#The math is sound perona
foxboymyles · 5 years
[ZOLU] Pardon My Imprudence Chp.1
((Note: Hey! I made a One Piece fanfic a while back but never fully published it :) So here it is for anyone to read. I hope you enjoy!))
He doesn't intend to mess up. Usually, it's something that happens in the fault of his obliviousness. If he truly meant to slip and almost cost his life, it was always from his own self-righteousness. In school, it was grades. The only good grades he got in his first week of freshman year were from PE. He was lucky enough to escape with C's, mostly. Even his name, Monkey D. Luffy, was written sloppily and never taught into care. Until his friend, Zoro came around. They met at a frozen yogurt shop, as Zoro explained he was hungry and wanted a snack before he headed to his house where his parental guardian Mihawk was. After the first week of school, Luffy's friend looked bewildered at the grades he kept up. Zoro was a slacker, but he always made his way towards B's. Luffy instantly got C's in his first week of school! Zoro decided to teach him some aspects of math for an hour or two each day since they met at the frozen yogurt shop every day since then.
"You see, it's all easy. This is just a review from last year." Zoro said, calm and collective.
Luffy took a bite of his froyo, pouting and talking with small lips."I didn't even pay attention last year."
Zoro sighed and looked at the teen, a little annoyed but more just disappointed.
"Usopp said you can lie out of homework by pretending you have a stomach ache," Luffy mumbled.
Zoro smiled and questioned in his head Luffy's choice of friends. It seemed like he was the only normal person in the clique they had. There was Nami, who always asked them for a dollar to get chips from the vending machine and asked for 20 dollars when doing Zoro's homework. He didn't ask her to, but she forcefully made him anyways. Then there was Usopp, who lies constantly and attempts, unsuccessfully, to get out of any possible pester in school. After that, there's Chopper, who looks 7 but is actually the same age they are. He's 4'5 and is already in Math 3, even when the first semester always starts with Math 1. His counselor immediately put him in with Grade 10 kids. And lastly, Luffy, who's a flunk in all his classes except for PE. He has a knack for childish things and goofs around at school.
"My brothers try to help me with homework but it always fails..." Luffy continued.
Zoro raised an eyebrow while asking."You have brothers?"
Luffy nodded and put his pencil down."I have 2 brothers in their Senior year."
Luffy explained one to be Ace and another to be Sabo. Ace got a little irritated too fast, but he cares for other people. The irony of it is that he's also a little too confident in himself. Sabo is kind, really smart, and gives Luffy really good advice. He continues to tell Zoro that they don't help him very much because he has a low attention span.
"At least you got through some parts of your homework with me," Zoro commented, after hearing even the brightest of people can't go through any sort of brain training with Luffy.
"Yeah! You're the first person to go through more than 3 problems of my math homework with me."
"Maybe the teacher'll give you SOME credit..." Zoro remarked.
"I bet it won't be that bad!" Luffy said, grinning.
This kid is highly positive, Zoro thought. Just hearing a silver lining like that when he only did 1/10th of his homework is surprising. So they talked, did a few more math problems, and headed off both different ways. Luffy started school the next morning and sufficed a little smile on the teacher's face. Then the teacher continued to tell him to keep on going and to lay off the video games for a little bit. Of course, Luffy never listened.
It's been 2 months. Zoro continues to hang out with Luffy and his friends. The time is almost near for Halloween, and Luffy is excited to dress up. Of course, Zoro never tries to dress up and gives candy out instead. The children laugh sometimes and tell him he didn't have to dress up because he's already scary. The sophomore was used to this. He wasn't really afraid of backlash or anything of that matter. It doesn't help him that he got grade retention and wasn't able to do junior work either. Most kids try not to make fun of him anyway because he has a resting death glare. What's strange to him is his grumpiness floats away when he sees Luffy. His face is still scary, but inside, he'll feel a lot more comfortable.
"Zoro. What did I tell you about wearing dirty clothes?" A low voice called. It was Mihawk, his parent guardian. He adopted Zoro when the boy was 7.
"Right, I'll get a black shirt. Those are better with stains." Zoro said, going up the stairs.
Mihawk followed him with his eyes."Be sure that one is clean!"
"Alright, I get it."
Perona sighed and crossed her arms. "Papa, why does he get to dress all casual?"
"That's just his style. I can't get him to wear anything formal unless we're going somewhere prestigious."
"Hmph. He's a lazy bum, that's also why."
Zoro called from his room out loud."I heard that."
Perona's face grew red in irritation."So what?!? You already know it's true!"
Mihawk lowered his hand as a gesture for them to quiet down.
"Now, now children. There's no need to quarrel right now."
"Papa, I'm gonna be an elegant witch!" Perona said, twirling her dress around.
Mihawk looked at her with uncaring eyes. He nodded and glanced at the slightly opened door, in which was opened by Zoro. He had a suit on with a masquerade mask, his shoes reflected intensely on the marble floor. Mihawk was really confused at what he was wearing.
"So why do you decide now to dress up on Hallows Eve?"
"I'm going to my friend's house. We're going to the fall festival tonight, remember?" Zoro said, nonchalantly.
"I didn't try to remember because it sounded so unbelievably fake, but, as you wish." Mihawk turned to Perona.
She pouted and went downstairs to put the candy outside. Zoro checked on his phone and put it in his back pocket, and was about to leave. Mihawk spoke.
He looked at the teen very seriously.
"The only reason why you're retaking sophomore year is because you need to learn discipline. Procrastination is not the answer for everything. And if you fail this year again, you will not live in this house."
Zoro looked at him with unblinking eyes.
"Do you understand, my boy?"
"Yeah. I get it." He said, no nervousness or strain in his voice.
Mihawk smiled and left to his room.
There was a knock at Luffy's door. He quickly opened it and hugged Zoro tightly.
"Zoro! You came, you really did!"
The teen grunted angrily. "Alright, alright. I know I'm here. Get off already."
Luffy smiled at him warmly. For a second Zoro had this feeling. He couldn't think of it because Luffy pulled him to the couch before he tried to observe his thoughts.
"Sooooo Zoro! These are my brothers! Ace and Sabo!" Luffy said, grinning.
Ace and Sabo were both dressed casually. The only costume piece Ace had was a really creepy looking mask on the side of him. They both had long hair. Ace's was straight jet black and Sabo's was a fairly wavy golden blonde.
Ace smirked."Hi. You're Zoro?"
"Well nice to meet ya."
Ace firmly shook his hand. Afterward, Sabo reached out and shook Zoro's hand as well.
"Glad to meet you!"
Zoro sat down and Luffy tossed him a bag of chips. Zoro tossed them back and shook his head.
"Aw, why not?"
"I'm saving my stomach for the festival."
Luffy smiled."Oh, okay! When are we leaving again?"
"In 10 minutes."
Sabo replied."You can play a few video games with us if you'd like."
"Yeah, sure. We're up for another game." Ace said, fiddling with the controller.
"Okay, I'll play a few rounds," Zoro said as he caught the tossed controller that Ace had gave him.
Luffy sat on the carpet and watched the brightly colored screen for what seemed like seconds to him, until he noticed Zoro stood up, looking at his watch.
"We should go now." He turned to Ace and Sabo. "It was nice meeting you."
"Of course! You're always welcome if you want to hang out." Sabo said, trying to be as polite as he could be.
Luffy skidded out with his scarecrow costume on and grinned at them, shouting a short bye as they went out the door. They walked down the blocks and talked to each other.
"Your brothers are nice. Unless they were doing that just to keep an impression." Zoro said.
Luffy laughed."No, they don't do that! They liked you!"
Zoro sighed."Yeah, yeah. Why are you a scarecrow anyways? You don't scare anyone."
"Ace told me it suits me."
"Maybe he was wrong then," Zoro replied, coldly.
Luffy frowned."No, Ace is usually right about me."
Zoro decided not to respond. They finally got there after a few short conversations. The lights were dim and people gathered around the pumpkin patch and buffet. Luffy ran after the buffet, and Zoro's response was to run after him and tell him angrily to slow down. The boy chomped down pumpkin pies to turkey, as people looked bewildered at the teenager's appetite. They laughed softly and continued eating. Zoro rested his head on his hand and glanced at the boy.
"You sure like eating."
"Who doesn't?" Luffy said, happily.
"People who don't eat," Zoro said, chuckling at his remark. He knew it wasn't funny, but somehow he got a kick from it.
Luffy gasped."Some people don't eat?!?"
Zoro smiled."Sure. There's a lot of people that don't eat. It's in a lot of religions. Fasting. Haven't you learned about that?"
"No!!! Well- maybe I did and didn't pay attention."
Zoro handed the waiter a check and continued to eyeball Luffy's eating. He finally stopped and fell on the grass. He belched and smiled calmly.
"That was like eating in heaven's gate~"
Zoro was still smiling. He felt weird to have been smiling all that time. He doesn't usually smile all that much. But somehow being around Luffy made it felt so comfortable to smile. He lent Luffy a hand as he got back on his feet.
"Here. Pick a pumpkin and we'll carve it at your house when we get back."
"Reeeally?!? Awesome!"
Luffy hurried to the pumpkin patch and tried to find a good pumpkin. Zoro watched him scavenge for a while until the boy put out the smallest pumpkin in front of Zoro's eyes.
"What's this?"
"It's a pumpkin!" Luffy said cheerfully.
"Why'd you pick the smallest one?" Zoro said, looking at all the other ones.
"Well, I just like this one better!" He said.
Zoro smiled warmly and scuffled Luffy's hair. "Come on, let's go."
They started to walk back, slowly but surely.
"Zoro," Luffy said.
"You seem grumpy a lot. What's wrong?" Luffy said, worried.
"That's just my personality. You'll get used to it."
"Right," Luffy said.
They got quiet for a few seconds.
"Zoro, do you ever feel that if you don't do something you'll make everyone angry?" Luffy asked.
"Of course. My father says if I flunk sophomore he'll kick me out."
"Kick you out?" Luffy said, surprised.
Zoro nodded."How about you?"
"Well...I have to fight this one guy."
Zoro's eyes widened."Fight? You?"
"Yeah. And the whole school doesn't like him so if I don't win they'll get angry at me. And I'll be angry at myself." Luffy said, hands in his pockets.
"I have a hard time believing you fight people," Zoro said.
"People say that a lot," Luffy mumbled.
Zoro thought about what he said and kept on walking. When they got to the house, Luffy quickly hugged Zoro and told him 'thank you'. He opened the door to let him in. Zoro felt a little confused at what just happened, but entered anyway. His mind was fighting to get the hints. Just that second of Luffy touching him, his smaller frame against his and his chin pressed on to Zoro's shoulder. It was strange what he was feeling. He decided to just ignore it for now.
"You guys are back already?" Ace said.
Luffy nodded, then scurried to the kitchen, where Sabo placed a plastic wrapped pie. Sabo smiled and looked at Zoro kindly.
"I made an extra pie, but I knew Luffy wouldn't have eaten it because of the festival. Would you like to have it?" Sabo asked.
"I'm good. You guys can have it." Zoro shortly answered.
Sabo look surprised but laughed and put it back.
"You're really generous, Roronoa!"
"So are you guys gonna cut this pumpkin or not?" Ace said, a tiny bit impatiently
Zoro came up to the pumpkin with a kitchen knife. He cut around the stem, his movements smooth and precise.
"How are you so good at cutting pumpkins, Zoro?" Luffy asked, watching him.
He continued to cut,"My dad taught me when I was 7." Zoro took off the lid and spoke again,"We're a very Halloween orientated family. We don't fool around with decorating."
He handed Luffy the knife."You can cut things out now."
Luffy grinned and dug the knife in the pumpkin. when he cut out his first eye it was huge because he didn't know how to properly handle the knife, and always worked in straight lines. Zoro grabbed Luffy's hand and positioned in on the knife.
"You have to hold it like this. Try again." Zoro said, after observing Luffy's hand posture.
Luffy carved again. And Zoro was right. He was more accurate with his cutting. The second eye was out, and now Luffy was cutting out the mouth. Luffy was silent when he was carving, but he still had that warm smile on his face. The feeling that pleasured Zoro to be comfortable, and maybe even cracked a smile out of him was there again.
"Done!" Luffy said as the mouthpiece dropped onto the newspaper spread.
Zoro looked at it and laughed. Luffy pouted and pushed it to Zoro.
"Just tell me if you like it or not!" Luffy said, his face red with embarrassment.
Zoro smiled and looked at it."Yeah, I do. Just looks a little goofy."
Luffy grinned and hit him playfully."Halloween is supposed to goofy, isn't it?"
They both smiled and looked at each other for a second. This time, Luffy felt it too. A weird feeling of security. He was wondering where this sense of safe-ness came to mind. Luffy talked hours with Zoro, just discussing things at school.
"Just a question. Is there anyone that makes fun of you at school?" Zoro asked.
Luffy nodded."Bellamy. He's full of 'em self. I just ignore him."
Zoro gave him a blank stare."You have to have somewhere to draw the line."
"Well, he hasn't hurt my friends. If he does anytime soon that's when I'll get involved." Luffy said, a little too serious for his own good.
Zoro looked at his phone and yawned."I better get going. It's almost curfew for me."
Luffy stood up with Zoro and gave him a tight hug. Zoro smiled and put his hand around Luffy's back for a second. Zoro let go and waved goodbye to Sabo and Ace. They waved back until the door shut. Ace grunted and changed the tv's input.
"I hope you don't like the guy." Ace said.
Sabo dishearteningly turned his head to the tv. Luffy looked confused at what Ace was implying.
"What do you mean? He's a good friend!" Luffy said, surprised.
"No, I don't mean it in that way. I mean in a romantic way."
"Oh," Luffy said, shortly and abruptly.
Ace waited for a longer response."What does that mean?"
"I might have felt like that, is all," Luffy said, smiling.
Ace scrambled for words until all he could say was."You've only known him for a month and you think you have feelings for him?"
Sabo decided to get involved and responded to Luffy."That's good, Luffy. You just have to wait and see if you'll still have those feelings, right?"
Luffy nodded and stared at the door for a moment. Ace nagged at Sabo for saying that and shook him around like a fish.
"Hey guys, I'm gonna go to bed now," Luffy said.
Ace raised an eyebrow."Now? But it's 9:00 on a Saturday."
"I'm gonna wake up early to hang out with Usopp and Nami, remember?" Luffy said, racing up the stairs.
Sabo tried not to laugh and in result Ace held his anger in and sighed, his eyebrows arched low. Sabo commented on how Luffy could invite more friends. Ace elbowed him and started to laugh as well, giving in to the idea Sabo described.
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