#The Thrill of the Vampires
noianoranoia · 19 days
"i had taken 7000 souls by then but lestat was the only one that felt like murder" bitch your baby nephew??????
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byler-alarmist · 8 months
Bubbline was my OG wlw ship (well. I might be forgetting an earlier one, but that was the first I remember simping for). It's felt so validating over the years watching them go from fanon, to semi-canon, to canon, to REALLY canon, to the point where even their genderswapped au counterparts are canon and they even get a toxic yuri au in canon.
The recent episode of Fionna and Cake (The Star) brought me right back to the magic.
If anything, Gumlee just reinforces how much I love Bubbline. They are drawn to each other in every universe!! I had to rewatch Diatant Lands: Obsidian tonight and cry about it
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weirdlookindog · 4 months
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Thrills #1 - Atlas Publishing and Distributing Co., UK, 1939.
Cover art by Paul Ernst.
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vampiric-dolly-draws · 6 months
If you don't mind could you draw millie from count the ways? i think it'll be cool to see her in your style.
A quick colored sketch of Millie herself...she is just a young goth who is gradually building up her gothic wardrobe, so basically working with what she has. She is also always looking way to serious. Asides listening to Curt Carrion, she probably also listens to like the fnaf universe equivalent of The Cure, Sisters of Mercy, etc etc. So probably sometimes seen with her headphones on as she reads her favorite books.
At least that is how Millie looks like to me.
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sanrosart · 8 months
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The Kiss... but what if The Bite !?!??! ;////;
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sweetpapercroissant · 8 months
broke: if teen/s1 sam became a vampire john would kill him
woke: if sam became a vampire john would protect him from other hunters and steal blood bags for him
bespoke: if sam became a vampire john would have him practice restraint and control by having dean play victim and bleed in front of him and when sam does well he’d allow him to drink from dean a little. as a treat.
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pinacoladamatata · 6 months
Finally beat baldur's gate 3
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This is how I'm feeling seeing that leave no one behind achievement pop up
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Fandom:Vampire Chronicles Series - Anne Rice Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Lestat de Lioncourt/Louis de Pointe du Lac Characters: Lestat de Lioncourt, Louis de Pointe du Lac Additional Tags: Overstimulation, Multiple Orgasms, Dom/sub, Domdrop, Subdrop, Aftercare
Summary: They had been warned about this sort of thing before.
Fareed had mentioned it, amongst many other things, during the first few treatment sessions. Something about adjusting to a new hormonal cycle. Chemicals in the brain. Neurotransmitters and such. All very scientific, this noble experiment of theirs. A simple matter of biology.
Louis had read about it, too, in those little yellow books back in San Francisco. He’d picked up on it from conversations between strangers dressed in leather, had even gathered the courage one evening to ask a young man more about this term— what it means, what it feels like, how does one recuperate from a…drop.
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pooksbedamned · 1 year
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One of the funniest reveals ever
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weirdlookindog · 5 months
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"King started pumping bullets, but Petroff only smiled and ran toward him." - Robert Bloch
Paul Orban - Death Is a Vampire
(Thrilling Mystery - September 1944)
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The other day I was walking out the back door at work and a crow startled me and I can tell I'm far gone on the Vampire Diaries because, just for a split second, something in my brain went "Damon? Is that you?"
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apoptoses · 1 year
He rested his head easily, laying down curled up. Soft sweet, Marius envied this moment, envied the easy intimacy he hadn't had, the tenderness in his half closed eyes.
He rested his head easily, laying down curled up. Soft, sweet. Marius envied this moment, envied the easy intimacy he hadn't had, the tenderness in his half closed eyes. Armand cleaved to Daniel, curled around him before the fire like a vine curled around the trunk of a tree; clinging to it and then, with time, becoming one living being.
"You're staring, Marius," Pandora murmured.
He shrugged her hand off his shoulder. Folded his arms over his chest and refused to meet her eyes, for he knew what he would find there; the mirth that made him feel so very much like a child.
"It's not my fault they flaunt themselves all over the chateau," Marius replied. "Am I to be held accountable for looking at what's in front of me?"
"Flaunt!" Pandora's laugh rang out like a bell. "You're so ridiculous when you're jealous, do you know that?"
"I never said I was jealous."
The entry to the great common room was a wide arch, with enough space for Pandora to lean against the opposite side of the door frame, not touching him but close enough to feel the heat of her. A sidelong glance told Marius she was mimicking his posture, arms folded beneath her breasts, head cocked as she took in the domestic scene taking place on the opposite end of the room. She did that at times. At first he had thought it was ridicule, some irritating posturing on her part. But he'd come to realize it was a subconscious thing; an attempt to see things exactly as he did, and in doing so understand him in some way.
As though he would be understood. He'd built walls that had repelled Armand and Daniel both and sent them back into each other's arms. Pandora, though- she was the only one who had ever seen the fortress around him and tunneled beneath it; attempted to dig her way to those things that lay closest to his heart.
An effective method. A ruthless and sometimes painful one as well.
"Come, now. You know you wouldn't have either of them as lovers, not in the way they have each other," Pandora said quietly. "You would have them collared and yoked, made into beasts of burden. You've always preferred to have people as pets."
The accuracy of her words stung like a dart to the chest. Marius remained stone faced and unmoving under the onslaught.
"And is that how you feel? As though you are my pet?" he asked, finally turning his full attention on her.
Pretty Pandora, with her long, dark hair and wide eyes. Immediately Marius regretted asking. He felt as though he'd unintentionally handed her a knife. All she needed to do was open her mouth and say yes and she would cut him with it.
She pushed off the door frame and drew herself up to her full height as she approached him. Her forehead barely reached his chin and yet when she stood before him and gazed up into his eyes she towered over him. With long, pale fingers Pandora reached up to tuck a strand of hair behind Marius's ear.
"No," she said, her full mouth curling into a grin as he fought the temptation to lean into her touch. "I feel the situation is quite the opposite, in fact. If anyone holds the leash it is me."
On the sofa Armand curled his fingers around Daniel's bicep and pushed him down onto the cushions, prepared to curl up in front of the fire for a midnight nap. It was a soft and easy intimacy, where no words needed to be spoken. Marius envied it, yes. He had a covetous nature. Was full of the desire to have and to own.
When Pandora turned and walked away he felt her loss in the way one feels a tug at a chain around their neck. Nearly impossible to ignore, to not give in to the urge to turn away from this domestic scene and follow her down the hall.
Perhaps he did not have this easy way with Armand or with Daniel, perhaps he would never find himself so effortlessly tangled with either of them.
But then Marius had never been a vine. He'd always been the lone pine tree, tall and proud and entirely separate from the rest of the garden. How fortunate he was that after millennia Pandora was still determined to dig down into his roots, pluck him from the ground and make him her own.
He turned his back on the common room. Tucked his hands into his pockets and made his way down the hall.
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desertfangs · 10 months
Been thinking about what it must’ve been for Daniel to drink from Armand again after they reunited. Was it on the night they met up again for the first time in years? Was it rushed and hot and had Armand gasping in ways he was not prepared for? Did they wait for a few days after the air had cleared a bit and they were more comfortable around each other? Did Armand whisper “here, from my neck” like he used to when Daniel was a mortal man? Or did Daniel ask permission first (he’s a nice boy) and Armand said “but of course, you’re my firstborn, you can have all of me” which prompted Daniel to lift him up with his immortal strength and push him against a wall/table/bed and attempt to drink him dry? Did they share blood before actually kissing? What do you think? 🫣
I think about this all the time and I don’t know! I really don’t! I feel like it could go so many ways with them. Blood drinking is pretty intimate—it’s the only way Armand and Daniel can share thoughts now—and Armand can be a little standoffish when he’s uncertain, and Daniel was probably nervous as hell about fucking things up. I think given everything that had transpired over the past decade and a half, being together again in person probably felt a little tenuous and strange. And in that situation, it would be unwise to jump right into something so intimate and heavy. 
But then again, these two are also known for jumping off a cliff headfirst without looking, especially together, because they encourage and enable one another. So who knows! 
I do think they probably kissed first! I feel like that’s a good starting place and you know, if your fang happens to slip and you nick the other’s tongue well… oops. Oh weird how did that happen, now this kiss is tinged with blood. 🥺🥺 (Daniel is very likely to be the one to “accidentally” scrape Armand’s tongue with his fangs, lol.) 
When it came to Daniel really drinking from Armand, I can totally see them getting hot and heavy after hunting together. All keyed up from the kill, the blood rushing through their veins, not to mention the build up of several nights of furtive glances and short exchanges. Armand might pull Daniel into an alley to kiss him and touch him, and then they’ll fumble with each other’s hair and clothes, trying to figure out where to put their mouths and hands, until suddenly Daniel’s mouth is on Armand’s throat and Armand gives him that little nod or that small touch to the back of his head that means, Yes, do it, and Daniel bites down. 
Or maybe they even make it back to Trinity Gate before the need to be in each other’s veins overcomes them, and they stumble up to Armand’s room and close the door and then all bets are off. Just naked and writhing in the sheets together, not allowing any space between their bodies. 
Of course, it's possible that it took them a few nights or even a week or so. It depends on how fraught things were between them leading up to this and what interactions they’d had over the past decade. I personally imagine they had some awkward phone conversations and maybe one brief in-person encounter (either Armand went to see Daniel with his own eyes while he was mad or recovering or I believe it’s mentioned somewhere that Marius and Daniel had gone to NYC? So in that case I can’t imagine them not stopping by TG or at least meeting up for a coffee or whatever the vampire equivalent is.) But we don’t actually know. 
So if contact has been very sparse and uncomfortable and they aren’t quite ready to let the physical desires overwhelm them—much as they might want to—it might take some time and some quiet conversations on some hard topics. And then it might be less heated at first. It might have started with a soft brush of hair off the throat, a gentle kiss with lingering tongue. And then it escalated from there, but it was probably less frantic. More caressing, more words of love gasped out. 
But no matter when or how it happened, I’m sure that first blood exchange was electric. How did Daniel describe it, like a kiss to his brain? That intense and powerful, and charged with all of the pent up emotions and love they’d been holding in for so long! Not a night they'll forget any time soon for sure.
Thank you so much for the ask, anon!! This is one of my favorite things to think about and I think I’ve answered similar asks before but I honestly I could talk about this and speculate about it for DAYS. I love to hear other people’s theories of how it happened too!
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mazojo · 2 years
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I dont think we appreciate Poe enough
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thelionheartedo3 · 7 months
for one brief shining moment
summary: Princess Elyse has been promised to a stranger to wed to help end a war. She isn’t thrilled by the prospect.
pairing: Nate Sewell x f!Detective; Adam du Mortain x f!Detective
rating: mature
wc: 5.4k
chapter: 2/10
“Where are your guards?” she asks, her voice trembling despite her best intentions. Nathaniel’s lips twist up in a smile that looks more like a grimace. “My knights are at our camp.” The grimace fades as his smile warms. “The one that I mentioned but moments ago, I might add.” She wishes he wouldn’t.  Her eyes narrow at him. “Why aren’t you?”
[read the rest on ao3]
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apalestar · 5 months
Which Tav(s) in your current interactions with can you see Astarion being in a relationship with? Does he like any of them? Personally from the interactions I've seen I think him and Ehrendil would be sweet.
Random Anons
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Hm. I see you've been stalking. Yes, he does have affinity for Ren ( @ehrendiil ) probably through trauma bonding. Though I don't think Neptune and I have touched on it too much here on tumblr. I showed this ask to Neptune before replying. They got a kick out of it. Then there is @wolfsbarbaren. Hrafn, you know what you did to fuck him up. You know what you did. At the very least these two are gonna partners in crime. But right now Astarion is all kinds of fucked up thanks to that gift. @notyetfixed I could see leading down that path, but Colette is gonna fuck around and find out with Ascended boy. Mackie and I have skirted around him being Ascended as the end game. Right now I'm being a menace to her.
Astarion is just fucking terrible at addressing genuine feelings. It's muddled for him in general. He does have a tipping point though.
Regardless of where he lands, I appreciate all types of bonds with him. Romantic, platonic, adversarial, or otherwise.
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