#The physics on the riders during the cgi fights is just
ask-cloverfield · 1 year
i think its funny that Hideaki Anno insisted on no wire stunts for Shin Kamen Rider because it isn’t “real” and opted to use CGI and easily the worst looking part of the movie is the CGI
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apathetic-revenant · 4 years
tidbits from the Fellowship of the Ring director + writers’ commentary track (feat. Peter Jackson, Fran Walsh and Phillipa Boyens)
the prologue, and issue of how to work all the exposition about the Ring into the film, was a source of great difficulty for the writers and went through a lot of iterations. in some versions of the script Gandalf would have told Frodo the story of the Ring in Bag End as he does in the books. at one point they decided to scrap the prologue altogether, only to get a note back from New Line that they had to have it, so Peter, Fran and Philippa had to assemble it from the existing footage they had while they were in England putting the soundtrack together.
the framing of the prologue and exactly what information would be in it also went through a lot of changes before it was ultimately decided that it needed to be from the 'perspective' of the Ring itself since the Ring is in a way a central character in the story. at one point the narration would have been done by Frodo, from the perspective of him writing the book after the quest was over, but it was felt that he didn't have the necessary perspective to make it work and that an immortal character like Galadriel worked better.
although prologue!Bilbo is only seen for a few seconds, costume designer Ngila Dickson meticulously made sure his outfit matched the descriptions given in The Hobbit, including the brass buttons on his waistcoat that he later loses while escaping the caves.
the population of Hobbitton in the opening was mostly recruited from farmers and people living around Matamata, where the Hobbitton exterior set was built. two of the hobbit extras later got married after first meeting on set.
the shot of Sam with the flowers in the extended cut is the only time in the films Sam was actually shown gardening.
the shots of Frodo greeting Gandalf were done with four actors--Elijah Wood, Ian McKellen, a small scale double for Frodo and a large scale double for Gandalf. when the closeup is on Gandalf, Ian McKellen is interacting with four-foot-tall Kiran Shah. when the closeup is on Frodo, Elijah Wood is interacting with almost-eight-foot-tall Paul Randall.
while many of the scale shots of the hobbits are actually done using very simple techniques, Peter Jackson chose to invest time in a few impressive ones early on so as to help really sell the idea for the audience from the beginning. one of these is the shot of Bilbo taking Gandalf's hat and staff as Gandalf enters Bag End--it was actually a very complicated shot that involved making big and small versions of the props and then carefully merging them together with CGI.
most of the Bag End scenes were shot by filming the actors on two different sets, a large-scale one for Ian Holm's scenes and a small-scale one for Ian McKellen's scenes, and then merging them together. however the scene of Bilbo serving Gandalf tea was done with both actors on the same set and used forced perspective--there are actually two tables of different sizes lined up to look like one table, with Gandalf interacting with the larger table and Bilbo with the smaller one.
Gandalf hitting his head on the ceiling was an unscripted accident left in because it worked so well.
before including Thorin's map from The Hobbit in Bag End, the writers made sure to double-check where the map canonically wound up in the books. they gave the task of researching this to Henry Mortensen, Viggo Mortensen's son and a diehard Lord of the Rings fan.
Peter Jackson expected to get pushback from the studio about the amount of smoking in the film, and in particular was ready to have to fight to keep in the scene of Gandalf and Bilbo smoking before the party. however no one ever brought it up at all.
most of the hobbit actors in the party were friends and relatives of the cast and crew. although the books state that Bilbo invited 144 hobbits to his special table, "due to budget constraints" the actual amount of hobbits at the party is probably closer to about 100. viewers are advised not to count them too closely.
some of the hobbit children listening to Bilbo's story were played by Peter Jackson and Fran Walsh's own children. one of them, Billy Jackson, was the only actor in the movie not wearing a wig, because he already had "naturally perfect hobbit hair."
the "Proudfeet!" shot was framed as a homage to Ralph Bahksi's animated Lord of the Rings, which was what originally got Peter Jackson into LOTR.
during Bilbo's speech, the polystyrene birthday cake had so many candles on it it actually caught on fire and started to burn. the take was going so well, though, no one wanted to interrupt Ian Holm, so the cake is just sort of quietly burning away in the background while Bilbo talks.
the seventeen-year time skip in the books had to be compressed in the movie because they needed to get the story going quicker and keep up momentum. Gandalf's appearance when he comes back to Bag End is meant to imply that he's even more disheveled than usual because he's ridden pretty much nonstop all the way to Minas Tirith and back.
the scenes of Gandalf in Minas Tirith were the first time Ian McKellen had been in his Gandalf the Grey costume and makeup for months, as when those were shot he had been filming as Gandalf the White for some time.
there was discussion about using subtitles onscreen to identify locations, since there was worry that audiences would have a hard time following all the different places seen throughout the movie, but ultimately it was decided that this might feel too cheesy so it was dropped.
the voice of the Ringwraith that shows up in the Shire looking for Bagginssss was done by Andy Serkis.
the Green Dragon scene was cut for time in the theatrical release, which Peter Jackson was disappointed by both because it was a chance to see the main hobbit cast in their 'natural environment' before the adventure really starts, but also because it demonstrated the hobbit tendency to be gossipy, insular and distrustful of the outside, a trait they had some difficulty getting across in the films.
the full Ring poem is never heard in the movies; the filmmakers wanted to get it in there and at one point it was recited in full during the Council of Elrond, but it wound up being cut.
the Ring 'speaks' with Sauron's voice at certain moments to try to emulate the sense of psychological horror and dread associated with descriptions of the Ring in the books, which was very hard to replicate on film.
in one very early draft of the script, Merry and Pippin would have been introduced when they were caught eavesdropping on Frodo and Gandalf along with Sam.
Jackson chose to shoot the duel between Saruman and Gandalf as physically as possible because he didn't like "wizard fights" in movies "where old guys shoot lightning out of their fingers at each other" (gotta disagree with you there Pete).
Billy Boyd offered to use a Gloucester accent for Pippin instead of his natural Scottish one, but tended to lose some of his comic timing while doing so. it was decided that the Tooks had enough of a Scottish vibe that the natural accent worked better for the character anyway.
the shot of the hobbits falling off the cliff was one of the first things ever shot for the series. it was also the cause of one of the few serious accidents during filming--one of the stuntmen dislocated his shoulder during the fall, apparently just as a freak accident as the stunt itself was not especially dangerous.
the scene where the hobbits first meet the Black Rider looks like it's in remote wilderness somewhere but was actually shot in a park in the middle of Wellington.
the insects coming out of the ground while the hobbits are hiding is meant to convey the idea that everything living tries to instinctively flee from the Ringwraiths, but Jackson admits he isn't sure if that came across well on film.
the Buckleberry Ferry almost sank between takes and had to be saved with bilge pumps.
like Bag End, the Prancing Pony set was built twice, once at normal scale and once at large scale to film the hobbit actors on. some of the people seen walking past the hobbits in the backgrounds are actually on stilts.
the basis of the Ringwraith scream sound was provided by Fran Walsh screaming while suffering from a throat infection.
no real trees were harmed during the scene of the Isengard orcs chopping down Fangorn Forest: it was two fake trees shot from different angles as they were pulled down.
the question of whether it was appropriate to reference tomatoes in the Weathertop scene (since they are new world vegetables) was apparently a source of some contention among the writers. Peter Jackson was of the opinion that in a movie with a Balrog, a tomato should not strain suspension of disbelief that much.
the fight scene with the Ringwraiths on Weathertop was the first thing Viggo Mortensen ever shot for the films, and also the first time he'd ever used a sword.
the scenes of weapons being forged in Isengard were shot in a foundry and the molten metal seen being poured is real molten steel, because they couldn't come up with a convincing way to fake the appearance of molten metal. the workers at the foundry were recruited to play the orc extras in the scene.
Lurtz was created to provide a kind of 'face' for the Uruk-Hai as well as to be a villain that could physically confront the Fellowship at the climax, since both Saruman and Sauron stay within their respective domains and, aside from Saruman's scenes with Gandalf, don't actually directly interact with the protagonists.
replacing Glorfindel with Arwen is acknowledged as taking a big chance, but the writers were already struggling with the sheer amount of introductions to new characters in the film and didn't want to introduce yet another new character only for him to almost immediately disappear from the story again.
filming the chase scene between Arwen and the Ringwraiths was interrupted by massive flooding at the location. the cast and crew took a break from filming to help shore up Queenstown with sandbags.
when Gandalf escapes from Isengard, Saruman is holding his staff with one hand because Christopher Lee had injured his other hand smashing it in a hotel room door and couldn't hold anything with it.
the scene of Sam and Frodo in Rivendell talking about going home was a pickup shot after the main filming was completed, which is why Sean Astin is noticeably thinner there than for the rest of the movie--as soon as principal photography was completed he dropped all the weight he had gained for the role.
Elrond sounds especially deep and harsh while talking to Gandalf about the weakness of men because Hugo Weaving had a bad case of flu at the time.
the Council of Elrond took 6-7 days to shoot and was "a nightmare" because of the difficulty of keeping track of the eyelines of so many people sitting in a big circle.
Sean Bean occasionally glances down during the "one does not simply walk into Mordor..." speech because he has his lines written on a piece of paper in his lap; the speech was given to him so soon before filming that he didn't have time to fully memorize it.
when Gandalf reacts to Frodo volunteering to take the Ring to Mordor, Peter Jackson told Ian McKellen to imagine that he had just heard his son volunteer to join the Army in World War One.
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venus-says · 4 years
Kamen Rider Ex-Aid Episodes 16-30
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Insert COIN to Continue.
If Ex-Aid hadn't clicked with me in its first 15 episodes, it's with much joy that I come here to say that I think I finally get this show and I'm here for it!
Yes, I still have quite a few of problems, and a lot of the complaints I had in my previous post are still present in here, but my enjoyment of the show has only been growing more and more with each new episode I watch to the point where now only very few aspects of it still annoy me really hard and I can let go of things more easily like, for example, the weird dialogue and the comedy style that while are still aspects that I don't like but that now I can get past that without being bothered.
Honestly, what bothers me the most is that I didn't know the show had such a clear break into two parts and that I divided the episodes for the reviews in a way that will make a bit weird to talk about, especially in this post. I didn't expect episodes 1 through 23 would end up being a big arc, with episodes 24 onward being kind of a different thing, a step-up from the previous arc. But oh well...
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Since these episodes were clearly divided into two separate arcs I'll do the same here and comment on them separately.
This first part, going from episodes 16 to 23, are a bit weird to comment on because even inside them there's also a mini division we can make, episodes 16, 18, 19 and 20 are like a mini-arc to give Brave and Snipe power-ups while 21, 22, and 23 have more like an end game plot going on, and episode 17 is kinda just hanging around there, a bit out of place that usually would be considered a filler but that introduces a character that is used later on so while we can't completely disregard that episode we also can't really put it in the same basket as the others.
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The first portion is the weakest of this whole section, being completely honest I don't remember much about it, I know Brave and Snipe get their asses kicked and they lose his gashats and that was pretty cathartic, but then Genm did his thing again and gave them Level 50 power-ups and I was a bit disappointed, not really in aesthetic levels or powers, like I don't care for Snipe's but I love how Brave looks and I think is really cool that he can command a troop of minions, my biggest problem is that the power-up is in one of those double gashats with that ugly circle thing and they have to share it but the division isn't really fair since Snipe has been keeping it for way more time than Brave did. But oh well.
Oh also during this part my hate for Kuroto was constantly raising, I really despise this man and whenever someone wipes the floor with him is like I'm having an overdose of serotonin because he's an awful human being and that's what he deserves and seeing him being fucked up brings me a lot of joy.
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The mini-arc of episodes 21 to 23 is when things start to get interesting as we see the plot unveiling mysteries and the gears grinding in incredible speed making these three episodes feel like the end of a season. Now, as interesting and exciting that it was to watch this climax payout I do have some problems here. My biggest one is that, once again, they made Emu WAY too special, now he's not just a doctor, a genius gamer, and patient 0 from the game illness, but he's also the reason why Kuroto is like this nowadays, and different from what we thought he's been incubating this virus since he was a little kid because Kuroto is such a shit human being that he sent an infected game to a kid because apparently, he thinks only him can be a game developer in this world and come up with ideas for games. And yes, this is very in-character, Dan Kuroto would really do stuff like this, is the fact that they make so many things focused on a single person that bothers me.
Another thing I have a problem here, although it's a much smaller one if compared to my previous point is just how convenient it was for the show to put a way to reprogram the virus in Kiriya's computer. I think my problem here is just how easy they got the information, you know? They knew from that detective that Kiriya was digging up something and Hiiro decides to look for information and in the first place he looks he just happens to find his computer and the files in his research were there. Again, it's a minor thing, but I felt like I had to comment on this.
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One thing that I really enjoyed in this mini-arc was Kuroto's plan to avoid the Ministry and still get data in his hands by infecting himself with the virus to appeal to Emu's emotions. Again, a very in-character decision and the way it played out was very fun even though it was pretty clear he allowed himself to be caught seeing how easy it was for them. The way things escalated leading to his death was also pretty good, it's a bit annoying that his death gets reverted only a few episodes later, for a show that is constantly talking about doctors dealing with death having a death be reversed is a bit counter-intuitive.
As a result of this conflict, we get Ex-Aid's Level 99 power-up, and while it's cool that is a gashat he made it himself and that he used Kiriya's driver after his was fried up by Genm, holy jesus how ugly is this thing. It's so huge and bulky most of the scenes with him moving have to be done in CGI because that looks like hell to walk on wearing it. This just isn't the ugliest power-up of this season because Snipe still has the worst designs, but oh gosh.
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After episode 23 we enter in the Kamen Rider Chronicle arc, where being led by Parad they gather data from the missing games by reviving Graphite and brainwashing Poppy, and Ex-Aid becomes a light novel with a battle royale/survival game that actually kills people when they get a game over (or upload them to the cloud and erase their physical bodies apparently because now they're saying those people can be revived).
Attempts of joke aside, while it's not anything new that they're doing here I do like how they implemented the concept in the story. It's pretty cool having regular people acting up as the players while the Riders we follow are like special NPCs that drop rare items when defeated, it's a fun gimmick and it's also a way to the villains to put another obstacle to the riders without having to do much.
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I think what I liked the most in this plot was the mini-arc they had for Poppy, up until this point I didn't really have a strong opinion on her but what they had with her in these episodes was pretty cool. To begin they gave her a pretty dope song, at first I questioned what they were trying to do there but when we get to know that her whole singing scene was part of a brainwashing process it turns things really interesting. But is the journey of her freeing herself from this brainwash that really does it for me, when she starts remembering memories from the person that she took over she gets in this existential crisis and it gave us some great moments, I really like that scene in episode 28 when she's there trying to tell everyone AND herself that humans and bugsters are enemies and Emu puts himself in the line kinda with a wake-up call for her, it was pretty awesome. I feel like she also got way more agency after the events in that episode and I hope they keep that with her. Oh, we also got Kamen Rider Poppy which wasn't a thing I necessarily needed, but that was still pretty cool.
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But because not everything can be flowers I have two major issues for this part as well, the two are things that I already mentioned so I won't take too long with them. The first one is obviously the "making Emu too special" thing since it gets established that Parad is the bugster that Emu incubated for all those years and that Parad is actually Emu's "second personality". Again, it's a cool concept, and there's one episode in which Parad gets control of Emu's body and they have a fight between each other while in Ex-Aid's Level 20 form and it was cool as heck, is just the fact that they keep adding layers to Emu like he's the center of the entire universe that makes me feel kinda iffy about it.
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The second aspect I don't like is the reversibility of death. I get that this is a show for kids so they would come up with a way to bring everyone that died in Kamen Rider Chronicle because this doesn't seem like the type of show that would just obliterate a lot of people out of existence like that, my problem is with bringing back characters that have some sort of impact with the characters. Yeah, so far we only had Kuroto and he's back but not really since now he's a bugster and Poppy can keep him under control with her drive, though let's be honest this won't last too long, but they're raising the possibility of bringing Hiiro's girlfriend back and I'm sure they would try to bring Kiriya back too and is this thing that I feel like it goes against some of the messages this show is trying to pass to his main character. Emu is constantly facing death and as a Doctor he will face it many times in different contexts and part of the process for him to learn how to deal with this he needs to feel the effects of mourning for those who passed away, but when you bring people back from that while it doesn't revert what he went through makes it feel like death isn't as serious. This is a thing Rider likes to do a lot honestly, I mean look at Ghost, and it never sat with me well, but I feel like in this season in especial, as I mentioned, it's very counter-intuitive.
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And I believe that's all I have to say for now. I feel like I'm way too repetitive, and that's a problem I should work on, but I have to say this again, I'm still having my problems with Ex-Aid but these problems aren't cutting down my enjoyment of the show and I'm really excited to see how all of this will come up together in the end. If you have anything to say about my comments or these episodes please let me know in the comments, I'll be very happy to have other people insight into this show. Stay healthy, stay safe, never stop resisting, thank you so so much for reading and until the next time. See you in the next game!
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aishicc · 7 years
Ghost Riders: Movies to AOS Part II
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I will compare what powers they have before moving on to what they don't share. As said before I will talk more about Robbie's comic book powers in another post so I will try to stick to what they have shown he can do, or hinted at since AOS is all about the foreshadowing because you know spies and stuff.
Now this is the most basic thing all Ghost Riders use, the literal fires of Hell in which they burn, seriously who needs hair really? Now how they use this most basic weapon depends on which Rider, what they are facing, and all that good stuff. So let us look at how the Movies and AOS portray these basic abilities. While the AOS versions are the most relevant the Movies do have some cool tricks we may see Robbie and/or Johnny use in the future. Anything from the comics used by Robbie will be noted in this section, need to read those. KK here we go.
Hellfire Projection/Throwing/Fireballs
This is simply when a Rider calls on their Fire and hurls it at something basically. It can also be simply summoning a wave of flames to engulf something, either way it using the Hellfire without a chain or other weapon. Now this is something we see in both the Movie and AOS, however it seems to work a bit differently. Let us begin with the Movie shall we?
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Cage's Johnny can summon fire and throws it, even here in human form, I see no reason why AOS Johnny could not do the same. Now we see very little of AOS Johnny since he was not the Ghost Rider season 4 was focused on. And if is passing it on into Robbie means he gave up his powers rather then just sharing the Spirit of Vengeance with Robbie like the Holly Spirit then Johnny would no longer have his cool powers but would still be interesting. Yes I believe he simply shared his flames rather then passed the whole thing, I want more then one Ghost Rider damn it! The first movie had 2, the comics have had more running around at the same time so it is not a new concept.
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Now Robbie here summon fire then engulfed this guy, and we never see him throw fire around like Cage. This does not mean he cannot it just means he has not, also Robbie is a more physical fighter then Cage's Johnny so just grabbing and burning is more his thing. Robbie jokes about learning a few tricks while gone so we may see him tossing fire balls around in later seasons. Hell catching one and throwing back in someone's face would be fitting, love this guy because he doesn't take crap anymore then I do. Now this scene reminds me of the scan below so it is a comic move shared by both.
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Hellfire Chain
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Now this is the most basic weapon both Blaze and Reyes use, as Ghost Rider as a Shied is to a Captain America. Now I will not go into how Robbie's is different in the comics since it works the same way just with blades. Really a chain burning with Hellfire is nasty enough but blades are fun so...maybe AOS Robbie could play with a bladed chain just once?
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Now here we see Robbie using his in Human form, I know Cage did most of his cool moves as Ghost Rider but that was a movie. AOS made good use of Robbie running around being a bad ass as just himself with some flaming metal for good measure. CGI is costly stuff and I love that sexy snarl Luna does as Robbie when he's fighting, /purr. I am more then happy to see as much actual Rider in season 5 if we get more Robbie. It would allow them to have Johnny running around as well, win win right?
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Another power Riders share is the ability to manipulate their chains in ways no human could. Twisting them in impossible ways, reaching lengths far longer then the chain should reach. Now Robbie has shown wicked aim with his since he took it from James, see above. It looks like he makes it into almost a spear as it strikes, look how straight it is. Either way he has shown examples of this ability, Instant chain sash anyone?
Challenging Hellfire Into Other weapons/object
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Now Cage's Johnny could only do this in the dark, a problem AOS and the sequel ignore. Seeing this reminds me how much many hoped to see a flaming version of the Shotgun Ax, /rage. We may still get a scene of Mack tossing it to Robbie and him firing off a shot, which would still be cool to see, and a great bonding moment between the two of them. Have I ever mentioned I love that thing?
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Now our boy Robbie has only been shown challenging his Flames into metal scrap or objects. He has done this in either form with no problem so the whole Rider only good a night thing is so movie number 1 only. Metal does not change so we can not say for certain if he used the Shotgun Ax it would take on a more demonic form. Just on fire the thing would look even more wicked so either way I would be happy.
Self Healing/Invulnerably
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Now this is again something we see in all Riders. If it's not forged in Heaven, or you're another Rider, you will not be having a fun time if you piss a Rider off. The only time Robbie was having problems was when in that core that was flooded with radiation from the Rider's home Hell dimension so kind of a Superman kryptonite thing there. In the MCU they don't really have Heaven forged anything so there is that, Johnny beat down Thor in at least one comic.
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And Dr. Strange in another. Yes, Johnny Blaze is not Robbie Reyes, but if Johnny did pass on his Rider to him then he is just as strong. Even if he did not Robbie may be the weakest canonically in the comics but he can still take a punch from  Cho Hulk in the face.
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Now these are both comic examples but the MCU is based off of these so they are a good place to start. Now as I understand it Hulk 2.0 there is at least as strong as the Avenger's Hulk from the MCU. If we go with that math then a Ghost Rider would still be one of the few in the MCU who could take Hulk 1 on 1 and have a chance. Same with facing off with Thor, though Sif is the only one to appear on the show. Iron Man would be a joke, and with Tony's pro-Accords stance he might want to steer clear of Robbie. I'll do a post about my thoughts on all that later.  
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Resistance to fire is a bit of a given if you have fire powers but this is not always the case. I believe in the comics Riders are straight up immune to fire damage unless it is holy, or from another Rider. Robbie as the Rider sure is but as human that is a bit more debatable. The chain is not hurting him at all, and the part he is holding in still red hot so his gloves would not help with him clenching it like that for long. However after the fireball blowing up in his face he does have a tiny bit of damage on his face.
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For taking an exploding fireball to the face that is nothing, seriously most would be happy with that little damage. Now one could argue that since he transforms after a line that the damage is simply the start of his transformation. His face never burns off the same way each time we see it, may do a post on that too. I could see this argument doing well enough, but since you can still wound Robbie as a human he is likely still able to burn. Still has more resistance then the others to fire.
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KK this is maybe an example of channeling Hellfire into something but seeing as this is a decent/good scene from the second movie I am using the image for bullet proof. Now Robbie as a human is not, it can't kill him but they will still hurt, and likely piss him off just a lot. As the Rider ICER rounds did nothing, nor would they since he has no nerves left to tranq. Now we might get to see something like this scene with Robbie vs some Watchdogs seeing as they armed with machine guns. Not sure if Robbie would spit a literal fire of bullets at someone or just roar before tearing into them, either way a bad day to be a bigot with a big gun.
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Now I am adding this to kinda go back to the Thor thing. Energy attacks are some of the strongest ones in the MCU, AOS or movies. Aida's attack hurt Robbie, not as much as it would if he was normal, but did not hinder the Rider in the least. The heaviest hitters in the Avengers who do not relay on fists are Thor, Iron Man, and Scarlet Witch, Vision as well but he is the least likely to get in a throw down with Robbie unless he has developed Mack's anti-robot stance after the LMD arch. Thor can hit harder then Lincoln with his lighting, not that Lincoln was a pushover or anything but lighting vs static electricity not really a debate there. So one would assume if Thor hit Robbie with a charge that was serious it would hurt, a half ass attack not so much. Most likely their fight would be interrupted by Jane and Coulson/May/Daisy before it got too out of hand. Thor is a decent guy who would have no reason to fight with Robbie, might mistake him for a fire giant or something.
The beams the Iron Man suits use are powerful but I can't see them working as well on the Rider as Tony would like. Riders are forces of nature like the Hulk and if Stark pissed Robbie off first, he is part of the reason Daisy and Elena had to sigh the Accords and Elena could have been killed during the blackouts, he would have a problem. Sure Tony survived Civil War in better shape then Bucky but fighting magic with science can be tricky, and we have seen Robbie pissed is not easy to rein him in. Took Gabe 3 times and that is the guy he loves most in the world screaming at him.
Wanda may be able to use her powers to cloud Robbie's mind, may have some problems with the Rider being in there too. The Rider would be harder to trick, not saying it is imposable since her powers worked on Thor and the Rider is all mythically powered and alien like he is. This could be an interesting idea to explore in fanfiction. Her fling you around force grab should still work just fine, but since the Rider can't be killed it is not supper effective short of holding him up in the air.
Vision would likely only engage the Rider or Robbie to defend Tony or Wanda, Vision is protective. Not sure if his going incorporeal trick would help since Robbie could grab and burn the 'ghosts' but that could also be explored in fics.
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Cool rides that you can't destroy are another perk of being a Rider. Now most ride motorcycles, as would make sense since their invention. Robbie has his beloved Lucy but I could see Mack giving him a bike. Mack knows bikes and it would keep Daisy from tagging along so easily, big bother Mack worries so much. Fic ideas scattered all up in these things. We have yet to see if Robbie can call Lucy, or control her while not inside as the Rider if you don't count the go left scene. Now Lucy doesn't go all demonic like the bike does, not in the comic either, but the AOS Johnny also has a bike.
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Now the bike could be perfectly normal since Johnny could still be human here, not impossible. After all when not the Rider the bike looked normal in the Movies, and Lucy only flames up when Robbie at least gets the ember eyes, and that nazgul roar. Hell Johnny may even be able to keep his bike normal while the Rider, practice?
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These asshats' faces my fucking God they deserve getting burned, or whatever Robbie does to them. Damn that intro to Lucy was awesome right! Poor little White Supremacists, so don't feel bad for them I was laughing my ass off at that scene. If you have not gotten it from my works I am no fan of racists and their bullshit, enough of that girl remember pretty fire. And on that note a still from arguably the best scene form Ghost Rider 2.
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Seriously who in would not want to see Robbie doing something like this? Or Johnny? Hell have them both in cranes, the more the merrier. God I need to stop giving myself insane ideas like yesterday.
Penance Stare
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Now this is something we have not seen Robbie do, just grab and burn has been working well for him. Whether he is a 'true' or 'proper' Rider this a bit of a fan favorite and not all that different from some of the things we have seen Robbie do, /cough portals cough/. I would be fine if it was something he can do and just doesn't take the time most of the time, I just want to know if he can perform this attack. A throw away line is all I'm asking for here AOS writers.
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I am adding this images because as you recall Movie Rider does not have the embers in their sockets like AOS Riders do. For those who may have forgotten this exact scene he is Staring a victim. Now AOS may have just liked the imagery or it may be foreshadowing, or I could just be thinking too damn hard. At any rate it was a little thing I noticed and decided to throw it out there for others to discus. I do not write things just to amuse myself after all, well every now and then but hey who doesn't right?
Pretty much anything else are Robbie only and comics powers so not really for here, or typical super hero stuff. I hope I did not forget, miss, anything major here. It has been while since I have watched the movies, unless you count the everything wrong with vids. If so let me know and I'll type up my thoughts on them as well.
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heysnowflake · 5 years
Disney/Non-Disney Questions (Strictly Animated- you’re about to see how sad I am when it comes to animated films)
1. Scene you wish you could live out? Ooooh I love the idea of seeing Atlantica in person so probably the first scene of the Little Mermaid where all the mermaids are swimming into the castle. 
 2. Do you prefer CGI or Hand/Cell Animation? HAND/CELL ALL THE WAY!!! There is just... an endearing quality to the original hand/cell animation style of movies that I adore. It has a personality. Plus, the contrast of the painted background and the hand-drawn characters is so wonderfully nostalgic and captivating. Furthermore, hand/cell animations takes a tremendous amount of work in comparison to CGI which, whilst I understand why Disney does it CGI now because of it, it makes me feel like I’m watching something with more heart in it because of all the time, sweat and soul that went into it. I could honestly go on and on about hand/cell animation but I shall leave it there. Yes. Hand/Cell Animation will always be my preference. 
 3. Which fairytale would you like to see animated next? Hans Christian Anderson’s The Wild Swans immediately springs to mind. 
 4. Favourite voice actress? I’m terribly torn between Jodi Benson and Liz Callaway. I just... I can’t choose! I mean, Jodi Benson was singing/voice acting for both Thumbelina and Ariel (two of my favs). And then Liz Callaway singing/voice acting for Odette, and then singing for both Anastasia and Kiara. How do I choose?!?!?!
  5. Favourite voice actor? Has to be John Cusack for me, Dimitri’s voice in Anastasia just melts me and I could listen to it all day. An extremely close second is Gary Imhoff who voiced Prince Cornelius but Dimitri’s voice just gets to me whenever I hear it. 
 6. Favourite first meeting scene? I want to say Ariel and Eric but it’s hard to say which one counts as their first official meeting... so, I’ll say Rapunzel and Flynn Rider, that whole scene is just pure gold. 
 7. Mention one Disney related thing that can always cheer you up, no matter how sad you are (scene, song, character, movie etc.): The song “Why Should I Worry” from Oliver and Company never fails to make me smile. Such a classic catchy song. 
 8. Mention one Non-Disney related thing that can always cheer you up, no matter how sad you are (scene, song, character, movie etc.): Batty from FernGully: The Last Rainforest is easily my answer for this one, every time he’s on screen, my depression fades away for a while.
 9. Which scene/s always makes you cry? Oh man, I’m a big cry baby when it comes to movies so I have a few but I’ll name my main ones. Like the ones where I really ball like an idiot. 
- Fox and the Hound: when Widow Tweed takes Tod into the woods. 
- Thumbelina: a few scenes honestly- when Thumbelina wishes she were big and felt all alone in the world, when Thumbelina is told that Cornelius is dead and when Thumbelina and Cornelius finally find each other.
- Dumbo: when Dumbo finds his mother and cuddles her before he has to leave her again. That entire scene kills me.  
- Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron: when Rains gets shot. 
- TInkerbell and the Legend of the Neverbeast: when the fairies take Gruff into his cave to go into hibernation for a thousand years (I am not joking one bit when I say that I cried at this for half an hour solid). 
- Anastasia: when the Empress and Anya realise that they are indeed family 
- Lion King: you know the fucking scene... 
 10. Favourite Duet (romantic in particular)? It’s an absolute tie between Let Me Be Your Wings sung by Thumbelina and Prince Cornelius, and Far Longer Than Forever sung by Derek and Odette. Whilst there are many great Disney duets, none quite do it for me as much as these two. In my personal opinion, these two perfectly define what a duet should be. They all harmonise beautifully with the other, they use different pronouns sung together, they each have their own part as well as singing together, the lyrics are exquisite... I honestly am such a fan of these songs. If you’re curious, a second place option to this would be If I Never Knew You from Pocahontas (both the pop version and the original version that was cut from the first version of the movie). 
11. A couple you wish had sung a duet together? Ariel and Eric. Whilst they did sing together very briefly in Little Mermaid 2, they never got an official duet. I mean, I know Eric didn’t sing at all in the first one but I don’t know... I would have loved to have them sing together. 
 12. An underrated duet? I mean, my favourite duets are honestly very underrated, but I’ve already mentioned them. So… I feel like Looking Through Your Eyes sung by Kayley and Garrett is extremely underrated as everyone thinks of The Prayer when they think of Quest for Camelot.
 13. Name your top three Disney princes/male protagonists: Prince Eric, Flynn Rider aaaaaaand Kovu.
 14. Name your top three Disney princesses/female protagonists: Snow White, Ariel and Pocahontas.
 15. Name your top three Non-Disney male protagonists: Oh that is fucking easy for me- Prince Cornelius, Dimitri and Derek (Pips from FernGully almost made the cut).
 16: Name your top three Non-Disney female protagonists: Anastasia, Thumbelina and Odette (I absolutely adore Crysta but I just couldn’t not include one of the other three… choosing three is so limiting).
 17. Favourite sidekick/s? Bartok (Rasputin’s sidekick, I kill myself laughing at his lines), Baymax (Hiro’s sidekick) and Meeko (Pocahontas’ sidekick)
 18. Favourite villain/s? Beetle (Thumbelina- he makes me laugh so much), Scar (Lion King), Zira (Lion King 2- she’s such an underrate villain, she is just so set on revenge) and Rasputin (Anastasia).
 19. If you were to marry a female/male protagonist, who would you choose? Before, my answer would have been Prince Eric from The Little Mermaid, but now my answer would be undeniably Prince Cornelius. And here is why. When it comes to Thumbelina, nothing is more important. He literally endeavours the harshness of autumn and winter to find her when she’s been kidnapped, and he never stops for one second. The only way he was stopped was when he was forced into water by the wind and was frozen alive. And even, as soon as he’s been melted free, he immediately goes to find her and fight for her. Like, you have to admire that utter devotion and dedication. And when he is with Thumbelina, he takes care of her in every way possible. If you watch him during their duet Let Me Be Your Wings, you’ll see that he always makes sure to have a hold of her when they’re flying. Like when Thumbelina bends down to run her fingers through the water, he has his arm around her waist to hoist her. He lifts her onto the boat where the Toad lives. He catches her when she falls (yes I know that’s a meme where he sings that he’ll never let her fall and then she does but the whole point of that damn part is that, when she does fall, she falls with no fear because Cornelius catches her the next second). He’s so attentive with her and the way he loves her name is just so cute. Also, I really love how he made sure Thumbelina’s mother was looked after by Hero the dog. He is so kind, heroic, skilful and loving. But then he is also funny, cocky (in the nice way), sarcastic, a cutely clumsy sometimes, and has a slight rebellious streak that is so god damn attractive. I mean, he loves flying and literally misses royal events and princely duties to fly around the world. Plus, he literally flies on his bumblebee, Buzzbee, like a motorbike, if that ain’t a badass fairy, I don’t’ know what is. You definitely can’t say he’s boring at all. Okay, that’s covering his personality kinda. Going into physical traits, he is of course extremely handsome. I have always been a sucker for red hair (and now my best friend thinks he is the original reason why). Green eyes… I mean, come on. A damn heart-melting smile and smirk. His speaking voice is as wonderful as his singing, including a hypnotising soft-spoken voice when he gets close with Thumbelina. He’s great with a sword. He shows that he’s good at dancing. And if I got anything from that last five minutes, it’s that he looks like he’s a great kisser. Like the passion in that kiss (for an animation too) is something I’ve never forgotten. He’s not overly muscular but has muscles for sure, but it’s in a slender form. And… you know… he’s a fairy. A fairy prince! I realise I really got into this answer but I really do feel like Prince Cornelius gets overlooked and… ugh, I just love him.
 20.  A song you love from that isn’t sung by the characters? Baby Mine from Dumbo.
 21. An underrated song? A Dream Worth Keeping by Sheana Easton from FernGully.
 22. An underrated ballad? Where Do I Go From Here sung by Pocahontas in Pocahontas 2.
 23. If you could be friends with a Disney character, who you would you choose? Mushu would be amazing, I’d forever be entertained.
 24. Favourite friendship? Robin Hood and Little John.
 25. Favourite villain song? In The Dark Of The Night sung by Rasputin in Anastasia. Other contenders are No More Mr Nice guy sung by Rothbart in The Swan Princess, My Lullaby sung by Zira in Lion King 2 and… of course… Be Prepared sung by Scar in Lion King.
 26. Three songs you can’t help but jig to? You’re Beautiful Baby from Thumbelina, Why Should I Worry from Oliver and Company, and Friend Like Me from Aladdin.
 27. Favourite Disney Reprise? Has to be Mother Knows Best Reprise, it’s leaps and bounds ahead of Mother Knows Best.
 28. Spell you name with character names/movies:
 Jim Hawkins
 Robin Hood
 29. How often do you watch an animated movie? At least twice a week. I’m legitimately watching Thumbelna as we type this and it’s the fifth time I’ve watched it in the last week and a half. Besides Horror, Disney/Non-Disney is my favourite film genre.
 30. What animated movies have taught you? To always believe in magic, to be kind even when no-one else is, and that there is nothing wrong with loving animated movies as an adult, animation is for everyone.
 BONUS Q: 31. An animated movie that everyone needs to go and watch right now: Hunchback of Notre Dame, I’ll guarantee that you haven’t seen it in a long time and you are missing out one of Alan Menken’s greatest achievements in his musical career and beautiful story with a powerful message.
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fromheretoasgard · 7 years
Random Marvel Cinematic Universe Ponderings - 7/24/17
Haven’t done one of these in a while. I also haven’t regularly updated my Tumblr in a while. I shall endeavor to correct that. Lot of ground to cover with this write-up that no one will read, so buckle up, because it’s going to be a long one. (For the record, I mainly write these things for MY benefit. I think it’s fun and I like getting my thoughts down. But hey, if anybody gets enjoyment out of reading this, then all the better.)
Also, if you don’t like spoilers for future MCU projects, I’ll be discussing a fair deal of them here. Just a warning.
- Consider Ghost Rider’s power level in the MCU. For the most part, he’s unstoppable. He can’t be contained, he can’t be slowed down and he (seemingly) can’t be killed. He may be lacking in physical strength, but he’s insanely durable and he can vaporize anyone with a single touch. Even in human form, just think about Robbie’s considerable healing factor: Any injury Robbie sustains is instantly healed by transforming into the Rider, and when he reverts back, he’s in tip-top shape. Plus it seems that he retains some of the Rider’s extreme durability as a human. Overall, Ghost Rider is easily one of the most powerful heroes in the MCU.
- I’m ashamed to admit this, being the MCU superfan that I consider myself to be, but I still haven’t finished Iron Fist. I still have two and a half episodes to go. Don’t get me wrong, I like the characters, and I find the storyline compelling, but it just moves so slowly. This is coupled with my extremely short attention span. I need to finish the season before The Defenders is released on August 18th. 
- This probably won’t happen, but you know what I would love to see in Captain Marvel? Well, given the film’s early 1990s setting, I think it would be really cool if we saw a CXD 23215 Airborne Mobile Command Station in use. For the uninitiated, they’re large, extensively modified Boeing jets, one of which was prominently used in the early seasons of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. used as their traveling base of operations and designated as “The Bus”. Coulson mentions in the pilot episode of the series that the planes were used by S.H.I.E.L.D. in heavy rotation in the 90s, before the agency developed the helicarrier. Also, Nick Fury is making an appearance in Captain Marvel, so it’s a safe bet that we’ll be seeing other elements of S.H.I.E.L.D. in the film. So, to put two and two together, it would make a great deal of sense to actually see a few CXD’s in use during that particular film.
- I’m worried that since the Skrulls are being introduced in Captain Marvel, that Marvel Studios will try and adapt the “Secret Invasion” storyline at some point. I do not like this story at all. I have no desire to have my favorite characters turn out to be aliens the whole time.
- I loved Spider-Man: Homecoming. In my opinion it got the character of Peter Parker a.k.a. Spider-Man completely, one-hundred right. And one of my favorite aspects of that was the fact that he quips while fighting. A core component of Peter is that in the heat of battle, even when the going gets tough, he can still crack a joke. I was delighted to no end during the sequence in the film where Peter thwarts an ATM robbery being done by guys in cheap looking Avengers masks, as he takes them out while running his mouth. “*ahem* Sup guys, forget your PIN number? Woah! You’re the Avengers! What are you guys doin’ here?”
- Personally, I’m really looking forward to the upcoming MCU series, New Warriors. I’m intrigued by the fact that it’s a 30 minute sitcom and not an hour long drama, like the rest of the MCU shows. Also, as far as I’m concerned, Milana Vayntrub is impeccably cast as Doreen Green, a.k.a. Squirrel Girl. My main question is how the series will explain how the characters got their superpowers, as in, how does Doreen develop the ability to communicate with Squirrels? Perhaps the show will just gloss over stuff like this.
- I thought the new trailer for Inhumans that they showed at San Diego Comic Con last week was terrific, and it certainly got me more excited than the first trailer they put out.
- According to Mark Ruffalo, in Thor: Ragnarok, the Hulk has not let Bruce Banner out in quite some time; he hasn’t reverted back to Banner in two years. As a result, the Hulk has gained the capability for rudimentary speech. He has “the vocabulary of a two-year-old” says Ruffalo. I think this is awesome, as I’ve always wanted Hulk to talk more in the MCU, and we can see a bit of this in the trailer for the film that they released on Saturday.
- “Last time I trusted someone, I lost an eye.” This is a line from Nick Fury in Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Since Fury is confirmed to have both eyes in Captain Marvel, could we be seeing the story behind that piece of dialogue in this film?
- According to the description of the Comic Con panel footage for Black Panther, T’Challa’s Panther suit can form around him. Betcha Tony Stark would like to get his hands on that kind of tech.
- It’s really remarkable that the emotional core of both Guardians of the Galaxy and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 is Rocket. All this from a CGI character with Bradley Cooper’s voice acting.
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In a recent meeting, Rosemann talked about the possibility of a shared universe and the near future for Wonder Activities. Merely sticking to the past decade, there's Ironman 3: The Official Sport, Marvel Avengers: Fight for Earth, X-Men: Success, Captain America: Super-Soldier, Thor: God of Mastery, The Punisher: No Mercy, and Fantastic Four: Surge of the Silver Surfer. During this period, more Marvel movies were being released, growing the movie world in seemingly limitless guidelines. There was , Marvel Super Team: The Gauntlet, a sequel released, and features a kid edition of the Thanos tale. It had been later ported to both types for iOS and Android and Xboxlive Arc, together with the ps Network, but there is simply no way to overcome the experience of a significant arcade cabinet having a joystick in your hand. No Circulation in CGI: Generally avoided by the cape physics of numerous Champions, even though the hair on specific heroes like Captain Marvel and Surprise's mohawks used to be firm as being a table and susceptible to cutting, later revisions added jiggle bones to it so that it goes more obviously. I've always liked comics and it is been lavish to view Dr. marvel contest of champions cheat and television with Captain America: Civil War, my Miracle favorites glow or movie, Jessica Smith Cage, and Rider on Brokers of GUARD. Because Marvel does not possess the movie rights for the Xmen along with the Fantastic Four (who're equally at 20th Century Fox), their heroes have been overlooked while in the cold with regards to performances in Wonder activities. Whilst the next sequel of the team is probably a more balanced (reasonably) and event pleasant subject, Wonder vs. Capcom 2 best embodies the wackiness and quirkiness that the business is known for using its sizable cast of 56 playable characters. If you wish to see your preferred characters duking out it and prefer the Marvel universe, you then must present this sport a glance. The lineup already incorporates dozens of characters, including Guardians of the Galaxy, the Inhumans, different members of the Avengers, and characters from Spiderman ‘s corner of the Marvel Universe. Warner, which possesses DC, by contrast, gets the Arkham line, which has every one of these reasonable Miracle activities carefully whipped. Please enter effect around using our contact site or to get a faster communication,send us an email or a information and we wil help you quickly should you know-how any problems with our MARVEL Match of Winners Cheat Turbine! However, the regular repetition of the format as well as the severe filling faux pas of the sport bring this Contest down a few steps. It is not yet distinct when Insomniac , Sony and Marvel is Spiderman game — or Telltaleis unnamed Miracle game, which Ong claims will delight enthusiasts — will be produced. Wonder: Tournament of Winners was created by a-team that lifestyles and breathes both Miracle and fighting activities, and that enthusiasm is apparent everywhere in the water gameplay towards the care put into Wolverine's orange spandex suit. It would actually be worth anything if this is some interface of Marvel Capcom that really performed just like a true fighting game while enabling new characters to be DL'd at like 5.99 then. Like, we could actually power experience and the knowledge of Playdom to create the highly acknowledged Miracle: Avengers Alliance sport on Facebook.
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venus-says · 4 years
Kamen Rider Gaim Episodes 01-20
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Also known as Kame Rider Fruits Salad edition.
It's time for more past rider action as I start my fifth season in this series. I honestly don't know how I'm still doing this, but I'm glad that despite my schedule problems I'm sticking with this journey because this season is a good one.
I was very excited to see this, not just because my experience with Wizard was very positive, but also because I've seen images and gifs being retweeted in my timeline and everything seemed so ridiculous I couldn't wait to experience all of that by myself, and I gotta say, they delivered! (different from that other season I saw people being so passionate about but that I disliked with passion)
And this is something funny because I have quite a lot of things about Gaim that bug me and that should make me dislike it, but even still I can't help but like this season a lot. Gaim has a certain magnetic charm to it that I don't know how to explain, putting in terms of the show I'm like the Inves and Gaim is the evil fruit of the forest taking control of my brain. This show is so entertaining that if I was able to sit down for 72 hours without being interrupted and not needing to do my physical necessities I'd definitely spend those hours watching Gaim, I'm not joking, I had to force myself to stop watching it a couple of times because if it was up to me I would sit down in front of my laptop and leave after the show ended.
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And I feel like a huge part of what makes me so interested on Gaim is this mystery feel it has to it, I wanna know where all of this is gonna go so it makes me more interested on watching more and more to see the secrets being revealed and all of that. Add a whole lot of great cliffhangers and the fact this series doesn't seem to follow the "2 episodes, 1 story" format and you make for a show that has a very good pace and that makes it feel like no episode here is filler or unnecessary.
But this is a double-edged sword because while the mystery vibe is great I feel like the show held a whole lot of information at the beginning which made it hard for me to understand this world, and understand these characters. Why is dance so important here? Why do these dance teams exist and why are they fighting each other? When did those lock seeds start appearing? And why are they in the kids' hands? What's Kouta's relation to this dance crew? Why is there a ranking for dancing crews? Why is all of that so important for these characters I'm gonna follow? I watched 20 episodes, still, I feel like I don't know any of the characters very well because neither of them had a very good base for me to have a feel of who these characters are. Which makes it harder for me to connect because I don't feel what the characters are feeling, my experience with Gaim is a very "external" one, I'm watching it and I'm enjoying it a lot but I'm not emotionally invested, I think that's the best way to put it.
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Speaking of characters, another thing that I feel like it makes it harder to know all characters is the fact that THERE ARE A LOT OF THEM. No joke, I don't know any of their names and the only Rider name I have memorized is Gaim because of obvious reasons, the way I have to connect the characters to their faces is by their main fruit, which solves things for the characters that are Riders but the side characters that don't they literally have no name for me, any given name you see in this post is because I opened the wikia and went to look for the names. This is a very crowded season.
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Kouta as a protagonist gives me a lot of mixed feelings. I overall like him, but that are times where the show makes me want to hate him, but I guess that's just how teenagers so the show has perfectly hit the nail on him. I like how he starts as a good kid trying to get a job to help support his family, but then he becomes a rider and that gets up to his head and he becomes an overconfident prick just to have his ass kicked down and throw him on a downward spiral where he "refuses the call" to then have a moment where he slowly rises again, and even in this escalation he gets doubtful in quite a lot of times showing that he's a very interesting character. I only wish we knew more basic stuff about him, or at least have glimpses of his past, to know where did he came from and be able to have an estimative of where he's going to.
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Sadly the other characters aren't anywhere near being this interesting. Kaito is just the hot-blooded rival, they decided to give him a backstory about he being anger at Yggdrasil for taking over the city but I think it only made him look more like just a teen with anger management issues rather than a compelling character. Mitchy had potential with the whole thing of being a kid from a rich family that has no freedom in regards to his future, but he more or less always followed the things I expected him to do as a character in his position so it was just a little boring. Near the end of this batch, Zack became a rider too but he's such a background character I have nothing to say about him. Junouchi and Hase lacked in personality because they were sold as a duo and they barely did anything on their own, Hase at least got more interesting things going for him since he eventually ate a fruit and died as an Inves what made him interesting where Junouchi just ended up being the keychain of another rider... and oh boy, Oren... it's kinda hard to talk about him. I'm not sure if "gay coded" is the correct term for him, probably not, but the thing is he's very problematic. First, because the show kinda sits in with Kouta's point of view and since the first meeting Kouta already showed signs that he didn't like him and that it was weird for him to see a flamboyant man with feminine trajects and he was always negative towards him. Then the show makes him be a Team Rocket villain where his character gets downed to a single goal and objective and every time he gets up on the screen is for him to be made fun of and it just makes me wanna hit my head on the wall. I know I shouldn't be surprised since last season they had the manager of Hungry Donuts that was also an LGBTQ+ character being used for comedic purposes, but at least in there, there was no portrayal of any character of the cast being uncomfortable or hostile against her so she was never seen with bad eyes or had any negative association to her (they also had a trans actor play her role which is an added bonus even though she wasn't out yet during the time of filming).
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The show also has a "second set" of riders that are the adults on Yggdrasil's side. I feel like I don't have a lot to say about them because they were in the backseat a lot during the season and only started to have a more active role on screen now so I still don't have an opinion on them. Takatora seems bland, Sid was the one of this team that had more screen time but I also don't have an opinion on him, he's just like a drug dealer there's nothing special about him other than he uses one of my favorite fruits in his rider form. Ryoma and Yoko are probably the more interesting characters from this team and I'm really excited to see more of them.
There are more characters of this cast but I don't like any of them all that much so I won't spend more time talking about them, I'll talk briefly about the Riders' designs because this post is already long enough.
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To begin with, I think it's a genius idea of mixing fruits with samurais for the main motifs of the riders, it's such a ridiculous, wild, and creative idea I wish I could be friends with whoever imagined this concept. I pretty much like all of the suits, I think the only form I don't like it's the Jimba Lemon one because it's not very aesthetically pleasing, it doesn't match very well with Gaim's basic design so it doesn't look as good to me, but I also don't like the giant watermelon suit, probably because the CGI looks weird, but I still don't like it. I love how the belts are very simple, it's a good contrast with the overly designed suits, I wish they had kept that simplicity for the genesis drivers as well. If I had to choose my favorite designs they are Gaim's strawberry, Baron's mango, Zangetsu's melon, Duke's lemon, and Marika's peach forms.
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Before I wrap up this post I have two final complaints about this whole thing. The first one is the fact I don't know what's the message the show is trying to convey. Right at the beginning, I thought it was about growing up, but that was never touched again so I'm not sure if it's that, you know? The show feels a little lost in this aspect. It is a nice story, don't get me wrong, but all stories so far had a theme and I couldn't really find the theme on this one yet. I hope that after the reveal that the forest is like a parasite they'll bring up discussions that'll highlight what this is story is about.
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My other problem is how against adults the show is. Maybe if I had watched this in my teenage years I'd be more in synchrony with the point of view of adults are liars and they're a problem, but now as an adult, I know that things aren't so simple. While I agree that using kids to gather data for their experiments wasn't the right course of action, I don't like how the protagonists are always so keen on being against adults and everything. Maybe they're like this because of how Japanese society is and to them becoming adults is like losing the sense of their own identities so to them adults are really like villains, but I still think that they hit too much on this key and it's kinda hard to watch without rolling my eyes at certain points.
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With that being said, I still enjoyed the hell out of this show and I'm very excited to continue. So, what are your thoughts about Gaim, let me know down in the comments. I'll catch up with you folks later.
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