#Theodore Cousland
velnat004 · 9 months
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installed the flycam few days ago and decided to make that everyone's problem. good evening velnat004 nation <3
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ex-textura · 2 months
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i need to draw them
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coleheinous · 2 years
based on this poll by @star--nymph.
If Dragon Age: Dreadwolf takes place 8-10 years after Trespasser, would your Warden/Hawke/Inquisitor be a MILF/DILF/PILF?
I've got so many heroes of thedas that I just wanna make a post to answer that question for each of them. gonna put it under the cut so here we go.
Belladonna Amell: Is both Aromantic and Asexual, and not interested in having kids. She'd be in her late 30's, and considers herself the hottest bitch in the room at all times, AILF (abomination i'd like to fuck)
Eden Amell: Is dead.
Tola Kader: Not interested in having kids, has warden shit to worry about. Would be in her mid 50's.
Oriel Mahariel: Had Kieran at 22 with Morrigan. Would be in his mid 40's, PILF.
Jelsi Brosca: Had Kieran with Morrigan when she was 25, but wasn't around to parent him. Would be in her late 40's. Technically a MILF but not in practice.
Adelaide Cousland: After she finds the cure for the blight, her and Alistair have 2 kids. Duncan Bryce Theirin, and 3 years later they have Eleanor Wynn Theirin. Would be in her early 40's, MILF.
Eloril Tabris: After finding a cure for the blight, retiring from the wardens, and marrying Leliana, they adopt an elven baby that they name Shartan. Eloril is fully focused on her role as Arl of Denerim, and Leliana is Divine, so he's one of the most protected babies in Thedas. Would be in her late 40's, MILF.
Easter Hawke: Her and Fenris have their 3 children by this point, none of them were planned. Their oldest is Bethany, and they have twins 4 years later, Malcolm and Maurevar. Would be in her mid 40's. MILF.
Fiona Hawke: Her and Anders don't have any children together. Would be in her mid 40's.
Holly: Her and Merril adopt a pair of elven twins, orphaned by the mage-templar conflict; Nesrin and Cessida Sabrae-Hawke, a boy and a girl. Would be in her mid 40's, MILF.
Malcolm Hawke JR: Him and Fenris have no children. Would be in his mid 40's.
Jeannie Hawke: Her and Isabela have no children together. Would be in her mid 40's.
Theodore: Him and Anders end up taking in a young vashoth boy named Amaar Hawke. Would be in his mid 40's, DILF.
Niara Lavellan: Has no children, would be in her mid 40's.
Fane Lavellan: Her and Sera have 1 child, a boy named Llorin. Would be in her mid 30's, MILF.
Ezra Trevelyan: He and Dorian have no kids. Would be in his Early 40's.
Sumeyye Adaar: Her and Thom have no kids. Would be in her mid 50's.
Celene Trevelyan: Her and Josephine have no kids. Would be in her late 40's.
Von Cadash: Him and Bull have no kids, and have no desire to have kids. Would be in his late 40's.
Minerva Morgan: Her and Krem have 1 kid, a girl named Lucidia. Would be in her late 30's, MILF.
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gayhawkelatehomicide · 6 months
Updated Protagonist List
I'm going to add images to this, so it's going beneath a readmore for length reasons
Aridhel Mahariel - bow rogue, romanced Zevran, straightforward dalish who neither understands nor cares about shemlen (or durgenlen) politics, blood magic is probably fine as long as you use it responsibly, anxious and blunt. "Let's focus on stopping the world-ending plague of darkspawn first, and worry about the rest of this bullshit later, hm?"
Saffron Cousland - sword and shield warrior, romanced Alistair, noble in every sense of the word but cheerful and friendly, Queen of Ferelden, Arlessa of Amaranthine (and Highever), killed Rendon Howe with her father's sword, fixated on duty. "Because it's the right thing to do."
Theodore Amell - arcane warrior mage, romanced Morrigan, bastardization arc powered by Morrigan whispering bad ideas in his ear, loves his terrible witch girlfriend, blood magic is fine and the chantry is oppressive, ambitious. "I am no longer baby, now I want power."
Renan Tabris - dagger rogue, romanced Leliana, exactly zero patience for shem politics, raised Andrastian (derogatory), canonically kind of a bitch, evil sense of humor, loves her stupid new shem baby brother, harden everyone, distrustful. "Like dogs, Shianni."
Valda Aeducan - two handed warrior, romanced Leliana, honorable and serious, trusts no one, girl raised in harsh political nonsense learns to trust her found family and forgive her bio family while unlearning bad lessons simulator, sneaky/quiet sense of humor, intense loyalty to her people, values tradition but values compassion more, genuinely regrets what happened with Trian. "For the honor of my house, though I myself have neither house nor honor."
Emmaera Surana - blood mage spirit healer, romanced Alistair, fey and strange, sweet but a little out of it, she and Merrill would get along so well because they both just say what they mean, falls for Ali like a ton of bricks after trusting him exactly 0% at first, has a council of spirits that advise her, definitely more than a little possessed, Templars aggro on sight, besties with Morrigan. "The Chantry won't tell you anything useful about the Fade, but I could. If you want."
Ashaterylen Mahariel - champion fighter, loves Morrigan but it's complicated, aggressive and no-nonsense, adopts Alistair as her comic relief to fill Tamlen's shoes, Not Okay™ but doing a good job regardless, my only warden who straight up dies, but we still get Kieran because magic, rather laconic, probably my most heavily headcanoned origins character. "Duty trumps sentiment. Every time."
Iris Hawke - knife rogue, romanced Anders, diplomatic but also way too intense for her own good, loves mages so much, circle mage Bethany, will do anything to protect what's left of her family, noble impulses but awful sense of humor, fanatic, very angry underneath her shell of politeness, diplomacy as a tool. "Why don't we try asking the Arishok nicely?"
Ian Hawke - elemental mage, romanced Fenris, sarcastic, sided with the templars because magic is an essential part of him but it's brought nothing but grief to him and his family, templar Carver, quip for every situation, never loses his positive outlook for long, self-loathing but doing his best not to make that everyone's problem. "Dad did WHAT for the Wardens? Why am I not surprised."
Kiera Hawke - two-handed warrior, romanced Isabella, sarcastic → aggressive, sad bastard warrior Hawke, everyone who gets close to her dies, Bethany dies, good attitude wrecked by the wear and tear of life, loves her buddies who are also terrible, angry and broken. "You tell me where Bartrand is, I'll help you wring his fucking neck"
Alice Hawke - knife rogue, romanced Merrill, circle mage Bethany, p much pure diplomatic, diplomacy as a way of life, mom friend central, no one is irredeemable, far too trusting, kind of a busybody, always thinks she knows best. "Clean your blades, watch your purse strings, don't be a dick."
Delilah Hawke - entropy mage, in love with Varric, pure sarcasm, sends Carver to the wardens, adores her stupid chaotic bisexual family, beat down by this world but stubbornly clinging to joy, flat refuses to talk about her problems. "Where would I be without my trusty dwarf?"
Quinn Hawke - blood mage, romances Anders, red from the beginning, low-key an asshole but also high-key he just doesn't know how to communicate, oldest sibling syndrome turned up to 11, inspired by Harker Zevsurana's Kier, fuck you mage rights. "Well, shit."
Andy Hawke - force mage, romances Anders and Fenris (it's complicated), strong purple laugh-or-cry type, so many canon alterations but the twins both live, grows a lot over the course of the campaign, big fuck the chantry, uses their staff as a polearm bc they're not great at magic, easily my most headcanoned Hawke. "Have any of you guys considered having a normal reaction to anything? Ever? Didn't think so."
Miriani Lavellan - assassin bow rogue, romanced Solas, confused hardass Dalish girl doing her very best to navigate suddenly being in charge of all of this stuff, cares so much about everyone all the time, terrified but resigned to her responsibilities, self-sacrificing, sense of humor buried under all that sincerity. "I am the Inquisitor, through no virtue of my own. Vir suledin nadas."
Asher Adaar - two-handed warrior, romanced Sera/nobody (bc I meant to romance Sera but didn't know the right dialogue options so I kept waiting for it to pan out and it just sorta didn't), blunt and direct Tal-Vashoth mercenary who gets persuaded that maybe she actually is the herald of andraste, but honestly just wants to handle the things with as little religious and/or political nonsense as possible, blunt and violent. "We save Thedas TWICE, my hand wants to kill me, we save the exalted council specifically, and this is what we get?"
Stephan Trevelyan - rift mage, romanced Cassandra, a good sweet Andrastian boy, true prophet who has a meltdown when he finds out about Solas, best friends with Dorian, keeps the inquisition and wants to really save the world, a genuine idealist, stubborn AF. "Faith is a choice. The Maker set these events in motion so long ago we can no longer see His hand in them."
Samahl Lavellan - tempest knife rogue, romances Dorian, cheerful, sarcastic, and overwhelmed, insanely competent but good at hiding it, terrible little bastard, hates responsibilities, laughs in the face of danger (and Cassandra), keeps insisting he's not the Herald, kinda lazy. "I guess I'm learning now, aren't I, Mother?"
Riska Cadash - artificer knife rogue, romances Sera, direct and sometimes brutal but ultimately caring, criminal upbringing noble fashion sense, besties with Blackwall, andrastian and confused, consistently astonished by how easy it is to get things when you're the most important person in the world, one of my younger inquisitors but she doesn't act like it very often, really only when she's with Sera. "What's the worst that could happen?"
Dahlia Trevelyan - mortalitasi lightning mage, romances Blackwall, cheerfully irreverent young noblewoman flexing the edges of what she's allowed in this new role, filled with chaos and violence and entitlement. Fully does not believe in the Maker. Classically beautiful but with blue-gold eyes that go past "striking" into "genuinely unsettling" and, she caught some shrapnel from a spell gone wrong with her face a few years back so she's got distinctive scars. "Hey, look, at least dragons are real."
The Trio (all of whom have individual playthroughs but also come as a set)
Isene Lavellan - fire/rift mage, romances Iron Bull, primarily jokes and asks questions, basically a horrible mix of Miriani and Samahl. Sweet and a bit of a brat but ultimately up to the challenge. A disaster at the winter palace. Her general response to her workload getting heavier is to adjust the straps that hold the world on her back and carry on with a smile. "Bull, remind me why I accepted this job? Oh, right."
Harea Lavellan - knight enchanter and ice mage, romances Cullen, open minded and sweet, a bit naive but genuinely wants to make the world better, distressed by the mark and the everything but willing to bear it to keep others from suffering. Self sacrifice is a big theme here. Just a little (read: protected like Wynne) possessed by the actual spirit (of Wrath) who was attendant upon andraste, so she is quite literally the Herald. "No one is irredeemable!"
Rogelan Lavellan - sword and shield warrior, romances Josephine, kind of a hard-ass but willing to be romantic, would rather talk than fight but won't give up his ideals, careful and deliberate in everything he does but bold when he's made a decision. Stoic and pithy, but can be eloquent if he needs to. Understands shem bullshit better than most, because he's the kind of guy who studies the things that scare him. "Tell me how to help."
Primary "Cannon" Continuity - Aridhel, Ian (or Iris), and Miriani - Protector, Catalyst, Survivor
Strong code of honor - Saffron, Iris, and Asher - Shield, Dagger, Sword
Fucked Up Andrastians - Theodore, Kiera, Stephan - Ambition, Sorrow, Faith
Terrible Senses of Humor - Renan, Alice, Samahl - Vengeance, Kindness, Laughter
Wrongest Choices - King, Viscount, Divine (I haven't actually made this playthrough but is a male rogue cousland, probably a guy Hawke as well and obviously not a mage but idk what class, and fem warrior Trevelyan)
Dwarf Run - Valda, Delilah, and Riska - Honor, Love, Trust
Definitely Not Possessed - Emmaera, Quinn, and Harea - Council, Temptation, Authority
Three Inkies - Ashaterylen, Andy, Rogelan/Harea/Isene - Sacrifice, Victory, Vigilance
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anneapocalypse · 1 year
I think for the first time I'm faced with an Actually Difficult decision when it comes to who to leave in the Fade. Between Alessandra and Loghain it was a no-brainer; that was always the ending I had planned for Loghain. Between Sabine and Alistair it was Sabine because Sabine romanced Merrill if anyone can either find Hawke in the Fade or be compellingly obsessed with finding her in there it's Merrill. Between Cillian and Stroud it was always going to be Stroud because Cillian is truly too ride-or-die for Anders to leave him hanging that way. And between Emilia and Stroud it had to be Emilia because she's truly kind of a monster to the point that even milquetoast pro-Chantry Theodore Trevelyan was unsettled by her.
Between Mallory Hawke and romanced Alistair, it's actually kind of a tough call! On the one hand I've got Mal who did her absolute damnedest not to give a shit until the very end and then surprised everyone by defending the mages and for whom voluntary self-sacrifice would be a massive leap of character growth, and on the other hand I've got Alistair who is not King specifically because benevolent-but-still-kind-of-selfish Warden Jolene Cousland didn't feel like sharing him and for whom losing him would probably force some kind of character growth as well, though in her case it wouldn't be her choice.
Also worth factoring in is that Mal is in a polycule with Merrill and Isabela and while they'll be crushed, they'll have each other to get through it. Jo likewise will grieve Alistair hard but she'll survive it.
It's not even an easy choice from my Inquisitor's perspective because on the one hand Calla likes Varric. a lot. and isn't eager to feed his best friend to a demon. but on the other hand she's a dwarf and brutally pragmatic, and she gets that whatever shit the Grey Wardens have done, we probably still need them.
This game is like "Which one of your OCs do you want to hurt more?" and I'm here like "Is there any way I can hurt them both?" 🤔
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pagetreader · 1 year
Went ahead and did a little muse purge of those that haven't been written with or developed in order to make things neater (as well as for my own sanity, ha)
The following are my current muses on this blog:
Halani Lavellan
Makaela Hawke
Theresa Cousland
Arthur Dayne
Katya Levitsky
Padme Amidala
Christine Chapel
Theodore Groves
Clara Cassidy
Arthur Morgan
Lorraine Duplantier
Rebekah Abbot
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ryniadora · 1 year
The Blorbos, Dragon Age edition. To be prettified when I'm not on my phone. I have two timelines for my blorbos which diverge at the start of DA2, but the characters exist in both just with different stories.
My DA:D character is likely to be elven (I start all DA games with an elven protag and then have to revert because it doesn't work for what I want ...) probably also a mage but that will depend on what options we get.
DA:O/A - Elena (Lena) Cousland. The fox and the hound, silver and blue, crowns and roses.
Alistair's wife. Double stibby stabs rogue, but only if she really has to because she is a cinnamon roll disguised as a Grey Warden. Baby. 18 when she becomes a Warden. Saves literally fucking everyone if humanly possible. Is insanely trusting and needs her sassy boyfriend to be sceptical about things on her behalf. Her mabari is called Rufus.
DAII - Rebecca Hawke. The hawk and the wolf, red and black, chains and blades.
Fenris' partner. Carries the biggest, pointiest sword known to man and will slice you in half if you call her beloved a slave or touch her friends. Supports the templars until she realises Meredith is batshit insane and does a complete 180. Has a certified Bad Time when Anders blows up the Chantry, but she lets him go. Fenris is pissed.
DA:I - Eleanor Trevelyan The lion and the songbird, red and gold, cages and birds.
Cullenmanced from day 1. Exclusively a fire mage that will only use a staff if it's pretty when she twirls it around, actual fighting is what her boys are for (Dorian disagrees). 99% trauma but you'd never know by looking.
Timeline the Second
DAII - Felicity Hawke.
Certified Anderswife. Healer with a sideline in fireballs, though you're more likely to die from one of her dreadful jokes.
DA:I - Theodore Trevelyan.
Dorianmancer. Sharpshooter specialising in longbow use, with a sideline in magically charged arrows.
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lastdb · 3 years
hi will you share some Facts about some of your dragon age OCs 👁
oh god i have very many dragon age ocs so i popped some information about all of them under the cut THANK U SM
- brynjar aeducan has a daughter instead of a son with mardy but still works with bhelen to get them both raised into nobility + happily co-parents with her. he names his daughter after runa brosca, who was the person to convince him to put his revenge seeking against bhelen aside in order to better orzammar.
- guinevere cousland has an adoptive older sister, who was the child of her uncle and an elven sailor aboard eleanor’s ship ‘the mistral’ back when she was the seawolf. rosalind mac eanraig has been guinevere’s lady in waiting, and later when she’s crowned queen, acts as her confidant and is believed by many who know of her to be the true ruler, acting through a less experienced alistair and guinevere.
- danytriel surana and theodore amell are thicker than thieves, with theodore helping raise a young danytriel in the circle. when he went through the eluvian with morrigan, she came with, her lover jowan in tow. morrigan only minded a little. danytriel and kieran are very close. 
- neva tabris has and always will carry memories of hallonin mahariel and his ultimate sacrifice. there’s a small sapling planted in the alienage in his honor, and she visits it frequently. 
- the twin champions freya and jasper hawke have matching nose scars, jasper gaining his after being attacked by bullies when he was young, and freya cutting herself to match in an attempt to comfort him. while the scars have mostly faded, they still will do the iconic blood swipe to mimic it, a sign of their eternal bond.
- nessa lavellan lost her fiance in the conclave blast. she doesn’t feel comfortable talking about him, and the only one who knows of her heartache is cole. 
- vera trevelyan wasn’t the same after the conclave blast.. because she wasn’t. possessed, then merged with by a hungry desire demon, it was vera, not justinia, who pulled the others from the rubble, picking survivors to feed off their hopes and desires. it later ends up developing genuine human emotions, and doesn’t know how to react.
then there’s a few i haven’t fully developed yet (kas adaar, nascha cadash, and finnegan who were all other attendants of the conclave but i dont know what im doing with them yet lol)
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carelessgraces · 3 years
I like having exclusives and mains! I think it’s a nice way to build a coherent canon for my character, and to let dynamics develop extensively.
If you’re interested in becoming exclusives or mains with Astoria, please feel free to message me! If I’m already exclusive with a particular portrayal, please do not approach me to write with other versions of these characters on this blog. Please also know that I’m unlikely to drop exclusivity for any reason besides extensive inactivity, or breaking mutuals.
Threads which ignore or disrespect my exclusivity will be dropped. This is most relevant regarding Draco: I am exclusive with Marta’s portrayal of Draco, found at potterstillstinks. Threads that suggest, for instance, that Draco and Astoria are in an arranged marriage, that Draco needs to be “saved” from an unhappy marriage to Astoria, or that Scorpius is Draco’s child with someone else will be dropped, and you’ll be unfollowed.
Draco Malfoy — potterstillstinks
Ginny Weasley — gxtenoughnxrve
Harry Potter — masterofdeath
Theodore Nott — acciortum
Ron Weasley — thegreaterfool
Thom Rainier — imageofdeparture
Wren Cousland ( fem. Cousland origin ) — imageofdeparture
Zevran Arainai — imageofdeparture
Arthur Pendragon (Pruitt) — valiantsword ( Crossover-based, set in The Old Guard )
James Flint — seascourge
Thomas Keen — indizien
Damien Thorn — uncannylongings
John Robinson — uncannylongings
Arthur Pendragon — arzhur
Albert Wesker — retrovirel
Jace Herondale — createdivine
Vanya Hargreeves — violeblanch
Hope Mikaelson — serendpitous
Marcel Gerard — mournres
Rosalie Hale — denieddeath
Alice Black ( OC child of Sirius Black ) — acciortum
Damon Greengrass ( OC Greengrass brother ) — theywerestories
Andromeda Tonks — theywerestories
Daphne Greengrass — theywerestories & acciortum
Fleur Delacour — acciortum
Hannah Abbott — acciortum
Pansy Parkinson — theywerestories & purearsenic
Alina Starkov — serendpitous
Genya Safin — clpdwings
Kaz Brekker — clpdwings
Matthias Helvar — clpdwings
Nikolai Lantsov — clpdwings
Conrad Hawkins — theywerestories
Maryse Lightwood — eterneaty
Henry Greengrass ( OC Greengrass father ) — acciortum
Seraphina Greengrass ( OC Greengrass mother ) — theywerestories
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velnat004 · 9 months
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ex-textura · 2 months
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how do i get decent pics of my warden i don't think it's possible.
Anyway guys look it's Theodore Cousland and his tiny assassin fwb that he's totally not falling in love with WYNNE /lying
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velnat004 · 9 months
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Theodore Cousland, 20 years old half-elven rouge.
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velnat004 · 9 months
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"She took me under her wings the moment when the Teyrn and the Teyrness decided to adopt me, their illegitimate nephew, as their own heir." - "...It feels...selfish to say this but she [Eleanor] felt more like a mother to me than my own." Theodore Cousland, the youngest of the Teyrn and the Teyrness, was adopted as their own when the Teyrn found out one of his brothers abducted an -already married- elven women from a far alienage. They already had disagreements on their views on elves and this event only added fuel to fire. Bryce and Eleanor Cousland offered the elven woman to work inside the castle and soon her child was no longer under her name and now she was working as one of Cousland's maids.
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velnat004 · 9 months
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theodore cousland and nesilwyn tabris, half siblings that reunite during the grey warden ritual gonna post my main grey warden later :3
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velnat004 · 9 months
Are there any DAO background origins you haven’t played yet, and if so, which one do you want to try next? Currently on a Brosca run but I haven’t done any Circle mage origins yet 👀
Mutlu yıllar canım!! 🎉🍾
çok teşekür ederimmm! <3 🎆✨🎉 Hmmm let's see, i'm too impatient to finish my current save and then start another so i'm playing 4 different saves with wardens from different backgrounds; -theodore cousland -nesilwyn tabris -taresia stuart/amell the deep roads traumatized me enough with it's length to not make a dwarwen warden but maayyyybbeee i can make one for the awakening dlc
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Protagonist Masterpost
Here's the list of my playthroughs for reference if anyone's curious who tf I'm talking about in my pieces!
Aridhel Mahariel - bow rogue, romanced Zevran, straightforward dalish who neither understands nor cares about shemlen (or durgenlen) politics, blood magic is probably fine as long as you use it responsibly, anxious and blunt, "let's focus on stopping the world-ending plague of darkspawn first, and worry about the rest of this bullshit later, hm?"
Saffron Cousland - sword and shield warrior, romanced Alistair, noble in every sense of the word but cheerful and friendly, Queen of Ferelden, Arlessa of Amaranthine (and Highever), killed Rendon Howe with her father's sword, fixated on duty, "because it's the right thing to do."
Theodore Amell - arcane warrior mage, romanced Morrigan, bastardization arc powered by Morrigan whispering bad ideas in his ear, loves his terrible witch girlfriend, blood magic is fine and the chantry is oppressive, ambitious, "I am no longer baby, now I want power."
Renan Tabris - dagger rogue, romanced Leliana, disaster bi, still grieving for her almost husband but would rather die than admit it, exactly zero patience for anyone's bullshit, raised Andrastian (derogatory), canonically kind of a bitch, loves her stupid new baby brother, harden everyone, distrustful, "like dogs, Shianni"
Valda Aeducan - two handed warrior, romanced Leliana, honorable and serious, trusts no one, girl raised in harsh political nonsense learns to trust her found family and forgive her bio family while unlearning bad lessons simulator, sneaky/quiet sense of humor, intense loyalty to her people, values tradition but values compassion more, genuinely regrets what happened with Trian, "For the honor of my house, though I have none myself any longer."
Iris Hawke - knife rogue, romanced Anders, diplomatic as a means to an end, loves mages so much, circle mage Bethany, will do anything to protect what's left of her family, noble impulses but awful sense of humor, fanatic, "why don't we try asking the Arishok nicely?"
Ian Hawke - elemental mage, romanced Fenris, sarcastic, sided with the templars because magic is an essential part of him but it's brought nothing but grief to him and his family, templar Carver, quip for every situation, never loses his positive outlook for long, self-loathing, "dad did WHAT for the Wardens? Why am I not surprised."
Kiera Hawke - two-handed warrior, romanced Isabella, sarcastic/aggressive, sad bastard warrior Hawke, everyone who gets close to her dies, Bethany dies, good attitude broken by the wear and tear of life, loves her buddies who are also terrible, angry and broken, "you tell me where Bartrand is, I'll help you wring his fucking neck"
Alice Hawke - knife rogue, romanced Merrill, circle mage Bethany, p much pure diplomatic bc she's genuinely that nice, mom friend central, no one is irredeemable, far too trusting, kind of a busybody, "clean your blades, watch your purse strings, don't be a dick."
Delilah Hawke - big damage mage, in love with Varric so no romance because Bioware are cowards, pure sarcasm, sends Carver to the wardens, adores her stupid chaotic bisexual family, beat down by this world but stubbornly clinging to joy, flat refuses to talk about her problems, uses her staff as a polearm, "Where would I be without my trusty dwarf?"
Miriani Lavellan - assassin bow rogue, romanced Solas, confused hardass Dalish doing her very best to navigate suddenly being in charge of all of this stuff, cares so much about everyone all the time, terrified but resigned to her responsibilities, self-sacrificing, sense of humor buried under all that sincerity. "I am the Inquisitor, through no virtue of my own. Vir suledin nadas."
Asher Adaar - two-handed warrior, romanced nobody, blunt and direct Tal-Vashoth mercenary who gets persuaded that maybe she actually is the herald of andraste, but honestly just wants to handle the things with as little religious and/or political nonsense as possible, blunt and violent, "We save Thedas TWICE, my hand wants to kill me, we save the exalted council specifically, and this is what we get??"
Stephan Trevelyan - rift mage, romanced Cassandra, a good sweet Andrastian boy, true prophet who has a meltdown when he finds out about Solas, best friends with Dorian, keeps the inquisition and wants to really save the world, stubborn AF, "Faith is a choice. The Maker set these events in motion so long ago we can no longer see His hand in them."
Samahl Lavellan - tempest knife rogue, romanced Dorian, cheerful, sarcastic, and overwhelmed, insanely competent but good at hiding it, terrible little bastard, hates responsibilities, laughs in the face of danger (and Cassandra), keeps insisting he's not the Herald, kinda lazy, "I guess I'm learning now, aren't I, Mother?"
Riska Cadash - artificer knife rogue, romanced Sera, direct and sometimes brutal but ultimately caring, the WORST sense of humor, criminal upbringing noble fashion sense, besties with Dagna, vaguely andrastian and very confused, "What's the worst that could happen?"
Aridhel, Ian, Miriani - Protector, Victim, Survivor
Saffron, Iris, Asher - Shield, Dagger, Sword
Theodore, Kiera, Stephan - Ambition, Sorrow, Faith
Renan, Alice, Samahl - Vengeance, Kindness, Laughter
Valda, Delilah, Riska - Exile, Prodigal, Pauper
Miscellaneous Inquisitors
Isene Lavellan - fire mage, romances Iron Bull, primarily jokes and asks questions, basically a horrible mix of Miriani and Samahl. Sweet and a bit of a brat but ultimately up to the challenge. A disaster at the winter palace. Her general response to her workload getting heavier is to adjust the straps that hold the world on her back and carry on with a smile. "Oh I would've made a shit Keeper, I like starting fights, lighting fires, and knowing stuff I'm not supposed to know way to much."
Harea Lavellan - knight enchanter and ice mage, romances Cullen, open minded and sweet, a bit naive but genuinely wants to make the world better, distressed by the mark and the everything but willing to bear it to keep others from suffering. Self sacrifice is a big theme here.
Rogelan Lavellan - sword and shield warrior, romances Josephine, kind of a hard-ass but willing to be romantic, would rather talk than fight but won't give up his ideals, careful and deliberate in everything he does but bold when he's made a decision. Understands shem bullshit better than most.
Helga Cadash - big hammer warrior, romances Blackwall, personality tbd
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