#The herbalist extraordinaire {River}
misfitsandmischief · 1 year
@butnobodyhome Liked for a starter 
The morning had dawned clear and warm, a warning of the heat that would pick up at mid day. This was the reason for one witch’s excursion into a nearby town. It was market day and she was bound and determined to find all she could before the sun turned the day into an intolerable mess. 
 As she walked through the towns main street she looked through the stalls, her eyes roving over bright patterns of clothing and cloth as well as the occasional cute nick knack. She managed to find another herbalist, one who had a few herbs she didn’t possess in her own garden, and bought from them as well. The many different food stands had her attention for a bit, she wasn’t here just for fun after all, but she could feel the sun rising and was considering taking for home. 
“One more look at that cute little jewelry stall won’t hurt.. I’ll leave after that.” The woman turned to go back the way she had come from and was met with a bump to the shoulder. “Oh goodness.” She quickly retrieved a bundle of herbs that had fallen from her basket and turned to the victim of her poor sense of space. 
“I’m so sorry for that, are you alright?”
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misfitsandmischief · 2 years
This was it, finally she would have her answers. 
River had managed to position herself high on a roof top, wanting the advantage of having a wider view of the town. With the moon giving her most of her light she would need to be able to see a little farther. Her broom sat at her feet at the ready and somewhere a few houses over her friend and familiar, Rhys, sat watching as well. 
He’s probably grumbling to himself by now, but this is exciting. 
She was lucky to have heard it in passing, especially since this wasn’t her usual town, the tale the bewildered mother had spun for the lady at the fruit stall. How they had gone to bed that night, cupboards as empty as their pockets, and woken to fish in their windowsill. Fish! 
If there was anything River knew it was folklore, and she knew exactly the creature that left fish in a window, one of the gentle Irish myths that she had been searching for for years. Why an Irish werewolf was here in a mountain town in america she would worry about later (Maybe myths immigrated just like everyone else) But it was definitely something she wanted to meet for herself. 
Regardless if she was to meet the Wulver, she’d have to catch it first. Thus the impromptu stake out. Wulver’s were sneaky and quick so she had to try to be just a little bit more than that. If she could catch it in the act that would be best, maybe a distracted Wulver would listen a little better. And if that didn’t work she had a loaf of raisin bread wrapped in a cloth she hoped may entice him to sit still just for a bit. 
In the distance she could hear something, leaves being brushed aside as something sped through the trees. Her crow bristled as a blur zipped through and into an alley way. The woman’s eyes widened, she hadn’t expected that kind of speed. If the creature was this fast she may need to rethink her plans... 
Mounting her broom she glided down, quietly landing just beside the opening of the alley the blur had gone down. She couldn’t see anything but she sure did smell the fish, the scent turning her nose up as she tiptoed around the corner. Well maybe the bread would catch his attention... She didn’t know what else she could do at this point. 
Taking the wrapped loaf from her bag she opened a corner and tore off a chunk, letting the smell of the warm bread free and setting it down in the middle of the alley before scurrying back behind a corner, waiting and watching once again. 
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misfitsandmischief · 2 years
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