#tsams theory
Okay so it's theory time...
I think that Eclipse is going to try and bring back Solar via magic means. He's clearly up to something and it's not initially clear what. But if Moon cannot figure out how to undo Solars dimensional collapse via scientific means, magical means might be the only shot they have with that.
But my inner alchemist is saying that to do that he'd need a sacrifice.
One life for a life. He'd probably offer himself up with the full intention of dying. I think one thing that we can say is that Eclipse DOES care. And probably more than that he knows he isn't wanted, the universe is happier place without him. Puppet even said that exact thing to him recently.
But it would be something that would make all of the Celestial family see him differently. As he really is just a sad, lonely soul who never got the help he desperately needed... And as Ruin has said today, he's essentially a photocopy of Eclipse. He isn't the real one and that's gotta hurt like hell to know.
But... I don't think HE'S going to be the one who dies...
I think that right before the sacrifice he is ready to make, Frank will step in and exchange Eclipse for someone else...
I think he will put in one of the Bloodtwins...
Now I fully believe that Stitchwraith is going to separate the twins, yes, but separation doesn't mean death... But Frank has a score to settle. So however the twins are separated, Frank will do Frank things and obtain the captured Bloodtwin. To which he sacrifices in order to bring back Solar, but also give Eclipse a genuine chance to change and have a life. As everyone will have seen that there was something in him that was willing to die to bring back the one they all loved.
It gives Frank the ability to right a wrong. As Bloodmoon killed his lover, but now one of them will be used to resurrect someone who was taken from his family too soon...
This will be incredibly bad news for Bloodmoon, but an interesting route things could take for the rest of the show.
A life for a life...
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rayofmisfortune · 4 months
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Episode spoilers under cut + a small theory cuz brain go BRRRRR
Solar, Moon and Lunar geeking out about dragon mythology while Sun's just there screaming and panicking 😭 He's gonna hold such a grudge against everyone jfnfn
What kind of shape shifting magic did Solar use jfnfnf Did he just swap the bodies of another Sun with theirs? Because if so DAMN THE SUN FROM THE DRAGON DIMENSION MUST'VE BEEN CONFUSED EVEN MORE THAN OUR SUN FJJFJF That guy probably didn't even have any context and just suddenly BOOM turned into a robot jfnfnf
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possumsarenice · 1 month
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joltyflare · 29 days
(Sun and Moon Show Theory #2: Eclipse Will Bring Solar Back)
This is a pretty common and obvious theory by now, especially after today's lore in LAES. It seems like it's very clear this is the direction the shows (SAMS and LAES) are headed. But I still think it's worth posting!
I think Eclipse is working on bringing Solar back. I also believe he will succeed at being the one to bring him back rather than Moon.
His motives are now more obvious than ever: He wants to prove himself. Everyone is constantly berating him and calling him useless and whatnot and we know Eclipse has always had quite the ego. We also know he is intelligent...and regardless of what he thinks about his status as being a mere copy of himself, we know that he is aware that he is still intelligent and still has his pride. He especially wants to prove he is the more "dominant" one between himself and Moon (unable to accept that New Moon isn't the same Moon he had this rivalry with and that he doesn't care to be his rival now). When he visited Moon and Moon started going on about how nobody would ever love Eclipse, Eclipse made that remark about him being unable to bring back Solar. The way he did this and then immediately mentioned wanting to prove who is the dominant one makes me believe that Eclipse feels like he can bring back Solar and one-up Moon in doing so.
Of course, another reason he wants to do this is because Puppet and Frank's words actually got through to him. He knows he needs a purpose to feel fulfilled. He always needs a goal to work towards, otherwise he feels incomplete. Apparently, at least for the time being, his goal seems to revolve around being superior to Moon. Ever since his first death that seems to be the case. Moon and Eclipse can't seem to get away from each other and seem to be drawn together like moths to a flame at this point. If he redeems himself, I still feel like it'll be hard for him to pass up this rivalry even if it does become a more friendly rivalry. But, regardless, the words of Puppet and Frank seemed to have sparked something within him that he couldn't shake off.
But there's also the fact he visited Earth and spoke to her. When he visited Sun and Moon's home, he simply seemed to be investigating (more on that later) but when he visited Earth he seemed interested in actually talking to her. He appeared to be there primarily to speak to her about Solar's death. When he asked her if she really needed Solar and she said yeah, he let out this long sigh. I can't help but wonder if that set him fully on the path to finding Solar. After all, she seems to be the only person to have shown him true kindness thus far and he's finally believing that she is genuine as well as starting to respect her as an individual. Maybe he's starting to care about her. He didn't mock her or anything and simply seemed curious on her thoughts. Some people were saying he could have possibly gone to Monty's place to investigate further but I find it doubtful, since Solar didn't have much relevance to Monty's home or anything like that. I think he was there for Earth and maybe trying to disguise the fact he was there for her by just turning and looking away from her as he spoke.
Anyway, that's it for the motive part of this theory: Needing a purpose, wanting to prove himself (especially to Moon), and maybe feeling a bit of sympathy and empathy (especially toward Earth).
As for the evidence...well, there's that whole conversation that sparked him even considering being the one to bring Solar back. Or even considering it to be a plausible thing that can happen. After Puppet and Frank practically ordered him to do this, he yelled at the air about how it was probably impossible and then muttered "unless..." despite seeming somewhat dismissive still. Then he apparently went into Sun and Moon's home to where Solar died, brushed his finger along the floor, and left. And he of course went to where Earth was for whatever reason...and, of course, proceeded to talk to her about her grief over Solar. He has also seemingly abandoned the immediate desire to kill Ruin. Then he went to Moon and was somewhat mocking him over the fact he couldn't revive Solar and then went on about how he wanted to prove to be more dominant...which is an interesting thing to just suddenly say.
But today's episode is what really sells this theory for me. I mean he was thinking really hard about something, openly said he's not planning on hurting Sun, Moon, or their family, and then needed to think some more and started talking to himself about how he needed code, a lot of power, and maybe something else? He seems to have almost everything he needs. He even doubts that Sun and Moon will even want his help, which makes sense when combined with how he has been treated by the two brothers since Solar's death. Yeah...all this is pointing in the direction of Eclipse reviving Solar.
It's obvious Solar will come back! There are very few people who even think he'll stay dead and even staff in the official server are as convinced as fans that he'll be coming back. Bringing him back, at least according to Puppet, is important to the balance of things as well. The way he died even leaves a lot in the air and makes me feel like his story would indeed not end there. I mean fans were in an uproar more than any death in the series as well, so there's that.
But my main belief is that they wanted to do a Solar redesign anyway. They never wanted to get rid of Solar and they seem to like killing off characters as an excuse to give them new models. A lot. Solar's model in VRchat was glitching a lot anyway and there were hints he'd get a new body regardless but this would make the most sense if we were to get the one we see in thumbnails. Regardless as to why, I think this is gonna be an exciting part of his return!!
I might make a post explaining why I think they'd have Solar die to simply get a new body for him. Some of it obviously has to do with a redemption arc for Eclipse and it ties in well with he plot but there's more things design-wise that make me feel it's the only way to give him the design we see in the thumbnails.
Anyway, yeah, I think Solar is coming back and I think Eclipse will bring him back. Also, no, I do not think Eclipse will have to sacrifice himself for this to happen...so I hope Eclipse AND Solar fans (such as myself) can enjoy the prospect of his return!!
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taradactylus · 2 months
I still stand by the theory that evil Sun brought back Eclipse as a distraction. And now the newer and recent episodes in both the TSAMS and TLAES made me realize something, (although I'm mostly talking about two TSAMS episodes), so lemme run you through this quick idea from evil Sun's first appearance:
So evil Sun said that he wants to create an interdimensional star technically in the What if SUN was EVIL?! in VRChat episode. Moon said good luck with that, because he can't rewrite the fabric of reality. Evil Sun then replied:
"I dont have to rewrite the fabric of reality, I need to rewrite what uses it... automatically updating star"
So... I'd like to ask the entire fandom's ideas...
Would it be possible to drain the Astral Bodies powers?
MAYBE I UNDERSTOOD IT WRONG, but technically... they are the ones using the star power. They are made out of star. And Castor told Eclipse in the Eclipse is CONFRONTED in VRChat episode, whoever made him, is not from this dimension, and quote:
"There is your hint. Stop him before it becomes a problem for me."
LIKE... I DON'T THINK CASTOR WOULD SAY THIS UNLESS HE IS AWARE OUR MYSTERIOUS ECLIPSE-CREATOR IS CAPABLE OF ABUSING STAR POWER. (He technically also hinted whoever does this is a he.) And the only person we know so far who currently could and want to do that in a different dimension other than their own would be evil Sun. He copied Moon's knowledge after all. He became aware of the Astral Bodies after meeting Moon, even though I think he already knew about them.
But let's say Moon gave evil Sun the knowledge of the Astral Bodies.
Evil Sun episode happened in 2023 december 10.
Eclipse returned on 2023 december 26.
Even though time works differently between dimensions, evil Sun is a genius, and had time to build Eclipse. And let's not forget what Eclipse said in the same episode as Castor revealing the hint:
"What makes me an individual of this comsos?....What do you mean by that? What's not copied? Everything is copied. Nothing of this body is original. I am copied off of Sun, and the memories from another, my own flesh ripped and stripped of a Fazcade Arcade machine. My very power is drawn from somebody that I don't even know! You're not staring at an individual, except somebody who wants to get even."
Even Eclipse is aware of his very own coding. He remembers who he was, and knows exactly this is not him.
Evil Sun could copy a Sun body, he could've get ANY DIMENSION'S Eclipse memories that is at least 70% same as our Eclipse's, and since he technically copies other dimension Moon's knowledge, he can know about old Moon's runes. And we all know Sun's magical powers are big. I don't think thats any different with evil Sun.
What I'm trying to say is... evil Sun has the knowledge, the power, and the reason to do all of this. Maybe it's not him, but I still believe this is the case.
Sidenote, he was collecting data most likely from any dimension he could reach, and me, as a geographer who's entire work, no matter the topic, is all based on non-stop data collecting on whatever question I wanna find answer for, or conclusion/fact I wanna make... evil Sun does everything perfectly in order to reach his goal, which is the automatically updating interdimensional star.
He collects the knowledge of the well-known genius Moon from any dimension he could reach, Sun was PREPARED to hurt Moon's ego with confessing that his genius is not built-in-code but earned with time (that's like a huge scream this wasn't the first time he did this). He transferred the data before revealing what he is doing. And he probably has a TON OF data by this point. He also called new Moon "a dead one", which technically confirmed not every dimension's Moon died. Adds more to the fact evil Sun could've copied the runes.
And by this time, I think he drew a conclusion of how he could access star power in every dimension... The Astral Bodies. Sun just needs a different dimension to test it. In order to do so though, he needs to distract the smarties there. And tbh, it scares me that evil Sun said he heard about our dimension, and he was curious of it.
Anyways that's all I wanted to say. Maybe repetitive or doesn't make sense at all, I just still wanna share this.
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mrdairyy · 1 month
this may just be because ruin’s sun and moon’s personalities clash during certain situations for example when ruin got back to the daycare after being kidnapped he says multiple times that he doesn’t know what to feel about the situation moon would be angry and try to do something rash (remember that ruin’s sun and moon didn’t make the show so they would act like pre-show sun and moon) while sun would be upset and scared about the situation. These two things would clash causing ruin to be confused on what to feel. Again I could go on and on about it but this post is getting long lol
Part 4 and last part this is a lot better than the giant essay I made lol
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pandi-ponders · 1 month
Whatever Ruin has planned will result in a multi-dimensional collapse. What if bringing back a dimension could do that? We already know Ruin's dimension was dying, on the verge of collapsing.
When Ruin had the virus, he was only capable of his namesake, bringing destruction to whatever he touched. That was the whole point of the virus, leaving no life, only mechanical machinery. So by the end of October, what if Ruin truly was cured? It was different circumstances that led him to his villainy.
"I assure you, you will not be harmed"
Ruin finally has clarity thanks to the virus being cleared but because of the damage his counterpart did, no one quite trusted him. He was alone in a foreign world, an outcast who was unwelcome. So why stay here? Why not go back to the place he knew best?
Ruin is trying to get home...
That explains why be hidden in the ball pit, closest to the portal technology. It explains why his actions involve dimensions. It explains why he wouldn't want Moon and his loved ones purposefully harmed because they aren't at the center of his goal.
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the-chaos137 · 3 months
Can we talk about Ruin rq?
Ruin was corrupted by a psychotic, masochist virus for most likely, years. They lived in a world where everyone was constantly fighting, war everywhere, all their friends trying to them. Their creator being the reason for all of that.
When sun went to Ruined Monty, they immediately attacked him because they thought he was Ruin. That’s what Ruin has to live through. They were trapped in their own head for years, most likely in the same amount of pain that Sun went through when stuck in Moons head. They wanted out, in the interphase it was clear they were in PAIN.
And Moon and Sun found a vile labelled “cure” and used that to cure Ruin. THEY WERE THE ONES TO CURE RUIN. Ruin has done nothing to them since coming back. Sure they could be faking. But why would they if they found an actual cure in their og dimension?
Ruin sees things other people don’t. It’s who they are. They can see the editors cameras. They can see codes and messages in the static around the plex. Remember this is still FNAF, meaning there still are children’s spirits hanging around the location. Ruin can see their messages in the static. That’s my theory as to why they haven’t fixed some of the static. They want to help.
Could be a stretch but whatever.
Moon is constantly suspicious of them even though they haven’t done anything besides being DIFFERENT. Besides being a little strange. They have HELPED Moon and Sun. They were kidnapped by Eclipse, threatened to be tortured, told Eclipse to his face that they could help him with his mental health. Why would they be acting? It doesn’t make sense to me.
Moon refuses to trust them. Ruin was alone during Christmas. Not even Earth went to see them. They were alone. They’re insecure, as shown in their diary that MOON READ. That is such a dick move, that’s their private thoughts and feelings. If Moon had a diary and someone read it he would be PISSED. I get he doesn’t trust them but there is NO evidence that they are against them in ANY WAY!
And moon still doesn’t trust them. I just don’t get it. I get Moon has trust issues but come on dude. THEIR DIARY??? Low blow.
[ Bonus:
Ruin days stuff like “oh my gods.” Or “gods”. And I find that quite interesting for their character, most likely hinting that they are a pagan or something else. ]
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glade-constellation · 7 months
Okay, so. This is just a theory. A theory I’ve had ever since we learned of the Astrals, but I haven’t really wanted to talk about since there was literally no evidence. Evidence for it is still flimsy, but with the most recent Lunar and Earth episode I feel the need to talk about it.
Lunar is going to be used by the Astrals to create a new Newton Star.
As in, Lunar will get turned into a star.
I know it’s far fetched, but recent episodes show Lunar still has a very strong connection to the Newton Star, even after it was exploded alongside Eclipse. The ringing and the voices that only happened in the Star’s last location? His new affinity for space and stars specifically? That means the connection to the Star is still very much there. Earth (I believe) said something about how when something is created, it can’t be fully destroyed. The Star may not be able to be physically touched anymore, but it’s power is still there. Lunar has been feeling that power ever since he woke up.
I think that when Lunar was killed using the Star, some of its power somehow stuck to him. When the Star does something, it’s supposed to be final unless you reverse it with that Star. That didn’t happen for Lunar. He was killed by the Star and came back but completely different means. That could be why his emotions have been so difficult for him right now, besides the fact that he’s running from his problems. The Star is still trying to keep him dead, because that’s what it was told to do by Eclipse. It’s trying to suppress him.
Like I said, this is just a theory, and a poorly supported one at that. I just felt the need to talk about it. Lunar is definitely important to the Astrals, that we know, we just don’t know how. I believe this is it. Lunar is the last living connection the that Newton Star, and the Astrals are going to use him to bring the Star back.
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thorns-and-rosewings · 2 months
Soooo after todays episode of The Monty and Foxy Show... I think that Frank, our dear Forkface, might actually be Pisces 0_0
He really scared the crap outta Stitchy. But how exactly did he do that? By teleporting around then taking them to their 'Mind?' that's actually just the space realm? While appearing a hell of a lot bigger as he did so as well...
Like a pissed off Astral...
Also a few other points that might support this theory...
A while ago, Castor had mentioned how eventually another Astral would come to perform Lunars evaluation. He specifically mentioned how it would be very unlikely to be Pisces but he never specified why. But why would it be unlikely? If my guess is correct... Pisces has been AWOL for a while. Maybe he became fond of living a life rather than strictly doing his job. Or maybe he was investigating something else on earth.
Even farther back, Vegeta had commented something interesting about Frank... That Frank wasn't his name and he was a 'Mighty Warrior' which I think we just got a taste of right now.
Frank has lately displayed a weird habit of being around characters when they are having bad dreams. First Monty and then Earth. If my memory of Zodiac signs is accurate, then Pisces might have some connections to dreams... But don't quote me on that one, I admit my knowledge of the Zodiac is very rusty.
And my last point. One that smacked me hard when I was rewatching the episode... The symbol for Pisces...
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Looks a whole lot like Frank when he opens his face up doesn't it?
But yeah... That's my theory on this one...
Also, Yay for Frank being a badass! I love this little guy :)
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rayofmisfortune · 1 month
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possumsarenice · 3 months
Ruin built him before he was cured as a failsafe. And whatever directives Eclipse was built with are meant to restore Ruin to his previous-virus infected self in case he ever was cured. And he built Eclipse to put on a show to distract Sun and Moon from him so when he does get re-infected they won’t notice. He probably had it set up so Eclipse would show up a few months after he was cured so it wouldn’t be suspicious.
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joltyflare · 30 days
(Sun and Moon Show Theory # 1: Ruin Still Does Have Another AI Inside His Body)
I've done a few rants now...time for my first theory post!!
So, Ruin is one of the most mysterious characters in the entire series. When he first appeared, he was a maniac who just wanted to torture and kill everyone in sadistic ways.
Or so he seemed.
It was then revealed that the Creator of his universe inflicted all the animatronics with a virus that made them all evil and sadistic and that Ruin was one of these many animatronics.
Or so he seemed.
When he banished Sun and Moon to Ruin's dimension, they managed to get a cure, return to their home, inject Ruin with it, and possibly cure him.
Ahem... Or so it seemed...
After this, he was always a little suspicious but he at least seemed different from his former maniac self. He was no longer seeking out others to play insane "games" that were very sadistic in nature and usually involved some sort of physical suffering. He seemed meek and shy as well as terribly clumsy as well as a little eccentric and, let's face it...not the brightest.
But there always was still that doubt that he wasn't fully cured and that he was behind the return of the infamous Eclipse. Or, if he was cured, still had some plans going on in the background. After all, not much was known about Eclipse other than that he was the fusion of his Sun and Moon and that he came from a dimension destroyed by the Creator there. It would make sense for him to still have motives that would cause him to do strange things. He was also proven to be a good actor more than once. The fandom was split in half on the decision of whether or not to believe that he was innocent but it has been proven that he was indeed NOT innocent.
Yet the common consensus was that he was faking not being cured or that he was cured and was just pretending he didn't bring Eclipse back and wasn't doing anything wrong. Nobody really thought about the possibility that he had also been pretending to have the virus all along and never really had it! Yet he claims that was the case and that he had simply been a carrier, stating that his whole manic behaviour was all an act to get rid of Sun and Moon so that he could use their home to start prepping his plans to get rid of the Creator Council.
So, it seems that Ruin is a very, very good actor. Most of what he has done has been an act. His manic, sadistic, chaos-loving "virus self" and his shy, clumsy, frankly adorable self were simply personas.
But one thing that has remained consistent is the prospect of him having another entity trapped within his body, one that he's possibly blocking from having control somehow. We've seen this happen quite a few times with characters in this series at this point so it's obviously possible.
There have been a few hints to this being the case, such as when he rescued Foxy (before beating him to a pulp lol), was interrogated the first time, and after Moon and Solar went through his memories. The second instance could quite easily be an act and it would make sense if it was. However...why would he have done so when rescuing Foxy or when waking up after having had his mind scrubbed? These instances also take place in both his virus persona and innocent persona phases.
When he saved Foxy in that one MGAFS episode and beat him up (which I may make a post on itself), another personality seemed to interrupt him beating up Foxy and apologized profusely for what was going on. There was the implication that this personality was his good side and was trapped in his body and couldn't control it, with Ruin somehow suppressing it. Everyone assumed this was his non-virus-afflicted self but in recent episodes, he said he was just actin like he had a virus. Still, this scene is very odd. He seemed to genuinely be losing control and, yes, he is a VERY GOOD ACTOR and all but why would he have done that? Was it because he himself felt bad and he felt so guilty he wanted to act out that second personality apologizing? Was it because he wanted to really hammer in the story that he was under the influence of a virus to the point where he'd pretend his non-virus self came out at that moment to convince Foxy too?
It just struck me as odd, you know? This personality didn't have the accent (though I assumed this could be a retcon at first and it still could be even if my theory is correct). I'm not sure why but I just feel like this was a genuine moment.
But what really made me think someone else is being suppressed in Ruin's mind is when Moon scrubbed his mind and Ruin woke up and said "our head is spinning." When Moon questioned his use of the word "our", Ruin seemed to get quite defensive. For all he acting that he does, I don't think he would incriminate himself by saying something like this on purpose. I believe this was a genuine slip-up on his behalf like there was someone else there he was referring to. After all, he was doing his best to make it so that Moon was not suspicious of him in any way. As far as Ruin was concerned, his innocent persona had no secret side. There would have been no benefit for him to have pretended it did have another personality in it.
He also seemed to be muttering something to himself about someone being free soon during that episode where he reveals himself to Sun and waits for Moon to show up. Sure, he could have been referring to the dimensions that are being saved by the Creator Council's downfall being freed from their grasp, but it's still an odd word choice if that is the case.
It's the mind-scrubbing episode mixed with the Foxy episode that does it for me though. My theory is that there is someone else stuck in his head who doesn't agree with the methods Ruin has for ending the Creator Council. Someone who is a lot more peaceful than he is and who doesn't like that others have to suffer for this goal to be achieved. I think Ruin is suppressing this side of himself but I think he interacts with him from time to time. We know that this is something that can happen.
I think that this is the side of him that has the "sweet Sun voice", as others have called it in the past when wondering why it had an accent and "cured Ruin" doesn't. But just who is it? According to what Ruin said in his backstory episode, his Sun and Moon merged and ended up as him. They weren't separate and became one entity, right? But, with the way the episode ends, he doesn't exactly say much about how the process went or what happened after. Did something go wrong? Did another entity get involved and, perhaps, Moon got merged with them by accident instead of with Sun? (I say Moon due to the non-British voice I mentioned being Sun, meaning it would've had to have been Moon to have been merged or lost had something gone wrong) Could something have gone wrong later down the line, perhaps when the Creator made Ruin into a carrier of the virus? Had he experimented on Ruin and tampered with him, causing something to occur and possibly create a new personality entirely in the process?
I feel like it's really possible that the Creator could have done something that created Ruin as we know it, introducing another new personality to the singular body. Ruin hates the Creators, all of them, with a passion. He clearly has something personal against them on top of the knowledge they will destroy as many universes as they can with their antics.
When telling Moon he should go mourn the loss of Solar with the rest of the family, Ruin also mentions that he knows what it's like to grieve with others. Ruin has obviously gone through a lot... I mean, yes, we knew he went through a lot after what his dimension went through and all but there's a lot more he isn't telling us. I want to know everything about Ruin!
My theory is something tragic caused Ruin to become the way we know him as today and that he does indeed have another personality within him. While I don't think Ruin himself is evil or anything, I do believe whoever's inside his head is a lot more peaceful and doesn't agree with the way he's going about things. I'd assume if there's someone else within him then he is pretty traumatized from the things he's seen Ruin do at this point. We don't know the details of what happened after Sun and Moon merged. Ruin was very vague. For all I know, it's possible the Moon half of him got destroyed entirely at some point.
Hopefully, we learn more about him soon. He is really, really good at hiding things from everyone but it seems like he's willing to reveal everything soon. I just think he's sharing a body with someone. I don't think he hates this other being but I do think he suppresses him because he doesn't want whoever it is getting in his way of stopping the Creators.
Anyway, I doubt he'll die soon. He mystery plot armour!
I wouldn't say I articulated my thoughts the greatest here and I mostly rambled but I'll post it anyway.
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thefandomshadow · 6 months
Sun & Moon Show Theory!
So, I was watching some of the old TSAMS videos, and thought about something. We all know that good Eclipse is a mechanic, and I started thinking, what if he picked it up from sun? Hear me out for a second! As far as we know, Sun (our Sun not Nice Eclipses) thought he ran the Daycare alone before Moon used some magic to introduce himself. So it would make sense for Sun to have learned at least a little bit about mechanics (perhaps even enjoyed it) in order to fix the generators and computers inside the Daycare (we see him sorta fix Moon's computer in one of the episodes)! But after Moon got his own body, and perhaps even before, Sun was considered the 'dumb' one, and maybe after Moon got his own body and started doing this to Sun as well (calling him "dumb" and "idiot"), he may have lost any confidence he had in his abilities to fix things and gave it up after one to many times of the old Moon calling him stupid or thinking he'll mess something up!
Just a thought 💭
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b33anie · 6 months
!TSaMS Spoilers! (You should be fine if you’re caught up to the episode about KC)
I’ve seen a couple people complain that KC’s “Redemption Arc” was ooc and not needed, and that it “ruined his character” (I think it’s popping up because of his death)
But Eclipse had good in him at one point (because thats how Lunar was created in the first place)
And Eclipse’s code was derived from Killcode’s code, so why is it so hard to believe that he had that in him too? And while I do think it was Davis and EC trying to kind of ease off his character from the story because they didn’t really have another plan for him I do think they went about it in a good way
I don’t tend to like ranting or sharing my own opinions but I just kinda felt like it because I keep seeing posts (on tiktok specifically) about this subject, and I’m not saying they’re wrong because there are a few things that did seem kind of odd to add for his character and I do think maybe they should’ve reintroduced him to the plot a bit more before killing him off because it’s placement did seem kind of random to the story.
But yeah I don’t think it was ooc at all for his redemption arc and honestly the way they went about it was great for him, especially considering it’s what really started to introduce the idea of The Creator as a bigger antagonist in the show
(Feel free to discuss or correct me on anything I may have gotten wrong, keep in mind this has been a draft for a bit because I’ve been too nervous to post it and honestly the only reason I AM posting it is because it’s late for me and I’m gonna hate myself in the morning but screw it!! Also so sorry if someone else has already talked about this I don’t really linger on the discussion side of TSaMS tumblr)
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leviathansartstudio · 7 months
What's this a rant a lore chat about TSAMS?
You heard me right it's time for me to discuss lore and the most recent episode as boy oh boy do I got things to say. (I also might make this a common thing cuz brain go brr talking about it)
But anyways! Major Spoilers for "Killcode's FINAL SHOWDOWN in VRCHAT" Continue reading at your own cost!
So I know everyone is crying and being angry at Blood Moon for killing KC but imagine how Sun is going to feel about hearing about his death, imagine how the Creator will react when he finds out KC was killed and not only that but also removed from Moon (which I have a feeling he already knows), Sun has quite literally lost EVERYTHING of old Moon, The AI's got merged, The daycare itself is literal rubble, the original body they shared is basically scrap, and KC is now dead. I highly doubt he'll handle that news very well, I mean deep down even though he had issues with old Moon he still loved him, he still deeply cared about him.
Man this entire thing just shows I'm a massive Sun apologist/fan, oh my god 💀
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