rjptalk · 1 year
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tchistorygal · 2 years
The Connecting Power of Coffee Shares
The Connecting Power of Coffee Shares
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holliswoodny · 5 years
The Changing Seasons, February 2020
It has been a dreary February. To be fair, February is usually dreary, though it normally gets more snow. We didn’t get any snow in either January or February which is a record for the past 100 years. We did, however, get a lot of rain, so at least we won’t run out of water anytime soon.
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An indoor garden
I didn’t get out much. It was dreary, dull, gray, and wet. Inside, I could take pictures of birds and flowers and my brand new quilt cover. I’m pretty sure I took other pictures, too, but I’m not sure what they were.
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Macro Orchid
So first, let’s get to the orchids which have been blooming very well and there is suddenly a second branch with a lot more buds. Maybe this will be a long blooming period. Hope so!
Moving along, let’s take a look at the birds. This has been the month of Goldfinches. Red Finches too and the periodic visit by Nuthatches, Chickadees, woodpeckers of three varieties, Doves, Flying Squirrels, regular non-flying squirrels.
Now, a few cactus blooms …
Wider shot
My exciting new bedroom:
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The new bedroom
And of course the concert we went to see with Ron and Cherrie, conducted by Dr. Anton Armstrong, Garry’s baby brother. It was a brilliant concert — and Anton was amazing.
Photo: Owen Kraus
And then we were on the road, to and from Ellin and Tom’s place in Connecticut.
Still too many cars
Meanwhile, guess what Garry is working on?
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What does this mean?
About The Changing Seasons
The Changing Seasons is a monthly challenge where bloggers around the world share what’s been happening in their month.
If you would like to join in, here are the guidelines:
The Changing Seasons Version One (photographic):
Each month, post 5-20 photos in a gallery that you feel represent your month
Don’t use photos from your archive. Only new shots.
Tag your posts with #MonthlyPhotoChallenge and #TheChangingSeasons so that others can find them.
The Changing Seasons Version Two (you choose the format):
Each month, post a photo, recipe, painting, drawing, video, whatever that you feel says something about your month
Don’t use archive stuff. Only new material!
Tag your posts with #MonthlyPhotoChallenge and #TheChangingSeasons so others can find them.
If you do a ping-back to this post, Su-Leslie can update it with links to the other posts.
THE CHANGING SEASONS, FEBRUARY 2020 – Marilyn Armstrong The Changing Seasons, February 2020 It has been a dreary February. To be fair, February is usually dreary, though it normally gets more snow.
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runawaywidow · 6 years
I have accepted the bloggers challenge to share a photo gallery of what’s been happening in my month.
I completed a home improvement project which turned out amazing and gave me an opportunity to empty my closet and bedroom of everything.  Now when items go back into the closet, they have a home and are items that I am happy to see.  They are supposed to bring me joy, but sometimes they are back in simply because they fit. Let’s be real.
I’ve spent more time than I need to pinning photos on Pinterest to plan my weddding.  I initially intended to elope on a cruise ship in Greece and have since decided to actually have a ceremony on the beach and a party with family and friends.  I know better than most that you have to celebrate the good times; the bad times will take care of themselves.
The highlight of my month was my trip to Iceland to celebrate my sister’s birthday.  We had such fun seeing this beautiful country and taking photos of everything! She’s hooked on traveling now too and I am pretty sure we will both be visiting Iceland again one day.
  Blue Lagoon Iceland
      Around Iceland
Around Iceland
Sun Voyager Reykjavik, Iceland
  Around Reykjavík
We never did see the elusive Northern Lights but we went to the Northern Lights museum, took some amazing photos there and were able to purchase this amazing DVD of the Northern Lights around Iceland. Aurora Reykjavik – The Northern Lights Center
Back at home: Snow shoveling, Construction zone and Spring Cleaning.
  What a mess!
Even the fireplace got a new look.
Wedding planning is fun with Pinterest.  Also takes time away from my workout schedule (which I have yet to take seriously)
    So that’s how my February went.  How was your month?
The Changing Seasons is a monthly photo challenge hosted by Su Leslie at Zimmerbitch.  Check out her blog here:  Zimmerbitch.wordpress.com
The Changing Seasons: February 2019 I have accepted the bloggers challenge to share a photo gallery of what's been happening in my month.
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afairymind · 7 years
You wend your way across the meadow’s open expanse as the early sun casts its glow upon the toadstools and the tumbled leaves. The chill air catches at your throat as you breathe deep. Negativity disperses with the puther of each expelled breath.
For a time, you stop and sit beside the pond, allowing your thoughts to pool like the waters of the stream. A robin warbles from the concealment of tangled beaches. It’s song sounds melancholic, as if in remembrance of lost summer days, but still it continues to sing, undaunted by the months of cold that lie ahead.
You take your leave of the pooling waters as an icy wind begins to rise, and you follow the pathway through the trees. Branches bow in courteous arches over the trail, clad in fragile garb of green and gold. You bow your head in return, bidding farewell, knowing that you will return again soon.
I only made it out to the meadow, woodland and stream / pond on one occasion during November, and unfortunately I didn’t stay out for long – the wind was incredibly cold and it was forecasted to get much worse as the day went on. Which it did. I expect that the trees would have had far fewer leaves by the end of that day! I did manage to take a few pictures during the short time I was there, however.
I hope you like them.
To see how the area has looked at other times of the year, check out the Changing Seasons category page for older pictures.
This post is for Cardinal Guzman’s Monthly Changing Seasons photo challenge.
Wend your way among fallen leaves... #ChangingSeason2017 #Photography #November #Nature You wend your way across the meadow's open expanse as the early sun casts its glow upon the toadstools and the tumbled leaves.
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freelancesumandas · 7 years
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The Changing Seasons: November 2017 — The Day After #MonthlyPhotoChallenge and #TheChangingSeasons via The Changing Seasons: November 2017 — The Day After
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tassitus · 8 years
It’s the last day of June, and where did it go? Where does time go anyway?! The eternal question — it just flows by, like water in a river, and we can never get it back. Here, at least I have some photographic memories of June 2016. Mostly little flowers. That’s what I like to take pictures of; ducks and little flowers 🙂
Some grass
Cruiseship season in full swing
The beach
Sea Pea
downtown Saint John
Kennebeccasis Yacht Club
Phlox (or flocks 🙂?)
more lupines
Ducklings getting bigger by the day
This post is part of Cardinal Guzman’s photo challenge; “The changing seasons”.
The Changing Seasons [182/365] It's the last day of June, and where did it go? Where does time go anyway?! The eternal question -- it just flows by, like water in a river, and we can never get it back.
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rjptalk · 9 months
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tchistorygal · 3 years
February Challenge Wrap-up: Photos, Reading, Fun
February Challenge Wrap-up: Photos, Reading, Fun
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holliswoodny · 4 years
The Changing Seasons, April 2020
I don’t know how long we’ve been isolated. It was just a few days after my birthday in March, so six weeks, give or take a few days or maybe half a week. Who can tell? When you are inside all the time and never go anywhere at all, not even the grocery store, all the days are alike and it gets hard to remember what happened … or when. Or sometimes, even IF it happened.
China, east Asia, Australia, and New Zealand
I’ve been grateful to the birds, the squirrels, the flying squirrels. Even the raccoons. They are all eating an awful lot of food. Normally, there’d be plenty to eat outside, but we haven’t had two sunny days in a row. It has been very cold, windy, and endlessly rainy and gray. So, nothing is growing. No hint of leaves. no flowers. Just mud.
A very young Goldfinch
Close-up Brown-headed Cowbird. Note the Evil Eye.
Downy Woodpecker
Tufted Titmouse
Definitely high up
Part of the flock
John Prine (Photo Credit: Ron Baker)
Less luminescent
From the side, another macro
More cleanup
The cleanup crew
On the march! Foof awaits … but not much
More bright yellow birds
My orchids have grown well or had been but the lack of sun has been rough and I finally broke down and bought a grow light. The poor things have been living in a dark closet.
And finally, I’d like to say a final goodbye to Gibbs. May you live on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge in peace. We’ll meet again … maybe, I hope.
About The Changing Seasons
The Changing Seasons is a monthly challenge where bloggers around the world share what’s been happening in their month.
If you would like to join in, here are the guidelines:
The Changing Seasons Version One (photographic):
Each month, post 5-20 photos in a gallery that you feel represent your month Don’t use photos from your archive. Only new shots. Tag your posts with #MonthlyPhotoChallenge and #TheChangingSeasons so that others can find them.
The Changing Seasons Version Two (you choose the format):
Each month, post a photo, recipe, painting, drawing, video, whatever that you feel says something about your month Don’t use archive stuff. Only new material! Tag your posts with #MonthlyPhotoChallenge and #TheChangingSeasons so others can find them.
If you do a ping-back to this post, I can update it with links to all of yours.
Please visit Pauline’s beautiful garden at Living in Paradise. She and Jack have been hard at work and as always it’s a visual delight.
Lani at Life, the Universe and Lani shares some thoughts and interesting images from her month in Rayong, Thailand.
A Wonderful Sheep brings us a lovely hopeful post with beautiful images of her “side of the mountain” in glorious springtime.
Tish at Writer on the Edge has been busy in her garden and allotment. Please pop over and see the fruits of her green fingers.
Sarah at Art Expedition has not only taken some beautiful photos but also baked the most delicious-looking ….  No. I’m not going to tell you — you have to visit her post to see for yourself.
CHANGING SEASONS: A MONTH OF PLAGUE & FREEZING RAIN – Marilyn Armstrong The Changing Seasons, April 2020 I don't know how long we've been isolated. It was just a few days after my birthday in March, so six weeks, give or take a few days or maybe half a week.
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rjptalk · 10 months
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rjptalk · 11 months
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rjptalk · 1 year
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rjptalk · 1 year
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rjptalk · 1 year
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rjptalk · 1 year
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