#Their current cat is crazy. He is friendly as heck but has no boundaries and is a bit territorial
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pokibal2001 · 6 years
Convergence: Nicktoons Drabbles #1 and TATD Random Headcanons # 4
So apparently, my crossover fic is threading dark territories soon and I felt the urge to write something light for once. So here it is! A collection of drabbles featuring the Nicktoons when they are not fighting maniacal supervillains or otherworldly vengeful spirits in their spare time. This will be a fused post of both series for now, and the next two posts will the separate the two.
Spoiler warning though, some of these drabbles can go either pre-C:TATD or post-C:TATD. So there might be moments of OOC among the heroes due to what they had been through in the crossover or unexpected characters that hadn’t debuted yet in the main fic.
Regardless, I’ll just continue anyway. Let’s start with the headcanons first, pre-C:TATD and Spongebob’s variant!
Out of all the worlds the Nicktoons came from, everybody in the group agrees that Bikini Bottom is the safest out of all of them.
Retroville and Dimmsdale are constantly filled by accidents of either magical or scientific origins, Muckledunk and Petropolis are often terrorized by persistent racists and mad scientists and last but not least, Amity Park is infested by violent ghosts.
So everyone preferred hanging out together at Spongebob’s world, mostly at the Krusty Krab because of the delicious krabby patties. Even if it means having to use Jimmy’s Neutronic Air Gum to visit Bikini Bottom the rare few moments they managed to get in their free time.
While Dudley, Tucker, Cosmo and Bunsen loved the undersea burgers the most, Sam refused to eat them due to her being a vegetarian. Spongebob, who wants to make up for it, quickly cooked up a vegan variant of krabby patties called the Vegan Patty
To Sam’s surprise, she actually likes the Vegan Patty and she was very grateful to Spongebob for respecting and even catering to her tastes.
On the other side of the spectrum, Timmy, Chloe and Wanda were overworked to clean up the magical farts left behind by Cosmo’s overeating of Krabby Patties.
Poor Kitty also ended up being dragged into cleaning up Cosmo’s mess as well.
Meanwhile, Jimmy was at the corner pondering how on earth are steaming hot burgers that are edible to eat without being soggy are possible at all underwater.
Had Sandy been there (unfortunately, she was busy with her own stuff to hang out at the time), she would have sympathized with him because she has the same confusion about the peculiarity of the non-existent underwater physics.
Danny simply enjoyed watching the chaos unfold from afar, only stepping in when things get a little too far.
The Nicktoons meet Mr Eugene Krabs properly this time (This was Dudley, Kitty, Bunsen and Mikey’s first time. The rest met him during the Syndicate invasion)
While they were somewhat caught off-caught at how obsessive Mr Krabs tend to be with money, they managed to at least kept a friendly interaction with him but with Sam being the most grudging.
They decided to go out into Bikini Bottom.
Spongebob introduced everyone to his best friend Patrick. While Dudley, Cosmo and Bunsen were completely taken with him as fellow best buds, everyone else were not amused. Kitty was the most wary of him.
Timmy wondered out loud why they can’t just swim up in the open water and every sea folk in the near vicinity stared at him like he was crazy.
If there’s one thing that Jimmy and Timmy can agree on despite their bickering nature, is that the underwater physics of Spongebob’s world are way too confusing even by their standards.
Spongebob had offered them a suggestion of visiting Goo Lagoon, everyone was flabbergasted that underwater water lakes are even possible.
However, none of them were expecting Jimmy’s reaction at all. The boy genius simply heave a sigh of relief at the Goo Lagoon’s existence.
“Finally! Something that makes sense in this world! Brine pools are actually real in the other oceans of our worlds too. They form because of the high salinity content-”
“We get it, fudgehead.”
Another infamous argument between Jimmy and Timmy occurs, and everybody worked their asses off calming down the two boys. This is Spongebob’s day, not theirs.
They met Squidward along the way as well. While the Nicktoons were a bit put off and annoyed by his petty behaviour, they can’t deny feeling bad for him when they realize Squidward has been a victim of Spongebob and Patrick’s astonishing ignorance of personal boundaries.
Danny and Kitty made sure to keep Spongebob and Patrick in check if they went too far in bothering Squidward.
Squidward, although not expressing it, was inwardly glad that he’s surrounded by people with common sense.
They passed by the Chum Bucket, and a wary Plankton was observing them with binoculars. Danny, Jimmy and Kitty were the only ones to notice but decided not to call him out since Spongebob assured all of them that Plankton was not causing trouble for now.
By the time they left Bikini Bottom and back into their home worlds, the Nicktoons are left shocked at how drenched they are despite the fact they felt dry back in Spongebob’s world.
Here’s the actual drabble at last! The Nicktoons are both equally disturbed and fascinated by the bizarre underwater physics and structure of Bikini Bottom.
“You know? I don’t think I could ever get used to this. It just doesn’t make a lick of sense,” Tucker gestured his hands at the open waters of Bikini Bottom.
“You said it, Tucker. How the heck are we standing on the floor and not floating in the air-water-thing, whatever!” Timmy ranted, throwing his hand up in the water.
“Be careful with you say, Timmy!” Wanda, in her goldfish form, turned to him with an admonishing tone, “We don’t need more fish people staring at us.”
“Yeah, Timmy!” Cosmo chimed in, “One of them kept giving us a stink-eye.”
“What, that old man-fish?” Timmy scoffed, “Like I care what he thinks. At least in my world, magic is the explanation for everything weird that happened there. Bikini Bottom has no magic!”
“You and me both, Timmy. You and me both,” Jimmy muttered loudly, walking alongside Timmy with his arms crossed as he glared at the sea-sky.
“Really?” Bunsen tilted his head curiously before smiling affirmatively as he skipped a step, “It’s not that bad though. At least we can walk here just like on land!”
Kitty shuddered, “Hate to break it to you, Bunsen but the fact that the seawater around us is not weighing down on our fur is a disturbing sensation,” the cat agent glanced to the side with half-lidded lime eyes, “... And to clear my case, look at Dudley.”
Said dog agent was standing on a sandy dune not far from them, jumping around in frenzy as soft grains of sand were sent flying slowly into the open waters. His paws were reaching out wildly, hoping as if he could swim out in the water above.
“Come on, come on!” Dudley hollered in pure frustration as he pulled his long ears, “Why can’t I swim!?”
“See, guys? Even he gets it,” Timmy fumed bitterly, huffing out an air bubble.
“Eh... I think I agree with Bunsen, Timmy. Bikini Bottom is kinda a nice place to hang out at,“ Danny smirked cockily as he floated above the buck-teethed boy and looking down at him, “Besides, do you know how great the water currents feel? They’re just like wind on land, except it’s more watery and it’s cool!”
“Says the superhero who can fly,” Timmy retorted back at the older boy with a twitching right eye.
Spongebob, who was piggybacking on Danny since the halfa offered the ride (it helps that the sea sponge was quite light), peered over his best friend’s shoulder and put on a wide cheerful smile.
“I never fly, or swam, this high up in Bikini Bottom before! And Danny’s right, being up here is so cool!!!” The sea sponge exclaimed happily and the unlikely duo laughed together as they flew around above the group, even going as far as to perform loops in the sea-sky.
Timmy groaned loudly, covering his face with both of his hands. Chloe, who had been quietly admiring the sight of the sea so far, decided to take pity on Timmy and patted his back comfortably.
“It’s okay, Timmy,” The perky blonde told him gently, “Maybe the science of this world doesn’t make sense but at least, we can enjoy the sight here! Ooh, look at the clouds, they’re shaped like flowers!”
“I’m more curious about the aquatic botany around here,” Sam commented bemusedly, observing the floating green kelp and polka-dotted coral near the walking path the Nicktoons were moving on, “It’s hard to believe that some of the plants here are just mimicking corals and not actual corals themselves.
“You’re not going ask if they’re edible or not, are you?” Tucker asked with wide eyes, a nauseous expression on his face.
“Uh, eww. No,” Sam raised an eyebrow in disbelief with an equally disgusted look, “Tucker, only specific types of seaweed and algae are safe for eating. If you don’t know that, I can’t imagine you camping in the wild.”
“Then you don’t see me going near the ocean back home because I’m fine staying home eating sea-I mean, meat,” jested Tucker, nearly stumbling on a taboo subject that the Nicktoons have no desire in discussing.
Dudley, who looked rather disappointed after failing to swim in the open waters of Spongebob’s world, mingled back in the group just in time to overhear the last few words of Tucker’s retort.
He and Kitty shot each other a panicked glance followed by a brief wary stare at the sea folk walking among them, before looking away in the opposite direction and whistled innocently.
“I wll lose my mind if we can actually lit a fire underwater,” Jimmy muttered.
“Sure, we can,” Came Patrick’s unexpected reply.
Everyone halted right in their tracks, all of them giving the blinking sea star varying stares of shock and disbelief. Even Danny was curious enough to float back near the group with Spongebob in tow to see what was going.
“You’re kidding,” came Tucker’s flabbergasted reply.
“You mean, we can?” Bunsen perked up, notably excited at the prospect.
“Yeah,” Patrick tilted his head in confusion, “Me, Spongebob and Squidward went camping that one time and we managed to make a fire.”
“Ugh,” Squidward, who was the least social of the group, grimaced, “Don’t remind me.”
“Oh, yeah!” Spongebob exclaimed as he clicked a finger, peering from above Danny’s head, “I remember that time. Boy, those were fun times!”
“Seriously? You can make fire underwater? For real?” Danny blinked his neon green eyes owlishly, “Wow, you don’t hear that in a spoken sentence everyday.”
Rubbing the back of his head, Spongebob sheepishly smiled, “Really? I don’t know what’s normal in making fire for land critters, but I’m sure we can ask Jimmy for an opinion. Right, Jimmy?” A brief silence, “... Uh, Jimmy?”
Every Nicktoon looked at said boy genius, whose entire body was shaking like a leaf and manic blue eyes twitching. Timmy and Chloe immediately backed several steps away from him as everyone went on guard.
“J-Jimmy?” Chloe asked nervously.
“Are you... feeling well?” Kitty furrowed her brow in concern.
“Oh, I’m just peachy,” Jimmy seethed through gritted teeth, his wide blue eyes kept twitching, “The mere idea that fire can be kindled underwater is absolutely a thing in the realm of possibility. How wonderful.”
“G-Guys....” Dudley stammered, “He’s doesn’t l-look okay...!”
The manic grin on Jimmy’s face grew wider, “Absolutely possible. Possible...!”
“That’s it, fudgehead has lost his head,” Timmy stared at his rival in wide-eyed horror, quickly grabbing his fairies in one arm while holding Chloe in the other, “Sorry, guys! But we’re heading straight to the Krusty Krab first, see yah!”
In a puff of air bubbles, Timmy was seen running for the hills with his fairies and Chloe in tow.
“What about you guys, huh?” Jimmy’s head twitched as he turned to the rest, “Care to kindle a fire with me underwater?”
Danny gulped before yelling, “Hey, don’t forget about us!” as he made the same decisions as Timmy by grabbing a rather shocked Sam and Tucker with both of his hands before flying towards said buck-teethed boy with a yelping Spongebob on his back.
“Don’t leave us behind!” Dudley squealed as he dumped both Kitty and Bunsen over his shoulders, “Dudley!” “Yay, free rides!” 
The only ones left behind with Jimmy were Patrick and Squidward, in which the latter was slowly tip-toeing his way out of the scene. 
“So, Patrick...?” Jimmy asked with a gritted smile.
“Yep!” Said sea star replied eagerly. 
Clapping his hands hands together, Jimmy giggled, “Ready to prove your point?”
Patrick’s black eyes gleamed in excitement, “Sure! Let’s go find some wood and make a fire!”
The manic smile on Jimmy’s face grew wider, “Agreed.”
“Yeah, Timmy?”
“Fudgehead is going to kill your best friend.”
A massive gasp, “OH NO! We must sent a rescue team right away!”
“Too late about that, they’re already made a fire,” Squidward deadpanned, “Look outside.”
Danny’s dumbfounded voice echoed, “... Is that smoke? Is that even possible underwater?”
Timmy groaned, “I give up. Spongebob’s world does not make sense.”
So yeah... Let’s just say, Jimmy and Patrick caused a lot of underwater fires, as oxymoronic as that sounds. Hope you enjoy reading this post!
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