#The Wetlens info
cannibalcreeps · 1 year
I've been doodling up some new horror ocs, some monster ocs and main one is a lesbian monster 😌
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Rowan: Modern 28 year old volcanologist who gets stung by an insect that crawled out from some volcanic rock she was working on.
Turning into a demonic-like beast that eats her friends and colleagues.
Then she meets Goblin, a very old man that hasn't turned back into a human for a very long time.
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Who then introduces her to the Queen, Soliel ✨️
Important, ancient sentient beast that ends up being Rowan's love interest!
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I've no name for these creatures yet, but I've got ideas, many IDEAS!
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cannibalcreeps · 3 years
Have they played UNO?
I have completely forgotten who this ask was for its been so long. So imma just answer for both Hillikers and The Wetlens xD.
They have the cards, they've played with the cards but they haven't played it the way it's meant to be played cause sadly those three boys have no fucking idea how Uno is played. No one in the family can read that small print on the back, not that it tells you the full on rules.
So instead they play go fish with the cards, they know that game thanks to when they were in the sanatorium. They don't tend to play with their niece or nephew only cause those two have a tantrum when losing so much.
Three-Fingers always wins go fish, but sometimes One-Eye has those surprising wins. Saw-Tooth doesn't care to win, it's a simple thing to pass the time with him.
They have it as well, but unlike the Hillikers, the Wetlens have Cherri who can read very well and though he did go over the ripped up rules as much as he could, he found them to be stupid and to complex for his siblings and so outed for the more simpler version of Uno. Everyone gets to play, though if Mibbi or the Twins start acting up cause they're losing or trying to make Slough upset they get sent outside as a time out.
most the time the winners are Lurfi, Cherri and Hog, with Slough sometimes winning and the other three siblings usually losing because of either their impatience or temper. Lurfi and Hog like to help Slough win every so often, being the baby brother he gets a bit spoilt.
When Elizabeth eventually joins the family she is surprised that the Wetlens know most card and boards games despite the cannibals never leaving their swamp.
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cannibalcreeps · 3 years
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Lurfi: I should never have allowed you start dressing yourself 🤦🏼‍♀️
I-I'm not gonna lie This is what Alton would look like in his 30s, but like if he didn't get the burns and scars lol, and he also has thicker lashes but this is, yeh this is Alton 😂
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cannibalcreeps · 3 years
Finally did a quick sketch of the parents UwU  Hogs partner and Sussy, Ruebens parent: Nina  Sloughs partner and Moss’ parent: Sera
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And finally Lurfi’s Husband and Tori, Gorvs father: Mark 
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cannibalcreeps · 3 years
What would Paupii look like with a nose?
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Both Cherri and Paupii have similar noses to Bonnie and Griff (when it wasn't broken) who all got it from Ophelia, slightly upturned but not pigish. Malachi has more a 'pigish' nose thought not as intense as his offspring.
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cannibalcreeps · 3 years
What are things that would annoy or upset Torri and Gorv?
Most basic things annoy Torri and Gorv, obviously when it comes to bothering them or their family, being a pain in the ass, being rude to them, things that would just make anyone annoyed or upset, but what really gets under their skin:
With Tori, if she makes or gets food, you told her you weren’t hungry and then suddenly you’re hungry when she’s eating. Better get out of her face or you're getting a plate to yours and no, she won’t help get the shards out of your flesh.
Gorvrick is a bit more chill about this, he’d more try to make you stop this type of behaviour through talking and making it clear as day he doesn’t appreciate you doing this shitty behaviour but still get you a plate, no he won't give you his plate and he will ignore you very easily.
Tori gets annoyed at people who baby themselves around her, trying to act cute and helpless, the type of behaviour she scowls at and rolls her eyes too, while her Brother loves the idea of caring for someone he wants to love, though doesn’t want them to be fully dependent on him and prefers independence a lot, he’s just more willing to give a helping hand over his sister.
Gorv will slap your fingers clean off your hands if you change his music and then completely stop talking to you for the duration of the car ride or just until he’s feeling fine again. Don’t touch his stereo, no one touches his stereo when it's his turn, except his momma.
Never interrupt Tori or anyone around her, Gorv more so just gets upset than annoyed by this and just stops talking completely, but he’ll get pissy on others behalf if you interrupt them. The two would interrupt whoever talked over them loudly, giving that good ole’ stink eye.
Don’t assume that just cause you know them for a long time that you can use their stuff, living with so many siblings and cousins, they’ve been taught the golden rule of “Ask before sharing and if they say No, then find something else” Gorv is a little off and on when it comes to this, some things he may no mind like if he has a small crush on you and you want to borrow his shirt or pillow without asking he’ll be fine with, but god forbid you touch his CDs and records, Uncle Cherri’s record player or worse yet his guitar without even thinking about asking him cause it’ll be the last time you’ll think again.
While with Tori, just don’t bother. She hates sharing with anyone none-family, she’s lenient towards the adults (except Uncle Smock and Dulg, those assholes lost her Allie-Doll and she never let them borrow shit ever again) as well as fine with Moss, Addie, Del or Sussy but the rest (mostly the boys) she doesn’t really enjoy sharing with.
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cannibalcreeps · 3 years
Biggest Wetlen Post List
Here will be every post I made about the Wetlens from asks, art, random and info, it’s underneath simply due to how long it is. Since I know some of you are very new to the Wetlens I made sure to grab every post that is related to them so you are able to learn more about them 😘
Btw this thing is long enjoy going through it lol
The first post of Slough
Second post of Slough and first post of the twins
Sad Slough
Old post of Slough and Trevor (rip Trevor for being benched) 
First show of Cherri
First sneak peak of the family, my gosh we have go a long way
Slough WIP featuring Creeps
Three brothers WIP
Hog and Slough getting love
First HCs of Cherri
First WIP of the Twins
CherriXReader Lemon
First Slough HCs
Art of Wetlens meeting The Hilliker Brothers 
Anon asking Slough to be their wingman for Cherri art
First sketch of Uncle Edward (Haggon) with Jade and info
The first art of Velvet and Mourge, with Haggon (the parents hadn’t gotten names at this point)
First mention of a Wetlen’s cousin
The start of the Wetlen tree with names!
Anon being a big ass drooling SIMP for Cherri
First upgrade sketch of the Twins
Twin update art post
Simpin’ over Sloughs hairy tum and boobs
Finally the Wetlen Character info sheet ft. Cassy (sadly has spelling errors)
Cherri with his prosthetic on
Hog HCs info
Anon asking Cherri to eat them (poor Cherri looks strangely drawn here haha)
How the Wetlen’s would react to their s/o in Cowboy hat and lingerie 
Anon asking how deformed Lurfi’s kid would be
Anon asking where the Wetlen’s live
Anon imagining Lurfi with a daughter and Slough being a great uncle 
Anon ask where Mourge abd Velvet capable of talking
The reason behind the Wetlen siblings names
Who was smartest between Velvet and Mourge
Anon asking recovery of Velvet and Bonnies births
Anon about Hog and Lurfi being big babies
Pronouncing the Wetlen’s names
Slough is best boi
First vs. Last Wetlen siblings drawn together
Anon asking if the Wetlens only eat people
Anon feeling bad for Velvet (when they shouldn’t lol)
Why the Wetlens came out the way they are anon ask
Anon ask whose best at sex, Saw-Tooth or Mourge
How sadistic were Velvet and Mourge
Anon ask about which Wetlens are Mummy or Daddy parents as well as Cherri being a dad
Wetlen’s and their bad teeth
Anon ask if Siblings would keep the traditions
Can Edward/Haggon talk
What happened to Griff
Are Melma and Paupii alive (but we accidently called her Melmi)
Anon asking about the Twins and Mibbi not having kids
How the family reacted to Haggon/Edward going missing
Anon asking about how Griff became infertile
Anon asking how Velvet and Mourge became their parents faves
Where did Cherri get his prosthetic 
How the Wetlen’s eat their victims
Anon talking about Lurfi being a giant baby and having her own giant babies
Anon needs to remember Velvet deserves everything that happens to her UwU
Anon asking about how Wetlen’s would be with their kids around the victim cages
How long has Cherri been a camp groundskeeper
The Wetlens and sweets
Anon asking about Wetlen’s childrens first words and how the siblings would react
Cherri’s ideal spouse
Can the Wetlen’s read or write
The difficulty of the boys kissing with their teeth ask
Why Hog wont learn to read
The Wetlen’s and boardgames
Anon asking is Wetlens know where babies come from (they mean their Uncle Griff not Gill xD)
 Anon asking where Hog got his cute fancy vest
Hogs ideal spouse
The Wetlen’s do know their birthdays
Melma and Paupii did celebrate Christmas as well UwU
Anon asks if Melma and Paupi would protect their grandkids if they knew what Velvet and Mourge did to them 
Lurfi giving Mum vibes UwU
Anon saying Melma and Paupii sound like cat names
About Melma and Paupii’s marriage 
Anon asking about Griff and Ogie
Anon asking about if Mourge/Velvet and Bonnie/Griff had a wedding
Anon asking  about Melma and Paupii’s family
Cherri with his braids out
Anon saying Cherri’s hair looks like a mullet
First sketch of Adeline (Cherri’s kid)
Meme post of Cherri and Addie
Explaining Addie has Strawberry Nevus on her face
Anon asking what type of deformity the Wetlens have
Anon asking about how they get generators
Anon asking how Cherri mocks victims
Cherri is a thot destroyer 
How much of a whore is Cherri
Cherri getting dunked on by anon for not wearing condoms
Cherri still getting blasted for not wearing a rubber
Cherri’s first sexual encounter ever
Jokes about Cherri being shocked at being a dad
Continues to joke on Cherri, the first sign of Elizabeth’s name
Anon asking who chose Addie’s name
More jokes on Cherri
Anon asking bout Adeline’s height as she gets older
Will Liz live in the swamp or town?
Anon asking bout how Liz must be happy to have a small baby
Anon asking if Addie has a nose
What type of babies were the Wetlens
Anon asks if Mibbi is bitter at being small
Anon asks why Velvet and Mourge didn’t name their kids
Anon ask about the Wetlens choosing names for their kids
What Addie was like as a baby
Anon making cute scene of Slough
Lurfi HCs!
The Twins HCs
What the siblings do on their spare time
Sloughs ideal spouse
Jokes on Cherri and Addie 
Hog and Slough S/O being happy they’re pregnant ask
Ask about Cherri killing a creep camp counselor 
How Cherri is with a smol    and a petite S/O
Cherri having a stripper name lol
About Lurfi being a midwife
Joking of Cherri some more lol  more joking and more jokes yeh we clowning on him lol also the twins ain’t safe
How large is their swamp  yeh their swamp is big
Why Cherri’s hair like that?
Liz and Cherri’s ‘fun’ nights
First design hint of Liz
What if Cherri did have a bunch of kids running around somewhere?
How do shoes fit big bois Hog and Slough
Cherri adores Addie yes UwU
Why Melma and Paupii came out with extreme deformities 
No, Cherri did not learn his lesson about wearing condoms lol
Anon wondering if Melma and Paupii called their first children ‘baby girl/boy’
Melma and Paupii do have good tastes in names 
Addie and Cherri’s relationship
Do they have clean water?
First WIP of Elizabeth
Cherri is a dumbass yes UwU  and so is Liz, a bit
Would Cherri tell Addie about their family history?
Do the Wetlens stink?
Dunking on Cherri and Liz   Lurfi being brutal to Mibbi and the Twins     Lurfi just chucking Mibbi like a basketball
When Liz came to Cherri about her pregnancy (this info may change later tho)
How Cherri is with Addie
How I plan to tell their story, but again this may change in future UwU
Cherri and Velvet having stripper names   but don’t compare Cherri to his mummy
Jokes on you Cherri cant pay child support
They did burn money
Cherri’s hobby is sleeping
Jokes on Cherri’s parents   also no spoilers on what Cassy did to Cherry yet   also more about Cherri’s parents  poor Addie getting too much info now about her family   she will know no peace   Poor Liz dealing with this as well
Anon asking if Lurfi is a bookworm
Teasing Cherri and Addie   Liz picking on Cherri  just bullying Cherri now  Cherri just being clingy   
Paupii teasing the grandkiddies
Final art piece of Elizabeth
Do Cherri and Liz still hook up
Melma and Paupii thinking noseless Cherri is cute
Cherri is a concerning parent really   Cherri the sore loser   Cherri doesn’t know the word consequences   The twins getting told off  Cherri swore around Addie once lol   these siblings can fit a lot of trauma
How old is Liz
Were Melma and Paupii parents good grandparents
Who else has Mourge been with
What happens when Addie is used as a shield by a victim
Reaction of the Wetlen’s kids giving them flower crowns
Sneak peak of Melma and Paupii’s parents as well as names
Velvet does deserve what she gets UwU  though her poor kids being terrorized by her and mourge getting it on  Mourge and Velvet were vile
Where does Bonnie and her boys live?
What’s Ogie like   Is Ogie like his whore Cousin UwU
When Bonnie and Griff learn that the Wetlen’s killed their parents  Bonnie and Griff still about the Wetlen’s killing their parents
The Phillips meeting the Wetlens
Ideas about Mourge and Velvet’s final people/victims
Why does Mourge have the head scar
Info about Ogie
The Philips and the Wetlens  More about the Philips and the Wetlens  another joke on Phillips and Wetlens
More asks about Ogie
Where did Bonnie travel   Bonnie and Griff joke  How Liz and Cherri met joke
Do Ogie and his parents stink
Do Bonnie and Griff move around in their swamp
Ogies sexuality
Mourge’s Eyebrows
Did Velvet and Mourge love each other
Cherri as a baby
Velvet with her kids   Some more jokes about Velvet and the kids  also jokes on Mourge
Given the chance Velvet and Mourge would’ve killed Cherri
About Haggon returning home
If Melma and Paupii found out about Velvet and Mourge
Melma was the big one
Melma, Mourge, Hog and Slough sizes
Paupii was tiny
Cherri and Mibbi like Paupii
Melma and Paupii babysitting
Addie with her  first cousins, once removed, joke   Bonnie caring for all the kids joke 
What would happen is Melma and Paupii were still alive
How old is Ogie  Ogie wishing he was Cherri joke  
Anon simping over Hog   continuation of joke post 
Cherri really being the only one who gets it in the swamp
Jokes on Hog’s ‘sex life’  The twins being nutheads  Jokes on Liz and Cherri’s parenting
Is cousin Mitch big boi?
The dangers of either Bonnie’s family or The Wetlen Siblings
Are the twins equally dumb
How did Mourge and Velvet eat their victims
How the Wetlens are in bed
Why did Bonnie not leave for good   Griff and Bonnie joke
About Odin and Bonnie
Does Jade have nicknames for Haggon/Edward
Chad Cherri vs. Virgin Ogie
If Edward remembered his past years
Jade having great taste
Did Melma and Paupii talk
Certain victims they avoid
Anon being thirsty bitches
Griff as a dad
Did Bonnie sleep around
Why Haggon is called Edward
About Hogs  eye  and another post about his eye
Lol teasing Liz  picking on the twins   Hog and Slough being loud fuckers
Have Wetlens been drunk
Addie a healthy baby
The Siblings living far from Bonnie and the fam
Did the Wetlens ever get high
Do the Wetlens own guns
Jokes on Hog being quiet, but loud man in bed
Is Ogie loud in bed   Jokes on Cherri and Liz again   more jokes on Liz  Dilf Cherri
Wetlens sleeping habits 
Was Cherri loud for his first time
Could the Siblings tell their twin kids apart
Anon simping over Slough and Hog again
Info on what Mourge did to Hog
Cherri telling Liz about his scars  More Cherri and Liz joke posts   Jokes about Hog and Slough again
Velvet and a victim of hers
Do the victims go to the cops   jokes on those survivors
About Cherri and Ogies Voices
WIP art of Cherri art
Do they make teeth necklaces
Lurfi gives spanks   How Lurfi is with her kids vs. her siblings  Cherri and consequences    Melma and Velvet about Velvets pregnancies   Cherri and Liz jokes ....again 
Did Malachi or Othelia regret getting together
What if there was a true crime youtbers
Addie seeing the comments on the videos both roasting and simping after her dad
About the people who killed Othelia and Malachi
Velvet and Cherri have Karren hair
Melma, Velvet and Bonnie’s height
Velvet and Mourge joke post    Malachi and Othelia joke post   Liz and Cherri joke post   jokes on Velvet and Cherri
The birth order of Melma and Paupii’s kids
How did Melma and Paupii eat their victims
Does Velvets eye work    Velvets eye joke post
Melma did love her girls UwU   Cherri and Addie joke post
How old were Melma and Paupii with their first kids
Big cannibal ladies good   Baby Velvet joke post
Where Malachi and Othelia good grandparents
Did Malachi and Othelia meet their grandkids
How I came up with Malachi’s name
Who was bigger Malachi or Othelia
Were Malachi and Othelia good parents
Othelia could pick up Bonnie
Anon saying to imagine Cherri having many children and them meeting Cherri
Wetlen’s interact with Alexa
Was Cherri the only one who gave his siblings names
Mitch and Ally (the siblings cousins) joke post  Slough joke post
Nick names with Hog and Slough
Are the siblings afraid of bugs
The siblings fave food
Which siblings have a high libido
More about the Wetlens as parents
Who would be a helicopter parent
Their fave colours
About Melma’s eye
Again Melma, Bonnie and Velvets heights (But Bonnie got taller) 
Lurfi having a bunch of kids idea anon
How old were Velvet and Mourge when Hog was born
Are Aly and Mitch twins
Did Mourge hurt Smock
The Hillikers/Wetlens with family joke post
Teen Addie joke post   Teen Addie more joke post   Addie joins Cherri in dumbass corner    Clown shoes for Addie
Does Addie have Cherri’s mean streak
Info on how cruel Lurfi can be
Cherri, Liz, Addie joke post   Anon wishes Cherri was comfortable going into town    Cherri is 100% bad influence lol
Does Cherri torture his victims away from camp
Cherri has terrible pull out game
First drawing of Cherri vs. Recent
First sketch and view of Cherri new kids (ft. Addie)
Was Delilah planned
Yes the big three are getting kids
Liz and Cherri joke post again   Joke post on Cherri  another joke post
What did Cassy do to Cherri
Another pregnancy!
Will Morgan cause issues
Will the big three have a Morgan-like kid
Lurfi’s kid joke post   more joke post   some more joke posts  
Cherri getting a bunch of Nephews/Nieces  Even more Cherri joke post    Just clowning on Cherri some more
Do they get sick
How would the big three react to their kids getting sick
Anon says cute thing for Lurfi UwU  The big threes kids still being cute
Mibbi and The Twins are not best baby sitters   Lurfi getting some love    Mibbi and Twin are the bad influences    Lurfi joke post
The Wetlen Spouses joke post    more Spouse jokes
Will Addie have same-age cousins   Addie could be baby sitter 
Will Del have same-age cousins
What is Addie and Del like
Cherri and Addie are very alike
Addie saying Hog looks like Peppa Pig
Thinking about the big three sibling spouses
Did Melma and Paupii have a concept of protection
If Velvet lived, would she be nervous of her tall kids
Questions for the Wetlens
More Questions for the Wetlens
Even more Questions for them
Much more Questions
Yep there is still more Questions!
Would Slough share his toys
Do they know about Mother/Fathers day
Would Slough give his baby a gift   joke post after this post
Which siblings are good with naps
Joke post    More joke posts    Hog and Slough joke post   Even more joke posts   Joke post on Cherri again
Mourge and Velvet being terrible parents
How often do the Wetlens get sick
Is Mibbi snarky
Slough the pushover parent
Would the Wetlens try new food
Cherri thinks very highly of himself
Cherri would bully bullies at the camp
Can Griff talk
Hog getting some love
Twins: Are we adopted? (joke post)
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cannibalcreeps · 3 years
I keep picturing baby/toddler Moss in the most adorable clothes and little dresses, looking lick a little doll.
How right or wrong I am about it?
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Moss the little swamp princess 👸
you are 100% correct that she looked like a lovely cannibal doll in all the pretty dresses she got, very spoilt Wetlen child.
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cannibalcreeps · 3 years
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So I haven’t had a chance to get these two finished in a long time but here is a sketch of Malachi and Ophelia’s younger selves. 
I haven’t been able to delve into their character much other than they are the creation of the Wetlens, the OG parents, that they are cousins and that they became so fearful and hateful towards the outside world they resorted themselves to murder and eat outsiders, encouraging, if not forcing, their own children to start following their values, instilling fear and hatred into them. 
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cannibalcreeps · 3 years
The twins do chores?!
They're given the most simplest chore: Clean out ahd refix the traps
Cause everyone knows they're not competent enough to clean or help with dinner 😂
Though if they're getting punished, then they get cage waste and toilet cleaning duties which no one really likes doing.
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cannibalcreeps · 3 years
Moss was such a ugly baby, that grew up pretty
Those some words you don't wanna say around her Daddy >w> but she'd agree 😂
Pretty much all babies come out looking like ugly, wrinkly, mini old men 🤣 when she lost the newborn old man look she is cute.
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cannibalcreeps · 3 years
how protective are Gorv and Tori of thier lover?
Very protective
But that's just the Wetlen way, they're all about family and if you've been dragged into that family to be someone's lover than you'll turn into the safest person oddly enough.
Some are more overprotective than others Gorv and Tori are not the overbearing protective type, the two were brought up well by their parents (specifically Lurfi) to give whoever they take on as a lover the space and privacy they need and its the same if they ever want children of their own. But if you think the two wont rip someone's arm clean off if they just knocked into their partner >w> huehuehue
They'll kill for their partner but they won't make their partner feel suffocated or like they can't go out with friends, unlike their little brother who would stalk and watch whoever they're dating to see who dares to put a finger on them.
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cannibalcreeps · 3 years
Is Morgan's mom hot too?
Completely up to you guys if you think she is or not UwU
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cannibalcreeps · 3 years
Trying to explain the Wetlens family tree like:
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This is currently just a wip, but this is now the entire current family members, outsider spouses/partners/parents.
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cannibalcreeps · 3 years
All that and Brandie didn't miscarriage?
Morgan really wanted to be born
If she did, Brandie would not even think she was pregnant cause Morgan was still just a fertilised egg as Brandie and Cherri had sex 2 days prior the camp attack.
But truly the universe really said 'you're having this fucking kid'
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cannibalcreeps · 3 years
Brandie was a badass!!
Brandie really said "Fuck this shit, If I'm going to die I'm dying by my choice, not by being eaten by some fucked up cannibals and a dude who I just wanted a one-night stand with >8U"
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