Precision and Etiquette
Golf contrasts sharply with soccer, focusing on individual skill, precision, and etiquette. Originating from ancient games played in the kingdoms of Scotland, golf has evolved into a sophisticated sport known for its tranquil playing environments and rigorous adherence to etiquette.
The Unique Nature of Golf
Golf is played on courses consisting of either 9 or 18 holes. Each hole must be completed by hitting a ball from a tee area towards the green, the area where the actual hole is located, using as few strokes as possible. Golf challenges players not only physically but mentally, as strategic thinking is required to navigate variable terrains and weather conditions.
Competitive Golf
The world of competitive golf is governed by organizations like the United States Golf Association (USGA) and the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St Andrews (R&A). Major tournaments, including The Masters, The U.S. Open, The British Open, and The PGA Championship, are highly prestigious and offer intense competition. Golfers like Tiger Woods and Jack Nicklaus have become legendary figures, known not just for their skill and victories but also for their sportsmanship and integrity.
Comparative Dynamics
Team vs. Individual Focus
One of the fundamental differences between soccer and golf is the team versus individual focus. Soccer requires coordination and cooperation within a team setting, where players must work harmoniously to achieve a common goal. In contrast, golf is primarily a solitary sport in which the competition is against the course, the elements, and oneself.
Physical and Mental Demands
While both sports require a high level of physical fitness, soccer emphasizes cardiovascular endurance, agility, and physical contact more. Meanwhile, golf demands more in terms of precision, control, and strategic foresight. Mentally, both sports require focus and psychological resilience but manifest in different forms: soccer under the pressure of a running clock and an active opponent and golf under the need for calmness and meticulous planning.
Cultural and Social Impact
Soccer’s widespread appeal has made it a powerful tool for social and cultural expression. It has the power to unite nations and can reflect societal tensions. Golf, with its rules on etiquette and its traditionalist nature, often mirrors societal values concerning discipline and respect.
Exploring competitive sports such as soccer and golf reveals not just the physical and mental skills required but also the cultural significance of these activities. Each sport offers a unique window into human interaction, societal values, and personal challenges. Whether it’s the team-based, fast-paced action of soccer or the individual, contemplative precision of golf, competitive sports serve as a compelling illustration of human excellence and passion. This exploration not only highlights the differences and similarities between these sports but also celebrates the diverse ways people come together to compete, learn, and grow.
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noisycowboyglitter · 8 days
Golfing Bliss: A Good Day Starts With Golf Carts and Beer
Picture this: The sun peeks over the horizon, casting a warm glow across the dewy grass of a sprawling golf course. As the mist lifts, the familiar hum of golf carts fills the air, signaling the start of a perfect day. For many enthusiasts, there's no better way to begin than combining the leisurely sport of golf with the refreshing taste of an ice-cold beer.
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Golf carts, once mere conveniences, have become an integral part of the golfing experience. These zippy vehicles not only transport players and their clubs across the green but also serve as mobile social hubs. Friends gather around carts between holes, sharing laughs and cracking open a cold one to celebrate a great shot or commiserate over a missed putt.
The addition of beer to this equation elevates the entire outing. A crisp lager or a hoppy IPA can take the edge off a challenging course, helping players relax and enjoy the game's social aspects. It's not about getting tipsy on the fairway, but rather savoring the moment and the company of fellow golfers.
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This combination epitomizes leisure and relaxation for many. It represents a break from the daily grind, a chance to unwind and reconnect with friends in a picturesque setting. Whether you're a seasoned pro or a weekend warrior, starting your day with golf carts and beer promises good times and lasting memories.
Craft beer enthusiasts are always on the hunt for new and exciting brews, making them the perfect recipients for thoughtful, beer-themed gifts. A curated selection of limited-edition or hard-to-find craft beers from local microbreweries is sure to delight any hophead. For a more lasting gift, consider high-quality glassware designed to enhance the tasting experience, such as tulip glasses or snifters.
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Homebrewing kits are ideal for those looking to dive deeper into the world of craft beer, allowing them to create their own unique brews. Beer-infused foods like hop-flavored chocolates or beer-based condiments offer a tasty twist on familiar flavors.
For the fashion-conscious beer lover, brewery-themed apparel or accessories make great conversation starters. Books on beer history, brewing techniques, or beer and food pairings can expand their knowledge and appreciation of craft beer.
Lastly, a subscription to a craft beer club ensures a steady stream of new and exciting brews throughout the year, keeping the craft beer adventure alive.
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Trailblazers of the Green: Celebrating the Rise and Impact of Women in Golf
A History Rooted in Determination
Women's golf has a rich and inspiring history. The roots of female participation in golf can be traced back to the late 19th century when pioneers like Lady Margaret Scott and Issette Pearson were breaking down barriers. These women paved the way for future generations by demonstrating that golf was not only a man's game but a sport where women could also excel.
Lady Scott, in particular, won the first three British Ladies Amateur Golf Championships (1893-1895), which was the only major event available for women at the time. Despite limited opportunities, these early trailblazers ignited the passion for golf in women across the globe, setting the stage for the growth we witness today.
Breaking Barriers and Shattering Stereotypes
In the early 20th century, women took their place on the golf course, but it wasn't until the formation of the Ladies Professional Golf Association (LPGA) in 1950 that female golfers gained greater recognition. The LPGA, founded by legends like Babe Zaharias, Patty Berg, and Louise Suggs, created a professional platform for women golfers to showcase their talents.
Zaharias, a multi-sport athlete and Olympic gold medalist, became a household name in golf. Her trailblazing spirit, along with others in the LPGA, broke down traditional stereotypes and proved that women could be just as skilled and competitive as men on the golf course.
This era witnessed many firsts, with women not only excelling but also challenging the notion that golf was an exclusively male domain.
A Surge in Popularity: The Modern Era
Fast forward to the 21st century, and the growth of women's golf has been nothing short of spectacular. Athletes like Annika Sörenstam, Lorena Ochoa, and Inbee Park have become global icons, raising the profile of women's golf to unprecedented heights.
Sörenstam's dominance in the early 2000s, including ten major championship wins and over 90 international tournament victories, revolutionized the sport. Her decision to compete in a men's PGA event in 2003 further highlighted her talent and determination, inspiring countless women to pursue professional golf careers.
Today, women's golf is booming, with the LPGA attracting more fans and sponsors and major tournaments like the ANA Inspiration and the U.S. Women's Open growing in prestige. Modern technology, social media, and increased media coverage have amplified the sport's reach, giving female golfers a platform to shine and connect with fans worldwide.
Inspiring the Next Generation of Female Golfers
The impact of today's female golfers extends far beyond their success on the course. Many players are role models and ambassadors for the game, inspiring young girls to take up golf and pursue their dreams. Programs like LPGA*USGA Girls Golf have been instrumental in introducing golf to younger audiences and promoting inclusion.
Players like Lexi Thompson and Brooke Henderson continue to inspire the next generation with their talent, sportsmanship, and dedication. They are not only successful athletes but also advocates for gender equality and empowerment in sports. Through mentorship and community outreach, these golfers are helping to create pathways for young women to thrive in a traditionally male-dominated sport.
The Economic Impact of Women’s Golf
Beyond inspiring a new generation of players, women's golf's rise has had a significant economic impact on the sport as a whole. With increasing sponsorships, partnerships, and prize money, women's golf has become a lucrative industry.
Significant brands like Rolex, KPMG, and CME Group have recognized the value of supporting female golfers, and their involvement has led to higher purses and more significant financial opportunities for players. The CME Group Tour Championship, for example, now boasts a $7 million purse, one of the largest in women's golf.
This surge in investment and support has elevated the visibility of women's golf, making it more attractive for aspiring players and helping bridge the gap between men's and women's sports in terms of pay and sponsorships.
Women’s Golf in the Global Spotlight
The international nature of women's golf cannot be ignored. From Asia to Europe, the sport has gained massive popularity across continents, with players from South Korea, Sweden, and Thailand becoming dominant forces in the LPGA.
In particular, South Korean golfers have had an immense influence on the sport, with stars like Inbee Park, Se Ri Pak, and So Yeon Ryu becoming household names. Their success has sparked a golf boom in South Korea, leading to the development of world-class talent and a deeper global appreciation for women's golf.
This globalization of the sport has not only diversified the playing field but also created exciting rivalries and stories that captivate fans worldwide.
The Future of Women's Golf: A Bright Horizon
As women's golf continues to grow in popularity, its future looks incredibly bright. There are ongoing efforts to increase visibility, improve accessibility, and promote gender equality in the sport. Initiatives like equal pay and improved media coverage are essential to ensuring that female golfers receive the recognition they deserve.
The sport is also becoming more inclusive, with growing diversity among players and more opportunities for women of all backgrounds to participate. With continued support from fans, sponsors, and the golf community, women's golf is poised to reach even greater heights.
Women's golf is no longer in the shadow of its male counterpart. It has blossomed into a vibrant, competitive, and inspiring sport that celebrates female athletes for their talent, perseverance, and impact on the global sports landscape.
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coreofgold · 2 months
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Go for gold!! Montgomery "Monty" Gator vs the Olympics
which game(s) would your character compete in for the olympics? – for a list of games, click here & here If they'll allow him to box with his robotic limbs, he'd be boxing for sure
how would they likely rank in their event(s)? See I want to say gold because his robotic limbs would give him an advantage, but he might get disqualified for fighting whoever would stop him early.
does your muse have a supernatural ability that could aid them? if so, how would they use them? Why they aren't supernatural, his robotic limbs would increase his strength and would break any bone with one hard kick and punch.
if your muse isn't a skilled athlete, what sport(s) do they wish that they were able to play? He probably wouldn't do anything else. He's more into music and the rockstar lifestyle.
if your muse wouldn't compete, what would be their favorite sport(s) to watch? would they prefer to watch in person or on tv if given the choice? Probably boxing, judo and taekwondo. He gets bored watching other sports unless people are beating each other up
if they come from a fictional country or world, what might their opening ceremony uniform look like? He's coming in his striped golfer pants, boots, probably shirtless and with a boa and his star sunglasses. He has no cares on what to wear
what would their personal trading pin look like? It would be a Monty Gator pin, meaning him in his animatronic form.
what would their social media presence be like throughout the games? He would record himself training and backstage stuff as well as playing the bass because music never stops
would they go viral on olympic tiktok? if so, what for? I can see the headlines as "Boxing Athlete Montgomery "Monty" Gator has been caught sneaking out in order to go to the Red-Light District and Dance".
what would your muse like or dislike about the olympic village? He wishes there was more booze.
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scotlandgolftour2024 · 2 months
Sunday, Day 3, July 7, 2024
We got to play our first round of golf this morning.  We played the Alisa at Turnberry.
First, if you read my post of yesterday, you heard about my delayed golf bag.  Well, luck and fate was on my side (along with our outstanding driver, Joe Marshall).  Joe showed up very early at the Glasgow airport and, despite the baggage company worker calling in sick, found another person with a key, entered their office and retrieved Gordon’s and my golf bag and drove an hour back to Turnberry with our clubs.  He arrived 20 minutes before our tee time.  He was our hero.
We teed off in 2 groups at 10 a.m. with 8 caddies in tow.  The first group was Johnny and the Young Guys (sounds like a band?).  The Young Guys were Taylor, Todd and Tim.  Our second group consisted of Jim H., Jim T., Gordon and myself.  Jim H. was given the former caddie master, Willie, who was a true professional caddie.  My caddy was Lee.
The golf course was gorgeous and exceeded our expectations.  It was a typical links golf course.  Gorge in the rough, with heather in the fields and traps everywhere (just ask JB).  The holes along the sea were remarkable, especially, Holes 9, 10 and 11.  While no one broke the course record, there were several lateral shots (that dreaded S word) from Todd, Gordon and myself and there were also several lost golf balls contributed to the local economy.
After golf, the Young Guys played another 18 holes (same 9 twice) on the alternate short course.  They got to use a buggy (i.e., a golf cart).  Jim H. Jim T and I went to the spa and sat in the hot tub and alternated jumping in the cold indoor swimming pool.  The spa is world class, just like the hotel.
Before dinner, we met for drinks and encountered several great new friends.  I met a golf pro (on the European Tour) and his girlfriend (a blogger, for “a couple of golfers”).  They were from London.  Next, we met a local member of the club, who entertained us with his Marlon Brando immitation. The video is too large to post on this site, so I will try to post it on my social media pages.
For dinner, we ate on the property at the Duel In the Sun restaurant (name for the famous golf battle between Tom Watson and Jack Nicklaus at The Open in 1977). Most of us ate local fish and chips and it was great.
We ended the day at the hotel bar.  Tomorrow, we are playing Western Gailes (about 40 miles north) and then driving to Edinburgh to continue our venture.
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suresportstakers · 3 months
Just in: Justin Timberlake Is Opening a super luxurious Sports Bar with Tiger Woods
Screenshot The pop star and golfer will transform an old movie theater into a venue called T-Squared Social Just weeks after Justin Timberlake was arrested for drunk driving, the pop star has been granted permission to begin the planning stages for opening a “luxury” sports bar in Scotland. As reported by the BBC, Timberlake and golfing legend Tiger Woods (who had a DUI arrest of his own in…
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golflounge · 3 months
DGV Membership: Your Key to Success in 2024
The DGV is not just a golf association, and joining the German Golf Association has its perks because it opens up a whole world of possibilities for all levels. A DGV (Christmas Golf Federation) membership guarantees that your golf experience is by far the best it can be, whether you are still a beginner or an experienced player. It explains why membership in DGV will be your ticket to success during the upcoming 2024.
1. Top-Rated Golf Courses
DGV membership also gives you access to a network of more than 700 golf clubs and courses in Germany. These courses are renowned for their proper care and outstanding services, thereby providing the most effective golfing experience. No matter if you are more into 9 or even the full feature set of 18 holes, there is a match for all clubs affiliated with DGV.
2. Exclusive Member Benefits
DGV members benefit from a wide range of exclusive advantages such as reduced green fees, discounts on equipment, and golf fashion. Clubs frequently host member-exclusive social gatherings, tournaments, and events which leave plenty of chances for you to develop relationships with like-minded golfers. Members are also subject to preferential booking rights and will have access to a wide array of premium services at DGV-affiliated clubs.
3. Handicap Management
The single greatest benefit of DGV membership is its sanctioned handicap system. Your DGV membership grants you an accurate handicap, which is valid in all affiliated clubs. This will be the standardized system by which you can compete at tournaments and matches with everyone - on a local, as well as national level.
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4. Comprehensive Insurance Coverage
All DGV members are also insured via a comprehensive insurance scheme that covers the legal responsibility that may arise from their associated golf activities. That coverage is generally personal liability, accidents, and equipment damage. Here are some different types to give you peace of mind when you hit the course. This peace of mind permits you to concentrate on enhancing your game and playing.
5. Training and Development Programs
DGV-affiliated clubs provide a variety of camps and clinics for players who wish to raise their level. Ranging from coaching with professional golfers and junior Golf Academies to themed training camps. With these resources at your fingertips, you can fine-tune what works (and understand why), better develop the aspects of play that don't come so naturally to you, and epitomize a path toward an overall exceptional golf game.
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6. Participation in Tournaments and Competitions
All DGV members can participate in tournaments and competitions offered during the entire year. There are events from local club championships to national tournaments for golfers of every level. You may learn about other passionate golfers, which assists in honing the competitive element.
7. Networking Opportunities
Golf is a game and more importantly, it is also an activity to connect with people on many levels. Being a DGV member allows you to interact with other goal-oriented individuals and work together with business professionals, community leaders, etc. Golf is a game where the relationships you make on the golf course can extend beyond just that, into personal and professional opportunities.
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8. Stay Updated with Golf News and Trends
Sign up for DGV membership now and stay current on everything that is happening in the golf world. That said, members get newsletters and magazines on events around the globe as well as new courses and patterns in the industry. Being up to date not only gets the best value from your membership but keeps you in touch with what is happening around a broader golfing community.
9. Supporting the Growth of Golf
To become a DGV member, you automatically support the development of golf in Germany. Rates built through membership fees also help support junior golf programs, enable course investments, and allow for the growth of the game as a healthy lifestyle outlet. Your subscription will help initiatives that have been projected to continue the success of golf for future generations.
DGV membership does not link you to the sport, it's an investment in your golfing future. From exclusively suitable fees, benefits programs, all-around insurance, and numerous training opportunities up to the DGV - membership gets you this year on track. DGV membership gives you the resources and community to take your game further —whether that means playing in tournaments, getting better at disc, or just enjoying all things fun. Join DGV now, and play to your full potential.
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sallyyty · 3 months
Discovering the Perks of Golf Club Membership in Singapore
Golf enthusiasts in Singapore seeking the pinnacle of membership experiences need not look further. The realm of country club membership in Singapore opens doors to a plethora of opportunities, from perfecting your swing on lush greens to hosting memorable events in exquisite function rooms. Let's delve into the essential facets of golf club membership in Singapore and uncover the treasures awaiting avid golfers.
Exploring Golf Club Membership in Singapore
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Embarking on the journey of golf club membership in Singapore unveils a realm of exclusive privileges and unparalleled experiences. Whether you're a seasoned player or a budding enthusiast, the allure of prestigious golf clubs beckons with promises of immaculate fairways and top-notch amenities.
Country Club Membership in Singapore: A Gateway to Luxury
A country club membership in Singapore isn't merely about golf; it's a ticket to a lifestyle steeped in luxury and refinement. Beyond the greens, members are treated to a smorgasbord of indulgences, including fine dining, spa retreats, and recreational activities tailored for the discerning connoisseur.
The Allure of Function Room Rental in Singapore
For those special occasions demanding an elegant venue, function room rental in Singapore's esteemed golf clubs offers a blend of sophistication and convenience. Whether it's a corporate event or a milestone celebration, these venues exude charm, providing the perfect backdrop for unforgettable moments.
Tailored Experiences for Every Golfer
Golf club membership in Singapore caters to a diverse array of preferences, ensuring there's something for everyone. Some even have a function room for rental in Singapore. Whether you relish the challenge of championship courses or prefer leisurely rounds amidst scenic landscapes, these clubs boast facilities designed to elevate your golfing experience to new heights.
Unparalleled Networking Opportunities
Beyond the confines of the fairways, golf club membership in Singapore fosters invaluable networking opportunities. Rubbing shoulders with fellow enthusiasts and industry elites can pave the way for meaningful connections, both on and off the course, enriching both your personal and professional life.
Wellness Oasis Amidst Greens
Amidst the hustle and bustle of city life, golf club membership in Singapore provides a sanctuary for wellness enthusiasts. Pamper yourself with rejuvenating spa treatments, invigorating fitness classes, and serene relaxation areas designed to melt away stress and rejuvenate the mind, body, and soul. Embrace holistic wellness amidst lush greens and elevate your membership experience to new heights of tranquillity and vitality.
Indulge in Culinary Delights
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Country club membership in Singapore extends beyond the greens to tantalise your taste buds with culinary delights. From gourmet dining experiences to casual fare overlooking scenic vistas, these clubs boast an array of dining options to suit every palate. Whether you're craving international flavours or local delicacies, prepare to embark on a gastronomic journey like no other.
Exclusive Social Events and Activities
Beyond the allure of golf and gastronomy, country club membership in Singapore offers a calendar brimming with exclusive social events and activities. From themed parties and cultural celebrations to family-friendly gatherings, there's always something exciting on the horizon. Forge lasting bonds with fellow members as you partake in enriching experiences that transcend the confines of the club.
Elevate Your Events with Function Room Rental
When it comes to hosting events, function room rental in Singapore's golf clubs presents an irresistible proposition. With versatile spaces equipped with state-of-the-art amenities, organising gatherings becomes a seamless affair, leaving a lasting impression on guests.
For those yearning to savour the epitome of golf club membership in Singapore, look no further than the National Service Resort & Country Club. With its unrivalled blend of luxurious amenities, championship courses, and exquisite function rooms, it promises an experience like no other. Explore the realm of exclusivity today and embark on a journey replete with leisure, luxury, and lasting memories.
Reach out to us today and embark on a journey tailored for the discerning golfer.
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briantwomeydallas · 3 months
The British Open Championship: A Storied History in Golf
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The British Open Championship, often referred to simply as "The Open," is one of the most prestigious and historic tournaments in the world of golf. Established in 1860, it is the oldest of the four major championships in professional golf and is renowned for its tradition, heritage, and the challenging nature of its links courses. Let's take a journey through the rich history of The Open Championship.
The Beginnings: Prestwick and Early Years The inaugural Open Championship was held on October 17, 1860, at Prestwick Golf Club in Scotland. The event was created to determine the best golfer in the world, following the death of Allan Robertson, who was widely considered the greatest golfer of his time. The first tournament featured a field of eight professional golfers competing over three rounds of 12 holes each. Willie Park Sr. emerged as the first champion, winning the grand prize of the Challenge Belt.
For the first decade, The Open was exclusively held at Prestwick. In 1871, the tournament was not played because the Challenge Belt was retired after Tom Morris Jr. won it three times consecutively. This led to the introduction of the now-iconic Claret Jug in 1872, awarded to the winner of The Open henceforth.
Expansion and Rotation As The Open grew in popularity, it began to rotate among different courses in Scotland, England, and eventually Northern Ireland. In 1873, the championship was held at St Andrews for the first time, marking the beginning of its association with the "Home of Golf." The Royal St George's Golf Club in England became the first venue outside Scotland to host The Open in 1894.
The rotation of venues introduced new challenges and unique characteristics, making each tournament distinct. The diversity of courses, from the rugged coastline of Royal Portrush to the historic fairways of Muirfield, has contributed to the enduring allure of The Open.
The 20th Century: Global Prestige and Legendary Moments The Open Championship gained international prestige in the 20th century, attracting golfers from around the world. Legendary players like Harry Vardon, who won a record six Open titles between 1896 and 1914, and Bobby Jones, who completed the Grand Slam in 1930, elevated the tournament's status.
The post-World War II era saw the emergence of iconic champions such as Ben Hogan, who won The Open in his only appearance in 1953, and Gary Player, who became the first non-British winner of the modern era in 1959. The 1970s and 1980s featured fierce rivalries and memorable duels, with players like Jack Nicklaus, Tom Watson, and Seve Ballesteros etching their names into the history books.
The Modern Era: Tradition Meets Innovation The Open Championship continues to evolve while preserving its rich traditions. In 2019, Royal Portrush hosted The Open for the first time since 1951, reflecting the tournament's commitment to embracing its historic roots while reaching new audiences. The event also adapts to modern demands, incorporating advanced technology and enhancing fan engagement through social media and broadcast innovations.
Tiger Woods' victories in 2000, 2005, and 2006 showcased his dominance and brought renewed global attention to The Open. More recently, the triumph of Francesco Molinari in 2018, becoming the first Italian to win a major, and Shane Lowry's emotional victory at Royal Portrush in 2019 have added new chapters to The Open's illustrious history.
The Open's Legacy The British Open Championship stands as a testament to the enduring spirit of golf. Its storied past, characterized by legendary champions, iconic venues, and unforgettable moments, continues to inspire and captivate golf enthusiasts worldwide. As The Open moves forward, it remains a symbol of tradition, excellence, and the timeless appeal of the game of golf.
From the windswept links of Scotland to the historic courses of England and beyond, The Open Championship is not just a tournament; it is a celebration of golf's heritage and a showcase of its future. Whether you're a lifelong fan or a newcomer to the sport, The Open's rich history offers something for everyone, reminding us why it truly is "The Open."
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a2zsportsnews · 3 months
Brooks Koepka message to Bryson DeChambeau after US Open win, video
Brooks Koepka is tipping his hat to his one-time rival. Moments after Bryson DeChambeau secured his second U.S. Open title on Monday morning AEST in Pinehurst, Koepka posted a supportive message on social media to the newly minted two-time major champion. “Welcome to the club,” Koepka wrote on X alongside an older photograph of the golfers embracing. Koepka, 34, won back-to-back U.S. Open titles…
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