#Ok I need to go to bed now enjoy that tangent
solradguy · 4 months
Is there a canonical reason why Sol was dripped out in the middle of the Holy War during his greasy trash man era?
Do you think Kliff gave him an allowance and one day and he went into town then came back Riot branded head to toe? Do you think Riot sponsored the Holy War?
I like to imagine Kliff put him in charge of the month’s funds for food and Sol spent it all on his designed Riot Holy Order Uniform. Then Kliff said “Haha Sol you have spent all of our money we will now starve” and then it was a really awkward month that made Sol decide to leave the Order
Post-Begin to post-Crusades Sol basically doesn't have any lore so you can just say whatever and it has just as high odds of maybe being true some day tbh lol
Sol was a bounty hunter before joining the Holy Order though. Probably he rolled up with fat stacks of cash, they showed him the uniform and he was like "fuck OFF I only wear red," and then had his boys over at Riot make him a custom tailored Holy Order uniform with its stupid fingerless-not-fingerless gloves with steel fingernails with RIOT stamped on them
but then Sol didn't have any money left over and ate all the Holy Order's food and Kliff said they will now starve anyway
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shapeofallcosmos · 2 months
time to get stupid about the king again
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seeing this guy on my friend's brother's ps2 right before i moved out of my hometown at age 9 was insane, like it caused such a delayed reaction that took ten years to finally kick in. i'm desensitized now, but this changed 9 year old me in a way that i can only articulate now or something. not my favorite design, but its so classic. so original. so tastefully off putting to normal people. so...katamari. In my humble opinion, his tight clothing exudes subtle yet awesome confidance. no fear, nothing to hide, he wants all of it shown off. it's really cool. And his HEAD. I want a pillow with that pattern. Purple is by far my favorite color (and i think it's his too?) and its so soothing to look at. staring at him on my tv with my already fuzzy eyesight makes it downright hypnotic.
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He's stupid, your honor. EDIT:Forgot to mention they took away his chest hair. Let the man be hairy. ok ok, on to we love. (reroll version)
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oh yeah baby. oh YEAH. this is the stuff of dreams. so casual. so laid back. so lovely. he's comfy. at least physically. that stupid throne we only see again in touch my katamari. what's that lever for? sorry. tangent. the blue. the flowiness of it. his neck ruff not being sharp but instead soft and gentle. A more gentle King. I love it a lot. I actually bought some pants i saw in a thrift store because it reminded me of this king. It's such a good design. oh my god i love this king. He just looks so gentle. Like he's 20% more father now. Not "king", but "father. I don't know how to describe it. I want this fit so bad. The head is also soothing to look at too! Very nice, yet again a lot more gentle feeling, especially on the eyes. I'm probably just biased because this was the first game i started with. oh well. great design 10/10 i just wish they'd slow down on using it so much in other games (reused in forever as a model, and in touch as a model. im VERY pissed about how it was used in touch.)
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this was funny though. though it's kind of terrifying having him smiling when he's that close to you and when you're that small. please dont eat me.
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i deeply enjoy when they are shown happy together. this design kind of smells. i actually think it's worse than touch.
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I. LOVE. THIS. FIT. It's SO stupid. the stupidest fit he'll ever have. I just need to see how he even walks in it.
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as i have said before, this design looks very much like my bed i used to sleep in at my grandma's house. I wanna lay on him and fall asleep. Looks so comfy. i also generally love beautiful katamari and i love how he's written as sort of like a father-friend, at least in how he talks. It reminds me of how my mom talks to me. I know, that's bias, but whatever. Beautiful King is a good dad friend to me. I love him.
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man. man why'd they ruin you. i weep for this design. it's over the top in a way i dont really think fits him but it's still super pretty. I'm so mad they wrote him like that in forver. sometimes its funny but most of the time its just upsetting. he's mean yeah, but not THAT mean. (Some dialogue from RoboKing implies that when the King is off doing his own thing and that thing doesn't wind up going how he wanted it to, he'd come back and take his anger out on Robo. We never see it and again, it's just text and Robo could be lying for pity points but JESUS CHRIST. It upsets me so much! How could they do that to King?!
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why. why would they do this. I cant enjoy Forever's design when it's attached to that kind of writing. all i can think of is how much of a jerk he is. i hate it. it's so pretty. im mad. on to touch...
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I hate you and everything you stand for. And I am also sorry for what they did to you. You didn't deserve this. Or maybe you did.
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Saw that post about Rayla with over 15k notes (for some reason I can't reblog It) and holy moly haven't you said It was about her I wouldn't have known! I'm glad she got support but worried at the same time since this seems to be a very common issue in fandoms.
I saw a similar thing happening in a fandom I was in‚ the female character was judged for literally everything even stuff she did to help loved ones (mostly boyfriend) and it got way worse when they became canon. Her journey was similar to Rayla's since she went from more serious to more softie and ofc people didn't like that.. It got so bad to the point people wanted her to die while pregnant. And while that was happening they would thirst over male characters who commited genocide. Kinda like bashing Rayla but being ok with Aaravos because he gets the hot guy pass.
Also you mentioned something about reddit hating her? What? I don't get fandoms at all.. Sending you this because you are one of the few mentioning this topic and it drives me crazy. I need to vent
The OP of that post deactivated their blog, but you can find them now at @ripple-rapple! But yeah, I’ve seen it in quite a few of my fandoms myself, and it’s honestly pretty disturbing.
I don’t really follow Marvel anymore (aside from Spider-Man), but I still have a soft spot for Tony Stark and Pepper Potts. I remember the fandom absolutely tearing her apart for snapping at Tony (i.e. making a single sarcastic remark) when his suit attacked her in her own bed. How dare she be mean to him when she nearly died? She’s a horrible girlfriend! And wow they were mad when the two reconciled, got married, and had a child—after all, she’s toxic and he could do way better than her. Never mind the fact she was more responsible than anyone else for changing him from a pretty horrible person to a true hero. And the best part? Shipping him instead with people whom he has far more antagonistic relationships with. You don’t have to put down a canon love interest who’s almost always a woman to enjoy a non-canon pairing.
Anyway, tangent over. That’s really disgusting… I hope everything worked out okay in the end for your girl and her child!
But yeah, I don’t go on the TDP subreddit much, because every time I do it’s a cesspool of negativity. I have a hard time believing anyone on there even likes the show. If you hate it that much just… don’t watch it? It’s also kind of the headquarters for dark magic apologists (at least it used to be), which is hilariously ironic. I can excuse a practice that corrupts your very soul, but I draw the line at a traumatized teenaged girl making a questionable decision to protect the boy she loves.
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sotwk · 1 year
Hi! I just read your ROP thoughts (I agreed with pretty much everything you said) and since I somehow hadn't before I listened to "This Wandering Day" on your recommendation and it was just so wonderful. I think I almost cried too! They really managed to capture Tolkien's songwriting style, and there's just something about Middle-earth music that's really affecting (if I keep talking about Tolkien music I'll inevitably go on a tangent about how much I LOVE Adele McAllister's interpretations). Sorry for rambling haha, I'm not used to just dropping into ask boxes and chatting, I hope that's ok!
Eeek yes, thank you for sharing your thoughts about "This Wandering Day" with me! <3 It's such a lovely and sweet song, and I think many people have missed out on it because of their aversion to or dismissiveness of anything "Rings of Power" related. I hope some can set aside their bias and just enjoy this song for its own merits. There's just something very soothing about it that can comfort the aching soul, which so many of us need.
I agree with you that the lyrics and sweeping melody both evoke the writings of Tolkien and the atmosphere of Middle-earth. It's very "Hobbit-y" too, in that it makes the listener feel like they would want to dare leave the security of home and creature comforts to go out and explore and see what lies out there.
The sun is fast fallin' beneath trees of stone The light in the tower, no longer my home Past eyes of pale fire, black sand for my bed I trade all I've known for the unknown ahead
Call to me, call to me lands far away For I must now wander this wandering day Away I must wander this wandering day
Of drink I have little, and food I have less My strength tells me, "No", but the path demands, "Yes" My legs are so short and the way is so long I've no rest nor comfort, no comfort but song
Sing to me, sing to me lands far away Oh, rise up and guide me this wandering day Please, promise to find me this wandering day
At last comes their answer through cold and through frost That not all who wonder or wander are lost No matter the sorrow, no matter the cost That not all who wonder or wander are lost
Tagging @friendofthefellowshipsnerdblog @laneynoir because I'm not sure whether they've heard this song yet, but I think they will love it! <3
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skellebonez · 1 year
I yelled about your blorbo for like two google doc pages, now you have to hear me yell about mine, it's only fair. You dug your own brainrot hole (and mine. thank you.) by answering these humongous asks
Nezha looks like he's in his twenties and he's absolutely been in and out of young life crises for his entire fucking existence, someone hand him some soda so he'll be lively at the party and not pass out before it even starts. I headcanon that he can get similar sugar highs that kids can. Give him a bottle of soda, and he'll be sweet and active for the next few hours and then crash.
He is. a little bit pudgy. just enough to cup his face like a pet and it be cute. His reactions to being called cute are either his knee-jerk "NO, I'M NOT >:(" or "Yes, I am, now pet me. This is not a request." His beloved shifu, Erlang Shen, adores him for this.
SPEAKING OF ERLANG SHEN. Nezha and Erlang have a very adorable son-adopted father dynamic because Nezha needs a good paternal figure dammit leave me to my fluff. Erlang trains Nezha when the latter of the two isn't dropping on his feet from exhaustion, and when he is, Erlang isn't shy about carrying him to bed.
Nezha's attitude towards MK is in the same ballpark as his attitude towards SWK. He thinks MK is reckless, but that he has potential if he can learn to fucking plan ahead, for the love of all that is sweet and carbonated.
He likes Mei but every now and again, he has a crisis over the fact that she's distantly related to Ao Lie, who's the nephew of Ao Guang. Nezha is more afraid of Ao Guang than anything else since he keeps having nightmares about that One Legendary Moment in his myth.
Something Nezha says once in a blue moon is that he has three homes, and one of them is a cramped apartment with his little brother. He's referencing MK when he says this. Sometimes he'll also say it's in the bowels of a volcano hidden away from the rest of the world, and then he's referencing Red Son.
NEZHA HAS FRIENDSHIP BRACELETS. He doesn't go anywhere without them. They have charms on them that match people he cares about. He has charms for Iron Fan, Erlang Shen, MK, Red Son, Mei, Sandy, SWK, and charms for two OCs, Lian Lanhua who belongs to that-one-enby-onyx, and Bai Xian, my snake pseudo nun who has some really great lore I'll go into detail about in another ask. If I named my snake badly, please inform me. (Bai Xian is she/he/they, Lian is she/her)
Ramble over, I hope you enjoyed this completely self indulgent tangent about my interpretation of Nezha ft. OC mentions + MK, Red, and Erlang.
...my autism is showing. Oh well. Shrug.
Honestly, I accepted my fate the second you sent your first ask xjxjdjjd. I will gladly listen to all blorbo ramblings.
I absolutely adore it when people make Nezha and MK have a brother like bond. And I really really like the way that you have him interacting with Erlang Shen! (He also absolutely deserves All of the soda in the universe.)
His iffy relationship with Mei also makes complete sense! And the fact that he feels close enough to Red Son and MK to consider their homes his secondary homes is delightful.
I do genuinely enjoy your rambles! And your OCs sound interesting.
As for names, I suggest double-checking possible characters in Mandarin and Cantonese and the like for the chosen name and cross reference those with other words/names to make sure it all makes sense together! There is a little bit of leeway with stories like LMK since half of the characters have names like "demon bull king", so it's ok if a name doesn't make 100% complete sense as a normal name in our universe, but it is still always good to check! You never wanna have that moment when you realize your character's name accidentally translates to something unintentionally weird like Canned Fish because you didn't google it (I actually saw somebody legitimately name their character this in another fandom before someone pointed it out).
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princessozera · 2 years
Sugar rush
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A/N: Lost the original request but it was for the brothers reacting to MC waking them up at like 2 am to make/eat sweets.
GN!MC (they/them, 2nd ppov)
Word count: 1.8k
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It's almost the witching hour when Lucifer places his pen down with a relieved sigh. Despite the extra work from the upcoming festival, he managed to finish earlier than normal, and he might actually get some decent sleep. He goes through his usual night routine and heads to bed, feeling the weariness leave his body as it relaxes into the mattress. He goes to turn the night stand lamp off when a weight behind him moved the mattress.
"Psssst. PSSSST. Hey Lucifer. Do you want some cookies?"
Lucifer rolls over to glare at you, side eyeing the covered dish in your hands. He's probably be more angry if he'd fallen asleep before you came in, so you've luckily escaped the worst of his punishments. Doesn't mean you're escaping his attitude though. "How did you get in, my door was locked."
"Tsk, so ungrateful. Here I am, going out of my way to make you cookies for a hard day's work and you're on this 'breaking and entering' business."
"Fine fine, I'll save them for breakfast, if Beel doesn't break into my room first."
Lucifer normally checks on his brothers in the middle of the night to make sure they haven't snuck out or raided the fridge, and now it seems you also need to be checked on. Lucifer will be too busy to join your baking most nights, but he does go out of his way to make time for it if he notices you've been down lately. He comes to appreciate these few hours with you, idle chatter but no real pressure to hold a conversation. You simply enjoy each others company as you work in tangent, passing ingredients and cleaning as you go. However, you two work a little too well together; you're so comfortable in this pattern of working together that if you're not careful you end up with enough cookies to feed the entire Devildom, AND Beel.
"Ok, it's midnight, I've got half an hour to get to the casino before the real money starts moving-" Mammon mutters to himself as he slicks his hair back, double checking the silver watch on his wrist. Lucifer was out on business and he intended to make use of these next few nights. Mammon knows his brother well enough than to walk out of the front door- it was probably hexed- so he opens a side window to sneak out instead. Right as he sticks his head out, something slams against him and forces him back in. He's ready to curse Lucifer out under his breath, only to see you rubbing your head- having just failed at sneaking into his room.
"MC? What are you doing here?"
"I was going to ask you if you wanted to bake some cookies with me, but now maybe I need to go to a doctor, hell, why is your head so hard-"
"Cookies? It's midnight, you should be asleep."
"So should you." He sticks his tongue out at that, and considers your offer. It's about a 50/50 chance that he'll accept, sometimes he's just too pumped to go out for the night so he'll offer to bring you along instead of staying in. When you manage to convince him to stay in with you, he won't change out of his nice clothes, even if you're in PJs. Rolls up his sleeves and takes his rings off, he insists you make his favorite cookies every time- they just taste better when you make them together. Mammon is the type to throw a bit of flour or batter at you, tossing you a few chocolate chips or nuts here and there as you bake. You two joke easily and sometimes you get so wrapped up in your little bubble that you forget it's the middle of the night so Lucifer has to come down to yell at you two for making too much noise.
Every time Mammon will joke about starting a cookie business with you, one that could rival Madam Screams, and every time you have to remind him that he and Beel would eat most of the inventory. Mammon's ever the smooth talker so he'll help you bake, but he also tries to trick you into cleaning the dishes yourself. Nothing could beat fresh cookies with you at 2 am, even if he knew he'd feel the lack of sleep tomorrow morning. Mammon is one of the few brothers that might come to wake YOU up for a midnight baking session, especially once he realizes you've been inviting his other brothers to bake when he goes out.
Waking him up isn't the problem- it's pulling him away from the game/series of the night. He's always been strict with his gaming, and even the chance at getting some alone time with you doesn't completely waver his dedication. If he's in co-op, there is an almost zero percent chance he's coming with you. Otherwise, you're pretty successful at pulling him away after the next episode/ battle, assuming he doesn't convince YOU to stay.
Levi will often join you, but if he isn't making something specific he sets a timer. The second it dings he's picking up his snacks and going back to his marathon, but of course you're welcome to come chill in his room once you're done baking. If Levi wants to make something with you, his baking tends to be complicated and he's fickle over the designs- mostly replicating food from the last show he watch or in honor of his favorite videogame characters. His hands are steady as he pipes chocolate, never blinking as he keeps watch on the thermometer to avoid burning the caramel he's making, demanding absolute silence for 'fragile' desserts like macaroons and cheesecakes- all while you're here just trying to enjoy a simple batch of snickerdoodles.
Oh, and good luck with clean up because Levi dumps it all on you while he goes to hide his creations.
"psst pssssssst. Satan, are you asleep?"
Had it been anyone else in the three realms, you might have been obliterated on the spot. Satan's sleep schedule is a bit irregular- between his schoolwork, social calendar, and reading binges it's a little difficult to get sufficient rest, so he tries to make the most of the few hours he can before class. He's glaring at you from between his covers, his green eyes and the most horrendous cow lick the only things visible beneath the blanket.
"Then how'd you respond?"
"Whhhhaattt do you want MC?" His voice is whiny with sleep, so it was a little hard to tell that you were in danger, instead trying to tug the blankets off.
"Come on sour puss, let's make cookies."
Satan puts up a fight, and if you keep pushing he's just going to pin you under one arm and go back to sleep, and now you're trapped there for the night- at least you can cuddle him. Like Asmo, Satan isn't one to compromise his sleep unless he absolutely has to, so if you want to make cookies with him you need to catch him while he's reading late into the night, or coming back from an event.
When you can get him to bake with you, he always goes by the book until he memorizes the recipe. He'll want to make your favorite cookies, but if neither of you can decide on what to make, he'll ask to make cat biscuits to donate to the cat cafe tomorrow. Satan talks about his books, and asks about your schoolwork and other friends while you two bake, keeping a mellow atmosphere since it's late into the night. If the mood is just right, he'll hum a song under his breath as he roams the kitchen, taking a minute to inspect each spice and ingredient before throwing some in for the hell of it. Satan puts on a timer and will let you lean against him while you wait for the cookies to finish baking. He probably won't eat any if it's late, not wanting to brush his teeth again, but he'll make sure to save them for when he goes back to reading later on.
When you wake him up that first night, Asmo was up in a second, and scared. You never really came into his room late at night unannounced, and when you did you just rolled into bed and fell asleep- so was something wrong? Were you hurt?
Once you reassure him you were okay, he finds your offer of cookies very cute. He'll join you once in a blue moon, but proper beauty sleep is one of the Asmo's essential necessities in life. He'll compromise with you if you want to make cookies a little earlier (when he would normally be at parties) and schedule it with him ahead of time so he can work it into his routine. It works best if you have a few set days in the month to night baking so he's always dressed up for you and might even have a few recipes he wants to try- most of them are cupcakes.
You think you're waking HIM up? That's cute. Beel was already on his way to the kitchen when you run into him, and he agrees to join your baking mission. He gives you first dibs on the fridge so he doesn't feel bad about eating the rest. Even then, you have to prepare separate batches of cookies because raw cookie dough is one of Beel's favorite desserts. He takes care of all the cleaning while you make sure the cookies don't burn, and prevent Beel from eating them straight out of the oven.
Since Belphegor spends most of the day asleep, it's not uncommon to find him awake for an hour or too at odd times of the night. He'll agree to be with you while you bake, but probably won't do any of the baking himself- instead sitting on the bar stool and enjoying your energy as you bring him up to speed on what you've done this week. He'll pick at the ingredients and take a bite here or there, even helping you mix the batter and dry the dishes, but if the talk lulls for too long, he risks falling asleep. While he normally wouldn't care, it's rare for him to get any alone time with you. As if on cue, Beel walks in for his midnight fridge raid and as you two start talking, Belphie dozes off. When the cookies are done and cooled a bit, you and Beel have a competition to see how many cookies you can stack on Belphegor without him waking up. It's always the full platter, and Beel eats most of them, but you've already squirreled a few away to give to Belphie later in the day. It's like clockwork every time, but familiarity was one of the best things about Belphegor.
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violetlilysunshine · 3 years
Inspiration - 18+
Husband Harry x Wife Reader
Summary: @harryhollandsgirlfriend: Ok but imagine hubby!Harry working on a sex scene for his new script and just being stuck so you help give him some inspiration.
WC: 2,595
Warnings: domestic Harry, pet names [darling, my love, love, ma'am, pretty girl, baby, babe], talk of oral [f receiving], marking [hickeys, scratching], talk of marriage [obvi, with hubby Harry], the tiniest dom/sub vibes [blink and you miss it], outercourse [m/f scissoring], multiple orgasms [f receiving], protected sex [p in v], hand holding, soft soft softness, riding, tiniest bit of overstimulation [m receiving], hit of aftercare [f receiving], it's hot then it's soft then it's hot then it’s soft
A/N: wasn’t going to post today, but you can thank Re for this
If you are choosing to continue reading below, you are saying that you are 18 years of age or older and therefore are consuming this content at your own risk. Warnings are listed above, so you can consume what you are comfortable with of course. If I find out that you are a minor consuming my 18+ content, you will be blocked and reported.
“Darling?” Harry calls from the bed.
“Yes, my love?” you struggle to answer, your hands in the way as you floss your teeth.
“Would you come help me for a minute?” 
“Sure, just a second!” you call, finishing up and mouthwash-ing before joining him in the bedroom. 
“What’du need?” you ask, voice laced with concern. 
“I’m tryin’ to write this scene, and I don’t know it’s just not working, nothing is coming out right, and it’s not happening the way I want it. Would you maybe read it and help me out?” he asks, his voice getting quieter as he speaks, suddenly self conscious about the scene and asking for your help, “you don’t have to. I just thought you might have some ideas…”
“What kind of a scene is it?” you ask, taking off your jewelry and putting it in the box on the dresser.
The domesticity you’re displaying is something he’s loved since you got married, but he can’t help but chuckle at its contrast with what he’s working on.
Your eyebrows furrow in confusion, “what’re you laughing at?” you ask with a small giggle. 
“Nothing,” he answers quickly, “just watching you is funny.” 
“I thought you loved watching me,” you say, remembering his eyes plastered to your bum a few nights ago, when he told you how much he enjoyed married life with you. 
The things that happened after that confession were not domestic at all: your legs wrapped around his head, his lips devouring your clit, his hands wrapped around your thighs, the marks he left there still faint on your skin even now; then his member stretching you wide, his lips crashing against yours so you could taste yourself, his hips slapping your bum as he plowed into you from behind… As your brain went on this tangent, you started laughing as well. 
Harry chuckled at you, “what’re you laughing at now?” 
“Just thinking about the other night,” you mumbled, voice dropping as you started to get a little turned on, “you know, when we… uh… went at it,” you said.
“Yeah, that was fun,” he groaned, his hands reaching out for you, “we could always have a little more fun,” he murmured as you crawled across the bed and straddled his lap. 
“I thought you needed help?” you mused, settling across his lap.  
“Mm, it can wait, love,” he whispered, pulling you down by your hips to get some more stimulation from your core, “I could use a different kind of help right now.” 
“That was terrible,” you giggle against his lips, pressing a sweet kiss to him. You swirl your hips swiftly, feeling the tent in his pajamas grow a little more.
“C’mon it was funny,” he manages to speak out through his low moan. 
You giggle slightly, wiggling your hips again to pull another moan from him, “are you sure?” you ask, switching your tone, “I can wait, if you wanna get the scene done first.”
He grunts softly, his hands gripping your hips tightly, “no way, it can definitely wait.”
You laugh fully at that, bringing your right hand up to push the hair off of his forehead before meeting his lips in a heated kiss. Your hand slips down to the curls at his neck, tugging on them lightly. He moans into your mouth, his tongue snaking around yours slowly.
Your left hand finds his, twisting your fingers together as you rock against his member. His fingers play with the ring on your finger, twisting it around a few times. His heart burns a little warmer in his chest as he does so. You feel him smile against your lips and you smile back before pulling away. 
You rest your forehead against his, “glad I married you,” you smile. 
“Me too,” he whispers, “‘cus now we get to fuck whenever we want.” 
You laugh at him again, “oh yeah, that’s the only reason,” you giggle, playing along with his horny antics tonight. 
He flips you over, his right hand staying locked with yours, while his left holds him up to hover over you, “the only reason, eh?” 
You moan at his sudden hint of dominance, “mm, maybe,” you giggle, continuing to tease him.
“Nothing else?” he asks, his lips inching closer and closer to yours. 
“Nope,” you whisper, your lips brushing his as you speak.
He pins your hips down with his, grinding down into you with renewed energy, “thought about just goin’ to bed when I got stuck,” he groans, “was waitin’ for you to come out for quite a while, darling… kinda glad I didn’t do that though. Gotta give my girl the only thing she wants, apparently.”
You moan in response, his clothed length stroking you just right, “‘m glad you didn’t either,” you whisper, “gonna enjoy this.” 
His tongue pokes out between his lips, wetting them slightly before whispering, “me too.” 
He closes the distance, his mouth finally meeting yours. His tongue brushes your lower lip gently, and you’re parting your lips immediately. Your hand flies back to his hair, tugging gently on the curls. He lets his weight fall a little more, settling into you even further. A breathy pant escapes both of you at the feeling. 
He sits up, releasing your hand for a moment to peel his shirt off. He, very clumsily, kicks off his bottoms as well, before filling the space between your legs again. 
You run your fingers over his now exposed back; you can almost feel the marks you left on him a few days ago, a twinge tugs at your heart at the idea of them fading. It’s as if he knew what you were thinking when he whispers, “you can make some more, love.” 
You giggle, pushing him away from you and sitting up as well, you press him over into his previous sitting position before encouraging him to lay down completely, “I’m on top tonight,” you command lightly. 
“Yes, ma‘am,” he answers with a slight chuckle. 
You shuffle to the side of him to remove your shorts, opting to leave your panties on for now, but pull your shirt over your head to reveal your bare torso. 
Harry brings his hands to your breasts immediately, massaging them gently for a few seconds before settling his hands over your hips. His fingers play with the waistband of your panties, “take these off too,” he encourages. 
“You didn’t take yours off,” you counter with a glint in your eye. 
He shifts around quickly, peeling them from his body and settling back into his position, “better?” 
“Much,” you answer, taking his length in your hand, and stroking him gently. 
He moans loudly, his member twitching in your hand. You run your thumb over his slit, gathering the precum that’s settled there, pulling another moan from his throat. 
“Condom?” you ask, not sure if he’s ready to go without just yet. You haven’t had the family talk, and now's not the time to start it, but you personally weren’t opposed to the whatever-happens-happens approach if that’s what he wants too. 
“Yeah, there’s a new box in the bathroom,” he answers. 
You release him gently, and he replaces your hand with his own quickly. He lays there, lazily tugging on his cock, while he watches you stand up to remove your panties and get a condom.  
You drop all the discarded clothes in the chair in the corner before heading to the bathroom to get the condom, making a show of wiggling your hips for him. When you come back, you see his dopey-boyish smile, in complete contrast with his unashamed tugging on his cock, his eyes trained on your now bare mound. You can only assume they were on your ass before you turned around.
You giggle, “enjoy the show?” you ask, ripping the corner off the gold package in your hands.
“Oh yeah, darling, although…” he taunts, “the panty removal could’ve used a little more flair,” a tiny moan slips from his lips before he continues, “but I’m sure we can work on that.” 
You roll your eyes playfully as you climb over your side of the bed and back to straddle him. You tug his hand away from his length, rolling the condom down his shaft quickly. When finished, you let his member rest heavy on his lower abdomen; you tangle your left fingers with his right again, before scooting up to sit over his member. You start to roll your hips against him, the head of his cock carding through your folds and bumping your clit deliciously. You start to move faster, your wetness seeping out of you and over his length, helping you glide easier as a result.
You moan loudly, leaning forward and placing your free hand on his chest, your nails digging into his skin as you attempt to steady yourself. Your head tips back on its own accord and Harry brings his free hand up to play with your breasts again. 
He moans when you let your weight go a little, lost in pleasure as you slip across him. He hasn’t even been inside you yet and you’re already starting to fall apart. 
You push against him faster, your nails leaving crescent shaped marks on his skin, mostly using your arms to pull yourself back and forth. You throw your head back, adding a little bounce to your movements to help yourself climb to the edge. 
“C’mon, pretty girl, cum for me,” he groans, trying to stave off his own rapidly building orgasm, “you can do it.”
You moan, dropping your head forward again as you lose your weight even more. Your legs start to shake from being tensed for so long as you linger right on the edge. 
“Harry,” you moan breathlessly, trying to hold onto the feeling just a bit longer.
He moans at the sound of you whimpering his name, more blood rushing straight to his cock: “you can do it,” he encourages again, his free hand moving to your hip helping to pull you along, “you’re so close, just let go,” he whispers, “I’ve got you.” 
You cum loudly, his words pushing you over the edge. You gradually slow your hips to a stop, the tip of his cock resting right against your clit. You look down at him again, this time wearing your own dopey smile. His grins at you sheepishly playing with your ring again. 
You take your hand off his chest, watching the small red indents you leave in its wake form for just a second before you raise your hips and pick up his member. 
You rub around it a few times, spreading your wetness down his shaft as evenly as you can. 
You guide his tip to your entrance, passing it over your folds a couple of times before you start to sink down. 
His mouth drops into an “O” as soon as he breeches your opening. 
You sink slowly, moans, groans, and whines passing between the two of you before you settle down completely flush against him. 
You can feel him poking at your guts, stretching you out as he’s deeper than he’s ever been before. His other hand finds yours, tangling those fingers together as well. He passes two quick squeezes to both of your hands, causing you to flutter your eyes open - you don’t even remember closing them. 
“Hi,” he whispers when your eyes find his. 
“Hi,” you answer, slightly breathless. 
He chuckles, bringing one hand of yours to his lips and pressing a few small kisses to your skin. 
You can’t help but smile, falling more in love with him.
He pulls your hand away from his mouth, “I love you,” he whispers, sending you a smile. 
“I love you too,” you answer, sharing a quick moment of eye contact before starting to bounce on him shallowly. 
He moans at your sudden movements, his eyes closing for a long blink. You press your weight into his hands, supporting yourself so you can bounce higher and faster. 
You whimper as his tip graces your g-spot sending you embarrassingly close to your second orgasm. 
He groans when your hands squeeze his as you lean forward. You bring your lips to his neck, pressing a few kisses to various places before sucking a nice purple marking into his sweet spot. 
That’ll be fun to explain to Tom tomorrow, he thinks, but you’re quick to pull him back to reality, a loud moan rumbling through his throat as you clench around him; he can feel your orgasm is getting close. 
“God, darling, don’t stop,” he grunts in your ear, “getting so close.” 
“Me too,” you whisper back, whining in his ear as you rush to the edge. 
“Love those sounds you make,” he moans, trying to focus on something other than the blood rushing to his cock.
You moan again, this time the vibration rattling his throat. 
He falls over the edge quickly, spilling his load into the condom, and grunting as you bounce to the finish line yourself. 
“C’mon, baby, you can do it,” he encourages again, “cum all over my cock, you’re right there.” 
You fall over the edge, your bouncing coming to a complete stop, replaced with tight circles of your hips instead, to ride through both of your orgasms.
Harry hisses at the sensitivity coursing through his veins, but he does nothing to stop you. He wants the pleasure to last as long as it can for you, even if it is just a little too much for him. 
You finally stop, opening your eyes to find his smile again - one you paint back to him easily. 
“That was good,” he says, voice low and raspy.
“Yeah,” you giggle, “real good.” 
You slowly inch off of him, sliding over to your side of the bed to get under the covers. 
“Wait, darling, wait,” he scolds you lightly, “gotta clean up first, we just put fresh sheets on the bed.” 
You groan, wanting nothing more than to curl up into his side under the covers, “god how do you switch it on and off like that?” 
“Switch what on and off?” he asks, tipping his head to the side like a puppy.
You let out a heavy breath and a small chuckle, “the domesticity. Here I am, blissed out and covered in cum, and you’re worried about the bloody sheets.” 
He chuckles as he steps off the bed, padding to the bathroom, removing the condom, and cleaning himself up a bit, before bringing back a wet cloth to clean you up as well. He wipes between your legs gently and helps you slip into some clean panties and one of his old worn out t-shirts. 
“Now you can get under,” he says gently, pulling back the blanket to let you in. 
He slips on clean boxers and some gym shorts before joining you. You curl into his side effortlessly, his arm wrapping around your shoulder as your head rests on his chest. 
You feel his deep breathing, helping to lull you to sleep. Your brain almost turns off before you remember something. 
“Wait,” you say quickly, “what did you need help with?” 
He chuckles lowly, the rumbles vibrating against your skin, “I got all the help I need, darling.”
You laugh at him, “no, babe, with the other thing, the scene you were gonna ask me about.”
He chuckles again, stalling for a second before glancing down at your face: “was writing a sex scene, darling,” he answers, “but I’ve got quite a bit of inspiration now.”
TAGLIST: @peachy-parker @a-daydreamers-days @spider-barnes @hogwartsmarvelmommy @tulipholland @harryhollandsgirlfriend @cupids-crystals @sunwardsss @bvttercupbby @mcushvft @elishi03 @golden-hoax @mistakenpersonn @cedricdiggorysimpp @multixfandomwriter @hamiltonstann @wildxwidow @petesrparker @delightfulmuffinclamauthor
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elsecrytt · 3 years
Ok hear me out
I can just imagine the snarky banter between the two and 😭😤
Without spoiling anything in Season 3,,,, I'm pretty :/ and >.> at those two. Barbatos is significantly snarkier than anyone gives him credit for, to the point of being passive-aggressive, and Solomon is just... inscrutable man.
I think between the two of them, you could manage to be fairly insulated from the worst of their respective obnoxious traits! XD
...To say nothing of the cooking. My dear god, the cooking. One of them is the dream housewife and the other is an unaware poisoner. One of them could make you immortal with his creations and it's not the one you'd want XD
Now, Solomon has a pact with Barbatos - meaning, normally, he'd be pretty indisputably the top in the relationship. But Barbatos definitely has his ways of getting what he wants.
He's even older than Solomon, and he's used to having to coax his immediate superior into actually doing work - Barbatos is completely comfortable coercing his "master" into doing what he needs to (or wants to).
They would definitely get along amiably on the surface - and they have a pretty strong bond of trust underneath it, as well - but that wouldn't in a million years stop them from snarking at one another.
Solomon is a master of obliviousness, so Barbatos's barbed remarks about the "unidentified matter" and "certainly not radioactive, to my knowledge" offerings your other partner brings you are purely for your entertainment - not educational purposes.
One of the great mysteries of Obey Me!, to this day, is whether or not Solomon is intentionally oblivious or genuinely thinks everyone is exaggerating.
Even Barbatos probably can't tell if Solomon actually knows, and is far too polite to directly ask (not that a direct question would get him a real answer anyways). It has to irk him.
For the most part, though? They're both relatively calm, insightful people, who get along well, and are reserved about expressing affection.
Barbatos enjoys doing things for you, seeing you enjoy them, and Solomon enjoys teaching you things.
Of course they both love spending time with you above anything, and honestly Solomon's not above summoning Barbatos to force him to spend time with you. Diavolo doesn't mind.
Dates are always full of things you enjoy, but they both also love hearing you talk about your life, your current interests, or even yourself.
Barbatos will literally listen with complete rapture about the mind-numbing minutiae of your day. Solomon will make witty, sometimes tangential comments. Barbatos will chide him for interrupting and possibly add to his tangent. They both want to hear more, though, don't stop~
Now to get to this next part I'm going to have to be blunt. Barbatos is a voyeur. It's strongly hinted at in various points of the story. When you assert your dominance Barbatos is just ":) MC I love seeing you do this."
Barbatos wants to watch you dominate Solomon. And I repeat, he wants to watch you dominate Solomon. (porn!!! there's porn under the cut!! reader is gn and gets penetrated anally,,, oh my god i cant believe i can't just TAG THIS augh) -
All that passive-aggressive back and forth has to come to a head somehow, don't you think? And with you between them, they can get this out in such a... healthy, productive way.
Expect Barbatos to tie up the disobedient little wretch of a sorcerer and leave him, naked and hard on your shared bed until you casually ask where Solomon's been all day.
Then, he'll lead you to Solomon, remarking on whatever grievance he or others have with the sorcerer lately, with thinly veiled suggestions on how to discipline him.
Barbatos, of course, is a master torturer but these always tend to be sexual.
He will gladly hold Solomon in place, keep the sorcerer's hands from any impudent wandering while you tease or take your pleasure from him.
And kneeling between your legs, or sitting you on his lap, bringing you to release with tongue or cock while Solomon watches -
Well, if Barbatos gets off from that, in addition to the pleasure of serving you and watching you deprive or punish Solomon...
To his core, Barbatos is a servant and an enabler. He feels the most at ease when he's helping someone else, when he's fulfilling his duties.
This means he's not really inclined to bang Solomon directly. The Witty Sorcerer is too obnoxious to be worthy of his service.
Barbatos is a man of exceptionally high standards and few people meet them. Diavolo - obviously. Lucifer, for the most part.
And then you.
Being the service type he's far more inclined to giving than receiving, although he has quite the sadistic streak when it comes to Solomon.
He's about exactly the type sit you on Solomon's lap - carefully prepping you and fingering you before he works Solomon's cock in your ass - while he holds you down and gives you the best oral of your life.
Solomon, of course, has a cock ring on the whole time. He might even be allowed to touch, for Barbatos's added amusement.
Not that it actually stops him any. He's happy to grope you, get a jerk or movement out of you to get you to buck awkwardly into Barbatos's head, give his cock that extra bit of stimulation.
Until Barbatos decides he's had it too good and activates the vibrator on the cock ring until Solomon literally cries for release but hey, that's not your problem.
Solomon, for his part, is totally into it. Probably gets Barbatos even more worked up sometimes, knowing that the Sorcerer enjoys every minute of his "punishments".
(he might scold you once or twice for going too soft on Solomon, but never in earnest)
It's hard to feel bad for Solomon, either, because his sass is often top tier, and he's not afraid to tell Barbatos just how sexy he looks, beneath you.
Like he was born to kneel at this human's feet, asks him how he became such a perfect whore for you - did he practice? Jerk himself to the thought of being of use to you, to how he lived to make them cum and warm their -
Yeah, Solomon might as well have literally been asking for it. It gets Barbatos hard, too, puts thoughts in his head about how - how good he is for you, how it would be like to call you master, if you could order him to serve and he could feel the command overtake his body... your command...
Anyways, they're terribly horny bastards underneath all the reservedness, but it isn't actually always kinky. They're also private enough individuals that they both like having alone time with you, and respect that extremely well, even arranging it for one another in advance.
Overall, good pairing!! Good chemistry between them, with pretty similar personalities, and they're both... very eager to serve >.>
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sleepy-dreamers-inc · 4 years
ok but like wilbur as a dad? like him taking care of you while you pregnant and making sure you feel amazing and confident and just supporting you.. fuck man
Wilbur as a Dad!|| 🌼
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irl / in-game
Genre| fluff
h e a d-c a n n o n s||
Artist| yanteruu on twitter!
warnings: pregnancy!!
(also pronouns are still gender neutral bc pog)
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- he was with you in the bathroom as you took the test, leaning against the wall as you did your thing, he simply stared at you much to you wondering why he was.
- It didn’t matter though once beeping bounced off the bathroom walls, as you got up and walked over to him, only looking at it with him.
- Wilbur never picked you up so fast, he was laughing and giggling as he burried his face into your chest, he was so happy.
“Y/N!! Im- Im gonna be a dad!” He cried out, putting you down but grasping your shoulders. Y/N simply looked up at him, teary eyed and smiling. “Yeah, Wilbur, and you’ll be a great one.” Y/N said, standing on they’re tippy-toes and wrapping they’re arms around his neck, trying to give him a kiss. He simply smiled, snaking his hands to your torso, pulling both of you closer to his body. All he did was press his lips against yours, so softly yet passionate. As both of you separated, all Wilbur had to say was,
“I love you, both of you.”
- Although he was protective of you before, he definitely was now. Well... more of clingy. He was always by your side and catered to all of yours and your babies needs.
- Morning cuddles where your both laying in bed, his head beneath your chest, but above your stomach. He loved the intimacy, being able to be close to the 2 most dearest people in his life.
- Telling Philza and Tommy when you were about 3 weeks in, Tommy screaming while Phil was the definition of [surprised pikachu face]
“W-wait? Y/N’s pregnant?” Phil asked, all 3 of them met up at a small cafe since he wanted to spend some time with his other family. “Yeah!! Dad, im gonna be a dad!” Wilbur jumped in his seat, he was so giddy about everything, not that anyone was complaining.
“Wait... this doesn’t mean you’re going to be spending less time with m- i mean us right?” Tommy said, his face toward his drink, yet looking up at his older brother.
“Awwwww Tommy-!!” Wilbur cooed, looking at the teenager with adoration. “I wont be online much in the later months, but for now my schedule will be relatively the same.” Wilbur stated, sipping his drink, looking at Tommy. “But hey, wanna go back to my place and see Y/N? They didn’t want to come since ‘they didn’t want to ruin the surprise.’” Wilbur asked, both boys nodded as they headed out.
- The ENTIRE SMP traveling to the UK to see you, they already loved you before, but my god they practically stole you from Wilbur for a few.
- Techno was,, surprisingly protective of you. Whenever you were out in public and Wilbur wasn’t there, he was right by your side. He liked you before, you were incredibly nice to talk with, and never minded his tangents.
- Wilbur asking Techno if he has anything to confess, only for Techno to punch him in the shoulder as you giggled
- Setting up a baby room would be both adorable and a disaster. Wilbur would have no clue what he’d be doing most of the time, but seeing him laughing and giggling as he smiled at his mistakes... your heart simply melted
- Him kissing your stomach. This is very important. Every chance he gets, he kisses your stomach. Without hesitation. Even if your not showing, he’ll still do it.
- Both of you going out on little shopping trips, picking out baby stuff.
“Y/N!! Look at this onesie! We have to get it, the baby will look even more adorable.” Wilbur giggled, as he put the article of clothing into the trolly. “Wilbur, sweetie, dont you think we already bought enough?” Y/N asked, smiling a contagious smile as they looked at they’re lover.
- Telling his fanbase was a tad bit interesting, it was during a Geoguesser stream, where you walked into the room, you were in your second trimester by now, so it was very obvious you were, indeed, pregnant.
- So when you walked in to get some laundry, obviously pregnant, and in view, his chat went CRAZY
‘WILBUR?? WILBUR???!!???’
‘Wilbur got something to fess up?’
‘The fangirls are quaking’
‘Hes got someone in his bed AND in his twitch chat pog’
‘Wilbur says hes a soft boy on the streets but a freak in the sheets-‘
- Wilbur just say there wide eyed, as he turned around and looked over at you. You were bending down to grab some clothes, unaware of the situation. He quickly sprung up though, grabbing the clothes out of your hands, quickly throwing them off the bed.
“Love!! I thought you said you were going to rest...” Wilbur mumbled, pulling you close, rocking both of your forms back and forth. “I did, Wilby, but work around the house needs to be done, for the baby-“ “No, you need to rest for the baby. The baby will not be happy if they’re beautiful parent is not getting the proper rest they need and deserve.” He said, looking at you with a pouty face. Y/N simply sighed then giggled, finally giving in.
“Oh also... wanna introduce the little one to chat..? They saw you two.” Wilbur asked, scratching the back of his neck, looking at his partner.
- Singing lullabies to the baby, even if its not born yet. He’ll lighty strum his guitar, humming a tune as you lay next to him, enjoying both’s presence
- Wilbur constantly holding onto you, ESPECIALLY in public. Someone will look at you the wrong way and all the sudden Wilbur is practically suffocating you, eyeing the person who dare look at you the wrong the way
- Making special lullabies for the baby once they’re born, he’ll sing them to both of you before bed, and it always lulls you to sleep
- Orca plushie, Orca plushie
- You know that man bought little beanies and sweaters. Sorry its canon.
- When the baby started to kick he legitimately cried. He was so happy, all he wanted was to hold his baby.
- A absolute mess when Y/N is delivering the baby, he’s just pacing around the waiting room as Phil is trying to calm him down.
- Him being a total man baby with Phil, just constantly like ‘daaaAAAAAAD’ ‘phiiiiil i miss Y/N’ ‘i want my babies where are my babies’
- once he gets into the dilivery he is literally just:
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- i will make a part 2 of this if requested because i have IDEAS, HEAD FULL MANY THOUGHTS
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a/n: i skipped my math class to finish this, so kinda pog. Anyways soft dad wilbur makes me soft, i have writers block atm and have no clue what im even doing half the time but i hope you enjoyed this nonetheless :)
Also finally I uploaded I’ve been stressing for days ; - ;
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fangirlshrieks · 3 years
Spring Break part 2
a/n: Thank you to everyone who liked my story. I'm very excited for you to read part 2. Also there will now be 3 parts. I am new here and didn't know that there was a word limit to my posts so expect a third part. I also forgot to mention this is basically a self insert of me, but aren't all Y/N stories self inserts. Anyway I hope you enjoy.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Word count: 6,326
Pairings: Neville Longbottom x female reader
Warnings: smut!, fluff!, mentions of plant boy's insecurities, mentions of nudity.
The lake house had actually been in the countryside of London and a little farther from your home than you had expected. Because of this you were not so surprised when Neville's grandmother had sent an owl saying to pack an overnight bag. She obviously trusted you and her grandson to act responsibly during this trip but you were secretly thankful for her naivety. 
The weather had been forecasted to be cloudy and rainy that week so there was much hope to spend most of your time indoors secluded from everyone but that would only add suspicion. You would have to come up with a better plan.
You had arrived at the adorable two story house at about 11 in the morning. You wore your old rain boots perfect for the weather and your jeans were tucked into your boots. Your coat wrapped tightly around you keeping you warm along with the knitted sweater you wore underneath. 
You walked up to the porch that seemed to wrap around the entire house. You knocked on the front door. No answer. You checked to see if it was the right address. It was. Then you rang the doorbell and heard footsteps rushing to the door. 
Neville swung the door open and smiled once he saw it was you. 
"Y/N you're here!" 
"Hi Neville." You said, giving him a firm hug. He gave you a peck on the lips before letting go.
"Oh wait, before you go in make sure to wipe your shoes. Gran made it very clear to me that I would be dead by morning if the carpet got dirty." 
He saw something behind you and looked over your shoulder. "Oh you brought a bag?" He raised his eyebrow in confusion. 
"Yeah, didn't your gran tell you that she asked me to spend the night? You know this place is not as close to my home as I thought." You said as you wiped your boots on the welcoming floor mat.
"She hasn't actually. I guess this is a surprise?" He didn't know what intentions his grandmother had with allowing you to spend the night but it made him a bit nervous.
Neville grabbed your lugged and let you in, closing the door behind you.
"Gran Y/N's here." He called out for his grandmother as he carried your luggage to the living room. 
"Oh she's here!" Augusta Longbottom said from  the kitchen. She ran out the kitchen along with the women who owned the lake house. 
"Hello Mrs. Longbottom" you greeted Augusta with a smile and hug. 
"Hello my darling." She returned your smile and hug.
"Oh she is very pretty." The lady next to her stated.
A blush crept on your cheeks at the complement. "Thank you." 
"I told you." Augusta replied to her friend. "Y/N this is my dear friend Nancy Evans. We used to go to Hogwarts together." 
You extended your hand towards Nancy. "Nice to meet you Ms. Evans." 
"Why hello Y/N. I have heard so much about you in the past week, especially from Neville. And can I just say you are just a beautiful young girl." She turned towards Neville. "Neville you are truly a lucky boy." 
Neville smiled bashfully at her remark. "Yes."
"Neville, why don't you take Y/N's luggage to the extra guest bedroom down here." Augusta ordered Neville. He did as he was told and went to the bedroom. 
"Y/N why don't you go unpack your things and meet us in the kitchen when you are done." Augusta stated.
"Sure" and with that you followed Neville into your room. 
"Wow this place is awesome!" you exclaimed as you entered the room taking off your coat and placing it on the bed.
Neville jumped a little having not heard you follow him in the room. "Oh yeah it's great but all I've been able to do is walk around the lake by myself." He laughed a little. "There's not much to do. But grand has been having the time of her life getting back together with Ms. Evans."
"Yeah?" you asked, opening your suitcase on the bed and unpacking. "What do they even talk about?" 
"It's not what they talk about, it's who they talk about. They mostly catch up on gossip. I even caught Gran talking about me once when I was walking into the kitchen. I couldn't believe it. They even changed the subject when I entered the room. Unbelievable." He rolled his eyes at his grandmother's gossiping habit. 
"What did they say about you?" 
"I don't really know. But I can tell it was something embarrassing by the way they both tried to stop laughing once I left." 
"It must have been something from when you were little then." You teased. 
He just glared at you sarcastically. 
"What? I love when your gran tells me about your childhood. Even more when she has pictures to go along with the story." You place your clothes into the empty drawers.
He blushed furiously at your comment. You smiled up at him and wrapped your arms around his waist. You loved the effect you had on him. 
"Come on let's go to the kitchen before they start getting suspicious." You raised your eyebrow teasingly. You didn't expect your words to affect him as much as they did. 
He was even more red and he began to sweat a little. Although you were not sure if that was due to his knit sweater more than your words. 
The real reason was because he had been thinking about you all week before you had arrived. He was a little more relaxed knowing that you would only be staying for the day but as soon as he found out you would be spending the night he became increasingly nervous. 
"I'm only kidding" You gave him a worried look. "Is everything alright?" 
"I'm fINne…." His voice cracked and he coughed clearing his throat. "I'm fine." He stated a little quietly. 
"Ok." You gave him a questioning look. You felt as if there was something he wasn't telling you but right now we not a good time to bring it up.  "Should we go?" You pointed towards the direction of the kitchen.
He nodded a yes refusing to speak fearing that he would just embarrass himself more. You intertwined your fingers with his and led him to the kitchen. Upon entering the kitchen the two of you stood awkwardly by the middle island. That's when Augusta heard you walk in and turned towards you.
"Oh dear, I'm terribly sorry but me and Nancy had made plans to go see a play in the city." Augusta stated unapologetically.
"Yes, we will be meeting an old friend who lives in the city nearby. He invited us to go see a new musical of some kind." Nancy added.
"Yes and I'm afraid we will have to push our picnic to tomorrow. Is that alright?" Augusta asked.
"Oh that's perfectly fine with me. I hope you enjoy yourself." You gave her a smile.
"Such a sweet girl." Augusta returned your smile. 
"I can show you all the cool plants I found by the lake if you'd like?" Neville asked beside you. 
You smiled brightly at him and nodded a yes.
"Great now that that's settled we will be leaving in about 20 minutes. He sent his flying carriage to come pick us up." Augusta and Nancy got up and headed towards the living room to grab their bags. 
"Isn't that so nice of Henry" Nancy stated. 
The two ladies began to chat about their city friend Henry. You were amused by their constant chattering. 
"I wished they had told me about this. Sounds like they had been planning to leave me by myself." Neville whispered to you.
"At least we'll have the house to ourselves." You gave him a discrete wink, which made him flustered. You laughed at your boyfriend's embarrassment. It was becoming more and more easy for you to rattle him recently. You definitely needed to talk to him once the older ladies left. 
"Neville" Augusta called from the living room. 
"Yes Gran." Neville rushed to meet his grandmother in the living room. You followed not far behind.
"Neville if you and Y/N go out, do not track in mud in the house. Do you understand? It would be embarrassing for me to have to explain to Nancy why her white carpet was completely ruined by my grandson. You know this carpet was imported from a wizard in Russia. It takes a special kind of magic to clean it." She ran on a tangent. 
"Yes ma'am." Neville answered her.
"Mrs. Longbottom I promise we won't get a single drop of mud on this carpet." You piped in.
"Good." Augusta was more relaxed with your input. She trusted you to keep the place clean but was wary about Neville. "We'll be back by 8pm. Knowing Henry he will have a whole day's worth of events planned." 
She waved goodbye to the two of you as she entered the carriage and flew off to the city. The two of you sat on the porch steps watching the carriage fly out of sight and into the gloomy clouds.
"Do you want to go out to the lake?" Neville asked.
You sighed to yourself pretending to think. "Yeah" you said, smiling at him.
The two of you got up and walked hand in hand around the house and towards the lake. There was a bit of awkward silence as you walked through the forest. You wanted to ask what was wrong and why he was so fidgety all of a sudden. You felt like your constant teasing was making him uncomfortable. You were about to ask but he spoke first.
"Look, a bird's nest" He pointed up at the tree. There was a blue bird in the nest resting cozily. 
"Awe. It's so cute." You smiled up at Neville who was still looking at the bird. You found his child-like admiration for the bird adorable. 
As you got closer to the lake it got colder and started sprinkling. Neville stopped to point out some of the plants he had never seen before. It honestly felt like an educational field trip but you didn't mind because you were absolutely in love with the teacher. This went on until you reached the lake.
You had walked under a particular low tree right by the edge of the lake. When Neville followed you. His tall stature had caused a few leaves to get caught in his hair. You noticed them when you turned around to ask him about a plant you had found in the water. 
"You got something in your hair." You smiled up at him and reached to get the leaves out of his hair. He stepped closer to you so that your faces were mere inches away from one another. 
"There" you whispered once you got the last leaf out of his hair. 
The way his doe eyes looked at you like you were the most beautiful person in the world made you weak in the knees. You couldn't help but lean in for a kiss. His lips were soft to the touch and warm compared to the rest of his body, which was cold from the rainy breeze. You abruptly stepped back and devilishly smiled at him. You ran away quickly, daring him to come chase you.
"Wait that's not fair." He called out to you as he began running after you. 
He eventually caught up to you and wrapped his arms around your middle and lifted you up, spinning in a circle as he did. You both laughed at your childish ways. When he put you down you turned around and he pulled you in for a passionate kiss. His hands were on your hips while you cupped the side of his face. Neither of you pulled away until you needed to breathe.
"You know I love you, right" you looked into his eyes with a warm smile. 
He looked at you with a love sick expression and smiled happily. "I'm yours forever." He truly meant it. He leaned in again for another kiss. 
When the two of you finally parted you walked hand in hand along the edge of the lake. That's when you decided to ask what he was bothering him.
"Neville, you know you can tell me anything, right?" You cautiously stated. 
He looked at you surprised by your sudden words. Then he realized that you had noticed his nervous state. "I… I know." 
"Cause I feel like you're hiding something from me." You bit your lip nervously. "Every time I tease you, you seem a little on edge. I can stop if that makes you uncomfortable." 
"Oh no it's not that it's… it's just that… I… well I don't know" he was stumbling over his words and didn't know how to explain his thoughts. His face grew redder by the second. The two of you had stopped walking and ended up in the middle of a huge mud pile under a tree.
You stood in front of him holding his hand, squeezing it to show your support. You looked up at him but he avoided your gaze instead choosing to look at his thumb which was rubbing the top of your hand. 
The rain started to come down a little harder creating more ripples in the water. The tree hardly protected the both of you.
"I… " he became even more flustered and shifted his weight from one foot to the other. He quickly regretted his decision to tell you what he was truly thinking and let go of your hand and slowly back away from you. As he did he slipped in the mud falling flat on his back. 
"Ahhh!" Mud had splattered in the air, some landing on you. 
"Oh my gosh, Neville are you alright?" You tried concealing a laugh. 
"I'm ok" He laid flat on his back with an embarrassed look on his face. 
You kneeled beside him to help him up. He was almost stuck to the ground as you tried pulling him out of the mud.
"What did you fall in, superglue?" You chuckled.
He laughed along with you. Just as he was getting up you slipped and fell on your butt. 
"Achh!" You fell with a splat. 
"Ahh! I'm so sorry" He said as he helped you up. 
Your bottom and the back of your legs were covered in mud. However it was not as bad as Neville's back side. His entire back side was covered in mud from head to toe. It looked as if someone had painted one side of his body. 
"Neville, What's gotten into you?" Concern filled your voice. "Honesty, you're worrying me." You cupped his cheek into your hand. 
"I'm sorry Y/N. It's just…" he sighed in defeat. "I've been thinking about what we talked about a couple weeks ago, you know about taking our relationship to a more intimate level. I haven't been able to stop thinking about it. Well actually I haven't been able to stop thinking about how terrible I would be. I really don't want to disappoint you." 
"Oh Neville. Is that what all of this was about?" You gave him a soft smile. "Neville you could never disappoint me. I guess I haven't been so discreet about my intentions for coming, have I?" You giggled. 
He gave you an apologetic look. You always knew how to defuse the tension. "No not exactly." 
"You know that the first time is always awkward right? I mean, I will try to make you as comfortable as possible but just remember to relax."
You wrapped your arms around him to comfort him. You felt the sleeve of your sweater get completely covered in mud as you did. 
"Oh forgot" you said as you removed your arms. 
"Sorry" Neville apologized. He furrowed his eyebrows. He seemed to do that whenever he was flustered, worried, embarrassed, or any other case when he was stressed. 
You reached up to gently message the tension out of his eyebrows. "Relax." 
He smiled down at you. Your sleeve touched the side of his face getting mud on his cheek. That gave you a funny idea. You pulled your sleeves up and rubbed the excess mud on his cheeks. 
"Hey!" He chuckled. "You know two can play at that game." He bent down and grabbed a handful of mud and flung it up at you. 
"Ahh" It had splattered all over your sweater. You retaliated by throwing mud at his face. 
The two of you continued your game and were soon covered in mud. Your hair was a mess and your clothes were absolutely dirty. The same could be said about Neville but probably worse. It started to rain harder than before creating more mud. 
Neville was finally at ease about the whole situation. You always knew how to calm him down and make him feel confident in himself. It was one of the things he loved most about you. You were happy to see your boyfriend more calm and sure of himself than before. 
Once you heard thunder in the distance that's when you stopped. You turned to look at him. "I think we should head back don't you?" You said a little breathless from play fighting. 
"Yeah ok, we better head back before it gets worse out here." Neville said looking up at the sky.
"I'll race you there?" You challenged him. But before he could say anything you were off running back to the house. 
"That's cheating!" Neville chased after you screaming.
Your laughs could be heard all throughout the forest as the two of you ran back towards the house. Once the house was in sight, you sprinted faster towards the porch. You stopped running when you touched the back door. You rested leaning over the railing glad that the roof of the porch had stopped some rain from falling on you. Neville was not far behind and sat on the porch steps catching his breath.
"I win…" you said breathlessly. 
"Yes you did…" he laughed. 
Neville turned to look at the back door, then his eyes went wide with terror. He remembered what his grandmother had told him about not getting the carpet dirty. Then he looked at himself and then at you. Your boots were covered in mud. Some mud had even gotten into your boot. His boots were much worse. There was a tear in one of them, showing his pinky toe covered in a now muddy sock. 
"Oh my god!" He placed his hands on his head. "Gran's gonna kill me if we get mud on the carpet!" His breathing quickened. "What are we gonna do?" 
That's when you realized you forgotten about your promise to Mrs. Longbottom. You were not about to break your promise. You had to come up with a solution and fast. The lake was too far to go back and wash up and the rain seemed less harsh now. You looked at Neville then to the door and then back at Neville and back at the door again. 
"Do you have a bathroom in your room because there isn't one in mine?" You asked Neville.
"Yeah there's a bathroom in my room. Why?" He raised an eyebrow at you. 
"Well we could leave our clothes out here and rush up stairs to your room. Do you have any towels in your room?" You smiled sheepishly at him. 
Neville was caught off guard by your proposal. He couldn't seem to close his mouth; it was trapped open. He had barely registered that you had even asked him a question. 
"I… I… do actually." He finally responded in almost a whisper.
"Great. Then it's a plan." You stated confidentiality, but the confidence was more of an illusion. 
"It's a plan." Neville repeated your words in shock. He couldn't believe what was happening although he was not entirely sure what this meant or if it would lead to anything. He was also very relieved that there were no houses nearby to see the strip show. Luckily the closest neighbors were about 5 acres away and the trees surrounding the house provided some privacy.
You began untying your shoe laces and talking off your boots. He followed your actions and took off his socks as well. Your feet were clean and so were Neville's. That was the good part. He began to unbuckle his belt and hesitantly dragged them down them down to his ankles. You took your knitted sweater off revealing your tan bra. Neville turned red at the sight of you and quickly turned around to give you some privacy but tripped over his own pants that were still around his ankles. He grabbed onto the railing before he could fall and stepped out of his pants. He felt completely exposed and cold. 
As Neville turned around you got a great view of his ass. He had on dark blue boxer briefs that hugged him perfectly showing off how round his butt was. You bit your lip and felt your face heat up at the thought. You then unbuttoned your jeans and slide them right off, placing them with your sweater and socks.
Neville had discarded his sweater and under shirt that hand somehow managed to get muddy as well. He was now just in his underwear and freezing. When he turned towards you he was met with the sight of you taking off your jeans. Your cheeky pink underwear almost gave him a heart attack. Your body was so perfect in every way and you were just so beautiful. He felt himself grow a little hot in some areas of his body and mentally chastised himself to not embarrass himself. Then he felt a wave of self consciousness as you turned to look at himself. He tried to cover his stomach and crotch area at the same time and not look awkward while doing it but failed. 
When you turned your heart fluttered in your chest. He was the most gorgeous person you had ever laid eyes on and your love for him grew by the second. You noticed his actions and stepped closer to him and grabbed both of his hands. They were freezing and he visibly shivered. You rubbed your hands with his to try and build up some heat.
"We better get inside quickly." You said leading him towards the door still holding his hand. 
The two of you were fairly clean besides your heads which were basically covered in dry mud. There were a few patches of dried mud around your bodies but they wouldn't touch the carpet so that was not a problem. 
You opened the back door and stepped inside testing to see if you left a mark of some kind. when you didn't the two of you entered the house. All the lights in the house were off making it dark and gloomy. You let go of Neville's hand to turn around and close the door behind you. So far the carpet was not marked up or dirty. 
"Alright I think we're good." You said grabbing Neville's hand again and leading him upstairs. As you walked in front of him, he couldn't help but stare at your ass that was barely covered by anything. He blushed furiously as your movements made your butt giggle a little.
At the top of the stairs he led the two of you to his room. Upon entering the room you closed the door behind you and locked it, but Neville didn't seem to notice you licking the door. The room was very cozy. Only a lamp that Neville had forgotten to turn off gave the room light. The windows were shut and the sound of rain hitting the glass could be heard from outside. Neville had walked near the bed holding himself to keep warm and stood there not knowing what to do. Then you finally spoke.
"Where are the towels?" You asked. 
"In… in the closet." His teeth were chattering and his lips were blue. 
You ran up to him and grabbed his hands again. "Oh my gosh your freezing. You should go and take a shower first."
"No you should… You're my guest… You go first..." His sentences were slow due to how cold he was.
"Neville, you're obviously cold you should go first." 
"Aren't you cold?" He worried.
"Yes, but my face isn't turning purple." 
"Y/N I'm fine. Seriously. You go ahead." He was stubborn and so were you. 
When he wouldn't go in first, you had an idea. 
"Fine I'll go first." You walked towards the bathroom and turned on the lights. Then you turned back to look at him standing underneath the doorway.
"You can join me if you'd like?" You felt your cheeks warm up.
His eyes widened and his mouth slowly gaped open to respond but nothing came out. 
"It's just, I don't want you to be waiting for me out here for me to get out. You're all wet and freezing. I don't want you to get sick." You had hoped your excuse would persuade him to take a shower with you. You were really trying to set the mood for your later plans. When he didn't answer, you quickly try to push those thoughts to the back of your mind. 
'Shit did I misunderstand him at the lake. Maybe he needs more time. Did he mean that he wanted to do this another time. Oh fuck, he did.' you thought to yourself.
"I mean you don't have to. We don't have to do anything if you don't want to." You said blushing furiously. 
"No!" He replied more quickly and a little louder than he anticipated. "I mean yes. Yes, I would like t-to join you." He gulped a little at his last statement.
You smiled up at him happy that you didn't misunderstand him. "Ok. Great. Uh… Let me go turn on the shower." As you left into the bathroom. Neville let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. 
'Ok. Just keep calm. You got this' Neville internally monologued. 'This is actually happening. Now. Just relax. Relax.' He heard the sound of running water coming out of the bathroom and his heart started racing. 'Why can't you relax.'
You came out of the bathroom and walked towards his closet. "I almost forgot the towels. You go ahead and get in. I'll meet you in a little bit." You instructed. Really you were buying yourself time to work up the courage to be naked in front of him. 
"Ok." His voice was a little shaky and too quiet for you to hear. He walked into the bathroom and quickly looked at himself in the mirror. There were patches of dried mud covering most of him, but that didn't seem to help his nerves. 
He tried to remind himself that his body was ok. 'Y/N likes me, there is nothing to be scared about.' He removed his underwear and checked himself out in the mirror one last time. The stretch marks around his stomach became more visible. He usually never noticed them but now they were all he could think about. He thought it looked weird that the only areas without mud were in the places he wished were most covered. 
Intrusive thoughts filled his head, but the worst one popped into his head. 'Oh no, what if she thinks my penis looks weird?'
"Ahem." You made a small noise telling him that you were right at the entrance of the bathroom. He quickly covered his front and turned his head to face you only to see that you were completely nude holding only two towels in your hand. You had also removed your undergarments before you got the towels from his closet. You smiled shyly and blushed at the sight of him. 
His blush had instantly grown all the way to his ears and neck. He smiled shyly at you. He couldn't believe how beautiful you were, even with dried mud in your hair and on small parts of your body. It was a complete fantasy right in front of him. He really couldn't believe that he was even with you, despite all the efforts you made to show him that you loved him. He honestly thought you were way out of his league. He desperately wished that he wouldn't get a boner, already embarrassed by his own body. But to be honest his dick was already half hard. 
As he trailed his eyes up your body he eventually landed on your eyes which were looking right back at him. They were warm and full of love. You looked as if cupid had struck you with an arrow. He relaxed a bit then.
"You look beautiful." You said with utter adoration for the boy.
He laughed a little nervously. "Really." His mind was going a hundred miles an hour. 'She thinks I'm pretty.' He thought to himself. He felt like he could melt into a puddle and be fine for the rest of his life with just your words.
You nodded a yes.
"You look more beautiful." He replied with the same adoration for you. The butterflies in your stomach seemed to move even faster than before as you became more excited. You were internally screaming at his comment. 
Neither of you could pull your eyes away from the other's body. That is until you noticed the steam. "We should probably get in before all the warm water gets used." 
"Oh right." He slid the shower door open and entered first. You followed him in once you set the towels down and closed the door behind you. Once in the shower you let the water run over your body. You noticed that he tried to keep a good distance away from you. You didn't mind but you had hoped he would touch you or at least try and look at you again. He was staring at the wall with his hands folded in front of him. You switched places so that he could wash the mud out of his hair. You poured shampoo in your hair and washed it. He had his back towards you and you watched the water droplets make little streaks on his skin. You couldn't help but notice how cute his butt was. It was actually very plump. You would never let Neville know but you actually really loved his ass. 
Neville was focusing really hard to not get a boner, afraid it would ruin the moment and he would just embarrass himself. He thought if he avoided looking at your body then that would help, but the image of your nude body from a few minutes ago were still stuck on his mind. He was all but very awkward and was sure you could hear his heart race, with how loud it seemed to him. He turned his head slightly and noticed you were staring at him.
"Do you need to use the water?" He asked thinking that was why you were staring. His question pulled you out of your thoughts, embarrassing you at having been caught staring. 
"Uh… yes." 
He moved out of the way and let you under the water. He then proceeded to wash his own hair with shampoo. His body was turned a little so that you could finally get a good look at his dick. You bit your lip a little, looking at the way it seemed to sway slightly as he washed his hair.
As the suds from the shampoo ran down your chest and stomach. He couldn't help but try and catch a glimpse or two. He desperately wanted nothing more than to wash your body and explore every curve, but with that way his hands were shaking he figured he could barely hold anything.
Neither of you seemed to know what to say. Just sharing a few glances at the other. You moved closer to him, in an attempt to grab the washcloth and soap that were behind him. Your sudden close proximity startled him and he backed himself into the shower door, nearly falling in the process. You quickly grabbed his forearms to stabilize him, while he grabbed onto yours in return.
"Are you ok?" You said trying to hide a small laugh. 
"Yeah. I'm alright." You thought he could get any redder but he somehow managed to. 
Your hands stayed on his forearms and you couldn't help but notice how cute he looked with soap suds around his head. You didn't realize that your hands trailed up his arms so that they rested on his shoulder. His hands were now under your elbows. 
Both of you stared into each other's eyes and couldn't help but smile. Neville was the first to break out in laughter. You couldn't help but giggle with him. The awkward silence was replaced with sounds of joy. 
"I'm so sorry." Neville looked as if he had tears from laughing so hard. Although you couldn't tell if they were tears or if it was just water.
"For what." Your confusion made you laugh even harder.
"I don't know."
The two of you relaxed a little more at each other's touch. Each of you taking the time to look at the other's body fully. Neville was no longer concerned about not taking in your gorgeous body. The way you carried yourself confidently, not afraid to be around him nude had encouraged him to feel a bit more confident in his own body as well. He decided that there was no need to be nervous anymore. You loved him and respected him, so he knew that there was no need to be ashamed of his body. 
He stared down at your breast. 'I'm the luckiest guy in the wor…' his train of thought was cut off when he felt a sharp pain in his eye. 
"Ahh" he tried wiping away the shampoo that had made its way to his eye, but made it worse. 
"Oh my gosh. Here, come to the water." You lead him under the shower. He washed the soap out of his eye and hair. 
As he did so, you retrieved the washcloth and  poured body wash onto it and started to wash your body. Once Neville was done washing his hair he grabbed his washcloth and did the same, scrubbing his entire body to get rid of all the mud.
"Is your eye alright?" You said trying to make some small conversation.
"Yeah. It was just soap." The two of you continue washing the mud off yourselves.
However, you wanted to move things a little more quickly but didn't really know how until an idea popped into your head. You had already scrubbed all the mud off your body and returned to your breast, messing them more than necessary. Neville was completely star struck at the sight in front of him and he could feel himself becoming more aroused by the second. He wanted to be the one to touch your body.
"Neville, do you mind helping me wash my back?" He smiled at you and nodded a yes.
You handed him your washcloth to use and you turned so your back was facing him. He was a little hesitant on how to wash your back but, he eventually gently massaged the washcloth on your skin. He started at the top of your shoulders and made his way down to your waist. He followed the cure of your sides slowly making sure to memorize the way the arch of your back felt. He dangerously massaged close to your bum, making the two of you more aroused. Although it was more apparent to see Neville's arousal than yours.
You looked over your shoulder when he was done. He looked at you with doed eyes as you turned slowly and walked closer to him. You couldn't help it anymore. The feeling of wanting more overtook you and you pulled him in for a kiss. Neville dropped the washcloth and wrapped his arms around you pulling you close to him. You pushed your chest up against his, desperate for his touch or any contact with him. Your chests were so close you thought you could hear Neville's heart beat racing. Although you were not sure if it was his or yours you were hearing. Your hands wrapped in his hair pulling lightly, causing him to moan softly into the kiss. His hands rubbed up and down the small of your back, giving you goosebumps and causing you to sigh. You wanted him to touch you properly so you led his hands to cup your breast. His bottom lip quivered slightly as he finally felt the weight of your breast in his hands. He messaged them gently loving the feeling. You moaned into the kiss causing him to whimper.
This is what you too have been waiting for since the day you began dating and it was absolutely perfect. 
You felt his tongue slid across your bottom lip. You opened allowing him entrance. The feeling of his hot wet tongue against yours was intoxicating. You moved the two of you under the water to let it wash away the soap on your bodies. You could feel Neville's growing erection against your thigh and his moans became louder every time he came in contact with your thigh. You moved your hand down to his hips and pulled them closer to yours encouraging him to rub himself against you. He groaned at your forceful movements. He eventually broke the kiss when he couldn't breathe anymore. Both of you were panting like crazy. 
"Do you want to continue this on the bed?" You finally spoke.
"Godric yes!" He breathed.
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fairyavengerwrites · 4 years
toys ⇝ brock rumlow
content warning: explicit smut. 18+ MINORS, PLEASE DO NOT ENGAGE, mutual masturbation, use of sex toys, mild exhibitionism, unprotected vaginal sex, spanking
pairing: Brock Rumlow x reader
word count: 1456
author’s note: this kinda went off on a tangent. i also wanted to make brock a bit meaner but my softer side came thru, i guess. next time lmao! anyways enjoy <3
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Brock did not know about your collection of sex toys. He didn’t need to. You only brought them out when he was long gone on missions and you just needed something to alleviate the need between your legs. 
At the moment, Brock had been gone for three weeks, and you were getting desperate. You did not know when your boyfriend would be back, either, which wasn’t helping things.
So there you were, in the middle of the king sized bed, surrounded by plush pillows that comfortably supported you as you thrust a hot pink rabbit vibrator in and out of you, desperately wishing that instead, it was Brock’s cock stretching you out. But until then, the vibrating machine would have to do. The little ears were stimulating your lips at the same time as it filled you, pleasure pooling in your core. With your other hand, you pulled and pinched at your nipples, eyes closed as you imagined all the things that Brock would do instead, just how much better he was at making you feel good.
In your attempt to satisfy yourself, you had lost focus of your surroundings completely, and so you were unaware that Brock had just entered your shared apartment, finally home from his mission and just ready to get into bed with his cock kept warm by his sweet girl. But upon hearing the quiet noises coming from the bedroom, he knew that was not going to be the case. He recognised the sweet whines and moans, taunting him as he quietly stalked towards the bedroom. Brock pushed the door open silently, and although he sort of knew what to expect, he hadn’t expected to see you so brazenly sprawled out on the bed, thrusting some sort of toy in and out of you rapidly whilst you pawed at your own tits. It was an extremely arousing sight, watching you try to pleasure yourself. His first instinct was to stop you, though, to take over and become in charge of your pleasure, but he held himself back, wanting to see just how you would bring yourself to orgasm. 
It looked like you were struggling to do so. Brock watched as you gasped and whined, trying to reach your orgasm, but it wasn’t long before you huffed in annoyed, pulling the toy out and accepting defeat. He stepped out of the door, almost pouncing on top of you on the bed. You gasped in surprise, but relaxed when you realised that it was just Brock. Then a rush ran inside of you again; you knew that Brock prided himself in how he pleased you, and he was going to have a field day with the fact you were unsuccessful in bringing yourself to orgasm. You didn’t know whether to be embarrassed or aroused. Or both.
Brock caged you in under him arms, picking the vibrator out from your hands. You took in a deep breath, apprehensive. He chuckled as he look at the toy, glistening with your juices.
“You wanna tell me what this is, baby?” Brock asked. Of course, he knew what it was. He just liked to see you squirm. And you, did, shying away and averting your gaze.
“Uh-uh,” he tutted, grabbing your chin with his fingertips, forcing you to look at him. “Go on, princess, tell me what it is.”
“I-it’s a toy,” you mumbled, just a little embarrassed.
“And what were you doing with it?” Brock’s gaze was so intense that you wanted to look away again, but you knew you couldn’t. You blinked at him, trying to work out the words, but your need was so desperate your mind had gone blank. Brock knew.
“It’s ok, pretty girl,” Brock assured, placing the toy back in your hand. “You can show me.” He pushed away and sat back on his heels, waiting for you to start the show again. Slowly, you turned the vibrator back on, pressing it against your entrance. You gasped, mainting eye contact as you pushed the toy inside of you. You watched Brock watch you, eyeing up how your pussy greedily inhaled the toy. You started thrusting it slowly again, letting your head fall back onto the pillows. The pleasure was so much more intense and satisfying with Brock watching over you. He was palming himself over his pants, watching you ram the toy inside of you. 
“Make some noise for me, princess,” he ordered. Brock stopped palming himself to pull his cock out of his pants, and your pussy just clenched at the sight of it. Your toy was never going to compare to it, and you wanted it in you, now. 
“Brock,” you whined, pulling the toy out and sitting up. You reached for him, but he stopped you and placed the toy back by your pussy. 
“No, princess. You gotta make yourself cum first before you get my cock,” Brock told you. You whined in annoyance, but it quickly became a moan in pleasure as he started to guide the toy in and out of you. Once you both got the rhythm going again, he let go to watch you again. You were now quickly reaching your orgasm again, the vibrations sending pleasurable shockwaves through you. Your second hand went back to your nipple, stimulating the bud to increase the pleasure. 
“Getting closer, princess?” Brock asked. The hand not stroking himself reached for your other tit, and instead of pulling and pinching as you were, he spanked it roughly multiple times. “Answer me, baby.”
“Y-yes,” you stuttered out, flicking your wrist to get more stimulation out of the toy. 
“You wanna cum?”
“Yes! Please!” You cried, feeling the coil of pleasure tighten to breaking point. 
“Go on, then, princess. Cum,” he ordered, slapping your breast once more to push you over the edge. You screamed as you finally came, arching your back of the bed as you rode out your high. You breathed heavily as it washed over you, finally dropping you hips when you felt it ebb away. 
“That feel good?” Brock asked you. He was still stroking himself, and he moved the hand by your breast to instead stroke your cheek. You nodded at him, smiling softly. He leaned forward to cover you.
“Good. Cause we’re not done yet, pretty girl.” Brock nudged the thick head of his cock against your lips, mixing your juices together. You whimpered, slightly oversensitive after your high. You clutched his t-shirt, wiggling your hips to get more friction. “I just got home baby, and it was a long mission.”
“I missed you,” you mumbled, the sensations rushing through your head.
“Well, I missed you too, pretty girl,” Brock returned, pressing the head against your entrance. “Missed this pretty pussy too.” He thrusted forwards, groaning as he slid in to the hilt. You whined too, arching your back again. Brock slid an arm underneath you, holding him close to you and keeping you both there for a few moments. The intimacy felt good after being apart for so long, and only made your bliss feel sweeter. Then he started to ruthlessly thrust into you, growling as you clenched down on him.
“Shit, princess,” Brock growled, throwing his head back. The rutting had no pattern to it, just an animalistic need taking over the movements. The speed was almost bruising, and the lewd sounds of your skin smacking together should’ve been embarrassing, but the shameless sound only added to your pleasure. You tucked your head into his neck, babbling and moaning nonsense as the coil got tight again.
Brock shuffled slightly to hook both of his arms under your knees, hoisting your hips up slightly and allowing him to thrust deeper into you. The slightly change in position was even more blissful, hitting the right spot in side of you. You could’ve cried from the stretch and the sensitivity, bucking your hips wildly. 
“God, you love this, don’t you, princess? Feel you squeezing my cock so bad.” Brock groaned, watching you drop your head, mewling at the sensations. “Look so pretty, princess. You ready to cum again?” You nodded, whinning desperately. 
“Go on,” he whispered, pushing you over by tugging on your bottom lip. You wrapped your legs around him as you came again, holding him close to you as you cried out from the washing pleasure. Brock, however, did not relent from fucking you, moving faster and faster as he chased his own finish. Finally, he stilled, growling your name as he spilled into you. Brock let go of your legs and place his arms either side of you, pulling you into softer kiss. 
“I really missed you,” you mumbled sleepily, softly grinning. 
“I missed you too, princess. Let’s go get you cleaned up.”
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crab-in-a-pocket · 4 years
Maybeeee the bachelors and their crush with a playful back and forth teasing and flirting relationship? They just don't admit they like each other yet but its fairly obvious, and one day their crush just straight up admits they like them. How would the boys deal with that?
guess who's back bitchez!! thanks for the ask, anon, this was really fun to write :D brief hiatus over btw!! i'm back in business <33 seems short but i wrote this on my phone and i have no way to tell if it really is short or not but i hope yall enjoy nonetheless !! i'll edit it and add a "read more" sometime later when the wifi isnt as crappy on my laptop because the tumblr app is horseshit
tw: swearing
ok, wow, that was blunt and bold and super super hot
you two werre always pretty damn flirty but this is-- this is WOW
fucking speechless. eyes are flickering from your determined face, the bouquet in your hand, your suddenly extremely kissable lips (the kissability has been quadrupled due to this unforeseen circumstance)
he really didn't see it coming and nearly dropped one of his weights on his foot
he has no doubt about it because he can read the expressions on your face really well and damn it if you're fucking with him
but you're not and the bouquet in your outstretched hand is a little bit right in his face and his view of you is slightly obscured by the flowers
he plucks it from your hands, tosses it on his bed, takes you by the waist and kisses the living daylights out of you
sweetest shit ever but you are now alex's blunt translator
it's not a bad job, you get kisses for it
blush, blush, blush
ok, you two flirt exorbitantly but he has never blushed so hard in his life and... neither have you
nearly drops his guitar on his toes mid-jam
okay, you just BARGED in outta nowhere, regardless of your intentions, he gets startled
his mind registers your words and the bouquet and holy crap
you're standing in the middle of his bedroom, a little hot and sweaty from a typical day's work, holding a bouquet in your hands with a determined look in your face
sam's 70% sure he's in love when you tell him that you like like him and the sparkle in your eyes when he says "i'm in like with you, too" makes him feel like he's on cloud 9
he puts down his guitar, takes a flower from your bouquet, tucks it behind your ear, and then kisses you, slow and soft and so very heartfelt
is the one who goes on a tangent about how you confessed to him because he thinks it's the sweetest and coolest thing ever
surprised pikachu
he's awkward but he knows that all your flirting was leading somewhere
when you handed him the bouquet, a determined but strangely uncertain look in your eyes, he was so fucking relieved
so, he originally planned to confess to you in an unspeakably cheesy way
and THANK YOBA that you've saved him from himself
so, he just gets up from his desk, takes the bouquet and places it atop his computer and pulls you in a tight embrace
then, he kisses you. this part is surprisingly romantic-- he places his hand under your chin and presses the softest, lightest kiss on your lips, soft as a feather
he has a bright, endearing blush on his face and he could certainly say the same for you
he privately tells you some details about how he was going to confess but he stops after you fall over laughing
dork but he takes your sudden confession like a fucking champ
poor boy is wondering if you're fucking with him until he realizes you two are alone and the hint of hestitation on your face and the bright bouquet has him REELING
so, you really aren't joking or anything
i mean, you two teased each other and flirted a lot and he was usually on the receiving end of it so he takes everything you say with a healthy pinch of salt
he wants to ask you "what's that bouquet for?" in a calm, casual voice but when he says it, his voice is unusually quiet and strained
he didn't hear what you said and so you repeat it: "i like you. romantically. do you like me back? i mean, you don't have to tell me right now, you can think on it--"
shane very nearly tackles you. he hugs you so, so tightly, the bouquet crushed between your chests. and he tells you that yeah, i like you back.
and you two are kissing, kissing, kissing in his coop, charlie clucking at your feet and his blue chickens clucking in confusion
confuzzled at the sight of the bouquet until you flat-out tell him that you like like him
his face just drains of color and you stop in the middle of your ramble, asking him if he doesn't feel the same way and if he's ok
he reassures you with a faint voice that, yes, he feels the same way but he also says that he thinks he's having an out of body experience and needs to have a quick lie-down
ok, wow, you actually like him and you are no longer just going to tease and flirt non-stop because you two are going to be an actual couple holy shit
you're bewildered but elated so you acquiesce and help him onto his doctor's bed, a concerned look on your face all the while
so you're just sitting next to harvey, tentatively stroking his hair while he has his out of body experience
he comes to a little later then sits up and asks you if he can kiss you. you beam and lean in for a kiss, soft and slow and so, very sure
speechless. has Zero words for the way he's feeling right now and he is just so damn happy but he keeps opening his mouth like a fish in a tank because he keeps thinking of something to say but it's not enough
like, DUDE, he's used to your sly flirtations, innuendos, and suggestive smiles not... you being a mumbling, blushing mess.
he was super surprised when you walked in, holding a colorful bouquet of random flowers and shoving it at him, mumbling something so quickly he failed to catch it the first time
"i... what?"
"oh for the love of yoba, i said i like you romantically."
speechless, fucking speechless. so, he does the next best thing instead of talking. he takes you in his arms and pulls you in for soft, tender kiss
he deepens the kiss and presses you against the wall-- there really are times when actions speak louder than words
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letarasstuff · 4 years
The Music of Love
(A/N): This is requested by several anons and it’s based on that post. I got a bit caried away, but I hope you like it 👉🏻👈🏻🥺
Summary: When Spencer’s daughter voices an interest in playing the piano, he is exatic to teach her. After all, it’s their music of love Wordcount: 1.3k
✨Masterlist✨ __________________________________
After the case with the autistic boy, who communicated with him over playing piano, Spencer found a new meaning in this particular instrument. He grew fond of it, started learning how to play it properly without just doing the math.
Though he now has a few years of training he also knows that his skills are mediocre. Nothing astonishing but also nothing bad. It’s nice enough to listen to, but it is nothing you get to hear at an opera or orchestra.
For Spencer this doesn’t matter. He found a new love within the piano. A love he really wants to share with somebody else. Nobody in the team ever expressed an interest in it, so the man keeps it to himself, enjoying his own music alone.
Then his daughter comes around and Spencer is ecstatic. Finally he is able to share all his knowledge as soon as she is old enough.
“Daddy, I wanna play an instrument. Carl at kindergarten said he plays the drums. But I don’t like them, they are pretty loud and so unorganized. Can I learn something different?” The day has come for him. As a responsible father he waited until (Y/N) expressed herself interest in something, he doesn’t want to force her to do anything she doesn’t like.
“It is disorganized, baby. Of course you can learn an instrument. Do you have any idea or do you want me to sign you in in anything?” Secretly Spencer hopes for one certain sentence.
“I want to play the piano like you, Daddy. Can you teach me?” The girl’s decision is made by two simple reasons: One, Spencer is her number one role model and (Y/N) wants to be just like him. Two, she is pretty shy and doesn’t do good with meeting new people, so it would be better to be taught by someone, who she already knows.
“Of course, Sweetheart. What about we start after lunch? When you eat everything up I will teach you, deal?” This kind of bribe has to be used around (Y/N) since she has a habit of talking so much she forgets to eat her food and stops being hungry.
After a short moment of contemplating she shakes her father’s hand to confirm that they have in fact a deal.
Lunch consists of several slices of fruits and a sandwich in the form of a dinosaur. Spencer saw a cookie cutter for sandwiches and he couldn’t resist buying it. Since he told Penelope about it as she spotted his dinosaur lunch one day (his daughter insisted on having matching lunches, so she knows she will eat the same thing as her father), she gets the little family another cutter, whenever she sees one in the store.
After she ate everything on her plate, Spencer sits down with her in front of the piano in his room, pulling her on his lap.
“Ok (Y/N), are you ready for the basics?” The girl nods. This is enough for the father to go on about the notes, explaining to her the differences and tangenting to a few fun facts on the side. She sits quietly beside Spencer, concentrating on his words and their meanings. “Do you want to play something?” “Can you show me a tune first, Daddy?”
He decides on something simple, playing a few notes from a children's song. After watching intently, (Y/N) plays the exact same notes. Spencer smiles. “You did really good today, Sweetheart. What about we continue tomorrow?”
From then on they practise on the piano everyday. Or rather any day Spencer is there in the afternoon after Kindergarten.
For several weeks now Spencer feels like he only comes home to sleep in his bed for a few hours. The team jumps from case to case, never being at home for more than two days in a row.
This also burdens everyone’s family life. (Y/N) lives with Penelopefor the most part, whenever her father is on a case overnight. One evening she asks her Auntie while picking at her dinner with tears in her eyes: “Auntie Penny, does Daddy not love me anymore?”
The tech analyst’s heart broke into pieces. Seeing her god daughter in so much emotional pain and not being able to do anything than trying to convince her she is so much loved, makes her sad.
“Oh no, my sweet sweet summer child. Your father loves you so much, he just has to be away so often to catch the bad guys and girls. He wants to make the world safer for you”, Penelope tells her while cradling the girl in her arms. A few tears escape (Y/N)’s eyes.
“But Charles told me today he is away, because he can’t stand me. Am I a bad girl? Was I naughty? I promise I will be better, when Daddy comes back.” It takes everything in the woman to not break out in tears herself.
She pets her hair and presses a kiss on it. “Charles is only jealous his father isn’t a hero like yours is. You weren’t bad or naughty, him being away is not your fault. He helps other people and you with his job.” (Y/N) looks up at the blonde.
“Daddy is a hero?” She asks in a small voice, streaks of tears still visible on her face. “The best out there”, Penelope confirms and hugs her tightly. “Now come on, your dino nuggies get cold.”
The next day comes with a great surprise for the small child. “(Y/N), your Dad is here to get you”, her teacher calls out for her. “DADDY!!”
“Hey Sweetheart”, Spencer picks his daughter up, holding her close. “You are back”, she murmurs into his neck, burying her head there. “I am. God, I missed you so much.” “I missed you, too”, she whispers.
“Come on, let us go home.”
On the ride back to their apartment (Y/N) is conspicuously quiet. But Spencer doesn’t pressure her. Maybe she just has to realize he is back. Maybe she is tired. There are a million reasons for a not talking child. Still, the father has a feeling in his gut that it is not that her nap didn’t last long enough.
“Hey, do you wanna practise playing the piano with me?” He asks her after settling down at their home. But (Y/N) does something that has never happened before: She shakes her head no.
Spencer is taken aback by her reaction. Usually she already sits on the chair in front of it before he even finishes his question. But today she isn’t in for it.
“What is it, Baby? Why are you so sad? Are you mad at me?” He crouches down in front of his daughter, who took a seat on the sofa. With teary eyes she looks up at him, since her father is still towering over her.
“Why do you don’t love me anymore? What did I do?” She knows she asked the same questions Penelope yesterday. She already told Spencer about (Y/N)’s worries. But these are the kind of words you can’t prepare for before hearing them.
“Sweetheart, I love you more than anything in this world. You didn’t do anything, there isn’t anything that you can do to make me love you less. I know I’m away a lot but I promise you, the next two weeks are just about the two of us. You aren’t going to Kindergarten, we are going to spend some time together, ok?” Tears threaten to fall down his face.
When Spencer heard about this boy being mean to his daughter, he was furious. But he knew there is not much that can be done. So he opted for showing this child that (Y/N) has the best father in the world. Immediately he asked for two weeks of vacation, which Hotch approved without even thinking.
“Just you and I?” The girl asks hopefully. After a confirming nod, she throws herself at Spencer, hugging him tightly.
“Do you wanna play now?” This time the question is met by excitement. Spencer sits (Y/N) down on his lap. Together they play a four handed piece of music, pouring all their emotions in it. Because they don’t need words to be said to feel each other’s mood. It’s enough to share a burning passion.
Taglist x child!reader:
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lady-amethyst18 · 3 years
I'll hear you sing
Emma paced back and forth in her room. On her bed laid a black choir dress, a fake pearl necklace, and a compact of blush. She was getting ready for her choir concert this evening. But today was more nerve-wracking than ever. Because she was chosen as the lead singer for the last song of the show. She got lots of praise from her teachers and peers, saying that she had a beautiful voice and was perfect for the solo act. She even practiced the song every day to herself and memorized the lyrics all by heart. But when the day finally came, she felt like she was going to melt into a puddle of goo.
What if she froze out there in front of everyone? What if she messes up and forgets her cue? What if she hits a wrong note? What if the audience doesn't like her singing? What if she completely embarrasses herself out there? She started pacing faster. She held her cheeks in her hands, and her stomach started flip-flopping. "Stop stressing, Emma." She said to herself. "Stop stressing!" She repeated. She looked into the mirror, looking at her nervous face. She shook her head and groaned loudly. "I need to go for a walk." She said as she started heading downstairs and out the door.
She walked through the neighborhood, trying to clear her head of the nerves of singing solo for the first time. She still felt butterflies in her stomach, and she could swear she was starting to sweat. Perfect... She was going to look like a mess by the time she gets to the concert. She wondered if she had enough time to take a shower by the time she got back. She brushed her hair out of the way, closing her eyes while still walking. "I have to pull it together. Maybe I can just tell the teacher that I can't be the lead singer. Or perhaps I can just pretend to lose my voice and they'll get someone else to sing. Or-" She was so lost in thought that she bumped into someone. Her eyes shot open as she finally snapped back to reality. "Oh my! I'm so sorry! I-I wasn't paying attention." She apologized. "It's ok. No harm done, dear." Said the voice.
She looked up to see who she bumped into. She followed the red and white pants up to the white and gold cloak until finally, her eyes reached the top of the person's head. A white top hat with a red strap pulled over his eyes. "Balan?" She called. Balan smiled widely upon seeing the young girl. "Emma!" He exclaimed. "What a pleasant surprise! I didn't expect to be bumping into you out here."
"I should be saying the same thing." She pointed out. "What are you doing out here?"
"I was just checking up on one of the latest visitors. Their hearts are healing just fine." He looked at the girl, who started to avoid eye contact with him. "But what about you? Seems like your heart could use some cheering itself." Emma rubbed the back of her head. "I just wanted to step out for a moment to clear my head. I've got too much on my mind." She said.
Balan focused on the girl's eyes. They had a look of apprehension and the glistening sweat on her brow added to his suspicion. "Emma," He called out softly. "I'm saying this with love, darling. But you look like you're about to have a heart attack. Why don't you come back with me to the theater? Tell me what's bothering you so much." Emma looked around the corners. The theater is nowhere to be seen. "Uh... Where is the theater?" She asked. Balan smirked as he held Emma's shoulder and snapped his fingers. "Right here!" He announced. It was in the same place where Emma initially found the theater. A brightly lit alleyway through the overgrown vegetation. She couldn't help but roll her eyes at Balan's goofiness. "Now then. Ladies first." Balan humbly opened the door and gestured her inside.
He leads her inside to the lounge area. The room was quiet and well decorated with a dusk color pallet that painted the walls. The chairs and couch had plush red velvet seats with golden buttons as decoration. A water pitcher with a few glasses stood on a tray with several tea flavors and what looked to be a bowl of miscellaneous fruit. "I don't think I've been to this part of the theater. It's nice." Emma complimented. "Why, thank you. Lance and I decorated it ourselves. Why don't you sit down and relax? Take a seat wherever you want." Balan said, taking a seat on the couch. Emma decided to take a chair that was sitting away from the table.
"Now then," Balan spoke, crossing his legs. "Why don't you tell me what's going on? Why is it you look so nervous?" Emma once again avoided eye contact. She clasped her hands and held them in her knees. "I've... Got a choir concert to go to... And I got the part as lead singer for the final song." She replied. "Oh, how wonderful! This must be a big moment for you." Balan cheered. But Emma shook her head. "It's too big!" She exclaimed. "I've never sung solo ever before in my life! I get my teachers and choir classmates like my singing, but what about everyone else? I feel like there's so much riding on this moment!" She stood up and started to pace around again.
Balan just nodded as Emma continued her tangent. "Nervous sweating, fast heartbeat, tense posture, thinking about how the performance could go wrong. Yep. Seems to me you've got a terrible yet common case of stage fright." He spoke up. "You think!?" She yelled back. "What if I hit a sour note?! Or what if I miss my cue?! Or what if the audience doesn't like my singing?! There's too much pressure; I can't stand it! I don't think I can do it! If I have to sing lead, I think I'm going to pass out and die!" She sat back down in the chair, fanning herself and hyperventilating. "Ok, ok, relax. Freaking out isn't going to help. You're going to give yourself an aneurysm, and then what will you do?" Balan stood next to the girl, handing her a paper bag to breathe into. To which she snatched it out of his hand and began huffing and puffing into it.
She continued this for about a minute before she finally caught her breath. The maestro thought this was ultimately a good time to get a word in edge-wise. "Emma," He started. "What if I told you I, too, get stage fright?" Emma paused and looked at him with wide eyes. "What? YOU get stage fright? The maestro of positivity himself get's stage fright?" She asked. Balan nodded. "Yep. Sweating, tensing up, thinking about how it could all go wrong, even getting butterflies in my stomach." Emma looked doubtful. "You do NOT get butterflies."
"No, no! I really do get butterflies. See?" He pounds his stomach and spat out a butterfly. Emma watched in amusement as she watched it flutter away. She tried her best to hide a giggle. "Balan... Th-that's not funny." She said, restraining her laughter. "Oh, come on! You're laughing. Look, I'll do it again!" He pounded his stomach again and spat out another butterfly. A few bursts of laughter left her. "Balan, stop! This isn't helpful!" She laughed. Balan laughed along with her.
"Alright, all joking aside." He said at last. "I used to get terrible stage fright when I was just starting out at helping people restore their balance. I was about... Oh, 300 years old until I finally grew out of it." Emma cocked her head to the side, wondering where Balan was going with the story. "So... How did you grow out of it?" She asked. Balan shrugged. "Oh, it wasn't easy. I could barely get through the introduction without my knees knocking. Sometimes I would get so stressed I would stop rhyming. But you know, after all that time, I was finally starting to enjoy it. The longer you're on stage, and the more you do it, the thought of being afraid kind of dies. I also had a secret hack that could help with my nerves."
"And what was that?" Emma asked.
"Can you keep a secret?"
"Uh, sure."
Balan looked back and forth before kneeling down and whispering in Emma's ear. "Don't tell anyone I said this, but I always had someone cheering me on in the audience. And do you know who that was?" Emma shook her head. "It was none other than Lance." Emma's jaw dropped. She knew that Balan and Lance had a sibling relationship, but they were never two peas in a pod. "No!" She exclaimed. "Really? You're pulling my leg." Balan smiled. "It's true. This was back when we were going easier on each other, quite long before the bouts. For some reason, it comforted me knowing he was there. Now, obviously, our relationship has changed over a few millennia, but I never forgot how much he helped me." Emma smiled. It made her heart grow knowing that Lance still had a heart in there somewhere despite being a negative maestro.
"Now, don't tell Lance I said this, ok?" Balan pointed out. "He doesn't want anyone to know he has feelings. He says it will kill his stoic reputation." Emma zipped her lips and held out a hand, telling him that she promised. "I think it's thoughtful that someone would always be in the audience cheering you on." She paused for a second, thinking about what the maestro was talking about. "... Balan," She started. "Would you... Watch my concert tonight?" Balan smiled widely. "Aha! You finally picked up what I was putting down! Of course, I would love to hear you sing! What time does it start?"
"It starts at 6:30."
"Oh, that's an hour and a half from now. We better get you there quick!" The maestro looked at the girl, seeing that she still had sweat on her brow and her hair was messy after panicking about the show. "Hmm... But first, let's get you dolled up before you go to that concert."
The maestro snapped his fingers, making Emma's choir dress, necklace, and blush appear. He draped the dress and necklace over his arm while holding the compact in his hand. "Head to the bathroom and clean yourself up, dear. You still have time to clean up before you go on stage." Emma smiled as he leads her to the bathroom. He handed over the dress and compact as he waited outside for the teenager to finish up cleaning. A few minutes had passed, and Emma took a shower, blowdried and brushed her hair, put on her dress, and applied her makeup.
Balan looked over as she opened the door. "Why, Emma!" He cheered. "You look lovely! Though something is missing." He looked closely at her, trying to pinpoint what was missing. "Oh!" She announced. "My necklace! All the girls in the choir are meant to wear these fake pearl necklaces." Balan dangled the necklace with his fingers. "You're meant to wear these?" He asked.
Balan scoffed. "You're not going to wear this! The star doesn't deserve FAKE pearls. Come here; I have something better." He tossed the fake necklace aside. He clasped his hands together and rubbed them firmly. When he opened his hands, a real pearl necklace appeared. Emma stood in awe. "Wow! Is this real?" She asked. Balan smiled with pride. "It's the genuine article. May I?" Emma nodded as Balan put the necklace around her neck. "There you go!" He said. "Now you're perfect!"
Emma's smiled widened. She already began to feel much better. "You promise you'll be there when it's my turn to sing?" She asked. "Cross my heart." The maestro promised as he made an X mark around his heart. "Now, go on. Your teachers and peers will want to see you. I can't wait to hear you sing." He said as he leads her to the door. "Thanks, Balan. I hope to see you there." She said as she left, hoping the maestro would keep his word.
The concert was nearly over. It was time for the final song and Emma's lead role. She scanned the audience, looking for the top-hatted being. "Emma!" Called out a voice. It was Emma's choir director. "Are you ready for your solo?" She asked. The girl looked away. She felt her chest get tight, and she felt butterflies in her stomach again. "I'm... Expecting someone. In the audience. They promised they'd hear me sing. I can't find them." She continued to scan the audience, hoping to find her friend.
The director knelt down to her level. "I know you're nervous, Emma. But I'm sure that your friend, whoever they are, are out there in the audience right now, just waiting to hear your voice. And I know you'll be the brightest star out of anyone tonight. Have confidence in yourself, sweetheart." The whole choir group started going on the stage. "Take your place, Emma. Don't be scared. You can do it." The teacher held up two thumbs as Emma climbed up on stage.
As the curtains pulled away, the audience clapped their hands. Emma took a silent but deep breath, trying to maintain her composure. As the music started, she heard a slight sound. Her eyes wandered the auditorium until she looked in the front row. A man with seafoam green hair and a handsome white face with purple eye shadow. It was Balan! He undid the glamour for her. Seeing him, her heart instantly lifted as she started her song.
Emma could feel every ounce of nervousness melt away as she sang the lyrics. The more she carried on with the song, the less she noted the people in the auditorium. Dare she say it, she was enjoying herself. When the song was over, the crowd stood up and cheered. A single rose was thrown on stage. Emma picked it up and looked at the man in the front row. Balan clapped his hands and winked at her. Silently telling her, he knew she could do it. The teenager held back her tears of joy and smiled widely as she bowed for the audience.
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sorenskyhigh · 4 years
Ok... this boy in my school that I'm friends with and likes me can speak fucking Korean and it just does something to me. I keep telling myself that 2D boys are better than 3D boys but like I cannot help it (he is from fucking Ireland btw). Anyway, if you get where I'm going with this... Tendou, Aone, Kenma and a character of choice with a spouse who can speak a different language... be creative with the languages queen and go crazy. Also as a scenario :) THANKS BESTIE :)
Ooooo i love this! Yes! I gotchu! Need a reminder of the real good men, FICTIONAL
A s/o Who Speaks Another Language
Includes Tendou Satori, Aone Takanobu, Kozume Kenma, and of course my pick is gonna be Kuroo Tetsurou but just for fun I'm gonna throw in Hanamaki Takahiro
Tendou Satori
Satori loved being in France, the language, like any, was hard to learn. Still, he loved everything about the culture here. You being his language tutor was a big help as well.
Since most all of your conversations were in French, unless you were practicing your Japanese (you wanted to learn it for him), Satori never knew you were fairly fluent in Arabic.
Arabic is one of a few of the most spoken languages in France (next to French of course and contending with Spanish, German and couple of others), so a good many people could speak it but Satori had no idea you could.
The first time he heard you speak it when you were trying to give someone directions.
You both were lounging about in the grass in The Champ de Mars, the Eiffel Tower at your backs.
It was a day off for Satori and he wanted you both to have a fun lunch out. Satori and you had both worked and cooked up a lunch to take with you to eat out in the sunshine.
You both were munching on some food, his long arm around your waist as you leaned into him when a work friend of yours came up to you.
"Hey, y/n, can you give her directions? She's trying to find her hotel I think?"
"Sure," you said, before standing up and engaging her in conversation. Turns out she was trying to find the Pullman hotel, it was known for its great view of the Eiffel Tower.
She was an older women and had no idea how to use her maps on her phone.
You gave her some quick help before she was on her way. Your friend thanked you, telling you they had no idea what to do and were so glad they saw you.
With a goodbye you turned around to join Satori and his eyes were wide in cartoony shock. You chuckle a little.
"I didn't know you could speak, well I don't exactly know what language that was but, that was really amazing!" With that he jumped up and wrapped his arms around you , kissing the top of your head incessantly.
"Yeah, there were a lot of people at my old job that couldn't speak French very well so I learned Arabic to help them out."
"Arabic? Is that what that was?" He pulled away to look at you in excitement, his eyebrows shooting to the stars. His smile was wide and ever so slightly crooked.
"Yes," you barely get out through your giggling.
"You sounded so beutiful!" You could practically see the hearts in his eyes as he stared at you.
"Thank you, it's been awhile,-" Satori cut you off before you could dog yourself.
"Oh, my dear Paradise, as always you sound lovely. No matter the language."
He proceeded to quiet your protests of how shit your thought you were in Japanese with a rather passionate kiss.
He always surprised you with these in public. Satori wasn't shy to show affection in public, he just doesn't show it like this much.
You had to stop him when his long fingered and boney hands slowly wrapped themsleves around your ass cheeks.
Aone Takanobu
Nobu never said it, but he loved the German nicknames you gave him.
He truly loved a of them. Like when you call him your Liebling (darling) when you're asking for him to grab you something you can't reach. Then there's Schnucki when he does something cute or sweet, like when he got you something you had been wanting for a long time for your birthday.
All of these and the many more you use are great, but his favorite is when you call him your Knuddelbär. He melts when you refer to him as your cuddly bear.
You tended to use it when, obviously, you two were cuddling. Like tonight. You both were cuddled together in bed, his big, strong arms wrapped around you with his nose firmly planted onto the crown of your head, taking in your scent.
You had your face securely settled into his broad chest. His large heart beating and rumbling through your skull. It was relaxing.
Nobu liked feeling your smaller heart as well. He's such a big guy that, it didn't matter how big you were, he was bigger and absolutely loved it.
You were mostly asleep as you intook a large breath before sighing contentedly. You were barely able to get out a mumbled, "Knuddelbär," before completely passing out.
Nobu was officially awake, his face red as hell, and his mouth stretched into a massive smile as always. He sighed lightly into your scalp as he squeezed his eyes closed.
His arms wrapped around you a little tighter as it always did. His lips barely forming a kiss to place on your head.
Nobu knew he wouldn't be able to sleep for awhile. He just loved it too much.
Kozume Kenma
You played game with Kenma all the time. And he loved it. His absolute favorite thing is when you get angry and start angrily yelling.
You'd always revert to Filipino when you'd get angry. Kenma didn't like seeing you irritated or angry per se. But he did love see you get angry at video games. Of course he wanted to be happy and live happily and comfortably, but he always at the very least, cracked a smile when you'd start angrily yelling about who knows what when something happens in a game.
Like right now. There was a level you both were trying to get through. Kenna kept getting a little behind because he wanted all the extra stuff in the level. You on the other hand were trying to keep the bad guys off his back.
It was always in the same spot. Seven tries now, where you had died and had to restart the level. You were so angry that you kept making smaller and more ridiculous mistakes as you both went on.
Well you had a enough. It started out with gritted teeth mumbles as you about broke your controller from the grip you had on it.
Kenma told you to wait for him but that just angered you more. You wanted to get through this level. Honestly it wasn't even that. You wanted to destroy that mini boss.
The idea consumed your entire being. It needed to be destroyed or you wouldn't be able to sleep or rest.
So you charged forward and were taking it on on your own and, well, you were obliterated, once again.
Your hands shook as you death-grip clenched the controller. Your entire figure was shaking with rage. You were going to explode in three.......two.........one........
Now you were angrily yelling at the game and controller in Filipino. Kenma just sat there, too. Oh-so-calmly was he, with is controller in hand. His back slumped with terri ke posture as his lips lifted ever so slightly into a smile. He tried to hide it, he really did.
Kenma knew all too well what it was like to be in this situation. He had raged on camera definitely more than once for this very same reason.
But he just couldn't help it. You were all worked up and angrily pointing your finger at the screen after you had just as angrily thrown your controller on the couch.
Kenma stood up and very silently pinned your arms against your sides. He looked you straight in the eye for a moment. He liked to see you get angry, but he also knew when you should calm down and relax.
"Puddin'," he said very calmly and quietly. You stopped, smoke practically spewing from your ears. He simply wrapped his arms around you, still holding your arms down. You slowly lifted your arms as much as you could, and hugged him back.
He very lightly kissed you on your cheek before starting to rock you both back and forth. Nothing was said; nothing needed to be said.
Kuroo Tetsurou
Tetsu loved hearing you speak Spanish. He loved learning about the difference in the Spanish spoken in Spain, Mexico, Argentina, Peru, and all the others.
You knew so much about the history of the language and how the culture in each country would change that slang so much. He loved when you would go on long tangents about it.
Tetsu especially loved when you sang in Spanish. His absolute favorite thing is when he get home from work absolutely exhausted and he hears you singing away as you're cleaning, making dinner, in the tub, or whatever it is that you're doing.
For example, on this particular evening, you were taking a much needed soak in the tub. Lovely smelling soaps and a couple of candles to give a nice dim light for a nice calm vibe.
Bubbles tickled your chin as you sang away. The noise echoing slightly against the walls around you. It didn't matter whether you had a magnificent voice, an average one, or a terrible one. You were just enjoying the moment.
You heard the front door handle jangle and knew Tetsu was home. You continued to sing as you heard the door open and close. The shuffle of him replacing his shoes with house slippers skitter down the hall to you.
You hear him coming closer, dropping his suitcase and then haphazardly throwing his suit jacket, more than likely on the back of the couch.
You continued to sing as his steps got closer. Then you heard a shuffle at the doorway. You opened your eyes and looked. There stood Kuroo Tetsurou, his black button up shirt stressed across his chest, his tie dangling around his neck.
He stood against the door frame, eyes closed as he listened to you. His eyes looked tired, the same as his small smile.
You continued to sing. You sang and sang until the end of the song. At the end, Tetsu smiled so happily. He opened his hazel/yellow eye to look at you. His smile quirked into a smirk as he took some tired and lazy steps towards you.
He sat himself on the edge of the tub. "Mmmmmm, my Spanish Siren. Trying to sing me a song to pull me under the depths to have her way with me, then leave my carcass for the sharks." He snorted a little at the end as he gave slow loving strokes to your cheek.
You hmmed in satisfaction before oh so calmly saying," Like this?" With that you grabbed his arm and caught him by surprise, making it easy to tug him into the full tub, water splashing out onto the tiled floors. His loud, raucous laughter as well as yours rang throughout your home.
Hanamaki Takahiro
You are his baby, his sweetheart, his lovely. Hiro loved you so much. Everything about you just amazed him. One of the many things that just amazed him, was how you sounded speaking Italian.
The first time he heard you, he was blown away. Your voice was so sexy, not that it wasn't when you spoke Japanese. There was just something about it though that he found incredible.
Hiro would urge you constantly to speak in Italian and even teach him a little. You spoke it so much that he, naturally, picked things up.
He always tells you that him speaking Italian just did not have the same ring to it as you.
"See, you've almost got it. Camera de letto. Try again." You say. Hiro had been wanting to learn how to say bedroom in Italian. He was having some troubles but he was surprisingly good with learning it though.
He sighed in slight defeat. "I just can't do it like you do, la mia gioia." He loved referring to you as is 'joy' but in Italian.
"Please, just one more time," you encourage him.
"I think i need a little incentive, la mia gioia," he looked at you with a small sly smirk.
You sigh before turning to him, "Quindi vuoi incentivi? Che ne dici se smetto di aiutarti?" (So you want incentives? How about if I stop helping you?)
"Oh, you sound so sexy," you cut him off with a loud laugh.
Im sorry it took so long to get this out! I've been feeling a little better and have been having actual ambition to write and wanted to do my best! Thank you as always for sending in an ask!!
@kneecapstealingalien @multifandombrainrot @vaniatslover @popcorntime-doodles @i-need-coffee-now-pls @jiheonity @shadowsbutdead @goshikisimp @anothershadeofpink @mestayanon @ghostexhibit @smallmangi @thatfunnysprout @backalley-astrologer @itsallgonnabokayihope @g00s3 @boreateo @weareallhumans123 @lil-mellow-bunbun @strawberrymakki @beelziee @mehreenackerman @taiyahhh @sakusasgerm @cr4z3d-cl0wn @detective-lazy @mainnews32 @turtletris2tumble @oshun22 @syirahtorizawa @wouldsimply31 @sadisticbelle @queenkaye33 @h3nta1t0ast3r
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fandom-blackhole · 4 years
My dear, you need to chill out because you are working magic in here. And what is this star wars inception moment going on. You ascended beyond the levels of higher plane.
Okay there are is this possibilities why Grogu tried to jump out from the stroller,
He remembered a scene from the action movie he watched with uncle Boba the other day,
Crest better watch out or Grogu will try to pull off Anakin jumping out the window in aotc,
Paz is a goofball who would simply name his chihuahua THE DOG,
Turns out pupper's name is Ad'ika,
Paz is a fan of sw as well and figured out since his dog is tiny, why not?
You and Paz doing Chewie and Leia cosplay,
Uncle Boba wants to buy Grogu real BB-8 used on the set,
But kiddo is only interested in this green hunter's merch,
Paz is a astrological freak, that's why he gave Grogu that book and the telescope,
Paz was taught in the army how to navigate by stars,
But now, selfcare king will tell you your exact rising and moon sign on demand,
Also tea-leaf-reading??
Paz is all about exploring different cultures, of course cuisines being the priority,
On the topic of food, Paz has a sweet tooth,
His fav treat?
Let's say you + whipped cream,
You both also tried thing called nyotaimori,
See, that's why he loves studying other cultures, there's always something interesting to learn...
Boba and you totally wrestled atop of huge dollar stacks after heist went according to plan,
He also, would like, casually, out of the blue would hijack you from work, take you onto his private jet and grant you a gateway vacation on his private island,
Also he likes to wrestle with you in his black lamborghini aventador,
There is not much space, so you have to get really close to each other,
Din is a sucker for massages,
He is constantly exhausted, spending all day running after little kiddos,
He especially loves nuru massage,
Overall, as a natural caregiver he only wants to give, he is truly selfless,
So you praise him, take care of him, hold him close and he gets all flustered,
But sometimes he can act differently,
Especially when you tease him about this Pedro guy,
Then he proves to you way he is better than some actor geared up in tin can,
Head heavy with thots now - 🐣
Listen I fucking live for shit like this, I couldn't stop my galaxy brain if I tried lmao jk, buuutttt.....
Ok so first off before I forget (God forbid) here are some things I thought about before answer this....
Paz taking you camping in the mountains of Colorado!!!! He takes you hiking and you go up the trolley to the top of Pikes Peak
Also, Paz knows the stars yea? Well STARGAZING with him while in Colorado!!!
Wrestling 👀👀 in your shared sleeping bag with Paz at night to 'stay warm'
Also, Paz + tattoos? Yes, no, maybe?
Now, how about a trip to the zoo with Din and Grogu???
Grogu's favorite exhibit is obviously the amphibians with all of the frogs and toads
Letting Grogu feed the giraffes, and letting him into the petting Zoo portion
You and Din look away for one second and the little gremlin is trying to eat the pellets you feed to the goats and you both scream "no!"
Making it up to him by buying him dipndots, specifically blue ones because he has an affinity towards blue things (frog lady's children and the macaroon things)
Buying Grogu the cutest little frog stuffy at the gift shop....
Okay so now to talk about what you sent, sorry I went on a tangent there....
Ok so Grogu running after the frog in season 1, Din jogs past a pond and he gets a glimpse of one and wants to be like anakin jumping onto the Droid except he wants to jump on the frog and catch it
Ad'ika?!?!? Omfg yeeesss its so cute
What about going as Chewing and Leia for Halloween?!?!?
And alternatively, making Din dress as the mandalorian, grogu as baby yoda, and you go as Omera????
What would Boba and reader go as though 🤔🤔🤔 (king and queen?angel and devil?1940s gangster and femme fatale?)
Paz being wiccan/pagan/witchy is so fucking gooooodddd
The second you gave your big three to Paz he K N E W you were the one
Paz eating whipped cream off of you? 103820/10 fucking A M A Z ING
Now, I had no idea what nyotaimori was, but, fuck yeeeeess, he totally loves that
Also Paz enjoys trying foods that other cultures says are aphrodisiacs
Boba and you wrestling on top of a pile of money, god damn that is an image I didn't know I needed, but fuck did I
Boba totally steals you at the worst moments to take you to his private island, but he always makes it up to you *wink wink*
Boba always picks out your swim suits, just wanted to add that
Christening every single one of Boba's cars in every way possible, ESPECIALLY the black Lamborghini aventador
Din's back KILLS him from carrying tiny, but heavy, children around all day
Din loves when you use oils that smell of vanilla (idk why it just sounds right)
Nuru massage?!?! Fuck yes
He totally melts when you just rub on him like that, especially if its been a hard day....
Now, after you keep teasing him about this mother fucking Pedro dude, oh boy does he get revenge
The S E C O N D Grogu is asleep he has you pushed into the bed asking 'if that Pedro Pascal dude could take care of you like this'
I just had a really bad thought.....
So Paz loves children, yeah, and he's always wanted a big family
But what if, when he got older he found out he was impotent, and couldn't have kids of his own?
So thats why he does so much with the children in the community and teaching Din's class once a month, because he's trying to fill that hole
Anywayyyyyy im gonna go cry about this part in particular......
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