#The best little Cosette ever
lesmiserablol · 1 year
i love jean valjean so much i could drown in my own tears
#he’s so…..#how was i to know at last that happiness could come so fast trusting me the way you do i’m so afraid of failing you#your child will want for nothing#none shall ever harm cosette as long as i am living#she’s the best of my life#it’s the story of those who loved you#there’s a castle just waiting for you#if i die let me die let him live bring him home bring him home bring him home#you are free and there are no conditions no bargains or petitions there’s nothing that i blame you for#okay also#when he gives her the doll…..#when little cosette hugs him and he freezes because this is new to him but then he hugs her so so tightly#when she hugs him right after everyday and he still pauses before hugging her because he still can’t believe she’s real and she loves him#and he loves her so much#he fucking. he’s fine with dying. if he dies whatever let him die. but marius?? let him live#because he’s had so much time to love and care for cosette#and now she’s in love and all he has ever wanted is her happiness. he would die for her happiness. he’s begging god to take him if he must#but spare marius. and then they’re both spared. so valjean carries him. just so fueled with the love he has for his daughter#takes him all the way home. doesn’t even take credit for it#the only reward for anything he’s ever wanted is cosette’s happiness#i’m so. guys i love valjean so much. i love everyone in les mis but he’s been my number one guy since day one and it’s staying that way#oh my god#les mis
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cherriiramen · 1 year
Jean was the most overprotective awkward dad I’ve ever seen daddying but little did he know he was the best at it 😪
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Im hardcore obsessing over Jean and Cosette’s wholesome little father-daughter bond, especially after previously binging Shoujo Cosette 😭
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artzychic27 · 6 months
Maybe the Akuma, Science, Recess, and Theater class/kids should have a “We Gotta Get Rid of Marinette or Send Her To Therapy” meeting
Mason: I would like to call this “Ranting about Marinette/Ladybug” meeting to order. Now, let us read the minutes. Dot?
Dot: ‘October 15th, 4:12pm, Brecken aired his grievances, stating, “Marinette Dupain-Cheng is a no-good-”
Kim: Can we just loudly complain?
Mason: Hmm… I don’t see why not. Proceed.
Eri: She ruined my gown!
Genevieve: My singing voice is atrocious because of her!
Denise: I’m just supposed to let some creep pummel me into the dirt and wait for that bug to show up five minutes later?! Hell no!
Nino: I can’t believe I ever had a crush on that girl!
Nathaniel: I know! What were we thinking?!
Spinelli: That little fox ruined some of my best work! I spent hours on that mural! Do you know how hard working with chalk is?!
Reshma: I couldn’t make any new friends because of her!
Marc: If she ever gives you guys dating advice, just walk away!
Austin T: I NEVER hit Jean! What the hell is Ladybug’s problem?!
Soo-Yeon: Candace and I were in surgery because of that chick!
Kim: Ladybug?
Candace: No, Marinette.
Alya: That girl is getting to be way too much! Being her friend is like a full-time job without the pay! I could be rolling in cash!
DJ: Then, it’s decided. We take Marinette down, then Ladybug.
Cosette: How?
DJ: I have no clue.
Lotta: Well, it’s gotta be done now! We’ve all seen just how far Marinette will go to get rid of anyone Adrien so much as smiles at!
Rochelle: … Well…
Austin B: Oh, I know that look. Spill.
Rochelle: I mean, we could all put our skills to use. It’s one against… What, like thirty? Thirty-five? You get the idea. What do we have to be afraid of? Several of us come from influential families, and I’m looking at a few people who could easily hack into the government. Do you all see where I’m headed?
Austin Q: Oh, my God, we’re dumb!
Gia: We could have stood together as a united front this entire time!
Victoria: Rochelle, honey, you sit next to me, and I mean forever. Where do we start?
Rochelle: Alya, you’re still close to Marinette, right?
Alya: It’s a one-sided closeness.
Rochelle: Good enough. Gather any evidence of her misdeeds. “Accidentally” record her talking about her plans to sabotage some poor girl who shows an interest in Adrien. Mason, I know very well that your personal files on the students are more secure than the NSA’s.
Mason: *Blushes* Well, I guess.
Rochelle: Anything we pick up goes to you until it’s time for the grand reveal.
Ivan: That takes care of Marinette, but what about Ladybug?
Rochelle: If I’m correct, I’m sure we won’t have to worry about her.
Alix: Cryptic much?
Rochelle: Very much, yes. But, trust me. All our problems will soon be resolved.
Austin A: *To Austin B* I can see why you like hanging out with zir.
@msweebyness @imsparky2002
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paarthursass · 21 hours
A few thing's about the Muny's Les Mis that really stuck out to me:
Overall this is probably the first time that the interpersonal relationships really landed for me in a production of Les Mis. Intellectually I always understood that Valjean took in Cosette because he felt responsible for Fantine's suffering, but John Riddle did an excellent part in portraying Valjean's guilt. Peter Neureuther and Emily Bautista also got across Marius and Eponine's friendship really well. You felt the friendship and love between them.
The staging for At the End of the Day had Valjean up on the second level, watching the women and the foreman mob Fantine but not doing anything to intervene. In the transition to I Dreamed a Dream everyone left the stage except Valjean (still above her) and Fantine. Fantine looked up at Valjean, and he turned away and left her alone.
Valjean and Cosette both humming Castle on a Cloud while he leads her out of the woods and back to the Thenardier's inn 🥺
Jordan Donica sang the best version of Stars I have ever heard. That's all.
Though the musical never mentions that Gavroche and Eponine are siblings, the director obviously took pains to ensure the actors knew this. Gavroche was always watching Eponine when she was on stage with him, though they didn't interact all that much.
Emily Bautista is probably one of the best Eponine's I've ever seen. She's joyful in her scenes with Marius - you get why she's in love with him - but also has a clear chip on her shoulder when interacting with her father. Her On My Own was likewise great; we love an Eponine who expresses more than just general sadness.
During A Little Fall of Rain, no one notices that Eponine's been shot at first. Marius and Eponine sing while everyone else at the barricade goes on about their business like nothing's happening. Gavroche is the one who notices that Eponine is dying, and he rushes to get Grantaire and Enjolras's attention, at which point everyone realizes what's happened. Gavroche is visibly distraught, and one of the women hugs him and covers his eyes, forcing him to look away as Eponine dies. Graintaire also comforts him, and they continue to shield Gavroche as Eponine's body is taken away.
The aftermath of A Little Fall of Rain is haunting. Even Enjolras is visibly shaken; you can see in everyone's faces that Eponine's death has brought the glory of the revolution to a halt in the face of the reality that they could all die.
During Drink With Me, when Graintaire stares to sing his verse everyone in the barricade flinches, and Enjolras and some of the others rush forward to try and stop him from continuing.
John Riddle most beautiful version of Bring Him Home I have ever heard.
In the after math of the barricade, Javert comes on stage and first sees the bodies of the men. Then the turntable turns to show the other side of the barricade, where only Gavroche's body is. Javert is visibly shaken by this; he struggles to give orders to the other soldiers afterwards. You really get the sense that this, in addition to Valjean's sparing of him earlier, is what tips him over the edge.
I saw this on Friday so I know I'm forgetting other things but this was just SUCH a lovely production. I wish I could sear it into my brain so I could remember every little piece of it always. I'll never be able to watch the movie again.
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cemeteryangel725 · 5 months
Beyond the Barricade: A Good Omens theater kids AU by CemeteryAngel725
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Special thanks to FourCatsAndCounting for the amazing cover art!
Az Eastgate and AJ Crowley have been best friends and roommates since freshman year, when they met playing minor gangsters in their university theater company's production of Guys and Dolls. Az has been in love with AJ ever since, but he's never quite worked up the courage to tell him. Now it's senior year, and they've been cast as Marius and Enjolras in Les Miserables. Will Az finally work up the courage to tell AJ how he feels? Or will they graduate from college and go their separate ways?
Rated E, 29,853 words (complete work!)
“So, you and me, leading the revolution?” AJ's amber eyes sparkled in the dim light. “What a way to finish out senior year.”
“I know, it's so exciting.” Az let his head tip back against AJ's arm. If AJ was going to let him get this close, he might as well enjoy it.
“I mean, actually, I'm the one leading the revolution. One look at a pretty face, and whoops! Off you go, leaving me behind.”
“But I come back! I'm there when the barricade falls, after all.”
“Only because you think Cosette left your sorry ass. Me and the revolution, your rebound relationship. Or your suicide mission.”
Az sighed. “Hard to believe Marius could look at anyone else with Enjolras onstage. You're going to do him justice, my dear. Marius is dull as dishwater by comparison.”
“Nah, Marius is a romantic. He's quiet, but he has all these beautiful lines to sing, almost as if he's been sitting around thinking them up, waiting to say them to someone. He sort of reminds me of you, actually. You and your head full of poetry.”
Az turned to look at AJ, and was a little shocked at how close their faces had gotten to each other. They locked eyes for a moment, and then AJ's gaze slid down to his lips.
Read more on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53335615/chapters/134984179
Premiering during the @goodomensafterdark Smut War!
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wanderinghedgehog · 3 months
I’m watching this German production of Les Mis (I do not speak nearly enough German to be able to translate) and I think I really like it, so I’ll write down some of my thoughts so far. I’m about halfway through. I’ll watch the rest tomorrow. Anyway, my thoughts on this production in mostly chronological order:
I like this set. The extra staircases and platforms make for interesting visuals.
This Valjean was kinda funny. I don’t think there was anything wrong with his voice, but the high notes sounded strange to me. I like his acting though. He also kinda looks like a magician for some reason.
Fantine! My favorite lady, Fantine! This actress was pretty good I think, but I always love Fantine, so I might not be the best judge.
Have I ever mentioned that I dislike Lovely Ladies? I just don’t like it as a song. That has very little to do with this particular production though.
Some of these ensemble members are doing the most and I love them for it.
I have so many thoughts on this Javert (of course I do). He looks like a mad scientist, he’s kinda bitchy, at some point he wears a really tall hat, his facial expressions are fantastic, he gave one of the best performances of Stars I’ve ever seen. Truly a magnificent performance, but I just can’t quite get past the mad scientist thing.
They didn’t switch the set during Who Am I, so Valjean is just singing the final verse to no one. He then proceeds to SEND A LETTER TO JAVERT?!?!?! This is what leads to the confrontation.
Valjean looked especially magician-y when he met little Cosette.
I think they did a pretty good job with Les Amis in this, but I’m not an expert like some of y’all. They all felt like distinct characters which was nice. I loved this Enjolras.
Eponine! When I first got a clear look at her face, I paused the video because she was so pretty. I love her voice too, especially in Heart Full of Love.
This Cosette is adorable but her voice is so strikingly classical, it’s a little funny.
Marius is alright so far. Not much to say about him.
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syrupsyche · 2 months
Hi! I don't know if you've talked about it before, but I have been reading some kid fics and got curious.
Do you have any marisette as parents headcanon? Or if you think they'll have children at all
ooo Marisette headcanons 😍 okay so I have three sets of headcanons here: one for canon, one for my OFEAverse, and one of modern AU bc well....I just think about them too much 😔
Post-canon I do think that Marisette would still be quite the prototypical bourgeois French family and have at least 1-2 children, but not for a while. They would have to settle some shit first (re: Marius' treatment of Valjean) and I'd like to think that Cosette would take this chance to explore and investigate more about her past and her mother. Once they're ready I'd imagine them having a son and a daughter, and Cosette will raise them on stories about their family – her father, her mother etc. while Marius would raise them on stories about his friends. I truly, truly believe Marisette would be at the barricades of 1848, and their children will learn all about it.
In OFEAverse (my fic where Cosette and Enjolras are siblings), they would only have a son because [REDACTED] and once again, he would be raised with so much love and learn a LOT about the uprisings that his family has taken part in. He looks like Marius, but with Cosette's eyes, and he's an absolute Mama's boy lol (but who can blame him; his mother is Cosette!).
Modern AU is a little trickier; I'm not sure if Marisette would wanna be parents. They give me fur parents vibes, so I'm sure their house would be filled with lots of weird pets before they even consider a child. If they do ever decide on kids, it'd be years after their marriage and probably only just one.
As to how they'd be as parents in general: all of their children will have Marius wrapped around their little fingers. He'd take any opportunity to give them little trinkets and presents, and shower them with so much love. He wants to be with them in a way that he'd always wished he could be with his father! His children help him grow to be a better person. Cosette would have a good understanding of the best type of parent to be, emulating Valjean's parenting, but would be a little less protective, knowing how important it is to let them explore the world themselves! Marius, meanwhile, would be an absolute worrywart about them.
I'm so sorry for such a long answer; I just have many thoughts about Marisette <33 tysm for the ask; here is a little doodle of the potential Pontmercy children ^^
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yanderu-deredere · 1 year
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Ryouta Watanabe ★ picrew link
gender: male sexuality: bisexual age: 21 height: 6′1″ (186cm) body notes: He’s very built underneath his clothes. He has a giant tattoo of an oni mask with clouds around it on his left pectoral. He also has tattoos of a realistic shibari spiral knot on both his forearms, a giant octopus on his left hip that wraps to his lower back and a bit down his thigh, paw prints of past cats he’s owned on his calf and a spider behind is left ear. He has two ear piercings in each ear. He also has a mole under his eye and on the right side of his mouth and a spattering of them on his shoulders and down his upper arms
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type of yandere: Overprotective Yandere
easiest way to describe this yandere is that everything they do is for the sake of their darling’s safety. they’re not obsessive and selfish; taking their darling away and locking them up is for their own good. these yandere usually think themselves smarter, more knowledgeable or more capable than their darling; this paired with them usually thinking their darling is too innocent or oblivious to be left to themselves. these yandere usually are able to justify anything they do as something that they need to do.
Growing up, Ryouta only had his brother and nobody else. Even now, he could recall his childhood fondly specifically because his brother protected him and made it safe for him. However, eventually, Fujio had to reveal to his little brother exactly what kind of city he’d have to spend the rest of his life in. Ryouta learned quickly that Lovelock was ruthless and that you needed to be strong enough to protect yourself or the city would eat you alive. All of that is to say that, if Ryouta ever found someone he sees as an exact copy of himself when he was younger, he’dtry his best to become for them what his brother was for himself. Especially if they’re stupid enough to think they don’t need something like that.
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likes: cats, vaping, caramel flavoured anything, boba tea, video games, aesthetically pleasing desserts dislikes: anything too bitter (just a little bit is okay), people who abuse children, cops or policemen, most types of alcohol, nosy people
Ryouta is a part-time Kuraokami Dreamy Creamery employee. The store is located along the boardwalk, surrounded by sun, surf and other cheery stores like it. The store’s theme is pastel and cute, with their mascot being an adorable little blue dragon. Despite it’s adorable atmosphere, however, Kuraokami is also one other thing: the headquarters of a drug dealing group that specialises in selling prescription pills and ice.
His underground name is Fujin, named after the god of wind. He gained the name from the fact that he’s always trailing vape smoke behind him like thick clouds. He’s also known to smoke marijuana often. Ryouta basically does the same thing as his brother, just not as frequently. Most often, it’s just guarding shipments, receiving drugs, etc. He’s never had to shake down people who owe them like his brother often does.
Often, when he’s not working, he’s holing himself up in his two story apartment, gaming his heart out. He’s spent a lot of time and effort customising his very own computer set up too so he’s often comfortably playing video games or watching movies. Usually, one or more of his five cats are with him. He has two maine coons named Miette and Cosette, a ginger cat Dubhan, named a siamese cat named Siobhan and a tabby named Tabitha.
Sometimes, Ryouta will actually leave his house and go on what he calls ‘dates with himself’. Basically, he just treats himself to aesthetic cafes, bakeries or pop up shops nearby that he’s interested in. Sometimes, they’re for events related to the video games he plays.
Even rarer than that, Ryouta can be found in the orphanage he grew up in, helping out and volunteering just to give back to the place that gave him a decent childhood. When he’s there, his brother is always there too.
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sexual preference: vers top turn ons: creampie (giving), oral (receiving), praise (giving/receiving), shibari (giving/receiving), bondage (giving), body worship (giving/receiving), sex under the influence, breeding kink, overstimulation (giving/receiving)
dick size: 8.5in
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breadvidence · 8 months
Another day, another adaptation: the 1982 French film, this round. The fact that every adaptation makes at least one lunatic choice really keeps my hyperfixation hyperfixating. Standout points:
This is the dirtiest Les Mis, and I don't mean because there's a nip slip. Streets, clothes, faces, interior walls of buildings: just about everything is dirty at best and caked in filth at worst.
Michel Bouquet's Javert has a parallel with Oyelowo's, which—shockingly—I don't mean as a critique (much): they are depicted as cleaning up their offices with the Paris police, Bouquet very literally (six months into his tenure, he drags his fingers across a painting in his office, streaking through thick dust; eight years later, he repeats the gesture, but this time to remove the barest fleck), and there's a definite career arc subplot for both. In BBC 2018 this is because the narrative thinks Javert is a badass; I'm less clear on what '82 is going for.
Lino Ventura has an interesting, craggy, wrinkly, mobile face, and he utilizes it thoroughly through Valjean's different iterations, from the slack and suffering convict to the dignity of Mayor Madeleine and somewhere in-between as Ultime Fauchelevent.
Award for most bombastic and cheerful Amis ever. The polycule energy is strong. Instead of OFPD, the entire line-up gets the firing squad treatment at once (bewildering and delightful, this sequence includes time pausing for everyone except Grantaire, who grabs a last drink and strolls over to the others, there to take his place for the final shot; someone gimme the fanfic in which he has time-based superpowers, please).
Instead of an intimate moment between her and Marius, Éponine's death includes the Amis standing in a semi-circle around the two of them. Marius proceeds not to grant her dying wish for a kiss. Awkward.
In a change which makes zero sense to me, Valjean survives an additional five years in this adaptation—but this ain't a fix-it fanfic. He severs ties with Cosette utterly the day of her wedding and lives in increasingly filthy solitude (this would not be '82 without filth). For extra pathos, in an irrelevant scene he's depicted collapsing in the street and being robbed. He dies alone, painfully, crying out for Cosette, having suffered a final vision of her and Marius frolicking down a lane (his horrified reaction to this, unlike everything else happening here, is certainly Brick-compliant). Catherine is present and possibly cursed?
Please, the final scene, dwell on it with me. It mirrors the first scene of the film: convicts in chains shuffle bare-footed through mud; one collapses; we see others labor to pull carts full of stone; Javert calls Valjean's name; we see Valjean pulling a cart alone;—in the first scene, Javert then says "You are free", but in the final, "Now you are free". Both are in their old-man wigs and makeup. We have been hit over the head with a point one can certainly derive from the novel, that Valjean's suffering ends only after death (or, in the case of '82, after a little purgatory). But! That it was all Toulon—awful. And that Javert is his final voice of salvation—weird, and AWFUL.
Interesting that '82 is so profoundly grim for Valjean despite clearly, from the Amis, having the capacity for cheerfulness. Not sure what to do with that!
Anyway, my favorite character in this adaptation is Combeferre's beard.
[eta] Forgot: there is the lead-up to the coffin heist and lead-up to Marius lobbing the "les cognes sont là" note into the room during the Gorbeau ambush, but the film does not actually include either of these events—I'd almost wonder if there's a missing scene somewhere for the former, but the latter is simply a dropped thread.
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dnickels · 1 year
This chapter really got to me-- even the heartwarming moments are devastating, in their own way. Valjean fulling intending to keep a low profile and feel his way through this tricky situation (acquire child, avoid prison) but unable to stop himself from intervening in this awful nightmare playing out in front of him. You KNOW he thinks this is all his fault, and he keeps trying to pour money into the gaping rent in the fabric of La Société at great risk to himself...but he can't buy back all the years of degradation or what its done to anyone involved. It's not even his fault, directly--but he set the rule that ultimately cost Fantine and Cosette everything, and he didn't intervene sooner, and its killer him. Please play with a doll little girl!! Oh my God I'm so sorry please have TEN DOLLIES! PLEASE BE HAPPY ;____;
Meanwhile Cosette is like "this is the best day ever, thank you Hobo Santa"
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phantomtrader19 · 10 months
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So last night was my first time seeing the new 2023/24 cast, I was lucky enough to sit front row too as I wanted to analyse the performances without any obstruction.
Jon was on and was lovely as usual! Great chemistry with Lily as Christine.
As you can see Joe Griffiths Brown wasn’t on so was a little bit gutted. I somehow managed to catch Ralph once again which I can’t believe! He was genuinely really nice though definitely improving each performance!
Lily De La Haye was on for Carlotta! Not seen her since November last year and as always stunning performance, love getting to see her! Love her little touches she adds on to the role and again great chemistry with her on stage partner David as Piangi.
David Kristopher Brown was exceptional as Piangi perfectly timed humour and stellar voice, can’t wait to see him again soon!
Matt & Adam as managers always a guaranteed great show as well as Francesca Ellis as Mme Giry.
Now for the standout of the evening was the utterly sensational Lily Kerhoas as Christine. I will honestly admit when I had heard her voice as Cosette albeit the role is vastly smaller than Christine I didn’t ever imagine her as a Christine so when she was announced I was shocked but intrigued to see how she’d sound as I know Lily could sing beautifully but never really heard her full soprano. Of course after hearing audio I was totally blown away so I was hoping her acting would be nice too. I can confirm after the last 15 or so hours she probably was the best Christine I’ve ever seen, first off she looks exactly how I’d imagine Christine, then we of course hear her ridiculous voice and then on top she gave utterly 100% acting wise which isn’t always the case on a random Thursday evening. I was completely taken aback with just how good she was every detail of her portrayal absolutely fascinated me, (her tears of hate was sublime) I was convinced she was choosing the phantom by the end she was practically dragged out of the lair.
Overall a STUNNING cast, if you can you MUST see them!!!
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thesunsethour · 6 months
Little Les Mis Things - 11/01/24
My ramblings (aka an in-depth analysis) on how amazing the current West End cast of Les Misérables are having seen the show yesterday (a particularly special version because of how many amazing covers and swings performed!) This is also the first time I’ve seen Les Mis in London with the new production changes (so much to talk about!)
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Yesterday was my 6th time seeing Les Mis, and 4th time in London - let’s get into it!!
Jean Valjean - Played by the absolutely wonderful Killian Donnelly who is MY Valjean. This was the third time I’ve seen him play this role and no one has come close to him for me. The tenderness he brings to the role without losing any of Valjean’s rougher edges is sublime. His voice is as divine as ever yet at the same time has matured so much over the years since I first saw him as Valjean in 2017. The result is the most beautiful blend of roughness at the beginning that over the course of the show mellows as Valjean ages - but at the same time is always distinctly *Killian*. His rendition of Bring Him Home is the best version of all time. I would like to apologise to my aunt for this sacrilegious statement against the wonderful Colm Wilkinson but after yesterday I cannot deny it anymore. I always cried at the end of Les Mis, but yesterday was the first time I was sobbing from Bring Him Home onwards, and that is thanks to Killian Donnelly.
Javert - Played by Jordan Simon Pollard, who usually plays Claquesous but is first cover Javert. He was sensational! His voice filled every crevice of the theatre and his rendition of Javert’s Soliloquy was out of this world.
Fantine - Played by Ellie Ann Lowe, who usually plays a Factory Girl but was on as Fantine yesterday and smashed it right out of the park! Beautiful voice (especially at the end of I Dreamed a Dream) and an incredible actress to boot.
Cosette - Played by the lovely Lulu-Mae Pears. Her Cosette was a treat to see and her voice was stunning. Side note I LOVE Cosette’s new costumes for the London production.
Marius - Played by Ben Oatley, who usually plays Joly, and was making his debut as Marius yesterday! He is second cover Marius and this is his first ever West End show having graduated last year and it’s almost hard to believe when you see how talented he is - like he’d been doing the role for years! If you want to imagine this Marius just picture Mr Bingley from Pride and Prejudice 1995 now give him bucketloads of trauma. And then BOOM! A Ben Oatley Marius.
Éponine - Played by Rosy Church, an ensemble actress who is also making her West End debut with this current cast of Les Mis! She was simply outstanding, with a voice as clear as a bell and a higher register that really surprised me for a bit but I loved. Her ‘On My Own’ sent goosebumps down my arms - simply brilliant.
Enjolras - Played by Djavan van de Fliert who made the entire audience fall in love. The most charismatic Enjorlas I have ever had the pleasure of seeing, he filled the stage when energy whenever he was on it. During his entrance for One Day More he fell down on stage but didn’t miss a single beat and got an absolutely rapturous round of applause at the end.
Little bits and bobs I loved from this production:
* They’ve changed the tops that the chain gang wear from brown to red - it initially appeared quite jarring to me but then really grew as the show went on. It makes Valjean stand out more (especially important for people like me, who were watching from the Grand Circle all the way up in the Gods)
* Killian went for the higher note for “took my FLIGHT” which I always simply adore when he does that
* The way Killian said “the whirlpool of my SIN”… I cannot explain in words how many emotions he can pack into one word
* An addition from the last time I saw the show in London was that Valjean goes to help a little girl when going from town to town at the beginning and gets shunned and attacked for it, and this adds an extra weight to when he takes the coin off the little boy later on
* Valjean gets beaten up a LOT more than he used to… it works so well on stage but also leave my father alone…
* The actor playing the bishop in this production (Adam Pearce) was so brilliant - he played the role with an underlying tinge of anger which was a unique choice I’d not seen much of before. He seemed to be angry not AT Valjean but at his circumstances, which really worked well
* One of the factory workers called Fantine a bitch with such vitriol that the dozens of teenagers sitting in front of me on a school tour gasped out loud
* I loved Killian’s acting during the scene when Fantine was fired, she was begging him to look at her letter and Valjean just waved her away - it was made more obvious than in other versions and really helped to heighten his guilt later on when he finds her in the street. Also some excellent background acting with Valjean instructing the workers in the back
* When the man attacked Fantine after Lovely Ladies it was the most violent choreography of it I’ve seen so far. Then Fantine punched AND spat at him
* When Valjean finds Fantine it takes him a good couple minutes to admit his own guilt but when he did it was overwhelming to him
* Killian also kept putting his hand on Fantine’s cheek and then over his own heart…. killed me actually
* Ellie’s “you let your foreman SEND ME AWAY” was breathtaking
* I LOOOOOVED Valjean and Javert’s interactions when Valjean is Mayor because like for example after lifting the cart obviously Valjean had to take off his coat and Javert was holding it and it was after some very tense seconds where Javert was suspicious Valjean just motioned for Javert to return his coat bahahaha. So subtle but so brilliant
* Javert was getting worked up and said “but MONSIEUR LE MAYOR-“ and Valjean just held up a single hand to silence him and it was so perfectly done - I love their shifting power dynamics so much
* And during the Confrontation Valjean stole Javert’s chain and kept slowly wrapping it around his hand before delivering the most satisfying punch
* The little actress who played young Éponine was so fantastic, she kept mirroring Madam T’s behaviour
* I love how the new production emphasises Valjean’s nose boops to Cosette. They are actually so important
* But then… a huge travesty… they changed the line from “Yes Cosette, yes it’s true. I’ll be father and mother to you” to something along the lines of “Yes Cosette, yes it’s true, there’ll be a castle just for you”…. really don’t like this change. I always adored the “father and mother” lyric :(
* And I can’t even keep track of the amount of lyrics changed in Master of the House…
* Once again one of my favourite sections in the musical is The Thénardier Waltz because I adore Valjean’s exasperation and passive aggressive reaction to their antics
* Also when they were talking about his Cosette was often ill, Madam T said to Cosette “play dead!” Excellent new addition
* When Valjean went to pick Cosette up to spin her around Killian said ‘h-UP’ which is such an Irish thing and made me so happy like I really think Killian’s acting with young Cosette and even later with Marius in the sewers has so much more depth since Killian himself has had children 🥺
* Now we’re in Paris (side note they’ve got rid of the location and years projections which I miss…)
* They still have the “everyone’s equal when they’re dead” line for Gavroche which I never liked as much :(
* Although they did let Gavroche carry around a little baton the whole time to mock Javert which I loved
* They made Éponines “I know a lot of things I do” quite overtly sexual which is a change from other versions I’ve seen and I wasn’t mad on it
* I love how the Grantaire and Gavroche has been developed over the years it’s so endearing
* I really loved all the Marius and Grantaire interactions - and really Grantaire with the whole ensemble, such wonderful friendships
* When Enjolras took Grantaire’s bottle off him he immediately took out another one
* Marius sang the first few lines of ‘A Heart Full of Love’ from the top of the fence which I’d never seen before and loved
* Also I am CONVINCED Éponine said “shit!” when she noticed Valjean come out the door
* And later when Éponine delivered the note from Cosette to Marius via Valjean he was so soft towards Éponine and even softer when he realised she was a girl. He clasped her hands and told her to stay away from the barricade
* Death’s kiss!!!!!!! Éponine kissed Marius!!! And I sobbed
* When Éponine was dying one of the Barricade Boys brought Javert out and made him look at her body but Javert kept looking away… oh god quick where is that Éponine and Javert parallel post
* Éponine’s anger at the end of ‘On My Own’ was so palpable and especially her “a world that’s full of happiness that I will never KNOW” was so painful
* Drink with Me while very sad was also very funny because everyone was having a good time and then it’s like “oh good Grantaire is joining in- OH NO HE IS NOT OKAY”
* Enjolras really seemed have a lot of respect for Grantaire in this production which made it all the more painful when Grantaire shook his arm off when Enjolras tried to comfort him
* Grantaire’s “IS YOUR LIFE JUST ONE MORE LIE” really played into his NEED to believe in something
* BRING HIM HOME WAS THE MOST SPECTACULAR PERFORMANCE I HAVE EVER SEEN. I sobbed throughout. Killian is so talented. Because his voice is so soft naturally and the beginning of the song is extra soft it means the gut punch of “the summers DIEEEE ONE BY ONE” all the more powerful
* Grantaire and Enjolras hugged over what they thought was Marius’ dead body… god…
* Valjean looked so devastated that he couldn’t save all the other boys at the barricade oh god it killed me
* Once again Grantaire was the last to die and shouted “YOU BASTARDS”
* One of my FAVOURITE additions to the new Les Mis staging (which Killian does particularly well) is Valjean saying “good boy good boy… good boy” to Marius as he heaved him up. I burst into tears again
* Turning was soooo good because they have a little girl sing the lyric “who will wake them?” and then she stares at Marius as he comes out for Empty Chairs
* I hated the lyric change in Beggars at the Feast from “that one’s a queer but what can you do” to something like “that one’s a queer but guess he’ll do”… like why. why.
* When Valjean was telling Marius about his life he kept rubbing and clutching his wrist which made me think of Fantine’s line about chains binding him… oh god
* As always Valjean’s death was so beautiful and painful… the part of the show that always gets to me the most
* and then I died too. I love this musical so much
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artzychic27 · 1 year
In response to your Nathaniel WandaVision AU, I suggest an AU where the reasons why the show keeps changing and assasinating characters and making everyone support Adrinette is because Marinette in control of the narrative, and has the town of Paris under her spell. That's why the Science Kids and some of the Akuma Class get little to no screentime, it's why everyone now blindly supports her getting together with Adrien.
Adrien: Hey, Nath? Do you notice anything… Off?
Nathaniel: *Sketching Adrinette scenes* Nope! Everything’s fine here. Oh, and if you see Marc, tell him our date is cancelled because we’re spending the day helping you and Marinette with your more important date.
Adrien: … Uh… Thanks? *Rests his hand on Nathaniel’s shoulder, and he takes a sharp inhale*
Nathaniel: … Where am I? What day is it?! *Looks at his sketchbook* What the fuck am I drawing?!
Adrien: Nath, are you alright?
Nathaniel: … Since when did you start calling me that?! O-only Alix and Marc call me that! We never even hang out!
Adrien: What are you talking about? You and Marc have been helping me with dates for Marinette-
Nathaniel: What?! Dude, that’s- NO! Why would we ever help her get together with you?! She’s a creep!
Adrien: But didn’t you have a crush on her?
Nathaniel: That was before Alix helped me realize she’s nuts!… Where is Alix?
Adrien: You don’t know? Nath, she’s been gone for… For weeks, now.
Nathaniel: … What month is it?
Adrien: It’s May.
Nathaniel: No… No, I-it was February- Wait! No… No, I-it was October, and- Oh, God. I-I was with Marc and the others after Miracle Queen, and, uh-
Adrien: I really think you should calm down-
Nathaniel: Don’t tell me to calm down! I’m sitting here drawing cringe romance scenes between you and Marinette, Alix is gone, and I can’t remember a single thing after Chloé got Akumatized again!
Adrien: There’s no way any of what he said is true. Marinette’s not a stalker… *While he’s walking, he bumps into Denise* Oh! Sorry!
*Instead of saying anything, Denise just smiles and goes back to silently talking to Simon*
Adrien: Uh… Hello? *Remembering earlier, he places his hand on Denise and Simon’s shoulders, and they have the same reaction as Nathaniel*
Simon: What the bloody fuck just happened?!
Denise: I-I’m okay. I’m alive. We’re alive! We’re alive, right?! This isn’t hell?!
Adrien: What do you mean?
Simon: … You can hear us? *Adrien nods* H-he can hear us! It’s a fucking miracle! He can hear us! We haven’t been able to talk in forever!
Denise: You never talked to or interacted with us; we thought we were dead, or something! What about the others?! Are they alright?!
Adrien: Who?
Simon: Reshma, Aurore, Mireille, Ismael, everyone!
Adrien: Who’s Reshma? What are your names?
Simon: … You seriously don’t remember? C-come on! I taught you all those cheat codes in your video games!
Denise: I literally carried you to safety when an Akuma was after you! How do you not remember?!
Adrien: I-I just don’t; I’m sorry.
Max: *After getting de-canoned* So… You’re telling me that there’s some sort of interference in our universe that has kept us and our friends stuck on sort of this pause effect for months, and when you interact with us, we “wake up?”
Adrien: That’s what I’m saying.
Max: Well, Adrien… I believe you, and… *Whispers* I’m secretly freaking the hell out, but I don’t want to alarm anyone.
Adrien: Oh… You don’t want anyone alarmed.
Cosette: *Running past them screaming* WHAT FUCKING DAY IS THIS?! WHEN DID I GET A GIRLFRIEND?!
Zoé: *Running and screaming* WHAT AM I DOING HERE?! THIS ISN’T NEW YORK!
Kim: *Screaming and bashing his fists against the wall* WHY! AM! I! SUDDENLY! A JERK?!
Adrien: … Yeah, anyway! Can you help me?
Max: I suppose the first step is to find the cause, but- I am a sore loser who cannot handle losing to a girl, Marinette is the best at video games, and I suck, I never deserved to go to the championship.
Adrien: What? Max, why are you-
Marinette: Adrien! There you are! Come on, or we’re gonna be late for our date. Hi, Max.
Max: Hello, my video game superior. I would challenge you to a game of Ultra Mecha Strike, but that would be pointless. So, I will spend my valuable time coming up with several clothing combinations Adrien will love on you.
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lussterpurge · 4 months
Wait, so whats your take on how sycamore and alain interact?? Your stuff is so coollllll!!!!!!! I love having another alain fan in here
SO LIKE. I think we can all agree that Alain and Sycamore have a pretty father-child relationship right. A little bit of a lore drop: Sycamore took Alain in when he was suuper young. As in 5-6 years old. And Alain has lived in the lab ever since!
They have a really sweet relationship tbh. Sycamore is in the top five dads list as expected.
They get along really well! Before Alain set out on his journey they really were just a (mostly) typical father/son duo, while Alain helped Sycamore out in the lab. In my head they did all kinds of stuff together in their free time, like buying groceries (except sometimes Sycamore sent Gabrielle (The Garchomp) if you know what this headcanon is from you’re awesome), getting ice creams at Lumiose, etc. BUT ESPECIALLY. And this headcanon is so special to me. They sometimes watched action/rom-com movies together (Cosette and Sophie always invited to join).
Eventually Alain decides she wants to head on a journey, and of course Sycamore agrees with the condition that she updates him on where she is, discoveries, well-being, etc. And when Alain meets Lysandre, he just stops contacting Sycamore at all. Without even a warning! Super messed up.. I know. :,)
They do meet each other again at the league like right before the climax, but the scene plays out like it did in the anime. Sycamore sees him, approaches, Alain says nothing, BOWS TO HIM, and leaves.
Now. During the climax they don’t exactly see each other, keep in mind Alain was in Prism Tower and Sycamore was helping with saving Chespie with Mairin Steven and Serena at Lysandre labs.
Post-climax, obviously Alain is hospitalized, I mean like the climax was a pretty violent and chaotic event. When she returns, she immediately goes back to Sycamore’s lab with him, but as expected, it’s.. different. Alain is much more reserved, overworks herself (Also keep in mind how Lysandre did overwork her. A LOT.) But still, Sycamore still tries to be the best dad he can be (and he literally is like trust me), and soon enough with a LOT of healing and time, their relationship heals.
Sycamore is INCREDIBLY protective of Alain. I’m serious. Don’t mess with his kid cause he WILL kill you. If Lysandre had survived the fall he would be dead either way ‘cause Sycamore would’ve ended him.
Also in the M8 in my head although Sycamore really wanted to go see it, he couldn’t exactly leave the lab and stop working, so he and Mairin opted for what we see in the anime.
Of course, when a frustrated Alain came home, he was greeted with the warmest hug ever.
TY FOR ASKING AND TYSM FOR THE COMPLIMENT !! And I’m glad there are so many Alain (and TSME!!!!) fans around.. It’s nice to not be the only one !!
This one was kinda messy, it’s just me trying to desperately summarize everything.. 🫶
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alenaphale · 3 months
gotta say that one recording of les mis on west end from 06/14/2014 is basically my favorite and my comfort watch (i’ve opened it on youtube 14 times this month and actually rewatching it rn) and i feel like we’re not talking about it enough.
jean valjean is perfect there and i mean it in terms of both acting and singing daniel koek is unbelievable (i almost cried when he was singing with tiny cosette when he found her in the woods). javert is extremely angry and hisses all the time and honestly i’m always here for that (also his soliloquy drives me insane every time just. oh my god). fantine is probably the best one i’ve ever seen in my life she portrays the character so beautifully. the thénardiers are literally so funny and their acting in the robbery is impeccable (i’ve rewatched the robbery more than any other part of the musical). enjolras is majestic and grantaire is fucking insanely good like you know how he is right? one moment he’s silly and goofy prankster putting his arms around enj and marius’ shoulders and then he’s literally grasping enjolras during drink with me with tears in his eyes and cracking voice. little cosette’s acting is SO GOOD AND ON POINT IT’S LITERALLY CRAZY??? marius and cosette for once don’t piss me off because they actually suit their roles perfectly and you really believe their acting when you see them. eponine is very edgy and sarcastic and also perfect. gavroche pats javert on a cheek during the barricade and i was speechless about how good his acting is in general. AND ALSO THE ENSEMBLE HELLO???? i always pay close attention to them and here they are doing such an amazing job, all of them (my personal fav is master of the house tbh i’m crazy about this song and scenography in this scene here is hilarious and amazing). i probably missed some details but only because fuuucking hell. fucking hell. please hear me out people this is probably the most important les mis recording in my life.
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Hello guys guess what I (finally) saw Les Mis on the west end today so I need somewhere to rant about it bear with me here
(under the cut because 1- spoilers and 2- I have no idea how long this is going to be)
First of all just a small disclaimer : I am not in any part of this trying to be like "A was better than B in this role " or whatever it's just me being happy I got to see this show :)
Just hearing the opening live for the first time was amazing. Same goes for the whole show obv but this opening is the best
Also I did not know there were changing backgrounds this was so cool I really liked them
And the whole stage was super impressive I didn't expect everything to be that big it was amazing
Valjean was so good ??? I really liked his acting and his voice is actually incredible. Especially for Bring him home, I think it was one of my favorite versions of this song he has a really intense voice
Javert was incredible as well- I believe it was Stewart Clarke ? Point is he was a very good Javert I love him in this role
Anyway both of them have amazing voices so the Confrontation was very intense (or maybe it's just because it was the first time I saw it live ig)
Moving on but um. Lucie jones ??? Fantine ??? Like ma'am. Please. Your voice.
Literally I dreamed a dream ? So good. Made me tear up. If I am being honest I never cared for this song a lot but I can't even begin to explain how much I loved it here
Anyway she was definitely one of my favorite highlights of the show like yes queen
Also the factory scene was pretty great because I could finally know what was being said in the background- shoutout to whoever says "you bitch" to Fantine because I was not ready for that and the delivery was perfect
Just- her mocking Cosette and her husband, the way she screams "COSETTE" when Thénardier messes up the name... Everything about her was so enjoyable I loved her
+ gotta love Thenardier just for the way he was sleeping and his head shot up when Valjean mentionned money for the first time
Also for being so funny in that moment after look down when Javert just comes to arrest them and he does his whole "may I go" act and then goes back to the policeman previously holding him and places the baton back on his neck I loved that for him
Anyway moving on to my favorite characters ever- tho actually I wasn't expecting to enjoy the beginning of the show that much but hey I did
Okay so Marius right ? If I'm being honest I had doubts about him, mostly because Ropert tripolino looked so much like a grantaire to me so I had a hard time picturing him as Marius but he was great
Very good at playing the part of the lovedstruck dumbass. Which is all it takes for me to like a Marius actually
No but also I loved his voice, maybe a bit shaky but it didn't strike me and I think it fit marius's character well so + it mixes really well with those of both Cosette and Eponine so that was cool, tho sometimes he was a bit drowned out by both of their voices but still.
The Gavroche actor was incredibly cute and funny I loved him so much- his mimicking javert was everything he is the best and must be protected at all cost
I'm doing this in no specific order so might come back to other things but I have said it before and will say it again... I don't like that little dance in one day more. It just kind of kills the vibe in my opinion because I find the dance rather funny but yeah
Anyway just because I have been dying to talk about him and he's all I've been thinking about for the past hours- shoutout to whoever was playing Grantaire. Like really. It was a cover so not sure who it was since I failed to look at the cast list (I wanna say ollie wray but I might be wrong) but oh my god. Sir. He ate it.
Everything about him was so great- I'll come back to him later just to pretend I'm keeping an order here (spoiler : I am not) but his part in Red and Black was incredibly funny it was just grantaire messing around and annoying Enjolras and I love that for him
Talking about Enjolras he was really good actually. I always have a moment of confusion when I see a brunette Enjolras just because I am not used to it but once I could actually focus on him he was very enjoyable
She is. Really bitter I want to say. Like my brain isn't braining rn so I don't have words but she was rather sarcastic in a sad way. If that even makes sense. Anyway this attitude was great I loved everything about her
The whole part with Marius asking her for Cosette's adress just showed this and I really liked their dynamic it was exactly how I always imagined them to interact. Like Eponine obviously not being excited by this and Marius just blatantly missing every single cue
Point is I loved both of them
Okay just before I move on to the barricade's part which is all I wanna talk about, I am in love with this Cosette. That's it that's the post but lulu-mae has a beautiful voice, which again mixes really well with that of marius
Oh and also Marius trying to find a way to climb over the fence will never not be funny he's such an idiot I love him
Cue Eponine basically having to protect him while dealing with her own existential crisis- queen
Actually moving on because this is getting long and I suck at ordering those notes but still
Firstly. Eponine singing On my own. I am actually not okay. She has such an amazing voice oml ??? 10/10 song I love her so much she made me tear up it was the best thing ever
So the barricade scenes
This is actually mostly me ranting about Grantaire and Gavroche because I literally missed a solid part of the barricade moment due to focusing on them
In my defense they were incredibly cute okay ? It's just the way Grantaire looks out for Gavroche and cares for him
And I love them so much I swear
Just two things before I just go on a full rant about them
1- A little fall of rain ?? Just Nathania Ong slaying all over again this was the saddest thing I heard her voice is just the best here
On the over hand this was one of the moment when Roberts voice seemed very much drowned out by hers but. She still carried the song. So it was very cool.
2- drink with me was so sad as well. Mostly because of grantaire. Again. Also I think it's always sad but seeing it live just made it worse- anyway it's just the way grantaire comes to feuilly's face to sing his verse. The way enjolras hugs him very tight when he's done. The way grantaire just pushes him away angrily and goes to stand in a corner. I am actually not okay about this
Also when Grantaire goes stand in a corner Gavroche comes to hug him from behind and he turns around to hug him back and that's basically where I lost it. Everyone was hugging all around but I was just looking at them because they were so cute okay bye
Sidenote but I still don't understand why the musical made Courfeyrac so angry and agressive- like the whole thing with Javert is kinda weird to me ? "Kill the bastard" is a good moment still just his cheering thing or whatever when valjean comes back- I am sorry but Courfeyrac would not do that like ever
Okay I already talked about bring him home and it slayed so yup
And anyway after this point I basically stopped looking at the barricade because I was just watching grantaire and gav so bear with me
During the attack grantaire just seats on a bench and does absolutely nothing. Just stares hopelessly into the void.
But after that there is the whole thing with ammunition and Gavroche volunteering
And okay first of all I really liked how everyone just zooms toward the barricade like Gavroche no- except then Gavroche is on the other side of the barricade right ? And nobody is moving. And you just have grantaire who gets up and starts walking slowly toward the barricade and it's absolutely agonizing
And after that Gavroche throws some ammunition to the guys and there is a short moment of victory- and then he gets shot and everything goes down from there
Enjolras gives his body to grantaire who is just below saying nothing. And it's utterly devastating.
Anyway after that Grantaire just kneels in a corner next to Gavroche's body
But when Marius gets shot him and Enjolras hug over marius's body and that was so sad
When Enjolras gets shot Grantaire just rushes on top of the barricade and starts screaming at the soldiers. And gets shot as well. And I did not know this happened I did not know Grantaire died after Enjolras I was not ready for this moment it destroyed me in so many ways
Anyway after that I basically zoned out because of what had just happened but what I can say is uh
I still don't like how javert's suicide is staged like it just looked to me like he was running backwards and the background was moving so. Yeah
Empty chairs at empty tables was- not the best. I liked the actor for all other moments but I just felt like his voice was kind of weak in this song ? It just didn't move me the way it usually does idk
Tho I still like how the women just laid candles down on the floor and then les amis arrive and pick them up
The Thénardier slaying again at the wedding <33
"I should have married your sister" always a highlight of the show actually
Lucie Jones again like love the voice love everything thank you queen
And just that moments when everything stops before the final "tomorrow comes" yeah that was that
Okay that's it that's the post if you read it down to here you're crazy and I love you
But still big shoutout to Fantine Eponine and Grantaire because those three really were the best parts of the show for me
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