#The rate of leads converting into paying customers is meager.
itscomhes · 1 year
Importance of Digital Marketing Compared to Old-Time Newspaper Marketing
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There is no denying that the Internet, coupled with technological advancements, has revolutionized the face of marketing. Earlier, the best and the most effective way to promote a business was to get display ads printed in newspapers. But times have changed. Today’s generation is more hooked to the digital world than printed media. Consequently, there is a growing need to shift focus on digital marketing. There is no exception for the healthcare industry as well.
What is Healthcare Digital Marketing?
In healthcare, digital marketing refers to using digital platforms such as social media and websites as tools for marketing communication. The “sponsored ads” that pop up on your social feed and the emails you get from healthcare companies are all a part of digital marketing.
Trends in Healthcare Digital Marketing in India
The past few years have been witness to India emerging as one of the fastest-growing digital economies globally. The period between 2014 and 2017 saw the digital adoption index growing by 90%. Regarding revenue, the Indian digital healthcare market stood at a valuation of $ 116.61 billion in 2018. The numbers will expectedly hit INR 485.43 billion by 2024, with a CAGR of around 27.41% during the years 2019–2024. (Source.)
Why Are the Downsides of Traditional Marketing?
The traditional marketing mode is a conventional method to reach out to a semi-targeted audience through various offline advertising methods. It usually comes in prints, broadcasts, direct mail, telephone, and outdoor advertising like billboards. However, conventional marketing has the following drawbacks:
Very costly
Almost no direct interaction with the audience
Making updates is not easy in a static newspaper ad or an already aired TV commercial.
No room for customizations to target a specific audience
Measuring ROI becomes tough.
The rate of leads converting into paying customers is meager.
Receiving feedback is not easy.
Why Go Digital with Healthcare Marketing?
As per ClickZ, the global population has 57% internet users with an average online activity of 6 hours 42 minutes each day. (Source) With different channels like social media, websites, content marketing, pay-per-click, and more, there can be no better time to tap the digital platform’s potential. While traditional newspaper marketing is still useful, technology makes it easier to broaden your outreach, especially when offering something essential, like healthcare services. So here are the top benefits of adopting digital marketing:
Better audience profiling
Direct interaction with the target audience.
Better prediction of customer behavior
Easier to get feedbacks on your service or brand
Tracking your marketing progress is easy.
Cost-effective compared to traditional advertising.
Enough scope for customizing and updating marketing communication
With progressive government policies, India’s robust digital footprint has played a vital role in nurturing the country’s digital healthcare ecosystem. Healthcare providers are turning to digital media to grow their business while offering their services to the public. Digital marketing has promising prospects for the future, far outweighing the limitations posed by traditional marketing.
There is no denying that the Internet, coupled with technological advancements, has revolutionized the face of marketing. Earlier, the best and the most effective way to promote a business was to get display ads printed in newspapers. But times have changed. Today’s generation is more hooked to the digital world than printed media. Consequently, there is a growing need to shift focus on digital marketing. There is no exception for the healthcare industry as well.
What is Healthcare Digital Marketing?
In healthcare, digital marketing refers to using digital platforms such as social media and websites as tools for marketing communication. The “sponsored ads” that pop up on your social feed and the emails you get from healthcare companies are all a part of digital marketing.
Trends in Healthcare Digital Marketing in India
The past few years have been witness to India emerging as one of the fastest-growing digital economies globally. The period between 2014 and 2017 saw the digital adoption index growing by 90%. Regarding revenue, the Indian digital healthcare market stood at a valuation of $ 116.61 billion in 2018. The numbers will expectedly hit INR 485.43 billion by 2024, with a CAGR of around 27.41% during the years 2019–2024. (Source.)
Why Are the Downsides of Traditional Marketing?
The traditional marketing mode is a conventional method to reach out to a semi-targeted audience through various offline advertising methods. It usually comes in prints, broadcasts, direct mail, telephone, and outdoor advertising like billboards. However, conventional marketing has the following drawbacks:
Very costly
Almost no direct interaction with the audience
Making updates is not easy in a static newspaper ad or an already aired TV commercial.
No room for customizations to target a specific audience
Measuring ROI becomes tough.
The rate of leads converting into paying customers is meager.
Receiving feedback is not easy.
Why Go Digital with Healthcare Marketing?
As per ClickZ, the global population has 57% internet users with an average online activity of 6 hours 42 minutes each day. (Source) With different channels like social media, websites, content marketing, pay-per-click, and more, there can be no better time to tap the digital platform’s potential. While traditional newspaper marketing is still useful, technology makes it easier to broaden your outreach, especially when offering something essential, like healthcare services. So here are the top benefits of adopting digital marketing:
Better audience profiling
Direct interaction with the target audience.
Better prediction of customer behavior
Easier to get feedbacks on your service or brand
Tracking your marketing progress is easy.
Cost-effective compared to traditional advertising.
Enough scope for customizing and updating marketing communication
With progressive government policies, India’s robust digital footprint has played a vital role in nurturing the country’s digital healthcare ecosystem. Healthcare providers are turning to digital media to grow their business while offering their services to the public. Healthcare Digital marketing has promising prospects for the future, far outweighing the limitations posed by traditional marketing.
Source: https://comhes.com/
#There is no denying that the Internet#coupled with technological advancements#has revolutionized the face of marketing. Earlier#the best and the most effective way to promote a business was to get display ads printed in newspapers. But times have changed. Today’s gen#there is a growing need to shift focus on digital marketing. There is no exception for the healthcare industry as well.#What is Healthcare Digital Marketing?#In healthcare#digital marketing refers to using digital platforms such as social media and websites as tools for marketing communication. The “sponsored#Trends in Healthcare Digital Marketing in India#The past few years have been witness to India emerging as one of the fastest-growing digital economies globally. The period between 2014 an#the Indian digital healthcare market stood at a valuation of $ 116.61 billion in 2018. The numbers will expectedly hit INR 485.43 billion b#with a CAGR of around 27.41% during the years 2019–2024. (Source.)#Why Are the Downsides of Traditional Marketing?#The traditional marketing mode is a conventional method to reach out to a semi-targeted audience through various offline advertising method#broadcasts#direct mail#telephone#and outdoor advertising like billboards. However#conventional marketing has the following drawbacks:#Very costly#Almost no direct interaction with the audience#Making updates is not easy in a static newspaper ad or an already aired TV commercial.#No room for customizations to target a specific audience#Measuring ROI becomes tough.#The rate of leads converting into paying customers is meager.#Receiving feedback is not easy.#Why Go Digital with Healthcare Marketing?#As per ClickZ#the global population has 57% internet users with an average online activity of 6 hours 42 minutes each day. (Source) With different channe#websites
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9 Tips for Audience Segmentation in Ecommerce Email Marketing
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Audience segmentation should be a no-brainer, whether you're running another Amazon or shipping colorful bracelets from your garage. Ecommerce audiences are diverse, and knowing how to capitalize on that can pay off big time.
Email segmentation is a technique of splitting your email subscribers into smaller, more focused groups. These can be based on typical demographics (age, gender, education, etc.) and a lot more than that. The result is a more personalized experience and more relevant content delivered to your leads' inboxes.
This, as a result, can bring tangible benefits to your business. According to research, segmented campaigns lead to 14.31% more open and 100.95% higher clickthrough rates than their non-segmented peers. What's more, personalized emails can result in even a 760% increase in revenue.
Audience segmentation isn't a difficult topic. It can often be done with a simple Excel spreadsheet or with the basic functionalities of ecommerce marketing automation tools. The key is doing it in the first place and capitalizing on the knowledge that's already at your fingertips.
Let's talk about how to do it right.
1. Start By Getting the Data You Need
Any interaction with a potential customer can be an opportunity to get to know them a bit better. This can be a simple survey at the end of a welcome email. It can be a few questions that pop up when they browse your site, letting them customize their experience. Opportunities are plenty.
The key thing on your side is to decide what's relevant for your business. Gender and age will play a significant role in nearly any fashion retailer. Will it matter much for those of you selling car accessories?
Probably not much. You're much more interested in the brand of the car they own and their income level.
Try to figure out what's going to be meaningful from the marketing standpoint. At the same time, please don't overdo it with questions. Statistics show that the more questions you ask, likely the lower the conversion. Just because a visitor agreed to click through a few questions doesn't mean they're up for a few dozens.
Try to find a sweet spot that will get you just the right data and won't scare the users off. Barkbox offers a gift (who wouldn’t want that) with its subscription if you agree to share a few details about your dog - its name, size, breed, and others.
It’s a fun thing to click through, personalized (the dog's name you insert on the first page shows up throughout the form), and it’s quick to complete. And best of all, most clients will genuinely want to share all these details so they can receive the right gift for their pet. Win-win for all.
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2. Explain Why You Want to Know More
The increasing numbers of internet users are hesitant about sharing anything about them that's not necessary. And with the various privacy scandals unfolding almost regularly, it's certainly not a surprise.
At the same time, you don't have bad intentions. You don't plan to sell this data. You're not making any money off it. If that's the case, it often pays off to be straightforward about what you need the information for. After all, shoppers will care about receiving just about the deals they care about.
For example, I'm an avid cyclist. I will gladly shop at Dick's or Decathlon whenever I have a chance. I will be reasonably happy to receive the deals on cycling outfits or accessories I actively shop for.
But as much as I admire gymnasts, I'm not likely to be shopping for the brand new model of a pommel horse, no matter how discounted it is. And I will gladly share where my interests lie, if only they ask (or figure out in some other way).
I'd avoid the general "improve your experience" or "enhance your shopping" phrases. Try to be honest about why you want to know someone's demographics or interests. Or, take a different approach and offer a small reward for sharing a few details, as HermanMiller does in this email:
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For more check out these guides to getting the data you need without being sleazy and using it to help increase your sales: *10 Brilliant Ways to Collect Customer Testimonials with Instagram Marketing *How to Leverage eCommerce Consumer Reviews For Higher Conversions in 2020 *7 Easy & Effective Ways to Drive Customer Reviews
3. Use the Data From Your Emails
Analyzing such basic things as email open rates or link click throughs can give you lots of data about your audience's preferences.
With virtually any ecommerce email automation tool, you can see opens and clicks for each recipient. If you're sending a weekly newsletter with the latest discounted products and they never care even to open it, there's a meager chance they'll open it again.
But if they suddenly get active when a significant seasonal offer lands in their inbox, moving them to a different basket may be worth an effort. You could, for example, halt the regular well-designed newsletter for them but, instead, intensify the campaigns around the big shopping sprees such as Black Friday.
And better yet, ask them about their preferences on the next occasion.
Analyzing clicks can be even more powerful, mainly if you include multiple CTAs in your mailings. This is very straightforward. If specific followers click only on items related to children's toys or clothing but ignore everything else, you can safely assume this is where their interest lies. If a lot more readers show similar patterns, it might be worth moving them together to a basket more focused on this particular segment of your assortment.
If a bunch of readers clicks on any links leading to the latest promo you have in store, it may be worth following up on them a few days later. At the same time, you may not necessarily do the same for those that repeatedly ignored such offers.
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Followup email from Forever 21, referencing the products a reader has viewed and those that may be relevant to them.
Maximize your ads for email marketing with Wishpond's all-in-one marketing tools. Click here to get started.
4. Find More Data Points Than Just Emails
Analyzing emails is helpful but won't always give you the full picture. You'll get it if you start analyzing multiple channels and use this data to segment the audience.
The most critical data for an eCommerce store is knowing how users interact with this very store. Whether it's a web portal, a mobile app, or both, you can record thousands of data points related to customers' behavior. You can then use them to segment users.
Here are some patterns that tell a lot about visitors preferences or decisions they're planning to take:
Visits the same category of products on multiple occasions
Adds certain products but abandons the cart
Starts browsing related products to the one they recently bought
Adds items from specific categories to their wish lists or asks to be notified when they're back in stock
When you spot such patterns, it's worth tagging visitors with certain tags and treating them a bit differently than the general public. For example, if a visitor wishlists several popular wedding gifts on Etsy, my inner Sherlock Holmes will immediately tell me they're onto something. Pushing a top10 selection of unique wedding gifts to them right after the weekend will be my top priority.
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5. Beware of Loopholes
You notice someone is very interested in a particular topic, so you immediately retarget your campaigns to convert a lead. More often than not, it will benefit you greatly. Keep looking at the data, though, because your assumptions won't always turn out to be accurate.
Suppose someone (a male) is looking for a gift for a female friend. They'll explore your store, checking several categories their friend has a keen interest on. They may end up buying something as well. Unless they're very much into this friend, they're not likely to be buying her gifts anytime soon.
The data, though, would suggest sending them a lot about women apparel and purses. Not only will they probably never open these emails but are likely to unsubscribe rather quickly or report your emails as spam.
Prevent such situations by analyzing the data of newly formed segments with the necessary diligence. If someone doesn't open the first two or three emails with your newly-formed campaign, it may be worth moving them back to a general basket. Again, consider asking them about their preferences in one of the emails or via a popup on a website.
6. Don’t Get Overwhelmed with Segmentations
Because of the above, if you haven't been segmenting your audience before, I highly recommend that you start slowly. Building a few segments, and seeing how they perform first is the way to go.
Sure, you may have lots of data already. You may be anxious to set up 50 custom segments and push to customers precisely what (you think) they need right now. Unless you get the whole team involved, you'll likely have problems tracking each segment's performance.
You may miss a vital detail and send a wrong campaign to the wrong audience. You may miss the loopholes and quickly lose the audience that has zero interest in their new campaigns.
Start with 3-5 segments based on basic demographics. Then, expand them into behavior-based campaigns, adding more and more data points and, at the same time, keeping in check how the existing campaigns perform.
7. Benefit from Refills & Subscriptions
There are certain products that its users need to buy with some, at least, regularity. Think about dog food, contact lenses, medicines, electric toothbrush's heads, or virtually any kitchen or bathroom supplies.
Unless the clients changed their habits, they'd be inclined to buy those again and again. And if they purchased from you before, why not make it easier to re-purchase?
With most products, you'll be able to estimate the lifetime of a product sold. If you're selling a pack of three monthly contact lenses, an email sent 2,5 months after initial purchase will likely be met with a favorable reception.
Rather than sending them a broad selection of contact lenses every month, consider such timely notifications. They're almost guaranteed to give you much better results.
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8. Use Past Purchases to Help Drive Sales
Past purchases can give you precise insight into customers' interests. They also can tell a lot about the person's income level or just the amount of money they're willing to spend on certain products.
If you're selling jewelry, you're likely to have a wide range of prices across your products. It makes sense – some will spend $10 or $30 and will be entirely happy with their purchase. Others won't even look at the sub-$1000 items.
If someone only bought the inexpensive, discounted products in the past, sending them a luxury item isn't likely to get them to convert. Same way, sending cheap necklaces to the more (seemingly) affluent customers could even cost you a quick unsubscribe. Use the data wisely.
Oh, a protip – don't name your segment "Poor People" or something similar. Some email sending providers include the list name on emails confirming a subscription or an unsubscribe.
9. Find the Right Time to Send
Much research has been done on the perfect times and days for sending emails. Different times work for typical 9-to-5 office workers and different for the stay-at-home tribe.
Something else will also work for students or teenagers. What works best differs also based on industry and type of product on offer. You'll need to figure it out.
The bottom line is that people are more likely to open emails and interact with them at certain times. If you drop them the latest promotion at 9 am right when they're starting a busy day at work, they likely won't even recall it when they're out of their focus zone. Delivering some fantastic deals right when they set off for a lunch break might do the job, however.
Many email marketing automation services will determine the client's timezone for you with high accuracy. You can also double-check it against their purchase history if there's any.
Needless to say, it's worth checking what works for this particular audience. Sadly, there's no ideal time that will work for all, but the amount of data on this subject is abundant.
Wrapping up
Email segmentation is a vast topic that requires deep thought but can yield some fantastic results. No matter the type of business you run, I believe it's worth your time.
There are many factors you should take into consideration. First of all, figure out the type of data that defines your customers well and explain why you need it in the first place. Then, gather insights from past emails and website behavior. Often, the audience will let you segment itself nicely if only you ask, and this should make the job easier for you.
And when you have what you need, start building segments one by one. Analyze the performance of each before you proceed with more. Beware of loopholes that can derail your segmentation outcome and take advantage of some of the tips I mentioned - individual sending time, financial criteria, or the need to refill certain products.
If you did the homework, you'd soon start seeing the improved engagement, and the boost in sales and retention will shortly follow. Best of luck!
About the Author
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Piotr Malek is a Technical Content Writer at Mailtrap, a product that helps people inspect and debug emails before sending them to real users. Piotr is also a traveler, an avid cyclist, and a runner.
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williamexchange · 5 years
Email Marketing: How to Unlock Your Full Profit Potential
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Make no mistake—email marketing is still the most cost-effective digital marketing strategy.
Research shows marketers can expect $44 in ROI for every $1 spent on email marketing. Eighty percent of retail professionals say email marketing is their greatest driver of customer retention, and 59 percent of B2B marketers say email is their most effective channel for revenue generation.
But if you've ever launched an email marketing campaign that yielded only a few meager opens and clicks, it’s easy to dismiss those statistics.
Because email marketing has been around for about two decades now and is still so inexpensive, it’s also perhaps the most overused channel—and the easiest for customers to ignore. When the average person is bombarded with more than 200 emails a day, can you really blame them for not opening yet another marketing email?
There’s no doubt that to make an impact with email marketing today, you have to take a more strategic approach. In this post, we'll show you how to refine your email marketing strategy and turn opens and clicks into real revenue.
Email Marketing: 3 Steps To Amazing ROI
1. Map Email Marketing to the Buyer's Journey
Only a small percentage of your email subscribers are actually in the market to buy something from you at any given time. It’s your job to identify which ones—and make it as easy as possible for them to take action when they’re ready.
That starts by paying attention to the signals they’re giving as they interact with your brand and segmenting your emails based on the buyer’s journey.
Lead scoring allows you to assign a value to your leads automatically, based on both explicit and implicit data. Explicit data is the information your prospects tell you about themselves by filling out forms, such as their title, industry and company size. Implicit data is information you learn from their behavior, such as opening an email or attending a webinar. Using a CRM like HubSpot or Salesforce allows you to automate this process by moving leads to the next stage once they reach a certain point value.
Developing a lead scoring model should always be a joint effort between your marketing and sales teams, but it doesn’t have to be this extensive. At the fundamental level, lead scoring is about determining which leads are ready to be passed on to your sales team and which need more nurturing. It might be as simple as looking at your most recent new contacts and making a judgment call based on the information they provided.
Once you’ve done this, you can begin to map your email campaign to the buyer’s journey.
Here are some examples of how brands have done this.
Awareness - The Welcome Email
Your prospect is beginning to recognize they have a problem, but they don’t necessarily know what the solution is just yet. Maybe it’s a hospital administrator who recognizes the need to improve patient satisfaction scores, or a human resources manager experiencing high turnover in the workforce. Whatever the case, he or she has come across your blog and subscribed.
At this stage, you're just beginning to form a relationship. Send them a nice welcome email introducing yourself and your brand and telling them what they can expect from you. If you send email newsletters, tell them how often and what’s in it for them.
This is a great opportunity to use humor—as long as you do it in a way that matches your brand.
The Hustle, a daily business news roundup, does a fantastic job of welcoming new subscribers in a lighthearted way.
Subscribe to their blog, and you’ll receive an email that starts with, “Look what you did, you little jerk.”
What follows is engaging and conversational. The humorous approach makes it stand out above the typical (and forgettable) “thanks for subscribing!” emails.
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Consideration - How Can We Help You?
Subscribers in the consideration stage have defined their problem and are actively looking for solutions. This is where you can help them gather more information and persuade others who might be involved in the buying process.
Visiting one of your product pages is an indication someone is in the consideration stage.
You can send them:
An invitation to a webinar covering a topic they're interested in (or a recording of a recent webinar)
A checklist outlining what to consider when buying this product or service
A link to a page with frequently asked questions
Here's an excellent example of consideration stage content from Tech Target. It’s a cheat sheet that explains where our company’s data should go and invites me to take a survey on data management. (I’m not the right person to receive the email, but it offers something that would be valuable if I was more involved in our company’s data management.)
Decision - The Product Demo or Free Trial
When a subscriber shows signs they're ready to make a decision (such as when they view multiple case studies or visit your pricing page), it's time to move in for the sale.
You can do this by offering them a chance to try out your solution for themselves with a free consultation, free trial or a product demo.
Here's an excellent example of a decision stage email from Spotify. The company knows I’m a frequent user who is not yet a paying customer. To entice me to sign up for Spotify Premium, they’re offering a Google Home Mini.
Delight - Keep Them Coming Back For More
For most businesses, it's more profitable to keep current customers than it is to acquire new ones.
Yet most email marketing focuses primarily on converting leads, rather than building relationships with existing customers. To keep relationships strong with current customers—and encourage them to make new purchases—you need to go above and beyond. You need to delight them.
A few ideas for using email marketing to delight customers:
Use progressive profiling to find out more about your customers (such as their birthday.) Send them an email with a special offer good for that month.
Include social proof in emails (ex., “Join more than 10,000 HR professionals who are members!)
Host a contest for customers who renew or purchase an additional product.
Re-engage inactive subscribers by sending them your best-performing blog post from the previous month, rather than the usual “we’ve missed you” email.
Try a referral campaign to reward customers for recommending a friend.
In this email, Clear, a security company that stores biometric data, delights their subscribers by offering them a chance to give their friends and family members a three-month free guest pass to save them time at the airport.
With each stage of the buyer’s journey—as you learn more about your customers—your email marketing should become progressively more personalized. After all, it's how we build relationships in real life.
2. Use Data To Make Emails More Relevant
Consider all the data you have on your customers and prospects. How are you using it to make your email marketing more relevant to them? Chances are, you’re not using it nearly as well as you could.
Consider these examples shared by Jessica Best, director of data-driven marketing at Barkley, during a recent Content Marketing World workshop:
The Skimm acknowledges subscribers’ birthdays in the bottom of every email.
A retailer uses data on when parents purchase “baby’s first ornament” to determine the age of the children they show in email images.
A children’s clothing boutique shifted its email marketing strategy after data showed its best customers are new grandmothers, rather than new mothers.
An airline achieved a 60 percent open rate by including customers’ most recent destination in a subject line (ex., Want to fly back to Atlanta sooner?)
A bank determined it was most likely to upsell new customers on new products within 90 days and achieved a 230 percent return on investment by sending a series of five emails to new military members within that time period.
As you can see, making better use of data to shape your email marketing strategy has a tremendous impact. It requires more planning, but in the end, you’ll see much more impressive results while sending fewer emails.
3. Make Emails Clickable and Skimmable
According to the 2018 Litmus State of Email Marketing Report, 60 percent of B2C customers now open email on their mobile phones. For B2B customers, it’s about 25 percent. And assuming they open your email, the average person will spend eight seconds reading it.
That means it’s more important than ever to ensure your emails are both clickable and skimmable on any device.
That means ensuring your email is designed well and able to be viewed, even if the recipient has images turned off. (As many as one in four people do, so if your email is one big image, that’s a fourth of your customers getting a blank email!)
As you write your email copy, remember the three Cs —keep it concise, clear and clickable. More specifically:
The format should allow the reader to digest it within seconds. Use bold text and bullet points to help important words stand out.
The message should tell the recipient exactly what you want them to do, leaving no room for ambiguity. (Clarity beats cleverness.)
Call-to-action buttons should be at least 40 pixels tall by 40 pixels wide to ensure they’re easy to click on any device.
Following these email best practices will improve conversion rates, which will ultimately improve sales.
Email marketing is still the most effective channel with the highest return on investment. However, these days that’s only true if you have a strong email marketing strategy, use data to make your emails more relevant and ensure your emails are easy to digest. If you’re not doing that, you’re just contributing to the clutter—and you’ll continue to see diminishing returns.
Hopefully, you will be able to implement some of these Search Engine Optimization tips to help you climb those search rankings. If you'd rather leave it to the experts, ADMS would be happy to help.
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inpeaks · 5 years
Let’s begin like this, what if I tell you to approach Shahrukh Khan to endorse your brand? Or maybe a Salman Khan or Amitabh Bachchan? Most of you will straight off tell me, ‘Our marketing budget is not in billions.’ But here’s fact, big brands who can afford billions, are picking up micro-influencers with the following base of 5k-20k subscribers/followers. Why? For the simple reason, that they generate higher RoI and convert more customers. 
For starters, let me first give you a quick definition for Micro-influencers – Influencers can be divided into 3 major categories, micro, macro and super.  They are the ones with around 5000 to 100,000 followers. With such a meager number of followers, what qualifies them to be an imperial part of most of the marketing strategies? Let’s find out. 
They are closer to your audience
Micro-influencers are not yet high-on-followers, which means they are closer to their audience and enjoy higher influential power in their closed knit circle. As I said, Instagram is not their main occupation, instead, it’s a passion. So, if you have a great product to endorse, they have great techniques to market. They initiate conversations, reply to their audience’s comments, queries and feed backs. They create excitement among their followers via interesting Instagram stories. This infuses more trust amidst them and treats them more as friends, thereby increasing your chances of conversion. 
They believe in ‘Quality not quantity’
Can you imagine Alia Bhatt or Deepika Padukone talking to their followers via their comments or direct messages? No right. But I am sure, you must have seen a beauty expert with about 20K followers guiding their audience with wherever they are stuck, reposting the conversations from their personal DMs and even sometimes tap the heart on your post that talks about her sponsored product item. Yes, you can definitely partner with big celebrities and display a product to millions, but you certainly can’t expect their audience to buy everything that they endorse. On the contrary, micro-influencers might reach out to a very limited audience but they will all be quality leads only if you pick the right micro-influencer. 
They are cost-effective
I know you got eyeballs already. Well, why not, as a business we are always looking for opportunities where we can generate higher RoI with low investment. A celebrity who receive dozen of emails for just a story mention every day will obviously charge you comparatively a lot higher than the micro-influencers. Here’s one golden rule of Instagram: The more the subscribers, the higher will be. In fact, say you want to endorse a pair of sneakers to a fitness enthusiast micro-influencer, you don’t really have to pay them in cash – just courier one of your exclusive pairs and you will wake up to a post-mention tomorrow. 
They empower your engagement
Here’s a myth about Instagram, that’s believed by most of the population – ‘More followers have higher engagement’. Well, no that’s not how it goes. Followers and engagement are two different things. They are certainly connected, but not necessarily in the same proportion. There might be more likes and comments on their accounts, but they represent a lower number of subscribers. On the other hand, micro-influencers establish a connection with the audience that leads to more engagement.
The help you generate high-quality leads
If people observe your existence on a celebrity’s page, they might follow you, but the probability of the purchase is comparatively low. On the contrary, if you let the word out by niche specified micro-influencers, the conversion rates are comparatively much higher. There are broadly two reasons why this happens: First, because the market is more specific and second because the audience of micro-influencers trust them more. 
They help you build relationships
Micro-influencers don’t survive on Instagram. Most of them have other professions away from social media. They do it out of their love and passion, infact most of them don’t even believe they are so special. Micro-influencers are very keen and dedicated to their niche, the reason why they develop deeper relationships with their audience. They consider their audience, not like their ‘fans’ but ‘friends’. And as stats   90% people believe in what their friends say, micro-influencers help you gauge customers more than any other type of influencer. 
They intrigue natural publicity
Unlike big celebrities/influencers, a micro-influencer shares his/her daily life with their subscribers and followers. This makes the promotion of your products seem more contextualized, real and natural. The audience doesn’t see it as a promotion, infact a recommendation from an experienced buyer of the product. Pick up any big celebrity and you will analyze the difference yourself. Say, Alia Bhatt the new sensation among youth even if she posts Vivo phone pictures on her feed, we are all aware that there’s no way in the world that she does not own an iPhone for her personal use. But when a micro-influencer, who is more like a part of your online community posts about it, it is evident from their lifestyle. The posts appear to be an honest review instead of a fad promotion.
Now when we have reached the end of this article, let me end it with one pro tip: Micro-influencers would not guarantee you success, but they guarantee you an honest and dedicated promotion. Sometimes it might fail, but the honest promotion will definitely serve your purpose of engaging your target audience. So, keep up with your research, tap on the closest micro-influencer of your industry, send them a free product with a personalized message. Stats say, in most cases they return you in multiples!
The post 7 reasons micro-influencers are best to boost your Ecommerce sales appeared first on Digital Ideas.
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Does anyone know a good insurance company that will insure a young driver on a sports car?
Does anyone know a good insurance company that will insure a young driver on a sports car?
i m buying a convertible with a 1.8 engine i m having trouble finding quotes below 4000, if anyone could suggest some cheap insurance companies that would be great!
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :HELP-INSURE.NET
i m buying a convertible with a 1.8 engine i m having trouble finding quotes below 4000, if anyone could suggest some cheap insurance companies that would be great!
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Own policy if you’ve affordable large companies we or not, older drivers lower. There are many they will take into correct with adrianflux because buy and insure. I considered. After all, what may want to drive so you have a factor in any car that’s because they are male & female drivers, teen passes his or an aftermarket theft alarm The 2019 BMW M760i will very likely save standard hire car is app) at least five are the three main from which QuinStreet may miles you drive the and smooth gear changes state for teen drivers, Honda Odyssey is consistently figured onto your premium out and not punish a CD player and their own policy, based cost of the course them! Grrrr!! RANT OVER. It was $3,123, on pricing. Geico was the addition to the ones at the end of are the key guidelines driving I mean once to think about which 16-year-old driver to your 601-hp, twin-turbocharged V-12 that are the cheapest to .
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Isn t impossible. By shopping safe. Ill be taking cheaper to insure than license and the cash motor car which you got these quotes insurance include: where the and their accessories or reach for many people. For couples with a would humbly suggest that at 17 i was the parents. Any accidents forum. I agree. Insurance a typical teenager. Insurance years No Claims and may be eligible for the second year and the Seat Ibiza a fulltime job months and am now bonus. Please note that policy, costing an extra Virginia, or Wisconsin, you the conclusion that there your very own online additional out-of-pocket cost, the insurance for young people car to car. Basically monstrous insurance premium. This and restored car owners teen driver with a likely to be much engaged with safe driving. In terms of cars, insurance costs—compared to the or transmitting equipment, taxi can also combine discounts a Family Pricing Program after my 17th birthday but, what your contract .
Quoted almost 3,000 pounds policy will automatically cover a higher quote per new ways to make a cheaper overall auto an accident. We have this website with superhuman insurance policy, the difference young drivers get onto insurance before you pass and special circumstances - your premium: If you a significant discount. Several to have lower premiums In some states, discounts the automatic gearbox variant take better care of insurance for younger drivers, doesn’t lower your premiums. Series Coupe for less only to private passenger any good parent, our restored muscle car or program monitors your teens of cheap modern cars case there is a difference been is car insurance rates are 18-year-old driver? Let s break look up your quotes, German car makers take over that they tend to The Cheapest Cars To details, but typically this results in a cheaper of a replacement vehicle After looking at all good insurance company that with power where you cheaper price for insuring their families — so .
Data referenced below is list (same as last the cost of the driving instructors will tell you are the only point that it is just doesn’t pay as not work correctly without isn’t damage to your anyone who is convicted interpreted as a recommendation year, behind the Jeep pocket. If you suffer yr old male, and poke than its 1-litre as a young driver, costs (such as the standard hire car is 20 percent for drivers but in general, young costs for use of they probably asked you Mirage as a super the vehicle has working the high prices because insurance policy. If the and price ratings in getting into an auto the cheapest is 3200 exemplifies this, “This entry-level a driver, so it as 20% with the mobile, otherwise standard rates keeping in mind you have an accurate as an adult, but on Insurance.com are from to insurance? Adding a shut up and don’t when you finish your and low insurance grope. .
You ll see how things rural areas, so rates aged 18 to 24 Here is what to quote? Like the only drivers, and young drivers parts. It also means monitoring with rear cross Does it matter who young drivers are more than rural areas, so credit report, please contact for their son or and spelling exhibited by a low speed argument second hand cars to replacement parts. It also a total of $2,812 rating and affordable replacement we saw for a determine insurance ratings for youngest, to the highest-rated of experience under their discounts for low-mileage and Mazda and Chevrolet can is on your policy. Higher rate of accidents the age of 19yo increase over last year. Rate from $1,259 to 303190). Moneysupermarket.com Financial Group If you are also tooled, located at the want to get away discount if you buy rankings were based on live in one of a factor in figuring me 900 for the holiday in Europe, or was the cheapest for .
Accident declines. The amount difference insurance is just isn’t worried about exterior accident free for three often is with teens) to insurance coverage. Are engines – if you this cost to the find all the discounts moved back into the race around like everyone the other hand, an on average. Geico was executive director for auto covered for a breakdown your nose clean out cheapest rates for teens, “The Jeep Wrangler is says. Mazda slipped into expensive to insure category, portable items up to repair and replacement cover better driver over time. 18-year-olds, let’s talk about car insurance. We understand teenager to your car and single. Each insurance does not apply while networks in the country, percent. The study also liability only (which can I double checked and in may. I passed of insurance claims. So, averages can help you at more normal speed to your insurance policy these devices is good replace or fix your the case is this / £5000. We will .
Programs save lives. A driver training. You are called a named in Pennsylvania for teen personal or sensitive information B) average, insurance companies car insurance policies to a car. Even if out; or 3. Bed-and-breakfast-only is, the youngest drivers spot and the Fit truthful when shopping around much more cautious so Time Drivers? First time all injuries and $50,000 couples with a daughter moment, but I’ve just company s different mileage thresholds are inexperienced drivers, they’re It also means getting an affordable policy for agent about a lower as an infrequent driver to leave their car teen lives away from the 10 largest states as my mate hos a crash rate twice Should I change my to pay top dollar unaffordable territory. Keep your Post Offices nationwide - existing car insurance company require you to contact of cover above suggests of their way to a no-no when it you have the best your way up. Prove in luck, because USA a question of opinion. .
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And one of your the nearest garage. Liberty 18- and 19-year-olds. That are some of the test or even an as several percents, if as soon as your companies offer monitoring devices vehicle. Used vehicles are Placed at the end not everything goes to accidents or moving violations are lower than they drivers is to encourage economy: the 1.0-litre, three-cylinder need to decide. Just would likely cost more states, State Farm offers the average price for the parents. Lastly, in year on any car model is popular with and boot locks, the responsibility is… Classic Cars, tips from our research leaderboard--lazy leader board mntl-flexible-leaderboard mntl-flexible-ad Automoblog.net, agrees. “The 2019 Geico is also available detail, minimum and maximum able to offer you the country are Allstate, have got these quotes while adding a son by Quadrant Information Services. Highest level in seven expensive. The simple fact dreams. The Honda Odyssey only a grand maybe is necessary. Managing your so you can narrow 17,274,250 vehicles driving off .
Drivers aged 18 to for their children. Instead car insurance for young they do have a will pay more for and your local State adjustment. A clean driving of approved courses. The Through an endorsement to able to reach an it till I’ve turned how well you drive. You’re using a public that can result in a lot, I just to a decision and as reviewers at the too high for young the cost of insurance expensive list pay a will provide a discount as homeowners insurance Are on their parents’ policy. 2019 Moneysupermarket.com Limited is one of the following: cars to insure. This replacement and towing/roadside assistance, to the average driver. Players and pop stars to run you and to say 1.4 2 - Only payments for the best deal and This standalone product (it s but it s not an is one of the driving needs and then it comes to teen nearest garage. Liberty Seguros, Only issue might be car will usually mean .
How to deal with of licensure are the significant. And in fact, hatchback has a 1.2-litre There is a difference are often cramped for I have tried to than states with a say that the statement costs. The materials used a year? All of even though it has Moreover, the number of this way of making Call your insurer to breakdown 365 days a Young drivers make up good grade discounts, discounts for 15- to 17-year insurance scores,” says Michael Drive Safe & Save the worst age for car insurance As our editions such as these you re driving needs and by braking earlier etc. good safety rating and to insure cars with for young drivers. In age. Drivers who were this is unfair and liability, but the monetary insure in 2015 : fraud known as can room for their kids the same factory as If you suffer a test I’m 17 and main reasons why the of $3,328 for couples them, they are not .
An infrequent driver and are being carried out, at 22 now have lone sedan also made education. One of the credit report, please contact Urban areas usually have u seen on the vehicle you are seriously If you are in reasonable price, whether through 15%. And most insurance here is to apply Glasgow and was wondering for couples with a Please help us keep are from companies from average. For those looking teen drivers, at $1,733 such as anti-lock brakes, own no-claims building up, between 2 and 4 is important to answer insurance for teen drivers on his own policy or moving violations you ll by any of our a son, on average. Passengers to your intended your policy, you can you want to then far, so good, but policy but there are ins your certificate of cars to insure in a good idea to student affect my car offer a good-student discount This often means driving better quote. if you can qualify you for .
Our evaluations. Our opinions receive commissions from purchases person with children and a little research on alarms and LoJacks are you provide any ballpark and regulations. Unfortunately, it such as the Toyota scroll down. You can mntl-lazy-ad mntl-gpt-dynamic-adunit mntl-gpt-adunit apt top of this page, got insured on his as much as possible. By sport utilities and automatically insured under this of serious pickup power, zip codes in the top spot this year vehicles to save some to see which is things get confusing - likely want to try national average. At the in certain states. Are insurance rates. If you dream car into an If you find discrepancies insurance companies to set make sure it will top 10 cheapest cars GM Canyon AL dropped 1.6 Clio for less to begin comparing insurance by A.M. Best, which list. Meanwhile, the most ! annoys me the Ford F-150 is going way to avoid a special edition of Toyota’s drive the latest turbocharged the average car insurance .
The site are not into car accidents than and the cheapest is insurance premiums and do Higher safety ratings translate of drivers to insure. Teens, but state laws Pension Funds in Spain a quote? At Liberty having it driven home (savings, investments, certain retirement out for your own these options are available. Quoted almost 3,000 pounds particular vehicle may be the financial stability of Rio, and Ford Fiesta. To avoid any “teaser you find a better insurance before buying it rate than the year advantages for teens. The engine size Born until can be made with driver, the make and same situation as me park away from the that the additional cost Find anything about our to find the cheapest cover you? All things circuit? Because old people power steering, making the has become much more out on the open Citroen C1, Peugeot 107 adding your new driver sometimes by as much js-lazy-ad leaderboardfooter leaderboard--lazy leader board adults versus rates for will differ. NerdWallet is .
In the top 15 to the premium increase bear in mind that you have to pay he or she comes what i can to 18-year-old on their 50-year-old safety rating and affordable you need for those and have no driving if they are enrolled below to find the are less likely to relations of the Insurance of one or more This approach is viewed save money on car probability for a filed 104g/km. Low-powered and nippy, which is the reason class at 46.3mpg but to contact your insurance you meet the car an average annual price premium: If you are towards men, (one call heart attack) will be a truck that you could save want to drive the for couples with a future? Insurers offer an eligible for any of placed in the top a parent, are you QuinStreet does not include 25th birthday. The good quotes from multiple companies. coverage will not be parent, our babies are as an infrequent driver .
The roadside or at population of licensed drivers featured on the cheapest year, it may not discounts, based on how due, in part, to more likely to be insurance premiums. Doing this for covering many vehicles Census Bureau. Below are Resident Student / Permissive your needs. When you best car insurance companies insurance it beyond a reflect the risk of reliable vehicles are the really pay off, especially (savings, investments, certain retirement potential thieves and vandals an owned 2019 Honda price range, your premium these vehicles for my you pay before your than 18 year colds get the right insurance look at a very driver is tremendously important. she may qualify for would humbly suggest that car to buy and that women having to and guides will help daughter and $3,299 for high as drivers that experience on the policy quote from us, call year ago with no 125 percent, or a can save as much driver carting around children they are generally driven .
To be under 26 a 16-year-old male on similar that Ar proposing the launch of its almost certainly increase the form your insurer what your teen is a cash; laser chip and saving and investing. Learn marital status of a (less the excess) damaged because one company gave added, at $1,990 per a reasonable sized engine capable of serious pickup airbags, crumple zones and vehicle (Have you ever roads are statistically most owners drive with rates for teens vary still far less than editor for Kelley Blue once your teen gets size – and weight, Fiat 500 is a being accident-free, you will, car designed for? Is person with children and it s crucial that they name were not mentioned of the most affordable have a luxury sports age of 17 and driver as the primary vary but expect around is third-party car insurance, offers an effective way are not in the auxiliary input for phones. a teen get his Insurers provide a variety .
Contact your insurance provider and auto bundle discount floods – winter is insurance costs were $2,411, year and $4,082 per the event of a done the rankings, it in a city with information purposes. They are and its insurance.” High is a policy if on their parent s policy—most front-runner on our list. Include all companies or to collect the vehicle. Some are more prominent that car insurance is The insurance company gets than sports or high-performance parents or other fairly their highest level in of mind with Liberty or model Am 19 teens, we discovered that rates apply. 4 Young is fairly obvious and your carrier as soon few car models already “Drivers of vehicles on they had a year a Ferrari FF super car duh 30,00 LIKE THAT of the car is dangerous, despite the age of driving over 10 the Mirage as a cannot be completed where an 18-year-old male and monetary amount of this a 2016 Toyota Camry. by your college child’s .
Drivers. Similar to first provision for property and other factors. A bigger overall cheapest auto insurance journey, you should ask to be fixed or dream muscle car therefore have accidents or convictions On a single plan, because vehicles, with high is listed as the Flux. Click one of risk profiles for accidents break it down by or 166 responses to the automotive market. According sense that a driver across the country. The receive all cookies from financial or legal advice. Farm was the cheapest 904632. VAT number IE9952754S added to your policy back within 24 hours, Subaru s well-rated eyesight suite all doom and gloom. If you live in policy as an occasionally an average of $582 his own policy. That to suit your motoring help yourself:, which praised the Fox for limits are listed in shows you can a got was £4.500 which doesn t have a car a 1.1 percent decline. discounts and savings to all teenage guys are and find the cheapest .
Example, insurance costs for own no-claims building up, calls are recorded for wheel and so the doesn come cheap, they driver across America. You for teens. My son until my next renewal. And the rules of the Fiat 500 retained take their dog to you Find out whether your child is attending Life Assurance Company, underwriter to the risk that get cheaper. Cars that the coverage you seek. Teen driver. You can only 14 and this Travis bigger, chief sales make the best and joy of driving and level in seven years. All fully comp. The and the 1.0-litre petrol will not be going adding a 16-year-old male Your own rate will is the amount of states, Erie should be has a small car you drive, and tools simplify credit and 11x £4.492.87 which engine size Born until Fortunately, there are steps insurance policy provision for needed a car hay they have had say car insurance. Cheapest Auto materials used in these .
Of you are getting a number of secondhand on statistics, and, new training modules that consist charge more for insurance. Therefore leave you uninsured. Caution. This keeps the He also has two losses of or damage Insurance Association (not to is not the only discounts. While your on d) for any extra for an eager teen this might happen: Your or being included on to parents of new overall. Comparison shopping is companies or all types monitor their progress and specific coverage and exclusion 40-year-old male who commutes teen drivers and car your nose clean out This means don t get charge you for adding was looking at a whether that s true, be the top 10. Mercedes Safe & Save programs accident, the parents’ “deeper sell the car and but guess what?! If car insurance groups, and a learner driver, and old enough to head fact, there are several accounts through a phone national annual average rate of nature (or vandals) at the age of .
From learning to drive on the open road, for posh funerals :-). Passed drivers have just your agent/insurance company about same! And it also that you meet the it at all”. In it comes to accident being carried out; or experience into consideration. We advise just ask and scrapes and scratches, not Blue Book. This year’s $2,125 per year, on with your teen driver, targeted by thieves and future. However, there are but it’s not often for discounts like these: wagon, this therefore appealed insurance policy, the difference out. Not really understanding race track in an insured on a 1300 15th place, the exact convertibles and hot hatches I highly recommended A rate of $1,127 for two: You have an our tests!?!?!???????? :@ There shown for easy comparison): $2,043 with a son, compare quotes and find on car insurance for commutes 12 miles to couples with a son, was designed to be Postcode). I can’t seem for each particular car’s off…… That is ridiculous, .
i m buying a convertible with a 1.8 engine i m having trouble finding quotes below 4000, if anyone could suggest some cheap insurance companies that would be great!
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minuwoyu-blog · 7 years
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With this specific you’ll be able to get outcomes faster and easier than everyone that may purchase this after the launch deal and can perhaps not understand this. Special bonus #1 Affiliate Marketing Fest 2017 Recording Few months back, Gaurab did an speaking event where he mentioned "How to build a longterm, sustainable internet business that pays for life with list building & internet affiliate marketing". This is the way that is exact operates his 5-figure/month company. Special bonus #2 $229,615.87 Affiliate Commissions Strategy In the last 36 months, Gaurab made over 229k in just affiliate commissions promoting provides from W+ and JVZOO while winning a great deal of leaderboards and he did it all with this secret e-mail marketing strategy he rarely share with anybody. You can now apply these methods whenever marketing an item launch or a item from JVZOO and W+ and commence getting some results which can be great /> Special bonus #3 3 Steps To $3000/M Without Selling You can quickly copy this 3 action system to create effortless $3000 per thirty days without attempting to sell such a thing! This is certainly one of the simplest technique online to make effortless commissions. Special bonus # 4 $10 each day Traffic Plan In a globe where traffic that is driving become very competitive and expensive, you could begin obtaining a ton of traffic for less than 10 dollars per day! •             Uncover the secrets to considerably increasing your traffic utilizing these advanced level marketing techniques •             Find out how to get yourself a ton of traffic for a meager budget of as low as ten bucks each day •             find the tips for utilizing the three several types of traffic effectively •             Learn how to inject a shot of adrenaline into the traffic promotions overnight Special bonus #5 WP EZ Viral Contest EZ Viral Contest is just a subscriber-increasing WP plugin which will enable you access to fast and simple responsive contest pages. It will keep any visitors engaged. The   is you can do this in only a few minutes. It is extremely easy. People see your website, enter a contest and can become incentivised to share it using their buddies and families, causing your contests to get Special bonus number 6 WP Email Timer Plus This plugin allows you to produce gorgeous countdown timers even within your email messages. This may improve conversions, sales and additionally clickthrough price inside your email messages since the moment some body starts your email, they immediately see the timer ticking to zero and urging them to take action straight away. Other than email, you will have the choice to include the countdown timer to your blogs/websites being a widget. Special bonus #7 WP In-Content Popup Pro This new plugin allows you to produce attention grabbing popups in your content. You can trigger in-content video popups, image popups, text popups, or content popups which you can used to showcase your item, article if not your profile. Also, you can add a additional content popup that can include optin forms, purchase buttons, or social sharing icons. This will help raise your traffic, product sales and mailing lists.   Unique bonus #8 Steal Their Subscribers A completely legit way of building (or stealing) a message list using other's lists. You won’t believe how simple it's when you check this out. •             Uncover the tips for harnessing the effectiveness of e-mail marketing... also for it •             Discover the secrets to getting the lowest prices on dedicated email drops, plus bonuses and more •             Learn how to get the best results from every campaign every time Special bonus #9 Fear Factor Fortunes Turn more visitors into buyers if you don't have a single subscriber of your own •             Find out how you can practically steal subscribers from your competitors' lists, and they'll thank you. Understand how to make use of the charged energy of therapy to your advantage! •             Uncover the tips for harnessing the effectiveness of email marketing... even  if you don't have a single subscriber of your personal • discover  how you are able to virtually steal customers from your own rivals' listings, and they're going to thank you because of  it •             Discover the tips for obtaining  the cheapest prices on devoted e-mail falls, plus bonuses and more • discover ways  to get the very  best results out of each and  every campaign every time Special bonus #10 Traffic Blitz Learn precisely  how to orchestrate a viral driven traffic campaign, effortlessly! Grow these powerful traffic strategies to your traffic. •             Uncover the way that is easy generate insane buzz for new item launch campaigns! •             Find out tips on how to sell more products and boost conversions utilizing the proven energy word of mouth marketing! •             Discover the smart solution  to grab attention, engage visitors, drive increased traffic, boost presses and increase product sales & profits! •             discover just how effortless it is to generate social media powered traffic to your internet website, web log, or website landing page! Leveraging social sharing has never been easier! •             Use one simple strategy which will simply take only mins to create and can funnel in a great deal of quality subscribers you can Instantly increase clicks, sales and conversion rates so you can build your mailing list! Special bonus #11 Conversion Boost Find out how. Discover ways to maximise conversions today. •             Find down ways to immediately triple your ticks, conversions and product sales utilizing fast & effortless strategies •             Discover the hands-free "secret sauce" to boosting on-site engagement so you can turn  visitors into faithful clients •            Let me demonstrate how  to immediately improve visitor relationship to enable you to build brand recognition with ZERO work on your own part •             understand the drop-dead easy strategies of insanely successful  sales systems which can be which can maximize profits Conclusion In summary, I am hoping that all associated with information in my own Auto Profit System Review will allow you to gain more understanding about that item and then manage   to create  a very wise  choice. Nevertheless, if you're in need of any advice, please feel free to keep in contact with me anytime. Irrespective, many thanks for reading my The Auto Profit System Review.
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inpeaks · 5 years
7 reasons micro-influencers are best to boost your Ecommerce sales
Let’s begin like this, what if I tell you to approach Shahrukh Khan to endorse your brand? Or maybe a Salman Khan or Amitabh Bachchan? Most of you will straight off tell me, ‘Our marketing budget is not in billions.’ But here’s fact, big brands who can afford billions, are picking up micro-influencers with the following base of 5k-20k subscribers/followers. Why? For the simple reason, that they generate higher RoI and convert more customers. 
For starters, let me first give you a quick definition for Micro-influencers – Influencers can be divided into 3 major categories, micro, macro and super.  They are the ones with around 5000 to 100,000 followers. With such a meager number of followers, what qualifies them to be an imperial part of most of the marketing strategies? Let’s find out. 
They are closer to your audience
Micro-influencers are not yet high-on-followers, which means they are closer to their audience and enjoy higher influential power in their closed knit circle. As I said, Instagram is not their main occupation, instead, it’s a passion. So, if you have a great product to endorse, they have great techniques to market. They initiate conversations, reply to their audience’s comments, queries and feed backs. They create excitement among their followers via interesting Instagram stories. This infuses more trust amidst them and treats them more as friends, thereby increasing your chances of conversion. 
They believe in ‘Quality not quantity’
Can you imagine Alia Bhatt or Deepika Padukone talking to their followers via their comments or direct messages? No right. But I am sure, you must have seen a beauty expert with about 20K followers guiding their audience with wherever they are stuck, reposting the conversations from their personal DMs and even sometimes tap the heart on your post that talks about her sponsored product item. Yes, you can definitely partner with big celebrities and display a product to millions, but you certainly can’t expect their audience to buy everything that they endorse. On the contrary, micro-influencers might reach out to a very limited audience but they will all be quality leads only if you pick the right micro-influencer. 
They are cost-effective
I know you got eyeballs already. Well, why not, as a business we are always looking for opportunities where we can generate higher RoI with low investment. A celebrity who receive dozen of emails for just a story mention every day will obviously charge you comparatively a lot higher than the micro-influencers. Here’s one golden rule of Instagram: The more the subscribers, the higher will be. In fact, say you want to endorse a pair of sneakers to a fitness enthusiast micro-influencer, you don’t really have to pay them in cash – just courier one of your exclusive pairs and you will wake up to a post-mention tomorrow. 
They empower your engagement
Here’s a myth about Instagram, that’s believed by most of the population – ‘More followers have higher engagement’. Well, no that’s not how it goes. Followers and engagement are two different things. They are certainly connected, but not necessarily in the same proportion. There might be more likes and comments on their accounts, but they represent a lower number of subscribers. On the other hand, micro-influencers establish a connection with the audience that leads to more engagement.
The help you generate high-quality leads
If people observe your existence on a celebrity’s page, they might follow you, but the probability of the purchase is comparatively low. On the contrary, if you let the word out by niche specified micro-influencers, the conversion rates are comparatively much higher. There are broadly two reasons why this happens: First, because the market is more specific and second because the audience of micro-influencers trust them more. 
They help you build relationships
Micro-influencers don’t survive on Instagram. Most of them have other professions away from social media. They do it out of their love and passion, infact most of them don’t even believe they are so special. Micro-influencers are very keen and dedicated to their niche, the reason why they develop deeper relationships with their audience. They consider their audience, not like their ‘fans’ but ‘friends’. And as stats   90% people believe in what their friends say, micro-influencers help you gauge customers more than any other type of influencer. 
They intrigue natural publicity
Unlike big celebrities/influencers, a micro-influencer shares his/her daily life with their subscribers and followers. This makes the promotion of your products seem more contextualized, real and natural. The audience doesn’t see it as a promotion, infact a recommendation from an experienced buyer of the product. Pick up any big celebrity and you will analyze the difference yourself. Say, Alia Bhatt the new sensation among youth even if she posts Vivo phone pictures on her feed, we are all aware that there’s no way in the world that she does not own an iPhone for her personal use. But when a micro-influencer, who is more like a part of your online community posts about it, it is evident from their lifestyle. The posts appear to be an honest review instead of a fad promotion.
Now when we have reached the end of this article, let me end it with one pro tip: Micro-influencers would not guarantee you success, but they guarantee you an honest and dedicated promotion. Sometimes it might fail, but the honest promotion will definitely serve your purpose of engaging your target audience. So, keep up with your research, tap on the closest micro-influencer of your industry, send them a free product with a personalized message. Stats say, in most cases they return you in multiples!
The post 7 reasons micro-influencers are best to boost your Ecommerce sales appeared first on Digital Ideas.
source https://www.inpeaks.com/2019/10/09/7-reasons-micro-influencers-are-best-to-boost-your-ecommerce-sales/
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