#There are so many gg images I haven't posted here yet but a lot of them are crusty and need cleaning up and uurghhhhhh
solradguy · 4 months
Is there a canonical reason why Sol was dripped out in the middle of the Holy War during his greasy trash man era?
Do you think Kliff gave him an allowance and one day and he went into town then came back Riot branded head to toe? Do you think Riot sponsored the Holy War?
I like to imagine Kliff put him in charge of the month’s funds for food and Sol spent it all on his designed Riot Holy Order Uniform. Then Kliff said “Haha Sol you have spent all of our money we will now starve” and then it was a really awkward month that made Sol decide to leave the Order
Post-Begin to post-Crusades Sol basically doesn't have any lore so you can just say whatever and it has just as high odds of maybe being true some day tbh lol
Sol was a bounty hunter before joining the Holy Order though. Probably he rolled up with fat stacks of cash, they showed him the uniform and he was like "fuck OFF I only wear red," and then had his boys over at Riot make him a custom tailored Holy Order uniform with its stupid fingerless-not-fingerless gloves with steel fingernails with RIOT stamped on them
but then Sol didn't have any money left over and ate all the Holy Order's food and Kliff said they will now starve anyway
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rainbowsky · 3 years
This was initially a response to Pie’s recent post, but I decided to separate it out because I would prefer to focus my response on the political aspect and keep my rants to myself. So here is that post:
As has been repeatedly said, people should stay out of fanwars and drama. GG and DD do not need your protection, and what fans think of as 'protection' is actually harmful anti behavior.
I have been consciously avoiding speaking about this topic because I haven't wanted to add any fuel to it, but there are a few things that fans might want to consider reflecting on:
Ace Troops is a propaganda drama whose purpose is to glorify the CC*P. It's not there to glorify any particular actor, and any attempt to make it about that is potentially extremely harmful to GG and to the reputation he has worked hard to restore.
GG got the part at a time when his career was still on shaky ground. I'm not sure why some fans are so eager to buy the story that he was initially cast as the lead, but given the timing and the situation surrounding him, the math on these claims doesn't add up.
Even if he was initially cast as the lead, refer back to point 1. This story isn't about him, and the choices about it aren't about him or his career. His career, his 'rightful role' etc. simply don't enter into it.
Even if his role really was cut back, we can never know why that happened. It’s irresponsible to make big claims and attack/boycott a company in GG’s name when he has never asked anyone to do this. They could easily be totally innocent of any wrongdoing. Many decisions about this series are likely out of their hands.
He is a humble, diligent, respectful person who would likely be ashamed and horrified by people trying to assert clout on his behalf.
If he felt he needed to assert that clout, he's perfectly capable of doing so himself. The fact that he hasn't should make people pause and reflect that maybe this is all BS.
There are countless reasons for him to choose not to post about the show on his social media. The notion that his choice not to post about it sends some sort of powerful message about his feelings about the drama is a presumptuous and dangerous one. There are plenty of other potential reasons for him to have not posted about it yet, each of them more credible than the idea that he's giving a drama he worked hard on some sort of 'cold shoulder':
Perhaps his contract and compensation didn't cover promotion of the drama on social media, or only covered certain aspects of promotion at pre-arranged dates and times.
The messaging about this drama will almost certainly be entirely determined by people within the party, or at the very least will need to be approved by officials. He could be waiting for that messaging to be given to him, or for his messaging to be approved.
He might have been instructed on the timing of sharing those promotional messages, and that time hasn't yet come.
It's important for everyone to remember: None of the other actors in the drama have posted about it on their social media, either. Just because GG hasn't, that doesn't say sweet FA about why, and people reading into it are doing him a huge disservice.
The rumors coming out about all of this read like blatant anti/YXH rhetoric. People need to cultivate some critical reading/thinking skills, and stop believing everything they see/read. Ask yourself, is all of this in GG's best interests? Or is it likely to harm him? What do these claims imply about GG's personality, and does the image stoked up by this actually match his real personality?
Is GG the sort of person to think and behave in the way these stories claim he's thinking and behaving? Do we not know him a lot better than that?
So much of what I have seen over the past few days relating to this has been a sort of terrifying deja vu of 22*7, where fans create a huge toxic stir out of some misguided sense of protecting him when meanwhile what they're actually doing is jeopardizing his career.
It would appear that fans have learned nothing from watching GG's entire career nearly destroyed last year.
Wake up, please.
As was so well-stated by @potteresque-ire in the linked post, we need to trust GG and DD to manage their own careers, and let them guide us on what they want and need from us. They have given us clear messaging! There's really no excuse for stepping outside of those bounds.
TL;DR: Stop spreading garbage gossip stories, stop reading them, stop engaging with them, stop believing them, stop giving them airtime and lending credibility to them by reinforcing toxic and erroneous thinking. Listen to GG about what he wants from his fans!
Edit (2024): This entire situation took place early 2021. I think we all know how long we went after that without public appearances or performances from him, and we also know that some of his planned performances were canceled. While there's no way to know for sure that there's a connection between the two, it is a pretty big coincidence that this all happened in the midst of the Clear and Bright campaign and then he appeared to have a soft ban for years afterward. The campaign is ongoing to this day, so fans need to continue to behave cautiously.
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