#The biblical influences are string with this one lol
waateeystein · 10 months
My Victor Frankenstein Inspired D&D Character
So this is a little different, but I wanted to share my Victor Frankenstein-inspired D&D character with you all! (Requested by @frankingsteinery)
This is Temperance! Temp is a tiefling alchemist artificer, and I've been playing her semi-regularly for almost a year now. I am being intentionally vague about details because a few of my co-players are on here so I don't want to spoil anything that has not been revealed to them yet. I am also including a few art pieces I've done of Temperance for your viewing pleasure :)
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Temperance has a fraternal twin sister named Prudence, and to make a long sorry short, the two of them spent most of their childhood/teenage years in an orphanage. And after a dragon attack destroys their hometown, they split off to new adoptive families, until ten years later when they reunite with each other and their adoptive siblings. This is where our campaign essentially started. (And for more context, we play in a homebrew setting which is fantasy based but has a lot of modern/cyberpunk-y influences.)
But how is Temperance like Victor you may be asking? Well, she is very different from him in many ways, but here is how she got her Frankenstein story. In the ten years on her own, she was a medical prodigy, and very quickly passed through med school and earned her Ph.D. in Orthopedic surgery (eat your heart out Victor lol.) Like Victor, she was highly interested in the humanoid body and wanted to figure out how life could be created. So in secret, she created Eve. Eve was created to be a sort of companion to the lonely Temperance, but tensions between the two heightened, ending in a violent encounter. Temp's creation was discovered quickly discovered afterward. Because of the innumerable ethics violations in creating her, her medical license was revoked, she was shunned from her professional community and was forced to shamefully return home to her sister.
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In the time since the campaign started, the group has gotten bits and pieces from Temp about her and Eve. Most of them assume that Eve is the reason Temp is missing a horn. Eve also sends a frightening package to Temp and Pru, containing a threatening note and a set of eyeballs that match those of the twins. Temp also assumes that Eve is actively trying to hunt her down and possibly kill her.
This is the threatening note, which was a physical note my DM created and gave to me at one of the very rare irl sessions of our game. This note caused so many problems it was fantastic.
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Unfortunately, I do not have any art to share of Eve at the moment. Because the other players have not encountered her yet and because of other more pertinent campaign things happening, I don't want to accidentally spoil what she looks like. But when I have the art and the time comes, I will absolutely share it here!
I do however have a Spotify playlist for both Temperance and Eve if that's your Jam. I think it's pretty good, and it was really fun giving it to the other players with no context before they learned about Eve (then giving them Eve's to speculate on after she was revealed.)
In conclusion, playing a Frankenstein-inspired D&D character is super fun. This is obviously just one way to go about it, but if y'all have your own versions I would love to hear about them. Frankenstein and D&D are my two favorite things right now and combining them makes my brain go brrrrrrrrrr.
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