#Why Are the Downsides of Traditional Marketing?
itscomhes · 1 year
Importance of Digital Marketing Compared to Old-Time Newspaper Marketing
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There is no denying that the Internet, coupled with technological advancements, has revolutionized the face of marketing. Earlier, the best and the most effective way to promote a business was to get display ads printed in newspapers. But times have changed. Today’s generation is more hooked to the digital world than printed media. Consequently, there is a growing need to shift focus on digital marketing. There is no exception for the healthcare industry as well.
What is Healthcare Digital Marketing?
In healthcare, digital marketing refers to using digital platforms such as social media and websites as tools for marketing communication. The “sponsored ads” that pop up on your social feed and the emails you get from healthcare companies are all a part of digital marketing.
Trends in Healthcare Digital Marketing in India
The past few years have been witness to India emerging as one of the fastest-growing digital economies globally. The period between 2014 and 2017 saw the digital adoption index growing by 90%. Regarding revenue, the Indian digital healthcare market stood at a valuation of $ 116.61 billion in 2018. The numbers will expectedly hit INR 485.43 billion by 2024, with a CAGR of around 27.41% during the years 2019–2024. (Source.)
Why Are the Downsides of Traditional Marketing?
The traditional marketing mode is a conventional method to reach out to a semi-targeted audience through various offline advertising methods. It usually comes in prints, broadcasts, direct mail, telephone, and outdoor advertising like billboards. However, conventional marketing has the following drawbacks:
Very costly
Almost no direct interaction with the audience
Making updates is not easy in a static newspaper ad or an already aired TV commercial.
No room for customizations to target a specific audience
Measuring ROI becomes tough.
The rate of leads converting into paying customers is meager.
Receiving feedback is not easy.
Why Go Digital with Healthcare Marketing?
As per ClickZ, the global population has 57% internet users with an average online activity of 6 hours 42 minutes each day. (Source) With different channels like social media, websites, content marketing, pay-per-click, and more, there can be no better time to tap the digital platform’s potential. While traditional newspaper marketing is still useful, technology makes it easier to broaden your outreach, especially when offering something essential, like healthcare services. So here are the top benefits of adopting digital marketing:
Better audience profiling
Direct interaction with the target audience.
Better prediction of customer behavior
Easier to get feedbacks on your service or brand
Tracking your marketing progress is easy.
Cost-effective compared to traditional advertising.
Enough scope for customizing and updating marketing communication
With progressive government policies, India’s robust digital footprint has played a vital role in nurturing the country’s digital healthcare ecosystem. Healthcare providers are turning to digital media to grow their business while offering their services to the public. Digital marketing has promising prospects for the future, far outweighing the limitations posed by traditional marketing.
There is no denying that the Internet, coupled with technological advancements, has revolutionized the face of marketing. Earlier, the best and the most effective way to promote a business was to get display ads printed in newspapers. But times have changed. Today’s generation is more hooked to the digital world than printed media. Consequently, there is a growing need to shift focus on digital marketing. There is no exception for the healthcare industry as well.
What is Healthcare Digital Marketing?
In healthcare, digital marketing refers to using digital platforms such as social media and websites as tools for marketing communication. The “sponsored ads” that pop up on your social feed and the emails you get from healthcare companies are all a part of digital marketing.
Trends in Healthcare Digital Marketing in India
The past few years have been witness to India emerging as one of the fastest-growing digital economies globally. The period between 2014 and 2017 saw the digital adoption index growing by 90%. Regarding revenue, the Indian digital healthcare market stood at a valuation of $ 116.61 billion in 2018. The numbers will expectedly hit INR 485.43 billion by 2024, with a CAGR of around 27.41% during the years 2019–2024. (Source.)
Why Are the Downsides of Traditional Marketing?
The traditional marketing mode is a conventional method to reach out to a semi-targeted audience through various offline advertising methods. It usually comes in prints, broadcasts, direct mail, telephone, and outdoor advertising like billboards. However, conventional marketing has the following drawbacks:
Very costly
Almost no direct interaction with the audience
Making updates is not easy in a static newspaper ad or an already aired TV commercial.
No room for customizations to target a specific audience
Measuring ROI becomes tough.
The rate of leads converting into paying customers is meager.
Receiving feedback is not easy.
Why Go Digital with Healthcare Marketing?
As per ClickZ, the global population has 57% internet users with an average online activity of 6 hours 42 minutes each day. (Source) With different channels like social media, websites, content marketing, pay-per-click, and more, there can be no better time to tap the digital platform’s potential. While traditional newspaper marketing is still useful, technology makes it easier to broaden your outreach, especially when offering something essential, like healthcare services. So here are the top benefits of adopting digital marketing:
Better audience profiling
Direct interaction with the target audience.
Better prediction of customer behavior
Easier to get feedbacks on your service or brand
Tracking your marketing progress is easy.
Cost-effective compared to traditional advertising.
Enough scope for customizing and updating marketing communication
With progressive government policies, India’s robust digital footprint has played a vital role in nurturing the country’s digital healthcare ecosystem. Healthcare providers are turning to digital media to grow their business while offering their services to the public. Healthcare Digital marketing has promising prospects for the future, far outweighing the limitations posed by traditional marketing.
Source: https://comhes.com/
#There is no denying that the Internet#coupled with technological advancements#has revolutionized the face of marketing. Earlier#the best and the most effective way to promote a business was to get display ads printed in newspapers. But times have changed. Today’s gen#there is a growing need to shift focus on digital marketing. There is no exception for the healthcare industry as well.#What is Healthcare Digital Marketing?#In healthcare#digital marketing refers to using digital platforms such as social media and websites as tools for marketing communication. The “sponsored#Trends in Healthcare Digital Marketing in India#The past few years have been witness to India emerging as one of the fastest-growing digital economies globally. The period between 2014 an#the Indian digital healthcare market stood at a valuation of $ 116.61 billion in 2018. The numbers will expectedly hit INR 485.43 billion b#with a CAGR of around 27.41% during the years 2019–2024. (Source.)#Why Are the Downsides of Traditional Marketing?#The traditional marketing mode is a conventional method to reach out to a semi-targeted audience through various offline advertising method#broadcasts#direct mail#telephone#and outdoor advertising like billboards. However#conventional marketing has the following drawbacks:#Very costly#Almost no direct interaction with the audience#Making updates is not easy in a static newspaper ad or an already aired TV commercial.#No room for customizations to target a specific audience#Measuring ROI becomes tough.#The rate of leads converting into paying customers is meager.#Receiving feedback is not easy.#Why Go Digital with Healthcare Marketing?#As per ClickZ#the global population has 57% internet users with an average online activity of 6 hours 42 minutes each day. (Source) With different channe#websites
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strangebiology · 1 year
Myths about Traditional Publishing
Now that I'm in the book-writing world I see a LOT of anti-trad publishing posts. They usually have some nonsense in them so I'm going to address these myths/misrepresentations.
I’m NOT trying to say everyone should trad publish. In fact, I actually suggest people without significant writing experience not write a book at all until they get experience. You asked. If you want to write something faster without any editors and you're okay with doing a lot more work per sale, or if you haven't published anything shorter than a book, I DO recommend self-publishing to you (or, re-thinking why you want to write a book.) Just make sure you’re making your choice without influence from misinfo! 
🚫 “Traditional Publishing means less money because your royalty is less!”
✅Your royalty is less but every one of these anti-trad posts misses the very important financial reality that traditional publishers sell your book widely, meaning more sales without work on your end, and more importantly: the ADVANCE! Yes, trad writers get money before a single book sells! On average most traditionally published books make WAY more than self, even though there are very rare stories of financial success among the portion of self-published authors who are very talented and hard-working.
🚫 “The advance doesn’t count because you have to pay it back!”
✅BS. Money DOES NOT flow from the writer to the publisher in trad pub. Not even if you sell zero books. As the royalties come in, they initially start flowing to refill the advance that the publisher lost, and they go to the writer once that is refilled. The writer is happy because they already have their advance, which has already gone to paying off their debts or into an index fund or the downpayment on a house so they don’t have to throw away money renting, so they’re in a much better financial situation than with no advance. There is no downside to getting guaranteed money earlier. 
The only way you’d have to pay it back is like any job: if I pay you to fix my roof and you don’t do it, the contract is broken and I am legally entitled to my money back. Hopefully, you already knew that. 
🚫 “The advance doesn’t count because you get it in installments and you have to pay some to your agent and taxes exist!” 
✅The second part of that is true, but so what? With a $50k advance and an agent, you keep $42,500 minus taxes. That’s $21,250 on signing and $21,250 on completion. (And yes, there are different installment patterns, different advances etc.) With self-publishing, you get $0 and then $0 forever until your book starts selling. If your advance is small that’s unfortunate but remember self-publishing advances are $0. Zero dollars is much less than $42,500. Zero is less than $1. Self-publishers also go into actual debt to pay for editors, printers, and marketing, so you could easily start with negative money.
🚫 “Traditional publishing sucks because they expect you to do all your own marketing!”
✅Huh? Whatever expectations are happening in the heart of my publisher are none of my business or concern. Marketing on my end is not in my contract and I doubt it’s in the majority of trad contracts. I’ll definitely promote my book as much as I can but I’m sure as heck not going to spend 40 hours a week doing it or getting a degree in marketing unless I'm getting paid. 
However, the publisher employs professional book marketers and they are the ones incentivized to sell the first [insert advance dollar amount] worth of books. 
Also, who do you think markets your self-published book? The Marketing Fairy? 
🚫 “You have to write the whole book first.”
✅Yes with fiction, usually. Unless they trust you because of your track record, and you have a good pitch and part of the book written (like the first three chapters.) With nonfiction, generally, you don't need to have written much of that, maybe one chapter and lots of articles. They might require more if you're writing a memoir, especially if you don't have writing experience. They want to know you can do it.
🚫 “Traditional publishing is just a lottery!”
✅I mean there are elements of luck, what’s in fashion, privilege etc. just like in all fields, especially creative ones. But most of the reason people get trad contracts is hard work, experience, a good concept, proof of successful writing and publishing (including non-books!), caring about what the readers want, etc.  
Most people who I talk to who tried and failed to traditionally publish had no published writing of any sort. Most who succeed at trad publishing had plenty, as well as a lot of expertise in that area. Like, a degree and/or years of experience in that field, not "I listened to a few podcasts on it."
🚫 “Actually a smaller advance is better.”
✅Absolutely not. This is an insidious nonsense rumor akin to “a smaller salary is better” and I wonder if publishers started that rumor to financially abuse their writers or if writers spread it because hate themselves and each other. I’ve heard all the justifications, they make no financial sense, if you hate money give it to me.
The only reason to take a smaller advance would be the same as the reason to take a smaller salary: if the publisher makes up for it with something else that's worth it.
Interestingly, I'm told bigger advances sell out faster, because they attract attention behind the scenes, from reviewers, booksellers, etc.
🚫 “Even an advance of 100k isn't that much when you split it into four payments over 2 years. Better to get regular royalties. Not like $100k is enough to quit your day job.” ✅$100k split into four payments over 2 years is WAY more than the $0 self-publishing gets you before sales. Even $200/month for 40 YEARS is less than 100k, and that's without the time value of money or inflation. And, remember, trad published books get royalties too, the only difference is the first [insert advance here] is GUARANTEED, and after that, fewer dollars per book sold. If you make $100k per book and don't spend too much time per book, that can very easily BE your day job and you CAN certainly quit your other one to pursue that. But no one said anything about assuming selling one $100k is enough for the rest of your life. That would be an absurdly irresponsible mindset. Just because trad publishing doesn't guarantee anything crazy like one book financially supporting you forever, doesn't mean it's worse financially. What a weird, irrelevant straw man.
🚫 “But if you don't sell out your advance, the publisher drops you!"
✅Misleading. First, what is the time frame of this accusation? Your book is not going to sell $50k worth in a week, most likely. Second, what do you mean by "drop?" The publisher does not do anything bad to the author as they are waiting and hoping for sales. They continue to sell and work with the book, they do not yeet it or burn it or un-publish it.
What does happen is your publisher will consider your past success when deciding whether to sign another book contract and how much to give you for your next advance. If your last book sold $100k in a month, but your advance was $101k, then yes, they have lost money so far. But the prospects of your writing are fantastic, and they are likely to sign you again. There is more than one month in their lives.
If your book did not perform well--say it sold $5k in 5 years--then that ONE publishing company isn't going to sign you again. Duh? Then you have like 99,999 other publishing companies to look at. Or you could self-publish. Is that a problem? How are the pro-self-publishing people so scared of self-publishing? Or you could just not write more books, you tried it once, you can decide that's enough, especially if you aren't happy with how it turned out. Don't we all have more than one goal in life? Didn't you want to get into fishing or dancing or insurance sales too?
🚫 “Getting a book contract is my retirement plan!"
✅(I realize most of this post seems pro-trad but yes, we need some reality check.) A trad contract is as good as it does--and as good as the author is. Same with self-publishing. Maybe you could make a lot of money at it, but I ask, what is your experience? How do you know your book is so amazing? You know some of the most financially successful writers still put out TONS of books, right? Because it's a job.
🚫 “Nobody earns a living from this."
✅Well. No, some people do earn livings from book writing, at least temporarily. A single book isn't going to sustain you forever, like I said, but it could potentially sustain you for the time it takes to write it, and even longer maybe, if you and your publisher are good enough. The next year will pass whether you're working on a book or you're working in insurance sales or at Starbucks; so you must consider your values, skills, opportunity cost, the money you get from each, and whatever else matters to you when deciding which to do. You can pitch a publisher and say "no, that's not enough money" when they offer you a contract, if you want.
At the end of the day, trad publishing is a business. No publishing company owes you anything except what is in the contract they signed. Not working with the same place twice isn't going to kill you. Getting rejected is part of the game--you didn't get into every college you applied to, did you? You don't get every award or every job you apply to, you don't cry when you open the Pepsi bottle and it says "try again." But if you don't treat writing like a job, if your publisher sucks, or you think it's a get-rich-quick scheme that requires no skills, craft, or ambition, then you will fail miserably and regret the whole thing.
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pensat-i-fet · 2 years
12 Days of Christmas- Day 3 (Mason Mount)
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Day 2  l  Day 4
“Coming!!”, you yelled while running down the stairs to the front door. When you opened it, your boyfriend was waiting for you with a big smile on his face.
“Ready?”, said Mason.
“Do you have to ask?”, you said, beaming and hugging him so tightly he almost couldn’t breathe for a second.
You had been bugging him for a while about going to the Christmas markets you loved so much, but he wasn’t so sure about the plan. Obviously, being so famous came with the downside that he sometimes couldn’t do simple things such as that without people bothering him. But he finally accepted to go on a not-super-busy day.
“Ok, we said no to ice skating because if you get injured, I’ll be the one your team murders”, you said, making him laugh, “but the rest is still all doable”.
“Have you made an itinerary for the day?”, joked Mason. He actually loved how organized you were. Especially when it saved him from being late for important meetings.
“Do you want me to do one now, smart ass?”
He shook his head. “Let the fun lead our way today”.
Once at the market you couldn’t contain your happiness. You had been visiting them since you were a little girl and getting to now experience this tradition with your boyfriend made you extremely happy.
“Mulled wine first”, you declared.
“Already trying to get me drunk. Take me to dinner first, you perv”.
“Shush, Mason”.
The wine wasn’t even that good, but it was nice to have a hot drink that could warm you up a little. It was freezing out there.
“Come here”, said Mason, side-hugging you and rubbing your arms to warm you up a bit more.
“Thank you”, you said with a sigh, leaning into him more. “Should we get a Christmas tree ornament?”
“We’ve got plenty of those already”.
“Yes, but this could be our one. We get one each for each of our trees. It’s cute”.
“You’re cute”, he said, kissing your nose.
“I know!”
He chose a little reindeer for your tree while you picked a mini snow globe for his. You had always loved snowglobes and Mason knew it. That’s why he always tried to buy one from the souvenir shops in the cities where he travelled for matches. Your mum was less ecstatic about how much your collection had grown because of him but loved him anyway for being so thoughtful. 
“Ferris wheel?”, you suggested. “I’ll hold your hand if you get afraid of the height”.
“It was one time!”, he moaned. “And it was really high. And sunny. I was feeling a bit dizzy”.
“It’s ok, Mase”, you laughed. “I will protect you, I swear”.
You could tell your teasing was going to cost you when he started to tickle you but you were faster and managed to escape from him. When he was about to catch you, you stopped and turned to look at him, lifting your hands.
“No, Mason, think about it. You’ll make people stare at us, they’ll realize who you are and…our day ruined”, you told him, faking a pout.
He shook his head while getting closer to you. “I’ll get my revenge when we are alone”, he whispered in your ear.
“Don’t threaten me with a good time, babe”.
After taking some photos of the incredible views, you turned to look at your boyfriend, who didn’t look particularly happy to be so high up.
“You ok, Mase?”, you said, caressing the side of his face with your hand.
“Yeah…I…I might not be too fond of heights after all, you know?”, he tried to laugh.
“That’s ok. I told you I could protect you”.
You turned him so he could look at you, just you.
“Forget about the surroundings”, you whispered, “and just look at my pretty face. That should make things easier”.
That got a real laugh from him. “It is a really pretty face. Really really pretty”, he said, closing the distance between the two of you and kissing you. Fear of heights now forgotten.
By the time the ride was over, he was hugging you and hiding his face in the crook of your neck. 
“And…we’re safe!”
“Thank God”, you heard him mutter. And you both made your way out.
“Will a hot chocolate make you feel better?”, you asked, already leading him to the place where you could get some.
“I think a kiss is much more effective”.
“Really?”, you said, smirking at him. 
But when your lips were almost touching his, you heard a little boy calling his name.
“It’s Mason Mount, mum!”, he said, dragging her to where you two were.
“Honey, he’s with his girlfriend, you can’t bother him”.
This wasn’t the first time something like this happened. And normally you were bothered by the people who didn’t even ask if it was ok to take a picture but seeing a little boy tearing up broke your heart. And it was the same way for Mason.
“It’s ok, little man. Did you want a photo? Or an autograph?”, he said to him, and the trembling lip stopped moving and turned into a smile.
“Are you sure?”, said the boy’s mum, “we really don’t want to disturb your date”.
“It’s fine”, he told her, convincing her with his charming smile.
After taking the photos with the little boy, he and his mum left and Mason turned to look at you.
“Sorry about that”.
“Oh yes, please apologize for making a kid so happy. I’m furious at you!”, you said, smiling at him.
“You know what I mean”, he rolled his eyes.
“I know”, you said, putting your arms around his neck and giving him a little peck. “But you know one of the reasons I love you is because of how kind you are to strangers, no matter how cute or rude they are. It proves once again what a great man you are”.
“Your man”, he said, flirting with you and also trying to change the subject. He always got embarrassed when you spoke to him like that.
“That’s right, my man”, you whispered before kissing him again. “Can my man buy me a hot chocolate now?”
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thebindingcompany · 4 months
How Influencers Are Shaping Gen-Z and Modern Marketing
The Future: Influencers Will Become Celebrities Like Film Stars of the Past
Influencers are rapidly becoming the new-age celebrities, taking over the roles once dominated by film stars. Their reach and influence are profound, especially among Gen-Z, who value authenticity and relatability. Unlike traditional celebrities, influencers build their fame by sharing everyday moments and engaging directly with their audience. This level of connection makes them more relatable and trustworthy. As this trend continues, influencers will cement their status as the modern-day icons, redefining the concept of celebrity.
Brands Will Collaborate with Influencers to Reach Their Customers
Brands are increasingly recognizing the power of influencers in marketing strategies. Collaborating with influencers allows brands to tap into niche audiences and gain authentic endorsements. Gen-Z, in particular, is skeptical of traditional advertising but is highly responsive to recommendations from influencers they follow. This shift in marketing dynamics means brands are now investing heavily in influencer partnerships to create genuine connections with their target audience. This trend will only grow stronger, with influencers playing a pivotal role in shaping consumer behavior.
Is the Influencer Era Healthy for the Next Gen?
The influencer era presents both opportunities and challenges for the next generation. On the positive side, influencers can inspire and educate, promoting values like creativity, entrepreneurship, and self-expression. However, there is a downside. The constant exposure to curated perfection can lead to unrealistic expectations and mental health issues. It's crucial to foster a balanced perspective and encourage Gen-Z to differentiate between online personas and reality. By addressing these concerns, we can ensure the influencer culture remains a positive force.
Filtering Good Influencers: Why It's Crucial for the Future Gen
With the rise of influencers, it's essential to support only those who promote healthy and genuine content. The future generation should not be driven by numbers on social media but by the quality of the message. Encouraging the support of influencers who bring value, authenticity, and positive influence will help shape a healthier digital landscape. By filtering out superficial content and endorsing meaningful influencers, we can guide Gen-Z towards a more constructive and inspiring use of social media.
In conclusion, influencers are reshaping the concept of celebrity and transforming marketing strategies. While this era has its challenges, it also holds immense potential for positive impact. By being mindful of the influencers we support, we can ensure a healthier and more authentic digital future for the next generation.
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beneaththemooon · 9 months
how much have you spent to publish your books? what were some of the biggest hurdles systematically or mentally?
I self published all of my books. It’s not as costly as you think because you’re controlling everything. If you go through the traditional route of publishing and that’s IF you get signed to a publishing house I’m pretty sure they give you an advancement you have to pay back through sales, book tours + book signings etc. for anyone wanting to just published a book to see what it’s like then you should definitely self publish first. There’s so much freedom in doing things on your own but it has it downsides because you don’t have the publishing machine pushing you to the general public/market telling people to buy your book. That’s why sometimes it’s nice to go the authentic route and start small and build your readers with you as you grow into an author/writer. When you build your core fanbase you’re able to negotiate much more in those meetings because you have leverage. The book industry is all about selling it’s a business at the end of day they don’t care that your book is special to you, they just want it to sell.
So far I haven’t experienced any hurdles systematically or mentally because I’m not signed to a publishing house nor do I have a manager. I don’t have to answer to anyone. I control everything. Right now I’m trusting my talent and instinct to just keep producing stories that come to me.
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mariacallous · 2 years
TikTok offers the LGBT community in the region greater visibility – but this also brings more attacks and hate speech, which local authorities rarely punish.
Milica Crkvenjakov from Novi Sad, in the Serbian province of Vojvodina, is one of many LGBT activists in the region who have embraced the Chinese social platform TikTok to reach out to her community.
TikTok was launched in late 2016, and reached the international market the following year.
According to Influencer Marketing Hub, as of January this year it now has many as a billion active users. Almost 170 million TikTok videos are viewed per minute and the average user spends more than 14 hours a month on the platform.
Milica runs the TikTok channel Dragadjevojcice [Dear girl]. As well as topics related to the LGBT community, her TikTok page focuses on the prevention of violence in partner relationships, feminism, the female body, sexuality and other topics that interest young women.
“Thanks to this platform, most people in the region are exposed to the LGBT community for the first time, because there is no such visibility in traditional media,” she told BIRN.
But she says there is a downside to this extended visibility; through her TikTok page she also gets more hate speech, verbal attacks and threats.
“Sometimes the LGBT community merely receives insults, but there are also calls for murder and isolation. The more serious threats I reported to the police, but there was no reaction,” she says.
From Milica’s experience, threats and verbal attacks usually come from users who prefer to stay anonymous.
On the other hand, in more and more cases, young men voice hate speech using their full names, she says.
According to Milica, this suggests that LGBT rights are not improving much in Serbia, especially in terms of the legal framework that should protect these people.
Greater visibility can mean greater hostility
On the other hand, she believes gradual positive changes are taking place, and that visibility plays a key role in this.
“Without visibility in society, visibility in the media, on social networks, in politics, in textbooks, there are no positive changes. I think we are slowly moving in that direction,” Milica says, underlying the importance of TikTok for this greater visibility.
According to her, many of the young men using hate speech do so unknowingly, and do not really understand the issues.
“These comments can make me sad because they remind me of the kind of society I live in. I can protect myself relatively well from it, but I feel sorry for the rest of the LGBT community that endures discrimination and violence in both the digital as well as in the real world,”she says.
Milica believes people on the internet are often impressionable, especially the young.
“If they see just one hate speech comment, they string together a hundred others. But if they notice a lot of positive comments, even when they thought they were going to leave something negative, there is less chance that they will write it,” she suggests.
Milica also says the system for removing malign comments on TikTok does not work well, which is why she reports only the worst cases of verbal abuse and threats.
Hate speech fueled by conspiracy theories and ignorance
Matija Stefanovic, a 24-year-old LGBT activist from Belgrade, Serbia, shares many of Milica’s views and concerns.
“I am a transgender man, which means I was assigned female at birth but am a man. That’s how I identify myself and how I live my life,” he told BIRN.
Matija also has a TikTok channel in which he talks about his transition process. He says his goal is to bring his experience closer to other transgender people in Serbia and the Western Balkans. Several of his videos have had hundreds of thousands of views.
“Considering that TikTok is full of young users, it’s a great place to approach the topic of transgender issues,” he says, adding that the social network has great algorithms compared to most others and is easier to reach more people.
Matija believes young people know little about the world around them and often have wrong ideas, which are usually expressed by hate speech. He says he is well acquainted with the personality profile of people who leave hateful comments and believes that such people are essentially unhappy.
“It’s usually done by young people, more often boys, who are plagued by some kind of unreasonable fear of LGBT people. They associate the queer movement with conspiracy theories, the fear of the ‘imposition of Western values’ and with the ‘destruction of Serbian tradition and Serbian national identity’. All this is understandable in our social context,” Matija explains.
He never deletes hate speech comments directed at him on his TikTok channel but instead responds to these messages with videos or comments, hoping to present a different perspective to them.
Nevertheless, Matija says that reporting and deleting comments is a logical response when someone feels threatened or hurt.
Hatred of those who don’t ‘fit’ society’s norms
Andrea Libic Florent van Langren is an intersex person who grew up as a man in Bosnia and Herzegovina but has spent most of her life in Slovenia and Belgium. During an ultrasound examination, when she was 23, a doctor discovered that she had an entire female reproductive system.
“I used to believe I was a transgender person. There were many negative comments and prejudices. I can say from my experience that it is not easy to live in a community that doesn’t accept your identity,” Andrea says.
She believes that hate speech on TikTok is not directed exclusively at the LGBT community but at everyone who does not “fit” social norms.
“Personally, I haven’t encountered many negative comments on TikTok or other social networks. I remember several comments that were quite negative, not out of bad intentions but out of general ignorance,” Andrea told BIRN.
She says her intersexuality is often confused with transgenderism, which explains some of the hateful comments.
“I don’t bother with negative comments. I think you shouldn’t react, and then these people withdraw,” she says, but adds that she still sometimes reports hateful content and comments on TikTok, because the platform is often misused to spread hate speech.
“Sometimes these comments are so awful that I wonder what have these people done to be treated like that,” Andrea says, adding that she blocks such extreme users and reports their profiles.
Better regulation of hate speech is needed
Amar Catovic, an activist and lawyer, says hate speech on TikTok should not be ignored or only blocked but reported to the police who should investigate it especially when a person feels threatened.
Catovic says people with more followers on TikTok face more attacks than others.
“Hate speech has more devastating consequences for those people because more people see it, share it, like it, and give it more attention,” he explained.
According to Catovic, in Bosnia and Herzegovina posting hate content on social networks is not well regulated by law.
“Social networks can certainly be seen as a public space and as a platform for highlighting hate speech and encouraging discrimination. If the police and the prosecutor’s office wanted to, they could solve and sanction such cases,” he adds.
He notes that LGBT persons can seek legal protection through the article on “Violation of human and citizen equality” in the criminal code of Bosnia’s Federation entity. This envisions prison sentences for anyone who denies civil rights guaranteed by the constitution or an international treaty. The criminal code in Bosnia’s other entity, Republika Srpska, contains the same article.
This issue of penalizing hate speech is regulated differently in different parts of the Balkan region.
In Montenegro, the Law on Media, adopted in 2020, foresees sanctions for publishing content on the Internet that spreads hatred and incites violence, including national chauvinism, hate speech and misogyny.
In Serbia, two laws protect LGBT people from hate speech on the Internet. The first is the Law on Prohibition of Discrimination, which prohibits the expression of ideas and information that discriminate. The second is the Law on Public Information and Media, which prohibits hate speech based on race, religion, nation, gender, sexual orientation or other personal characteristics.
Kosovo’s constitution, ratified in 2008, states that no one may be discriminated against, and, among other things, mentions sexual orientation.
North Macedonia in 2019 adopted a new law against discrimination, which, among other things, includes sexual orientation and gender identity.
However, most activists and critics say these laws are not enforced, and that spreading hate speech is not adequately punished.
Another problem is that networks’ own self-regulations often fail to remove hate speech comments, or do not do so quickly enough.
Fedja Kulenovic, the senior assistant at the Department of Information Sciences at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Sarajevo, says reporting illegal content on social networks works can be complicated.
“Unfortunately, for most new TikTok users, the video submission process itself is not that intuitive. It requires you to hold your finger on the video a little longer to get a menu for reporting specific content, which is then divided into 13 categories. The same applies to comments,” he explains.
Once the content is reported, as with other social networks, the content has to be evaluated and then maybe removed.
“However, you never know on what basis the decision was made, whether it is about accepting your appeal or rejecting it,” Kulenovic says.
He also notes that while there is some automated content removal, it mainly applies to better-known languages. Self-regulators often do not work effectively, he says.
“This is primarily because they refuse to cooperate. Every network is in some way a private entity, which gives them the right to make their own rules of conduct,” he concludes.
TikTok spreads love as well as hate
Halid Guso, a gay man from Maglaj in Bosnia lives with his partner in Croatia. As a gay man he encountered a lot of prejudice growing up, but despite everything, always had the support of his closest family and friends.
He started his TikTok channel out of boredom, as he had a lot of free time on a business trip.
“In the beginning, these were fun videos. Later, I started publishing certain things from my life, interwoven with LGBT topics, like, for example, pictures of my wedding or short video content with my friends,” Halid told BIRN.
He adds: “I immediately delete comments like ‘faggot’, ‘poor parents’, ‘die,’ and so on from my profile, not because they hurt me, but because it’s extremely rude.”
Besides receiving threats and hate speech, the LGBT community can share their stories and find kind words and support on TikTok, Halid says.
He thinks the platform has contributed a lot to the visibility and better understanding of the LGBT community in the region.
“My wedding video on TikTok has over 300,000 views. This makes me happy because I have shown people that I have emotions and the right to love, and that I will live my life regardless of imposed social norms,” he concludes.
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barbarewjohnson · 2 years
How to Make Money as an Influencer Marketing Affiliate
If you’re reading this, chances are you’re interested in making money as an influencer marketing affiliate. This is a great way to earn some extra income, and if you do it right, you can even make a full-time living off of it.
But what exactly is influencer marketing? And how can you be successful at it?
In simple terms, influencer marketing is when businesses partner with popular social media users in order to promote their products or services. The social media user (the “influencer”) will post about the business on their platform, and their followers will see the posts and (hopefully) be interested in checking out the business themselves.
As an influencer marketing affiliate, your job is to help businesses connect with potential influencers who could promote their products or services. You’ll need to research popular social media users in specific niches and reach out to them to see if they’re interested in partnering with the businesses you’re working with. If they are, then you’ll need to negotiate terms and come up with a campaign plan that both parties are happy with.
Why You Should Use Influencer Marketing for Your Business
Influencer marketing is one of the most effective ways to reach out to potential customers and promote your product or service. By working with influencers, you can tap into their fan base and get your message across to a large number of people without spending a lot of money on advertising.
There are many benefits of using influencer marketing for your business. For one, it allows you to target a specific audience that is interested in what you have to offer. Influencers also have a lot of influence over their followers, so if they endorse your product or service, there is a good chance that their followers will check it out as well.
Finally, influencer marketing is an affordable way to reach out to potential customers and promote your business. You don’t have to spend a lot of money on advertising when you use influencer marketing because you are only paying the influencer for their endorsement. This means that you can save money while still reaching out to a large number of people.
How to Get Started with Influencer Marketing
As a business owner, you may be wondering how to get started with influencer marketing. After all, it seems like such a big and complicated task! But don’t worry – we’re here to help.
First of all, what is influencer marketing? Influencer marketing is a type of affiliate marketing in which businesses work with popular social media personalities (i.e., influencers) to promote their products or services. These campaigns can take many different forms, but the end goal is always the same: to increase brand awareness and drive sales.
Now that you know what influencer marketing is, let’s talk about how you can get started with it for your business. The first step is identifying your target audience. Who are they? What social media platforms do they use? Once you have a good understanding of who your target audience is, you can start reaching out to potential influencers who might be a good fit for promoting your products or services.
Once you’ve found some suitable candidates, it’s time to start planning your campaign. What kind of content will you create? How often will it be posted? Who will create it? Answering these questions will help ensure that your campaign is successful in achieving its objectives.
What are the Benefits of Influencer Marketing?
There are a number of benefits to influencer marketing. First, it can help you reach a wider audience than you would through traditional marketing techniques. second, it can help you build relationships with influential people in your industry, which can lead to new opportunities down the road. Finally, it can be an effective way to drive traffic and sales for your business.
While there are a number of benefits to influencer marketing, there are also some potential downsides that you should be aware of before getting started. First, if you partner with the wrong influencers, it could reflect poorly on your brand. Second, influencer marketing can be expensive, so it’s important to have a clear budget in mind before getting started. Finally, because influencer marketing is still relatively new, there’s always the possibility that things could change rapidly and unexpectedly – so it’s important to stay flexible and adaptable as you move forward
Who Makes a Good Influencer?
An influencer is someone who has the power to affect the purchasing decisions of others because of their authority, knowledge, position, or relationship with their audience. A good influencer is someone who aligns with your brand and can authentically promote your product or service.
There are a few things to consider when determining if someone would make a good influencer for your business. First, consider their reach or the size of their social media following. Second, look at engagement rates to see how active their followers are and how often they interact with content posted by the Influencer. Finally, examine the quality of their content to ensure it’s in line with your brand messaging.
When done correctly, partnering with an influencer can be an effective way to reach new customers and grow your business. However, it’s important to do your research upfront so you can identify the right Influencers for your business and avoid any potential pitfalls along the way.
What Types of Content Perform Best with Influencers?
As an affiliate marketer, you’re always looking for new and innovative ways to drive traffic to your website and convert those visitors into paying customers. One tactic that has gained popularity in recent years is influencer marketing.
But what exactly is influencer marketing, and how can you use it to boost your affiliate sales? In this blog post, we’ll answer these questions and give you some tips on how to find the right influencers for your business.
Influencer marketing is a form of online marketing in which brands collaborate with popular social media personalities (i.e., “influencers”) to promote their products or services. The goal of this type of partnership is two-fold: first, to reach the influencer’s large audience of followers; and second, to tap into the trust that that audience has in the influencer. When done correctly, these partnerships can be highly effective in driving traffic and conversions for affiliates.
There are a few different types of content that tend to perform well with influencers. These include: Reviews: Having an influencer review your product on their blog or YouTube channel can be a great way to generate buzz around your product and encourage people to buy it. Giveaways & Contests: Offering giveaways and contests is another great way to get people talking about your product or service while also generating leads for your business. How-To Guides: If you have a complicated product or service, consider creating a how-to guide that will walk potential customers through its use step-by-step. This type of content not only helps people understand what they’re buying but also builds trust between them
How Much Does It Cost to Work with an Influencer?
As digital marketing continues to grow and evolve, more businesses are turning to influencer marketing to help them reach their target audience. But how much does it cost to work with an influencer? The answer may surprise you.
While the cost of working with an influencer can vary depending on their popularity and engagement rate, most experts agree that the average cost per post is between $100 and $500. And while that may seem like a lot, keep in mind that this is just the average cost. There are plenty of influencers out there who charge less – sometimes even as low as $50 per post.
So, what factors into the cost of working with an influencer? The most important factor is undoubtedly their reach or influence. After all, if they don’t have many followers, they won’t be able to do much for your brand. Other factors include things like engagement rate (how often their followers interact with their posts) and niche (are they reaching your target audience?).
First, let’s define what an influencer marketing affiliate is. An influencer marketing affiliate is someone who uses their influence to promote a brand or product and earns a commission for each sale they generate.
Now that we know what an influencer marketing affiliate is, let’s talk about how you can make money as one. The first step is to find a niche that you’re passionate about. This could be anything from fashion to fitness to travel. Once you’ve found your niche, the next step is to build up your social media following in that niche. The more followers you have, the more likely brands will be interested in working with you.
Once you’ve built up your social media following, the next step is to reach out to brands and pitch them your services. Influencer marketing can be extremely effective for brands, so they are often willing to pay good money for it. However, it’s important to remember that not all brands will be a good fit for you; only pitch those that align with your values and message. Finally, once you start working with brands, be sure to deliver high-quality content that provides value to your followers while also promoting the products or services of your sponsors
The post “How to Make Money as an Influencer Marketing Affiliate” appeared first on SwiftCreator.com.
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christophermraerdon · 2 years
“How to Make Money as an Influencer Marketing Affiliate”
If you’re reading this, chances are you’re interested in making money as an influencer marketing affiliate. This is a great way to earn some extra income, and if you do it right, you can even make a full-time living off of it.
But what exactly is influencer marketing? And how can you be successful at it?
In simple terms, influencer marketing is when businesses partner with popular social media users in order to promote their products or services. The social media user (the “influencer”) will post about the business on their platform, and their followers will see the posts and (hopefully) be interested in checking out the business themselves.
As an influencer marketing affiliate, your job is to help businesses connect with potential influencers who could promote their products or services. You’ll need to research popular social media users in specific niches and reach out to them to see if they’re interested in partnering with the businesses you’re working with. If they are, then you’ll need to negotiate terms and come up with a campaign plan that both parties are happy with.
Why You Should Use Influencer Marketing for Your Business
Influencer marketing is one of the most effective ways to reach out to potential customers and promote your product or service. By working with influencers, you can tap into their fan base and get your message across to a large number of people without spending a lot of money on advertising.
There are many benefits of using influencer marketing for your business. For one, it allows you to target a specific audience that is interested in what you have to offer. Influencers also have a lot of influence over their followers, so if they endorse your product or service, there is a good chance that their followers will check it out as well.
Finally, influencer marketing is an affordable way to reach out to potential customers and promote your business. You don’t have to spend a lot of money on advertising when you use influencer marketing because you are only paying the influencer for their endorsement. This means that you can save money while still reaching out to a large number of people.
How to Get Started with Influencer Marketing
As a business owner, you may be wondering how to get started with influencer marketing. After all, it seems like such a big and complicated task! But don’t worry – we’re here to help.
First of all, what is influencer marketing? Influencer marketing is a type of affiliate marketing in which businesses work with popular social media personalities (i.e., influencers) to promote their products or services. These campaigns can take many different forms, but the end goal is always the same: to increase brand awareness and drive sales.
Now that you know what influencer marketing is, let’s talk about how you can get started with it for your business. The first step is identifying your target audience. Who are they? What social media platforms do they use? Once you have a good understanding of who your target audience is, you can start reaching out to potential influencers who might be a good fit for promoting your products or services.
Once you’ve found some suitable candidates, it’s time to start planning your campaign. What kind of content will you create? How often will it be posted? Who will create it? Answering these questions will help ensure that your campaign is successful in achieving its objectives.
What are the Benefits of Influencer Marketing?
There are a number of benefits to influencer marketing. First, it can help you reach a wider audience than you would through traditional marketing techniques. second, it can help you build relationships with influential people in your industry, which can lead to new opportunities down the road. Finally, it can be an effective way to drive traffic and sales for your business.
While there are a number of benefits to influencer marketing, there are also some potential downsides that you should be aware of before getting started. First, if you partner with the wrong influencers, it could reflect poorly on your brand. Second, influencer marketing can be expensive, so it’s important to have a clear budget in mind before getting started. Finally, because influencer marketing is still relatively new, there’s always the possibility that things could change rapidly and unexpectedly – so it’s important to stay flexible and adaptable as you move forward
Who Makes a Good Influencer?
An influencer is someone who has the power to affect the purchasing decisions of others because of their authority, knowledge, position, or relationship with their audience. A good influencer is someone who aligns with your brand and can authentically promote your product or service.
There are a few things to consider when determining if someone would make a good influencer for your business. First, consider their reach or the size of their social media following. Second, look at engagement rates to see how active their followers are and how often they interact with content posted by the Influencer. Finally, examine the quality of their content to ensure it’s in line with your brand messaging.
When done correctly, partnering with an influencer can be an effective way to reach new customers and grow your business. However, it’s important to do your research upfront so you can identify the right Influencers for your business and avoid any potential pitfalls along the way.
What Types of Content Perform Best with Influencers?
As an affiliate marketer, you’re always looking for new and innovative ways to drive traffic to your website and convert those visitors into paying customers. One tactic that has gained popularity in recent years is influencer marketing.
But what exactly is influencer marketing, and how can you use it to boost your affiliate sales? In this blog post, we’ll answer these questions and give you some tips on how to find the right influencers for your business.
Influencer marketing is a form of online marketing in which brands collaborate with popular social media personalities (i.e., “influencers”) to promote their products or services. The goal of this type of partnership is two-fold: first, to reach the influencer’s large audience of followers; and second, to tap into the trust that that audience has in the influencer. When done correctly, these partnerships can be highly effective in driving traffic and conversions for affiliates.
There are a few different types of content that tend to perform well with influencers. These include: Reviews: Having an influencer review your product on their blog or YouTube channel can be a great way to generate buzz around your product and encourage people to buy it. Giveaways & Contests: Offering giveaways and contests is another great way to get people talking about your product or service while also generating leads for your business. How-To Guides: If you have a complicated product or service, consider creating a how-to guide that will walk potential customers through its use step-by-step. This type of content not only helps people understand what they’re buying but also builds trust between them
How Much Does It Cost to Work with an Influencer?
As digital marketing continues to grow and evolve, more businesses are turning to influencer marketing to help them reach their target audience. But how much does it cost to work with an influencer? The answer may surprise you.
While the cost of working with an influencer can vary depending on their popularity and engagement rate, most experts agree that the average cost per post is between $100 and $500. And while that may seem like a lot, keep in mind that this is just the average cost. There are plenty of influencers out there who charge less – sometimes even as low as $50 per post.
So, what factors into the cost of working with an influencer? The most important factor is undoubtedly their reach or influence. After all, if they don’t have many followers, they won’t be able to do much for your brand. Other factors include things like engagement rate (how often their followers interact with their posts) and niche (are they reaching your target audience?).
First, let’s define what an influencer marketing affiliate is. An influencer marketing affiliate is someone who uses their influence to promote a brand or product and earns a commission for each sale they generate.
Now that we know what an influencer marketing affiliate is, let’s talk about how you can make money as one. The first step is to find a niche that you’re passionate about. This could be anything from fashion to fitness to travel. Once you’ve found your niche, the next step is to build up your social media following in that niche. The more followers you have, the more likely brands will be interested in working with you.
Once you’ve built up your social media following, the next step is to reach out to brands and pitch them your services. Influencer marketing can be extremely effective for brands, so they are often willing to pay good money for it. However, it’s important to remember that not all brands will be a good fit for you; only pitch those that align with your values and message. Finally, once you start working with brands, be sure to deliver high-quality content that provides value to your followers while also promoting the products or services of your sponsors
The post “How to Make Money as an Influencer Marketing Affiliate” appeared first on SwiftCreator.com.
https://ifttt.com/images/no_image_card.png https://swiftcreator.com/influencer-marketing/how-to-make-money-as-an-influencer-marketing-affiliate/
https://ifttt.com/images/no_image_card.png https://swiftcreatorcom.wordpress.com/2022/12/29/how-to-make-money-as-an-influencer-marketing-affiliate/
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diyabharti962 · 2 years
A Guide to Crypto Exchange Types
Cryptocurrency exchanges are becoming increasingly popular, but keeping up with the different types of exchanges and how they work can be difficult. In this blog post, we will break down the various types of crypto exchange so that you can make an informed decision when choosing the right one for your needs. 
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Centralized Exchanges (CEX) 
Centralized Exchanges (CEX) are the most common type of cryptocurrency exchange in existence today. CEXs are operated by a single entity and offer users the ability to trade coins for fiat currency or other cryptocurrencies. These exchanges typically have high liquidity, meaning that it is easy to buy and sell cryptocurrency quickly on them. Additionally, CEXs usually provide users with access to advanced trading features such as margin trading and stop-loss orders. One downside of CEXs is that they tend to have higher fees than other types of exchanges, which makes them less attractive for traders who want to minimize costs. 
Decentralized Exchanges (DEX)  
Decentralized Exchanges (DEX) operate differently than their centralized counterparts, as they do not rely on a single entity to manage trades or store funds. Instead, all trades are conducted directly between users without any third-party interference. This ensures that users retain full control over their funds at all times and eliminates the risk of hacking or manipulation by malicious actors. As a result, DEXs tend to have much lower fees than CEXs since no central operator is taking a cut from each transaction. However, DEXs tend to have lower liquidity than CEXs due to their decentralized nature and lack of advanced trading features like margin trading and stop-loss orders. 
Hybrid Exchanges 
Lastly, Hybrid Exchanges combine elements from both CEXs and DEXs to create an exchange that offers more flexibility and better security than either type alone. Hybrid exchanges use a combination of centralized servers for order matching while also allowing users access to decentralized wallets where their funds remain secure at all times during trades. This allows them to offer more advanced features such as margin trading while still maintaining high levels of user security and privacy that would not be possible with traditional centralized exchanges alone. Additionally, hybrid exchanges often charge lower fees than centralized ones due to the increased efficiency created by combining both types into a single platform. 
Conclusion:  Whether you are new or experienced investing in cryptocurrency exchanges, knowing which type of exchange best suits your needs is critical to trading successfully in today's digital markets. With its decentralized nature and fast transaction speeds, it’s no wonder why many cryptocurrency investors turn to the best crypto exchange Development Company when buying and selling digital assets on the blockchain network. Centralized exchanges offer more liquidity but come with higher fees; Decentralized exchanges provide more security but are associated with less liquidity; hybrid exchange combines elements from both systems for maximum flexibility and security; so choose wisely! With these tips, you should be able to make an informed decision about what type of crypto exchange is right for you!
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nummycreations · 9 days
Nummy Herbal Coffee Alternative for a Healthier Lifestyle
In today's fast-paced world, many of us crave a comforting, energizing cup of coffee, but not everyone can handle the effects of caffeine. For those looking to reduce their caffeine intake without sacrificing the rich, earthy flavors of their favorite brew, Nummy Creations offers the perfect solution. With its innovative herbal coffee alternatives made from dandelion root, this caffeine-free option provides a satisfying, healthy substitute for traditional coffee. Available now, Nummy Creations’ coffee substitute is here to transform your morning routine, giving you all the joy of coffee without the jittery aftermath.
Nummy Creations took home the prestigious "Best Health and Wellness Product" award from Grocery Innovations Canada click here. So not only are we delicious, but we’re also officially a big deal.
They have taken the time-honored tradition of using dandelion root in beverages and crafted it into a modern, convenient solution. Known for its detoxifying properties and robust flavor, dandelion root serves as the foundation for this unique blend. As more people seek to move away from caffeine for health or lifestyle reasons, Nummy Creations offers an easy, accessible, and delightful way to enjoy a morning or afternoon drink that feels just as indulgent as coffee, without any of the downsides.
This coffee alternative is designed for busy people who need an instant solution. Nummy Creations’ herbal coffee comes in a convenient instant form, making it an ideal choice for those who love the ease of instant coffee but want to avoid caffeine. The rich, full-bodied flavor closely mimics that of regular coffee, making it one of the most compelling instant coffee alternative on the market.
Why choose Nummy Creations? In addition to being a caffeine free coffee substitutes, it's packed with health benefits. Dandelion root has long been recognized for supporting liver function and digestion. It’s also rich in antioxidants, which help protect the body from free radicals. Whether you're looking to cut back on caffeine for better sleep, less anxiety, or to support your overall wellness, Nummy Creations is a delicious, nourishing alternative that doesn’t compromise on taste.
So, if you’re in search of herbal coffee alternatives that fit seamlessly into your routine, give Nummy Creations a try. Available online and in select health food stores, this caffeine-free coffee substitute is quickly becoming the go-to choice for health-conscious individuals seeking a more mindful approach to their daily brew. To learn more and start your journey towards a healthier, caffeine-free life, visit their website at www.nummycreations.com.
Original Source: https://bit.ly/4gviwM0
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rentit4-me · 17 days
The Smart Photographer’s Choice: Renting vs. Buying Drones
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Drones have changed the game in photography by offering amazing aerial shots and unique angles that traditional cameras can't match. But when it comes to using drones, photographers face a big decision: should you rent or buy one? This guide will help you figure out which option is best for you.
Why Drones Are Great for Photography
Drones are a fantastic tool for photographers because they offer:
Unique Angles: Drones let you take photos from high above, giving you views that ground-based cameras can’t capture.
Growing Popularity: Many fields, from real estate to events, are increasingly using drones to create eye-catching visuals.
Using drones can really boost the quality of your work and help you stand out in the competitive photography market.
Renting a Drone: What to Know
Renting a drone can be a good option for many photographers. Here’s what you need to know:
Benefits of Renting
Renting is usually cheaper than buying, especially if you don’t need a drone all the time.
You can choose rental packages that fit your budget and project needs.
Access to New Models:
Rental services provide the latest drone technology, so you get to use high-quality equipment without buying it.
This means you can use drones with advanced features for your shoots.
No Maintenance:
The rental company takes care of maintenance and repairs, so you don’t have to worry about fixing or updating the drone.
Downsides of Renting
Availability Issues:
Popular drones might not be available when you need them, especially during busy times.
You might have to book in advance or settle for a different model.
Learning Curve:
If you rent different drones often, it can take time to get used to each one.
This might affect how smoothly your shoots go.
Rental Costs:
If you rent frequently, the cost can add up and might be more than buying a drone if you use it a lot.
Think about whether renting is worth it for your situation.
Buying a Drone: What to Know
Buying a drone is another option and comes with its own set of pros and cons:
Benefits of Buying
When you own a drone, you have full control and can customize it as you like.
You don’t have to worry about returning it or rental deadlines.
No Rental Fees:
No ongoing rental costs mean you save money in the long run if you use the drone often.
Buying a drone can be more economical if you frequently need one.
Long-Term Investment:
Owning a drone can be a good investment if you use it a lot.
You can upgrade or modify it as needed.
Downsides of Buying
High Initial Cost:
Buying a high-quality drone requires a big upfront payment.
You also need to budget for accessories and insurance.
Maintenance Responsibility:
You are in charge of keeping the drone in good condition, including repairs and updates.
Regular maintenance is needed to keep the drone working well.
Technology changes fast, so your drone might need to be updated sooner.
This can affect the resale value if you decide to sell it later.
Factors to Think About When Deciding
Here are some things to consider to help you choose between renting and buying:
How Often You Use the Drone
Renting: Best if you only need a drone occasionally or for special projects.
Buying: It is better if you use a drone frequently and want it available all the time.
Your Budget
Renting: Lower initial cost, but consider how often you’ll rent.
Buying: Higher upfront cost but no ongoing rental fees.
What Technology You Need
Renting: This lets you use the latest models for specific needs.
Buying: You have long-term access but may need to upgrade over time.
Maintenance and Upgrades
Renting: Maintenance is handled by the rental company.
Buying: You are responsible for maintaining and upgrading the drone.
Real-Life Examples: Renting vs. Buying
Case Study 1: Renting for Special Events
Profile: A photographer who only needs a drone for high-profile events.
Choice: Rents a top-quality drone for special shoots.
Outcome: Access to the best equipment without buying it.
Case Study 2: Buying for Regular Use
Profile: A photographer who often uses drones for real estate work.
Choice: Buy a drone for frequent use.
Outcome: Saves money over time and has a reliable tool.
What We Learn
Renting is great for occasional needs or special projects.
Buying is better for those who use drones a lot and can handle the initial cost.
How to Decide What’s Best for You
To choose the best option, follow these steps:
Think About Your Needs
Determine how often you need a drone and what features you need.
Decide if renting or buying fits better with your needs.
Check Your Budget
Compare the costs of renting versus buying based on how often you use a drone.
Include any extra costs like maintenance or upgrades.
Consider the Long Term
Think about how each option fits with your long-term plans.
Choose the option that best supports your future photography projects.
Deciding whether to rent or buy a drone is an important choice for photographers. Both options have their pros and cons, depending on how often you need a drone, your budget, and your technology needs. By carefully considering these factors, you can make the best decision for your photography work.
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From Medical Device Sales Rep To $22 Million Real Estate Portfolio with Brandon Cobb
Private Money Academy Conference:
Free Report:
CEO at HBG Capital, Real Estate Investment Consultant Key Focus: Passive income with entry-level housing.
Brandon Cobb is the owner of HBG Capital, a real estate firm providing investors with superior risk-adjusted returns and downside principal protection backed by real assets in the residential single-family sector in Nashville, Tennessee.
HBG Capital’s construction arm, HBG Construction, executes ground-up new developments, land development, and residential property rehabilitation.
HBG Capital's acquisition arm, HBG Holdings, sources off-market land for redevelopment by working with the local communities to identify, rezone, and entitle land to bring the community's vision to life.
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David Snavely’s Expert Advice: Why Choose Equity Index Annuities?
Looking to secure a stable retirement? More people in retirement are now using Equity Index Annuities as a viable solution to protect their retirement accounts. David Snavely, one of most respected financial experts in the country and founder of Sound Investment Services, presents the case for EIAs, along with the reasons why these financial products belong in your retirement strategy.
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What Are Equity Index Annuities?
Equity Index Annuities is a fixed annuity that brings together growth and income in one product. Whereas traditional fixed annuities pay out a fixed rate, an EIA directly links returns to a stock market index, like the S&P 500. This allows the policyholder to directly benefit from the gains of the market but not lose their principal in the market as the account is protected from market losses.
Principal protection
Some of the most important benefits associated with Equity Index Annuities are protection for your principal investment. David Snavely maintains that a good EIA can provide safety of principal for the investor, regardless of any fluctuations in the underlying Index. This means that even when the stock market goes down, you aren’t going to lose the hard-earned money that you had initially invested. This principal protection feature is especially attractive to retirees or those close to retirement looking to protect their IRA or other savings accounts but are still seeking growth.
Growth Potential
Equity Index Annuities provide an opportunity for growth by crediting interest based upon a particular stock market index. As David Snavely above notes, though EIA’s will not have the high returns that an individual stock can achieve, but can offer a middle way toward growth via a protected stock index. As such, a policyholder will be able to reap benefits from good market performance without being exposing to the full risk of market and downside volatility. The potential for growth, together with a guarantees and a minimum return, guarantees make EIAs an attractive alternative for obtaining steady growth and income in retirement.
Guaranteed Income
Most individuals place a premium on having a stable and predictable income stream in retirement. EIAs can bring that about through payout options that include lifetime income riders. For David Snavely, the riders can provide guaranteed flow of lifetime income regardless of how the markets perform. This can bring peace of mind with that comes with having a reliable source of income to cover living expenses, in your lifetime.
Tax Benefits
Tax advantages with equity-indexed annuities can also help increase your overall financial strategy. In EIAs, earnings grow tax-deferred; one will not be paying taxes on investment gains until one withdraws the funds. According to David Snavely, this powerful deferral strategy makes your money compound and grow more quickly unburdened by annual taxes. This is also useful for one who might be interested in controlling tax liabilities at retirement.
Customization and Flexibility
Another dimension of Equity Index Annuities is their flexibility. Many EIAs will have options to customize your annuity to suit your particular needs and goals. David Snavely’s firm, Sound Investment Services, works directly with clients in customizing annuity contracts based on a person’s financial situation. This can include the selection of different indexes, adjusting cap rates, and choosing riders that help in achieving your retirement objectives, also some EIA’s offer enhanced death benefits options for an added fee.
Protection Against Inflation
Over time, inflation could erode your retirement savings, an Equity Index Annuities may contain features to help safeguard against inflation. David Snavely informs clients of all the annuities where the insurance carrier includes inflation protection riders that guarantee your income measure will be kept up-to-date with inflated living costs. This added COLA protection may help ensure and maintain your standard of living throughout retirement.
Why Should You Consider Purchasing EIAs
With all the benefits that an equity index annuitiy can bring to the table, David Snavely highly suggests positioning them within the framework of a holistic retirement plan. In effect, principal protection, growth potential, guaranteed income, tax advantages, and flexibility make EIAs very attractive to so many people. Using EIAs in your retirement planning will let you rest easy in knowing that your retirement money is both safe and working to its fullest potential.
In summary, Equity Index Annuities provide an array of benefits that greatly enhance one’s financial plan in retirement. David Snavely is a financial professional who specializes in providing retirement income solutions and has over 40 years of experience in protecting your retirement. If you are looking to diversify your retirement portfolio, maybe it’s time to consider how an Equity Index Annuity can benefit you to achieve a worry free retirement.
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australbricksblogs · 2 months
How to Choose the Right Brick Manufacturers for Your Project
Brick manufacturers play a key role in designing a constructions’ foundation. Thus, the type of bricks you use can have a big impact on the sturdiness and aesthetic appeal of your home. That's why it's important to give careful consideration when you're choosing bricks for your project. To help you with this daunting decision, below are tips that reputable manufacturers would advise to help you select the best materials.
Understanding the Basics of Bricks
Aside from their durability, the great thing about bricks is that they're available in different materials, colours, textures, and sizes. Hence, you have an array of options to choose from. However, you need to keep in mind that each brick has different features to suit different functions. To give you an idea of each type, here's a quick breakdown of the most common types of bricks on the market:
Clay Bricks. These are the most traditional and versatile bricks. They offer excellent thermal insulation properties, so they keep your house cool during the day and warm at night. The only downside to using clay bricks is their hefty weight, so you'll need to use more mortar and plaster to cover your walls.
Commons. They're standard building bricks typically used for general construction purposes. While they're durable and suitable for load-bearing applications, they lack the visual appeal of facing bricks.
Thin bricks. They're great for mimicking the appearance of traditional bricks without the weight and cost. However, one downside to using them is that they're less durable than full bricks, especially in high-impact areas of your build.
Glass bricks. They're made from thick, durable glass that can be clear, frosted, or coloured. Glass bricks are excellent for adding a unique and modern aesthetic to buildings. However, you'll need to place them strategically because they're not suitable for load-bearing walls. Maintenance can also be a hassle since they require frequent cleaning.
Do note that not all bricks are created equal. To ensure quality, make sure to get your materials from one of the most reputable brick manufacturers in your area.
Factors to Consider When Choosing Bricks
To help you choose the suitable bricks for your project, here are factors you can consider:
Project Type
One of the first things you have to consider when selecting brickworks building products is the type of project you want to create. Residential and commercial structures have different building requirements. So, using the right brick type will ensure the durability of your project.
Another factor you have to consider is where you'll use the bricks. For instance, load-bearing walls need bricks with high compressive strength to support the weight of the building. Thus, you can choose the right material to ensure your build's safety.
Climate and Weather Conditions
Climate and weather conditions are other factors you also have to consider when choosing materials for your project. After all, they need to withstand the local weather stresses they're exposed to, ensuring the longevity of your build.
For areas with harsher weather, brick manufacturers recommend choosing materials specifically designed for weather resistance. Engineering bricks and fly ash bricks are great for this purpose because of their dense composition and low water absorption rate.
Aesthetic Preferences
The bricks you choose can influence the overall style and feel of your building. So, if you want to achieve a specific aesthetic, you also have to consider their colour, texture, and finish. For example, industrial brick is great for rustic or contemporary buildings because its weathered appearance contributes to the look of these designs.
Cost and budget
It's no secret that bricks can cost a pretty penny. However, quality materials can provide your project with long-term benefits, such as durability and aesthetics. It can be tempting to select more affordable bricks to keep costs down. But if you're not careful, you might get materials that don't last long. To avoid this, balance your budget with your desired result.
To keep the building costs down, look for sales and discounts from brick suppliers. This way, you can get durable bricks at a fraction of the cost. Choosing bricks that require low maintenance is also a good idea since you don't have to do costly repairs and replacements in the long run.
Choose Austral Bricks for Quality Materials
Choosing the right bricks for your project can be intimidating, given the array of types available in the market. The key is to consider the brick's material and capabilities to ensure your build's durability and safety. If a style is your top priority, it's ideal to find materials with the right colour, texture, and finish that contribute to your aesthetic's overall look and feel.
If you're looking for quality bricks for your project, Austral Bricks is one of the leading brick manufacturers in Australia. With over 100 years of experience, we manufacture bricks that meet the demands of the harsh Australian climate. For more information, get in touch with us today!
Feel free to also visit our story or check out our policies.  
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signved · 2 months
Why Led Exit Sign are Useful in Most Commercial and Industrial Areas?  
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Led exit signs are emergency signs which are used at the time of any hazards. These lights are used for the safety of the people around us. Here the places are mostly crowded; in such cases, it is very important to have LED exit signs. Led emergency lights are very important to use because they provide a clear way and help to find the nearest exit.
The situations can be big or small but these lights will help you in both cases because they are designed in such a way that it can help you even if there is no light. They still work as they have a battery backup which is retained for 12 hours. There are several traditional ways which were used instead of LED but that bulb is of very high voltage and also does not retain for much time.
But LED consumes very little electricity provides you with efficient work and also lasts for longer periods. Led needs low maintenance provides more visibility and shines brighter. These lights are commonly used in different places like factories, malls, schools, hospitals, museums, hotels, restaurants, etc.
You can find them near you and can easily buy them from the manufacturing company in India. The prices we offer are the best in the market range.
Different Direction-Led Exit Signs for Your Areas
Led exit signs are used at the time of emergency. These exit signs are designed in different ways according to the location. The places are organized differently and which type of direction will suit depends on the area you want to place them. So we have all direction-led exit signs. All Led direction signs are listed below:
LED EXIT SIGNS: These exit lights are without the direction simple LED exit signs that are mostly used everywhere because they are designed for every place and are easy to convey and direct the safest exit.
LED EXIT SIGNS (RIGHT SIDE ARROW): These exit lights are designed for the direction of the right side arrow in LED exit signs they are mostly used everywhere because they are designed for the place where there is a need to indicate the right side arrow to identify the route more easily and move out from the location quickly.
LED EXIT SIGNS (LEFT SIDE ARROW): These exit lights are designed for the direction of the left side arrow in the LED exit sign they are mostly used everywhere because they are designed for the place where there is a need to indicate the left side arrow to identify the route more easily and move out from the location quickly.
LED EXIT SIGNS (UP SIDE ARROW): These exit lights are designed for the direction of the upside arrow in LED exit signs which are mostly used everywhere because they are designed for the place where there is a need to indicate the upside arrow to identify the route more easily and move out from the location quickly.
LED EXIT SIGNS (DOWN SIDE ARROW): These exit lights are designed for the direction of down side arrow in LED exit signs which are mostly used everywhere because they are designed for the place where there is a need to indicate the downside arrow to identify the route more easily and move out from the location quickly.
Benefits of Using Led Exit Sign for Your Place
Power Consumption: The main benefit of using these lights is they help you to save energy every day in comparison to the other traditional exit signs because these lights consume less power and give more output. The average energy of other traditional exit signs is 40 watts but our LED exit light consumes 6 to 7 watts of power. This is the least power consumed by any LED light.
Battery Backup: LED exit lights have a longer lifespan than other LED lights because it has good battery backup and can used for longer periods whereas other traditional lights just last for 1 to 2 years but LED exits can stay for many years. And has 2 hours of battery backup which means it can also work without electricity because it charges itself and works on battery.
Low Maintenance: The LED exit lights require less maintenance because they consume less energy and this is the reason they do not produce heat like another bulb. They are good for lifelong investment because they will not make you invest in them much this saves your money, and time and improves convenience. These exit lights are durable and weather-resistant. They are suitable for buildings that are prone to earthquakes, tsunamis, and other natural disasters.
Brighter and more visible: These lights enhance the visibility at the time of night and produce lights in the area where lights are low or very dim. These emergency lights are good for the areas where there is electricity cut-off and spread light and create a safe exit. The LED exit lights which are used in them produce light with brighter and more visibility. This is because these lights play a very important role in the areas where we need emergency exit lights and we cannot take chances in such situations.
Reduce Fire Hazards: The exit lights reduce the risk of fire in the buildings because they consume less electricity and decrease the chances of fire as they do not produce heat. On the other hand, traditional lights have a higher chance of catching fire easily because they consume more electricity and produce heat.
Led exit lights are very important for emergencies as we mentioned above and why they are so capable and useful instead of other traditional lights. They are energy efficient, cost-effective, and have a longer period. These exit lights come in different directions led exits. The reason to use is the visibility of this light in an emergency and provides a safe exit. Reduce maintenance and get on best price. Signved are the manufacturers of LED exit lights in India. They are the best manufacturing company and provide led products from Delhi to all across India at reasonable prices. The top wholesalers and suppliers of LED exit lights near you. The quality of the LED exit we provide is good in terms of battery backup and power consumption. Contact us now.
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webuyshousesfast · 4 months
Fastest Way to Sell Your House: A Comprehensive Guide
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Selling a house can be a daunting and time-consuming process. From listing your property and finding a real estate agent to dealing with potential buyers and handling paperwork, the traditional route can take months, if not longer. However, for those in need of a quick sale, there are several strategies and tips that can help expedite the process. If you're looking for the fastest way to sell your house, this guide will provide you with all the information you need to make a swift and successful sale.
Understanding the Need for Speed
Before diving into the methods, it's essential to understand why you might need to sell your house quickly. Common reasons include:
Financial Difficulties: Facing foreclosure or mounting debts can necessitate a quick sale to free up funds.
Relocation: A sudden job change or family situation might require you to move rapidly.
Inherited Property: Managing a property from afar or dealing with probate issues can make a fast sale desirable.
Divorce: The need to split assets quickly often makes a fast sale preferable.
No matter your reason, selling a house quickly requires strategic planning and execution.
Choose the Right Selling Method
1. Cash Home Buyers
One of the fastest ways to sell your house is to work with cash home buyers. These companies or individual investors buy properties outright, often closing within a week or two. Here's why this method is efficient:
Speed: Without the need for mortgage approvals or lengthy negotiations, sales can happen almost immediately.
As-Is Sales: Cash buyers usually purchase homes in their current condition, saving you the time and money required for repairs.
Less Paperwork: The streamlined process involves fewer documents, reducing delays.
However, it's essential to research and choose a reputable cash home buyer to ensure you receive a fair offer.
2. Real Estate Auctions
Selling your house at an auction can also expedite the process. Auctions attract serious buyers who are ready to purchase quickly. Benefits include:
Definite Sale Date: Knowing the exact date your house will be sold provides certainty.
Competitive Bidding: In some cases, bidding wars can drive up the sale price.
As-Is Sales: Similar to cash buyers, auction sales often don't require repairs or renovations.
On the downside, there's a risk that your house might sell for less than market value, depending on the interest and competition among buyers.
3. iBuyers
iBuyers are tech-driven companies that make instant offers on homes based on market data and algorithms. Companies like Opendoor, Zillow Offers, and RedfinNow provide the following advantages:
Quick Offers: Receive an offer within days of submitting your property information.
Convenience: The process is largely online, with minimal disruptions to your daily life.
Flexible Closing Dates: Choose a closing date that works for you, often within weeks.
While iBuyers typically offer less than market value, the convenience and speed they provide can be worth the trade-off.
Preparing Your Home for a Quick Sale
Even when selling to cash buyers or through an auction, some preparation can help you secure a better deal. Consider these tips:
1. Declutter and Clean
A clean, uncluttered home appeals to buyers. Remove personal items, tidy up each room, and ensure the house is spotless.
2. Make Minor Repairs
While major renovations may not be necessary, fixing minor issues like leaky faucets, broken tiles, or damaged walls can make a positive impression.
3. Enhance Curb Appeal
First impressions matter. Mow the lawn, trim hedges, and consider a fresh coat of paint for the front door to boost your home's exterior appeal.
4. Stage the Home
Staging helps potential buyers envision themselves living in the space. Arrange furniture to showcase each room's functionality and add some tasteful decor.
Pricing Strategy for a Fast Sale
Setting the right price is crucial for a quick sale. Here's how to determine the optimal price:
1. Market Analysis
Research recent sales of similar properties in your area. Online real estate platforms and local listings can provide valuable insights.
2. Competitive Pricing
Price your house slightly below market value to attract more interest and encourage multiple offers. This can sometimes lead to a faster sale at a favorable price.
3. Professional Appraisal
Consider hiring a professional appraiser to get an accurate estimate of your home's value. This can help you set a realistic and attractive price point.
Marketing Your Property Effectively
To sell your house quickly, effective marketing is key. Utilize the following strategies:
1. High-Quality Photos
Invest in professional photography to showcase your home's best features. High-quality images attract more potential buyers.
2. Online Listings
List your property on multiple real estate websites and social media platforms. The wider the reach, the higher the chances of finding a buyer quickly.
3. Virtual Tours
In today's digital age, virtual tours can significantly enhance your listing. Potential buyers can explore your home from the comfort of theirs, making them more likely to schedule an in-person visit.
4. Open Houses
Host open houses to give potential buyers the opportunity to tour your home without scheduling an appointment. This can generate interest and expedite the sale process.
Working with Real Estate Professionals
While selling your house yourself can save on commission fees, working with real estate professionals can often result in a faster sale. Consider:
1. Real Estate Agents
Experienced agents have a network of potential buyers and industry contacts. They can also handle negotiations and paperwork, streamlining the process for you.
2. Real Estate Attorneys
An attorney can ensure all legal aspects of the sale are handled correctly, preventing delays and protecting your interests.
Finding the fastest way to sell your house involves choosing the right method, preparing your home, setting a competitive price, and marketing effectively. Whether you opt for cash home buyers, auctions, or iBuyers, the key is to be strategic and proactive. By following the tips and strategies outlined in this guide, you can achieve a quick and successful sale, alleviating the stress and uncertainty often associated with selling a home.
At "webuyshousesfast," we specialize in providing fast and fair offers for homes, helping you move forward with confidence and ease. Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist you in selling your house quickly and efficiently.
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