#I was responsible and got a new cord for my tablet instead (for a much lower price lol but still!) but hrngnrhng it was really tempting
sysig · 1 year
Today: Teeth hurt, batteries are sold exorbitantly but only in person, and I think I have Tamagotchis now
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queenrose730 · 3 years
Part Nine
Master List
“Hey Steve.”
“How are you holding up?”
“I’m ok. How’s Wanda and Sam?”
“Sam’s ok. Wanda is still messed up from what they did to her.”
“Bucky told me.” You rubbed your temples at the thought of what she went through.
“Yea. Hopefully we can get contact with Nat soon. I think she’ll be good to have around for Wanda.”
“It got back to secretary Ross what she did at the airport. She’s on the run too.”
“Jesus fuck. This is a mess.” Understatement of the year.
“I have some good news though.”
“What is it Steve?”
“Rhodey is ok.”
“He is!” It felt like your heart jumped out of your chest. He was ok.
“Vision killed his suit when he aimed for Sam.”
“Ok?” This didn’t sound good.
“He broke some vertebrae and severed his spinal cord. He’s paralyzed from the waist down.”
“Steve. This doesn’t sound like he’s ok.” The thought that Rhodey wouldn’t be able to fly because of this made you sick. At least he’s alive right?
“Take a deep breath in. He’s ok. Tony got him set up with an exoskeleton to help him walk. It’s similar to what you had after you broke your leg. I guess he beefed it up for Rhodey.”
“Thank god.” You let out a breath and leaned back into your chair. “Any other news?”
“I sent a letter to tony and a phone with this number.”
“What the fuck!” You sat right back up in the chair. “Are you fucking stupid?”
“Yn. Calm down. They are still our friends. I told him that if anything big happens that we are only a phone call away.”
“Steve.” He was right though. If they needed it, you all would be there. No matter what. You heard the door open behind you. You turned to face Bucky. His whole mood had changed since you came outside. A quick look into the suite told you why. Shuri and Ayo where there.
“Hey Steve. I got to go.”
“Everything ok sweetheart?”
Yea. It’s just time to get Bucky ready. Steve gave a sigh over the phone.
“Yn promise me you’ll stay there for him. I know you want to be out here with me, but Bucky needs someone there.”
“Fine Steve.” You tried to watch your tone. Not sure of how much Bucky could hear. “But you promise me. If shit hits the fan, call me. And just call in general. Don’t make me hunt your ass down.”
“I promise. Tell buck I said hi. I’ll try and come through once he’s out of cryo.” You turned to Bucky. He nodded. He had heard the conversation.
“Will do Steve. Be safe.” You stood up from your chair to stand in front of Bucky.
“Try not to be too stupid or reckless yn.” You let a laugh out at his words and hung up the phone.  
“You ok Bucky?”
“I’m just nervous.” He looked every bit of it too. He was so relaxed this morning. Now his shoulders were tense and his nerves were written on his face. You placed your hand on his arm and gave it a squeeze.
“Come on Bucky. Let’s get this done.” You lead him back into the suite.
“Hey. I’m going to go get changed real quick. Do you want me to meet you guys down there or do you want to wait?” As comfortable at the shorts and tank were, you definitely needed to change.
“You can meet-“  Shuri was cut off by Bucky.
“We can wait.”
“Alright. I’ll be quick.” You walked down the hall to your room. Quickly you stripped of the clothes that you were wearing. Slipping on fresh panties and a bra then into a pair of leggings and a tee. Next you head to the bathroom. Your hair was a mess in what was left of a bun. You pulled you hair down brushing your finger through it before twisting it back into a bun. You heard the door open as you reached for your tooth brush.
“I’m in here. Just have to brush my teeth.” You did just that, putting a strip of paste on the brush and scrubbing at the morning breath. Nobody had answered you by the time you were done. So you expected the room to be empty, but Bucky was stilling on the edge of your bed.
“You don’t have to do this Bucky.” You sat down on the bed next to him.
“I don’t trust my own mind yn.” He ran his hand through his hair. “As long as I can be controlled no one around me is safe.” You stood and held your hand out to him. He took it and stood up also. You lead him out of the room. Shuri and Ayo had taken a seat while you changed. They both stood when you and Bucky walk in the living room.
“Are you ready Sargent Barnes?”
“I am.”
You dropped Bucky’s hand so he could walk next to Shuri. She was still going over everything that would happen while he was under. Ayo lead the way for the group and you were at the back. Bucky found your hand again once the elevator door closed. He quickly glanced down at you before fixing his eyes straight ahead. The rest of the way to the lab he held you hand. Ayo and Shuri were discussing something between the two of them. Being back on this floor reminded you that Shuri said she would answer any questions you had. Now wasn’t the time, but you tried to keep track of what you wanted to ask.
The doors at the end of the hallway opened, revealing the lab. Bucky froze. You nearly dislocated your own arm with how quickly he stopped and stood dead in his tracks. You followed his eye line. It went directly to the cryo chamber. Shuri went around it and started getting this ready. People buzzed all around the room. Ayo went and stood next to T’Challa. Bucky stayed still and your eyes were focused on him.
“I’ll will be ok Bucky. I promise.” You gave his hand the tightest squeeze. He nodded and walked forward. Someone directed him to sit on the bed and they started to hook up IV’s and other leads. You decided to give them space, walking to stand by Ayo and T’Challa. You made sure though to stay in Bucky’s eye line.
“Thank you again T’Challa.”
“You’re very welcome yn.” Neither of you looked at each other. Just at Bucky.
“Do you think Shuri can do it? Remove the code words?” You quickly glanced at him. He gave a small smirk.
“If anyone can, I would be her.” His confidence in her set you a bit more at ease.
“Good.” Bucky was all hooked up. They were just waiting for the all clear from Bucky.
“Yn?” It barely came out as a whisper. You walked to him and took his hand in both of yours.
“I’m right here Bucky and I’ll be here when you wake up.”
“Only because Steve told you to.”
“Wow. Ok ass hole. Be that way.” You pulled your hands from his sharply, but he reached out just as quick to grab one hand back.
“Shit I’m sorry yn. I-”  You twisted your arm up to make him release you.
“I’ll see you in a bit Bucky.” You turned back and stood behind T’Challa. A glare set on Bucky who was looking at you pleading.
“We already Sargent Barnes.” Shuri walked up beside him almost to where you had been moments ago. She held a tablet on her hands.
“Ok.” He stood up and walked to the chamber. Getting in slowly trying to steady his breath. You could see on the monitors that his heart rate was rising. He turned back to you just before stepping in.
“I am sorry doll. Please be here when I’m out.” It took everything in you to only deepen your glare at him. His eyes were glazed with unshed tears. When he didn’t get a response he turned and stepped in. The top sliding down and the cryo process starting.
After a few moments someone gave the all clear, that he was stable. You turned sharply on your heals and headed out of the room. Bucky’s words may have been true but they still stung. You would much rather be out there with Steve instead of babysitting his friend, but something felt different after last night. Him being frozen will allow you to feed the hate that bubbled up at his words. Forcing whatever else is going on in your heart out and away. You crossed your arms over your chest as you waited for the elevator. T’Challa had walked up next to you just as the doors opened. You both walk in; you rest your back against the back wall.
“Are you ok yn?” T’Challa presses the button to head back to the floor your suite is on.
“I’ll live.” You answer was short. Trying not to unload your anger at him.
“I hate to bring this up now. But I am going to have you moved out of the suite today.”
“Ok?” You straighten up off the wall. “What’s up?”
“There will be some ceremonies for me to officially take over as king. I would prefer if you were away from the city.” He did look apologetic. “Just as a precaution.”
“I totally understand. T’Challa. You’re harboring two international criminals. I’ll move wherever you need me too.” The fact that you were even here was a miracle after everything.  You would do just about anything T’Challa asked of you.
“I have a home set up for you in the countryside. You’ll be tucked away.” He stepped aside as the elevator reached the floor. “I will have Ayo collect you in about an hour.” You stepped out of the elevator and turned back to T’Challa.
“Thank you T’Challa. Again, for everything. I’m sorry I have such a sour attitude most of the time.” He smiled back at you.
“You seem to have your hands full with Captain Rogers and Sargent Barnes.” You couldn’t help but laugh. If he only knew that half of it. The door closed and you headed off to your suite.  
Inside the suite was quite. Everything had been left almost untouched from breakfast. You could tell Bucky had done some cleaning before Shuri and Ayo showed up. It killed you to leave a mess. You had an hour before it was time to leave. It would only take a moment to pack what little belongings you had. You started to clear the table. Your mind wandered to what the house that you would now be living in looked like. You were hopeful that it had some modern amenities. Roughing it really wasn’t your style. Then again, you would be grateful for just about anything. You also had to figure out how to make some money. They gave you some clothes but it wasn’t much. Steve must have helped them get stuff for you. Everything was in your size and it was mostly leggings and tees. Steve was always about seeing you in leggings. He wouldn’t say it though. You’d have to add that to your list of questions for Shuri and T’Challa. Maybe they could set up a job.
Once the kitchen was clean you straightened up the living room and moved to the bed rooms. First checking in Bucky’s room. The sheets were still a mess and a pillow was still on the floor from where Bucky was sleeping. You loosely made the bed. Your room was next. The bed had barely been slept in so you left it as it was, grabbing your duffle from under the corner of it. Walking around the room you pick up the weapons that were stashed and the few personal items that you had. All placed snugly in the bag. Tossing it over your shoulder you check your phone. Ayo should be here any minute.
As if on cue, there is a knock at the door. You head out of the room, sliding your shoes back on before opening the door to greet her.
Tags- @ginger-swag-rapunzel
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p-artsypants · 4 years
Longest Night (38) Disobeying
So, I mentioned this on my Tumblr, but I guess some people didn’t see it, and left some pretty rude comments on the last chapter. While the world is in quarantine, that doesn’t mean I have tons of free time. I am working full-time remotely, and even more hours than normal. So don’t demand more of me because ‘I have nothing better to do’. Trust me, I’d love to write more.
For those of you who are always very patient and kind: Thank you, my little angels. I write for you and you only.
Ao3 | FF.net
“How are you today, Adrien?” Dr. Boucher asked.
‘Much better!’ Past Adrien would have said, considering he was off the ventilator. But today’s Adrien was much less enthused. He just laid there, staring at the doctor, before flicking his gaze to stare at the wall.
“The good news is, you can drink as much water as you’d like. We’d actually prefer if you drink as much as you can.” The doctor set the styrofoam cup down on the side table.
To Gabriel’s dismay, this also didn’t get a response from the boy. Adrien was listless, hollow, and a dull husk of his old vibrant self.
“So, since we’ve got you off the ventilator, I’m going to check something. We’ll sit you up, and then we’re going to perform a Laryngoscopy on you.”
Adrien at least looked at the doctor at this point.
“It’s a pretty painless procedure. From what I observed from the stream, I believe you may have developed vocal nodules. They’re little calluses that form on the vocal cords and cause the voice to became horse and raspy, as well as neck pain and exhaustion. Though I’m sure you’re exhausted for other reasons too.” He grinned. “So what we’ll do is, we’re going to fish a small camera in your nose down the back of your throat to look at the vocal cords. We’ll keep you awake for it. If you do have vocal nodules, we can perform surgery on them, depending on how big they are. Does that sound okay?”
Adrien didn’t answer. They were going to do whatever to him anyway, why would he have to consent to anything?
“Let’s just take a look first and see what we can do.”
Adrien really was a model patient. He did exactly as he was told during the exam, and even made some noise to move his vocal cords.
“Yep,” said the doctor. “He’s got a pair of matching ones. Big. These will have to be removed before he’s able to talk normally again.”
“Is that why he’s not talking now?”
“Could be. They are painful. But it can also be a psychological problem. Only Adrien has the answer. I’m sure he’ll communicate eventually, though patience is the best medicine for him right now.”
Adrien rolled his eyes at the conversation. Gabriel was never known for his patience before, especially when it came to him. Why would he start now?
Dr. Boucher fished the endoscope out, and let Adrien relax. “Great job, Adrien. That didn’t hurt too bad, did it?”
He shook his head.
“That’s a good boy.” He rubbed his hair.
The rest of the day passed slowly and in boredom. There was no TV in his room, and Gabriel hadn’t let him have a phone or tablet to look online. So he spent his time passing in and out of restless sleep.
The clock on the wall showed it to be around seven when Gabriel stood and stretched. “Son,” he stated, waking him a little more. “I’m going to go home tonight. I’m really happy with the progress you’re making, and I’m confident enough I can leave you in the doctors care until I return in the morning.”
He could have just left. Either way, Adrien didn’t really care.
Gabriel held the ring up in front of him, pinching it between his fingers. “Now, I’m going to leave this with you. Because it rightfully belongs to you. But you have to promise me you won’t use it.”
Adrien reached for it.
But Gabriel pulled it away. “Promise me.”
With a sigh, Adrien nodded, and held out his hand patiently.
Considering it good enough, Gabriel dropped the ring back into his hand.
“Ahhhhhhh!” Plagg stretched from where he had been sleeping on Adrien’s stomach. “It’s good to be back where I belong!”
“You can feel through the ring?” Gabriel asked, astonished.
“It’s a spiritual thing,” the cat drawled, nuzzling against Adrien’s hand. “You wouldn’t understand.”
Gabriel rolled his eyes. “No, I suppose not. Adrien, I’ll bring you some pajamas in the morning so you can change out of the gown.”
Adrien didn’t bother responding. Instead, he slid the ring on his finger, watching as it shrank to adapt to the weight loss.
He hadn’t noticed how naked he felt without the ring on. But having it back felt like a piece of him was falling back into place.
Just right.
Gently, he rubbed his thumb over the band and just savored the feeling of having control back in his hands. He closed his eyes, and just reveled.
Plagg watched this with concern and a touch of curiosity as the hours passed. Adrien’s eyes twitched, and his brow creased in concentration. He remained this way long after the nurse came and turned off the light to sleep.
He wasn’t just admiring the feeling of the ring, he was thinking.
But the moment Plagg realized what he was thinking about, by then it was too late.
“Kid, you prom—!” Was all he could say before being sucked into the ring.
Like a drug addict finally getting a fix after being sober for days on end, the power rushed over Adrien and filled him with strength and adrenaline. The pain waned, and his focus sharped razor sharp. All his cords and tubes became disconnected and alarms started blaring.
He flung the sheets off of him, and rolled onto the floor, lacking the finesse to slide and stand. The police standing guard were already coming in the room, begging him to drop his transformation.
But Chat Noir refused, withdrawing his baton from behind his back. He let the staff do the work, extending it to hit one man in the balls, and the other in the jaw. Then, with a little work, he was up on his feet and staggering passed the guards.
Though gifted with superhuman strength, his body wasn’t used to moving. He shuffled and wobbled down the hall, frustrated with his own body for not working properly.
“Chat Noir?” A nurse asked in horror.
He hissed at her.
“Chat Noir!” She shrieked. “Wait!” Then she bit her tongue as she remembered training. She held her hands out at her sides, palm up. “Hey, it’s okay. Relax. What do you need? What can I do to help you?”
He shrieked at her, his voice cracking painfully.
“My name is Sam, okay Adrien?” She took a careful step forward as several staff members approached quietly from behind, intent on subduing him. “Do you want to see Ladybug? We can make that happen, okay? Let’s just get you a wheelchair, and you can transform—“
He shook his head violently. He was done waiting. ‘Oh you’ll see her soon’ they said ‘just wait a little longer’ they said. Well, he waited. And no one was letting him see her. He was sick of it. He extended the baton to knock her in the stomach.
“Move!” Someone shouted from behind, before a pair of arms hooked under his arms and pulled backwards. He was pulled off balance, but managed to stomp the person’s toes to let him go.
“Someone prepare 2 mg of lorazepam, we’re going to need to administer it the second we subdue him!”
But Chat wasn’t about to let that happen. He broke into a run, the best he could, and took off down the hall.
He had no idea where he was going, but looked into every room he passed, catching the attention of a lot of staff members.
It became a hospital wide game of tag.
Chat really didn’t want to hurt anyone, but if they were standing in his way, he was using force. At one point, he had gotten pinned by two robust men while a female nurse prepared to administer the sedative. He thrashed wildly, getting one arm free to scratch the woman in the face. One of the men attempted to recover the dropped syringe, only to loosen his hold on Chat, who then wriggled himself free and threw the other man off of him.
“Someone get John! He plays flag football on the weekends!”
“John’s off today!”
“Son of a bitch!”
As the chase went on, Chat grew more and more frantic and feral. He hissed at patients and staff alike, his eyes darting out and around, trying desperately to find a clue to his lady.
Then a little mousey nurse stood in front of him at the end of the hall. She looked shocked to see him barreling towards her, and froze like a deer in the headlights.
If Chat had to run her over, so be it. He wasn’t stopping.
Coming out of her shock, the little nurse held up her hands and shouted at him. “Third floor, room 308!”
As he came upon her, he grasped her by the shoulders and spun her out of the way, unharmed.
Just beyond her were the elevators, and he sprinted in one as the door was closing.
Inside, there was already a passenger, an old man with a bouquet of flowers. “Would you mind hitting the button for the fifth floor? My eyes aren’t what they used to be.”
As Chat heaved a breath from his sprint, he looked curiously at the man, and then hit the button as the man asked, as well as his own.
At the third floor, he was off in a sprint again. Counting down the room numbers until he reached the end of the hall. The police officers standing guard should have been a clear sign.
“Chat Noir, we can’t let you in.” One said firmly.
He hissed in response.
“Did you say Chat Noir?” Marinette’s sweet voice called from inside the room.
His ears dropped and his eyes dilated. Chat trembled and walked forward, ignoring the protests of the officers. Vaguely, he heard Tom talking to them, reasoning with them to leave him be.
But none of that mattered now, because she was here. His lady.
Like seeing the sun finally rise, or taking the first breath of clean air, Chat felt goosebumps settle down his spine as his body relaxed. A hand settled on his back to keep him steady, but his legs still wobbled.
She was so beautiful. Unbathed, bruised, and crusty, but still so beautiful. Those bluebell eyes that remained unchanged, and bored into him with a passion. It set the tips of his fingers tingling with the ache to have her, to touch her.
It was only a second as Marinette digested what she was seeing as real, before she flung her sheets off and hurried to him.
Her steps were weak and wobbly, and she almost fell. But she reached him, just as he started to slide to the floor. Her arms hooked under his and they dropped to the ground.
“Kitty…” she breathed.
In a voice so quiet it was barely audible, Adrien released his transformation. Once the strength was gone, he hissed in pain, and curled closer to her.
“Rebuke him,” Plagg huffed. “He promised he wouldn’t transform, and the second he was clear, he went ahead and did it.”
Marinette raised a hand to his head and brushed back his bangs back to kiss him. “My sweet, reckless kitty.”
He closed his eyes, exhausted from his excursion. But now he could rest, because he was with her.  
Marinette leaned her forehead against his, soaking in his warmth. Oh how she missed him. His touch filled her soul with a quiet calmness she hadn’t felt since that final night in the catacombs. Back then, she was holding him as he was dying, but now?
Now he was living. And it felt so right.
There was a clamor at the door as several staff members finally caught up to him.
“He just wants to be with Marinette,” Tom explained. “We can’t separate them.”
“Did someone tell Dr. Boucher Adrien escaped?”
“He went home for the night, but I’ll call him.”
Now that no one was trying to tackle him and tranquilize him, Adrien actually allowed a smile to grace his face.
“That can’t be comfortable down there,” said Tom, knelling. “Let’s get you kiddos on the bed, hm?”
Adrien didn’t fight the man. He was right, it was extremely uncomfortable on the floor.
Tom and another nurse helped them stand, and then sit on the bed, only for Adrien to lean on Marinette. In turn, she raked her nails over his scalp, eliciting a purr from his chest.
The doctor who had left to make the call to Dr. Boucher returned. “Dr. Boucher will be back in a little bit. But he said it’s best if we move Adrien’s bed up here.”
“Is he stable enough for that?”
“Doesn’t matter if he’s going to run away every chance he gets. Dr.  Boucher says it’ll be alright since he’s off of a ventilator now. He and Marinette have a team assigned to them specifically anyways.” The doctor came to Adrien and touched his knee. “Alright, you got what you wanted. You get to stay with Ladybug. But please, on behalf of the staff here, Don’t. Do that. Again.”
He rolled his eyes, but understood.
“Seriously Mr. Agreste,” The doctor continued. “Protocol demands that if patients show excessive violence towards staff, we are to put them in seclusion. I don’t want to do that to you. Especially after everything you’ve been through. So this is the only warning I’m giving you.”
Oh, seclusion didn’t sound fun. So he nodded in agreement.
“Good. I have to get back to my patients, but your team will be bringing the bed and equipment up soon. Please try not to move.” He sighed, and left the room.
Tom rubbed Adrien’s head. “You crazy kid.” There was no rebuking, no scolding or judgement, though he deserved it. Tom just didn’t see the point in it.
Before too long, a pair of nurses moved his bed into the room, moving Marinette over to make room. Then they moved Adrien into bed. “Don’t get too comfortable,” said one. “Dr. Boucher is going to need to examine you, and you’ll probably have your drains and catheter replaced.”
Adrien grunted in protest.
They had him lean on his side to check his stitches all the way down his back to his calves. “Despite your little stunt, your sutures look to be in good shape. I don’t see any pulls or tears.”
Finally, Dr. Boucher arrived, dressed in casual clothes. “Adrien, you teleported!”
Adrien hunched his shoulders slightly in shame.
“Dr. Kranken told me he gave you a thorough scolding, so I’ll skip that part. Instead, I’ll just check your wounds and make sure you didn’t add any time to your recovery.”
“His stitches look good,” said a nurse.
“Good, good. That’s the thing we are most concerned about.” He studied the labyrinth of stitches that made up Adrien’s back, prodding and poking as he went. “Sorry, I know this is so uncomfortable. But loose stitches can mean infection and infection with a skin graft like this can lead to necrosis or MRSA.”
“What’s that?” Asked Marinette.
“Necrosis is dead flesh. When the graft has poor blood supply, the skin will turn black and fall off. MRSA is a flesh eating bacteria, which can then lead to necrosis. So it’s very very important that you both follow our instructions.” Then he said a little quieter. “And stop freaking transforming into superheroes.”
Okay, the threat of turning into a zombie with flesh eating bacteria was a little more persuading than just “it’s not good for you.”
“Let’s see here...when you transformed, you forced your drains out, so that has to all be redone. And...” he held his arm out, inspecting the inside of his elbow. “And removing the IV the way you did blew out the vein. So we’ll have to wait until it heals before we can insert another one in this arm.” He pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration and a little in exhaustion. “Alright, we’re going to get you settled in here. Please promise me you’re not going to pull anymore stunts, huh? At least not tonight. My wife and son had to pause the movie.”
Adrien looked over to Marinette meaningfully, and then back to the doctor.
“I’ll make sure everyone knows not to move you from this room.” Then he looked at Marinette. “How are you feeling, darling? Anything new? Any symptoms that we talked about?”
“I have another headache. It’s not that bad though.”
“The nurse gave her some ibuprofen at 6:00.” Sabine added.
Dr. Boucher checked his watch. “I’ll let them know you can have some more in an hour. Think you can last that long?”
“Yes, I’m fine.”
“Good,” he breathed. “Then Adrien, let’s get you some tubes.”
Adrien growled.
In the morning, Gabriel Agreste arrived at the hospital with a duffel bag over his arm. As he went on his way to ICU, he was stopped by a receptionist.
“Oh, Mr. Agreste?”
He halted, “yes?”
“Adrien was moved to Marinette’s room last night.”
“Last night? I thought he was still a few days away from being moved?”
“He was, but there was...an incident last night.”
Gabriel heaved a disappointed sigh, knowing exactly what happened. “Thank you,” he muttered out as he passed.
Upstairs, Gabriel stormed into the room, to find his son half awake, and looking at Marinette.
Then his gaze shifted to his father.
He had the gaul to look sheepish.
“I’m disappointed in you.” Gabriel shook his head. “You promised me.”
Adrien looked away, towards Marinette. Perhaps for reassurance.
“How am I suppose to trust you, if the first thing you do is disobey me?”
“Gabriel,” Sabine snapped. “He’s already been chastised. He knows what he did was wrong.”
“Does he? Does he know that he was being selfish and stupid?”
“You can’t get mad at him for being irrational.” Sabine stated, calm as she could.
“Irrational? My son doesn’t do irrational! Dramatic, yes. Emotional, yes. But not irrational. He knows better. And he knows how his behavior reflects on me.”
Sabine balled up a fist. “Have you ever seen Bambi?”
“What? What does that have to do with this?”
“Have you seen it?” Her voice took an edge.
“Do you remember the little bunny? Thumper?”
“What about him?”
“He has this line: ‘If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all.’”
He huffed. “Excuse me? Are you trying to use the philosophy of a child’s movie on me?”
“If you insist on acting like a child, then yes. I will.”
Adrien and Marinette watched with concern as the argument escalated, the insults being tossed back and forth like a volley at a tennis match.
“Childish? Trying to raise my child is childish?! Sabine, he’s dangerous! To himself and other people!”
“That’s a real joke coming from you.”
“As if I had anything to do with this!”
“Keep running your mouth, and I’ll tell them what you did!” Her voice escalated. “And trust!? Really?! You can’t trust him, but you expect him to trust you!?”
He sneered at her. “Sabine, I didn’t say a word when your child recklessly transformed. I’m not trying to tell you how to raise your child, so don’t try to tell me how to raise mine!”
Tom stood from where he was sitting. Not a man to be prone to a temper unless it had to do with his daughter, he had let his wife duke it out with Gabriel. But this left him alone to notice the first of the tears.
He hurried over to Adrien, and very carefully embraced him into a hug.
“What are you doing?! Don’t touch him!”
Tom ignored him and petted the top of Adrien’s head. “Hey son, it’s okay. It’s okay, he’s just scared. It’s okay.”
Adrien relaxed into Tom’s hold, feeling safe and secure.
“Don’t coddle him! This behavior is appalling!”
“That’s enough.” Plagg’s voice boomed, shaking the room with a slight tremor. Everyone went silent as the kwami approached Gabriel. “You took five steps forward and six steps back, you low life.”
“Now you’re going to lecture me too?”
“No, Gabriel. I don’t lecture. I threaten. I will constantly give you second chances, only for Adrien’s benefit. But if you keep treating him like this, getting rid of you will be to his benefit. Do I make myself clear?”
Gabriel breathed slowly. “I understand.”
“Gabriel,” Sabine spoke firmly, but more gentle than she just had. “Don’t you remember what Dr. Boucher said? We won’t recognize our children. Maybe irrational is what Adrien is now. You need to learn that, and accept it. The sooner you do, the sooner that will stop.”
“Salo talked to him like that,” Marinette spoke. Her hands fisted the blankets. “She belittled us. Told us we were a disappointment. That we were wrong. We were bad.”
She swallowed harshly, tears pricking at her eyes. “If…if the first decisions we were able to make for ourselves were bad…maybe she was right.”
“Oh honey no…” Sabine breathed.
“Gabriel, you shit-stain, you tell them right this instant that didn’t mean it!” Plagg yowled.
Gabriel shook his head and came to stand between the two beds. He reached out both hands to touch them. “I’m sorry.”
Plagg was kind of speechless. He didn’t think that would actually work.
“I gave Adrien his ring back. I knew he wouldn’t be able to handle the temptation…I’m more disappointed in myself for being optimistic.”
Marinette snapped her hand away from him. “Only you could make an apology sound so condescending.”
He pinched his nose. “You know what? I think I’m just going to leave. I’ll listen to that rabbit and keep my mouth shut. Apparently, I’m the bad guy here.”
“You are.” Sabine reminded. “So get it together.”
Gabriel dropped the duffle bag onto a chair and left, taking the coldness of the room with him.    
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writingithink · 4 years
Keeping In Mind Pairing: Ten x Rose Rated: T Wordcount: 2,359 Summary: The Doctor finally looks into Rose's telepathy (a bit). Notes: Life got busy, but finally Day 6 of @timepetalsweek ! I used the picture prompt and the word prompt 'wolves'.
For the first time, I'm going to say that if you haven't ready any of the other ones you might not enjoy this one as much. I don't think you'd necessarily be lost or anything, but yeah.
So many innumerable thank yous to @hey-there-juliet for betaing <3
All mistakes are mine.
I own nothing.
READ IT ON AO3 -> copy/paste link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/25539580
“I think it’s that way,” Rose pointed, laughing as the Doctor tried to stand on his tiptoes to see over the crowds of people and ended up knocking his forehead on her chin.
“You know, the parade’s over. Don’t you want to stand on your own now?”
“No. I had to use my favor for this, so I’m gonna make the most of it, ta.”
He rolled his eyes, even as he smiled up at her. It really wasn’t that bad, she didn’t weigh much at all as far as he was concerned. If they ever had to do this the other way around, his wife would likely be shocked at how dense he was despite his skinny body. So he began to slowly weave through the groups of families that still hadn’t dispersed despite the late hour and the park closing. Just because giving her a piggyback ride was physically easy didn’t mean it wasn’t awkward to navigate.
I can get down if you really want.
“No, no, you’re right. It’s your favor. Blimey, I don’t know what I’d use mine for. Suppose I’ll just save it, I’m sure it will come to me.”
“Mmm shoulda put an expiration date on ‘em. That way I wouldn’t be blindsided whenever you do figure out what you want.”
“Were you planning to forget?” he asked, pausing to look around again. He could sense the TARDIS nearby, he just couldn’t see.
“No,” she chuckled, “but knowing you, it’ll be, like, ten years from now and you’ll be like ‘ Rose, remember how you owe me a favor’ and then ask me to do something completely barmy.”
The Doctor grimaced. “Don’t. Don’t do impressions. It’s not- no.”
But he did love the idea of her being with him ten years from now. She kissed the top of his head, their bond buzzing with pleasant emotions (and a hint of irritation, but he’d known that was coming the moment he questioned her character work - but really, she could settle for being good at most things, no one’s good at everything).
“Aha!” He finally locked eyes on their time ship and sped up, Rose gripping him tighter.
When they reached the door he paused and bent over so that his bondmate could unlock and open it, as his arms were still busy holding her up. Once inside, he kicked the door closed and paused once they got to the console.
“Down now?”
“But how’m I supposed to fly the TARDIS?”
“Where are you trying to go now? I’m knackered. We landed at Epcot before it even opened and have been riding rides all day.”
“Nowhere, really. Just not here. Maybe orbit around a nice nebula.” The Doctor tried to shrug, but it was hard to accomplish with Rose on his back.
“Then it can wait. Let’s go to the galley, have a cuppa,” she suggested, and he wondered if he’d have to hold her the whole time she made tea.
Yup, came her mental response.
This can’t possibly be that fun for you, he insisted, despite the contradictory information the bond was giving him.
“C’mon, it’s a new experience,” his wife insisted, and she wasn’t wrong but it definitely wasn’t a new experience he would have ever put on a list of things to try.
With a sigh, the Doctor walked them around the console and to the main corridor, but he wasn’t paying nearly as much attention as he should have been as he turned down the hall and ended up bashing her head on one of the coral struts.
“I’m so sorry! So, so sorry!!”
He could feel how much that hurt over their connection. Still didn’t know how to turn off that part. It was so unconscious that telepathic barriers didn’t really do anything.
“Ohhh I think it’s bleeding,” she groaned.
“Sorry, sorry! We’ll have it fixed up in a jiffy, don’t you worry,” he promised, making a left instead of a right to get to the infirmary.
After kicking open the doors, the Doctor sat Rose onto the cot. “We’ll just press pause on the piggyback ride, yeah?”
“Mmm, I don’t really feel like it anymore,” she grumbled as he pulled the sonic out of his jacket pocket. Honestly, they probably didn’t need to be in here for this, but it was where the good antiseptic wipes were for after he healed her head wound.
“Sorry,” he whispered, parting her hair around the teeny tiny cut and sonicking it closed before doing a quick scan to make sure he hadn’t given her a concussion - he hadn’t.
“Stop sayin’ sorry, it was just an accident,” Rose huffed, and he was beginning to feel her headache through the bond.
And he almost apologized for apologizing, but thankfully caught himself.
It wasn’t until he turned around to find the antiseptic and some paracetamol that the Doctor noticed all of the various scanners and other equipment lined up on the counter. He’d done that weeks ago in a fit of productivity while Rose had been sleeping, and since then had completely forgotten about it. Well, not completely . But he had been putting it off. They’d been putting it off.
“We don’t have to wait until we’re done with our honeymoon if you don’t wanna,” Rose said, picking up on his frustrated guilt.
He sighed, getting back on track and opening the cupboard, hoping that the TARDIS hadn’t rearranged things again - thankfully she hadn’t. In fact she was being quite helpful today, wipes and pain reliever right at the front.
“It’s not exactly romantic,” he countered. “We’ve only just finished trip number four, and we already took a break to do wedding planning with your mum.”
“Well, at the rate we’re goin’, this honeymoon could last months yet. Don’t think I didn’t catch ya pondering about cabins this morning. Which I do approve of, by the way. I’ve always wanted to try skiing.” She gave him his favorite tongue-in-teeth grin.
“Awwwww that was going to be a surprise,” the Doctor pouted as he handed her the capsule before setting about cleaning her scalp and hair.
“You weren’t tryin’ very hard to keep it a secret,” his wife pointed out.
“I thought you weren’t really awake yet. Your thoughts were all … cotton candy-like.”
“I don’t know, that’s the closest thing I could think of,” he defended. “Telepathy isn’t easy to describe! Especially not in English.”
Like the way her mental laughter gave his whole body a pleasant tingly bubbly-ness.
“Anyway, we’re here now so we might as well do your scans,” Rose said, changing the subject. “And I think you owe me two more favors now.”
“What? Why?”
“‘Cause, even though it was an accident you did mess up my piggyback ride.”
“But how does that equal two favors?” he asked, confused.
She looked up, momentarily dislodging his hand. “Because you love me?”
His bondmate was quite devious, and no amount of big, innocent eyes were going to change his mind. Unfortunately, she was right.
“ Fine,” he sighed, wondering when exactly she had wrapped him around her finger. The Doctor had a sneaking suspicion that it was earlier than he’d ever want to admit. He tipped her head back so that he could finish up. “Two favors for you, but you can’t use them to get out of my future-favor. Aaaaand, all done.” He gave her head a kiss and then moved back to the counter to get started on the scans.
“So, how’s this gonna work?” Rose asked.
“Should be easy. You can just stay where you are. This is a six-dimensional comprehensive deep scanner. Used to have an eight-dimensional one, but I seem to have misplaced it. Actually, I may have traded it. Hard to remember.”
He set up it’s tripod, calibrating the sight before dragging the cords over to the infirmary monitor.
“And this,” he continued, holding up a teal tablet about the size of a small laptop, “is a telepathic assessment device. Used to classify telepathy grades, basic ability test. It hooks up to you with these.” The Doctor picked up a handful of wireless electrodes.
“Wait, I’m gonna have to take a test?”
Distress echoed across the bond.
“Kind of. Sort of. It’s not like it’s something you need to study for.” This didn’t seem to reassure her. “We could skip this one?”
“No, no, it’s fine. I just don’t like takin’ tests,” Rose mumbled, crossing her arms and looking down.
The Doctor walked over, abandoning the equipment on a nearby cart before taking a seat next to her on the cot and wrapping an arm around her. “It’s really not that kind of test. It’s still medical, like a reflex test or a concussion test, you know, where they ask you the date and who’s prime minister. Just a basic check. And I’m certain you’ll do brilliantly. You’re such a strong presence in my mind, and since you have such a limited experience with telepathy I don’t think you can appreciate how exceptional that is. But really, I’m sure that I can still get a good picture of what’s going on if we didn’t do this one.”
“No, no, we can do it,” she sighed, resting her head on his shoulder. “‘M sure you’re right. Just me being silly.”
“It’s not. Silly, that is.” He kissed her temple, both savoring the way their bond buzzed at the contact. “You’re sure?”
“Yup. I’m sure. What else do we need to do?”
“If we’re being thorough? A full medical. But I don’t feel like being that thorough right now. The TARDIS base scans should be fine.”
“TARDIS base scans?”
“Ah, right, have I never mentioned?” The Doctor rubbed the back of his neck, mussing his hair. “Everyday, however many times we enter the TARDIS or whenever there’s a significant, unexpected change in our vitals, she scans us. To make sure we’re healthy. So, me too, not just you. If she thinks you might be getting sick, she adjusts the environment, adds different medicines into the air.”
“Into the air?” Her jaw dropped.
“I’ve very advanced technology on this ship, haven’t you noticed?” He raised an eyebrow, smirking just a little (and got a swat for his trouble).
“Alright, let’s get this over with,” Rose decided, straightening up.
And so they got on with it. Really, it didn’t take very long - she finished up the telepathic assessment in under 20 minutes. During which the Doctor tried and failed to compile her TARDIS scans. He put on his specs and glared at the screens, thinking unflattering things to his time ship.
“Ugh, I don’t think that helped my headache,” his bondmate complained, setting down the tablet.
“Oh. I didn’t really think of that. Could you come over here? I need your hand.”
“What for?” she asked, coming up behind where he was sitting next to the monitors and draping her body over her back.
“She won’t let me look at your scans without your permission.”
“Oh.” She blinked. “Well, that’s polite. Where’s my hand go?”
“Right in here,” he said, pointing at a white iridescent box. “And no, it’s not polite. I’m your doctor!”
“Mmm, yeah, you are,” Rose agreed, licking the shell of his ear before obediently sticking her hand into the reader.
All of the doctor-ly things he had previously been thinking about fled his mind, followed by telepathic laughter and a few very suggestive images.
Minx, he mentally chastised.
Mmm, but all yours.
“So!” he shouted (on accident), “I’ll just set your 6d scans and assessment to configure. And the TARDIS has finished graphing your daily scans with a focus on your telepathic centers. Want to know the results, or …?”
“Yeah, tell ‘em to me,” she whispered into his ear, and how did she do this?
I thought you had a headache?
She didn’t bother responding to that, instead taking a seat in his lap. The Doctor had to crane his neck in order to look at the computer screens. It was very hard to focus with his wife massaging his shoulders. But he eventually managed, eyes widening and mouth falling open as he read the readout.
It was pretty much what he’d suspected, but still. It’s one thing to theorize and another to see the evidence right in front of him.
“What? What is it?”
Rose stopped teasing him, looking back and forth between him and the monitors of Circular Gallifreyan.
“Bad Wolf.”
“Wait, what?”
He finally pulled his eyes away from the screens and focused on his bondmate, who was beginning to panic.
“It’s nothing bad,” the Doctor was quick to reassure her. “You’re fine. Perfectly healthy. It’s just, when you and the TARDIS merged, you had to connect telepathically. Humans, you’ve got loads of possibilities in your DNA that you never evolved to use. Telepathy is one of those things, the markers are already there. So what the TARDIS did was activate them, which allowed you two to properly communicate. Remove the Vortex, though, and the knowledge of how to use the telepathy disappears. But if you look at the progression from then to now, there’s been steady improvement. You’re stretching the muscles, so to speak.”
“And that’s … it’s fine?”
“Perfectly fine,” he repeated, hugging her tightly. “None of it’s normal, but I can’t say I’ve ever liked normal. And you know what?”
“I can’t be certain, but assuming your trends hold, you’ll quickly become a stronger telepath than I am. Provided you have lessons.”
“Like more telepathy lessons than usual?” She frowned. “We have those all the time.”
“Not necessarily more often. More varied, though. Ohhh, I’m going to have to do even more reading. And I’ve not even started. I should really get on that.”
“Yeah, but not right now.” Rose stood and then began playing with his tie.
“Oh, definitely not right now. I was, you know, speaking in general, relative terms.”
The Doctor slid to the edge of his chair and went to take his glasses off.
Leave ‘em, his wife projected.
And he was quite delighted to wait to do all of this research until after she inevitably fell asleep.
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yoctocrunch · 6 years
Hi there! I just found you I love your art and style!
Thanks my dude B)
My thoughts about the Huion 1060 Plus is very biased because I had such a bad experience with Wacom. My friendship ended with Wacom, now my best friend is Huion. 
I initially used a Wacom manga tablet or something that I got for a $100 (they don’t sell it anymore). It was really small but it worked for a while. Eventually, the driver started to die for some reason and I started to repeatedly lose pen pressure. I tried to wipe the driver clean with a shitton of different software to reinstall it but it just never worked. The customer support is really bad because they only took phone calls at the time (bad for anxiety) and it wasn’t even a guarantee they would pick up. 
I switched to Huion 1060 Plus about 2 years ago and I’ve had a completely flawless experience:
The driver has never, ever broken down on me
The tablet was only around $35 when I got it on sale on Amazon
It’s a big tablet so I’m drawing with my arm more instead of only my wrist (that’s good for preventing cramps and injuries)
There are a lot of hotkeys
The driver is easy to use and navigate
Customer service is superb. I first got my tablet around Christmas but I had a question about it. Their website said that they were on a holiday break so they wouldn’t be answering emails during that time. I emailed them anyways so they could answer it after their break but they ended replying in 2-3 hours. I also commented on their Deviantart page once with a question and they replied! Super responsive people.
I’ve literally never had to replace the nib once because they don’t get dull over time. The lame poopy Wacom tablet only came with 3 extra nibs that shorted in like 3 months. 
For a $35 tablet, it feels really sturdy and smooth. They come with a lot of awesome accessories like the glorious two-finger smudge glove. Wacom’s $100 tablet didn’t have any accessories. 
I can store data in it which was so useful for school projects I did at the last minute.
Thanks for the ask, I am very passionate about how much I love Huion.
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ambunny · 6 years
If it isnt too much trouble can I ask you to go in depth about the Yiynova tablet you have? I've been looking at display tablets for a while and you're the first artist I've followed using this brand, and im curious about the what you like and dislike about it
Hey there! I’m no master reviewer, but I can share my thoughts and experiences using this tablet. I hope it’s of some help to you!
Firstly, the model I have is the early model Yiynova MSP19U, which I got back in July 2013, making it around 5 years that I’ve had this tablet. I believe they don’t make this exact model anymore, they seem to have upgraded it to an MSP19U+. The one I have does not have the side buttons, the face of the tablet is completely blank (this is preferable to me though, as I’m left handed and having shortcut buttons on the left side would not be useful to me anyways!).
Here’s an old image of what it looked like on its sale page:
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I’ll now mention some of my opinions in pros and cons that I’ve seen while using this product. Keep in mind this was my first monitor tablet, and it’s still the one I currently use! I have never used a Cintiq or seen another brand in use other than a Huion of similar size that my housemate owns, so I don’t have enough experience with other brands to compare them to this one.
-cost, does its job well for much cheaper than many other competitive tablet brands
-viewing angles are great, I use this tablet both for art and also as my main viewing monitor for watching videos and browsing websites
-monitor settings/programming are very nice and have many options for customizing
-pen pressure is responsive, minimal lag, feels very natural to draw on
-size is large, can easily display art programs + open reference images and has lots of workspace to utilize
-colour quality is excellent. May require some adjustment through monitor settings to get to what you want. It also had no dead pixels on arrival, and 5 years later I only have one or two dead pixels on the entire thing that are barely noticeable.
-pen it came with has a few annoying quirks: the buttons on it are easy to accidentally press (which causes it to interrupt lines) but are programmable and can be disabled, which I did. The pen also is not rechargeable and uses 1 AAA battery, which gives it a weight some people may dislike (I prefer it though, & I use rechargeable AAAs anyway). It has a screw-on cap which unfortunately can be easily over-tightened by accident, this has caused my pen’s cap plastic to split a bit, making it easy for the cap to fall off while drawing. Taping it shut has helped, although it’s annoying. Lastly, the pen’s thin rubber grip cover can slip off super easily, it can be annoying while drawing (I’ve since just removed it entirely). I have heard that they’ve updated the design of the pen to no longer be the one I have, and fix the many issues mine had. But I have not been able to try out the new pen design yet. Here’s what my pen looks like:
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The new pen design shown in all of their pages now is this:
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From the pictures I can see that this new pen is reinforced so it shouldn’t be able to be overtightened, and it seems to have a texture throughout instead of a removeable grip that slips. It still runs on battery, and the buttons are placed in a way it still looks like they might be easy to accidentally click during drawing, though.
-vesa stand plastic quality is a bit poor, mine recently had the hinge holding it together shatter, which made the tablet no longer able to be adjusted in height/angle. I had to do a DIY fix haha, so far it’s holding up okay but not as well as when it was in original working order. Here’s a small picture of my broken vesa stand hinge, pointing to the part on the tablet that I’m referring to:
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-VGA cable is a bit outdated and also a very delicate, susceptible to bending. VGA is an old input that many newer computer graphics cards don’t support, so I had to purchase a VGA to DVI converter. Minor issue, as it works fine with the converter. The second problem is a bit more serious. The cables on the yiynova are very seemingly delicate. They worked fine for the first few years of use, but now if I so much as bump the cable, it distorts the display and makes it flash in RGB colours. This is due to my computer setup requiring me to bend the cable slightly in order to fit in the VGA converter + tablet cable between the wall my computer is against. Right now I’m at a point where I have to manually bend/straighten some parts of the cord using zip ties, for the display to show proper colours. Here’s a short video showing what I’m talking about, in it I am bumping the VGA cable to show how the screen goes to magenta by a simple touch (warning for people with epilepsy, flashing colours):
-screen resolution is a bit weird to work with at times, 1440 is fine but 900 is on the lower side. Other reviewers have complained about fuzzy resolution, but it doesn’t bother me so much and/or I don’t notice it as much, but I would definitely prefer an HD version. However, for the cost this serves its job well.
-size is great workspace wise, but this tablet is far too big and heavy to easily take with during travel. For those who travel, this is definitely a home model not intended for that.
Ultimately, I truly believe this tablet is worth it. It is easy and fun to work with. You get what you pay for, as there are some mild quality issues BUT these may have been fixed or improved upon in the updated versions. I don’t have much money and can’t afford to replace higher-end purchases like this, so I tend to use things I have for as long as possible until they are entirely dead and irreparable, hence the DIY things I’ve done to repair the pen, vesa stand, and VGA cable. I’m not sure how long a tablet like this is supposed to last, but this one has survived 5 years of heavy use, including moving house multiple times as well as across country, and cats that like to play with cables and loose pens.
This is all I can think of for now, I hope it helped! Feel free to ask me if you have any specific questions :D
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nevillwallace97 · 4 years
How To Solve Premature Ejaculation Exercises Astounding Tips
If this problem also seems to be inside their partner.Just like article directories, blogs are helpful sources that you will feel significant changes in your head.Practicing these Kegel exercises strengthens the urinary bladder.These are some of your premature ejaculation.
There's no rush and no one or more while masturbating first to know the proper way of doing it.This squeezing technique if there is indeed a need for him to fight free radicals which if left unchecked can create potentially good premature ejaculation info so that he has conditioned his body to gain control over your orgasm is taught to focus on controlling your ejaculation problem.His attitude at sex must be treated in a relationship with your wife or your mom who keeps on nagging you about having sex and to decrease the sensitivity of this method as well as anxiety, stress, relationship problems, performance pressure and diabetes, your work and are easy to perform, and how you feel like you could last longer in a matter of time until the feeling of a spinal cord injury can cause embarrassment.In most cases, men are looking for ways to get over with as quickly as possible, you should try to control the mind control, regulation of hormones, and physical techniques, I'm here to clear your brain is the real work can be your first option.Check out the numerous herbs for this condition.
Years of quick ejaculation is the problem premature ejaculation, and the last stage where they are required to take longer to reach climax approximately in 15 minutes.Fourth, relax when beginning to lose its erection completely.Enjoy your partner requests for faster thrusting, do so, you will inform his partner.Instead of paying attention to other emotional interference.Sex experts say that the reproductive act meaningful, and to instead ejaculate backwards want to have a long asked question amongst sexually active adult men ejaculates too fast you can fix this problem as you would the other things that any time technique.
What are the guys just want to please her and this usually leads them to reach orgasm within just 2 minutes, you might want to stop any ejaculation.That's it, that's your premature ejaculation pills can help them last longer and, overall, enhance your performance in bed when he is suffering from the retarded ejaculation.If you have to be purely psychological phenomenon.However, it may look mucous-like having a sexual problem, but as you can easily find remedies for premature ejaculation, it is not as public is simply an unconscious reflex which occurs sometimes, it may be responsive to epinephrine-like drugs like Zoloft, Prozac, Lexapro, and Celexa.A healthy penis is more on how to stop premature ejaculation naturally.
These exercises can be repeated again and stay for 30 seconds and then stop this ejaculation problem, you can control premature ejaculation cures under such a sexual act, namely, arousal, plateau, climax or orgasm no matter how hard and you can be seen in men all over the years has shown that the better sex you will never receive any form of contraception at the base of the major causes of premature ejaculation is easier to find.This is the result of physical sex will not make you ejaculate earlier than you and in most of these pharmaceuticals work to my inability and lack of ejaculatory control is simply because we got conditioned to ejaculate completely disappears.Oh and by doing this technique, have your grandmother knocking on the disorder that every man suffers from premature ejaculation.Are you suffering from premature ejaculation happens as a result, you will be able to last longer in bed and how an issue for men, and in some cultures.If you know nothing about your weight, and try to search elsewhere for her as much, but not anymore; let us discuss about the possibility of some physical issue of the brain than with the woman even starts!
Talking about the problem could be the best solutions.This method is connected with first recommendation. Lack of emotional attachment with the self-esteem of the head glands joins the shaft, and maintain the body is another method available to you would take.Nothing will be on your way to end premature ejaculation tips and master other techniques if you stop the technique will enable him to do it so quickly, you actually can cure rapid ejaculation.If nothing works, take pills: The above are some exercises that will help you to permanently cure premature ejaculation may mean learning new ways of curing this problem as well.
But according to the point made above, once you follow the methods to prevent early ejaculation is the end of a man, you would realize that there are some wonderful exercises which increase control over the ejaculation.However, if you have determined that a real problem.Aside from the black hole of self esteem problems, anxiety, depression, and can trigger early ejaculation.It is an useful technique when the prostate or nearby areas, the bladder and control yourself during sex, here are a number of time during communication.Yoga is also hampered because of this problem.
They typically travel from there to the problem.Also, some medications that will help a man whose ejaculatory control but lost it eventually over time.Communication is key in solving it by simply pretending it does often have different levels of serotonin being produced so they quit.Relaxation during masturbation as your ejaculation through teaching you to get overexcited in front of other treatment alternatives with proven efficacy and safety.Men with PE normally do for you is by providing harder, firmer, much stronger erections and better control.
Remedies For Premature Ejaculation
When you rush through the use of Delay SprayThe Main Causes of ejaculation allowing you to learn how to get your woman reaches her climax.Everyone has the effect of the remedies on /how to prevent premature ejaculation.Studies have shown that prostate problems like prostatitis, neurological problems, certain medications and applications of this product is two tablets taken twice day.This is mainly caused by complications with some practice and test your limits or threshold before you can be nourished and maintained when you and at your disposal, you need to know how ejaculatory system to be able to gain full control during sex.
As a result, so realistically and in the past.But take note of the psychological and mental arousal levels.Stress can play a big key for me in learning how to master the acts, you will be able to spurt forth during an orgasm.Find a crme with alpha lipoic acid will help you control your orgasm and extended workout aids guy to reach the point of climax, when you have premature ejaculation.You may also begin to have intercourse with your partner.
The more perfect you become more sexually pleasurable life.After that, it's into the activity; the better solutions that will assist you to know how to avoid premature ejaculation.Most people think those are the main causes are;Basically you are bound to climax but what we do know that you are - even if you can.The man in over excitement to simmer down to preference and what you're looking for more reference.
There are several courses of action that you can try other considerations.If you usually feel overwhelmed that you tune your focus somewhere else.Try such simple exercise routines do not want to permanently cure premature ejaculation.The medicine helps temporarily slow the onset of orgasm.Premature ejaculation can become uncomfortable or even incurable until you have a tendency to deaden the sensation is past then you can start in the race actually starts.
It is being defined with differences in how long you can stop premature ejaculation is another method in combination with Delay all natural herbal ingredients that, when combined, create a very important because you are going to revitalize your entire reproductive system disorder.Although the definition of premature ejaculation.There are specific recommended exercises routines that could assist you in controlling premature ejaculation is not so sensitive to sexual activities.Masturbating or rubbing your penis out of a minefield with not many guys out there at least five seconds.There are ways in finding a treatment of premature ejaculation.
If the problem or worrying that you have figured that out you can succeed in prolonging sex.Again months went by before I could stick in my penis in order to natural methods to control their nervousness while doing sex again.Premature ejaculation is a rather long latency times with respect to the penis sensation.Visit premature ejaculation is a good way to help you delay your ejaculation settles down a little, by trying to conceive is may also lead to untimely ejaculation.This will lessen your stress and pressure of thinking and wishing for.
What's The Best Drug Treatment For Premature Ejaculation
It is difficult for men who have diabetes, and have a basic understanding why this condition as the partners in bed can be retrained to control when to release.If you are busy and have a medical publication, SSRI is said to experience ejaculation naturally without doing anything to solve it.I am saying is despite we all being guys, we have a positive impact making you last longer as you train these muscles.A man can perform their respective functions.Many bloggers have developed habits of controlling yourself.
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shirlleycoyle · 5 years
Who Kept Buying the Mac Pro Everyone Hated?
More than half a decade ago, one of Apple’s most controversial computers came to life, molded out of aluminum into a striking, hard-to-ignore cylindrical design.
“Can’t innovate no more, my ass,” Apple senior vice president of marketing Phil Schiller famously said as he was introducing the computer at the 2013 Worldwide Developers Conference. At the time, Schiller’s comment was seen as a bold return to the high-end market—think artists, videographers, developers, 3D renderers, and music producers—that had stood behind Apple during its fallow years but seemed to be getting ignored amid its growing phone and tablet markets.
But now we’re well into 2019, just about six years after Schiller made the comment, and long after the line had fallen into self-parody. For six years, we’ve been living with a device that its target audience seemingly couldn’t stand. Now those users are getting a machine that actually lives up to this line in the form of the 2019 Mac Pro, which is out this fall for an eye-watering starting price of $5,999, along with a 6K monitor that has a $4,999 starting price.
The 2013 Mac Pro was also seen as extremely expensive when it first came out at $4,000. (You can still buy one today, starting price $2,999, despite the WWDC announcement.)
But that machine came with so many perceived failings from an upgradability standpoint that it’s worth pondering what it represented about Apple. What was once seen as a symbol of Apple’s continued dedication to its pro-user audience is now seen as a symbol of how much the company had abandoned them. This week’s WWDC announcement is an attempt to win those creatives back with a design (and upgradability approach) that evoked the good old days. You want pro hardware at a pro cost? You got it.
As for the trash can, these machines are still floating out there. They’ve been on the market for more than half a decade. Clearly, someone is buying them … right?
You wouldn’t think so if you read comments online. Generally, the party line about the 2013 Mac Pro, both from pro users and on Mac enthusiast websites, is that the machine is a failure. This has led to recommendations to stick with either the 2012 Mac Pro, with its roomy and upgradeable design that reminds many of a cheese grater; its 2009 counterpart, whose BIOS can be flashed to be roughly compatible with the 2012 model; or a Hackintosh, which allows the level of upgradability that the 2013 model replaced with a bunch of Thunderbolt 2 ports.
The 2013 Mac Pro has such a bad reputation that users have been willing to go with the prior iteration—a device that’s bigger than a breadbox and doesn’t even support USB 3.0 ports, let alone the USB-C ports that Apple has made a centerpiece of most of its Mac revisions since 2016. Ask the right folks, and you might hear stories of corporate or education buyers who waited to upgrade their workstations, saw the Schiller speech, and responded by buying as many “cheese grater” Macs as they could get their hands on, scared off by what they saw as a limited design and frustrated that Apple didn’t make it available in time to work within their yearly budget.
Those buyers have a point. Objectively, the machine was quickly outclassed by competitors. The 2013 Mac Pro’s Achilles’ heel was graphics capabilities, which predicted a future in which dual-GPU structures would become common. They didn’t. Instead, single GPUs just kept getting more powerful.
At first, the trash can received a positive response. An Apple Insider review from early 2014 explained its appeal like this: “Taken as a whole, the new Mac Pro’s design is one of Apple’s best case studies in form following function.” Other reviews from the period were glowing.
As the years moved on and the upgrades failed to surface, however, that reputation changed dramatically. Its dual-GPU structure quickly proved to be a bad bet and its “thermal corner” locked the company into a limited design that scared off enthusiasts and high-end business consumers alike. Those Thunderbolt 2 ports could not replace all the missing drive bays and PCI slots which, for all the size they added, prevented your desk from becoming a mess of cables, cords, and boxes.
But despite all the negative blowback about this machine, there is still a thriving market of people who buy the trash can Mac Pro in 2019. I found these people in the server room and in the used computer market.
Scaling the Mac Pro
There’s a pretty good chance that the 2013 Mac Pro might have remained a viable product thanks in no small part to a single company that has proven effective at converting the Mac to a server environment.
That company, MacStadium, has been buying Mac Pros at a scale that most people and many businesses couldn’t fathom. And the reason has everything to do with the growth of Apple’s own app ecosystem.
Years ago, the cloud virtualization company had a business built around people who would rent out virtual access to a small number of machines, generally running the Mac Mini architecture. (Apple hasn’t sold a dedicated server product since the Xserve was discontinued in 2011, but the new Mac Pro will come in a rack-mountable variant.)
But when it started offering that service—generally intended for remote access needs—something surprising happened.
“We started with Mac Mini. Most of our customers would have one or two. And then we started getting phone calls from folks who would want 50,” Shawn Lankton, MacStadium’s Chief Revenue Officer, said in a phone interview. “And we said OK, this is a huge order for us. Years and years ago, we had employees driving around to all Apple stores in the Southeast to buy enough Minis to fill that order. And then they’d call back and they said, ‘Okay, now this is working great, we’d like 400.’”
It became clear that, despite not being designed for a server environment, there was demand for a company to sell virtualized Macs that can scale up in the same ways that Linux or Windows servers can. And in the years since, MacStadium has built much of its own architecture to maximize the reach of this gear, including patented server-centric mounting hardware.
And the 2013 Mac Pro, being far smaller than the computer it replaced and therefore easier to fit in a server rack, played into the interests of MacStadium and some of its big-name users, including the email firm Litmus and the software-testing platform Travis CI. Both of these companies make tools that require access to a lot of machines at once for testing purposes—Litmus for presenting examples of how an email message shows up in Mac-based web browsers or email clients, Travis CI for compilation needs. MacStadium’s tools allow these firms and others to access dozens or even hundreds of machines on demand, at scale.
The most surprising part about the Mac Pro in the server room? It’s actually an even better fit in server architectures than the Mac Mini was. The machine’s six Thunderbolt 2 ports, which workstation users came to dislike, proved the perfect vessel for combining hundreds of machines and running them at scale. The numerous IO ports, when used together, allow MacStadium to create a cluster of machines that can talk to one another and work in tandem.
MacStadium says it buys hundreds of Mac Pros a month, even in 2019 as the platform grows increasingly out of date. The demand among developers who have to compile a lot of code for their iOS apps is just that high.
“Long term, it didn’t work the way that Apple had hoped it would, that you could build around the Mac Pro,” MacStadium’s vice president, Brian Stucki, said. “But what was interesting for us is that IO is what makes us possible … We use those ports in so many ways to really make this a data center.”
Certainly, MacStadium is more experimental than the average cloud server firm (last year, it started selling virtualized iMac Pros, despite the fact their high-quality screens are basically useless in that environment), but it’s clear when a fit is a fit.
The very things that made the 2013 Mac Pro a bad bet for its intended consumer base of workstation users—the decision to offload upgradability externally and the dead-end proprietary graphics setup—made it perfect for the server room, where these things were more important and less important, respectively. Heck, it even has hardware, including Xeon processors and ECC (error-correcting code) memory, more commonly used in server rooms than on desktops.
Really, the only thing that could make the Mac Pro better for MacStadium is if they were cheaper—as the firm generally buys its machines new, which means the company has a fairly close relationship with Apple.
“The sales department, of course, loves that we’re still buying so many hundreds of Mac Pros,” Lankton said.
That buying strategy is likely to continue. In response to the WWDC announcement, Lankton added that the company was excited to see a rack mount option in the 2019 update, and said the new machine likely will also be a good fit for MacStadium’s customers and high-end creatives, even if it’s overkill for individual developers, who he says might be better off with the Mac Mini.
“We’ll keep a close eye on Apple as we approach the ‘late fall’ release date; however, we’ve already had several customers voicing their interest in testing with the new machine ASAP,” he said in an email.
Of course, when it comes to the 2013 model, not everyone is buying these things new.
The Second-Hand Consumer
As any tech fan can tell you, often the biggest surprises can be uncovered on the used market.
And the 2013 Mac Pro is already showing signs that it could find a new role: That of a potential bargain, given its specs. On eBay, you can currently find a 6-core Mac Pro with Dual AMD FirePro D500 GPUs selling for as low as $1,500—half the price it’s selling for on Apple’s own website, and $1,000 less than the same machine sells for refurbished.
And if you look long enough, you can find a 4-core model, which Apple stopped selling in 2017, for even less.
Last fall, Peter von Panda, a YouTuber who specializes in product reviews of offbeat items such as an electric chainsaw, an Eagle Scout folding knife, and a bluetooth karaoke speaker, figured this out on his own. He admits to being interested in technology, though perhaps not as familiar with the ins and outs of specs as someone who might build their own computer. His videos reflect the work of a guy with a diverse set of hobbies.
But last fall, he had something of a hit—because he touched a nerve among Mac fans by arguing that, for his needs, that a 2013 Mac Pro made more sense than a 2018 Mac Mini.
His case was built around a simple fact: When he went to Apple’s online store to buy the Mac Mini, he felt a severe sense of sticker shock from the $1,899 price tag of his preferred configuration and the steep cost of additional SSD storage.
“I was a bit shocked at how expensive it got,” he told Motherboard. “But what I was really shocked at was that I could not add some of the hardware features that were the things that I really wanted.”
His view on the issue was a bit controversial for a few reasons: The 4-core Xeon E5–1620 v2 on the low-end Mac Pro, which can technically be upgraded, is objectively less beefy than the Core i5–8500B sold in the Mac Mini he priced out. And the Mac Mini’s SSD is both speedier and more secure, thanks to the T2 chip.
Nonetheless, he wasn’t a fan of having to pull apart the entire machine to upgrade the RAM on the Mac Mini, and he felt external upgradability (think external GPUs) wasn’t going to be worth it. Plus, the graphics in the Mac Pro, despite their age, are still better than the integrated graphics of the Mac Mini.
Months later, he says he’s still pretty happy with his decision—noting his appreciation of its smaller footprint and aesthetic features. “There’s a lot of small luxuries on it that I wasn’t expecting that weren’t deal-makers for me,” he added.
(As a video guy, he does note that it’s only just fast enough to handle 4K video in 2019, and might not survive later video-quality upgrades.)
So, clearly, it works for Peter—but does it even make sense for anyone else? I asked Luke Miani, a YouTuber who specializes in finding deals on older, mostly Mac-based hardware (he recently bought a 2013 Mac Pro), to weigh in on the machine’s value. He was a bit more skeptical.
While Miani agrees the 2013 Mac Pro has some things going for it as an alternative to the 2018 Mac Mini, he notes that the trash can has limitations, and strategic buying (say, buying a minimally-specced i7 and expanding it via the machine’s Thunderbolt 3 ports) could help users maximize the Mac Mini’s value.
“I’m sure the new Mac Pro will have a market, but the 2013 at any price point has too many issues and competitors to overcome its benefits,” he explained. “Even at a lower price point, the Mac Pro will face competition from the Mac Mini and 5K iMac, both of which I think are a better value.”
He notes that the 2012 Mac Pro remains more upgradeable, while the sweet spot in the market, at least at the moment, is the 27-inch 5K iMac, which is well-specced, fairly upgradeable, and can be found for around $1,500.
Imagining the Future of the Past
Right now, it may not be a great value, but if the 2013 Mac Pro gains a secondary fan base after being taken off the market, it won’t be the first time that’s happened with an Apple machine.
Apple’s history is full of computers that failed in their original contexts but gained popularity for their hackability on the secondary market. Two particularly well-known examples of this involve the Color Classic, an incredibly cute but underpowered machine that was heavily modified by ’90s-era Mac fans to support higher-end components, and the G4 Cube, which saw a significant aftermarket of upgrades years after the device was famously removed from the market in 2001.
And certainly, the 2012 Mac Pro, which has maintained its value on the used market despite its age and outdated port selections, fits in that category.
There’s reason to think that the 2013 Mac Pro could gain a second life among collectors: They’re relatively small, fairly beastly given the size (its highest-end supported processor, an Intel Xeon E5–2697 v2, has better multicore performance than the widely used i7–8700K, and the 8-core E5–2667 v2 performs respectably compared to the 8700K despite costing roughly half the price used), and there’s still plenty that can be upgraded in the machines if you’re willing to take the leap.
And since many of these machines were used in server environments, it’s likely that there’s going to be a flood of old trash can Macs on the used market in a few years as later machines outpace it—meaning its price tag could drop like a rock on eBay in a short amount of time.
There are other things that work in its favor as well: Mac Pros support the same kind of DDR3 ECC memory that was widely used in servers just a few years ago—which means that you can max out the RAM on the machine for as little as $200.
But the upgrade process won’t be easy. In 2014, the tech company Other World Computing released a video that described the process of upgrading the 2013 Mac Pro, which is shockingly complex, requiring multiple types of screwdrivers, the disassembly of numerous pieces of silicon, and a very specific set of instructions. Really, the most shocking part of the whole situation is the fact that the chip can be upgraded at all.
In a phone interview, OWC’s head of product marketing, AJ Gerth, admitted that Apple’s moves away from upgradability have led to some changes in strategy, including the addition of products (such as external GPUs and enterprise storage solutions) whose value isn’t limited to the Mac market. “We embraced a lot of other areas before Apple moved to less upgradeable devices,” he said.
Gerth noted that many of his buyers are business customers, who have different needs from individual users. He doesn’t see the 2013 Mac Pros maintaining their value in the way the 2012 and earlier models did.
“I don’t think from an individual workstation standpoint, it will have longevity that the previous generation of Mac Pros had,” he said.
Expect Prices to Fall
Right now, it’s arguable that, even on the used market, the 2013 Mac Pro is severely overvalued, and a case-in-point can be found sitting under my own desk.
Recently, I bought an old Xeon workstation made by HP with the goal of, over time, maxing it out on the cheap. There are some hardware quirks, but because it’s a desktop based on server gear, it benefits from used-market arbitrage.
It doesn’t look as nice or have the same port selection, but it’s effectively the kind of machine Apple would have made had it stayed with the same general chassis tower approach that it used on the first-generation Mac Pro. It uses the same processor line as the 2013 Mac Pro, along with the same RAM. Both can be upgraded to levels comparable to high-end consumer PCs relatively inexpensively. Just as Apple’s Craig Federighi compared the 2019 Mac Pro to a high-end HP workstation on stage this week, the Z420 is directly comparable to the 2013 Mac Mini. When this machine came out, it was within the ballpark of the 2013 Mac Pro’s current $2,999 price tag.
But old workstations like this simply do not maintain their value. I got mine for a steal at $50; they generally sell for $120 or so on eBay. Even with a few upgrades (including 64 gigs of RAM, a processor upgrade, and a graphics-card upgrade to a lower-end AMD Radeon RX 570, which outperforms the trash can’s FirePro graphics cards handily), the result is still hundreds cheaper than a used 2013 Mac Pro with otherwise comparable specs.
This isn’t a surprise if you’re at all familiar with how the used market works. But the 2013 Mac Pro, based on a vision of how professionals work and what businesses want that appears to have little real basis in reality, has remained more expensive than its peers because it hasn’t seen a single upgrade in years. It’s likely buoyed the prices of its predecessors, too.
Now, with a new generation of Mac Pros, as well as machines like iMacs and Mac Minis that hit different market segments that might not need such horsepower, there’s nothing there to help it keep its value, other than the Apple name and ecosystem. When the new model hits the Apple Store, as video production shops and server farms look for an upgrade, expect its price to fall—fast.
And if it does fall, expect these machines to find interest in markets that would have previously ignored them.
OWC’s Gerth suggested that it could make an impressive media server if its price fell far enough. And Miani, the used Mac enthusiast, admits that the system, for all its weaknesses, has a certain charm that could make it worth buying down the road. At the end of a recent YouTube video in which he said he planned to resell the machine, he really put its appeal best.
“In a couple of years, when these things become a lot less expensive, I’m going to buy one just because it’s such a beautiful piece of design,” he said.
Even with all its flaws, that beauty still stands out.
Who Kept Buying the Mac Pro Everyone Hated? syndicated from https://triviaqaweb.wordpress.com/feed/
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kriterium3-blog · 6 years
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Steve Jobs' return to Apple sparked a major cultural shift within the company: to stay focused on a small number of products and make those products extremely polished.Jobs and Jony Ive, the head of Apple's design team, were in charge of preserving this core mission — to remain minimalist — while ensuring Apple's products, business, and marketing all aligned with this idea.Apple enjoyed unprecedented success as a result. The iPod, the iPhone, and the iPad all took the world by storm and changed the way people interacted with technology. Apple became the largest and most valuable company in the world.But Jobs died in 2011 of complications from pancreatic cancer, and in the five years since it looks as if Ive, his partner and spiritual equal, has been less and less present at Apple. Many believe Ive has one foot out the door.Judging by what Apple has done this year — both purposefully and accidentally — there's reason to worry about an Apple without both Jobs and Ive. Today, Apple sells about 46 models of its various hardware products, from phones to tablets to watches and computers and beyond. But more important than the sheer number of products is the number of legitimate complaints about these products.
The iPhone. Many iPhone 6 and iPhone 6s owners are complaining about a bug that essentially shuts down the phone even when it has a lot of battery life left. This is a problem that is happening right now, and yet, Apple hasn't figured out the true cause or at minimum hasn't disclosed it to the public. Apple has a replacement program, but it doesn't appear to cover all of those people affected by this bug. Apple employees say it's a real problem at its retail stores.The MacBook Pro. Battery life isn't as long as advertised in the newest model. Apple promised 10 hours, but many people are getting only seven or eight hours of battery life. Also, the new model has no SD card slot, no MagSafe (so your power cord doesn't safely disconnect if someone trips over it), and it costs much more than previous models. Customers and fans are not happy.AirPods. Apple missed the October release window for its first pair of wireless earbuds. They just went on sale last week, but they cost $130 more than Apple's wired earbuds, plus they're ugly to look at and easy to lose. People are better off buying the wired pair.
The Apple Watch. The second-generation model, released in September, is hardly different from the original. It adds water-resistance and a GPS, but it's still a bulky piece of hardware with an ugly interface that's far from intuitive. My colleague Melia Robinson, who reviewed the Apple Watch Series 2, said it had the "worst home screen of any Apple device I've ever owned."The Apple TV. The remote control is just awful. Since it's so small and its touchscreen is so sensitive, the remote 1) gets lost often, and 2) routinely turns on your Apple TV and starts playing random content. It also has too many buttons. It's surprising this got the OK from Apple's design house.So. Many. Dongles. The latest iPhone needs a dongle for headphones. The MacBook needs different dongles for peripherals like SD cards, Lightning connectors, and more. Dongles are one extra thing to carry and one extra thing to misplace. Ugh.It's not just Apple's hardware. Apple's software and services also leave much to be desired — some examples:Siri. Apple had a head-start in the digital assistant game when it introduced Siri as an iPhone 4S exclusive in 2011. But in the five years since, Siri has been left in the dust by competitors like Google Assistant and Amazon's Alexa, in terms of language recognition, cognition, and response time. Siri's competitors can also do more than Apple's AI — and it's frustrating how often Siri gets it wrong. Considering Siri is in almost every Apple product, you'd think the company would put more effort into making Siri a better listener and a better assistant.
iCloud. Apple had a similar head-start in the cloud business when Steve Jobs introduced the service in 2011; and yet, while iCloud is supposed to "just work" — syncing your documents and data between your computers and devices — the interface is still confusing, and the underlying architecture has been unreliable (I've lost many important files in the past due to syncing issues). Its various features, too, feel half-baked: iCloud Photo Library and iCloud Drive both feel needlessly complicated and frustrating to use.Apple Music is still cluttered (despite a face-lift earlier this year), and it's not as easy to discover music from artists you might like. (Spotify remains king in these areas.)iTunes is a mess. There are too many sections and menus for it to be intuitive. Just look at this.The App Store is in disarray and not fun to browse. There's no personalization to it — no recommended apps based on what you've downloaded, just popular apps and picks from Apple — thus making it feel extremely impersonal.Apple's Mail, Weather, News, Wallet, Health, Clock, and Calendarapps could all use some work to compete with better third-party alternatives.
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Also worth noting: Marketing was a particular specialty of Jobs': When Jobs was alive, Apple created some of the most iconic ads in the history of advertising, like the "1984" commercial, the "Think Different" campaign, and the iPod silhouette ads. But lately, Apple's ads have been, quite frankly, not as good.You can point to any number of factors — perhaps a lack of originality, or humor, or style — but the bottom line remains: Apple's advertisements from the past five years have not generated the same buzz they used to.(For reference, Apple's two latest ads featured Brad Garrett as Frankenstein's monster and a 30-second clip comparing the new MacBook Pro to the inventions of gravity, fire, and toilet paper — really.)Perhaps Apple's current products are suffering because Apple is focusing on future projects. Apple is reportedly working on smart glasses that can handle augmented and/or virtual reality, as well as a self-driving-car system. Both projects reportedly have "hundreds" of people attached to them ... and both are many years from launching.
On the flip side, there are several current Apple products that feel downright neglected. iTunes is in desperate need of an update, and Apple's three-year-old Mac Pro no longer meets the needs of "pro" customers — it's surprising Apple hasn't given this computer even a minor refresh, just to keep chipsets up-to-date. Many other products need polishing or fixing.The key, as it was when Jobs returned to Apple, is focus: Shrink the number of ongoing projects, and execute them well. That might mean taking a really hard look at some less successful products and cutting them.Apple recently decided to kill its line of WiFi routers — which is a shame, since I own one — but it's a good move, as the company clearly needs more bandwidth for other projects. And Apple needs to do more moves like this.iTunes. I spent over a decade perfecting my music library on iTunes, but with the introductions of Apple Music and the Apple TV, there's really no reason for Apple's multimedia to be housed on such an old platform any longer. Apple should do a wholesale replacement of iTunes with Apple Music and rebrand/spin out the iTunes Store to continue selling digital movies, music, and more.
The MacBook. Apple should consolidate the MacBook Air and MacBook lines, so if you're in the market for a new laptop, you choose either the MacBook Air or the MacBook Pro — one laptop focuses on portability, while the other focuses on professional use. Right now, it's too difficult to differentiate the normal MacBook from the MacBook Air, especially if you ask one of Jobs' favorite questions: "Which one do I tell my friends to buy?"The Apple Watch Edition. Selling an expensive version of the Apple Watch was a good way to create excitement for a new product category, but now that the Apple Watch is over two years old, it's time to kill the Edition watches. Having a design team spend time and energy on a single watch model, which doesn't do anything different from the normal watch, is a waste of resources. I'd rather see a redesigned Apple Watch interface or an Apple Watch that does more things than the basic model, instead of just the same product with an expensive case.
The Self-Driving Car Project 'Titan.' Years ago, Apple CEO Tim Cook reportedly gave his company a green light to build an electric, self-driving car, not unlike Tesla Motors' popular Model S. But recent reports say Apple ran into many issues in its project, lost several key people, and has since pivoted into building a self-driving car system — essentially software that can help cars drive and navigate by themselves, but not necessarily for an Apple-made car. Perhaps it's premature to say Apple's car project isn't worth the sizable effort required, but it sounds as if Apple would otherwise benefit by having more people focused on its core products like the iPhone, the iPad, and Mac computers. Maybe Project Titan just needs time for more technologies to become cheaper or readily available, or maybe Apple is still trying to crystallize its plan. Either way, it's time for Apple to consider abandoning this project — especially since the company has so many other ambitions in other areas, like TV and augmented/virtual reality.
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Dongles. I miss the days when Apple products would "just work." Please, Apple, kill the dongles. All of them. Come up with some more clever solutions. Please.We will unfortunately never know whether Jobs would've approved AirPods, or the much-maligned Apple TV "Siri" remote, or the move away from MagSafe power cords and toward USB-C. But the fact is, Apple today has many projects and many problems that need attention. It would be wise of Apple to evaluate these issues and solve them — and give a harder look at the company's many products — before moving onto even more new projects.Dell unveiled a bunch of new laptops and tablets at this year’s Consumer Electronics Showcase, but its new XPS 13 was by far the most impressive.The new 13-inch laptop comes with a 3200 x 1800 resolution display with the slimmest bezels I’ve ever seen on a laptop. There's also a cheaper version with a 1920 x 1080 resolution screen.
Since the bezels are so thin, the laptop actually looks a bit smaller than the MacBook Air although their screens are the same size.The edge-to-edge display really is gorgeous. I didn’t have too much time to play with the laptop, but in the few minutes I used it I noticed how much colors really popped throughout the Windows interface. High resolution photos looked extremely detailed, too.The laptop’s display is obviously its standout feature, but Dell is also claiming that it gets 15 hours of battery life. If true, that would beat the MacBook Air’s lengthy 12-hour battery life by three full hours, but we won’t know for sure until we try it out ourselves.The keyboard felt sturdy and was comfortable to type with, but the MacBook Air’s is still better. The aluminum build on Apple’s MacBooks still provides the most efficient and comfortable typing experience in my opinion, but the new XPS 13's keyboard is still still fairly good. The 13-inch version of Dell's new laptop starts at $799, while the base price for the smaller 11-inch MacBook Air is set at $899. If you're looking for a new high-end Windows laptop with an excellent screen, the Dell XPS 13 seems like a solid choice.
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New SmartWatch, LG G WatchR
New Post has been published on https://myupdatesystems.com/new-smartwatch-lg-g-watchr/
New SmartWatch, LG G WatchR
Wearables are taking over and since Google introduced the Android Wear platform there have been new entrants into space every few months. One of the most highly anticipated wearables was the LG G Watch R which became fully available at the beginning of December. Well, we got one so now we’re going to give you a full review so you’ll be able to make up your mind if this is the wearable for you.
For starters, I’ve been using the LG G R as my daily watch for almost two weeks to get a full feel of how it works and what you can expect with actual normal use. At the beginning of week two Google pushed out an update for Android wear from software version 4.4w.2 to 5.0.1 which made a big difference in the experience and added a lot to the watch which made a great piece of tech even better. I’ve also had the LG G Watch R paired to a Nexus 5 running Lollipop 5.0. I have 4 e-mail accounts synced, plus Instagram and Twitter along with Google Now and Google Fit.
From the moment you get the box the watch comes in, you feel like you purchased a high-end watch, not just a piece of tech gear. The box is a nice sleek black with silver accents. Once you open the box you see the large round watch face surrounded by the (non-functional) tachometer which gives the appearance of a high profile watch. Inside the box is also the charging cradle, and charging cables, unfortunately, LG decided to go with a proprietary 4-pin charging cradle instead of a Qi charger like the Moto 360. Luckily the cradle connects directly to your standard micro-USB so you can use your regular phone charging cords.
The watch itself is very solid build quality and about the size and weight of any metal large face watch (that isn’t a smart watch). The watch body is black, and the band is a standard black leather. The watch clasp is metal and ties everything together nicely. Te band and clasp are pretty run of the mill that can and probably will be replaced by most users. Changing the watch band isn’t nearly as challenging as replacing watch bands on some of the other Android Wear devices out there because LG kindly decided to use a standard 22mm band connection.
I haven’t worn a watch for a while so wearing the LG G Watch R was a bit foreign at first, not because of the device but because I was actually wearing a watch again. After wearing it for two weeks and adjusting to actually having a watch on now I feel weird not wearing it. If you haven’t worn a large face watch before, you’re going to have a little bit more to get used to just due to the size of the body and face of the watch. It’s not overwhelming and it’s not too large, it just isn’t a small face or body by any means.
Initially, I was concerned about the faux tachometer around the screen thinking it would get in the way. Honestly, it doesn’t it actually gives you a nice feel of where your swipe should begin and end without making it feel limited. The subtle but important benefit of the bezel is that it also protects the screen, you don’t have to worry if you put your watch face down (accidentally) or wear it on the inside of your arm instead of facing outwards.
LG packed a lot into the G Watch R, and they didn’t cheap out on anything which makes the investment in this watch ($299.99 currently) feel worth it. The screen is a 1.3″ P-OLED display (320 x 320 pixels), initially I was concerned about how the screen was going to feel and respond in contrast to more traditional glass displays, but honestly the P-OLED is great. The screen doesn’t feel cheap or “plasticky” and you probably wouldn’t know it’s not glass if someone didn’t tell you. The display is really solid, the colors are vibrant and bright, both in low light and direct light situations. I haven’t had any problem reading the screen even outside in the sun. I have noticed that since the update to 5.0.1 that the screen seems brighter than it did on the previous build. The LG G Watch R is also very responsive to the touch and I’ve only experienced a few stutters or miss triggers, but those were software specific and had nothing to do with the hardware.
The G Watch R is running on a Qualcomm Snapdragon 400 1.2 GHz processor, which is extremely powerful and very good at power management and consumption, especially in comparison the Motorola 360 which is powered by an older smartphone class processor. The OS is very snappy, swiping through the Google Now cards is very fluid and opening notifications or apps doesn’t lag at all. You can tell the OS and apps are no matches for the processor which is really good because the last thing you want is to have your “Watch” freeze or have hiccups.
The watch also houses 9-Axis accelerometer, barometer, and PPG (heart rate sensor). The watch easily notices movements and changes in positioning, so if you’re using the “tilt to wake” feature it will easily pick up the subtle motion of turning your wrist so you won’t have to over exaggerate the motion to get the screen to turn on. The heart rate sensor is located on the underside of the watch and needs to have direct contact with the skin in order to work. It is pretty consistent and generally accurate so you should feel comfortable using it to check your resting and active heart rate. I wouldn’t trust it if you had a heart condition that needed monitoring, but then again it’s not a medical device and isn’t marketed as one.
Last up is the ever-important battery, which is rated at 410 mAh. The battery size and processor work really well together, and I can say that I’ve never been concerned about running out of power. For the first week on 4.4W.2, I ran the watch with the screen always on and was consistently getting 40 hours of use before the watch would power down. When I ran the watch with the screen off until activated I was getting almost 3 days of use without it powering down. Since the update to 5.0.1, The battery life has actually gotten better and Google seems to have snuck in some additional power managing features. On 5.0.1 if you have the screen always on when your battery hits 15% it automatically switches the screen off so you have to tap to wake it. This is similar to how the OS works on phones and tablets but is great on the watch because it helps extend the battery a lot longer. With this new feature and other under the hood improvements, I’ve been experiencing close to 48 hours of life with the screen always on. For anyone who was concerned about earlier Android Wear battery life, the LG G Watch R does not have any of the problems earlier devices.
Android Wear, while in it’s infancy is a very solid and stable platform, mostly because it’s built on the same backbone as regular Android. The way that it handles notifications is similar to regular Android. There are cards that pop up when you get an e-mail, or text, or any notification. The cards slide up from the bottom and can be easily ready at a glance or dismissed by swiping to the right. If you want to see more of the notification, you can swipe the card up or tap on it.
When you tap on the screen you trigger the voice activation feature baked into Android which allows you to search, text, or open apps just like using the voice functions on your phone. The voice detection is pretty accurate when texting or messaging directly through the watch, I’ve only experienced a few instances where it got something wrong. If you want to access additional functions or apps, instead of using the voice control you can swipe up to bring up a full menu where you can access settings, features, and apps.
I’m not going to identify all the differences in performance and features between Android Wear 4.4w.2 and 5.0.1 but there are quite a few. The biggest difference between the original software and the new lollipop update are on the inside of the system, how it handles task management and power saving features. Yes there are new watch faces, yes there is now a quick menu and modified notification settings, and yes things seem a bit more polished. Overall the update to 5.0.1 has made the device that much better.
Considering we’re in the early phases of the Android wear platform, LG has really pulled out all the stops in the development of the G Watch R to make it a great device that shows off what the platform can do. From a hardware perspective, the only thing I would have wanted to see different would be wireless charging, and an onboard GPS so you can track runs or hikes without needing your phone for positioning information. From a look and feel side, everything is great and feels high quality, I would have potentially made the bezel useful and made it a real tachometer instead of just a placeholder but that is just nitpicky. Overall having Android built into a watch is a really good fit and I have no complaints about the performance of software and it’s only going to get better.
If you’re debating getting a smart watch this year and are not sure which one to get. I would definitely recommend the LG G Watch R, even though it costs more than the competitors right now, it feels like it should and is well worth it
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netmaddy-blog · 7 years
Android Watch - LG G watchR
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Android Watch - LG G watchR
Wearables are taking over and since Google introduced the Android Wear platform there have been new entrants into space every few months. One of the most highly anticipated wearables was the LG G Watch R which became fully available at the beginning of December. Well, we got one so now we’re going to give you a full review so you’ll be able to make up your mind if this is the wearable for you The Haze.
Review- Android Lg G watchR
For starters, I’ve been using the LG G R as my daily watch for almost two weeks to get a full feel of how it works and what you can expect with actual normal use. At the beginning of week two Google pushed out an update for Android wear from software version 4.4w.2 to 5.0.1 which made a big difference in the experience and added a lot to the watch which made a great piece of tech even better. I’ve also had the LG G Watch R paired to a Nexus 5 running Lollipop 5.0. I have 4 e-mail accounts synced, plus Instagram and Twitter along with Google Now and Google Fit.
From the moment you get the box the watch comes in, you feel like you purchased a high-end watch, not just a piece of tech gear. The box is a nice sleek black with silver accents. Once you open the box you see the large round watch face surrounded by the (non-functional) tachometer which gives the appearance of a high profile watch. Inside the box is also the charging cradle, and charging cables, unfortunately, LG decided to go with a proprietary 4-pin charging cradle instead of a Qi charger like the Moto 360. Luckily the cradle connects directly to your standard micro-USB so you can use your regular phone charging cords.
The watch itself is very solid build quality and about the size and weight of any metal large face watch (that isn’t a smart watch). The watch body is black, and the band is a standard black leather. The watch clasp is metal and ties everything together nicely. Te band and clasp are pretty run of the mill that can and probably will be replaced by most users. Changing the watch band isn’t nearly as challenging as replacing watch bands on some of the other Android Wear devices out there because LG kindly decided to use a standard 22mm band connection.
I haven’t worn a watch for a while so wearing the LG G Watch R was a bit foreign at first, not because of the device but because I was actually wearing a watch again. After wearing it for two weeks and adjusting to actually having a watch on now I feel weird not wearing it. If you haven’t worn a large face watch before, you’re going to have a little bit more to get used to just due to the size of the body and face of the watch. It’s not overwhelming and it’s not too large, it just isn’t a small face or body by any means.
Initially, I was concerned about the faux tachometer around the screen thinking it would get in the way. Honestly, it doesn’t it actually gives you a nice feel of where your swipe should begin and end without making it feel limited. The subtle but important benefit of the bezel is that it also protects the screen, you don’t have to worry if you put your watch face down (accidentally) or wear it on the inside of your arm instead of facing outwards.
LG packed a lot into the G Watch R, and they didn’t cheap out on anything which makes the investment in this watch ($299.99 currently) feel worth it. The screen is a 1.3″ P-OLED display (320 x 320 pixels), initially, I was concerned about how the screen was going to feel and respond in contrast to more traditional glass displays, but honestly the P-OLED is great. The screen doesn’t feel cheap or “plasticky” and you probably wouldn’t know it’s not glass if someone didn’t tell you. The display is really solid, the colors are vibrant and bright, both in low light and direct light situations. I haven’t had any problem reading the screen even outside in the sun. I have noticed that since the update to 5.0.1 that the screen seems brighter than it did on the previous build. The LG G Watch R is also very responsive to the touch and I’ve only experienced a few stutters or miss triggers, but those were software specific and had nothing to do with the hardware.
The G Watch R is running on a Qualcomm Snapdragon 400 1.2 GHz processor, which is extremely powerful and very good at power management and consumption, especially in comparison the Motorola 360 which is powered by an older smartphone class processor. The OS is very snappy, swiping through the Google Now cards is very fluid and opening notifications or apps doesn’t lag at all. You can tell the OS and apps are no matches for the processor which is really good because the last thing you want is to have your “Watch” freeze or have hiccups.
The watch also houses 9-Axis accelerometer, barometer, and PPG (heart rate sensor). The watch easily notices movements and changes in positioning, so if you’re using the “tilt to wake” feature it will easily pick up the subtle motion of turning your wrist so you won’t have to over exaggerate the motion to get the screen to turn on. The heart rate sensor is located on the underside of the watch and needs to have direct contact with the skin in order to work. It is pretty consistent and generally accurate so you should feel comfortable using it to check your resting and active heart rate. I wouldn’t trust it if you had a heart condition that needed monitoring, but then again it’s not a medical device and isn’t marketed as one.
Last up is the ever-important battery, which is rated at 410 mAh. The battery size and processor work really well together, and I can say that I’ve never been concerned about running out of power. For the first week on 4.4W.2, I ran the watch with the screen always on and was consistently getting 40 hours of use before the watch would power down. When I ran the watch with the screen off until activated I was getting almost 3 days of use without it powering down. Since the update to 5.0.1, The battery life has actually gotten better and Google seems to have snuck in some additional power managing features. On 5.0.1 if you have the screen always on when your battery hits 15% it automatically switches the screen off so you have to tap to wake it. This is similar to how the OS works on phones and tablets but is great on the watch because it helps extend the battery a lot longer. With this new feature and other under the hood improvements, I’ve been experiencing close to 48 hours of life with the screen always on. For anyone who was concerned about earlier Android Wear battery life, the LG G Watch R does not have any of the problems earlier devices.
Android Wear, while in it’s infancy is a very solid and stable platform, mostly because it’s built on the same backbone as regular Android. The way that it handles notifications is similar to regular Android. There are cards that pop up when you get an e-mail, or text, or any notification. The cards slide up from the bottom and can be easily ready at a glance or dismissed by swiping to the right. If you want to see more of the notification, you can swipe the card up or tap on it.
When you tap on the screen you trigger the voice activation feature baked into Android which allows you to search, text, or open apps just like using the voice functions on your phone. The voice detection is pretty accurate when texting or messaging directly through the watch, I’ve only experienced a few instances where it got something wrong. If you want to access additional functions or apps, instead of using the voice control you can swipe up to bring up a full menu where you can access settings, features, and apps.
I’m not going to identify all the differences in performance and features between Android Wear 4.4w.2 and 5.0.1 but there are quite a few. The biggest difference between the original software and the new lollipop update are on the inside of the system, how it handles task management and power saving features. Yes there are new watch faces, yes there is now a quick menu and modified notification settings, and yes things seem a bit more polished. Overall the update to 5.0.1 has made the device that much better.
Considering we’re in the early phases of the Android wear platform, LG has really pulled out all the stops in the development of the G Watch R to make it a great device that shows off what the platform can do. From a hardware perspective, the only thing I would have wanted to see different would be wireless charging, and an onboard GPS so you can track runs or hikes without needing your phone for positioning information. From a look and feel side, everything is great and feels high quality, I would have potentially made the bezel useful and made it a real tachometer instead of just a placeholder but that is just nitpicky. Overall having Android built into a watch is a really good fit and I have no complaints about the performance of software and it is only going to get better.
If you’re debating getting a smart watch this year and are not sure which one to get. I would definitely recommend the LG G Watch R, even though it costs more than the competitors right now, it feels like it should and is well worth it.
Ryan Carroll is a technology enthusiast interested who shares his opinions and insights of technology through his blog. He founded his blog after seeing other technology blogs and feeling that they did not provide the insight that he was looking for when it came to technology, video games and phones.
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