#The amount of characters is very limited on purpose and can't be added to
kakusu-shipping · 5 months
Fuck it, Virtue's Last Reward Self Insert Fic I thought of in the shower. Do whatever you want forever.
"If we are Termites, and our world is a beautifully constructed mound, what does that make you?"
The Anteater in the Lab
There's a man in my father's robotics lab.
He's short, with white hair and really really red eyes. I didn't know eyes could be red. I don't think they're supposed to.
He's been there my whole life. He's never changed.
He doesn't age, his heart doesn't beat, I've never seen him leave to eat or use the bathroom and he's cold to the touch.
At first I thought he was just another robot, one my father built to keep the Gaulem Bay running while he worked on more important matters
"Stay away from that thing!" My father snapped when I'd asked him about it the first time, "Don't trust it, don't go anywhere near it, you understand?"
At the time, I still thought my father had my best interest at heart, so I listened to him.
"Hello again, Kyle, Luna's not with you?"
Kyle, who'd put his babysitter Luna to a wild goose chase so he could make this confrontation alone, made sure the door was fully shut behind him before he dared to speak.
"What are you?"
The thing that looked like a man looked up from it's work on the Gaulem laying on the table, and placed it's tools down slowly. Kyle never hesitated with questions he had, in this lab curiosity was a virtue, and the one thing he'd always been rewarded for was seeking knowledge, so of course the anteater had always known this question would come, it was just a matter of when.
Kyle was only freshly 16, two years before he'd have someone to quell his loneliness, to project his need for a nuclear family onto. He'd long sense learned his father doesn't truly care for him, or long sense made such an assumption, and now that he'd reached such formative years he'd begun to act out, though only in the littlest ways behind his father's back.
This was one of those little ways.
The anteater smiled, "What a deep question. What are you, Kyle?"
"I'm human." Kyle answered, stepping heavily across the room until he was on the other end of the repair table, "Unlike you."
His words would come across as harsh to anyone else, but the thing that looked like a man had been watching over Kyle sense the Nonary Game yet to happen and all the way back to his creation. It knew him in ways no one else in this world ever would. It knew he was just being honest.
"Indeed you are. You're as human as Luna is Gaulem." The anteater hummed and reached for his tools to return to work.
Kyle, one slow to anger usually, slapped his armor covered hands on the table, "Don't avoid my question!"
The thing that looked like a man looked calmly across the table to Kyle, it gave a hum and tilted it's head.
"What do you think I am, Kyle?"
"I don't know-"
A finger placed over the part of Kyle's mask where his mouth would be, "Don't give me that. A good scientist always has a theory. Even if it's wrong, I want to hear your thoughts first."
Kyle's face flushed under his mask ever so slightly as he stepped back. He then placed his hand to his chin and thought, before answering, "When I was little... I thought you were a Gaulem, like Luna, put to work to make other Gaulems..."
The Anteater walked around the table and sat himself on Kyle's side, mimicing Kyle's pose, "A good thought. It'd explain my lack of aging and need for nutrients. But,"
"But," Kyle picked up, shifting his weight, "You're cold, whereas Luna is warm, and has a pulse. Plus, according to my father, he specifically made the Gaulems incapable of self repair, so it'd make sense that they couldn't build new Gaulems as well."
The thing gave a chuckle, ""He" made the Gaulems incapable of self repair, hm?"
Kyle blinked for a moment, then shared in the humor of his own statement. He'd learned a long time ago his father had virtually nothing to do with the creation of the Gaulems. Robotics and Bioengineering were entirely too far removed for one man to do both.
No, the real genius of the Gaulems, the AI that ran the facility, and even Kyle's suit was the Not Man sitting before him. His father just laid claim to these creations.
"What else might I be?" Asked the Not Man, crossing one leg over the other.
Kyle thought, his other Hypothesizes were far from perfect, "Well... We are on the moon. While never scientifically proven, space is near infinite, and I would not be surprised if you were some form of extraterrestrial."
"That would explain my advanced intelligence." The man confirmed, "Though I do look a bit too human, don't you think?"
"I would assume to blend in with other humans," Kyle suggested, tilting his head.
"But the only humans in this facility are your Father and you, and you both figured me out right away. Why would I not shed my disguise at that point? Or simply leave?"
Kyle hummed in thought, he could Maybe and What If this train of thought forever, but based on the resistance he was getting from the topic, he could only assume he was on the wrong track.
"Then... You're like my father, an esper who traveled through time to help him with his work."
The Not Man smiled and leaned back, "You're on the right track, but not quiet. If I was from your father's original time here to help him, wouldn't he be more accepting of me?"
Kyle thought back to the first time he'd asked about the man in the Gaulem Bay, and the sharp way his father had responded. He thought about the times he'd only been passing by and he'd heard his father yelling behind closed doors at this not man for interfering.
"Then you're here to... stop him?"
"Would he let me stay if I was?"
Kyle shook his head, he looked rather lost now.
"Not to mention, espers are still human. Your father may not act like it, but he is just as human as you. He needs to eat, and sleep, his heart beats and aches and flutters same as yours."
"Unlike you..." Kyle trailed off and placed his hand to his chin, thinking again.
When he was young he'd remembered reading about Zombies and Vampires, fictional undead creatures in horror stories that felt cold as the dead and who's hearts never beat. That seemed highly unlikely to be true, but it was about all he had left.
The not man stood up, he reached up and removed Kyle's helmet, as he'd done every time Kyle would visit him, and patted him on the head. His hand was cold. It was comforting. It was all Kyle had.
"What I am is something that cares very deeply for you, Kyle. Why I came here, why I help your father, it's because you are very very important to me." The cold hand moved to Kyle's cheek, "Is that enough of an answer?"
Kyle leaned into the touch of the one thing that cared about him most in the world, even if it wasn't human, it loved him. And he loved it.
"For now..."
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kimberlyannharts · 6 months
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LAST TIME ON RANGER ACADEMY: Sage is fully committing to the high school life, even if there are some obstacles like bullies, hard classes, her friend's tragic backstory, and the discovery of the Chamber of Secrets.
But there's no time to dwell on that, because it's time for the Morphin Trial, where kids are dumped in a hostile landscape to be color-coded by some weird old alien cult. Sounds legit!
It's Ranger Academy #4!
Before we begin let's take another look at that Katie cameo. Sure she doesn't do anything but drive the bus and I still have no fucking idea how these cameos work when they're appearing in-person vs those inter dimensional tubes but it's at least nice to see her
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ANYWAY. Time to drop some children off to die
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= So some lore stuff established already is the Bandorian Monks reside on the planet "Chromia" specifically in the "Zeo Chamber" in "Prism Peak." It only opens for a limited amount of time once a year. From what I can remember none of this, except the Zeo Chamber I suppose, was in Eltarian War's established lore, but I guess that can be chalked up to Ranger Academy being its own thing. (And for what it's worth, the Zeo Crystal itself is not in the chamber.)
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= yes yes guys we get it you want that video game/RPG adaptation
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= This is so valid of Theo but unfortunately for him I know what happens to PR characters with his kind of jokey, charismatic personality
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= So are they going to be the book's main romance or not. I'm calling upon protection spells against sisterzoning
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= So.....okay. Here it is. Here's the line
So obviously there are colors missing from the Academy and at the very least Theo's dialogue is implying that's on purpose. Which makes me hopeful for my old "Camp Half-Blood" theory that this book will end with more color campuses being added. And obviously, Theo's source isn't telling the whole story or getting facts wrong.
But. Look.
Even if Lindy's dialogue is only saying that Green and Orange Rangers don't exist in the Academy rather than the universe as a whole, the entire concept of certain colors being forbidden or unknown is ridiculous when this is a school that fully encompasses itself in Ranger history. Sage mentioned in a previous issue learning about Jen and why their library is named after her, so their adventures must be part of the curriculum. Even if it isn't, their teachers are Ranger alumni. ONES THAT HAD GREEN RANGERS ON THEIR TEAMS. Their bus driver was KATIE! She can't talk about Trip, her best friend? Crueger never brings up how Green is the third-highest ranking ranger at SPD? I think this wouldn't even annoy me so much if they weren't equating Oranger Rangers (of which there have only been three official ones in the franchise, with others being so-so canon) to Green Rangers (of which there's only been. four seasons, I believe? where there was no Green at all). I know Power Rangers wants Green to be special but it just simply doesn't work because by definition, it isn't.
I think this would only work for me if a) we establish that the present of Ranger Academy is set either extremely far in the past or extremely far in the future, where Rangers either barely exist yet OR it's been so long that the canon we know has been shrouded in legend or b) we didn't have the alumni ranger cameos and we establish this school is completely cut off from the established canon we know. And the last one doesn't work because they clearly want the cameos to be one of the main gimmicks of the series. So idk. It's probably Ranger Academy's biggest headache for me
And just in general I don't know how "forbidden colors" work when the students' color is just chosen based on what the Monks see inside them. It should be unique to them, not based on a criteria that can pick and choose or throw out different options.
ANYWAY. The trio finds Kartyr and Maev and, unsurprisingly, these children are about to die
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= what's with Green Rangers having to rescue their rivals that suffer broken ankles. Oops, spoilers
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= Sage has only been part of this school for a few months and she's already indoctrinated into their religion
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= Kartyr is such a hater for no reason. You should be connecting with your green-haired brethren
= Also I just realized that Kartyr is most likely a Xybrian yet he doesn't follow the naming motif that Trip and the Supersonic Rangers did. I won't hold it against the author as the Supersonic Ranger origin story is pretty obscure but still, it's funny to me.
Though wait if he's a Xybrian shouldn't he know about Trip and how he's a Green R [I am yanked offstage via a giant hook]
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= Okay guys I get we're using MMPR theming but are really trying to say Pink Rangers are good pilots? Because what, Kim had flying zords? That's getting a little ridiculous. What's next, Pink Rangers are all amazing archers?
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= Maev becoming Yellow was a little surprising since Mathis is already a major character who's yellow, but at the same time I'm really not sure.....what the guidelines are to what color each person becomes. It feels kind of arbitrary at this point tbh. Though maybe it's just because I don't really know Maev as a character yet compared to Theo, who fits the Black Ranger archetype like a glove
and speaking of which
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= Lindy not being able to morph genuinely pissed me off like. Again. What are the guidelines here. What about Lindy isn't ranger-worthy. Can I just call the Bandorian Monks racist for denying a Black girl the chance to morph because I think I'll just do that
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= SHAME SHAME SHAME SHE HAS THE MARK OF THE DEVIL (her novelty lightning bolt coin turned green, a color that has never existed before this)
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kukkakisu · 3 months
Hello! Been quietly admiring your OCs but I’m dying to know:
What is the range and specifics of the Conductor’s abilities? By hypnotizing other nutcrackers, is it a telepathic connection? Mind control? How many nutcrackers? Is there an upper limit?
I’m curious as to what purpose he would serve in the grander scheme of your world. I can imagine he would be useful as a leader of a unit during the war (presuming it happened in your world ofc, if not, please don’t mind this question)
Ethics? (If any) He clearly loves Naava (super cute). How did they meet? (Can I please give her a hug? I love moss and she seems so fluffy despite definitely being able to kill me)
Sorry for the barrage of questions haha
Aaaa!! Thank you for dropping by and no need to apologize! I love questions about my characters! It gives me an excuse to talk about them and boy do I have a lot to say. Also just to clarify, while it's fine to use any pronouns of Conductor, Naava is genderless and goes by they/it! I'm sure that it wouldn't mind hugging employees, as long as you're nice to them and the other monsters in the manor! They give very good hugs and the moss on it is very fluffy and soft! :) Conductor was originally designed with two purposes in mind. One was to make communication and tracking between humans and the creatures used as weapons easier. Secondly, it was meant to directly counter the Coilheads. It was very much meant to be a "leader" unit for the Nutcrackers which leads us to how its abilities work. The hypnosis is visual, works through eye contact, and is both telepathic and controlling in nature. Conductor's eye isn't completely organic due to the way it was built to work. It's a mix of organic and digital matter, that transmits data to its creators. It works both ways though so it can in turn track anything it has added to its "network" and control what those attached to it do. Visual contact with other nutcrackers enables it to add them to its network and give them commands to do. It can also communicate with anything in the network telepathically and can tell if the connection between it and something else is severed. While I can't give exact numbers, it was meant to have a long-range and a large maximum capacity. The more things it tracks though, the easier it is to miss when one doesn't act the way it's supposed to and makes mistakes a lot more likely. Additionally the further away something goes, the fuzzier the connection gets. It is a lot easier to track than command, especially as the numbers go up. Commands have to be simple and clear and if Conductor isn't focused-- the connection can break. Due to its purpose to work against Coilheads, it has excellent vision and was often positioned either high above or in other places with a lot of visibility. Basically, a long-distance unit that was meant to keep Coilheads neutralized while simultaneously providing valuable information to its makers. Additionally, its eye detects radiation. Particularly large amounts of it, which makes it easier to spot Coilheads and stop them from moving. Originally, it had a rifle to aid it with its job as well, although its primary objective wasn't to kill but to neutralize, track, and command. Its maker always told it, it was special. Not like the others. More valuable and more important. Even long after the war, it had internalized and still believed their words. This led to it becoming arrogant and because of it, Conductor ended up getting ambushed by a group of scrappers. As it wasn't originally meant for short-range combat, it got damaged severely by them and lost both its rifle and its other hand as a result. Its head also took a considerable amount of damage, leaving it very loosely attached and crooked. Left to lay on the ground miserably, the Nutcracker was seething. It never imagined something as simple as humans would be the ones to take it down and it made it feel angry and humiliated.
This is where Naava comes in. They are the reason Conductor survived and got accustomed to the changes in its body. Naava took care of it and helped it recover. It feels like it owes its life to them. At first, it didn't show gratitude as it was too stubborn to admit needing help but it was mesmerized by them the very second it saw them. It's not just the looks that caught its attention though. It admires both how strong and kind they are.
With Conductor's recovery, it had to change its approach to combat completely. While it could have taken a shotgun from the other Nutcrackers in the facility, it couldn't use it due to the loss of its arm. It had to learn to defend itself in other ways and with time became excellent at short-range combat, perhaps partially due to its rage towards the humans that had beaten it once. It seeks to gain revenge if they ever come back to the moon.
Ethic wise, it is still a somewhat selfish, angry creature that thinks of itself to be on a higher level than most of the other Nutcrackers and monsters. It won't hesitate to kill anything that pisses it off or that it just sees as something to be removed from the manor. Naava (and by extension, CC) are the only few people it is much more kind with. It does feel a sense of responsibility for other Nutcrackers though (particularly those it tracks and controls), and wants to keep them in top condition. If any harm comes their way, it will protect them fiercely and put itself on the front lines without any hesitation. It does also honor the idea of duels and will agree to one with anyone that suggests it. It values strong fighters and while it is still somewhat harsh, Conductor's heart and view of the world have softened quite a lot thanks to Naava's influence.
There are a few more details of Conductor but they include spoilers for the v50 beta. So, this is your spoiler warning. Read at your own risk!
The Old Birds are chill with Conductor and it used to ride them during the war. Especially when they were up in the air. An excellent place to be in, when you have to keep an eye on a large area. It's not exactly known how Conductor manages to get them to listen without hypnosis, but they seem to like and understand the Nutcracker a lot better than the humans. It is speculated they communicate through binary thanks to the similarities in their systems.
They won't shoot it and quiet down around it. They also like carrying it around, if Conductor ever goes outside and one is nearby.
That's all for now. Thank you for asking and reading! :)
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cassyapper · 2 years
if i could pick your massive brain for a minute, what do you think kakyoin and avdol's relationship is like?
they have criminally minimal interactions in canon with one of the only ones coming to mind being the "your own stand could kill you if you're not strong enough" convo which was more of avdol seemingly info dumping on kakyoin unprompted in the manga. at least the anime made it a bit more of a conversation... really thinking on it the anime added an... alright? amount for them what with moments in the n'doul arc (even if they were snatched from jotaro) and the moment in the hospital after that. bless the anime's added moments
i agree with what you said, their on-screen interactions are INCREDIBLY limited and it makes me so fucking sad because they're the best characters of part 3 like GOD DAMMIT araki can't you do fucking anything right on purpose. anyway but based on what we DO have:
kakyoin definitely looks up to avdol a lot i think. avdol is one of the people he very much respect, which is why he enjoyed listening to avdol rather than making avdol listen to Him for a change. i conclude this because of avdol being the only other lifelong standuser he's met (so far) and being someone who was able to avoid the sway of dio and prevent himself from getting fleshbudded. i think kakyoin kinda forgets avdol is a person at first though; i think every time he sees him, he sees who he wants to be but was too cowardly and closed off to become
avdol on the other hand sees kakyoin as kinda a ghost of standusers he's met in the past (ie, the standusers they meet on the journey. avdol clearly knew them beforehand considering his knowledge of them, and since they're almost all from cairo, i assume they grew up together or at least near each other). i think he sees kakyoin as someone he wants to protect if just so he doesn't have to see kakyoin become like his ex-friends, if just to soothe his own conscience
however, as they both interact and spend more time together, they start to see each other as real people and not just the impressions they got. i think kakyoin drags out the humorous side of avdol; he refuses to believe avdol is just always 100 percent patient and polite and kind. avdol laughs at kakyoin's mean jokes and kakyoin is like "vindication." ironically, considering kakyoin is the one that looks up to avdol, i think avdol learns self-acceptance from kakyoin irt his personality and his stand. i think both kakyoin and avdol loved India a lot and i think they explored it a bit for the time they were there together. i bet after yellow temperance, kakyoin and avdol have some chai in the lobby near the fireplace and avdol talks about his previous adventures in India, and kakyoin is listening so intently and butting in with "did you do x cultural norm or y cultural norm in z city?" and avdol answers all his questions patiently and just UGHGHG KAKYOIN FEELS HEARD THEY BOTH DO
kakyoin never stops looking up to avdol and avdol never stops feeling protective of kakyoin, but it adjusts into something easygoing, camaraderie. avdol is able to take care of kakyoin (such as patching up wounds (avdol is the one with the first aid kit in the first part of sdc), giving advice, etc) and kakyoin is able to accept it because he looks up to and trusts avdol (also it helps that avdol isn't smothering in his care; he treats it like it's natural and kakyoin can almost believe it). i think they're both able to rely on each other pretty quick
^ that's why kakyoin cries when avdol gets shot and he thinks he's death. avdol was who he wants to be and avdol was one of the only people who was gentle with him in a way he could accept, in a way that doesn't wound his pride, and he got stolen from him only after a couple of weeks. he's pissed
cut to avdol joining the team again, i think avdol is the only one kakyoin tells about death 13 after the fight. he's just desperate for someone, anyone to believe him, if anyone would understand it'd be avdol, avdol knows, avdol's been in the same trenches he has, avdol would know. and avdol does know. he didn't know mannish baby but I'm sure he's seen dream stands before but also most importantly, avdol trusts kakyoin's judgement irt stands. he knows enough about stands to know kakyoin understands them too. it's a world they both grew up in. and it relieves kakyoin so, so much
im sure kakyoin asks about avdol's ties to tarot and im sure avdol explains his complicated history with it (this goes into my view of avdol's backstory but that's another post.) i think kakyoin understands where avdol is coming from and i think it takes some weight off of avdol's shoulders. im sure avdol does a tarot reading for kakyoin once, speaking of
when they get wounded in the n'doul fight I'm sure avdol demands they be put in the same rooms cause even if he's not staying long, he wants to make sure kakyoin is okay. kakyoin is snappy about it cause he's stressed out and scared but he doesn't tell avdol to fuck off and when they get the news kakyoin's eyes will probably be fine avdol hugs kakyoin and kakyoin can't find it in him to push him away (he hugs him back)
when avdol dies for real i think kakyoin just doesn't even allow himself to think about it, he needs to focus on other things or he knows he's going to get scared. he's already scared. he's shaking in the manga when they find out. but he can't dwell on it because he knows avdol would say they need to focus on the mission first (similar to what avdol said to polnareff and iggy)
but then kakyoin follows in avdol's footsteps and dies the same way. I'm sure some part of him feels vindicated that in a way, he did become like avdol. he did grow enough to be on a similar level
anyway when kakyoin dies and goes to whatever the jojo afterlife is i think avdol sees him and bursts into tears and cries and screams cause "you were only 17 you weren't supposed to die kakyoin you were so young you weren't supposed to die" and i think kakyoin cries too then, mourning both his own life and avdol's. they were both too young
anyway basically i think they both see a chance for salvation in each other; kakyoin sees a future version of himself he wants in on in avdol, and avdol sees a past version of himself/old friends that he can save now in kakyoin. and as they accept the other as whole people, i think they joke around and tease and become like brothers. kakyoin definitely is ruthlessly screaming at avdol about "THE FRENCHMAN??? REALLY? FUCKING REALLY????" and avdol is like "shut UP!!! SHUT UP NORIAKI!!!!" also i know i know i know avdol makes some joke about taking in moody strays (iggy and kakyoin) and kakyoin and iggy are both like SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!! with the same snarl it's very funny. i think kakyoin feels truly safe in avdol and i think avdol feels secure enough to be himself around kakyoin; he doesn't need to be the stiff, neutral, polite, competent version of himself he portrayed at the start. this is his friend, his brother, and he deserves honesty. kakyoin won't let him hide he drags it out of him. anyway yeah
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vinxwatches · 8 months
(re)watching Transformers: Prime season 1
this was a series that was on during a time, but i don't think i ever saw the end or even a lot of it, though i do remember the motorcycle robot well and thought she was really cool (may have been lesbianism or gender envy), and Red from OSP mentioned is with some regularity which has kept it in my mind. also it was what i was watching when i got picked up to see my sibling for the first time after they were born and i remember being quite annoyed i had to stop watching the show, which clearly has stuck with me for way too long.
ep1 darkness rising, p1
well, it almost looks good. almost, but the lighting engine is just too weak to pull most things off. the graphic quality just doesn't seem to be able to pull of what they want it to. the terrain is extremely low in quality. i expect that to get a lot better, not just with seasons but even though the first season as they build up more assets.
damn that wasn't long for the first death. might also explain why he didn't look great. how much time do you put into a character that exists for 5 minutes?
it's interesting to see an enemy with a plan we know at least in part will fail as they don't truly have the element of surprise. for protagonists it's common, classic tragedy stuff. but never for antagonists.
wow, real subtle guys. two dark purple spiky cars driving like assholes. no one will ever notice anything up. also pausing really reveals how bad things blend. the entire scene has motion blur Except the characters. even still the action is surprisingly good. i just hope the human cast won't be unbearable.
small dextrous fighter dodging around strikes for larger opponents that she can take down? well if that isn't my favourite. no seriously that's always what i try to play in games. i'm no good at hit but it's my fucking jam.
oh she has way too much detail to be a background character. i don't remember this goth girl at all for some reason though. she does have the best personality so far though (yes i like enthusiastic characters)
good way to make him intimidating: give his every footstep a screen shake.
i thought they were going to go somewhat light on combat. NOPE. the bad guys will cut people in half. the good guys will do a fancy kick move of someone's neck and take their head off.
and sometimes it's Very ps2.
damn, it didn't take long at all for the villain to make a turn for the monstrous. i thought that would be season finally or at least mid finally shit. oh shit i think i remember that tiny robot very well, may well have inspired a lot of things i've come up with over the years.
man they really use a lot of plotpoints in the opening multi parter. my fear is that that'll result in a very status quo no progress middle of the season.
i'm getting the feeling that they either don't have the ability or time to fully render some scenes which is why some turn out way worse then others.
and of course the military can't be shown as truly bad.
seriously that the undead army is already a thing is worrying to me. where do you get to go beyond that? "if your opponents are already dead how can we defeat them?" you stop them from being able to move.
ah, they are trying to give the humans a purpose... good luck.
blades extended straight out of the forearm. seems rather impractical. severely limits the amount of cuts you can make as you can't edge align, and these blades seem really short.
the boy walks away... i'm sure i'm supposed to be sad about it, but i'm really not. he added nothing other then being whiny. he'd obvious return. got to have a "default" guy, lets hope he find a bloody use. because responsible isn't interesting.
ok, pretty good threat for what to avoid in the future.
i repeat again: a LOT of big plot point early. i'm afraid for the rest of the series.
transformers is pretty big on defending the home you didn't choose. there's a really harmful message in that. patriotism is incredibly dangerous, which is part of why america is so dangerous, to others and too itself. it's also big on them choosing to defending the home they didn't choose. there's a much less harmful message in that.
Masters and Students
oh, Starscream has a goa to work towards. will it be one episode or a seasonal thing?
"you are a motorcycle, shouldn't you know how to put one together?" "you are a human, can you build me a small intestine". there are some significant differences (motorcycles are designed and lack most useless parts while humans are not and our internals are a bloody mess design wise). but also fair point and fucking funny.
also neat choice to make soundwave, who acts the most like a robot, a drone in plane form.
oh i think i remember this episode. at least the science project subplot i hated.
Con Job
oh yea, he has the high villain shoulders.
i was going to say that there were less and less ps2 moments. then they introduced a new setting and yea it's not looking great.
pretty good ending speech and pretty interesting concept for future plots.
Speed Metal
fucking hell don't say "that's my girl" it's fucking weird and gross.
at least they aren't (currently) pairing up the main human male and female character because i don't trust this show to do that well.
oh shit we're diving into some heavy shit here. i'm afraid spider lady will be an obvious bad guy.
damn there's serious PTSD going on here. and how RC seems perfectly equipped to fight her could be extremely deep story telling if you read it that the made herself perfect to fight exactly her again.
Sick Mind
ok, they found the hidden enemy ship. so things are maybe moving forward. also really telling that they'll try a rescue of someone they don't know over hitting the enemy they know they have.
a plague ship. such a cool idea. so sad that it's currently probably a bit bad taste to use for things like ttrpgs. though if it's like a necrotic disease. zombies that turn you into zombies by biting you it's probably fine to use.
oh, inside someone's brain episode? really liked those in the owl house, lets see how they visualize it and what they do with it.
"i have thoroughly researched the theoretical literature" and today in least confidence boosting sentences.
interesting it's bumblebee and nor rc. i wonder why.
damn, smart play by bumbles, smart counterplay by megatron. not smart enough. really cool.
not to inventive with the visuals, but probably the coolest episode so far, maybe with predatory. and damn that cliffhanger.
Out of His Head
powerplays between the two people conspiring together. very interesting dynamic.
ok, megatron is back, things do move... and no one seems to be too bothered about it atm. i'm guessing that's what the next episode starts with.
oh damn, starstream going to use the dark energon in desperation to be level the playingfield.
oh hey, people being out of phase, i recently saw this startreck episode. damn, and they left most of a zombie in the other phase. that'll be interesting for the future.
Operation: Breakdown
damn, how much transformer gore will we see in this one? just one lose eye and where it was supposed to go, kind of a letdown
fucking hell this episode is going brutal. more brutal then the breakdown episode.
Metal Attraction
damn, first instance of damage being permanent.
so they try to make the mom look bad by being over protective. but we don't get any sense that most recon missions go perfectly smoothly and safely. now i'm sure that's like characters in stories going to the toilet, but it does make it feel like they are very often dangerous making the mom seem more then reasonable. they also try to make RC seem over protective even though she takes them on missions she believes are safe and sends them back when dangers shows. i don't think they'll make the conclusion stick well.
i wonder how permanent they'll make those very neat retributive cuts. she seems like the type who'd keep them until she killed the one that gave them.
oh, his dad left... i though he might have died... that's either a much stronger stance, or his father will be revealed later making it much less interesting because we've seen that dozens of times. and they didn't make them worrying the bad thing they did, but instead not accepting change. surprisingly well handled.
Rock Bottom
not like this (be burried under a metric fuckton of rock and then drilled to death)... why not? a swift, easy end to one of the biggest threats. boring for the series? sure. but they could have made it saving before attacking and it would have made total sense.
i just realized the autobots make for a pretty standard 5 man band... sort of. some are easy. like bulkhead is the obvious big buy, ratchet is the obvious smart guy. now arcee and optimus are obvious leader and lancer. but you could question who's who. for the leader optimus is rather rarely the focus... but yea no he's the leader. and arcee is a neat lancer being the smallest compared to the largest, nimble and dodging instead of standing his grown and tanking. which would make bumblebee the heart which makes total sense.
if anyone would turn coat starscream would make some sense... but also not as he'd want to tripplecross. however he thinks he'll get more.
damn this episode felt like one of the writers was struggling trough a family member suffering dementia.
Stronger, Faster
i think i remember this episode. unless the energy problem keeps coming up.
i mean... is what he's saying not true though? he's saying it like an asshole, sure, but what did he say that was wrong?
are you really giving the decepticons two corrupted forms of energon? seems redundant.
One Shall Rise, Part 1.
the only vagally reasonable natural threat to europe is something weird that kills power. sorry, it's just bizarre how safe Europe is compared to the rest of the world. this is not a flex, Europe is life on easy mod.
on the one side that's some cool lore. on the other i'd love it if for once something was called "the blood of X" and it's just myth, nothing more. not the plot twist of "the blood of X was Actually the blood of X and not just a fancy name".
One Shall Rise, Part 3.
damn, that's one hell of a cliffhanger for season 2. sure, the threat is defeated, but now the decepticons have optimus.
0 notes
himmelantares · 11 months
The History of T-Shirts
A T-shirt is an upper body garment  which  gained popularity in the early 1960’s .
history of t shirt ,the first T shirt was invented between the spanish american war in 1898 and 1913
Though the T-shirt was created in the early 20 th century. It was ve
Worm as anything other than an undershirt
The Wizard of Oz.(1939)
Printed T-shirts are so elegant and gentle it is very eye-catching by sensing th
Marketing strategy In early 30’s the film industry started advertising their movie
Through printed custom made Tshirts  The movie THE WIZARD OF OZ (1939)
It was the first movie which used printed t-shirts as an advertising tool
 During the 1960s T shirt  flourished as a form of personal expression many
Corporate giants used the popularity of t-shirts in the form of advertising for example 
Coca-cola and mickey mouse used the opportunity very well. since 1990 it as 
Become common for all sizes of companies to produce printed t-shirts with there 
logo or messages as part of the overall advertising campaign 
Types of  printed T-shirt
T-shirts by adding various character
. T-shirt decoration refers to the process of adding visual elements or 
Designs to a T-shirt to enhance its appearance or convey a specific message or  
style .there are various methods and techniques used to decorate T-shirt including
Direct-to-Garment Printing (DTG)
Direct-to-garment or DTG printing use a inkjet or any other muti purpose colour printer to print the artwork as the name says directly from the garment. DTG printing offers a full-colour, high-quality print, making it special for complex designs or photographic images. 
 Inkjet printers are very expensive but other than that they do not have any setup costs like any other printing method and they are therefore more cost-effective for small orders. If the quantity of t shirt  production is less we need just a few t-shirts, the DTG printing method is your best option. 
The methods take  a pre-treatment step as the inks colours  are printed directly onto the fabric garment of the t-shirt, and pre-treating of the garment  allows the ink to be gently fixed and won’t let it fade  through the material. moreover, the t-shirt needs heating before printing to activate the treatment process.
good for detailed multi-color designs printing
Quick production – a T-shirt is made within minutes
Inks penetrate the fabric;  won't feel the print when touching it
only suitable with pure 100% cotton t-shirts or blends with the right percentage of cotton for the print to come out more good and attractive
DTG printing may washes out over time
Limited print area only can't cover the entire t-shirt with  designs applied
DTG printing machines are very costly
Screen or silkscreen printing is a stencil-based printing method where ink is applied to the t-shirt through a mesh screen. 
It’s the most famous printing method and has been around for years – first done by hand and now by printing machines. 
It is used for more better screen printing inks that are thicker or ticker than those which is used for more sustainable for other printing methods, resulting in very elegant longer-lasting printed t shirt. As compared to DTG printing, screen printing is better suited for designs with some specialised colours.
screen printing is great for large orders nearly up  to 500 t-shirts, as it is comparetably quick and easy to set up other than any other printing method. However, it can be more costly for smaller orders, as there is a setup cost involved in this process
Screen printing ink is deeply absorbed into fibers of the garment, which results in stunning vibrant great looking prints
Fast and effective printing process for huge amounts of t-shirts
Can be used on most of the clothing materials like cotton, polyester, and various blends
Screen-printed t-shirts can withstand countless wash cycles without fading or any other material damage
Limited printing area only – this printing method won't be suitable for covering the whole t-shirt this is the major disadvantage of screen printing or silk screen printing
If the printing entrepreneur going of doing this at home, please understand that screen printing ink tends to every where all over, and it's pretty messy and it will spoil your house walls floors etc every thing and is pretty damn messy
Limited colors – you won't be able to achieve an extremely colorful design or print a super vivid photograph on your t-shirt this is the one of the major disadvantage faced by screen
Printing or silk screen printing
Heat Transfer Printing Methods
There are many different ways and  methods of printing t-shirts, heat transfer printing is one of the most famous and popular way of t shirt printing. This uses a heat press machine to transfer an image or graphic  design onto the t-shirt to print 
Heat transfer printing is very different from both previous methods since it doesn’t require any special inks or dyes to print  all you need is a heat press machine and transfer paper.
Heat transfer printing is one of the  great option for custom made printed t-shirts because it’s versatile. You can print almost any design or image onto a shirt by using this method, including all-over-print designs that cover the entire t-shirt. 
All the methods mentioned down below are essentially subtypes of the heat-press printing technique, so to choose what’s best for your t-shirt printing business, let’s look at each of them very carefully
Dye Sublimation or All-Over Printing (AOP)
Dye sublimation printing, also known as all-over-printing (AOP), is probably among the most popularand famous  types of t shirt printing. The printing graphics are automatically printed onto a unique heat transfer paper which is then transferred onto t-shirts by applying heat on it.
Dye-sublimation heat press method mainly  uses dye contant ink that turns changes on applying on it which is a very  different method and process from the other heat transfer printing techniques mentioned after on the article above. 
The  pressure and heat we applied  converts the dye contant  ink into a gas and then again convert back to an solid state. It is perfectand great  for synthetic fibers like polyester fabrics. As the dyes enters the fibers to it’s bottom root , they changes one with the material, that take  in vivid and long term useful  t-shirt prints. 
Dye sublimation printing doesn’t used with garment materials like cotton, which is very precious, change called bleeding the result of the product  looks very bad and burry. 
Synthetic materials rules are which the higher the percentage of polyester increases, the better the results that we get . This method is very good with white polyester t-shirts, as dark based colours don’t work as well as polyester because the dyes completely integrate with the fibers of the material.
The screen printing process and DTG printing can’t be used for allover printing of the T shirt, so you can be more creativeand productive  with the dye sublimation method in your t-shirt business.
Sublimation printing method gives as a  long term lasting  results, as the dyes fully entres the fibers so the graphic designs are bright and vivid, even after so many uncountable washes
One of the best t-shirt printing options for long lasting ,The colors will not crack or fade
Coverble the entire polyester t-shirt from end to end for superb end results
Can't be used on dark colour garments like fabrics; all of the printed T-shirt garments are white, as the dyes need to enter  the garment and it's unable  to see on a dark base colour.
It can't be used on cotton T-shirt prints. Only garments with a high percentage of polyester, as its fibres are smooth and not as absorbent as natural fibres.
It is more expensive than other printing methods like Direct to garment printing (DTG) and
The basic colour of the t-shirt, it gives a more excellent result.
DTF method allows printing on a wide range of garment fabrics
Giving bright and attractive prints, as the designs are applied on the fabric without entering the roots of  the garment fibres
Can be transferred onto any bacreen printing.
Direct-to-Film Printing (DTF)
Direct-to-film printing, or DTF, is one of the oldest  and greatest t-shirt printing methodsthat is existing on the printing world and it  involves printing designs onto a special  film (Polyethylene Terephthalate) and after that transferring it to a t-shirt using adhesive powder and heat. 
As opposed to DTG printing, DTF doesn’t require a pre-treatment of the garment which is used for T-shirt printing, as the design is pre-printed onto a film.
This heat transfer method can be used on any type of fabric or garment material. Create polyester t-shirts or cotton t-shirt, the result is equally good. 
However, in DTG the design and inks are incorporated with the fabric material.  the direct to film prinrting method, the fixing powder enters the design plastic and shining. Because the colours do not interact with sic colour
High resistible with wear& tear
Can only be used on smaller and thinner items like t-shirts, cushion covers or face masks
The print feels rather plasticky or some thing a little bit hard
The entire process is more complex and problem generating than dye sublimation or DTG printing
Conclusion: Using any of these t-shirt garment techniques will help give your custom screen-printed t-shirt a more attractive and elegant feel. But to really pull it off I recommend you to use as many as possible as you can. The more the better. another advanced screen printing technique that we practiceat Evan Webster Ink is that Soft Touch print. When screen printing by hand you can control the amount of pressure on the squeegee on the printed output. By using light pressure the ink doesn’t come through as much which really makes the t-shirt look more attractive and elegant.
0 notes
idw-sonic-fan-blog · 3 years
The Mandates
Just wanted to share my thoughts on the pro-ported mandates because they cast a shadow on this comic.
“Game characters cannot have relatives unless they were estabilished in the game canon, i.e. Cream and her mother.”
This one is understandable and you can blame Penders for this. Mind you that most licensed comics of gaming franchises don’t actually delve too much in personal family relationships or expand on them. So this is expected and honestly Sega should have put the screws on Archie decades ago about this.
“Game characters can not die. There are workarounds for this, such as being Mistaken for Dying or "Mistaken For Dead”
Again. Yes. Not a big deal.
“Game characters cannot have wardrobe changes unless approved. Chao Races and Badnik Bases has some characters (mainly the female game characters) wear different clothes for extreme conditions. Male characters remain the same.”
This is a useless rule but whatever. I mean Sega, you are the ones putting bad wardrobe choices on the characters so again it’s whatever.
“Sonic can't be shown getting too emotional (i.e;cry)”
This is one that it complained about because it really wouldn’t matter unless it is called attention to. A lot of superheroes don’t cry. But that doesn’t prohibit them from expressing themselves. IDW Sonic has been sad. He has been pissed. He has been furious.
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Is this not too emotional?
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Is he not expressing himself appropriately?
I don’t even know why this is brought up. When in this comic has Sonic not been expressive or displaying the appropriate amount of emotion? When did Sonic needing to cry be necessary?
“Game characters cannot enter in a relationship.”
Oh GOD YES. Don’t threaten me with a good time.
“All major Character Development must be approved by SEGA.”
Yeah, of course. Let me remind you that Penders and Archie ruined any strand of trust Sega could have in comic media. They played loose at first and all of the sudden, they are involved in a lawsuit about characters in a Sonic comic that they didn’t even know about. They probably lost a video game business relationship because of it. If they want to be involved in the comics, fine. That means that they are now forced to World Build. They have to invest in it now and not just be like Lucas Films and let anybody do anything with their flagship title.
“Much like the post-reboot of the Archie comic, the words "Mobius" is banned—the planet is simply called "Sonic's World". Unlike the Post-Boot, which allowed the names "Mobian" and "Mobini", anything related to Mobius is banned in this comic.”
…Of course but how about you throw the writer’s a bone and I don’t know, name the fucking planet. If it is not Earth, give it a name.
“Sonic must always win at the end. Even if he and his friends are at the losing end in an overarching story (the Metal Virus arc, for example), they must come out on top when it concludes.”
I don’t even get this rule and the knee jerk hatred for it. Why even have it? Why even share the existence of this rule? Archie Sonic didn’t really lose too bad. It’s more on how you frame a victory. The fact of the matter is that Eggman is still actively trying to conquer the planet. Sonic stops him but Eggman still has control of land and has military installations all over.
This rule is offset by this. While Sonic can’t lose, Sonic can’t completely win.
“Characters and material from other licensed properties (Sonic the Comic, Sonic the Hedgehog (Archie Comics), Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic the Hedgehog (SatAM)', Sonic Underground, the OVA, Sonic X and the Paramount films cannot be used. This rule extends to characters and redesigns done by the current writers. The only exception is Sticks from Sonic Boom, and that's because she was created by SEGA themselves and showed up in non-Boom media, but any ideas regarding her use still need to be okayed by SEGA.”
First off I am glad that Sticks was spared by this rule and I look forward to her eventual inclusion. Second, again, this is not much of a big deal as it was expected. Sorry Freedom Fighter fans but honestly deal.
“Male characters, sans Eggman, can't wear pants, which was also a thing in the Post-Reboot, albeit never explicitly stated. The inverse is also true; female characters have to have some form of lower clothing.”
Okay this is a pedantic rule. It is so weird with how precise it is. Like…huh?
“Classic characters such as Mighty, Ray, Nack/Fang, Bean, and Bark won't appear in non-Classic issues, as Sega doesn't want Classic and Modern Sonic to mix.”
One of the most bullshit mandates fueled by the nostalgia boner fans created. Like this is stupid because Archie Modern Sonic has added more character and depth to all of these mentioned characters than any of the Sega Sonic games they appeared in which only amounts to 1 or 2 at most. Why neuter your own potential stories with this stupid limitation?
“According to Ian Flynn, a specific incident involving Shadow's characterization when he's exposed to the Zombot infection was written in a specific way because of Sega mandating that he be written as an "overconfident asshole rival" character, similar to Vegeta. He later followed up with an explanation that out of every character, Shadow has the most mandates and notes attached to how he's portrayed. According to the podcast, Sega says that Team Dark is no longer a thing. The three members are not a team and they have never worked for G.U.N.; Shadow also doesn't even consider them friends.”
This is my opinion is the worst rule. First it’s contradictory to the character Sega introduced us to. Stop trying to be like Dragon Ball for once and actually be your own thing. It’s one thing if we are changing it because Shadow was unpopular because of his personality. But no one likes this Shadow. People miss the somber but reserved Hedgehog that continued to fight in spite of the world betraying him. Hothead Shadow is a cheap Knuckles. And I don’t even understand why Shadow even has so many mandates when he wasn’t the most egregious offender. Knuckles was.
Also, Team Dark aren’t a thing and Shadow doesn’t even consider them to be his friends. First off that doesn’t even fly in your own games. Who outside of Sonic does Shadow interact the most? Rouge. They have teamed up and were a packaged duo since their inception. When Shadow appeared, Rouge appeared right next to him. If Rouge was in a game, so was Shadow.
Team Dark or just Rouge has fought alongside Shadow in every game they appeared in. Who else does Shadow talk to if not Rouge?
“Sega has stated to Flynn that only male hedgehogs are allowed to go Super with the Chaos Emeralds.”
Except in Sonic Mania.
“Ian isn't allowed to directly reference a game, since the comic is supposed to be its own thing.”
Okay. Not only is this rule stupid. But it’s untrue.
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This references the end of Sonic Forces.
The first page of comic.
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It has referenced Sonic Adventure, SA2, Sonic Generations , and Sonic Unleashed.
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This referencing Shadow the Hedgehog.
I don’t believe this rule exists and even if it did, it is dumbest rule since the whole point of this comic is to base it off the games more. The dumbest rule.
“Knuckles is not allowed to leave Angel Island unless he has a very good reason to.”
For decades, people have complained that Knuckles routinely leaves the island. For decades. Now does this mean Sega is going to 1. Use Knuckles and 2. Amplify the importance of Angel Island and the Master Emerald? No. Again, this criticism should be levied at Sega because they often conveniently forget Knuckles purpose and just hand wave it instead of giving Knuckles more to do on the island like I don’t know, have other entities invested in attacking him.
In summary, here is what I think is going on. Do I think most of these mandates are real? Yes. Given what happened to Archie, I do think Sega is doing some brand alignment. I think they got the clamps on.
But what I think is going on is a Japanese cultural thing called Power Harassment. It is normalized abuse of power. Sega of Japan is normally laxxed about their brands. They don’t mind blatant rip-offs of their mascot nor do they get stiff about fandom creations or mods. The comic division, however, is getting tough love because not only did it cost them a publishing deal, but ruined a relationship with a high end developer. So the IDW writers and staff are being subjected to intentionally hypocritical rules and strict mandates that they know don’t make sense until they’ve shown to be obedient.
A lot of the mandates aren’t strict. But some are so asinine that I don’t think they aren’t aware with how stupid they sound imposing those rules. Like Shadow is the most narratively complete Sonic character and yet, Sega puts this tight mandate as if Archie Shadow was the most egregious thing. Archie Shadow was overpowered. He wasn’t out of character like Sonic, Knuckles, and Tails were. They can’t be that stupid or be that intentionally dense. So they want to see if the writing crew can follow orders. That’s it.
But that’s just my take.
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dndcharacterideas · 3 years
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#d&d - 5 posts
#pathfinder - 2 posts
#ilmater is my favorite dnd god - 1 posts
#this what i picture when i think about making kobold characters - 1 posts
#dnd character - 1 posts
#these fucker have better of at least made themselves back stories - 1 posts
#dm problems - 1 posts
Longest Tag: 65 characters
#these fucker have better of at least made themselves back stories
My Top Posts in 2021
Alright guys, one of my friends wants to run a Pathfinder Halloween one shot. He's giving us permission to play level 25 characters and allowed us three magic items that's only limits are that they can't be artifacts, as well as a million gold pieces and 80 days of down time before the campaign begins, all with the promise that he's going to throw something devastating at us.
I intent to make him regret giving me this much power.
I've taken 20 levels of cleric and 5 levels of witch. She's a dhampir, her focus is necromancy, and she's able to control 80 hit dice worth of undead. I've talked with the DM and he acknowledges, accepts, and understands that I will be bringing a small army of undead with me to this fight. He hasn't even given me any restrictions either; I asked if I could do something with intelligent undead and he gave me the green light so long as I could control their HD.
So this is where I'm at, I have a hand full of undead picked out already: a vampire that narratively is my character's father and is very unhappily my thrall now, two skeletal horses, a death coach, a bodak, and an attic whisperer, which I honestly chose more for aesthetic purposes then anything else. Her familiar is also a beheaded.
You'd think that would be all my HD but it's actually only 42 of them. I have 38 HD worth of undead and I'm honestly struggling to come up with undead beyond basic zombies and skeletons. To be clear, because one of the people I'm playing with have already suggested it, I'm not just getting a bunch of the strongest undead I can thing of because I'm going off of the idea that my character could have actually gone out into the world and collected all of these undead at some point in their adventuring career.
So I guess I'm throwing this question out into the aether, anyone have any good suggestions for undead to add to my character's collection?
17 notes • Posted 2021-10-25 04:31:23 GMT
In regards to the dicksucking post
In my DnD group, any sexual encounter has 2 rolls
Performance to see how well you do
Constitution to see how long you last
Makes for some pretty hilarious encounters, especially among players who romance or have flings with each other
See, the BoEF I mentioned before actually has built in rules for all this. Con for how long you last, you get a dex check if you're doing something that requires a particular amount of flexibility, and performance and profession are interchangeable as I mentioned before, though you do typically need to be a prostitute or make a living seducing people to have that as a profession.
You also take a -1 penalty for every size category that your partner is smaller or larger then you. Which can be real funny to watch when your player is a human bard trying to seduce an ancient white dragon... and just a little frustrating when he manages it.
25 notes • Posted 2021-06-14 07:29:17 GMT
The Pirate Bard
I had this idea for a unconventional bard. Essentially they are a Pirate bard who instead of using an instrument for arcane spells, sings sea shanties and the ghosts of his crewmates appear and sing along providing more spectral form of the spell.
25 notes • Posted 2021-04-15 00:51:05 GMT
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Many dollars spent but I now have everything I need to be unreasonably wizardy. The parrot's name is Charlie, he's gonna be my familiar.
In case it's not clear from the image, the book is very big and very heavy and I love it very much. Now I just need to figure out what to put in it.
32 notes • Posted 2021-07-11 01:10:26 GMT
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Okay, I'm interested...
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... this person has never played D&D.
325 notes • Posted 2021-05-31 17:22:53 GMT
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demon-dance-club · 3 years
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I posted 134 times in 2021
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I added 47 tags in 2021
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#feral wildworks - 7 posts
#wildworks - 6 posts
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#genshin scenery - 3 posts
#genshin screenshots - 3 posts
#genshin impact - 3 posts
#youtube - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 116 characters
#especially in countries where healthcare is free it’s pretty fucked the amount of stuff people still have to pay for
My Top Posts in 2021
Just saw the q force trailer and I regret to inform everyone that I am no longer attracted to men. I am attracted to everything but men. In fact I’m becoming one of those people who hate men. I am mhm now (men hating men). As I type this I am running away into the woods to hide from the world.
BUT ALSO WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT. I have two theories: the show actually sucks and was written by a team consisting of a straight 13 yo girl and a 50 yo straight man. Or: the show still sucks but it’s on purpose and the marketing team wants to exploit the power of hate watching.
Either way, don’t watch it whenever it comes out. Also I hope the queer voice actors are getting paid WELL for this. The straight actors,,,,idk the circumstances of their hiring but I sure hope they didn’t do it willingly cuz this is FUCKED UP.
Final thoughts: I would beat up the guy with drag makeup and a weirdly large mouth. On top of being stereotyped to hell and back he also ends up acting predatory and creepy towards the most “straight passing” guy of the group by making unsolicited comments about him. This is SO dangerous because it perpetuates one of the worst stereotypes about mlm: that we try to force ourselves on straight dudes.
Final thought 2: Also I’m confused as to why there seem to be two other dudes who are part of the “main group” but don’t get any lines?? My best guess is that they’re less “gay” as characters and that therefore they don’t have so many wild lines to show in the trailer.
Anyway if I’ve gotten anything wrong just let me know. I haven’t done much research or anything, I’m mostly going off what I saw in the trailer.
21 notes • Posted 2021-06-24 17:23:57 GMT
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At last, a worthy sequel to my good old free to play feral post, fresh picked from the latest discord announcement and once again deep fried for effect~
Allow me to introduce all the players who got softlocked by broken challenges :DDDD
28 notes • Posted 2021-07-17 01:40:16 GMT
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My serenitea pot is finished! Or the main island exterior at least. I'd add more but the furniture limit is ridiculously low hhhh Anyway just look at that view~
29 notes • Posted 2021-05-12 00:38:35 GMT
About the goddam WW Crypto thing
I really should have known by now wildworks was unable to do anything right...If they go through with this shit I'm gonna riot fr, gimme my fucking 8$ back lmao.
Anyway, here are some of my concerns:
1. Where is all this money/staff coming from, and why can't it go towards games that are already in development??
WW can barely hold 3 games (or two and a half, let's be honest...feral is STILL IN BETA NEED I REMIND YOU) together right now, from what I know there's very little staff and not much money to go around. Feral was taking staff from AJ for a while, and now that they've been sent back to AJ there's supposedly no replacements being hired. That may be because there's no money, but also it's likely that they've been planning this for a while...still you'd think that Feral is a number one priority. Are they *trying* to kill it or what? Once Fer.al is more finished, they should be able to rake in more sweet sweet cash (cuz spoiler alert, many people like to play games that aren't broken), so why hold it back in favour of a new project?
2. The hypocrisy of making Animal Jam and then THIS???
This needs no explanation.
3. This was so obviously the wrong move?
If anyone at the top tier of WW knew SHIT about their demographic, which is honestly probably the exact opposite of crypto bros, they would know that literally no one wants this. This company is so shockingly out of touch, how could this possibly happen?? Massive boomer energy lmao, they really don't have a single person in a leadership role who could have said "yeah idk how that's gonna be received bestie" Also HELLO DID Y'ALL NOT SEE THE MASSIVE BACKLASH FROM THE COOKIE RUN FANDOM WHEN DEVSISTERS STARTED TALKING NFTS???
Aight that's all I got for now, we better fuck this company up until they back down.
36 notes • Posted 2021-11-27 22:01:54 GMT
Following my last Whining About Fer.al Advertising post I would like to call bullshit on this line in particular thanks to the decal paywall and jelly quests in the new sp (deepfried for emphasis <3)
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I truly hate seeing this game go to shit man ://
43 notes • Posted 2021-06-07 17:36:34 GMT
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