#The purchasing part is great the spending money thing hmmm hmmmmmm
sysig · 1 year
Today: Teeth hurt, batteries are sold exorbitantly but only in person, and I think I have Tamagotchis now
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oddity-writes · 7 years
Grounded Ch.4 Pt.2
Ch.1: Pt.1 Pt.2/Ch.2: Pt.1 Pt.2/Ch.3: Pt.1 Pt.2/Ch.4: Pt.1
Part two!!!
Tag List: @nerd-in-space @satisfied-sanders-sides @omlwhatamidoing @thebaagelboy @sparklyshiz @let-me-be-the-nerdiest-of-nerds @minietina @sassy-and-messy @bookwormravenclaw @creepy-cupcakes @lizziepopanime
It was a four seated car, two in the front and two in the back. The outside of the car was a dark red, while the inside was brown.
They all got settled inside and starting driving to...'Actually, where are we going?'
Nervously, Virgil asked, "Um...where are we going?"
Roman was the one driving with Logan in the front passenger's seat. That left Patton and Virgil to sit in the back left and right respectively. Patton was the one that answered his question.
"Well, I wanted to do a whole lotta stuff, but Logan said we should start small. So...we are going to see a movie! Do you have any ideas as to which movie you wanna watch, kiddo?" Patton looked excited. Almost as if getting to know Virgil was more fun than the movie theaters.
"I've-uh...I've never been to a movie theater. I also don't really know what movies are out. I...uh...never had enough money to afford it, so instead I just didn't pay attention to that kinda stuff." Even though he had paychecks every week, it's hard to afford luxury items when you have to pay rent. Rent that is almost 3 times as much as one of your paychecks. All the while buying food and other essential things daily.
So instead of getting jealous, he ignored everything he couldn't afford.
"Oh...hmmm..." Patton seemed to get lost in his thoughts as a turned and stared out the window. "Hmmmmmm..." Thinking the conversation was over, Virgil turned towards his window. The suddenly,
"I got it!"
The sudden outburst from Patton didn't only scare Virgil. Roman swerved the car a little bit because of his surprise.
"Jeez, Patton! Don't do that! Remember the last time you did that while I was on the road? We almost crashed!" Roman's actions suggested that he has went through this before, as he had quickly acted and fixed the car from turning over too much. "You better be glad I'm used to your outbursts."
"Hehe, sorry," he nervously replied, "I just thought of the perfect movie for Virgil!"
"...is it Disney?" Roman said in a lowered voice.
"Yep!" He whispered back.
"Roman, keep your eyes on the road while driving an automobile."
"Why don't you just call it a car? You don't always have to speak nerd."
"Ro? Would you please stop calling Lo a nerd?"
"Oh, my lovely Pat, don't worry! It's all in fun and games!"
Watching them bicker, Virgil sat in his seat, quietly laughing to himself at their arguments.
When they had made it to the movie theater Logan, being the responsible adult he is, bought the movie tickets to a movie that Virgil knew nothing about. Roman told him it was a Disney movie and that was all he needed to know.
Before they sat down, Patton had asked everyone if they wanted any snacks. Virgil had refused at first. He didn't want them to spend anymore money on him then they already had. Patton had, once again, refused to take no for an answer and got a big bucket of popcorn for everyone to share. He even got a drink for Virgil, saying it was "Just in case you got thirsty."
When the movie finally started, he found out that the title was 'Moana'. He had actually seen this around online a few times. Virgil personally didn't think he would like it, but once Moana left her island in the movie, he was taken.
He didn't realize just how long he had been staring at the movie screen, until the movie ended. Roman, who was sitting to the left of him, nudged Virgil with his elbow. "So, did you like the movie?"
"Yeah...it was great." Virgil gave Roman a smile. "Thanks for taking me out."
"Hey, it was no problem! A Prince will always help those in need!"
"Okay, princey. I get it." Rolling his eyes, he looks to the right of him, towards Logan and Patton, "Thanks, you guys."
"Awww, your welcome kiddo, but the day isn't over yet."
"We are going to one more place before we stop! For today, anyway." Patton leaned over Logan, to get closer to Virgil, and said, "Logan noticed you look really skinny. He said that years of being under-fed have taken a toll on your body."
Logan didn't seem to mind that Patton was on top of him, and stated, "Yes, being malnourished for as long as you have, can have negative impacts on your life."
"Since you currently don't have the best living conditions to purchase nutritional and filling foods, we are going to take you out to eat. As well as buy you some food to take back to your apartment."
Overwhelmed, Virgil quickly stammered out, "Y-you don't have to do this...for me. Im..." Although it was left unsaid, the other three knew what he was implying.
"Don't you dare continue that thought. You are worth it, kiddo. You didn't deserve the life you were born in." Patton's serious tone surprised him. 'I didn't think he could get so...stern.' Patton continued, "Your family doesn't deserve you."
Roman added, "We all care about you Virgil. So let us do this."
By the time they left the movie theater, Virgil had tears running down his face. However, for once, they were happy tears.
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