#The best Eurovision songs aren't always the ones that win
radiates-confusion · 1 year
Ngl, I always for get just how happy Eurovision makes me until its in the days leading up to the final, and I find myself scream-mouthing along to love love peace peace with the biggest shit-eating grin on my face
Hope everyone enjoys Eurovision! 🎉✨
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askhuntik · 2 years
The Huntik Team Watching Eurovision
Part 1: Who likes what performances? Who supports which country?
Sophie would always support France cuz I don't think France ever completely misses when it comes to Eurovision but she will never vote for France and will always be objective about the best song of the year. She would have a predictions sheet with her and will rank the songs while she watches . Would allow Lok to convince her to do the Eurovision Bingo, but wouldn't do the drinking game though.
Lok would be all for the intentionally bad or meme entries and would try to convince Sophie that they aren't a meme or intentionally bad and see if she cracks. He doesn't care that much about the contest so he tries to find the humor in it and cracks jokes all night. Would probably go on r/eurovision and use some jokes from there. Would play Eurovision Bingo or do the drinking game for the fun of it.
Cherit would be really into the songs with ethnic vibes and would be a snob about them. Cherit also would learn all the songs for the year beforehand and sings along all night on the Grand Final night. He is probably the only one that would go out of his way to watch the semi-finals and will complain about songs that didn't make it to the Grand Final. He would be stealing small amounts of everyone's snacks whenever they got up to use the toilet.
Dante would watch just to enjoy the music and is the biggest sucker for the interval act from the host countries because he thinks it is such a cool tradition. He would like the 2016 one so much. He just wants to celebrate European unity and peace, you know? He isn't the biggest fan of the whole thing but thinks watching Eurovision is a cool tradition. Who am I kidding, he probably makes his own drinking game/Eurovision bingo to entertain himself during the whole thing.
Zhalia would be a fan of the Nordic countries, cuz they are always either sending rock or ballad entries and she is a sucker for both. But she would be one of the people that would never vote and just enjoys the show. Dante would try to get her to do the drinking game with him but he is never successful.
Den and Harrison will probably be on the bandwagon of UK hate but for different reasons. Den genuinely doesn't like the half-hearted entries but doesn't think they are actually trying to sabotage the entry, while Harrison is into the conspiracy theory that the BBC doesn't want to win cuz it will bankrupt the tv station so they send the worst stuff and then with Brexit and everything he thinks the UK is sabotaging it even more so the contest would lose popularity in the UK and sever more ties with the EU. They would bicker about this all throughout the Uk song for that year.
Bonus Den and Harrisson: Den is a supporter of Australia being included in the contest, while Harisson thinks it's stupid and rolls his eyes whenever Australia is mentioned by the hosts and screams that they aren't even European.
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i found out that you can vote for la elección interna every day and that gives me the perfect oportunity to not having to choose between the 25 songs i had thought could be cool to have in benidorm fest and just vote 10 of them randomly every day :)
having said that, here's those 25 songs i've chosen with a bit of explanation of why and stuff (they originally were much longer but aparently tumblr has a word limit now so i can't do that 🙄), keep in mind these are not the only ones that i liked or the only ones that i want in benidorm fest, there were a ton of good entries and i had to pick between them somehow lol
anyways, enjoy :)
a moura - sheila patricia: galician + references to places + great aesthetic, what's not to love
itzulera - zetak ft. erramun martikorena: basque folklore!!! basque folklore!!!!
panya - zoo: i do love me a satirical song, and especially if it takes a jab at conservatives, neo-fascists, and guiris 🥰 and in catalan!!!!
que pasa? - ariadna: i know she'll bring a queer song to benifest and i can't wait to see her live honestly, she absolutely snatched with this song. THE MUSIC VIDEO FOR THIS SONG DEPICTS VIOLENT HOMOPHOBIA AND GAY BASHING, VIEW AT YOUR OWN RISK.
3 fuegos - e'femme: i really vibe with the concept of a new girl group???? i think we need more girlboss groups like this one, idk they gave me good vibes and i enjoy the concept :)
cuestión de suerte - natalia lacunza: this is literally one of my most listened to songs this year, and natalia one of my favourite artists, like of course she was gonna be here lol.
drowning fire - hydn: i know i always say i don't want english songs at eurovision and that i hate spanglish... but this isn't spanglish it's GALINGLISH!!!! she sings in english and galician!!!!!!
agarrarte a la vida - rozalén: she's imo the best songwriter in spain right now, and she sings about social issues (this particular song is about depression and suicide for example) so like she was made for eurovision!!!
odoletan - huntza: basque rock!!!!! with folk elements as well!!!
me estoy pillando - sandra groove: it's the chonicore aesthetic for me. also the song slaps
si quieres - cariño: i've listened to this song SO MUCH, cariño is also one of the groups i listen to the most lately so yeah
l'orquestra del titànic - la fúmiga: catalan verbena pop man, such an underapreciated genre.
culpa - valeria castro: of course i was gonna put valeria castro here, she's my current celebrity crush, i'm absolutely obsessed with her and her voice and her sound and aaaaaah she's the best
luz bajita - fusa nocta: there's something about it, i can't put my finger on it, but i think fusa nocta could do something pretty cool at benifest
por españa - samantha hudson: if she goes to benidorm fest there's a high chance they win and if that happens it would be a cultural reset like he would be THE PERSON in eurovision 2023 i want it to happen SO BADLY.
el hijo del ayer - celtian: this!!!! is what we need!!! literally this!!!! celtic rock my utmost beloved <3
por si te vas - maría peláe: please let flamenco be on eurovision once again please, she could save us all 😭
alex turner - ginebras: ginebras was my world last year, i still love them very much and they aren't capable of releasing flops so i know for a fact that if they go to benifest the song is gonna be amazing
te espera el mar - maría josé llergo: she has one of the most beautiful voices i've ever heard, and i know she'd create super beautiful scenography to acompany her as well
la gran belleza - floridablanca: i'm a sucker for indie pop man, i am guilty of it. also the song is a bop and a half
fuego - headon ft. carmen xina: ROCK IN EUROVISION YES YES YES PLEASE YES
olé - tatiana delalvz: NO BUT THIS IS ACTUALLY INSANE. like i wouldn't be surprised if this here was the winner of la elección interna, it's literally perfect
línea 7 - paula koops: A HYPERPOP SONG ABOUT A MADRID METRO LINE???? this song was literally made to cater to me specifically
ilargi berriak - neomak: basque tanxugueiras i repeat basque tanxugueiras!!!!!
hocus pocus - megara: i visibly gasped when i listened to this song this is literally perfect like holy shit!!!! it would do so well in benifest as well!!!!
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