#The Sun and Moon Show spoilers
tsams-and-co-memes · 3 months
Old Moon is coming back, and so is Solar
Which. Yay, I'm excited for
There are 2(TWO) small issues though
#1 - Like Sun pointed out, even though Solar's coming back and that's good, Dark Sun wouldn't just let this happen. He has a hand in everything, and the stuff that's going on just plays right into whatever he's been planning
#2 - Old Moon hated Eclipse. Solar is an Eclipse. Not THE Eclipse, but an Eclipse nonetheless. Old Moon has no idea who Solar is or what his relationship with Sun, Earth, and Lunar was like. Old Moon was willing to get aggressive and even violent with Eclipse before. I can only hope and pray that he doesn't take one look at Solar after they both come back, and automatically decide to go full terminator on him
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thedemonscrawler · 6 months
I'm just gonna do this to Ruin
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Like aaaaa I'm cursed to only like characters when they're losing I guess, and a Pyrrhic victory counts as a loss. I didn't CARE about this guy when he was the main antagonist, and then Eclipse 3.0 chucked him in the back of a car and kidnapped him and I was suddenly interested. And NOW, when everyone is very much upset about Solar, I'm off to the side shaking this bastard around because we finally got some concrete answers to what's going on in his head.
Just! This whole thing-- this is an exceptionally Moon thing for him to have done. To go 'I'm going to completely and totally remove this possible threat from ever occurring, and I'm fine with being the bad guy to do it'? That's some Old Moon kind of thinking. This wasn't a plan he came up with in the past few months, this took him years.
And speaking of years! Fifty years of playing pretend! Of acting like you enjoy hurting people, that you don't care as your body literally falls apart around you. I'm not a fan of the idea that he was never infected, I like the perspective better that he was infected, it just wasn't as responsible for his behavior as he made it out to be-- but still. At some point he had to have gone numb to it for the sake of his own survival.
What does that do to your mentality? Your outlook? What's it like knowing that your whole world was brought to its knees by your creator? What's it like being the only semi-stable person you know for half a century? What's it like realizing that you're also changing, and not for the better?
He's just... so painfully isolated, in a way that Eclipse doesn't even come close to touching.
And! And even after being 'cured'! He's still isolated! Like it was a good thing he WAS up to something-- can you imagine how crushing it would be if he'd been genuinely not doing anything, and he was still treated with suspicion for a solid like 4 months? By probably the most consistent group of animatronics he's had to talk to that weren't infected with a weird virus?
Like, the man didn't get repaired until 3 months after being cured, after Solar made a blueprint in his spare time. He didn't get a bed until Moon felt guilty about rummaging around inside his head-- and tbh I don't know if he ever got to actually use that bed. He let them call him Ruin.
Ruin never had a home in 'our' dimension.
And hhhhngh like I'm not even sure he cares, because he's past the point of caring. He's got one of Sun's worst traits as well, "There's no point in sharing what I'm thinking because no one is listening". He could have approached Moon and Solar with like "Hey okay so I started on this plan to do this thing like 10 years ago, I would like some input" and maybe an alternative could have been found!
But he didn't, because he's alone. He came up with the best plan he could, weighed the risks, and acted on it, all by himself. A single weird Eclipse against 5,000 Creators, because he felt like that was the greatest threat.
And like, lets be real-- Solar's death was 100% a narrative necessity. Otherwise we the audience wouldn't really care that Ruin had wiped so many dimensions from existing, it'd just be a number. That thing of like, you gotta make it personal to have impact. Very good storytelling right there.
(Though from a in-universe perspective, man it must have been an unpleasant shock to learn that of course the only other dimensional refugee was from one of the worlds you had to destroy. Like, come on, what are the odds)
He did something horrible. A multi-dimensional catastrophe to prevent a multi-dimensional catastrophe. He probably accepted the ramifications of it ages ago. He just... utterly lacks any hope, you know? No hope of forgiveness, no hope of improvement. He survived his world long enough to do this thing, and he has nothing else going for him.
He's just waiting for them to finally kill off his body, because he already died years ago.
Anyway I'm desperately trying to find an angle that can be used to maybe pull him out of his coffin here and so far I'm not seeing one qq but maybe future eps will give me something to work off of.
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hahskeleton · 6 months
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I know Moon made him go but I think it actually did him a little good! I’m being actually truthful, here, I think Eclipse really considered confessing a few things, but I also might be wrong. Eclipse could definitely still be putting up an act for all this but like he’s said in previous episodes, he never actually did anything he’s hated for doing. That was the previous copy of him, he’s just a replacement.
When he was asking about how Lunar was dealing with the whole *BOOM* thing and Earth was like, “We ain’t gonna talk ‘bout that” I’m honestly kinda glad. That would’ve probably flourished into a weird, long, argumentative conversation. On Eclipse’s part, tho, Earth’s pretty chill :)
When they were talking abt how Earth was coping with seeing Eclipse explode and Eclipse was like, “Yeah, how does that feel btw? Terrible? Scary?”
and then stuff happened and it led up to him saying, “You never know when your just going to go BOOM.” holy heck I should draw that. lmao I’ll probably be drawing a lot for this ep
also at the end when Moon fricking APOLOGIZED??? HUH??? Where was that hiding the whole time??? I mean, don’t get me wrong, I am so happy Moon finally said something to him, and damn it silenced Eclipse, too!
When he said, “You probably don’t want to hear it, but, I’m sorry for leaving you behind.” And eclipse DIDN’T SAY A SINGLE THING LIKE- holy moly man Eclipse I wish you actually took that relatively seriously. When that part came I was just-
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ALSO when Moon said that specific line “I know you probably don’t wanna hear it, but,” we forget Sun has said the exact same thing to him before, except not him, it was Old Moon he said it to. In that episode, Sun said VERY DISTINCTLY, “I know you probably don’t wanna hear it, and I know I don’t say it often, but,”
This honestly probably means absolutely nothing, it’s just something I’m pointing it out—
Anything thing, when Eclipse first came in and Moon was like, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” he was talking like he went into a dentist’s office and his kid was misbehaving. Also Eclipse is a five year old at heart and you can’t change my mind. The way he walked in and just started insulting everything and throwing sh!t around was kinda funny to me.
Also, yeah, Earth noticed he was avoiding trying to talk about himself and his problems, and she was right he was definitely doing that. He would change the subject whenever Earth asked something remotely close to his feelings or his trauma.
I have a lot more to say but I don’t wanna make this post any other than it has to be so yeah… I’ll probably post another ramble and rant post today sometime to ramble about Eclipse and lore and stuff.
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thorns-and-rosewings · 7 months
Soooo after todays episode of The Monty and Foxy Show... I think that Frank, our dear Forkface, might actually be Pisces 0_0
He really scared the crap outta Stitchy. But how exactly did he do that? By teleporting around then taking them to their 'Mind?' that's actually just the space realm? While appearing a hell of a lot bigger as he did so as well...
Like a pissed off Astral...
Also a few other points that might support this theory...
A while ago, Castor had mentioned how eventually another Astral would come to perform Lunars evaluation. He specifically mentioned how it would be very unlikely to be Pisces but he never specified why. But why would it be unlikely? If my guess is correct... Pisces has been AWOL for a while. Maybe he became fond of living a life rather than strictly doing his job. Or maybe he was investigating something else on earth.
Even farther back, Vegeta had commented something interesting about Frank... That Frank wasn't his name and he was a 'Mighty Warrior' which I think we just got a taste of right now.
Frank has lately displayed a weird habit of being around characters when they are having bad dreams. First Monty and then Earth. If my memory of Zodiac signs is accurate, then Pisces might have some connections to dreams... But don't quote me on that one, I admit my knowledge of the Zodiac is very rusty.
And my last point. One that smacked me hard when I was rewatching the episode... The symbol for Pisces...
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Looks a whole lot like Frank when he opens his face up doesn't it?
But yeah... That's my theory on this one...
Also, Yay for Frank being a badass! I love this little guy :)
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kenmarlenn · 1 year
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Next SAMS and LAES lore episodes be like
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nebuladreamz · 1 year
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brightstar2000 · 2 months
Even Moon admitted it. Nexus completely just snapped. He knew what he was doing by the end.
I'm glad Solar didn't stay mad. It was nice seeing him and Moon talk. It would be nice to see him and Sun get closer too. I'm a bit worried if Solar does try to seek Nexus out. Nexus may try to hurt him. If what Moon said is really true, Nexus just doesn't care anymore and he already expressed intent to cause harm when Ruin joined them, so he might hurt Solar too..
I also think Moon called out the people defending Nexus all this time.
Solar: "I hope to God you're wrong..." (about Nexus)
Moon: "Yea.. i'm sure a lot of people would"
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rayofmisfortune · 9 months
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my- my silly british baby blorbo ;m;
Episode spoilers under cut!
Okay one: their diary??? they're insecure and unsure of their place amongst the family???? YES THAT'S LITERALLY WHAT I'VE BEEN GOING WITH FOR THEIR CHARACTER AHAHAHHA please just include them guys I'm begging, they chose to isolate themself and literally no one seems to care *sobs* Two: IT'S NOT NICE TO READ PEOPLE'S PRIVATE DIARIES MOON AND SOLAR LOOKING AT YOU TWO
I am gripping their call and hugging it to my chest, they are so silly, they sounded so awkward jksdfdf ''I am not the best with electronics um'', YET THEY STILL MANAGED TO FOLLOW SCHEMATICS SOLAR MADE! Though- they apparently don't know about half the stuff their body can do so uhhh haha debatable. But like they said, they followed instructions, they didn't necessarilly have to know what what did or why it was even there.
THe VOICE IN THE CALL THOUGH???? WHO THE HECK WAS THAT??? That didn't really sound like Eclipse or anyone we know really...
I AM RAMMING DOWN THE ENTERANCE TO U-3 AND TAKING THEM OUT! Also- which bunker is U-3 exactly? have we seen it in the show before or is this a new location???
The rose tinted glasses are STAYING ON
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the-violet-galaxy · 6 months
On the topic of Ruin
EDIT: Just for reference, with further updates a few of these opinions have changed, but a lot of the sentiment is the same. (I also hadn't watched everything from the show yet, so my knowledge of some of the lore was spotty).
So. We just learned a lot about Ruin, didn’t we? The big twist and who he was all along.
Let me say, I adore this show! The story has been incredible and I’ve been at the edge of my seat the whole time. It’s been fascinating going back and forth about Ruin, listening to the arguments about whether he was good or evil. And when he was revealed to have built Eclipse all along, it was a matter of whether he did so knowingly or not.
But. Now we know for certain that Ruin did it willingly, and he was 100% aware, and faking being nice the whole time; and even if I WANT to hold out hope for him, there keep being less and less ways for Ruin to somehow be good or redeemed at the end of this. It seems Ruin might be confirmed 100% to be evil through and through, no Jekyll and Hyde, second personality, or return of the virus, like a lot of us had hoped.
And… I don’t know if I like this twist.
… Sadly, I can't say I do.
And I’d like to give my thoughts why! I have a lot to say, both from the perspective of a Ruin fan and from a storytelling perspective. So there's lots of analysis and personal feelings mixed together down here!
(And of course, there is still more to be revealed, but this is how it stands now.)
My first point is that it loses the show of a very good character.
Ruin was a great character! He was so unique in his personality, traits, and mannerisms compared to the rest of the cast, and his interactions with others were tons of fun.
It also just made a ton of sense to have him around: he is basically Canon Eclipse from the Ruin DLC, so letting him be here is just a Big Brain move.
There was so much potential for where he could go, given his backstory. He was a person who had 50 years of his life stolen from him, his entire world and everything he ever knew was destroyed, HIS BODY was the tool used to do it; and here he was, waking up in a new world his evil self tried to destroy, after being saved thanks to the kindness of several strangers who had every right to kill him but risked so much just to give him a chance. And now, unmoored here, he’s just trying to rebuild anything resembling a life --
There were SO many things you could do with this, SO many interesting ways Ruin could have developed… the angst; the sheer guilt of having killed so many people and destroyed so much; the fear of what he would see, if his memories from his time with the virus ever got uncorrupted; the TERROR he feels that his virus self might not actually be fully gone, and the desperation to NOT turn back into his other self and hurt anyone ever again -- the feeling of being excluded by everyone in this new dimension, he stays out of their way because he feels somewhat responsible for his Virus self hurting them, being the Weird Person who tries to fit in but really has no place anywhere, just wants to have a new life and new family with these people… (His relationship with Solar in particular was so interesting to me.) Ruin could have made up with Sun, after a long time of Sun being uncomfortable with him.
He was just one of the most fun characters to have around, including his streak of doing weird things. (And this is just personal, but I’m autistic, so I read that into a lot of his mannerisms. I loved him.)
And he paralleled many characters too!! In a way, you could say he was similar to New Moon: Ruin was created when his Sun and Moon fused, meaning Ruin is technically an incarnation of them, but he’s NOT them -- the way New Moon is an incarnation of Moon, but he’s not Old Moon. Ruin and Moon could have had formed a connection through that, at some point.
(And in this new arc, if we go with the idea that Ruin is innocent and a second personality was the one doing everything, then Ruin would be a parallel to Eclipse himself!! Eclipse is fabricated and nothing about him is “real” – the same could be said for Ruin in this event, where his second personality is literally messing with his brain, making Ruin also a "fabricated" personality of some kind. There is a line Ruin says when Eclipse kidnapped him that I always found interesting, where Ruin offered to heal Eclipse’s mind like therapy, which Eclipse shot down… I always liked that idea, that Eclipse and Ruin could bond. If Eclipse learned RUIN wasn’t to blame and it was a second personality, then, well, it could have happened. Why would the writers throw that idea out if they knew they would never do anything with it?)
As it was, Ruin had an entire WORLD of potential. And his existence made sense on a meta level, with link to the DLC's Canon Eclipse.
But that’s all gone now. Ruin being 100% evil just loses all that.
I think they did too good a job of making Ruin an enjoyable character to have around, if they knew he was going to be evil the whole time and were going to kill him in the end. (At the same time, they also didn’t utilize him in certain ways, like how Ruin never got a therapy session with Earth and was excluded from some of the group events, which logically would have been good for covering his tracks.)
Could there have been both a Good-Ruin and Ruin-Remade-Eclipse-Twist at the same time?
I’ll talk more about it in the next point, but I genuinely think the writers could have had it both ways if they had wanted to. They could have let Ruin be a good and innocent person who can stay around as a member of the cast, while STILL having him be the rebuilder of Eclipse and the source of other evil things. How?
The Two-Personalities theory! It’s been a theory for a while that Ruin has more than one personality inside of him, the second personality usually theorized to be his Virus Self. When he slips up and says stuff like “OUR head’s spinning a little bit” when getting the memory scrub from Moon, for instance. Ruin would be innocent and unaware, while his Virus/Other Self takes over when he’s not mentally present and does the bad things.
(Or alternatively: Ruin as an innocent person WAS real for a while, but his virus came back at some point.)
If that is what happened, they could have their cake and eaten it too.
And I think that would have been a better utilization of the worldbuilding given to us. Elaborated further:
I feel they could have utilized the worldbuilding in better ways.
One of the most interesting parts of the Show is how it plays with the concept of identity for these robots. There are several characters that are new incarnations of previous characters, but are distinctly different people from their previous selves. Bloodmoon, Moon, Eclipse, etc. 
Look closer at Moon. Even if they are incarnations of the same person, Old Moon and New Moon are completely separate individuals. New Moon lost his memories and remembers nothing of being Old Moon, which is WHY he is a new person. It would be completely unfair to blame New Moon for what Old Moon did – New Moon did not kill those children, New Moon did not abuse Sun, because he does not remember it. Because he does not remember it, he shouldn’t be punished for those things, because HE did not do them. What this means is that MEMORY is one of the key aspects in a robot’s identity, and their identity can change depending on those memories.  
Now take that, and apply it to Ruin: how interesting would it have been if RUIN, the one we saw in the videos, was actually fully innocent and completely unaware of what his body was being used to do the entire time? Because his evil past self/second personality had been controlling him and literally editing over top of his memories while his body was building Eclipse and preparing the Arcade plan, so that Ruin had no idea anything was going on? For all these months, Ruin GENUINELY believes he is innocent, and doesn’t remember doing anything that brought Eclipse back; he’s in distress when suspicion falls on him because he “knows” he did nothing wrong, and he’s relieved when Moon scrubs his mind and finds nothing there; phew, now they can trust him. But then! Along with Moon, Solar, Sun, and everyone else, he would find out he WAS doing it all along. Ruin could be utterly HORRIFIED and aghast that his worst fear (turning back into his evil self) had come true. And imagine the angst for that too, “my memories have been messed with so much – I’m basically a fabrication of a personality, DO I EVEN COUNT AS TRULY EXISTING!?” 
This could even lead to an interesting moral conundrum for Sun and Moon too. Moon is already on the warpath and has less patience for Ruin’s life (especially with how much harm Ruin seemingly did to them), so would Moon be eager to KILL Ruin (or if not kill him, then at least give Eclipse permission to do it)? Or would Moon be talked through it, sort of realize “Ruin doesn’t remember any of it and didn’t do it himself. It’s not his fault. The same way Old Moon’s actions are not mine. It would be unjust to kill him because RUIN wasn’t the one who did any of it.”
Many possibilities.
...But no, none of that ended up happened.
Instead Ruin is a “was always evil, all along” kind of guy. Which is… pretty disappointing considering the other possibilities. It genuinely feels like “the most obvious option.”
Also, Eclipse has literal command orders built into his head.
So in theory, maybe the innocent Ruin could have had something like this too. Imagine: His second personality, doing things whenever Ruin is mentally asleep, also embeds Ruin's AI with those command prompts that force Ruin to do unusual things. Ruin builds his own body and he doesn't really have a good reason? The commands subconsciously forcing him to. He goes down into the bunker? He has this weird, pathological obsession with doing things with arcade machines he can't quite stop? THE COMMAND LINES, BABY.
Then when it comes time for Moon to memory-scrub him, the second personality could just. Corrupt the lines, hide them with the rest of them.
(Then OO DRAMA later on when everyone realizes Ruin's condition. Just as Eclipse knows he'll die if he differs from his plans, Ruin realizes he's being forced to do things and will die if he doesn't. Hey that's another connection the two could share.)
Eclipse has been right about everything, but this twist sort of invalidates a few of the things Eclipse has said.
Eclipse honed in on Ruin and was correct the whole time. But let’s look at a few episodes, to hyper-analyze some of the things Eclipse said.
The episode where Eclipse kidnapped Ruin:
Ruin: I was far too busy elsewhere to have any, uh, meddling with your being—
Eclipse: You see that’s the funny thing. I don’t think you realize what you’ve DONE. Or what you ARE going to do.
This implies Eclipse ALSO believes Ruin doesn’t remember his actions.  So if Eclipse has been right about everything so far, why would he be wrong about THAT?
In the same episode, after Eclipse tells Ruin: "I'm going to torture you" and leaves, Ruin is left all alone. Because Eclipse has left, Ruin has no reason to keep up the facade of being scared any longer, and YET, he still sits there hyperventilating for a few seconds before saying:
"Oh GOD...."
why would he do that, if he knew he could drop the act?
There’s also the episode where he confronts Ruin, he says:
“What did you do, huh? Changed a bit of your memory? Wiped your whole brain with a magnet? What did you do, huh?”
And I still just feel if Ruin genuinely changed his whole memory and brain, that his entire Ego/Personality should change. 
There’s also just the amount of Eclipse’s “Are you terrified of me?” and scaring Ruin that whole episode.
If Ruin WASN’T in a different, innocent personality at that moment, Eclipse would know he’s not scared. If Ruin BUILT him, he wouldn’t be scared.
Ruin offered to “repair” Eclipse’s mind at one point, comparing it to therapy.
Which Eclipse shot down, of course. If Ruin was 100% faking and knew what he was doing the entire time, and he knew he was never going to do anything of the sort with Eclipse, why would he EVER offer this to Eclipse? Why would the writers throw it out if it was never going to go anywhere?
It loses a perfectly good redemption arc.
One thing about the Show is how its redemptions rarely stick, at least for long. Lunar is like, the only one who has gotten a redemption arc and stayed alive. Killcode died shortly after his redemption. Old Moon tried to change, really he did, but he died before he could ever make the changes he needed to.  Eclipse is currently being worked on in a way, but that is still a LONG ways off. Etc, etc.
Then we had Ruin, who was another successful “redemption”, and it was pretty good to see!! …Which is now ruined (hah) because he was never good to begin with.
It makes all that effort the other characters went through for nothing.
Sun and Moon tried so hard to help Ruin, they took a risk for him to cure him of his virus – but in the end, this was the Wrong thing to do.
The characters did the right thing!! And they are being punished for it!!
And elaborating on that further:
This is going to negatively affect all the characters going forward.
This entire arc, Moon has been dealing with negative thought patterns and paranoia, and a lot of that paranoia manifested when he was investigating Ruin. He acted pretty cruel to Ruin in many ways, especially during the interrogation. This is why I thought it was very good for Moon when he did the memory scrub, found nothing, and realized he was being kind of a jerk, so he apologized to Ruin and pulled back a bit. He didn’t STOP LOOKING INTO HIM, but it was a lesson for him, to not to let his aggression reign over him when dealing with people he was suspicious of.
(One of the most concerning parts of Moon’s paranoia was how he said he didn’t trust ANYONE. He says so directly to Eclipse: “trust is a FARCE.” Despite this, in some way or form, he DID let his guard down around Ruin and began to trust him just a mild amount.)
WELL NOW THAT’S ALL GONE! Moon will never trust anyone ever again. The last person he gave the benefit of the doubt to turned out to be a multiverse-destroyer. Moon now has every reason to double down on his aggression, his paranoia, his mistrust of other people; in the future I doubt he will ever be so kind or lenient with people. He would probably be more likely to “attack first” when seeing a potential threat. And Sun as well; Sun will have much less reason to want to be kind or to take a chance to help a villain, because one time he helped Ruin and it blew up in his face.
So… good job. :/
It just kind of feels like the most obvious twist that could have written with the pieces on hand.
It’s like… There are a million different moving parts for this mystery -- multi-personalities, the virus, ways to play with memories that change identities, command orders embedded into robot's skulls – and then they chose the most straightforward way to use them.
Over the course of the storyline there were SO many signs pointing to Ruin (one of the Thumbnails even had a Creepy Face hidden in the corner) that it felt there HAD to be some kind of twist involving personalities or memories or someone else controlling him. I don’t want to say bad writing, but….
It almost makes Ruin a little too powerful.
I feel it’s almost cheating in some ways. Ruin is able to edit/corrupt his own memories so Moon couldn’t access them…… but RUIN still know them? Why didn’t Ruin literally forget those things, himself? It feels a little TOO powerful, a little too unrealistic, for him to be able to fool all these scanners and all these people SO easily. ESPECIALLY because we know Moon and Solar (and Eclipse definitely) went snooping around Ruin’s stuff before and looked at his computers; how did they, two galactic supergeniuses, never find ANY hint that Ruin had tampered with the security camera broadcasts when they were doing it?
When Ruin is supposed to be acting, he sounds just a little too sincere.
This is more of a minor thing, but in some of the episodes, when something dramatic happened to Ruin, it doesn't feel like he's acting in-universe; he sounds very sincere.
Just some examples: when he's interrogated by Moon and sounds so sad about being threatened. When Eclipse menaces him several times he's so scared. And many just other instances just. (And again, since I'm autistic, I read some of his stranger mannerisms as just being through that lens. Even if he acted strange sometimes that doesn't automatically equal fakeness.)
And I dunno, maybe he should have had more instances where it didn't feel so sincere.
This makes Solar the only person from another dimension who is good.
Pretty much everyone else from the other dimensions is bad or evil in some way, (aside from like one Sun from the one-off dimension where Moon never existed.) And I love Solar, but for some reason, it just doesn’t feel RIGHT that he’s literally the only person who is totally cool with the Celestial family.  Does anyone else feel that way?
Minor thing: When Moon apologized to Ruin, they said they would make Ruin a bedroom out of one of the alcoves.
Then they didn't.
Petty reason: Ruin was my comfort character, my personal one.
Lol, lmao even, my poor heart. It's broken.
And there are some various other thoughts, but this is also really long, so I'm going to stop here.
At the end of the day, I was really passionate about this character, and I’m disappointed to see it go the route that it did. There WERE ways to have Ruin still be good while also being a villain, just by giving him a second personality. And giving Ruin a second personality, to play around with the worldbuilding of robot memories and how Ruin isn’t responsible due to his memories being different, I personally think would have been more interesting.
Is there ANY hope for Ruin still being around after this? I’m not sure at this point. It’s looking less and less likely that there is a way out for Ruin. It’s looking less and less likely that there are two personalities, or even that Ruin was infected to begin with. 
If he somehow makes it out I’ll be ecstatic, but until then, I have a feeling we might be saying goodbye to him soon.
I still love this Show very much! And the story isn't over yet. So we'll just have to see if it can pull something off with this. But as it stands, I just have to respectfully say I think a mistake has been made in the direction they are going with it.
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Bro what
I’m for open opinions but wtf are you on about
Moon was protecting his fucking family from a literally manipulator abuser and murderer.
Eclispe killed Lunar cause he found Lunar annoying (also emotionally and physically abused and traumatised him incase you forgot)
There is a MASSIVE difference
This is why I block people
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ilsole · 2 years
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the sun and moon show is something i probably won’t watch but damn does the lore go hard
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tsams-and-co-memes · 3 months
So uhhhhhh. No one @ me, but I feel like Jack might be a better therapist than Earth
I'd have to go rewatch the therapy videos she did with Sun to draw a better comparison between her and Jack's therapy styles since it's been a bit and I forget how her therapy sessions went, but I just feel like Jack is saying and doing all the right things, and his "therapy" might be exactly what Sun needs in this current moment
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hmmm someone on the tsbs server mentioned the Earth and Lunar show poll from a bit ago and got a response. wonder what September 9th means.
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noomichi · 1 year
If this is denial it be hitting hard.
I might be in denial, but I don't think KC will be dead forever. I don't think he will come back any time soon, but in like maybe a couple months to a year, KC might return, I felt like his arc ended too soon so yeah he might return in the future.
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 1 year
I wonder what Eclipse meant by "people of interest". What do they want with Lunar? Why would they be upset about him being alive again? Is Eclipse telling the truth or is he pulling things out his butt? Because last I heard the star only gives you control over reality, not time. Explain yourself better sir!
I think he meant Nao, the Creator.
And I fully believe Eclipse was telling the truth this time. He sounds too desperate, too scared for it not to be.
And perhaps that's where the tampering comes in, messing with the realities of certain dimensions to see further in time. He done goofed.
Also I really hope doesn't actually die tomorrow. I will cry, and I'm not exaggerating ;-;
Let him suffer the consequences of his actions. Bring him to Death's door, but let him live plz
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kenmarlenn · 1 year
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