#The cape is a metaphor ✨
larkoneironaut · 8 months
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Part of Din's POV banner for my Mandalorian fic 🖤 Gonna post the whole thing when my fic is finished because it contains the title of the fic 🫶🏽
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signed-sapphire · 5 months
Hey hey heyyy Saph! Guess what I’ve made 💜💛
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Aesthetic boards for Asha and Cielo! Hope you like them! ✨
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Asha’s is mainly purple, of course, with some gold. Golden crown casting shadows, purple roses (that are known to be beautiful but also thorny), golden astronomy symbols— !!! A light and airy staircase that gives me “At All Costs” vibes, sharp, jagged but beautiful purple crystals, a dark and mysterious galaxy, spiky but enchanting golden stars hanging from the purple ceiling—
Now Cielo’s—
Exploring, bright and adventurous, giving me Atlantis vibes along with the live action Prince Eric, which YES, celestial sky behind a bronze tower which is like the perfect metaphor for how the Stars restrict Cielo and Evangeline, THAT GATE IS SO BEAUTIFUL AND LIKE BRIGHT AND ALSO HELPS MY AFOREMENTIONED METAPHOR, moon cycle (seriously, they are so moon and sun/star coded), THAT BLANKET LIKE A HEAVY AND SOFT FABRIC WITH STARS LIKE HIS CAPE ANNY CAN YOU READ MY MIND I LITERALLY HAVE SOMETHING LIKE THAT IN THE NEXT CHAPTER, swirling star, watercolor-esque sunset/sunrise giving Lion King vibes, AND THAT QUOTE AS WELL YES IT FITS THEM SO PERFECTLY
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Today is the day of Accurate Royalstar Representation
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napswithwolfie · 7 months
LU Pokemon AU
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Team Fabulous✨ Warriors' team is meticulous about their appearance, often done to conceal their actions and emotions to project a professional image
Time Sky 🌹Warriors Twilight Wild Legend Hyrule Four Wind
Team descriptions under the cut 👋👀
🌹 Mega Gallade: A shining example of knighthood.
No matter what angle you look at them from they're posed picture perfect. (somehow their cape always blows in the perfect direction…)
They have the cape flick down to a science.
🌹 Roserade: Don't be deceived by Roserade's delicate appearance. They seem fastidious pruning their roses but those blooms hide thorny whips ready to attack.
They love shopping for perfumes with Warriors and setting him up with lively women who compliment their scent - a vanilla bourbon, sweet but smoke with a slight woodsy touch. Roserade may be a little romanticist.
🌹 Bisharp: They mirror Warriors’ ability to slip into professionalism. Bisharp is proud of its ability to cut through the chaos of combat and stay focused, absorbing all that's going on and continuously formulating plans and contingencies.
Their stiffness can often be mistaken for stoicism, but it armor against their anxieties.
🌹 Ribombee: A cutee with a scarf? But fr I wanted a small, delicate creature amongst his powerful team to serve as a metaphor for his need to guard himself, a young boy, beneath the captain's persona.
Ribombee constantly reminds warriors he's still a Link with their light-hearted and cheeky personality. There are no airs or masks acting freely as themselves.
🌹 Dragapult: They pick up the souls of lost infantry, refusing to release them from combat, trapped to fight another battle that isn't theirs.
Warriors looks at Dragapult with mild repulsion and guilt. He understands its Dragapult's nature, acting on its pure animalistic instincts. But he can't reconcile that perhaps he may share too much in common with them.
🌹 Braviary: The valiant pokemon. They will survey the battle overhead, diving down to where they're most needed, fighting fiercely to protect their teammates.
Braviary is headstrong and will act on its own sense of justice. It usually leads to them over extending and braving unnecessary injuries.
Notes: I originally wanted to include hoopa, then quickly realized having a dimensional hopping pokemon that can't actually help the chain dimension hop isn't going to work. Maybe they'd be Cia's partner pokemon instead hrmmmm
Honourable mention - quaquaval… why is their hair so big, because it's full of secrets
🔴 Partner pokemon: Mega Gallade
⚪ Smaller team: Mega Gallade, Roserade, Bisharp
🔂Time 🐥Sky 🌹Warriors 🐶Twilight 🏹Wild ✌️Legend 🍃Hyrule 🧩Four 🌊Wind
All characters belong to Jojo's Linked Universe
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violetqueenofwands · 1 year
Light Bringer Thoughts after reading the first four chapters on Amazon’s preview:
Wow first page and it already feels like book 1 again hearing Darrow talk about his boggy containment suit.
Aurae is precious and I love that she basically gave Darrow one of those ‘Chicken Soup for the Soul’ books.
Also omfg Cassius you fucking whore you LEFT HIM THERE?
Thraxa can choke me with her with her prodigious thighs
“Welder 23. Ignore your existential dread for a moment and do reply”
Bearded Daddy Darrow confirmed!
Darrow calls leadership a tightrope and not a stiletto because he probably DID use Meditations by Silenius as toilet paper
Is the Grimmace Sorrow Sphere where they make the Grimmace Milkshakes?
Aurae; looks like a dryad, sings like a siren, talks like an oracle and absolutely serves cunt
Poor Screwface. He has become more laundry than man.
“I’d never seen a man so finally at home in his own skin.” So you’re saying for Screwface his carving was similar to a gender affirming surgery? Taking this a confirmation he’s trans.
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I think we all need to start referring to Cassius as ‘The Wayward Chin
✨✨Dominus Portobello✨✨ (the 30 megaton nuke the size of an ostrich egg with a fanged smiley face drawn on it)
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“I liked being on top.” — Cassius Bellona
Obvious joke aside about Cassius being a bottom now, verbalizing this is so important to his growth.
He tell Darrow he wanted to think he was “One of the ‘good tyrants’… Honor was made to hide behind…like a crown or an Olympic cape.”
They put Sevro in a box and sold him on ebay to One Direction Apollonius
Darrow has 90 days 30 days before The Bad Apple puts him to death
Cassius reminds Darrow he’s not a good duelist, Darrow asks him how’s the arm doing, yknow, the one he cut off during the Gala.
Aurae in engineer overalls would also have me joining the scrambling pack of men and lesbians trying to help her carry a container.
Conclusion: I am not remotely buckled in for this metaphorical ride and this book is gonna toss my emotions around like a rag doll
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iphisesque · 4 years
*drags my metaphorical soapbox over and climbs on it* WELL SINCE YOU ASK SO KINDLY
So season 1 is more of a prequel, and is focused on Ruggero II, first king of Sicily and Certified Hottie: we see him fighting against the Germans and Lotarius to restore order and law in South Italy, lots of Funky Schismatic Papacy Shenanigans with Pope Innocent II and Antipope Anacletus II fighting over who gets to sit in the big chair and Ruggero supporting+getting crowned by Anacletus (and then immediately being excommunicated ✨ family genes), and of course his sexy multicultural and peaceful court in Palermo thriving with no less than one harem + the king being honoured with an Arabic title and Idrisi being a messy gay bitch. It's a bit like Cosimo's season in The Medici, you love him, but you know he's just the starter to Lorenzo/Federico's whole ass meal 😋😋😋 NOTEWORTHY SCENES/juicy comparisons for gif makers: Ruggero being crowned King of Sicily and us seeing that gorgeous royal cape with the Arabic inscriptions for the first time, him getting his excommunication notice (contrast with Fede's 387 excommunications), him nearly going for a crusade but then getting bored of fighting Byzantium and vibing in Corfu (contrast to Fede actually completing the crusade), his marriage to half-arab queen Elvira of Seville and them being couple goals + baby Guglielmo being born 🥰 A small change we will make to history: Costanza, Ruggero's daughter, was historically born posthumous to him, but here she will be born in the last year of his life, perhaps with a scene of him holding her and tenderly looking over Palermo from a window being the closing shot of the season.
Season 2 opens with a bang: Costanza, whom we left as a babe tenderly swaddled by her father in the last season, is now 40 and very publicly giving birth in the town square in Jesi, Marca Anconetana, while her husband Henry VI is off somewhere in Sicily killing small nobles and generally being evil. Cut to the compulsory Skin-voiced opening credits, and we're back in Palermo, where we zoom from the generic albeit very pretty panorama into a market square known as Ballarò. A small, red-haired child is running through the stands, possibly chasing down his friends and stealing an orange from an old man; the banniatori are screaming, the church bells are ringing the time, and all of a sudden the muezzin is calling the children of Allah to the mosque for the Friday prayer, which Federico sneaks into, looking at the men and women praying with their children and feeling a sad pang in the heart. Back at the palace, he angsts a lot, plays chess and studies with his multiethnic tutors, longs for the sea, and meets Berardo di Castacca, archbishop of Palermo and royal advisor/Pope-assigned father figure; insert scenes where it appears clear he despises the German heritage that has destroyed the kingdom and greatly idolises Ancient Rome and his grandfather Ruggero, and that he wants to bring Sicily back to Norman splendor, and then all of a sudden he's 14, getting married to local MILF Costanza d'Aragona, getting crowned king at 16 and leaving to conquer Germany at 18. We spend few episodes in Germany because I don't care for the crucchi, but suffice to say he conquers it, gets crowned emperor, makes friends with Hermann von Salza and writes long letters to his love Costanza and his son Enrico, probably starts writing some poetry as he misses the Sicilian troubadours, and also has some sexytimes with Adelaide von Urslingen which result in baby Enzo being born. In 1220 he comes back to Sicily: it's the blossoming of the poetic Scuola Siciliana, it's Federico working on reforming the laws, it's South Italy in all its splendour, it's a multicultural interreligious epicenter of culture like Ruggero's court magnified; it's a humble unmarried notary from Capua catching Federico's eye as he enlists his help to compile the Liber Augustalis, and it's late nights in the Palermo summer as they're up late in the royal chambers thinking up laws and Federico takes off his shirt because of the heat, and maybe Piero stares at him a little longer than appropriate but what little guilt he has disappears when he catches Federico staring back and maybe just for one, two, a thousand nights the marriage bed is not as empty as Costanza's death had left it. We also somehow tackle the Lucera mess from different lenses and with a nuanced perspective, without anyone coming off as entirely right or wrong. Wouldn't you know it, it's Crusades time! Federico marries the child that is Jolanda di Brienne and refuses to touch her, instead preferring his harem and the bride's cousin, much to the chagrin of her father. He also meets Bianca Lancia and they probably share some foreshadowing longing looks as they dance next to one another, but that's entirely besides the point; anyways, Federico procrastinates going to war with sugar sultan Al-Kamil by first trying and failing to call a Diet and then almost dying of a pestilence+getting excommunicated 😊 after which he decides to maybe go do this fucking Crusade already, waltzes into Jerusalem and draws up a treaty with Al-Kamil, without a drop of Muslim blood being shed. He flirts with Al-Kamil and they're implied to have fucked at some point, then he walks into the cathedral despite being forbidden from entering churches as an excommunicated, he takes the crown and puts it on his own head as the crowd erupts in screams of joy and lauds the new King of Jerusalem: a godless king for the Holy Land of three religions. FADE TO BLACK
Season 3 follows Federico as he consolidates his power more and more and then gradually declines, minting a gold coin and issuing the Liber Augustalis with the help of his most beloved Piero, removing his rebel son Enrico from the throne of Germany, trying and failing to conquer Northern Italy, antagonizing the Pope and getting excommunicated again and again (we see a lot more Papacy Shenanigans this time as the papal court is practically besieged and as Innocent IV is a bitch). As Federico gets older, we see a lot more of his religious/philosophical side too, which we already met in S2: he debates with Pier delle Vigne, with the greatest theologians of all faiths and creeds, of matters such as human nature and life, and develops a more nuanced sense of faith, despite never becoming a Christian. He also writes a lot, both with the now world-famous Scuola Siciliana and on his own falconry treatise; he loves Bianca as he loves Piero, his two dearest beloved, and he takes care of his children far more than he ever did with Enrico, as he secures Enzo the throne of Sardinia (he is later imprisoned in Bologna and never freed, and accidentally helps develop the transitional school which would influence the Stilnovo) and spoils Manfredi, who later marries and has a child he names Costanza, who Fede adores. Bianca's death and Piero's supposed betrayal (which we're shown not to be true) break his heart twice over, and he unexpectedly dies soon after, likely poisoned, being given the blessings by his archbishop and friend Berardo and having one last heart-wrenching talk with him about legacy and faith before dying. The last scene functions as an epilogue of sorts: it's the Sicilian Vespers, 32 years after Federico's death, and Costanza II, now the Queen of Aragon, is offered the crown of Sicily alongside her husband. They accept to help the Sicilians, and the closing shot is them sailing towards Trapani, as Costanza narrates all that has gone down in those years to her husband/the audience, and the screen fades to black while a brief recounting of the Wars of the Vespers appears in overlay. FIN
This was a WILD ride and it's honestly not even all my thoughts on this, I could and probably will elaborate more in the future -- in the meantime, I hope you enjoy this non-proofread thought dump as much as I enjoyed writing it 💖💖💖
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