#isms {Collin}
ciderjacks · 4 months
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should I draw Dulcie (reluctantly) wearing this
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gethellbcnt · 1 month
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collin tags !
◜collin: inbox / replies.◞ ◜collin: behavior.◞ ◜collin: headcanon.◞ ◜collin: in character.◞ ◜collin: mirror / faceclaim.◞ ◜collin: isms.◞ ◜collin: interests.◞ ◜collin: playlist.◞ ◜collin: aesthetics.◞ ◜collin: desires / shipping.◞ ◜collin: attire.◞ ◜collin: abilities / skills.◞
◜collin / v. main i.◞ 🇱​🇪​🇹​ 🇺​🇸​ 🇧​🇱​🇪​🇸​🇸​ 🇦​ 🇸​🇴​🇺​🇱​ 🇫​🇴​🇷​ 🇾​🇴​🇺​ ! ◜collin / v. main ii.◞ 🇵​🇮​🇨​🇰​-🇵​🇴​🇨​🇰​🇪​🇹​ 🇵​🇷​🇴​🇫​🇪​🇸​🇸​🇮​🇴​🇳​🇦​🇱​🇸​. ◜collin / v. fallen.◞ 🇧​🇷​🇴​🇰​🇪​🇳​ 🇭​🇦​🇱​🇴​🇸​ ﹠​ 🇧​🇱​🇴​🇴​🇩​-🇸​🇹​🇦​🇮​🇳​🇪​🇩​ 🇼​🇮​🇳​🇬​🇸​.
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youremyheaven · 6 months
Ashlesha & Toxic Relationships
Tw: abuse, incest, rape, death, domestic violence
I feel like Ashlesha's mommy issues have been covered by others before but I really wanted to explore how Ashlesha nakshatra natives often find themselves in toxic relationships, be it in their own homes or in romantic relationships. I think many of the patterns many people repeat in adult relationships has its roots in their childhood relationships with their family and I see this very evident with many Ashlesha natives. They're often abused at home and later suffer abuse at the hands of partners.
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Halle Berry Ashlesha Sun
Halle's father was a violent man who abused her mother repeatedly. He abandoned them when she was 4 and she's been estranged from him since.
She moved with her mother and sister to an all-white neighbourhood where she was exposed to racial discrimination while attending school. Halle admits that these struggles motivated her to succeed. Later in the ’90s, when she moved to New York to pursue her acting career, she was forced to stay in a homeless shelter for a while because she couldn’t afford accommodations.
In 2011, Halle said: "It was only when I was in an abusive relationship and blood squirted on the ceiling of my apartment and I lost 80% of my hearing in my ear that I realised, I have to break the cycle."
Halle is divorced from Gabriel Aubry (in photo with her above) who, she accused of being a racist (he used racial slurs towards her and their daughter), refused to acknowledge their daughter as biracial and court documents revealed that Berry accused him of having been in an incestuous relationship with a family member, abusing their daughter and even revealed the couple only had sex three times a year, with Aubry struggling with the effects of his incestuous relationship.
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Charlize Theron- Ashlesha Sun, Moon & Mercury
One night, when her verbally abusive alcoholic father came home with his brother after drinking heavily, he threatened her mother with a gun. He began shooting and Theron's mother grabbed her gun and shot back, killing Theron's father and wounding his brother. Police later determined it was self-defence. They later moved to America so Charlize could pursue an acting career.
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Lily Collins, Ashlesha Moon
Lily Collins says she was once in a toxic relationship where she faced "verbal and emotional abuse" that made her feel "very small." Looking back, Lily says her then-boyfriend silenced her feelings and even fuelled emotions of "panic" and "anxiety" -- and it's something that still affects her even though she’s now in a healthy relationship.
"He would call me 'Little Lily'…and he'd use awful words about me in terms of what I was wearing and would call me a whore and all these things," she said on the "We Can Do Hard Things" podcast. "There were awful words and then there were belittling words. I became quite silent and comfortable in silence and feeling like I had to make myself small to feel super safe."
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Tina Turner, Ashlesha Rising
Tina’s violent marriage with Ike Turner is well known, largely thanks to the film based on her life, What’s Love Got To Do With It. In the film the singer suffered severe beatings, was raped and had cigarettes stubbed out on her body. Her husband Ike is portrayed as a violent, controlling sociopath, and when Tina’s autobiography was published Ike actually admitted that the book was largely accurate. The pair were married for 16 years before Tina had the courage to leave. Ike is now dead.
I found something she said in an interview to closely correlate to Ashlesha:
"Part of my spiritual practice is to “change poison into medicine,” to take negative situations or roadblocks and transform or remove them through positivity. The force of my positivity pushed all the discriminatory “isms” standing in my way right out the window."
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Whitney Houston- Ashlesha Sun & Venus
Their turbulent relationship is well documented, but even though the rumors were that Bobby used to hit Whitney, she actually claimed it was the other way round. In an interview with the Associated Press over 10 years ago, the singing star said: “Contrary to belief, I do the hitting, he doesn’t. He has never put his hands on me. We are crazy for one another. I mean crazy in love, love, love, love, love. When we’re fighting, it’s like that’s love for us. We’re fighting for our love.” Brown, however, was later arrested in 2003 for misdemeanour battery, several years after Whitney said this. The pair eventually divorced after 15 years of marriage in 2007.
Unfortunately, Whitney passed away in 2012 and I firmly believe Bobby did it. Her daughter, Bobbi Brown also passed away in the exact same way in 2015 and there's just no way those 2 deaths were a coincidence. Anytime I hear news of anybody dying in their bathtub after overdosing on a cocktail of drugs, I just know they were murdered. Its very easy to write off deaths as suicide or to make it look like one. Its all the more convincing if the person has a history of drug abuse.
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Sridevi, Ashlesha Sun & Rising
Sridevi was forced into acting by her mother (who aspired to be an actress and had failed in her pursuit) when she was 2-3yrs old. Sridevi never received formal education and appeared in 200 films by the time she was 25 years old (she did 300 films total). Her mother and stepfather had another daughter whom they favoured. Sridevi was the cash cow of the household. It was once reported that Sridevi would come home from a long day of filming and spend many hours massaging her mother's feet at night instead of sleeping. Her mother once locked up Sridevi in a dark room and starved her as a 5-year-old because she was too scared to do a scene that involved fire. She became a heroine at the age of 11 years and was paired opposite men who had played her grandad onscreen when she was a child star🤮🤮🤮she was sexually assaulted by many of these men as a child and teenager. Sridevi's mother managed all her finances and did not permit her to go out or meet others and she did not even know how to do virtually anything by herself as her mother kept her under lock and key.
Her husband Boney Kapoor is a movie producer who was married to another woman and had 2 kids when he first met Sridevi. He creepily wooed her for 10 years but Sridevi paid him no mind. In 1995, Sridevi's mother passed away and Boney took full advantage of her vulnerability because even though she was 32, she was basically a child due to the way her mother forced her to live. Sridevi had no one to rely on (her stepfather had died many years prior and her sister sued her for properties and since she was so isolated, she had no friends despite being such a huge star) and Boney took her in. She lived with Boney and his wife and kids but before you knew it, Sridevi was impregnated by him and he soon divorced his wife and married her. In 2018, Sridevi was found dead in a bathtub in Dubai under suspicious circumstances. The case was wrapped up pretty quickly and no one really knows what happened. She allegedly "drowned" but like I said, I dont think all these celebs drowning in their bathtubs is a coincidence.
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Zsa Zsa Gabor- Ashlesha Moon
She was married 9 times and many of those marriages were hella toxic. She was married to Conrad Hilton (Paris Hilton's great-grandfather)
She said of the marriage:
"Conrad's decision to change my name from Zsa Zsa to Georgia symbolized everything my marriage to him would eventually become. My Hungarian roots were to be ripped out and my background ignored. ... I soon discovered that my marriage to Conrad meant the end of my freedom. My own needs were completely ignored: I belonged to Conrad."
Gabor's only child, daughter Constance Francesca Hilton, was born in 1947. According to Gabor's 1991 autobiography, One Lifetime Is Not Enough, her pregnancy resulted from rape by then-husband Conrad Hilton.
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Marilyn Monroe- Ashlesha Rising
Marilyn had a very difficult life. She grew up in foster homes, her mother was schizophrenic and her father was an alcoholic. Her marriages were unhappy and she was treated like shit by the industry. I don't want to elaborate too much because I feel like everyone already knows about her life story but its truly tragic how things were for her :((
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Lucille Ball- Ashlesha Sun
She was married to her onscreen husband Desi Arnaz and they had a horrible toxic marriage where he cheated on her repeatedly and emotionally abused her. He was also an alcoholic.
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Bella Hadid, Mars in Ashlesha atmakaraka
"I constantly went back to men -- and also, women -- that had abused me, and that's where the people-pleasing came in," Hadid said on the Victoria's Secret podcast, "VS Voices."  "I started to not have boundaries, not only sexually, physically, emotionally, but then it went into my workspace….I began to be a people-pleaser with my job and it was everyone else's opinion of me that mattered except for my own, because I essentially was putting my worth into the hands of everyone else and that was the detriment of it."
Everybody already knows that Yolanda is toxic as hell, made Bella get a nose job at 14yrs of age and in Bella's own words she was made to feel like the "uglier sister".
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Viola Davis, Ashlesha Sun
She and her sisters were sexually abused by their brother. "Sexual abuse back in the day didn't have a name. The abusers were called 'dirty old men' and the abused were called 'fast' or 'heifers,'" she wrote in her memoir.
Davis wrote about the volatile relationship between her empathetic mother and her violent, alcoholic father. With brutal candidness, she channels the unrelenting terror of living in a household of domestic abuse: “There are not enough pages to mention the fights, the constantly being awakened in the middle of the night or coming home after school to my dad’s rages and praying he wouldn’t lose so much control that he would kill my mom.”
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Lil Kim, Ashlesha Moon
When she sat down for a candid interview with Newsweek back in 2000, the rapper revealed that she developed a complex about her appearance thanks to a string of unsavory suitors. "All my life men have told me I wasn't pretty enough — even the men I was dating," she revealed. "I'd be like, 'Well, why are you with me, then? I have low self-esteem and I always have," she admitted. "Guys always cheated on me with women who were European-looking. You know, the long-hair type. Really beautiful women. That left me thinking, 'How can I compete with that?' Being a regular black girl wasn't good enough."
It wasn't just the men she dated in her early days that messed with Lil Kim's head — according to the rapper, her own father added to her issues. Her parents divorced when she was 8 and, despite the fact that she wanted to remain with her mother, her dad won custody. When she spoke to Newsweek ahead of the release of her second studio album, The Notorious K.I.M, she revealed that her father would regularly make her feel as though she wasn't good enough. "It was like I could do nothing right," she recalled. "Everything about me was wrong — my hair, my clothes, just me."
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Ella Fitzgerald, Ashlesha Rising
At a young 15 years old, Fitzgerald was left motherless and fatherless. To make matters worse, she began being abused by her stepfather. The beatings were physical, but they scared her emotionally as well. She was a beaten and battered child. Her grades fell to be nearly unrecoverable, and she began skipping school regularly. It was an era of racial segregation and Ella is also believed to have been physically abused by her teachers along with some other black students.
Ella and Marilyn were good friends and are said to have bonded over their similarly traumatic lives.
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Katie Holmes, Ashlesha Moon & Rising
She escaped an abusive marriage with the sociopathic Tom Cruise and his cult??? need I say more?? I am so happy she is alive and well and that she has managed to protect her daughter as well. Scientologists are insane people who absolutely destroy the lives of anybody who tries to leave their system so its a miracle that Katie is alive and doing well.
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Glenn Close, Ashlesha Rising
I don't know what it is about Ashleshas and being trapped/escaping a cult but I've noticed several Ashlesha natives all have this experience
Oscar-nominated actress Glenn Close, for example, was part of a cult called the Moral Re-Armament, from the young age of 7 all the way up to 22. “If you talk to anybody who was in a group that basically dictates how you’re supposed to live and what you’re supposed to say and how you’re supposed to feel, from the time you’re 7 till the time you’re 22, it has a profound impact on you,” she once told The Hollywood Reporter.
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Patricia Arquette- Ashlesha Moon
Oscar winner Patricia Arquette wasn’t just raised in Virginia’s Skymont Subud cult, but her parents were the founders of it. The so-called “spiritual movement” was known for not allowing access to bathrooms, electricity, or running water in the name of “inner guidance.” 
While still living with her family, she and her family left the commune to return to a more conventional life. Per ABC, however, the Arquette family wasn’t any better at that time either. “There was a lot of drama in the house,” Arquette said in an interview with Oprah Winfrey. “There were a lot of chairs flying around.”
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Brie Larson- Ketu in Ashlesha
Brie starred in two movies, The Glass Castle & The Room that both deal with abusive relationships (she is the one stuck in them)
Our Ketu placement is where we draw our creativity from, so its interesting that Brie has played so many characters who have to deal with toxicity.
According to Hindu mythology, Ashlesha nakshatra is associated with the story of the Naga King Vasuki. It is said that Vasuki and his wife were cursed by a sage to become snakes. In order to lift the curse, they sought the help of Lord Vishnu, who advised them to perform a penance in the ashram of a sage named Jaratkaru. After performing the penance, the sage granted their wish and they were able to regain their human form. Since then, Ashlesha nakshatra has been associated with transformation and the power of penance.
In the list of celebrities I have mentioned, many of them survived their abuse and went on to live good lives but many others met with tragic ends. Being "cursed" is part of Ashlesha's mythology, which is why they receive an unfair share of bad experiences and abuse but to perform penance is very very important and something not many are going to be able to do. When so many terrible things happen to you, you're bound to think "why me? I'm a good person, I don't deserve this" and that's absolutely true, no one deserves abuse but the ones who can outlive these negative circumstances are the ones who can in Tina Turner's words "turn poison into medicine". Penance literally means inflicting punishment upon oneself but what it actually means in this context is to turn all your negative experiences that feel like you're being punished into something you can rise up above against. Poison is also part of Ashlesha's lore and while this does make Ashlesha natives rather malicious and manipulative towards others, they need to be able to use this poison as medicine to heal themselves. Otherwise, they end up succumbing to it.
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transcendentalisthicc · 3 months
stephanie collin’s be like Capitol u mean Capital(ism) :(
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readinthedarkpod · 2 years
None of us are a “Forbes 30 Under 30”. We don’t have a meeting with Universal Studios. We also didn’t write a book with a cringy self-insert character, horrible naming conventions, and the worst example of enemies to lovers we’ve ever seen, though, so… we are okay with it. Even if we are a bunch of losers, please stick around. We also discuss Irish-isms, book to movie adaptations, and more! 
And don’t forget your starstick! You’re gonna need it where we’re going. 
Follow the hosts at @adxmparriish @hazelsheartsworn @figonas and @laequiem
Books Discussed: Lightlark by Alex Aster Perfectly Preventable Deaths by Deirdre Sullivan 
Books Mentioned: Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo   Stardust by Neil Gaiman   The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins   Holes by Louis Sachar   Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine   If We Were Villains by M.L. Rio   The Folk of the Air series by Holly Black Divergent by Veronica Roth   A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J Maas   Throne of Glass by Sarah J Maas   The Mortal Instruments series by Cassandra Claire   Twilight by Stephenie Meyer   The Near Witch by V.E. Schwab   Savage Her Reply by Dierdre Sullivan  
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eurekadiario · 1 year
Wall St cae mientras los datos económicos avivan las preocupaciones sobre la inflación y las tasas de interés
Los tres principales promedios de Wall Street cerraron a la baja el miércoles, con la pérdida del 1% del Nasdaq liderando las caídas después de que datos del sector servicios mejores de lo esperado alimentaron preocupaciones de que una inflación aún persistente significaría que las tasas de interés se mantuvieran altas por más tiempo.
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El Instituto de Gestión de Suministros (ISM) dijo el miércoles que su índice de gerentes de compras no manufactureros subió a 54,5 el mes pasado frente a las expectativas de 52,5, mientras que un indicador de los precios pagados por las empresas del sector de servicios por los insumos aumentó.
Los operadores apostaban a una probabilidad del 93% de que la Reserva Federal dejaría las tasas de interés sin cambios después de su reunión del 20 de septiembre, mientras que las apuestas a otra pausa en noviembre rondaban el 57%, según mostró la herramienta FedWatch de CME Group.
"Los datos de servicios del ISM, mejores de lo esperado, muestran que los inversores todavía no son muy hábiles para leer las hojas de té pospandemia", dijo Carol Schleif, directora de inversiones de la oficina familiar de BMO en Minneapolis.
Si bien los participantes del mercado han estado esperando recortes de las tasas de interés pronto, Schleif dijo que los datos muestran una economía fuerte y una inflación que no está bajando "tan rápido como la Fed necesitaría comenzar a recortar las tasas en cualquier momento en el futuro previsible".
Más temprano ese mismo día, la presidenta de la Reserva Federal de Boston, Susan Collins, enfatizó la necesidad de que el banco central "proceda con cuidado" con sus próximos pasos de política monetaria.
La perspectiva de tasas más altas ejerció especial presión sobre las acciones de crecimiento, y el índice de crecimiento S&P 500 (.IGX) tuvo un desempeño inferior al de referencia durante toda la sesión. Los inversores en acciones también estaban reaccionando al aumento de los rendimientos de los bonos del Tesoro estadounidense a 10 y dos años.
"Las acciones de crecimiento han estado valorando la idea de que la inflación ha estado bien anclada y que la Fed va a recortar. Si esa idea ya no se sostiene, serán vulnerables", dijo Patrick Kaser, gerente de cartera de Brandywine Global.
Además de las preocupaciones sobre las tasas, Apple Inc (AAPL.O), que terminó con una caída del 3,6%, se vio presionada por un informe de que China había prohibido a los funcionarios de las agencias del gobierno central usar iPhones y otros dispositivos de marcas extranjeras para trabajar.
Las gotas de lluvia cuelgan de un cartel de Wall Street fuera de la Bolsa de Valores de Nueva York en Manhattan en la ciudad de Nueva York, Nueva York, EE.UU., 26 de octubre de 2020. REUTERS/Mike Segar/Foto de archivo Adquirir derechos de licencia
El Promedio Industrial Dow Jones (.DJI) cayó 198,78 puntos, o un 0,57%, a 34.443,19, el S&P 500 (.SPX) perdió 31,35 puntos, o un 0,70%, a 4.465,48 y el Nasdaq Composite (.IXIC) cayó 148,48 puntos, o el 1,06%, hasta 13.872,47.
De los 11 principales sectores industriales del S&P 500, la tecnología de gran crecimiento (.SPLRCT) fue el que más cayó, perdiendo un 1,4%, mientras que los servicios públicos defensivos (.SPLRCU) lideraron las ganancias, con un aumento del 0,2%. La energía (.SPNY) fue el único otro ganador, con un avance del 0,1% gracias al aumento de los precios del petróleo.
Los futuros del petróleo cerraron al alza el miércoles, sumándose a las ganancias recientes, lo que alimentó las preocupaciones sobre la presión inflacionaria.
El S&P 500 mostró poca reacción a la instantánea del "Libro Beige" de la Fed sobre la economía estadounidense una semana antes de los muy esperados datos de inflación de agosto y la decisión sobre las tasas de la Fed el 20 de septiembre.
El informe mostró un crecimiento económico "modesto" de Estados Unidos en las últimas semanas, mientras que el crecimiento del empleo fue "moderado" y la inflación se desaceleró en la mayor parte del país.
Las acciones de Lockheed Martin (LMT.N) se hundieron un 4,8% después de que el fabricante de armas estadounidense redujera las perspectivas de entrega de sus aviones F-35.
Las acciones de Roku (ROKU.O) subieron un 2,9% después de que la compañía dijera que reduciría su fuerza laboral en aproximadamente un 10% y limitaría las nuevas contrataciones.
Las emisiones en declive superaron a las que avanzaron en la Bolsa de Nueva York en una proporción de 2,05 a 1; En el Nasdaq, una relación de 1,97 a 1 favoreció a los que bajaron.
El S&P 500 registró seis nuevos máximos de 52 semanas y 25 nuevos mínimos; El Nasdaq Composite registró 34 nuevos máximos y 174 nuevos mínimos.
En las bolsas estadounidenses cambiaron de manos 9,390 millones de acciones, frente a la media móvil de 10,170 millones de las últimas 20 sesiones.
Información de Sinéad Carew en Nueva York, Shristi Achar A y Amruta Khandekar en Bengaluru Editado por Vinay Dwivedi y Richard Chang
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Chứng khoán Mỹ chìm trong sắc đỏ do lo ngại Fed duy trì lãi suất cao
Phố Wall, kết thúc phiên giao dịch ngày 7/9, sắc đỏ tiếp tục bao trùm thị trường chứng khoán Mỹ, do dữ liệu kinh tế Mỹ mạnh hơn dự kiến, làm dấy lên lo ngại Cục Dự trữ Liên bang Mỹ (Fed) sẽ duy trì lãi suất cao trong thời gian dài để hạ nhiệt nền kinh tế. Chỉ số Dow Jones giảm 0,57% xuống mức thấp nhất trong hơn 1 tuần. Trong khi đó, chỉ số S&P500 và chỉ số Nasdaq ghi nhận mức giảm lần lượt là 0,70% và 1,06%.
Theo báo cáo từ Viện Quản lý Cung ứng (ISM) công bố ngày 6/9, chỉ số quản lý mua hàng (PMI) phi sản xuất tháng 8 của Mỹ đạt mức 54,5 điểm, cao hơn so với mức dự báo 52,5 điểm của các chuyên gia kinh tế và mức 52,7 điểm trong tháng trước. Trong đó, ISM cho biết số đơn đặt hàng mới đều tăng cao và doanh nghiệp phải trả chi phí đầu vào cao hơn.
Lĩnh vực dịch vụ của Mỹ tăng trưởng tích cực làm gia tăng áp lực lạm phát và tạo không gian cho Fed tiếp tục duy trì chính sách tiền tệ thắt chặt. Thêm vào đó, Chủ tịch Fed bang Boston, Collins, cũng đã có phát biểu diều hâu vào hôm qua khi bà cho rằng còn quá sớm để tuyên bố lạm phát có thể duy trì ở mức 2% và Fed có thể thắt chặt chính sách tiền tệ hơn nữa nếu cần thiết.
Lo ngại lãi suất cao đã thúc đẩy lợi suất trái phiếu tăng. Lợi suất trái phiếu Chính phủ Mỹ 10 năm nối dài đà tăng sang phiên thứ 5 liên tiếp khi tăng 10 điểm cơ bản lên mức 4,30%. Mức sinh lời hấp dẫn của trái phiếu đã hạn chế dòng tiền phân bổ vào thị trường cổ phiếu trong phiên hôm qua. Hơn nữa, áp lực chi phí vay tăng cao cũng ảnh hưởng tiêu cực đến dòng tiền trong tương lai của doanh nghiệp, khiến giá cổ phiếu suy yếu. 
Dollar Index đánh dấu phiên tăng thứ 2 liên tiếp khi tăng 0,05% lên 104,86 điểm. Đồng USD đã tăng vọt lên hơn 105 điểm ngay khi dữ liệu PMI của ISM được công bố, do lo ngại  lãi suất tiếp tục duy trì ở mức cao. 
Giá vàng giảm do đồng USD mạnh lên và lợi suất trái phiếu tăng cao làm tăng chi phí cơ hội nắm giữ vàng không sinh lợi.
Đồng Real Brazil suy yếu trước đà tăng của đồng USD.
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nikossasaki · 5 years
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Misha Collins: [ x | x ]
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Tanner and Tabitha are engaged! 
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Tanner felt the Lord moving in his heart to propose to Tabitha, so after asking for her parents permission he and his parents made the drive into Willowcreek for dinner with the Hobsons. The group had dinner at a new restaurant, taking the opportunity to fellowship with one another and talk about current events.
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Towards the end of their meal, Tanner asked Tabitha if they could ‘talk about something’ by their table. Once they were up and standing by the table, Tanner got down on one knee and asked Tabitha to marry him, and she said yes!
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Congratulations to the happy couple! 
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werewolfe · 4 years
#[ 001 ]  ☾  𝙷𝚄𝙽𝙶𝚁𝚈 𝙻𝙸𝙺𝙴 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝚆𝙾𝙻𝙵  #  carolyn stoddard#[ 001 ]  ☾  𝙵𝚁𝙾𝙼 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙿𝙸𝙽𝙽𝙰𝙲𝙻𝙴 𝚃𝙾 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙿𝙸𝚃  #  david collins#[ 001 ]  ☾  𝙷𝙸𝙳𝙸𝙽𝙶 𝙵𝚁𝙾𝙼 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙻𝙸𝙶𝙷𝚃  #  barnabas collins#[ 001 ]  ☾  𝚂𝙷𝙴 𝙷𝙰𝙳 𝚃𝙰𝙺𝙴𝙽 𝙷𝙸𝚂 𝙷𝙰𝙽𝙳  #  elizabeth collins -stoddard#[ 002 ]  ☾  𝙱𝙰𝙳 𝙼𝙾𝙾𝙽 𝙾𝙽 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝚁𝙸𝚂𝙴  #  isms#[ 002 ]  ☾  𝙰 𝙳𝙾𝙼𝙴𝚂𝚃𝙸𝙲𝙰𝚃𝙴𝙳 𝙶𝙸𝚁𝙻  #  imagery#[ 002 ]  ☾  𝙼𝚈 𝙵𝙸𝙽𝙶𝙴𝚁𝚂 𝙲𝙻𝙰𝚆 𝚈𝙾𝚄𝚁 𝚂𝙺𝙸𝙽  #  study#[ 002 ]  ☾  𝙶𝙾𝚃 𝚃𝙾 𝙿𝙸𝙲𝙺 𝚄𝙿 𝙴𝚅𝙴𝚁𝚈 𝚂𝚃𝙸𝚃𝙲𝙷 # wardrobe#[ 003 ]  ☾  𝙸 𝙳𝙾𝙽'𝚃 𝙺𝙽𝙾𝚆 𝚆𝙷𝙰𝚃 𝙸 𝚆𝙰𝙽𝚃  #  writings#[ 003 ]  ☾  𝙸'𝙼 𝚈𝙾𝚄𝚁 𝚆𝙸𝙻𝙳 𝙶𝙸𝚁𝙻  #  meta#[ 003 ]  ☾  𝙳𝙾𝙽'𝚃 𝙻𝙴𝙰𝚅𝙴 𝙼𝙴 𝙷𝙰𝙽𝙶𝙸𝙽𝙶  #  call#[ 003 ]  ☾  𝙱𝚁𝙱 𝙷𝙾𝚆𝙻𝙸𝙽𝙶 𝙰𝚃 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙼𝙾𝙾𝙽  #  ooc#[ 003 ]  ☾  𝚂𝚆𝙴𝙴𝚃 𝙳𝚁𝙴𝙰𝙼𝚂 𝙰𝚁𝙴 𝙼𝙰𝙳𝙴 𝙾𝙵 𝚃𝙷𝙸𝚂  #  promos#[ 003 ]  ☾  𝙸 𝙺𝙽𝙾𝚆 𝙸𝚃 𝚆𝙾𝙽'𝚃 𝙱𝙴 𝙻𝙾𝙽𝙶  #  crack#[ 003 ]  ☾  𝙸'𝙼 𝙶𝙾𝙽𝙽𝙰 𝚃𝙷𝚁𝙸𝙻𝙻 𝚈𝙾𝚄 𝚃𝙾𝙽𝙸𝙶𝙷𝚃  #  edits
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ghostsxagain · 5 years
verbal or non - verbal communication (jasper)
Jasper by nature prefers non verbal communication. He stumbles over his words and has difficulty saying what he means, especially when he’s stressed or in a bout of depression or anxiety. Communicating with touches or expressions feels more comfortable to him, especially with the people he’s closest to. That’s one of the ways he knows he can trust someone - if they can read him without him needing to explain what he’s feeling.
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... In such politics, "one has no need to 'decenter' anyone in order to center someone else; one has only to constantly, appropriately, 'pivot the center'" (p. 922).  Rather than emphasizing how a Black women's standpoint and its accompanying epistemology differ from those of White women, Black men, and other collectivities, Black women's experiences serve as one specific social location for examining points of connection among multiple epistemologies. Viewing Black feminist epistemology in this way challenges additive analyses of oppression claiming that Black women have a more accurate view of oppression than do other groups. Such approaches suggest that oppression can be quantified and compared and that adding layers of oppression produces a potentially clearer standpoint (Spelman 1988). One implication of some uses of standpoint theory is that the more subordinated the group, the purer the vision available to them. This is an outcome of the origins of standpoint approaches in Marxist social theory, itself reflecting the binary thinking of its Western origins. Ironically, by quantifying and ranking oppressions, standpoints theorists invoke criteria for methodological adequacy that resemble those of positivism. Although it is tempting to claim that Black women are more oppressed than everyone else and therefore have the best standpoint from which to understand the mechanisms, processes, and effects of oppression, this is not the case. Instead, those ideas that are validated as true by African-American women, African-American men, Latina lesbians, Asian-American women, Puerto Rican men, and other groups with distinctive standpoints, with each group using the epistemological approaches growing from its unique standpoint, become the most "objective" truths. Each group speaks from its own standpoint and shares its own partial, situated knowledge. But because each group perceives its own truth as partial, its knowledge is unfinished...
PATRICIA HILL COLLINS, “Black Feminist Epistemology” 
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misfitsandmischief · 2 years
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potatothots · 2 years
What Are You? Masterlist
What Are You?
"I'm whatever you want me to be."
An AU series of miniseries, one-shots, PWPs, drabbles, and more based on the Eldritch concept of “old gods” and a vague sprinkling of mythological creatures from around the world. 
Genre: Horror, Thriller
Rating: R+ overall (each will be rated individually) 
Pairings: multiple, check each work
Warnings: (each will be warned individually, but these are general) death, sex, humiliation, inaccurate versions of mythological[1] creatures, torture, loss of loved ones, loss of limbs, degradation, multiple bad -isms
Note - I'm not your guardian. You read what you want. I can't stop you. If you don't heed the warnings, too bad for you, not me. 
Characters: (I only write for some people. This will grow as I get inspiration for others)
All characters are 18+
Most of these are xReader/OC types - they have some details, but it's vague.
James "Bucky" Barnes (Winter Soldier)
"Autumn" (Teen) The Winter Soldier has found his match. She doesn't agree, but he is a very patient man. Mystical/magical elements. Warnings: death, blood, obsessive!winter soldier
Lee Bodecker
"Cherry Flavored Candy" (explicit) Lee loves candy. He loves cherry-flavored candy the best. He's also a depraved beast of a man. Magical/mystical/shapeshifting elements. Warnings: death (major and non-major characters), sex, humiliation, torture, blood, non-con, misogynism, sexism, bad backwards/hillbilly.” southern'' speech (I know how it sounds, I grew up with it, but it’s funny to write it)
Steve Rogers
"Beautiful Hands" (Teen) Steve finally makes a move on the beautiful girl from the art store. Warnings: loss of a loved one, allusions to sex, talk of blood (it’s a vampireish fic)
Chase Collins
Nick Fowler
"Curious" (Mature/Explicit for gore) Nick is curious about another man’s wife. Warnings: loss of a loved one, dead bodies, allusions to killing, allusions to sex, talk of blood (a lot), gore
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aeide-thea · 2 years
(i’m only doing dracula secondhand rn, although i have read it ever, and i’m delighted that everyone’s having fun but i gotta say, the inevitable way in which the usual tumblr discourse is starting to creep in around the edges as people belatedly discover that the text is, gasp, Problematic is—a lil exhausting 2 me? like. of course the text is Problematic. maybe tumblr book club can do wilkie collins next and really have fits. like. what kinds of things did you expect a victorian-era brit* to position as scary??
and like. not fair of me, probably. people don’t know shit and it’s good they’re learning and it’s always good to contemplate and analyze things! but at the same time it just feels a little like—are you going anywhere with these announcements of Orientalist Spectres Haunting Europe, etc? or are you just having fits abt having made contact with something Impure, and trying to expiate yr sins by squawking about it?
like. idk. i love analysis! but some of the posts i’ve seen starting to float around just feel like. halfway between Baby’s First High School English Essay (That Doesn’t Really Have a Thesis, Just Descriptions of What’s Happening in the Text) and, like, scrupulosity? like. tell me something about all the fucked-up fears stoker is leveraging here! make an argument! just announcing that these things exist in the text feels like. no shit. so glad we could crowdsource a second sparknotes (now with more guilt!) right here on tumblr dot edu, so we don’t have to look anything up.
idk, i’m having trouble articulating exactly what’s alienating me about this, and i do realize i’m probably being excessively irritable! really i think it’s just like, i desperately want a mode of reaction to media—to the world, really—that’s more complex than either ‘shhh, i’m averting my eyes from anything troubling abt this bc Capitalism Has Worn Me Down and now i’m too depressed and exhausted to engage with anything in a way that isn’t purely escapist,’ or else ‘i’m going to enumerate all the -isms that Taint this narrative, in a way that strongly suggests i’d prefer some kind of ahistorically, implausibly sanitized version of it so i was spared the necessity of confronting anything real or difficult, and could revert back to the aforementioned eyes-averted escapist mode without being Tainted by Associating With Problematic Narratives I Failed to Denounce As Is Proper…’
that’s a lot of words and not a lot of clarity, but basically: there has to be a more generative mode of engagement somewhere, somehow, that isn’t just this facile binary in which we either spit something out immediately, like reactive children, or else swallow it whole! i want to chew on stuff, and build muscle.)
⸻ * it has been pointed out in the comments, and i agree, that this is an oversimplifying elision—stoker was, yes, british, but more specifically irish (which i did know, but didn’t say), and while really this phrasing was an attempt to gesture at the way in which brit-ish orientalist anxieties are activated in the text, not compress stoker into an uncomplicatedly imperialist boogeyman, it’s still a reductive description! like. ‘colonized artist leans into colonizer anxieties, aligns self as sympathetic narrator with Correct Worldview at expense of more-othered Foreigners’ is still not an especially innovative analysis, but it does at least immediately bump the complexity of our model from binary to trinary—a complication devoutly to be wished, under the circs!
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theghostwrites · 3 years
Hot take but people need to stop saying that the hunger games trilogy is THE book series that talks about fighting against oppression when it’s not???? Unpopular opinion but it’s message about fighting against your oppressors is actually terrible. The Hunger Games trilogy’s message about freedom was that you NEED to be peaceful or else you are just as terrible as your oppressive government which is a message that has been used to EXCUSE oppressive systems. The oppressed do NOT need to be gentle when it comes to fighting for their freedom. The districts had every right to use militancy to get rid of the Capitol. Using militancy or being peaceful when you fight against your oppressors are both valid and one is not better than the other. But The Hunger Games doesn’t get that. What it does instead is frame brown people (Gale) as violent for wanting freedom and say that white characters represent peace (Peeta). The author literally writes in the book that Gale represents fire and anger and that Peeta is better because he is peaceful. That’s racism 101. She made Gale into this violent monster in the end even though he cared so much for people. The Hunger Games actually excuses oppression through its writing of Gale and the other rebels while claiming that the books are about fighting for your freedom but you guys just keep on putting Suzanne Collins on a pedestal and eating up her (shitty) opinions about freedom. THG trilogy is outdated and you guys need to accept that instead of being stuck in 2012 and constantly praising it and its (shitty) white author who clearly came from a privileged background.
I love how you became more unhinged as this went on. Same. These types of random asks are the only reason I know I didn't get a completely different book than the rest of the world. I think so much about these points, you have no idea It should have been clear for everyone that a White woman from North America should not get the final literary word on revolutions/oppression when she is among the privileged herself. Sadly that's not the case. And the reason why we can't have nuanced discussions around these books anymore, I think, it's bc they've become this idyllic example of "see?? YA is GOOD!!" to detract from haters, so it makes people defensive, and nostalgia of course. Like the stupid ass fresh-as-parchment "There's no love triangle in THG! mainstream media is like the capitol" take I have to come across every other week (the trope is there 🙄, just bc it's not the central theme, doesn't magically remove it). These points you bring up I'll never get tired of shouting to the rooftops, bc we (readers) can point fingers at SJM for the lack of LGBT+ characters in her work, or at Ken Foll*t/ GRRM/ 99.9% of male authors and acknowledge that their ingrained sexism seeps into their work, but never Suzanne. Suzanne, who meant to write a story about how war damages people on both sides and only creates death... by using a revolution as a setting and completely ripping away humanity from all her revolutionaries. And I'm not talking about Finnick or Katniss herself who have personal reasons to reluctantly participate, I'm talking about those who thought about COMMUNITY and were fervent in their support. Not a concept I expect a white lib to grasp. What finally confirmed my suspicion that she truly has no fucking clue about it was her writing that cashgrab prequel about freaking Snow, which could have been a wonderful opportunity to explore the insidious nature of privilege/ nationalism/ all of the other isms 🥴, and how they evolve through time. But that would be like asking for a vegan salad from the butcher.
Unfortunate circumstances all around. I still appreciate some things about THG so I don't start shit with fans, but you won't catch me praising them either.
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