kurolini909 · 10 months
Last of my 2023 attacks!
Even with my setback of the bad wrist, it was a nice Art-Fight. ^^
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"Fancy a Flight, My Dear?" -> Attack on Peryton by TheArtsyEmporium!
I love to torture myself with wings, it seems...
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" Set The World On Fire~" -> Attack on Zepar and Diantha! By @emburnes (Deviantart) !
Very neat designs and a cool character concept! Plus, the chance to try and draw a nice pair pose! ^^
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"Golden; " -> Revenge on Rafael by @violetviolacz (Instagram) !
I really did have way more fun than I should with drawing the shiny gold effect X'D
Not sure about my choice in lineart colour... But overall, I still like this piece a lot!
Okay that was it!
Done for the year! Thank you everyone who attacked or revenged me! <3
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mediumsizetex · 6 years
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The Mane 6 - Sticker set by TheArtsyEmporium
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punk-63 · 3 years
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hollowlifecomic · 5 years
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Let get spooky!
First page of the revamped comic pages. Battre-la-Rage,Comic,Halloween,Hollow Life,Hollow Life comic,NBC,The Artsy Emporium,TheArtsyEmporium,comic pages
Art and story © The Artsy Emporium and Battre-la-Rage
Based off of Disney’s/Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas
Battre’s Patreon, Artsy Patreon, Battre’s RB , Artsy RB , Battre , Artsy
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glapplebloom · 6 years
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((Vectors by roxy-cream, TheArtsyEmporium, and Parcly-Taxel))
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canadian-buckbeaver · 5 years
Sneak Peek
While talking to @battre-la-rage​ and @theartsyemporium last night, I offered them a sneak peek at a fanfic that was slowly coming together...
Oh! And @lina-lines
Click Keep Reading if you dare
It was the perfect Tuesday afternoon in Ponyville. The skies were clear, the sun shining, the animals were out enjoying the sun’s warm rays.  It seemed to be the very picture of a beautiful, perfect day. Everyone seemed to be busy doing something.  Twilight and Spike were out doing their royal duties, a very stressed out Rarity had locked herself up in her boutique to plan out next season’s style, Applejack hard at work at the family’s farm, Rainbow Dash was on cloud patrol and Pinkie Pie was probably baking up a storm while simultaneously planning the next, bestest party.
And Fluttershy was busy having tea with another one of her dearest friends.
There was something about their tea parties that were just so relaxing, Fluttershy decided, sipping her tea and peering over the rim of her teacup to look at her visitor. It was hard to believe that Discord, the mighty and imaginative spirit of disharmony, had once been anything other than a friend.  The draconequus was seated across from her now, the one part of his lion’s paw extended like a pinkie as he sipped from the teacup.  He was full of jokes and quips, and often times her sides would ache from laughing so much during their little visits.  
Even now she watched as his white moustache changed colour to match the multiple colours of Rainbow Dash’s mane as he mimicked her voice in his story.  “Of course, once I convinced her that she should let me help in her little friendship quest, the mission was over in a snap!” he said, snapping his talons together, his teacup and saucer floating in front of him. Instantly, Fluttershy’s little bouquet of flowers bloomed, expanding to twice their size in the little vase. “Ms. Rose’s bushes were back to the former glory, and all without all the heavy petting that Rainbow was trying to do with the weather.”
“Heavens, I bet she wished that you would have asked her sooner,” the yellow pegasus said, giggling as one of the flowers came to life.  The stem lengthened and it pressed close to her, most of the petals closing up until it roughly resembled the look of a dog with some of the petals still. The pistil panted like a tongue, clearly excited to see her.  “Oh aren’t you just so cute!” she exclaimed, rubbing under its “chin”.  
“Oh, I know I am,” Discord’s voice came from the flower, his serpent’s eyes appearing on the petals.  “And you of all ponies should know that Rainbow Dash could be tied up in a spider’s web and still be loathe to ask for help. Her ‘loyalty’ to her own independence is something else.”
There was another snap of his fingers and, like nothing had happened, the draconequus was back in his seat, sipping his tea, the flowers returned to their normal state.  Fluttershy couldn’t help but let out another giggle.  He had a point.  Rainbow Dash had quite the ego and admitting defeat was something that she did not do lightly.
Discord eyed her as he ate one of the sandwich crusts that she had put out for him. “You’re awfully quiet today,” he noted, “is there something on your mind, Flutters?”
Fluttershy squeaked and tried to hide behind her cup.  She still wasn’t used to the little pet name that he gave her and there was a part of her that hoped that she would never get used to it.  Her heart would skip a beat, her cheeks would flush…
Ok. Maybe she enjoyed these little tea parties for another reason altogether.
Not only were they relaxing, but Fluttershy had a small crush on the spirit of chaos.
Well, maybe a draconequus-sized crush on him.  She couldn’t exactly pinpoint when these feelings had exactly started, but she had been more aware of them since the defeat of Queen Chrysalis.  Her heart would skip a beat and the smallest shiver would flow through her wings.  So far, the rest of her friends didn’t know about her feelings, and it was for the best that way. Twilight would open a book and try to research how to best approach the situation, Rarity would give her a makeover, Applejack argue that she needed to be honest with her feelings for him… though that was the best case scenario.  Knowing her friends and how they felt about the draconequus, they were equally as likely to try and admit her into the nearby pony centre for insanity.  
“Flutters? Are you still there?” a paw waved in front of her face.  “Your mind must be in Cloudsdale. Your body is here, but your mind certainty isn’t.  You’re not getting sick, are you dear?” Discord asked.
Gulping slightly, Fluttershy looked at her friend.  If she messed this up, she could lose him forever.  But yet, she had to know if he felt the same about her. It was only a matter of time before the others figured it out.  “Well… I was just thinking…” she began, looking at his teacup.  “What… what are you doing afterward our little tea party?” she finally asked him.
The talon stroked the beard as Discord thought.  Snapping his talons, an agenda appeared in front of him. “December 17,” he muttered, pages turning rapidly. “Ah yes. After our tea party, I have an appointment with Princess Celestia.” He said, finally flipping to the right page.  A small hologram hovered above the page, first showing a small and bashful looking Fluttershy before changing to the majestic alicorn.  Celestia hovered over the page, her wings outstretched, mane and tail flowing in the non-existent wind.  As Fluttershy watched, little hearts flowed off of the page, slowly dancing and twisting in the air.  “Oh shoo!” Discord said, slamming the book shut and trying waving the air clear of them. “I swear that they get more and more insistent with every passing day. Who needs a heart on their sleeve when your heart escapes the pages of a book?”
Fluttershy barely heard him.  She was looking down at the last of her tea, trying to ignore how her own heart was shattering in her chest. She should have known that this would happen.  Celestia was beautiful, elegant and magical, the one with the power to raise the sun, Discord’s equal. Of course Fluttershy was nothing more than a friend to him.  She could barely fly for Celestia’s sake!  What would he want with a boring, old mare like her?
“And there you go, your mind taking off to Cloudsdale again, faster than that Rainbow Dash!” Discord again waved his paw in front of her face, worry beginning to show on his own muzzle.  He was never worried.  “Did you need me to help out with your pet bear again?”
To her horror, Fluttershy felt tears welling up behind her eyes.  No!  Not now! Not when she could blow everything!  She could still salvage the friendship that she had threatened to destroy! Her and her dumb feelings. “It’s just… it’s just…”
* * * * *
It was a soft touch to her muzzle that caused Fluttershy to wake.  Startled, she clambered to her feet, her eyes blinking, trying to shake the last of her dream.  Angel, her faithful bunny friend, was beside her, looking up at her with concern, a single paw still outstretched.  He gave a questioning noise as he looked at her.
She seemed to be worrying everyone these days.
“Oh I’m sorry. I must have startled you,” Fluttershy whispered, picking up the soft creature and hugging it gently.  “I’m sorry.  It was nothing more than a bad dream.  I’ll be back to normal in no time.” she promised.
Cocking his head, Angel looked rather unconvinced.  “Now don’t give me that look, mister.  It’s my job to give you that, not the other way around.” she joked, hugging the soft animal.  
Angel seemed to give a soft sigh but hugged her back, pleased that he had saved his beloved mistress from that horrible nightmare she had been having.  Fluttershy hugged him a little longer than usual, taking the time to orient herself.  The dream had been so life-like, echoing many of her waking thoughts.
“Come on, Angel,” she said, choosing to ignore the thoughts for now. She couldn’t spend the day inside, moping around because of some nasty dream.  There were things to do, animals to feed, ponies to see.  And she still had to go get her shopping down for today’s tea party with the draconequus in question.  Oh boy, would she even be able to face Discord after such a dream?
Well, it was too late to back out of their party now.  She would just have to pretend that the dream never happened. Steeling herself for the day to come, Fluttershy swing her saddlebag over her back and trotted out.  It was time to face the day.
* * * * *
The morning passed mercifully quickly for the young mare.  She trotted through the nearby meadow, making sure that all of her animal friends had more than enough to eat.  The local squirrel family was given a handful of freshly picked acorns, the birds given a pile of seeds.  Angel helped her with his fellow rabbits by giving them a pile of garden-fresh carrots.
She giggled as a few of the birds flew around her, singing to her.  “Oh, you are very welcome,” she told them, watching as they flew off.  “Alright Angel,” she said as her bunny companion wiggled into her saddlebag, “all I have to do is go to the marketplace and pick up a few items for our tea party, and then, I just have to do everything else to prepare for it. That shouldn’t be too hard.” She said, turning to look at her bunny friend.
Angel shot her an incredulous look, folding his paws in front of his chest.  
“Now, now, none of that attitude, mister.  I know that Discord isn’t one of your favourite po-… creatures.  But he is a good friend of mine.” Choosing to walk to the market today (flying always tired her out), she started at a brisk canter, one that would not disturb the bunny’s pouch.
Angel chattered something fast and high-pitched to her.
“Yes, I know that you don’t trust him. He did say some hurtful things when he first met you, but I think that he has changed.”
Again, Angel released another babbling chatter at her.
Fluttershy sighed, slowing to a brisk trot as she passed a few other ponies, lowering her voice. “I know that I said that before he joined Tirek, but I think that he has gotten through a lot of issues.  He hasn’t threatened to make you into a cloak for a while.”
Angel huffed and folded his arms, looking away from her.  He looked so cute when he was trying to be angry with her.
“Oh, don’t be like that.  I’ll need your help to pick out the best carrots.” At the mention of his favourite treat, Angel brightened up considerable, already looking for his favourite seller.
The shopping took much longer that Fluttershy had originally anticipated.  Of course it was always a challenge when you were so soft-spoken that one could barely be heard over the normal hustle and bustle of the town square. Sure she had a few wrong amounts and orders, but she was still much too shy to correct them.  Her pantry will just be extra full this week, and she will have to try out some new recipes. Maybe Pinkie could give her a few tips on cooking something special with the extra chocolate and vanilla she ended up with.
“Alright Angel, only one more thing left on the list.” She said, peering at her grocery list. “I just need to get some tea and we could go home and…”
One of the flaps on her saddleback jolted and unbuckled.  From the inside out.  A rather odd-looking grey and brown rabbit poked its head out of the bag, nose twitching at her.  It looked to have two different types of antlers on its head.  “Now how shocked would you be if your precious Angel started talking back to you?”
Fltttershy gave a startled gasp, causing the few ponies that overheard her to peer at her. She silenced herself and flushed, nodding to the other ponies, before giggling softly.  “Well he does talk back to me, in his own way of course.”
The rabbit snapped his fingers and Discord changed form again.  He didn’t shift into his normal draconequus form, but instead into a large pink and yellow butterfly, much like the ones that painted her flank.  He knew that Fluttershy was uncomfortable with too much attention on her at once, and his original form attracted a lot of attention.  “I bet you and him have the most stimulating conversations about carrots and sunshine and rainbows…” Discord mused, twirling in the air. Fluttershy giggled and shook her head.  If only he knew what they really talked about!  The butterfly let out a huge sigh before lighting on her muzzle. “Unfortunately, I do not bear good news, Fluttershy.”
“Oh! What is it? Is there an animal in trouble? Are you hurt?” Fluttershy questioned, her eyes wide and worried. This was Discord after all.  No news was bad news for him.  Usually he could change things to suit him in a snap of his fingers.
“I’m fine,” Discord said almost dismissively, one leg waving at her, “as are your precious animals. It is in regards to our tea party this afternoon…”
“Oh no… did I not get enough of everything?  I… I can go back and get more if you need…”
“Flutters, please, let me finish first before you leap to conclusions or I’ll be forced to seal your muzzle shut so I can get everything out.” Discord told her in exasperation, his feelers twitching.  “I don’t have much time. Princess Celestia has asked me to do a special mission for her and it has to be today.”
Fluttershy felt like she had been kicked in the stomach.  At the very mention of the princess’ name falling from his mouth so easily, it brought forth all the feelings of her dream.  “Oh… I see…” her head fell down, her eyes prickling with unshed tears.  She willed herself not to cry in front of him.  Celestia knew that she had done that enough already.  “I… I understand…” she whispered.
“Now, now, I’m just as upset at missing tea as you are,” Discord told her gently, his little agenda book appearing before him as the pages flipped at another snap of his fingers.  “Do you mind if we have it tomorrow instead?  My schedule is rather open for the week, but I don’t know about yours…”
“Yes… tomorrow is fine.” she said, her ears falling back and giving a soft nod, forgetting that Discord had been on her nose.
Effortlessly he took the sky, fluttering in front of her.  “Very well.  Pencil me in for tomorrow,” he said, a note folding and being placed in her saddlebag. “I’ll hopefully have an exciting story for you tomorrow!  See you Flutters!”  
In another snap of his fingers he was gone.
Fluttershy sighed, bowing her head low.  She supposed that she was looking forward to tea with him a little more than she had let on. And hearing that he was going to see Princess Celestia about something.
Well, she supposed that she shouldn’t be upset.  She never had any sort of hold on him anyways.
Angel poked his head out of his flap, patting her neck softly and chirping softly to her. Trying to encourage her, raise her spirits. The draconequus managed to hurt her again, even after his warning.  Angel would never forgive him for this, no matter how many carrots or apples he brought back for him.
“Well… it looks like we have the entire day free…” Fluttershy told Angel, turning around and beginning to head for home.  “What do you think we should do?” she whispered to him.
Angel chattered to her again, acting out something with his paws.  “Girly time… what do you mean by that?” she asked him, curiously.
Pulling gently on her mane, Angel gestured her towards the boutique that Rarity ran.  “Oh… oh that is a terrific idea, Angel!” Fluttershy exclaimed, immediately turning around and briskly trotting to her friend’s shop.  “Maybe she can get us into the spa today… after I take my groceries and you home, of course.”
The boutique is a complete disaster. Fabric and thread were thrown every which way imaginable, and Rarity’s mannequins were strewn around the room. If Flutteshy didn’t know better, she would have guessed that Rainbow Dash and the rest of the Wonder Colts had a training session in the little house. “Rarity?” she questioned, stepping through the door.
There was an undignified shriek from somewhere in the depths of the mess.  “WE ARE CLOSED TODAY!”  A frazzled unicorn appeared under from under a mountain of fabrics. Purple mane and tail struck out from every possible angle, though her eyes did lose their wild look once she realized just which pony had entered.  “Oh, thank Celestia it is you, Fluttershy.” Rarity sighed, shaking her head.
Fluttershy giggled and closed Rarity’s door behind her.  “My goodness, Rarity, your house… are you having… some difficulty with the new line?”
Rarity sighed and rubbed at her muzzle.  “I admit that I have run into a bit of a designer block.  Summer is supposed to bright colours, blues and greens and yellows, but I everything that I create just seems to echo last years.  I’M A FAILURE!” the overly dramatic unicorn collapsed, oversized tears dripping from her eyes.
“Oh… don’t cry Rarity… you just need a break.”  Fluttershy gently pet her friend’s back as Angel glared at the angry ball of fluff that was watching them from behind a curtain.  “Do you want to go to the spa…?”
The unicorn sprang to her feet so fsat Fluttershy was sure that she had used her magic to pull herself up.  “Oh, you are a GENIUS Fluttershy!” Rarity exclaimed.  “You’re absolutely right, all this stress is terrible for my complexion. A day at the spa… that is exactly what I need… will you come with?”
Giving a small nod, Fluttershy agreed.  “Yes. I’ll meet you there after I drop off my food.” She said, turning on her heel and galloping back towards her house, grateful for a distraction.
“Very well, darling. See you there!  Just… hurry!  I don’t think my complexion can handle much more of this….”
* * * * *
What seemed to be a very short few minutes later, Fluttershy was entering the Ponyville Spa. Rarity had gotten there before her and was already talking to one of the clerks.  “There you are! They are able to take us in today at such short notice!” she exclaimed as Fluttershy came over to her.  “Actually you made very good time.  What about the food that you were carrying?”
“It’s alright. Angel and the others told me that they would take care of it.” Fluttershy smiled.  Her animal friends really were the sweetest.
“Excellent. Don’t need anything spoiling on you after you went out and bought it.” Rarity and Fluttershy were quickly ushered into the back of the spa.  The blue mare recognized them from their previous weekly sessions and ushered them into the steam room first.
Slipping into the warm and soft housecoat that the spa pony offered her, Fluttershy quickly entered the room.  Rarity always took a little bit as they needed to do extra preparations with her. Soon enough she too entered the room wearing a bigger housecoat and a towel over her purple curls.
The two mares settled in the room and sighed happily as the spa began to pour water over the hot rocks in the room. Fluttershy could almost already feel her stress melting away. “Sweet Celestia, this is exactly what I needed.” Rarity smiled, her eyes closing in bliss.
Saying nothing, Fluttershy gave a soft sigh and nodded.  The steam room was one of her favourite parts of the spa.
“I am a little surprised that you asked me to come out with you,” Rarity said suddenly, turning towards her.  “You and I usually stick to such strict schedules… what made you come out to me today?”
“Oh… well…” Fluttershy looked away, not knowing what to say.  Rarity may not be as book smart as Twilight, but she had instincts that were spot on.  “You see… I…”
Thus why she was such a successful designer.
“Ooooh~ Fluttershy, now you have to tell me.”  The unicorn sat closer to her. “You haven’t been this bashful since before we became friends.”
Glancing up, Fluttershy noticed that the spa pony was trying, and failing, not to look overly interested in what they were saying. It was well-known that ponies came to the spa to gossip.  She did not need all of Equstia knowing about her feelings for Discord just yet. “Well.  Afterwards I’ll tell you…. tell me about your ideas for your fashion line, first.”
Rarity caught her eye and discreetly followed where she was looking.  Spying the spa lady, the unicorn gave a small nod, though there was a sparkling glint in her eye.  She was very curious now.  “Well, as I told you back at the shop it is summer time. Summer is all about bright and vivid colours.  Not to the point of spring of course, those colours are all about fresh beginnings. Sumer is more mature. More established, but they simply must be just as fashionable.”
This seemed to be uninteresting to the spa pony.  Her eyes glazed over and she began to rhythmically add water to the rocks. Rarity’s eyes however were sparkling and bright.  She was eager to talk fashion, her career, and whatever juicy gossip that Fluttershy had for her.
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epicbronytimes · 6 years
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Commission: Smolder X Spike - Vector by TheArtsyEmporium
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moonlightstars16 · 6 years
Fluttercord RP
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((Art belongs too @/theartsyemporium on deviantart))
Open RP’s for Discord’s😏 based of ‘Bride of Discord’ by Disneyfanatic5246 any plot similarities are all her idea’s with twists of my own.
Chaos loomed over Equestria, two deals struck. One hung in the tense air. Fluttershy took brave steps towards the highest mountain cave in Ponyville. All he wanted was a bride. No more no less and no negotiable exchanges for a change of mind. If the princesses were to remain safe and healthy she would have to be that bride.
Yes it has to be her. If she wouldn’t, who will? Thinking back to the Gala were this mess started(back up again technically since Discord, turn stone, free, escaped, hid 3 years, made a grand entrance). Remembering her song, one that he surprisingly complimented, as well as her beauty. Perhaps there was something between them set there by fate? She shook her head and tried to focus. This was for the princesses and all of Equestria. One mare’s unhappiness is a small price to pay. Stepping into the cave she called out his name.
“H-hello? Discord?”
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Happy 10 year anniversary to one of the greatest cartoons ever:
My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic!
Based off of this vector:
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ask-dream-fighter-s · 4 years
Emergency Commission Headshot Sale OPEN by TheArtsyEmporium she needs some help. Just passing around with be helpful
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game-beatx14 · 6 years
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New wallpaper: “Punk Rock Rarity” View on DeviantArt: fav.me/726101163 Rarity vector by TheArtsyEmporium
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mediumsizetex · 6 years
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Chibi Ponies Stickers by TheArtsyEmporium
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daikenkki · 6 years
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MLP EG Forgotten Friendship - You're Going Down by TheArtsyEmporium
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theartsyemporium · 7 years
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(via Picarto.TV - TheArtsyEmporium's Channel) Streaming some upcoming adoptables. Harry Potter theme. 
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theartsyemporium · 7 years
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(via Picarto.TV - TheArtsyEmporium's Channel)  Streaming Commissions
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theartsyemporium · 7 years
Announcement for Conventions! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Commission info: http://fav.me/d9p8bhe or http://fav.me/d8gzs54
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q&A
What programs do you use? -Inkscape and/or Photoshop CS2 as my software, Audacity Studio to record, and Windows movie maker/ VideoPad Video Editor to edit.
Do you take commissions? -Yes! They are almost always open, and there is a link to my commission info near the top of this description.
Do you take art trades/requests? -No i don't take requests, so please do not ask. For art trades, if i like your art and have the time, there is a good chance that i will accept.
How can i get in contact with you? -The best way is either through my Deviantart or Twitter ( all links are below ). I still try to reply as much as i can in other places, but if you want to commission me or do an art trade, please do so through dA or Twitter :)
Other accounts-
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/TheArtsyEmporium Deviantart: http://lordoftheshadow97.deviantart.com/ and http://pandemoniumischaos.deviantart.... Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheArtsyEporium
Characters © The Artsy Emporium Background © MisterAibo on DA(lamp), GeoNine on DA(desk), BonesWolbach on DA(background) Pony vector © Lightning Bliss Music © Vacation Uke-ALBIS Free to Use Art © The Artsy Emporium
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