#The only reason I want to make halfa OCs is for politics BUT-
fountainpenguin · 7 years
If "A Mile In My Shoes" let Timmy "scrape the surface of what it means to be a fairy," does that mean he was only half-fairy? Is Danny Phantom thus only scraping the surface of what it means to be a ghost? Are there things that ghosts have which half-ghosts don't have? What about the Wonder World people, who are just human beings contaminated by fairy dust? Are they half-fairy too?
Timmy Going Fairy (Cnt’d)
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Timmy is a human boy. He made a wish to “be a fairy for a day”.
Rewiring someone’s entire biological structure is not a simple task. It’s always been my headcanon that when Timmy wishes to change shape, Cosmo and Wanda give him a fagiggly gland that, over the years, he’s become better at using. Even creating one organ and carefully placing it in a human’s body among all their other organs isn’t an easy job.
So in “A Mile In My Shoes”, Timmy did not truly become a fairy. We know male fairies give birth, but Cosmo and Wanda didn’t give him a uterus or anything. That wasn’t the point of his wish. They gave him wings. And they gave him the ability to tap into their magic. 
So in a sense, Timmy thought he had turned into a fairy, when really Cosmo and Wanda just made him look like a fairy. Rebuilding his entire body structure to make him an actual fairy would have been very dangerous and probably killed him in the process. That’s something Norm would have done if Timmy had wished to become a fairy. But Cosmo and Wanda know that Timmy wouldn’t want any wish to kill him, so they did the best they could.
This Timmy had no fairy biology. Remember, in my headcanon, fairies need both capable wings and internal pink magic in order to fly. Cosmo and Wanda didn’t give “Mile”!Timmy wings that required internal magic to fly. They gave him enormous wings that could support a lot of his body weight, and then they gave him a bit of their magic so he could float and use magic.
He was a human that looked like a fairy and temporarily had fairy powers.
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Humans have always been able to use fairy wands to grant wishes. We’ve seen this several times throughout the series. As early as Season 0, with “Where’s the Wand?”, it was confirmed that if a human holds a wand and hears someone say the word “wish”, they will grant that wish unconsciously. No training required. Just. It’s as instant as a thought.
Humans have a great deal of power in their souls. That’s why Fairies enjoy tapping into this power. Fairykind with godkids have access to more powerful magic than Fairykind without godkids. This is why the war over godchildren from “Balance of Flour” is such a huge deal.
“Fairly Odd Summer” Timmy was in contact with the Abracadabrium when he died. All the power in his soul got sucked into the Abracadabrium instantly.
But Wanda said that “The heat from the lava” turned Timmy into a fairy. I imagine it was a defense mechanism. When threatened, the Abracadabrium released its power, so that Fairy magic would not be lost forever. So it did. It threw all its power into the two beings who were in direct contact with it when it hit the lava-Timmy and Foop. 
The magic flow was intense. This was plenty of magic to rewire Timmy’s entire biology, including things like having a uterus just like a male fairy. He has his own fagiggly gland, his own core, his own forehead chamber, his own everything. He became, absolutely, a fairy.
The rock that contained the power of the Abracadabrium is gone now. The magic found a new host. Two, in fact. Timmy and Foop now hold all the powers of the Abracadabrium. If one of them dies, then they too will release power to anyone or anything in direct contact with them. Like, if Timmy dies on his bed, then that power might go into his pillow or something.
I’m not sure what this means as far as the Big Wand is concerned. The Big Wand had twelve hours of energy reserves in the movie, though the source of this power was never explained. My guess is that once a day or something, Timmy will have to swing by the Big Wand in order to supply it with energy. Or someone in Fairy World will restructure the magic system so that Timmy can give power to his little wand, and all Fairy power can be drawn from his little wand. Something like that.
… I assume Fairy World loses half its power post this movie, since half of it went into Foop. People in Fairy World learn that they can’t just poof things up willy-nilly anymore. They start making cuts. They walk instead of teleporting all the time. They learn to actually sew clothes. It’s very humbling.
Or, Foop was already a magical being, as well as “a being of pure evil” who “can’t touch it” anyway, so the Abracadabrium ignored him and released all its power into Timmy alone. Dunno! I don’t treat the movie as canon, so I’m not going to try working all that out.
Danny Going Ghost (Cnt’d)
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My interpretation of Danny is that he technically died when he switched on his parents’ machine. If his parents’ machine had not actually made it through to the Ghost Zone, he’d have died completely then and there.
But it did.
In the Ghost Zone, “humans are the ghosts”. In the Ghost Zone, Ghosts can reproduce, but humans can’t. In the Living Realm “Human World”, humans can reproduce, but Ghosts can’t. Humans are “dead” in the Ghost Zone. They don’t even need to breathe. They’re dead.
This is Danny .5 seconds before being electrocuted- Alive in the Human World, but “dead” in the Ghost Zone:
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Basically, when Danny was halfway through the portal, the portal said, “Okay, that half of you is dead now, and the other half is alive.” The universe was in the process of flipping him over when the electricity killed him.
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Both his halves died, and reverted to their respective “dead” states.
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It’s okay guys he’s half-alive he’s fine
Danny then stepped out of the portal, back into the Human World- taking his Ghost half with him.
Humans in the Ghost Zone are dead. So his human self can survive in the Ghost Zone indefinitely without food, the same way a Ghost can survive in the Human World without food. But as a human in the Human World, and as a Ghost in the Ghost Zone, Danny will age / require food / etc. He’s “alive” in those worlds.
This plays into my headcanon that Danny continues aging physically, but even as an adult, he always acts more childish and reckless when he goes ghost, as Danny’s days tend to be split 95% Human World and 5% Ghost Zone. Phantom doesn’t age nearly as quickly as Danny does.
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He’s just kind of stuck like this. If he’d have been my character, I would’ve given him tons of limitations as a result of this, such as “all the weaknesses of both species but very few of the strengths”, but instead we got “all the strengths of both species and one obscure weakness” which is, y’know… fine.
To answer your question, no. There is nothing a full Ghost can do that Danny can’t also do. Unless we wanted to get into politics, where we could probably take away some of his legal rights. If being a halfa wasn’t rare and if society hadn’t collapsed with Pariah, I mean.
There are more things Danny can do as a half-ghost than he could as a full.
It’s very fine.
Wonder World (Cnt’d)
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Turbo Thunder’s society is just kinda…
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… Humans contaminated with fairy dust breeding with other contaminated humans and spreading contamination until it’s like-
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“Half-fairy” would be an inaccurate term. “Mutated humans” would fit them better. The Wonder Worlders are basically the fish swimming around in lakes filled with radiation, developing third eyes or weird colors or whatever.
If the people of Wonder World reach “100% contamination”, that doesn’t mean they’re going to turn into fairies. They’re not going to grow wings or anything. It just means the 100% contaminated kids’ powers are stronger than the powers of people with less than 100% fairy dust contamination.
By default, I mean. The amount of effort you put into developing your powers matters too.
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