#The debate was never actually adebate
thisismenow3 · 1 year
Climate change: do we have to debate to do something about it?
I think the one thing that would make this video perfect is this fact; most adult Americans, way more than half, believe in climate change and don’t fall into any of the categories Hank listed. When you realize that, you realize the opportunity in this moment in history; unlike last decades, we don’t really need to waste much effort debating. We already have the majority. What we need to do is make our government more democratic. Once it actually is reformed enough to respond to the majority, we can actually robustly push through more policies. So for once we don’t have to split effort between very important priorities. Make our government more of a democracy (undo the backsliding of gerrymanders, unlawful high circuit and Supreme Court, electoral college, etc) and we can actually move at a speed that matches the problem. Still a tall order. But it’s the difference between catching up on a semester of studying in two weeks vs two nights when you realize this. Run for local office. Join the dem party and change it from the inside like right wingers did republicans from the 70s onward
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