#The Strange Circumstances of Raymundo Rose
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Raymundo Rose AKA Rose Fairy Warrior AKA High school MC who is certainly not confused about his sexuality and absolutely not happy with his magical dress but maybe it’s okay because Rei, who is definitely not his crush, also wears a dress
 Read his strange circumstances and strange story here: Part 1 2 3 4 
 Art Commission by @seirui
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The Strange Circumstances of Raymundo Rose Pt. 1
Ray yawned, stretching his arms above his head. The rare warm autumn afternoons were the best for a nap in the school’s field. The soccer team didn’t have practice that Friday so he had the field to himself. With the lazy heat and the cool breeze, Ray had little desire to head home where his mom would only nag at him to do his homework. Lying on the grass in the shade of the chipped brick wall was a much better idea.
He stared at the clouds, finding odd shapes and objects. One large and stretched cloud could have been a snake or a train but a movement distracted him, accompanied by hurried steps. Ray pushed himself up onto his elbows. Two figures jogged towards him, one of them short, like a small child, pulling another student along. Ray recognized Rei easily with his beautiful hair, and beautiful features, and beautiful eyes. They shared a few classes but never really spoke to one another. Rei was too pretty and made Ray question way too much about himself. They were questions Ray avoided.
There was no time to run away and pretend Ray didn’t see them. He was the only person in sight. Taking a deep breath to mentally prepare himself, Ray stood and ruffled his short brown hair, slouching slightly to show them just how much of a cool guy he was and not at all enchanted by Rei’s mere presence. “What’s up?” he asked when they stopped in front of him.
“Hello, Ray,” Rei said in his very melodious voice that certainly didn’t carry the music of angels. “I found him wandering around the front of the school and was pulled along.”
It took all of Ray’s strength to shift his eyes from Rei to look at the boy that held onto Rei’s hand—a totally non-envious position. The boy looked to be about seven with round cheeks framed by delicate locks. His head was covered almost entirely by a knitted cap, which made Ray feel hotter than he already did. Stranger still, however, was the boy’s brilliant eyes that stared at Ray with an intensity that made him fidget. His stern gaze was difficult to take seriously when it was on his child face. However, there was something very off about this boy, more off than can be considered normal. But since he couldn’t point it out he left it alone.
“You,” the boy suddenly said, pointed at Ray. “You don’t look occupied at the moment.”
Being addressed so aggressively did not improve the Ray’s impression of the boy, especially when the boy continued to cling onto Rei’s very beautiful hand.
“Hey! How would you know?”
The boy ignored his question completely and turned to the nearest school building, darting his head left and right as he scanned it. “Okay, that’s two. Just one more. One more.”
Rei looked over at Ray with an apologetic smile that made Ray forgive him anything. “Sorry,” he said. “I think this is a game. He said he needs to find three students and meet at the rendezvous point.”
“And where’s that?”
Rei shook his head. “I don’t know. Somewhere on school grounds, I imagine.”
The boy interrupted them with a cry. “We need just one more person!”
“Well,” Rei began. “If it would help, a friend of mine might still be here, up on the third floor of this building.” Rei pointed out the English building, very old and very dull, standing in front of them.
“The third floor?” the boy asked.
“Yes. If we enter from the left side, it should be the second door on the right.”
“Third floor, second room. Let’s go!”
Ray stayed where he was even as the boy began to drag Rei with him. It didn’t take long for the boy to realize that he was missing a playmate. When he spotted Ray the boy glared at him. “What are you doing? I will be late so let’s go!”
Ray followed, and it was not because Rei’s beautiful and soft hand was around his wrist, but because he wanted this game to be over soon.
They didn’t run into many people in the near-empty building. Most students hung out in the newer math and science buildings that had working drinking fountains all of the time, and clean floors and air conditioning. Ray had trouble running up the stairs, and felt death standing behind him when he nearly slipped. It was a marvel Rei, smaller and slim, was more agile and balanced.
The boy didn’t let them rest until they were in front of door if only for the second that it took for him to throw it open. The human chain dissolved as they entered and Ray missed the warmth around his wrist, his hand unconsciously reaching out. Then he realized and snatched his hand back and pretended to be more interested in who was in the room.
Ray frowned when he saw that it was only Shane leaning back in a chair, reading a book. Shane, the most popular boy in the school and his stupid blank face that most found it mysterious, was nothing but a poser. Black hair, observant eyes, and fit body, Ray couldn’t stand this pretty boy and how his name was always on everyone’s mouth, and how he was always hanging out with Rei and he was simply stupid.
Shane didn’t move, only shifted his eyes to see who had entered. He didn’t say anything, just waited for the others to explain.
The boy wasted no time in rushing forward and slammed his small hand on the desk. Shane, like the “cool” guy he pretended to be, didn’t react. “This is no time to be reading,” the boy exclaimed. “We’re in a hurry!”
Ray slinked forward to the boy. “Can’t we, you know, find someone else?” He spoke in a low voice but couldn't care less if Shane heard.
“There’s no time!” With fast movement he snatched the book—though meticulous in picking up the bookmark from the desk to save Shane’s place—and took hold of his hand to start running again. They were out the door and out of sight fast.
Rei laughed as he shrugged at Ray, beautiful eyes solely for Ray. “We’ve come this far.”
Coughing into his fist, Ray shrugged back. “Um, yeah, sure. Why not.”
Back down the stairs, out of the building, and along the school fence, they ran towards the far side. Ray recalled the dead end behind the math building. The dead end, however, wasn’t empty.
Beyond Shane’s irritating, flowing locks blowing in the wind without ever getting tangled were three others waiting for them. Squinting, Ray saw that it was actually four people. A child, suspiciously similar to the boy that was ordering them around, sat on top a person’s shoulders.
“NO!” the boy cried out as he came to a stop. “How? Why? I run faster than you!”
The child slouching over Midra’s head yawned and blinked down at him with tired eyes. “How should I know?” she said.
Ray looked between the two kids. They looked exactly the same, wearing similar clothes and cap, with the only difference being that the one on Midra’s shoulders sported shorter hair and looked on as if she were stuck between half sleep and boredom.
Beneath her, Midra examined them with a raised eyebrow. Ray shared a class with her before and knew just how dangerous she could be if provoked. She was a round girl and broad shoulder and fierce strength projected on her every movement. She wasn’t inherently violent, but Ray would never forget the brute strength behind her punch when a guy tried to look up her skirt. She was suspended for fracturing the guy’s arm.
Beside her stood Frida, tapping away on her phone with one hand and holding a bitten chocolate bar with the other. She was tall, taller than all of them, with oversized clothing hanging on her form. Ray knew she was part of the school’s dance team, but that was the extent of his knowledge.
Lastly was a small girl sitting cross-legged on the ground, scribbling with energy into a notebook. It was hard to see her face beneath her wild hair she kept in two low tails, and her large glasses. If Ray concentrated, he could hear her mutter to herself.
“Too bad there ain’t a prize,” Midra said as she lowered the little girl to the ground. Again, she looked at each of the boys with a smirk. “But I bet there’ll be more chances.”
“What’s that supposed to mean? What’s going on?” Ray said. He was nervous with the way Midra looked at him, ready for a fight he knew he would lose.
With a huff, the boy turned to them with his hands on his hips. “We have a race to see who can find the next three warriors first. It was a tie until today.”
“Excuse me,” Rei said with his kind voice. “I don’t understand what the game is, or what you mean by warriors.”
Nodding and straightening his back, the boy pointed his finger at Ray, who stood in the middle. “You three have been chosen to be the next era of Dragon-race Warriors who will fight along the Fairy-race Warriors.” He motioned at the other group and Ray thought he caught a dark glance from Midra but it was gone before Ray could make sure. “Together, you will quell the creatures of anguish that have escaped from their tomb to envelope the world in eternal agony and grief. You will be heroes that fight from the shadows and save the world.”
This was a grand speech and all, but Ray couldn’t accept is as truth coming from this boy. Before he could ask anything, the twin walked over to whisper something in the boy’s ear. It was a short message, but the boy’s face flushed and he cleared his throat. “It seems I haven’t introduced who we are. I am Rabbit Sweet, and this is my sister, Rabbit Charming.” They bowed, back to back, to both groups at once.
Then they stood straight and removed their caps in unison and Ray understood what was off about the children. First were the rabbit ears that sprang up from their heads, twitching in the air before becoming still. The boy, Rabbit Sweet, was completely white. His skin was a deathly pale, white hair falling over white eyelashes, as he stood in clothes in shades of white. And if this one was a white rabbit, Rabbit Charming was a black rabbit. The only other color on them lay in their vivid gold eyes, so stark and shining.
“These caps mask our looks,” Rabbit Sweet explained to them, including Frida and the other girl who were now paying attention. “It makes people think nothing of us and remember just as much once we’re out of sight.”
Ray was frozen by the sudden realization that his mind, somehow, never picked up. The two children stood out painstakingly so. Maybe they weren’t even human children. Not with those fluffy ears.
Midra was the first to respond by approaching Rabbit Charming and leaned forward to get a better look. “It’s all real, right? It’s real.”
“Yes,” Rabbit Charming said. “The three of you will become the Fairy-race Warriors.”
At the same time, the rabbit siblings turned to face one another and took a step back. They moved as one, raising their left hands over the ground. With an explosion of light, a rod rose from the ground and stretched to form a very ornate, small table with two little chests on top. One chest held an emblem of a dragon, while the other held a fairy.
Then the siblings stood aside for each group to see. Rabbit Sweet cleared his throat. “In here lie the gems that will give you the power to fight. Once you take one, hold it to your chest and--”
“Whoa whoa. Hold up.” Midra interrupted. With her arms crossed she looked over the rabbits and said, “I wanna talk to my team first.”
“Go ahead,” Rabbit Charming said to her brother’s dismay (“This is an important ceremony!” he said.).
Ray watched them huddle together, Midra waving at Rabbit Charming to join when she didn’t make a move to. They whispered for a few seconds, Frida giggling a bit, before they nodded in unison and broke up.
“Change of plans,” Rabbit Charming said with the same disinterested look. “Seeing as we came together first, they will receive a prize.” She motioned at them with her thumb as she looked at her brother. “They want first pick.”
From Rabbit Sweet’s falling shoulders, Ray could tell he was shocked. “First pick!” Rabbit Sweet exclaimed. “What do you mean first pick?”
“Whether they are Dragon or Fairy Warriors, of course.”
A wide grin spread on Frida’s face as she added, “And we want Dragon.”
Part 2 will be posted next week! 
Part 1 2 3 4
0 notes
The Strange Circumstances of Raymundo Rose Pt. 4 (Final)
Hovering above their heads was a boy close to their age, with long and wild hair kept out of his round face with a thick, bright green bandana. In fact, most of what he wore was green, as if he were wearing layers of large leaves to cover his chest. Even his sash tied low on his waist was a patchwork of greens, flowing in the air behind him. Looking past the green, poking from his hair, were long ears to which Ray exclaimed, "An elf?"
The so-called Great Leaf crossed his arms and descended slightly on the oversized leaf he stood on. "Hmph! Humans like you should be awed simply by being in the presence of an elf such as myself."
Unimpressed by his tone, Midra faced him, likewise crossing her arms. "So we got an elf helping us?"
"Helping you? Me?" Leaf pointed at himself with a frown. "I'm the Great Leaf! Didn't the rabbits warn you about me?"
Midra shook her head. "Nope, nothing."
"What? But we are sworn enemies! I'm always here!" Leaf stomped his leaf with a pout that teetered on turning to tears. Then he wiped his eyes and pointed at them as he rose higher. "It is your misfortune then. I'll defeat you here once and for all!"
From his back, a whirlpool of small green leaves streamed out and danced behind him in an intricate spiral.
Midra stepped back to whisper to Ray. "Get your wand out of the ground."
Ray peered back at the giant flower rooted into the ground. There was little to convince him that the flower could be plucked out so quickly. However, once he saw Midra take a step in front of him, he decided he would take the chance.
Before he could change his mind, Ray spun and sprinted towards his wand. As soon as Ray's fingers touched it, the wand shrunk and settled in his palm before Ray closed his fingers around it.
However, as soon as he turned leaves struck his face, sticking to his face and blocking his vision. He tried to tear them off but more slammed into his face and chest.
Not too far away, Midra cursed and shuffled around, also struggling with the leaves. And above them, Leaf laughed from deep in his stomach, crying, "Fall to the might of my leaves!"
Ray wanted to shoot away until he got a hit, but with Midra there he could hit her too. These endless leaves left no room or time to do anything. The rabbits didn't mention Leaf or his annoying power, so how were they going to fight against this?
After tearing through a few more leaves from his eyes, Ray gave up and reached around him. Eventually he bumped into Midra and he yanked her close. "Don't stand in front of me," he told her.
She picked up his on his plan quickly, saying, "Alright," and shuffled past his shoulder. Feeling her lean on his arm, Ray lifted his wand. It trembled and then fired thorns that whisked loudly through the air.
The two of them twirled together as Ray shot at every direction possible. Leaf laughed louder flying overhead. "You won't be able to--"
Ray flicked his wrist upwards and heard Leaf yelp. At the same time Ray felt the grip of the leaves on his face weaken. He didn't get the chance to rip them off just yet as Midra tugged his arm as she yelled, "Get down!" He did so and the ground suddenly trembled and crumbled below his feet.
The world lost its coherence and all sense of direction tumbled along with Ray as he fell. He didn't have the chance to reorient himself as a second blast followed. The ground didn't break away this time, only shook around him. He removed the leaves from his eyes before he tried stand up. He managed to get one eye free in time to see a shadow loom over him and grab his arm.
"Over here!" Midra said as she pulled Ray into an alcove she punched into the walls of the makeshift hole. "We gotta come up with something fast."
Ray finished peeling off the last of the leaves and tossed them away. This wasn't what he was supposed to be doing. The sirens were one (easily handled) thing, but an elf too? Well, the elf was more annoying than dangerous so far, but another problem to solve in the end.
"Can ya fly?"
Ray blinked at Midra, registering what she said. "Can I fly?" he repeated.
"Yeah, 'cause you're a fairy."
Ray shrugged and said, "Well, aren't {i}you{/i} a dragon?"
"Yeah, so, maybe we should ask for more instructions next time."
Ray looked around them to find nothing but strangely dark blue rock and rubble. They were in a good hiding spot, but being below with only one entrance was a huge disadvantage. Flying would be really useful right now.
The rose on his wand lightened, emitting a gentle lavender light. Startled, Ray snatched his hand back but the wand remained in the air. Then it flipped and lowered to float horizontal just high enough for him to take a seat. "I can fly," he corrected.
"Alright," Midra said. "So you fly out," she struck her hand upwards in a curve like a plane taking off, "distract the elf, an' I jump out," with her other hand she punched the air to make a cross with her other hand, "and attack."
Ray nodded not to agree, but to show that he understood the plan. His brow furrowed as he tried to decide whether to stay quiet or to speak out in mutiny. What if she knocked him out and took his wand to do everything herself? It quickly became hard to picture that scenario considering how she spoke to him.
During the long seconds that Ray remained silent, Midra crossed her hands and tapped her foot. "Something wrong with my plan?"
"No. Well, yeah." Ray cleared his throat and held his flat hand out at eye level. "If he's up here and you're down here," he raised his other hand at chest level, "how will you reach him? Shouldn't you be the distraction and I attack?"
Midra released a huff of air. "You distract so I can surprise. That's the whole point of distracting."
"But the distraction won't matter if the attack can't hit."
"Then you can fly me up and toss me on 'im."
"I think I'll be better at running him down."
"An' I think I'll be better at beating 'im down."
A sudden rumble cut off their rising voices. Blue dirt sprinkled down on them as they peered up over the edge. Ray heard voices, two voices, as a new battle picked up out of sight. Then Ray heard a cry. It was a cry of distress that could belong to no one but Rei.
Ray grabbed his wand and threw one leg over to sit. "I fly us out and we work from there," he said as he scooted forward to allow her room.
"Fly me out and work from there, huh?" She hopped on sat with both legs over the side and gave him a toothy grin. "If Leaf's on the ground, I get 'im. He's in the air he's yours. The other helps whoever's up there."
Pumping with adrenaline, Ray didn't have the time to pay attention to his trembling hands as he gripped the top of the wand. This was it. He was going to fly on a stick with a flower stuck on the end. If he made it out alive, he would make those rabbits explain everything.
Ray kicked off and the wand shot forward. The wall came up fast and Ray shut his eyes and yanked the wand up. Wind hit him instead of the rock wall so Ray peeked through one eye to see the endless blue of the sky. Without much effort the wand slowed and leveled, shaking as both Ray and Midra regained their balance.
"Looks like he's mine!" Midra said. Just as she pointed out, Leaf stood beside one of the school's blocky buildings, shielding his eyes as he stared back.
Ray dove right at him before he gave himself the chance to hesitate. The fear and exhilaration mixed in him, aggravated further by the whipping wind.
Giving herself an ample distance, Midra smacked his shoulder and jumped. Ray pulled back up as Midra slammed her fist down. Leaf managed to avoid the direct hit, but the impact forced small mountains to erupt. Ray managed to witness Leaf fly into one before Ray took off in search for Rei.
He flew just high enough to be kept out of the fight and scanned the ground. The squawking flock of silver birds made the search easy. At least three fluttered about in a frenzy behind a house not too far from the school. The spinning disks that shot out from the center figure told Ray that it was Rei they attacked.
Ray swooped down, urging his wand to fly as fast as it could. As he fell lower, he lost sight of Rei, but not the sound of the sirens and the blasts. At the end of the house Ray jumped off, tripping over his feet and scrambling up. He had to help Rei before he was seriously hurt. Where was that idiot Shane? That coward probably ran away, leaving Rei alone.
Gasping, and straining his legs, Ray held out his wand and he rounded the corner. Then he stopped, unable to find the proper response to the scene before him.
"Just. Stay. Fucking. Dead!" Rei shouted with every swing of his wand, bashing the siren on the ground. When it dissipated into dust, another pecked at his head and Rei swung his wand at it, firing away as he screamed, "Fuck off!"
The disks hit the last siren in the area and Rei, breathing hard as he leaned forward, muttered to himself. His sweet smile was nowhere to be seen, replaced by furrowed brows and sneer, gestures that made him look like an entirely different person. Confused and worried, Ray stepped forward as he called out to him. "Rei?"
Rei flinched and spun around. "R-Ray? You were here?"
"Yeah..." Ray didn't know how else to answer. It was surprising to see Rei, or hear him, so vastly different. However, what shocked him more was the fear in his brown eyes, or how slow his hand moved to pull his dark hair behind his ear. Ray witnessed what he wasn't supposed to, and it left Rei exposed and uncomfortable.
"Did you get hurt?" Ray asked.
"Okay." Not wanting to prolong the tense moment, Ray turned back. "We should go find the others. Midra might need help." When Ray took a step away, Rei stopped him. "Don't pretend you didn't notice anything." His voice was no longer sweet and soft, but biting and slightly hurt.
Hurt was the last thing Ray wanted Rei to feel. So he tried to laugh lightly, saying, "Sorry, I did see. Didn't know you had that arm strength."
"Because I look weak? Because I look nice?"
"But you are nice," Ray answered quickly. Then he added just as fast, "I don't think you're weak. You look...normal."
"Ha!" Rei swung his wand up and propped it over his shoulder. "If I looked so 'normal,' I wouldn't be told not to act so ugly, or not to trick people." His voice was low as he averted his gaze from Ray. "People wouldn't avoid me afterwards."
"I won't avoid you." Ray approached him pausing short just a foot away. His face heated as he blurted out what he thought was best to say, both to Rei and to himself. "I like you. I mean, I was surprised to see a different side of you, but I don't think you're a bad person. So..."
"So you like me?" Rei repeated, considering the statement as he said it. Too nervous to speak, Ray nodded. He liked Rei.
"Hmmm..." Rei leaned in, tapping his long finger against his delicate chin. "Even with this nasty, dirty mouth of mine?"
Ray stumbled back a step, but Rei took one forward to bring their faces close enough for Ray to see the hints of honey in Rei's brown eyes. There was no more room left for him as Ray backed into a wall. And beautiful, strong, and wistful Rei didn't spare him the moment to think.
"Even like this, do you think about kissing me?"
If he got any closer, their lips would meet. Ray's poor heart would explode and at that moment, he thought it would be a wonderful way to die. If it happened...if Rei got closer...
Rei laughed, so beautiful but also so heartily and clear as he stepped back. "Yeah, you're not my type. But," his smile was enough to make Ray fall in love all over again. "I'm glad you stuck with us."
And with that, Ray knew he would never quit being a fairy. He released his breath he didn't know he held and with it, released some of his anxiety that left him feeling lighter. His face, however, took longer to cool down. "I-I'm glad too. That I stayed." Ray cleared his throat and shuffled around, not ready to look Rei in the eyes just yet. "Um, so, we should get back now."
They walked around the house and followed the strange but familiar streets to the school. Ray was about to suggest they fly there (and maybe share a ride) but a voice called out to them from a block back. Frida waved at them as she jogged towards them, Isa and Rabbit Charming following close.
"That was hella easy," Frida said. Isa, however, grimaced behind her, bending forward to catch her breath. "Where's Midra?"
"She was fighting an elf," Ray explained as he looked off towards the school not far ahead. "It didn't look like it was too hard."
"An elf?"
"Oh," Rabbit Charming said as the memory finally hit her. "You met Leaf."
Ray huffed at her. "It would've help to know he was here."
"All you have to do is ignore him. He'll cry and fly away."
Frida looked around them and asked, "Hey, where's Shane?"
That's right! Shane was supposed to be with Rei. But Shane ditched him and left him to fend for himself. Maybe Shane finally6 showed that he was a coward all along. Ray wouldn't forgive him.
Everyone looked towards Rei for an explanation. He pointed behind him with his thumb. "A couple sirens tried to fly off with the rabbit. Shane went after him while I came back to see what happened."
Sure enough, Shane and his bright yellow outfit came around a building to meet them with Rabbit Sweet atop his shoulders. Shane looked fine--as smug and pretentious as ever--but Rabbit Sweet was still brushing off dirt from his long ears. His ruffled clothing didn't look much better. "Hey," Shane greeted them.
The last of their team waited for them atop the highest mound. The rough and jagged mountains were already sinking to restore this blue world to its original shape. Midra waved at them and grinned from above. "You took your time."
To show off, no doubt, Midra jumped and landed in a perfect form, shaking the ground below. "Didn't know I was this strong," she said as she flexed her armored arm.
While he was the tallest, Rabbit Sweet clapped his hands to get everyone's attention. "Now that you got rid of the sirens that escaped, you may return home and rest."
"Wait, that's it?" Ray asked. He just accepted to be a part of the team, and now it was over. Even if he was in a dress, the magic he possessed was still a large mystery he had yet to discover. All he did was act as bait.
"For today," Rabbit Charming answered. "More will escape over the next few days and we will need your strength to quell them."
"Yes," Rabbit Sweet continued. "So return tomorrow promptly. At the same time."
Frida raised her hand. "Can't. I have, like, essays to write."
"I work," Shane said.
"What!" Rabbit Sweet's ears twitched. "We must save the world."
"Can't it wait 'till Saturday?" Midra suggested.
"Oh, let's do it in the morning," Frida said.
"I'm not waking up early on a Saturday."
"I have to be back by one."
"Then how about at nine?" Ray said. "If it's like it was today, then we won't take long."
Everyone agreed, even the rabbit siblings.
After all the chaos and excitement, the rest of the day felt like it was the next day. They all crawled out of the tunnel and said their goodbyes. Rabbit Sweet and Rabbit Charming returned to the 2nd Layer to rest, and the group dispersed.
Ray, back to his regular clothing, fingered his chest, above the spot where the marble sunk in. It was still in his body, where it would remain until the job was over. During their next battle, Ray would fight alongside the rest. He couldn't help to blush thinking about seeing Rei in his lily dress again. His smile dropped before he reached his house however. Rei had turned him down. He only hoped that Rei's "type" wasn't Shane. Rei was too good for a guy like that.
At dinner with his parents, Ray pushed and rolled the carrots in silence. His parents were in one of their long conversations, talking with words that Ray's mind didn't pick up. He just rolled and rolled the carrots with his fork. Rolled and rolled and rolled. Then his mouth opened. "Mom, Dad, I'm gay."
Their voices stopped and so did the rolling carrot. Ray stared at his half eaten plate of meatloaf and vegetables. It probably wasn't the time for this, but Ray didn't know when it would be time. So he blurted it out without considering the regret that would come after his hasty decision. So Ray sat there with his broken, yet hopeful heart and peeked up to look at his parents.
They looked at him, then at each other confused and unable to communicate silently about who would say what first. "Uh..." Dad started and stopped.
Mom took over after a few quick glances at Dad to make sure he wouldn't pick up again. Ray was scared but he kept his head up.
"We know Honey..." She said with a wrinkled brow. "We assumed we all knew that already." "You did?" Ray stared at them with an opened mouth. How could they know something he didn't and then not tell him? How could they keep this a secret?
Dad put down his fork and smoothed back his hair. "Maybe we should have talked this out...?"
"Since when did you know? How?"
"Well," Mom began as she also put down her fork and clasped her hands, "in first grade you kept going on about how you were going to marry Mr. Rosse. Then you wouldn't stop crying when I said you couldn't because you were too young to get married."
"We really should've had a talk about this," Dad added.
Ray fell back into his chair. He remembered being attached to Mr. Rosse who was funny and nice, but the whole marriage thing was lost in his head. So his parents knew, and Midra knew. Maybe everyone knew except for him. He had never felt so betrayed by the world. "Now what?" he said to the room.
Mom shrugged and resumed eating her dinner. "That's up to you. But finish your carrots. I'm not breaking my back tending the garden {i}you two{/i} started just to throw my hard work in the trash."
Ray nodded and stabbed a piece of carrot. He and Dad started the garden because they heard that self-grown vegetables were supposed to taste amazing, so different from store bought. Ray ate the piece, crunching it to bits. In the end, it was all simply normal.
Part 1 2 3 4
0 notes
The Strange Circumstances of Raymundo Rose Pt. 3
The darkness swallowed him fast as he slid on rock that was smoother than he thought it would be. Dim blue light helped him see the curve where the drop ended and the tunnel went upwards. He came to a stop with his head on the dirt and his feet in the air towards the opening. Ray took a moment to breathe before he twisted his body around and peered up at the blue light.
It was hard to make anything out other than plain blue. So he started his crawl. Stuck with his thoughts, Midra’s words played over, making him frown at the dirt in front of him. Well, sure, she was right. Any gender could like any other gender. But Ray was not like that. He was normal. Rei was simply a very nice person. That’s all it was.
The blueness seemed to glow brighter. Ray stuck his head out through the opening and was overwhelmed by the sight. Frida didn’t lie in her vague description because that’s all this was, a simplistic representation of their world. Buildings were reduced to blue blocks. Everything, all solid objects, were depicted as geometric shapes, more to indicate what took up space on the plane. To Ray, it was like the world of an outdated videogame, shaded by different variants of the color blue.
The people were something else entirely. At least, Ray guessed the tall blobs—a blue dark enough to be black—gliding effortlessly across the ground represented people. The few that were around did have differences in how tall or wide, but they all had a featureless head, neck, and blob body. What added to their strange look were the two white sockets for eyes, unmoving and unblinking.
Black shoes, kept tidy and neat, blocked his view. Ray had to bend his head all the way back to meet Rei’s smiling face, illuminated by the blue light. “It’s interesting here, isn’t it?”
“Yeah…” He heard Midra’s words again and he pushed them away. Ray was normal, the most normal of the group in fact. Taking Rei’s hand to climb out did nothing to him. It couldn’t have. Yet, when Rei’s hand slid from his, his heart skipped a beat in fear. Oh god, it couldn’t be true. Ray was normal. He couldn’t...he couldn’t be—
“We’re all here!” Rabbit Charming announced as she climbed out. Midra was already in the 2nd Layer and she helped Rabbit Charming out. Then she started handing out the orders. Everyone got something, with Rei sharing with Shane who hadn’t ordered anything. The rabbit siblings too nibbled on tacos Midra bought for them, and soon Ray joined them when Midra gave him half of her burrito. He accepted it quietly.
The rabbit siblings stood beside each other to address the group. Rabbit Sweet cleared his throat to indicate he would speak first in between bites. “Now that we are all gathered here, if you could all transform, we can begin.”
They did so. Ray didn’t even bother to complain. It was the least of his worries now. He was done for. Over. Non-normal. And if Rei ever found out, Ray couldn’t get very far with that scenario. But it just couldn’t be true. What would...what would his parents think?
Ray nearly choked when Rabbit Sweet suddenly appeared in front of him, two petulant golden eyes narrowed at him. “No no no,” Rabbit Sweet said.  He raised his hand and reached on his toes to poke Ray on the nose. “Having negative thoughts or emotions just won’t do.”
“What?” Ray asked.
“You have to be happy. Or at least be focused on your task.”
Ray’s cheeks flushed as everyone stared at him. “I’m fine. There’s nothing wrong with me.”
“Tsk tsk. I can smell sadness a mile away, especially if it’s from one of my Warriors! What kind of mentor would I be?” He took one of Ray’s hands and patted it. One still had some oil on it from his finished taco. “Tell me what bothers you so I can help.”
Ray snatched his hand away, crying out more loudly than the thought he would, “I’m fine!”
“If he’s fine, then he’s fine,” Midra said while she inspected her thick gauntlets. “He’ll figure out his problems, or talk to someone later.” She flexed her arm and fingers, then formed a fist and punched into her open hand. “We gonna do this or not?”
Once Rabbit Sweet pivoted and left Ray alone, Ray released a heavy breath full of regret. This was a bad idea. He wanted to be by himself, but there was no way to make that happen without drawing attention to himself. The last thing he wanted was people asking him questions that confused him more than them. But...as Ray peered over at Midra as they all gathered around the rabbits, he thought that maybe, she might be less confused.
“Here are a few things to consider as you defend the world,” Rabbit Sweet began with a finger in the air. “Your emotions are important. The happier and more confident you feel, the better your new power will respond. Once you’ve become accustomed to it, you will feel the difference.”
“Next,” Rabbit Charming said with two fingers held up, “each of you now hold a specialized weapon. They respond to intent and thus are connected to your soul, which is why the gem now lies inside your being. Midra, you hold the strength of mountains, unmovable and strong. Your gauntlets will allow you to punch through any mass and shake the very ground. Frida, you hold the passion of fire, quick and fierce. Your boots can create fire and allow you to kick with power. Isa, you hold the precision of ice, sharp and cold. Your armored claws can slice through the hardest material and spread a blanket of ice upon contact.”
Rabbit Sweet picked up from there, addressing the remaining three. “Your powers come from your wands which you summon by holding out your hand.”
Ray, with tight lips, did so and before he could blink, a long wand appeared, perfectly balanced on his palm. It was a long rod with a large blooming rose at the top, embellished by a vine with thorns wrapped around it. As he gripped it and spun it, he liked it more and more. It was light, but if he swung it down it could create quite the impact.
Then, Rabbit Sweet continued going down the line to Rei. “Rei, you are the fairy of lilies, graceful and placid. Your wand can create stable lily pads and send them flying at great speeds. Shane, you are the fairy of sunflowers, bright and tall. Your wand can create blinding light as well as blast orbs of energy. And Ray, you are the fairy of roses, captivating and biting. Your wand can shoot piercing thorns.”
With a scrunched brow, Ray looked into the lavender flower and poked it. It was smooth, like a petal, but as hard as marble. He didn’t dare touch the thorns. Then he held out his wand towards a building. The though hardly passed through his mind as the vine glowed and shot out multiple thorns into the wall, embedding them deep out of sight. “Whoa…” Okay, he liked his wand a lot more. Whatever the enemy, Ray could fight. That brought up a question. “So, what are we supposed to fight?”
“You are getting ahead of yourself,” Rabbit Charming said. “Sweet brother, I believe it is your turn.”
“Yes,” Rabbit Sweet said with three fingers up. “Any destruction that occurs in this layer will restore itself. Your power cannot harm humans, and falling debris will avoid them as well. The only harm that can come to humans here is from the sirens, and they are your only target.”
Rabbit Charming went on to the next number. “Sirens are your only targets. They take the shape of silver birds. They perch on humans and drain them of life, whispering negative thoughts and lead them to a deep depression.”
“They aren’t very impervious to your magic,” Rabbit Sweet added.
“Not to sound rude or anything,” Frida said as she crossed her arms, her glinting armor clinking as she did so, “but if it’s not that hard, why don’t you guys do it?”
Both rabbits shared a look before they answered in unison, “Because we are only rabbits.”
Ray grimaced. “That’s not a good excuse…”
They clapped exactly twice, saying, “Let us commence,” then Rabbit Sweet went ahead. “Any damage or injury you receive will be healed with your inherited magic. The greater the injury, however, the longer it will take. We suggest you remain in these forms, in the 2nd Layer, until you are entirely healthy.”
“And finally,” Rabbit Charming’s eyes swept along their line, “do not approach the Tower.”
“What tower?” Just as Ray asked, both rabbits pointed above and behind him. Ray turned to find a tall, brick tower off in the distance. It hadn’t been there before or Ray would have noticed it. It stuck out from this blue world, its large gray bricks decaying as if it’s been standing for centuries. He couldn’t stop staring at the Tower that seemed to move, just slightly, every time he blinked.
From his side Ray heard Isa mutter, “It’s like Rapunzel's tower.”
“The Tower is home of the sirens. It is full of them, but only a few can leave because of the boundaries placed.”
“Why not destroy the whole thing, with the sirens inside?” Midra asked Rabbit Charming.
“None of us are ready for the consequences,” was all Rabbit Sweet offered as an explanation. “Now, I believe we are ready to practice and hone your skills. Ray, if you would step forward.”
Frowning to avoid expressing any anxiety, Ray did so.
“Good. You will attract the closest sirens to us. Now, I don’t recommend using this technique too often as you could be easily overwhelmed by the response. The scent tends to stay, and is absolutely alluring.” He walked to stand by Ray and tapped his elbow. “Hold out your wand vertically. Yes like that.”
Doing so, Ray stared wearily at the flower. He wasn’t prepared for the rod to suddenly extend to dig into the ground. At the same time the flower closed and shivered, growing with each tremble. Ray had to let go, pushed back by the alarming size, easily larger than him. Then it went still, blew up a bit more, and the petals sprang open.
The sickly sweet scent enveloped Ray and he had to cover his nose. “Is that what’s gonna attract the sirens.”
“Yes,” Rabbit Sweet said before shooing Ray back under the blossom. “You’re powerless now. Stay with your wand in case you need to take it back.”
Ray groaned. At this rate he would pass out, or at the very least be nauseated. What if the stench stuck on him? He would need a long, hot bath and then sleep after spraying himself with his strongest cologne.
Rei took a whiff of the air around him and smiled so sweetly. “This smells so nice.”
Before Ray could register it, he uncovered his nose. But then he spun away from Rei’s breath-taking figure. This was bad, so very very bad. From the beginning, this whole strange situation was suspicious. He shouldn’t have gone along with it. But he just had to follow Rei, and he just had to stay in order to be with Rei. It wasn’t Rei’s fault though, it was all Ray and his...and his...God! What could he call this?
He flinched and a heavy hand patted his shoulder. He snapped his head back to see Midra with her toothy grin. “I’ll take care of him,” she said.
There had been a conversation going on that Ray missed. The others split into two groups, fairies and dragons, and headed out in different directions. Up ahead, Ray thought he saw a silver shape flit by to hide behind a building. “What’s going on?” he asked Midra.
“Two sirens appeared. Maybe, don’t really know. But they’re gonna check it out and I’ll stay here with ya for a bit longer. Just in case, y’know?”
“You didn’t have to,” he said as he waved to the others.
Midra did the same, saying, “Well, if we all did only what we had to, wouldn’t be very interesting.”
Ray smiled. Midra wasn’t as scary as he thought. He still had yet to make her angry, but Ray would avoid that with his life. It wasn’t as if he wanted to make kind Midra mad anyways. Waiting under the rose with her might not be so bad. That’s what he thought until Midra smirked at him saying, “Lucky you got to be on the same group as Rei.”
Rei shuffled his feet in the dirt and avoided her gaze. “Y-yeah. He’s a good guy.”
These silences were too awkward for him, especially with Rei as the last topic. Sneaking a glance at Midra though, it was obvious to see that Ray was the only awkward one. Midra stared out with her hands on her hips, trying to catch a glimpse of the others who were out of sight. Ray wanted to speak but he couldn’t. Or rather, he didn’t know how to start. He would get nowhere thinking on his own and out of everyone, Midra seemed the most comfortable with the subject.
Taking a deep breath, Ray said, “Is it weird...to think he’s…” God, he could finish it, and he couldn’t take it back. His hands trembled at his sides.
From what seemed a long distance away, Midra laughed. “With Rei, it’s more weird not to.” She prodded his side with her elbow. “Y’know, since we’re here already, you can tell me anything else.”
“Why would I have anything else to say?”
“Dunno. You just reminded me of myself, and my sister. Wish I had someone to talk to before.”
Ray bit his lip. This day was becoming too long and all he wanted at that moment was to think. He was about to say so but a loud voice interrupted from behind. It was a boisterous, and arrogant, demanding to be heard. “So you’ve returned, fairies and dragons. You’re back to try to challenge me, the Great Leaf!”
Part 1 2 3 4
0 notes
The Strange Circumstances of Raymundo Rose Pt. 2
As Rabbit Sweet began to protest, Midra reached across the table and grabbed the dragon chest. “Hold ‘em at our chest, right?” She said, popping open the top and picking up a glittering brown marble from inside.
Ray frowned at the unfair decision. “Hey, that leaves us with the fairy box!”
“Is that a problem,” Midra said with a low voice that shut him up instantly. So he looked to the other two for help.
Beautiful Rei stepped forward and slid the fairy chest towards them and opened it. “I don’t see the problem at all. We’ll all be saving the world together after all.” He picked up a pink marble and held it up to the sun, marveling at it.
“Don’t see a problem either,” Stupid Shane said as he picked up a yellow marble.
Ray stared at the remaining lavender marble with a furrowed brow. He didn’t want the fairy marble or spend any time looking at Shane’s stupid face than he had to. “I’m not doing this,” he said.
“Oh no, Ray.” Ray’s heart beat louder at the sound of his name coming from Rei’s saddened lips. But of course, it was only because it startled him so suddenly and no other reason. Rei held his pink marble clasped in his hands and met Ray’s eyes. “I was looking forward to being on the same team as you and save the world together!”
Oh. Oh no. No no no. Rei’s saddened face was like a sword to his heart. Ray wasn’t prepared for this and his face flushed and his voice cracked as he said, “W-well...I guess it’s fine. Us working together...yeah…”
He almost dropped his marble as he grabbed it. It was light, and incredibly smooth as he rubbed it with his fingers. It didn’t look like it moved at all when he rolled it in his palm. It was pretty, Ray had to admit.
In front of him, Rabbit Sweet thumped his foot against the dirt, a pensive look on his face. “I’ve never led fairies before. We’ve never switched before. Will this work?”
“In theory,” Rabbit Charming said. “In theory, it should be fine. We will all be fighting and training together so I don’t see the problem.”
The thumping stopped as Rabbit Sweet took a deep breath to say, “Yes. This is fine. So long as we have all the warriors together, that’s all that matters.” He waved at Ray, Rei, and Shane. “Go ahead. You may place the gem to your chest.”
Rabbit Charming nodded at the others to do the same, Frida with the red marble and the unnamed girl holding the blue one.
Ray gulped as he raised the marble to his chest. This was to save the world, according to two humanoid rabbits. This could be a trap, or a trick. Someone could dress up as a rabbit and mess with high school students. It could be a dream, or it was real. But despite the doubt, if it involved magic and they would be able to use it too, that would be incredible.
As soon as the marble touched his chest, it sunk straight in. His body felt light, and a fast wave of dry water washed through him, leaving him a bit disoriented. He blinked as he struggled to regain his balance and noticed something different about himself.
He turned to Rei and his breath stopped. Rei, so beautiful, inspected his newly gloved hands as he stood in the most magnificent dress. It was heavily decorated with ribbons and bows, the short rounded skirt like the petals of a water lily. And his slender legs were bare, feet covered by slippers. On his head sat a upturned delicate lily hat that Ray didn’t doubt could be real and alive.
Ray wanted to ask what happened but he couldn’t take his eyes away. It took Shane walking into his field of vision to break the spell. Shane, who also wore a dress that reminded Ray of a sunflower, fingered the loose ribbon that touched his cheek. And if their clothes suddenly transformed, that meant that Ray’s went through the same thing.
With clenched teeth, Ray looked down at himself. His dress was lavender, like the marble, and with a rose-shaped skirt. His thighs and shoulders were bare, long gloves and stockings covering the rest. Worst was the draft that managed to touch his legs as he realized, with dread, that even his underwear was different.
Ray cried out and attempted to pull his skirt lower. “What is this? Why are we in dresses?”
Rabbit Sweet tilted his head in confusion at the questions. “Why, because that is the formal clothing of the Fairy Warriors!”
A dress was hardly any kind of formal fighting clothing. Only in cartoons, and they definitely weren’t worn by men. Instead, guys who were caught up in magical fights got the sleek, powerful, imposing armor, tough yet light enough to attack in. Like the armor that the others got.
Across him, Midra snorted as she released a full, deep laugh as she inspected her armor, flexing her arm with a wild grin. Frida bent down and touched her toes to check the flexibility while the other girl tapped the horned helmet that shone so marvelously bright in the sun.
Ray stared at them, so miserable and bitter at what could have been his. Well, he did get to see Rei look so lovely. It was an image that Ray will burn in his mind—not burn, of course, just keep somewhere in the back of his head—but it was nearly canceled by the sight of Shane. Even in that dress, he still retained his stupid charm as he flipped his hair back, unperturbed by what he wore. That bastard.
“This wasn’t what I was imagining,” Rei said as he twirled, “but I think I can work with this. It might be difficult to fight though.”
As he said this, the girls suddenly rush over and surround him, blocking Ray’s sight. They oohed and ahhed, crying out, “That’s hella cute,” or, “I’d be straight for you,” or “It really fits you well.”
They did compliment Shane, something about his muscles or some such nonsense but when Midra turned to Ray, more out of obligation than anything, only said, “Mm-yeah. It’s okay.”
That was it for him. His face heated up as he pulled harder on the skirt. “This isn’t fair! I want to trade.”
“Nope. Sorry,” Midra said, waving her finger at him. “Can’t change what’s set in stone.”
“But I can’t fight in this!”
“It’ll work,” Shane said, to Ray’s dismay. Ray couldn’t comprehend how Shane would be okay with this getup. “If this is what Fairy Warriors wear, most attacks must be from afar.”
Rabbit Sweet nodded and cleared his throat to begin his explanation. “Fairy Warriors do tend to fight from a distance, but the clothing is tough enough to handle anything. Durable and long lasting, you’ll find that they do a great job of protecting you. Magically.”
“Yeah, protect the little that it covers,” Ray said.
“Enough muttering,” Rabbit Charming chimed in. “We must set up the entrance. Please give us a moment.”
They waved them away in perfect sync until Rabbit Sweet’s eyes suddenly lit up. “Oh! Almost forgot. If you want to change back, just think about it and it will happen. The gem will remain in your bodies so you children don’t lose them.” And with that, the Rabbit siblings turned tail, bent down, and began to dig furiously into the dirt with their hands.
Ray stared at them, unable to form any response. He didn’t want to wear this girly dress. Frowning, he peered downwards to discover that his regular clothes had replaced it. Thank goodness for that at least.
The others did the same and Ray was sad to see Rei change back. Certainly not sad because Ray thought Rei was breathtaking in the dress, but because...because...just because.
“Guess I'm eating out today.” Midra said to no one in particular. She pulled down the beanie on her long hair. “I’m gonna buy tacos down the street. Anyone want something?”
With no change and no appetite, Ray shook his head and stepped aside as she took orders. Unfortunately, he found himself standing too close to Shane. In fluid motions, Shane sent a quick text with one hand and then slipped the phone into his back pocket.
Once Midra left, Frida drifted away to make a call, and Rei made small talk with the girl whose name he had yet to find out. Now he was stuck with Shane who—just in time for Ray to peek at him—flipped his perfect hair back for no good reason. He hasn't even moved around in the past few minutes.
Even more unfortunate, Shane caught him glancing and met his gaze, waiting for Ray to start the conversation. Ray couldn't stand the prolonged silence and admitted defeat this once.  “So. You’re actually okay with this?”
Shane leaned onto one foot with one hand on his hip—not at all suave. “I’ll wait for tonight. None of us know what we’re risking, or our own abilities, or the entire story. Once we have that, I’ll decide what I’ll do.”
“So you’re going along with it?”
“But the dress…”
Shane turned to him again, head tilted in a careful consideration that made Ray fidget. “You looked good in it,” he said.
Ray flushed and stumbled through his words. “No! I meant on you!”
“It doesn’t look good on me?”
“Wha--no--I don’t know. That’s not what I was talking about.” Ray crossed his arms and tapped his finger. “This is all just so...weird.”
Shane shrugged though he said, “It is.”
His phone vibrated in his pocket, the perfect excuse to turn away. It was a message from his mom, asking where he was. “I’m going to be late…hanging out with friends…” Ray muttered as he typed out the message. Not ten seconds passed when she answered not to come home too late. Now that he thought about it, Ray had no idea how long they would be here.  But there was no way everyone else would want to stay into the night.
Once he put his phone away, everyone save for Midra who was still getting food came together into a circle. To his horror, Rei was laughing at whatever Shane had finished saying. But nonetheless it was a lovely laugh.
Frida grinned at him once he entered the group and said, “Do all of us know each other already?”
Ray turned to the smaller girl before he caught himself. “No…” Ray said, slightly embarrassed for not asking earlier. “We haven’t met.”
With a grin, Frida motioned at each of them as she introduced them. “Ray, this is Isa from club. Isa, Ray. Think he did a project with Midra last year, right?”
Ray’s face went blank as he tried to recall that project. He’d completely forgotten that, since that was also the class Midra punched a guy and that overshadowed the rest of his memories. “Yeah…” he said. Then he wrinkled his brow as he processed the other information. “Club?”
Isa quickly averted her gaze as she fixed her glasses, then thought better of it and started to clean them.
“Yep,” Frida went ahead without paying Isa any mind. “The three of us are part of the NHR club on campus. The Non-Het Romance Club. It’s only us though.”
That was a trigger for Shane since he suddenly asked, “Do you only read books?”
Frida’s innocent grin morphed into a sly grin as she answered. “We enjoy all types of mediums. Not exclusive to the country either. With no age restrictions.”
“Is everyone here!” squeaked a voice, interrupting the conversation that Ray didn’t understand much of. They all looked down to where Rabbit Sweet stuck his head out of the hole. Rather than wait for an answer he started counting and finished with a deep frown. “Charming sister, one of yours is missing!”
His small body was shoved to the side as Rabbit Charming crawled up. “That is true. She’ll come.” She yawned, covering her wide mouth with her hand. “I can wait for her here while the rest of you go down.”
“Wait for her? We can’t start like this! We have to go look for her--”
“There’s no time!” That was the only warning Rabbit Charming gave before she shoved Rabbit Sweet down the hole.
Ray heard his fading cry as he slid down into the darkness. “We’re going in there?” he asked. It was impossible to dig a hole that large, that deep, in minutes.
Rabbit Charming climbed out and stood outside. “You sit, cross your arms, and slide. Not difficult to manage. Who will go in first?”
No one made a move to squat and enter the dubious rabbit hole.
“What’s down there?” Frida asked.
“The 2nd Layer,” Rabbit Charming said. “It is where we’ll practice and where we’ll fight. It is another layer to this plane.”
The explanation settled in the silence without really explaining much. It must have been their blank faces that prompted Rabbit Charming to add, “You will understand once you enter to the other side.”
Frida crouched down to peek inside as Rabbit Charming shuffled aside. With the sun sinking behind the taller buildings and trees, Ray guessed that the orange light didn’t give Frida much to look at. Ray stayed rather far back, content to stand on his toes to peek. That rabbit couldn’t possibly expect them to enter that hole. None of them were so ready to blindly throw themselves down a hole into a “2nd Layer,” right?
“I’ll go first!” Frida said as she sat, ready to slide right in.
“Hold on a minute!” Ray went up to her just as she was about to push off. “What if it’s dangerous?”
She thought about it for a minute only to come up with the most obvious answer. “The other rabbit went in and he’s fine.”
“Yes, because he’s probably from there!”
Watching her shrug her shoulders made him anxious. It was impossible she didn’t see any problems. But there was something else in her face. Ray could see it past her nonchalance. There was a spark in her eyes, a desire fueled by curiosity. Ray wasn’t enough to stop her.
Frida, however, noticed the change in his face and held off on throwing herself down the black pit. She reached into her jacket pocket and pulled out her phone. “If you’re so uncertain, I’ll go first while I’m on video chat, okay? I’ll go in armor too.”
“Yeah, I guess.”
Her armor appeared in the blink of an eye and they exchanged info and set up the chat. Soon Ray stared at Frida’s face on the screen between his hands. Too late, a flurry of thoughts ran through his mind, like what he was supposed to do if something bad did happen. And if he saw her die on screen, he didn’t know what he could do to help save entering himself and dying with her.
But Frida pushed off and the screen went black. “Hey! What happened? Frida!”
The other three came up around him to look just as he heard a muffled voice speak back. It was Frida’s voice, but the sound of rushing wind didn’t let him hear her clearly. Then the wind ceased and it was all quiet. Ray brought the screen closer to his face, trying to see past the darkness. “Frida?”
“Hold on,” she said. “It’s hella dark in here.” There was more rustling, and a loud bang followed by Frida cursing. “Great, I gotta climb out of here. Give me a sec.”
Rei leaned in, his soft hair brushing against Ray’s cheek. “If she went down, and is climbing back up, wouldn’t she end up just a bit further up there?” Rei pointed at the area in front of the wall before them but Ray couldn’t focus, so intoxicated by Rei’s flowery scent. But of course, Ray didn’t think he smelled good at all. His nose was sensitive, was all.
The screen brightened with a soft blue glow. Frida appeared again but she wasn’t looking at the screen. “You guys have to see this. Everything is similar, but it’s all blue, and way more abstract.” She turned off to the side and grinned. “Why’re you all huddled up like that?”
Ray was sure that only his face was visible to her, yet she could tell what they were doing. “So it’s really the same then?”
“Come over here and look,” she challenged, wiggling her eyebrows at them. Then she cut off the call.
They all looked amongst themselves, still not entirely confident with following her lead. Rabbit Charming stepped in, scratching her head just behind her rabbit ears. “So you see, she is fine. Who will go in next?”
“I will,” Isa said as she made her way to the hole. Without warning and without waiting for anyone to say anything, she pushed off and was gone.
Ray was still not convinced, but he was curious. What did the 2nd Layer look like? Abstract and blue could mean a lot of things.
At his side, Shane hummed in thought, a sound that grated Ray’s ear. He took a step back so that he wouldn’t have to hear his annoying voice so close. “How about,” Shane said slowly, “we go in together?”
“Ha, no way,” Ray answered.
But his answer was premature and he regretted it with every fiber of his soul as the lovely voice of an angel said, “Really? It would’ve been fun if it was the three of us.” Rei gave him a precious smile and finished with, “I hope we see you on the other side.”
With a pained heart, Ray watched the two take their seat, Shane’s hands around Rei’s hips, and slip away beyond his reach. There was nothing worth living for in this world anymore.
With slumped shoulders and empty eyes, Ray gazed at the hole. “I think I’ll go home now.”
“What’re you talking about!”
An incredible force slammed into Ray. Midra’s arm came around his shoulder and locked him into place. Since she was shorter than him, she took him down a few inches so that his head was next to hers. “You aren’t quitting now, are ya?”
She could choke him if he said the wrong answer so he didn’t respond.
Midra lifted a plastic bag. “I didn’t buy all this to go to waste, ya know. Just ‘cus you lost your chance to go down with Rei doesn’t mean you just quit.”
Ray felt his face heat up and he couldn’t turn away to hide. “I-I don’t like him!”
“Never said ya did.” Rather than releasing him, Midra dragged Ray over to the hole. “This where everyone’s at?”
“Yes,” Rabbit Charming said. “You two are the last to go in.”
Midra shrugged with only her free shoulder as she replied with the obvious, “Better late than never.”
When she finally let him go, he nearly toppled over. He rubbed his shoulder while Midra passed the food over to Rabbit Charming to hold on to. A chill ran down his spine when she turned to him and clapped her hands. “So, you ready?”
Ray wouldn’t dare go against her, not after she demonstrated her strength. Yet, there was something that she needed to know and understand. It was something that not even Midra could get away with thinking. “J-Just so we’re clear, I don’t like Rei. He’s a guy and--”
“Yeah, okay. I get it. Are we going in or what?”
“Fine. Just, let me get ready.” Ray took his seat and stared at the endless darkness beyond his sneakers. Maybe it was his imagination, but he swore he could feel a cold draft come up, and hear an eerie whistle from inside. He flinched when Midra put her hands on his shoulders. “Ya know,” she said in a soft voice near his ear. “Gender shouldn’t be a reason not to like anyone. It hurts, ya know?” And with that, she shoved him down the rabbit hole.
Part 1 2 3 4 
0 notes