#The Worst Generation
daddiel-ish · 7 months
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I imagine Law, every now and then, turning his gaze away and starting talking like he was in an episode of The Office
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toxic--jpg · 9 months
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what do you think lead to this?
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lostuzumaki · 1 year
Op Supernova Trio - gender change
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ladeaeveld · 10 months
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i managed to finish it in november!!
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dittobooty · 1 year
Tag yourselves I'm Kid
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reverobot · 1 month
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Might as well post it here
I edited the fem supernova image to put Law and Hawkins together cuz I like to spread the Lawkins agenda. Removed Hawkins' hands and edited the cards around. I didn't want to remove the cards.
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lovemesomefanfic846 · 6 months
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This scene is just *chefs kiss* in my opinion
And the fact that their bickering is kinda a un intentional intimidation tactic too
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causmo7 · 1 year
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Eustass Kid
since i drew Babyboy law yesterday ,thought i should try making kid as well , also attaching a process vid ...
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How would you rank the the worst generation three based on dirtiest and most stinky?
Oh god this is a question… as a warlord, I would have assumed you would ask me about co workers, which trust me, most do, however this one is truthfully a stumper.
This is solely because, they all do. Not a single one of those rotten children bathe often, or at all, and I’ve asked and they will fragrantly lie before me and state “oh no no, you’re nose blind because you literally are snorting smarties” and “how can you say that when you smell like actual horse urine-“
But as the loving man I am, I WILL ANSWER YOU, YOUNG BIRD!! As a man and someone who does NOT smell like horse urine and who does NOT smart snorties. Often.
3. That rat bastard Law
Law never did listen to me when I told him “please wash your stupid hat after you smoke” and “don’t FUCKING ignore the filters I give you.”
Law of course, as all terrible nasty rotten disgusting sons do, ignored daddys advice.
Law smells like an entire smoke shop, down to the chemicals they use on the floorboards and the hookah bottles. It is like inhaling the entirety of one of these shops into one’s nose, and I believe fully he has helped cause my nose blindness for all drugs. Or maybe it’s the coke.
2. Roronoa Zoro
Have you ever been to a gym, and just, taken a big FUCKIN whiff on accident and suddenly, you find yourself understanding why soap was both invented and should be used, and probably also a bit homosexual? Well, this has never happened to me, ask my ex husband, I’m am very much a ladies man, however this Zoro man is another case.
I genuinely believe you used a pressure washer on that man, you would end up with a white haired stranger. I also suspect a new species of.. something, lives upon him, but that could also just be called his equally rotten Captain.
1. Eustass Kid
Anarchists do not bathe, and neither does whatever that tulip headed fool calls himself. He has absorbed an entire gas stations scent into his very skin, and just being around him has given me as much lead poisoning as I gave my ex son back in my kingdom. In this case, both deserved it.
If you enjoy huffing exhaust and the smell of iron rotting your lungs, please go and try having a conversation, but note - it is like speaking with a metal head who also huffed said fumes. You will get nowhere.
This has been a ranking by Doffy, thank you for asking.
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breakonthroough · 10 months
Three Captains
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Monkey D. Luffy, Trafalgar Law, Eustass Kid. Three Captains from the Worst generation. I love their relationship and interactions so much, because they remind me a lot of siblings! All their rivalry, jokes, malicious teasing on the sly and infuriating with snide comments. Inciting and dared eachother to commit illogical, absurd and actually stupid actions.
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What’s especially funny is that Luffy, Kid and Law, despite their undoubted mutual respect, recognition of each other’s strengths and moral qualities (which, however, they will never say directly or show clearly), simply cannot be around without pissing each other off. Like three mischievous idiot brothers constantly poking each other with sticks.
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We certainly know how Luffy’s childish spontaneity affects Trafalgar and how it can triggered our stern Surgeon of Death. But what about Eustass Kid?
Always cool and calm, Law instantly becomes a bully just by looking at his competitor in the Worst Generation, as was the case when they first met. It’s as if he’s a 13-year-old teenager again: his middle finger extended towards his opponent, and his mischievous grins in a verbal spat with him and quite ambiguous remarks and jokes about his battle tactics against Big Mom. At these moments, even the younger Kid seems like his older brother next to Law.
If Luffy simply infuriates Trafalgar with his childish spontaneity, like a real little brother, Law’s relationship with Eustass is more like a squabble between the same age kids or twins. Well, or at least classmates. And they are both, for a moment, quite adults!
One of them is always angry and aggressive, the second is cold, somewhat arrogant and unsociable. But both seem to happily and unconditionally succumb to the adventurous provocations to which this rivalry pushes them. But Law, even as a child, never succumbed to emotions like that, was a calm and serious older brother for his little sister, and he behaved almost the same way in the Doffy family, before getting closer to Cora. Only with Cora-san his emotions manifested themselves much more vividly and diversely. Who knows, maybe Kid evokes in Law some hidden associations with his benefactor, at least externally, since he can feel so relaxed and spontaneous in his presence.
So I'm very interested in what kind of chemistry is between the three Captains. Is this the influence of the power of Luffy’s fruit, or the influence of D. It still seems to me that Kid may also very well turn out to be a representative of this clan, because we don’t know anything about him yet (and besides, that’s exactly how I explained that erroneous the disappearance of the second letter D from his name, ha ha). Or is it simply a clash of similar sides of independent and free characters, but at the same time I get the feeling of precisely brotherly ties with all their feigned hostility and causticity.
I really hope that in the future they will remain comrades on the same side of the barricades, and that the fight for the Main Prize will not make them real enemies. I find their stupid relationship very valuable and touching. After all, this is a real, albeit not blood, brotherhood. And One Piece is wonderful in precisely these interactions and relationships.
Love these dorks so much.
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Russian translation below 👇
Монки Д. Луффи, Трафальгар Ло, Юстасс Кид. Трое из худшего поколения. Мне так нравятся их отношения и взаимодействие. Они мне очень сильно напоминают отношения сиблингов! Всё это их соперничество, подколы, ехидное поддразнивание исподтишка и доведение до бешенства едкими комментариями. Взятие на слабо и подстрекательство к совершению нелогичных, абсурдных и, чего уж там, действительно глупых поступков.
Что особенно забавно, Луффи, Кид и Ло при несомненном взаимоуважении, признании сил и моральных качеств друг друга (о которых они, правда, никогда не скажут напрямую и не покажут явно), просто не могут находиться рядом, не выводя друг друга из себя. Словно три вредных брата-идиота, постоянно тыкающих друг друга палками.
Мы давно знаем, как действует на Трафальгара детская непосредственность Луффи и как это триггерит нашего сурового хирурга Смерти. Но что насчёт Юстасса Кида?
Всегда хладнокровный и спокойный Ло моментально заводится и включает хулигана, только взглянув на своего конкурента по Худшему поколению, как было при первой их встрече. Словно он снова 13-летний подросток: и этот его средний палец, вытянутый навстречу сопернику, и шкодные ухмылки в словесной перепалке с ним и вполне себе двусмысленные замечания и шуточки по поводу его тактики боя против Большой Мамочки. В эти моменты даже более младший по возрасту Кид кажется рядом с Ло его старшим братом.
Если Луффи просто бесит Трафальгара и выводит из себя непосредственностью, как самый настоящий младший братишка, с Юстассом у Ло отношения больше похожи на перепалки погодок или близнецов. Ну или хотя бы одноклассников. А они оба, на минуточку, вполне себе взрослые люди!
Один — мрачно-злобный, вечно сердитый и агрессивный, второй — холодно-отстраненный, несколько высокомерный и нелюдимый. Но оба словно с радостью, безоговорочно поддаются авантюрным провокациям, на которые их толкает это соперничество. А ведь Ло, даже будучи ребенком, никогда так не поддавался эмоциям, был спокойным и серьёзным старшим братом для своей сестрёнки, практически также он себя вел и в семье Доффи, до сближения с Корой. А вот с ним как раз его эмоции проявлялись куда более ярко и разнообразно. Как знать, может Кид и вызывает в Ло какие-то скрытые ассоциации со своим благодетелем, хотя бы внешние, раз он может себя чувствовать настолько расслабленным и непосредственным в его присутствии.
В общем, мне очень интересно, что же это за химия такая между тремя Капитанами. Воздействие ли это силы фрукта Луффи, или же влияние Ди (мне до сих пор кажется, что Кид тоже вполне может оказаться представителем этого клана, ведь мы ничего про него пока не знаем, ну и, к тому же, я именно так себе и объяснила то ошибочное исчезновение из его имени второй буквы Д, ха-ха). Либо же это просто столкновение схожих сторон независимых и свободных характеров, но при этом у меня возникает ощущение именно братских связей при всех их напускной враждебности и колкости.
Очень надеюсь, что в будущем они останутся боевыми товарищами по одну сторону баррикад, и борьба за главный приз не сделает их настоящими врагами. Мне кажутся очень ценными и трогательными их дурацкие отношения. Ведь это и есть настоящее, пусть и не кровное, братство. А Ван Пис именно такими взаимодействиями и отношениями и чудесен.
Обожаю этих морепридурков)
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daddiel-ish · 1 month
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Today I saw this simpson's episode and I couldn't stop thinking about this thing all day--this took me more than i want to admit, but it was worth it!!
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saitron06 · 1 month
Why good day people of this world. Back again to bring you all more madness into your life's, this time with my third PokePiece line the worst generation. That's right folks were talking about the worst of the worst who started there pirating careers on the sea. The list of who's who is under the images of you can't tell from looking at them. But that should be all ladies and gentlemen, until we meet again stay freaky.
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Galade - Law
Gourgeist - Bonnie
Metagross - Kid
Tyrantrum - Drake
Stekateka - Bege
Loudred - Apoo
Bannet - Hawkins
Syther - Killer
Buzzwole - Urouge
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0ynes · 1 year
well damn Bonney, get that devil's spawn
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Let me also talk about how cool and scary her fruit is. She makes people age and have near death experiences and then reverts their age back. That's so scary.
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ladeaeveld · 1 year
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bonney is so precious.. 🤲
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mousathe14 · 1 year
Captain Eustass Kid.
Or more appropriately, Useless Kid.
Eustass Mid is also appropriate to describe this member of One Piece’s Worst Generation.
Oda did a surprisingly good job with the group of last-minute creations, a lot of memorable designs and concepts that characterize this group of pirates. Half of them sort of got unceremoniously shoved into obscurity and promptly stripped of their position as leaders of anything.
Kid made it surprisingly far. He was sort of seeded as one equal to Luffy and Law. Even got to part of the defeat of Big Mom and Kaidou.
But first time we see him in years he’s imprisoned, disarmed, and the more we learn about what he’s like the more insufferable he became. Eustass Kid is best described as what if Luffy was a massive insufferable prick.
And the result is a man who rightly earned to get obliterated by Shanks.
He’s never sorry, he never tried
He had a chance, Shanks gave him one.
Now bits and pieces of ship goes by
and he dies in front of everyone
His crew already gone
Halfway strewn across the seas
And he makes me wish I never met him
Eustass Kid
Some kind of Useless Kid
Sorry I got lyrical for a moment, had a song in my head.
Point being that being randomly and unceremoniously eviscerated because lives don’t mean anything to him is about the best he deserves.
But narratively he serves a great purpose of demonstrating the raising the tension of what exists further along the grand line. If the conclusion of Wano country demonstrated that he was on Luffy and Kid’s level, the instant crushing of him and his crew shows how potentially outclassed Luffy and Law are. Especially since we already know Law and the Heart Pirates got their asses handed back to them after a thorough tanning.
Turning Eustass Kid into Useless Kid is a fine not-so-subtle raising of the stakes with the bonus of getting rid of one more extraneous Worst Generation pirate.
And isn’t it poetic for a one-armed ginger to get wrecked by a one-armed ginger?
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