#The Studio Pre-Dating Radio || Countdown Studios
hopeful-hugz · 3 months
0 notes
grantgoddard · 8 months
One small step for radio, one giant leap for black music radio in London : 1990 : KISS 100 FM launch day
The final few days before KISS FM’s official launch were a blur of frenetic activity and outright panic. It was only at this late date that construction of the three studios was completed by the contractors. Now, at last, they were ready for the engineers from the Independent Broadcasting Authority [IBA] to test and inspect. Much to my relief, their report required only a few minor alterations to the air conditioning system, after which the IBA issued KISS FM with a certificate of technical competence. I affixed it to my office wall, alongside the poster of Betty Boo [I had pinned as my memento of DJ Tim Westwood’s ‘reason’ for reneging last-minute on his scheduled daily daytime show].
With only days to go, I held two long, evening meetings with all the part-time DJs to explain what they could and could not do legally on-air. As former pirate DJs, they were unfamiliar with the conventions of libel, slander and other legal niceties which legitimate radio DJs have to learn. It was important for me to emphasise how essential it was for KISS FM to protect itself against prosecution or rebuke by the commercial radio regulator, the IBA. I went through their employment contracts, page by page, explaining what the jargon meant and what implications the clauses had for their radio shows. Also, I had to stress the importance of playing the right advertisements at the right time. This was a contractual requirement that had been relatively relaxed on pirate stations.
The night before the station’s launch, I was still busy putting the finishing touches to the inside of the studio until the early hours of the morning. Although two on-air studios had been built, there was only time to bring one of them up to scratch with all the accessories required for live broadcasts. With only hours to go, the engineers and I were frantically drilling holes in the studio walls to hang the storage racks for audio cartridges used to play advertisements, as well as wiring up the studio lights on the ceiling. I handwrote several large posters in thick felt pen to remind the presenters of the station’s address, its phone number for requests, and what to say about the station’s launch. Then, I had to spend several hours making labels with a Dymo and sticking them onto each piece of equipment in the studio for the presenters to know precisely which button performed which task. Finally, when everything was ready, I drove home and collapsed into bed.
The next morning, Saturday 1 September 1990, was the biggest day of our lives. Some weeks earlier, [managing director] Gordon McNamee had hung a handwritten sign on his office wall that read “X DAYS TO GO” with the number being changed daily. That number was now down to zero and the sign had finally become redundant. The day had arrived at last, whether we were ready for it or not. McNamee and I met at the station in the morning and locked ourselves away inside the production studio. McNamee wanted to perform a countdown to the station’s launch at midday but, in order to ensure that it went perfectly smoothly, he wanted to pre-record it. I set the timer on my digital wristwatch to five minutes and recorded McNamee’s voice, counting down at one-minute intervals from five minutes to one minute, and then counting down the seconds during the final minute until the alarm sounded. It took two attempts to get it right.
After that, we moved to the main on-air studio, taking the tape of the countdown with us. We had decided not to allow anyone other than essential station personnel into the studio for the launch. It was not a big enough room to comfortably accommodate more than a few people, and the presence of journalists would only have made us even more nervous. McNamee had arranged for Mentorn Films, which was making the television documentary about the station, to erect a tripod camera in the corner of the studio to record the whole event. A video link had also been booked to relay the picture live to a large screen in Dingwalls nightclub, where the official KISS FM launch party was being held that day.
With all the tension that surrounded that historic day, we quickly forgot that we were being watched by a video camera from the corner of the room. I spooled McNamee’s countdown recording onto a tape machine and started it at precisely five minutes to midday. McNamee’s countdown was now automatically being superimposed over the music from the test transmission VHS cassette that had been playing continuously for the last ten days. Over the beats of the Kid Frost hip hop track ‘La Raza,’ McNamee’s voice coolly counted down the minutes. At the one-minute point, McNamee counted “59, 58, 57, 56….” and I slowly faded out the music to increase the suspense of the moment. Accompanied by the pre-recorded sound of my digital watch alarm, McNamee said the magic words “twelve o’clock.”
I turned up the microphone in the studio for McNamee to make KISS FM’s live opening speech:
“This is Gordon Mac. There are no words to express the way I feel at this moment. So, with your permission, I’d just like to get something out of my system. Altogether – we’re on air – hooray!”
Everyone in the studio joined in a loud cheer, before McNamee continued:
“Welcome, London. Do you realise it’s taken us fifty-nine months, four hundred and sixty-five thousand, seven hundred and twenty working hours, plus three and a half million pounds, as well as all of your support over the last five years, to reach this moment? As from today, London and everywhere around the M25, within and without, will have their own twenty-four-hour dance music radio station. I’m talking to you from our new studios in KISS House, which is completely different from the dodgy old studios we used to have in the past [laughter in the studio]. The odds were against us. None of the establishment fancied our chances but, with the force of public opinion and our determination, the authorities had to sit up and listen and take notice. Today, I’m being helped by Rufaro Hove, the winner of ‘The Evening Standard’ KISS 100 FM competition. Rufaro was chosen from thousands of people who entered and she will press the button for the first record. But before that, the first jingle.”
McNamee pushed the cartridge button to play a lo-fi jingle from KISS FM’s pirate days. The sound of a telephone answering machine tone was followed by McNamee’s personal assistant, Rosee Laurence, saying:
“It’s me again. I forgot to say – hooray, we’re on. Bye-bye.”
The jingle ended with the sound of a phone being put down. McNamee continued:
“There we go, Rufaro, now you can press the first one. Go!”
The first record played on the new KISS FM was the reggae song ‘Pirates’ Anthem’ by Home T, Cocoa Tea & Shabba Ranks. The song was a tribute to London’s pirate radio stations. The rallying call of the chorus was:
“Them a call us pirates
Them a call us illegal broadcasters
Just because we play what the people want
DTI tries [to] stop us, but they can’t"
One of the song’s verses narrated the story of pirate radio in the UK: "Down in England we’ve got lots of radio stations
Playing the peoples’ music night and day
Reggae, calypso, hip hop or disco
The latest sound today is what we play……..
They’re passing laws. They’re planning legislation
Trying their best to keep the music down
DTI, why don’t you leave us alone?
We only play the music others want”
These lyrics were the perfect choice for the station’s first record. KISS FM’s pirate history may have been behind it now, but the station had proven that pirate broadcasting had been necessary to open up the British airwaves to new musical sounds and fresh ideas for the 1990s. ‘Pirates’ Anthem’ was followed by the personal choice of the Evening Standard competition winner, ‘Facts of Life’ by Danny Madden. In the studio, the atmosphere was electric. It was difficult to believe that the few of us crowded into that little room were making broadcasting history. This was the creation of the dream that some of us thought we might never witness – a legal black music radio station in London, at last. It was difficult to believe we were really on the air.
Next, McNamee thanked “all the original disc jockeys, all the backers, all the new staff and last, but not by any means least, all of the listeners that have supported us over the five years.”
He introduced the record that he had adopted as KISS FM’s theme tune – ‘Our Day Will Come’ by Fontella Bass. The station’s first advertisement followed, booked by the Rhythm King record label to publicise its latest releases. Soon, McNamee’s stint as the station’s first DJ came to an end and his place was taken by Norman Jay, whose croaky voice betrayed the emotion of the day. Jay told listeners over his instrumental ‘Windy City’ theme tune:
“After nearly two very long years, all the good times, all the bad times we shared on radio … Thanks to all of you. Without your help, this day could not have been possible. On a cold and wet October day in 1985, KISS FM was born. Gordon Mac, George Power and a long-time friend of mine, Tosca, got together to put together a station which meant so much to so many. And thanks to those guys, Norman Jay is now on-air.”
Once Jay was on the air, McNamee said farewell to the rest of us in the studio and left to attend the station’s official launch party at Dingwalls. We stayed in the studio, still thrilled to be part of the celebration of that historic moment and enjoying the music that Jay played. Throughout the rest of the weekend, each KISS FM DJ presented their first show on the newly legal station. Many of them reminisced about the pirate days of KISS FM and played music from that era, when they had last graced the airwaves of London. To the majority of the station’s audience, who might never have heard of KISS FM until now, the weekend’s broadcasts must have sounded rather indulgent. Far from most of the records played that weekend reflecting the cutting edge of new dance music that the new KISS FM had promised, the songs mostly reeked of nostalgia and the station’s former glory days as a pirate station. This brief moment of indulgence was a healing process that was necessary for the station’s staff.
I remained in the studio the rest of the day, helping the DJs to grapple with the unfamiliar equipment and showing them the new systems with which they had to contend. Despite the intensive training they had been given in the last ten days, it had been twenty months since any of them had spoken a word on the radio, let alone presented a professional show. Nearly all the DJs looked incredibly nervous, and several seemed gripped with terror at the prospect of having to present a show from a fully equipped radio studio for the first time in their lives. I stayed there until the early hours of Sunday morning, with only an occasional break for a takeaway pizza.
Everybody involved in KISS FM, apart from the small group of us left in the studio – the DJ on the air, me, [head of talks] Lyn Champion and programme assistants Colin Faver and Hannah Brack – were at Dingwalls, enjoying the party celebrations. It felt strange, during the station’s first day on-air, that the rest of the huge KISS FM building was entirely empty. In the evening, the only lights visible from outside were in the tiny studio on the first floor. By two o’clock in the morning, I was absolutely exhausted. It had been an incredibly exciting day and everything had run much more smoothly than I had expected. I drove home, having left Champion and Brack to ‘babysit’ the studio overnight to ensure that the rest of the presenters could cope with the equipment.
[Excerpt from ‘KISS FM: From Radical Radio To Big Business: The Inside Story Of A London Pirate Radio Station’s Path To Success’ by Grant Goddard, Radio Books, 2011, 528 pages]
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rovalent · 5 years
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The end of the year is a busy time for everyone, but just a little bit more for Luxe.
To start things off, Euijin will go by herself, on November 6th, to record her parts in ‘Like A Cat’ and ‘Cherry Pop’. With the songs finally ready to be released, all the girls will go onto their final comeback preparations. Their first stop will be on their usual hair salon to make needed changes, or just to make sure their hair is in good condition. They’ll all be going together on November 8th.
Cheri — Red ( reference )
Ella — Black ( reference )
Euijin — Dark Brown ( reference )
Yena — Brown ( reference )
Zoe — Ash Brown ( reference )
Members who changed their hairstyles are told not to reveal them to the public.
On November 11th, the girls will head out to an indoor set in the Gangnam district for a photoshoot of their release. You may look at these images as references: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4. Soon after, on November 12th, they’ll go out to record their music video for the title song ‘Like A Cat’. The recording schedule of the MVs is as seen below:
5AM: Get hair and makeup done
6AM: Go to filming location
7AM: Change into outfits
7:30AM: Recording of wall shots ( 1:21; 1:32 [Hyejeong: Yena]; 5:06 )
8:30AM: Greet and thank actor William for participating in recording
9AM: Filming of room scenes ( 1:51; 1:58; 2:08; 2:18 [Hyejeong: Yena] ) 
10AM: Filming of first beauty shots ( 0:37; 1:22; 2:15 )
11AM: Recording of hallway scenes ( 0:35; 0:41; 0:46; 0:55; [Choa: Cheri]; 3:14 [Jimin: Euijin] )
12PM: Filming of second beauty shots ( 0:49; 0:54; 0:57 ) 
1PM: Lunch break
1:30PM: Recording all vault scenes ( 0:00-0:27 [Seolhyun: Ella]; 2:36; 2:49 [Yuna: Euijin]; 3:28 [Seolhyun: Ella; Choa: Cheri]; 4:12; 4:36; 4:44; 4:47 )
4PM: Thank William for his participation & Filming of third beauty shots ( 1:03; 1:06; 1:14; 1:41; 4:11; 4:16 ) 
5PM: Filming of third beauty shots ( 1:03; 1:06; 1:14; 1:41; 4:11; 4:16 ) 
6PM: Filming of first dance scene ( 0:38; 0:51; 1:27; 1:37; 1:54; 2:05; 3:04; 4:21; 4:33 )
8PM: Recording of vents and hacking scenes ( 1:04; 1:07; 1:11; 1:40; 1:43; 2:17 [Chanmi: Zoe]; 2:26; 2:55; 3:01; 3:12 [Mina: Zoe])
9:30PM: Thank staff for hard work
10PM: Head back to dorm; eat, shower, rest
*Due to Zoe being the only one who needs to stay late per the schedule above, the other members may leave early if they wish to
6AM: Get hair and makeup done
7AM: Go to filming location
8AM: Change into outfits
8:30AM: Recording of beauty shots in red ( outfits as in 0:28 [cut from the final MV] )
9:30AM: Filming of second dance scene ( 0:28; 0:44; 0:59; 1:10; 1:18; 1:46; 2:20; 2:44; 4:30; 4:46 )
11AM: Outfit change 
11:30AM: Filming of third dance scene ( outfits as in 4:31 [cut from the final MV] ) 
1PM: Lunch break
1:30PM: Recording of final beauty scenes (  2:03; 2:25; 2:35; 3:00; 3:08; 4:24; 4:31; 4:40 )
2:30PM: Thank staff for hard work
3PM: Prepare for next schedule
Their comeback date will be on November 27th.
On November 16th, Zoe will receive some news from their manager. As one of the dancers of Luxe, Zoe will take part in a dance video in a popular dance studio. She’ll meet the choreographer on November 17th to chat and start learning the choreography as seen on this video. The day after, November 18th, she’ll return to the studio to record it.
Meanwhile, a producing team enters in contact with Royal Entertainment to offer audition opportunities to a new drama of theirs. Ella is the one who is offered this opportunity. The role she’s auditioning for wasn’t specified, nor was the drama they’ll be producing described. She is to choose any scene of her liking to act for an audition on November 25th. The results will come out the following month.
To help with promotions, the five girls will head out a recording of the variety show ‘Knowing Bros’ on November 13th based on episode 27 featuring TWICE. You can find clips of it here. This episode will air on November 30th. On November 20th, Yena, Ella, and Cheri will go together to a recording of ‘The Return of Superman’ as based on this episode. This episode will air on December 1st. All of this may and should be changed to fit Luxe’s story, discography, and each of the members’ personalities.
Their comeback showcase starts at 7PM on the day of release. The MC of the night will be Kim Boyeon and she’ll start the show by calling the members one by one onto the stage. Once they’re in line, the MC will introduce their newest song before ‘Like A Cat’ starts to play. After they’re done, the group will make their official greeting and personal introductions. The MC will ask them questions about an explanation of their concept, album and title song, as well as their personal lives and latest member addition. They’ll perform ‘Cherry Pop’ next before another short break for playing simple games together. Before the end they’ll perform ‘Mini Skirt’ and as a planned encore, ‘Boy’, from their previous album. Once they leave the stage, their showcase will be over. Their outfits will be as seen below:
Cheri — Mina
Ella — Seolhyun
Euijin — Jimin
Yena — Choa
Zoe — Hyejeong
As shared by their company, end-of-the-year shows season is coming around, and LUXE will be attending a number of them. Due to this, they’ll have to practice their previous promoted songs in other to put a good stage and try to earn new fans through this big event as well as, maybe, earn some awards of their own.
The first award in line is the Asian Artist Awards on November 26th. Since the event will take place in Vietnam, the group will fly over to the other country a day before and stay in a hotel before returning to Seoul right after the show is over to prepare for their comeback showcase. Their roommates were separated as Cheri&Zoe; Ella&Eujin&Yena. Since this will take place before their comeback, the group will perform ‘Every Night’ and ‘Mini Skirt’. This will be their first public group performance with Euijin on the team.
After their new album is released, the group will have their first comeback stage on November 30th, during the Melon Music Awards which will take place at the Gocheok Sky Dome. ‘Like a Cat’ will be the only track they’ll perform. They’ll enter the stage while an intro audio plays before breaking into the song.
The following is the music show promotion schedule for LUXE’s ‘Like A Cat’ activities:
12/01, 12/08, 12/15, 12/22: SBS Inkigayo
12/03, 12/10, 12/17, 12/24: MTV The Show
12/04, 12/11, 12/18: MBC Show Champion
12/05, 12/12, 12/19, 12/26: Mnet M!Countdown
12/06, 12/13, 12/20: KBS Music Bank
12/06, 12/13: Arirang Simply K-Pop
12/07, 12/14, 12/21, 12/28: MBC Music Core
During the first week of promotions, LUXE will use ‘Cherry Pop’ as their sibling song and performing its short version alongside the title track. For any day that you do not have to perform or have any other schedules, you may have a break at the dorms unless said otherwise.
Music show promotions will last for a total of four weeks this time. Programs will begin pre-recording early in the morning and groups are expected to stay at the broadcasting station until the live broadcast takes place later in the day. Although music shows in real life follow varied recording schedules, for IC writing purposes, the schedule for every music show will follow this consistent pattern:
06:20AM: at broadcasting station: basic first rehearsal on stage; no makeup, casual clothes.
06:45AM: head to salon: get makeup and hair done.
07:45AM: return to broadcasting station: eat breakfast, nap in dressing room/space.
09:00AM: dress rehearsal on stage; stage outfits, makeup on.
09:20AM: return to dressing room/space: rest, eat, nap.
11:00AM: final camera rehearsal on stage; stage outfits, makeup on.
11:15AM: greet senior artist groups at their respective dressing room/spaces, accompanied by a manager. you may not sleep during this time, up until the live broadcast.
07:00PM: live broadcast; when not performing, must stay in dressing room/space until the ending stage of the show.
08:00PM: line up in waiting room area to formally greet producers, director, and senior staff.
09:00PM: meeting time with fans who attended the recordings.
10:00PM: return to dressing rooms to clean up, change back into casual clothes.
11:00PM: arrive back at dorms.
On applicable Fridays, members leave the KBS building for recording Arirang Simply K-Pop which airs 1PM ~ 2PM.
On December 2nd, all the members of LUXE will go together to Super K-pop Radio at 4PM where they’ll answer to questions as well as sing their own songs.
December 4th is the date of the Mnet Asian Music Awards. Since the event will take place in Japan, they’ll fly over there on the day before and return soon after the end of the event. Their roommates were separated as Cheri&Zoe; Ella&Eujin&Yena. Their stage will be slightly based on this video. Cheri and Ella will start by performing an acoustic version of ‘Mini Skirt’ with Cheri playing the piano (the piano audio will be pre-recorded). Ella, Euijin, and Zoe will take over with their version of ‘Like A Cat’. Unlike seen in the video, their performance of ‘Like A Cat’ will continue normally after Euijin’s rap part. A line distribution for this special performance can be seen here.
You will gain +5 POINTS TO DISTRIBUTE AS YOU WISH, +3 DEBUT POINTS and +2 ACHIEVEMENTS for completing the written requirements explained on the idol tier page. As this is a song promotion month, one of your chosen achievements must be relevant to the above schedule and all required content should be written about activities listed on the above schedule for the month of November. There is a capped maximum of five solos, sets of starters and/or partnered threads you may write to collect this month’s points.
To clarify, the only form that needs to be submitted at the end of the month is a verification form for your debut points and achievements. Any SP points earned can be collected as soon as you finish the requirement for them. At the end of the month, as you did with your previous evaluation forms, you will submit the following form to the Points Verification blog:
IDOL’S NAME - ROYAL ENT - NOVEMBER SCHEDULE (for the December 4 verification form)
POINTS: +00 SP [ distribute these however you like ]
* Rookie and trainee characters are allowed to attend pre-recordings and fan meetings to interact with idol muses if they choose to do so. Just be realistic about the scheduling; trainees who skip too many lessons to support idol muses will be noticed by their company staff!
**** For their promotional days, the group receives 24 EXP. The members' appearances on programs and radio shows gives them 3 EXP. Zoe’s collab with the dance studio gives 1 EXP, and their performances in 3 end-of-the-year awards gives 3 EXP, making it a total of 31 EXP. For more information regarding GROUP EXP, refer to the idol tier page.
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bccity · 6 years
Note: As always, individual schedules are up to roleplayers within reason. Any major individual schedules, especially those related to points claims, should be cleared with the main first. These schedules may be updated throughout the month if new information needs to be added.
*This will be updated as more items are announced.
Overall company
BC Entertainment plans to partner with Dimensions Entertainment and Gold Star Media to produce a documentary show following the idols within each company. This is known to all artists as preparations for arranging filming schedules have begun, but is not public knowledge and should not be leaked.
January Company Schedules:
January 7: Meeting for company artists and those who work directly with them (managers, PR, etc.) headed by CEO Kim Byungchul. BC Entertainment’s mission statements and overall plans for 2018 will be delivered. Clean images will be a frequent topic, and hints will be made that the company has a focus on WISH, Knight, CHARM, and to a lesser extent, their soloists this year.
tw: diet mention // Various dates: All groups and soloists will meet with company nutritionists, personal trainers, and PR teams to shape diet and exercise plans for the new year, as well as PR plans for the year.
Decipher will have a Korean comeback this month for the first time in over a year. BC considers this a crucial comeback to decide the frequency of future comebacks or if it would be more beneficial to focus on profits from merchandise and touring.
January Group Schedules:
January 6: Group meeting with group’s PR team.
January 7: Individual meetings with company nutritionists and personal trainers.
January 8: Release of Top Seed & album showcase, group promotions continue until February 8 with variety show and music show appearances.
January 9: Morning radio show.
January 10: Airing of Weekly Idol episode.
January 14: Fansign in Gangnam. 
January 20: Fansign in Yeouido.
Early planning is underway for a possible Decipher V comeback in 2018.
January Group Schedules: On break.
Vague talk of an eventual comeback continues as occasional recordings continue. There are no public group schedules for the month, but BC encourages members to do their own activities and would also like to push visibility of BEE with currently promoting groups like Decipher and WISH through social media.
January Group Schedules:
Sparse studio recordings for potential comeback.
January 9: Individual meetings with company nutritionists and personal trainers.
January 11: Member Rocket releases non-promoted pre-release single “You, Clouds, Rain”.
January 17: Group meeting with group’s PR team.
January 18: Member Rocket releases debut solo album + music video for title track “Star” + has album showcase and begins solo promotions, solo promotions continue until February 1.
January 25: Member Rocket releases music video for b-side track “Sleep Tight ft. Taeyong & Julien Shin” off of solo album.
(February 1: Member Rocket releases music video for b-side track “In the Time Spent With You” off of solo album, ends “Star” music show promotions.)
With a comeback and concerts this month, as well as the continuation of awards season, BC wants Knight in the media only for their music and award wins and will go to great lengths to ensure they start 2018 off with a clean slate. Their public image has improved somewhat lately.
January Group Schedules:
January 2: Member Taeyong releases music video for b-side track “Tonight” off of solo album.
January 5: Group meeting with group’s PR team.
January 6: Individual meetings with company nutritionists and personal trainers.
January 7: THE KNIGHT WAR concert in Taipei, Taiwan.
January 8: Recording of Weekly Idol episode.
January 11: Golden Disk Awards Physical Ceremony.
January 12: Member Taeyong releases music video for b-side track “Anymore” off of solo album, ends solo album promotions.
January 13: Release of Knights of the Sun & album showcase, group promotions continue until February 13 with variety show and music show appearances.
January 16: Dubai Fountain Show appearance.
January 17: Airing of Weekly Idol episode.
January 23: Member Dax releases BC Portal song “I Am You, You Are Me”.
January 25: Seoul Music Awards at Gocheok Sky Dome. cancelled appearance
January 27 & 28: THE KNIGHT WAR concerts at Saitama Super Arena in Tokyo.
January 31: Release of Japanese album “Countdown”.
White Knight
There is talk of plans for a White Knight comeback in 2018, but BC remains focused mainly on Knight’s upcoming releases.
January Group Schedules: On break.
Lipstick begins preparations for a comeback starting this month with an undetermined date. BC will leak hints at an upcoming comeback to the media to test the public reception of a full group comeback while the Goeun drama is still ongoing before finalizing a date. In the meantime, members are encouraged to stay out of the press in a negative light and to pursue individual activities in their areas of specialty.
January Group Schedules:
Early studio recordings for potential comeback.
January 1: Group meeting with group’s PR team.
January 4: Individual meetings with company nutritionists and personal trainers.
(February 1: Member Nana releases music video for debut solo single “Don’t Say No” + begins solo promotions, solo promotions continue until March 1.)
Lip Gloss
Public reactions to Lip Gloss’s drastic concept change are mixed. The negative seems to be outweighing the positive with many people pointing out how Remember could have easily fit as a Lipstick song, but it’s charting fairly well and a repackage is planned..
January Group Schedules:
Early studio recordings for repackage.
January 3: Airing of Weekly Idol episode.
January 13: Fansign in Gangnam, Seoul.
January 19: Fansign in Busan.
January 20: Fansign in Daegu.
January 27: Fansign in Suwon.
January 29: End of Remember music show promotions.
After a busy 2017, CHARM is in full swing preparing for a comeback that is tentatively slated for February. The month will be spent finishing recording and shooting the photos, with the music video being filmed at the end of the month.
January Group Schedules:
Final studio recordings for comeback and music video filming.
January 3: Group meeting with group’s PR team.
January 10: Individual meetings with company nutritionists and personal trainers.
January 11: Golden Disk Awards Physical Ceremony.
January 15: Idol Star Athletics Championships recording at Goyang Gymnasium.
(February 2: Fanmeeting at Jamsil Arena.)
(February 3: Fanmeeting at Jamsil Arena.)
WISH’s January schedule will offer the members very little down time. Promotions for Heart Shaker will be in full swing until the end of the month, but many appearances will be pre-recorded earlier in the month to make the frequent trips back and forth between Japan and South Korea as they generate hype for a new upcoming Japanese single easier. They’ve also already begun to work on their next comeback.
January Group Schedules:
Early studio recordings for next comeback.
January 1: Member Mia releases BC Portal song “Rain”.
January 2: Individual meetings with company nutritionists and personal trainers.
January 4: Group meeting with group’s PR team.
January 10: Golden Disk Awards Digital Ceremony.
January 11: Golden Disk Awards Physical Ceremony.
January 13: Fansign in Seocho, Seoul.
January 15: Idol Star Athletics Championships recording at Goyang Gymnasium.
January 19: Candy Pop showcase in Seto, Japan.
January 22: Candy Pop showcase in Fukuoka, Japan.
January 23: Candy Pop showcase in Hiroshima, Japan.
January 24: End of Heart Shaker music show promotions. 
January 25: Candy Pop showcase in Osaka, Japan.
January 26:  Member Wren releases debut solo mini-album + music video for title track “Free Somebody” + has album showcase and begins solo promotions, solo promotions continue until February 26.
January 29: Candy Pop showcase in Tokyo, Japan.
January 31: Candy Pop showcase in Saitama, Japan.
(February 1: Candy Pop showcase in Saitama, Japan.)
Soloist 1
Along with the end of promotions comes a break for her. Meetings will be conducted sparingly throughout the month as plans for her 2018 are formulated.
January Schedules:
January 4: End of Lip & Hip music show promotions.
January 12: Meeting with personal PR team.
January 13: Meeting with company nutritionists and personal trainers.
Soloist 2
Meetings will be conducted sparingly throughout the month as plans for her 2018 are formulated.
January Schedules:
January 14: Meeting with personal PR team. 
January 20: Meeting with company nutritionists and personal trainers.
Soloist 3
His latest single is doing extremely well, giving BC high expectations for his upcoming album. Preparations for the release of his new album are in full swing. 
January Schedules:
January 8: Meeting with personal PR team. 
January 19: Meeting with company nutritionists and personal trainers.
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