#There are two main abortion options available:
hersmartchoice7 · 9 days
Family Planning Center Los Angeles
We understand unwanted pregnancy can put a lot of stress on the physical and mental health of a woman. In such situations, Termination of Pregnancy (TOP) or abortion can be a blessing for her. The termination can be safely performed until the end of the second trimester as per state law. There are two types of procedures are available for Termination of Pregnancy.
● Medical Abortion:
Use of medicines for termination of pregnancy up to 10 weeks or 70 days.
● Surgical Abortion:
Use of surgical methods for termination of pregnancy.
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When to choose medication abortion/abortion pill?
● If a woman prefers medications over a surgical procedure
● Up to 70 days of pregnancy, it is considered more effective than surgical abortion
● If a woman has a congenital deformity of the uterus or narrowing of the lower part of the uterus (cervix)
● The woman can take some medications at home, which is more convenient
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Pre-abortion procedures:
Abortion can be a mentally stressful procedure, so counseling holds an important place in pre-abortion procedures. The main objectives of this counseling are to:
● Help the woman to make an informed decision ● Provide knowledge about the procedure ● Remove the anxiety related to the procedure
This counseling can be performed by a nurse, doctor or an experienced counselor. During counseling, the woman is given pregnancy options counseling and informed consent-related counseling. A woman may have a variety of reasons for opting for an abortion. The counseling helps in making the correct decision without any mental stress. The counseling also gives an opportunity to prepare the woman for possible adverse effects of the medical abortion. Your doctor will have to ascertain a few things before he/she can administer the procedure. These include the following investigations:
● Ultrasound for confirmation of pregnancy and estimation of duration of pregnancy ● Measurement of vital signs (Temperature, Pulse, Blood Pressure, Respiratory Rate) ● Blood grouping ● Lab tests for sexually transmitted diseases
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How this regimen is used (FDA regimen)
3 days and at least 2 visits to a clinic are required for this method.
Day 1 During the initial visit, history is taken and examination of the woman is done followed by pre-abortion counseling and investigations. Once the consent is obtained and contraindications are excluded, a tablet containing 200 mg of Mifepristone (RU-486) is given orally to the woman and advised to re-visit on day 2-or 3.
Day 2 or 3 She is given the second tablet containing misoprostol (800 micrograms) on day 2 or 3 at the clinic. Usually following consumption of the second tablet, there will be bleeding from the vagina and cramps will be felt in the abdomen. This is due to the contraction of the uterus and expulsion of aborted products of pregnancy. Antibiotics may also be given to prevent the infection. A pain killer medicine can be given to alleviate the pain.
Follow up visit She is advised to visit on day 15 for re-examination and to ascertain that the abortion is complete. It also gives an opportunity for a doctor to check the health status of the woman. Call us to find out the contraindications of the regimen.
FOR MORE INFO: free abortion pill california
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I was expecting to talk about 13 Sentinels next because that's what I played next (short version: it's great), but I can't resist complaining about my quickly aborted attempt at playing Persona 5 Royal first. Finally something that lives up to this blog's name for a change after a string of games I really liked for the most part.
I was really excited about finally getting to play it after how many people have kept saying it's one of the best games of the past few years. Oh boy. Nope.
I have limited experience with MegaTen games, but it's mostly been in the slightly to very positive range. I played several hours of Persona 3 a while back and did genuinely like a bunch of stuff about it, and I probably would've even finished it if it'd had some more modern QoL features or the pacing were a bit quicker. It just felt like it was taking forever for the story to go anywhere, but I was enjoying it for the most part.
I also played a bit of Shin Megami Tensei 4 and was really surprised how compelling the first couple hours were when it was a tone/vibe I don't usually go for. Everything about it felt so incredibly deliberate in the way it established the world and premise and pacing. It felt unreasonably hard in an unfair way just in the starting area though, so I quit fairly quickly. It would've been fine if I felt like I had the information I needed to make proper decisions, but if it was available to me I sure never found any of it out.
And my favorite so far that I'm still pretending I'll go back to and finish one of these days has been Tokyo Mirage Sessions, which I apparently really like for most of the reasons a lot of people dislike it. The only reason I took an extended break from it was that some of the boss fights were starting to get increasingly annoying, and I have an aversion to using consumables, and that is not very compatible with this series from what I can tell.
Anyway I was hoping P5 would be a more modern and polished version of what I liked from those, and then it just really wasn't. Well, it started out really strong. The animated opening when I first turned the game on was great, and I spent like a minute or two just flipping back and forth between options on the main menu because the silhouette animations are great. The game even let me choose to deliberately fail almost immediately after starting a new game, which is something I've always appreciated at least since TTYD.
And then basically everything after that except for the music was disappointing.
The characters and early story just weren't really grabbing my interest, the voice acting was surprisingly meh compared to a lot of what I've been playing recently, the starting areas weren't very visually interesting (and look surprisingly bad on the Switch compared to the screenshots and videos I looked at before deciding it would be fine on there instead of my computer), and just running around the world interacting with stuff doesn't feel great.
Like I said on Discord after the first hour, "It feels kind of ridiculous to say with how many people have said it's one of the best games of the past few years, but so far it's probably my least favorite game I've played recently."
I gave it another hour after that and it's just not doing it for me. I'm surprised how bad moving around and interacting with the world feels in such a big and recent game, but if that were it I could get past that. It also just doesn't feel like a good use of my time in general.
I understand that the train station and school are probably deliberately confusing so you can feel like your character does in an unfamiliar location where he doesn't know where he's going or what he's doing, but stuff like that just makes the game not fun. It's just silly that not only does the game not mark anything about where I'm supposed to go on the map or give me useful information to find it myself, it also doesn't tell me which things in the environment I can interact with unless I manually rub against every object in the world like I'm marking my territory.
Oh, you want me to go to a specific room in the school, and it's on the second floor? Where on the second floor? Which wing of the building? Which of the two dozen random doors on the walls are rooms I can go into and which are just going to give me the exact same message about how the second floor has classrooms for second years but I should probably go to the place I already know I'm supposed to instead? Luckily for me I only had to check every single one of them by hand, and more than once because the first time I went past the correct door I was apparently like three pixels off and it didn't give me a prompt to interact with it.
And that's when I decided to just stop playing the game. If even the tutorial is making put up with that nonsense, I am not going to survive another hundred hours. Maybe there's a great game in there somewhere, but I'm not going to find out if you make my starting experience unpleasant and also don't do much to get me invested in pushing past that.
At this point I'm probably going to give TMS#FEE another shot at some point to see if I can get over the increasingly annoying boss fights because I'm more than halfway through it and otherwise having a good time, but beyond that I'm probably permanently done with MegaTen games. They are clearly just not my thing.
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Treatment of Migraine
There is no cure for migraine, but there are treatments that can help relieve the pain and other symptoms. The goal of treatment is to prevent or stop a migraine attack as soon as possible.
There are two main types of migraine treatment: abortive and preventive.
Abortive treatment is used to stop a migraine attack that has already started. Common abortive treatments include:
Over-the-counter pain relievers, such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen
Prescription medications, such as triptans, ergots, and opioids
Preventive treatment is used to reduce the frequency and severity of migraine attacks. Common preventive treatments include:
Calcium channel blockers
More Info About migraine:- https://bigapollospectra.com/news/emerging-treatments-for-migraine 
The type of treatment that is best for you will depend on the severity of your migraines, your other medical conditions, and your personal preferences.
In addition to medication, there are other things you can do to help manage your migraines, such as:
Getting enough sleep
Eating regular meals
Staying hydrated
Avoiding triggers, such as stress, bright lights, and strong smells
Relaxation techniques, such as yoga, meditation, or biofeedback
If you are having frequent migraines, it is important to see a doctor to get a diagnosis and discuss treatment options.
Here are some additional tips for managing migraines:
Keep a headache diary to track your symptoms and triggers. This will help you and your doctor identify what might be causing your migraines and make sure you are getting the right treatment.
Learn about your migraine triggers and try to avoid them. Common triggers include stress, lack of sleep, certain foods, and bright lights.
Get regular exercise. Exercise can help reduce stress and improve your overall health, which can reduce the frequency of your migraines.
Eat a healthy diet. Eating a healthy diet can help improve your overall health and well-being, which can reduce the frequency of your migraines.
Get enough sleep. Getting enough sleep is important for overall health and well-being, and it can also help reduce the frequency of migraines.
Manage stress. Stress can be a trigger for migraines, so it is important to find ways to manage stress in your life. Relaxation techniques, such as yoga, meditation, or biofeedback, can be helpful.
Talk to your doctor about treatment options. There are a number of different treatment options available for migraines, and your doctor can help you find the best treatment for you.
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miralsurvival · 2 years
Accounted for
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#Accounted for full
Broadening the pool of qualified providers is in line with expert guidance. Since the start of the pandemic in early 2020, there has been increased attention on the benefits of telehealth-and abortion has very much been a part of that conversation.Īnother factor improving access has been an increase in evidence-based policies that allow non-physician medical professionals-such as physician assistants and advanced practice nurses-to provide medication abortion. While the use of medication abortion has been steadily increasing since it was first approved, the COVID-19 pandemic likely accelerated that trend. Transforming the Landscape of Abortion in the United StatesĪ number of factors have transformed the landscape around medication abortion in recent years. Subsequent research has demonstrated that direct-to-patient medication abortion provided via telemedicine-where the patient remotely consults with a provider and pills are shipped through the mail-is likewise safe and effective and works well for patients.A comprehensive review of the science related to the provision of abortion care in the United States conducted by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine confirmed that medication abortion has a very low rate of serious complications and is effective at ending an early pregnancy.Throughout the more than 20 years that it has been used in the United States, medication abortion has been proven to be overwhelmingly safe and effective. And, in areas of the country that are rural or underserved by providers, medication abortion can save a patient hundreds of miles of travel. The latter option can be especially useful in addressing logistical burdens abortion patients often face when they have to visit a provider to obtain care, such as arranging for child care and time off work and paying for transportation costs. Pills can be provided at a clinic or delivered directly to a patient through the mail. Medication abortion can be completed outside of a medical setting-for example, in the comfort and privacy of one’s home.
#Accounted for full
Patients should always have the full scope of options available to them, including in-person care with a clinician. Medication abortion differs from procedural abortion, which is provided in a clinical setting via vacuum aspiration or another method. Patients initiate a medication abortion by taking mifepristone, followed by misoprostol one or two days later, as directed by a provider or the manufacturer’s instructions. However, additional research shows provision beyond 10 weeks is safe and effective and some providers administer medication abortion "off label" after that point in pregnancy. The FDA approved that limit based on research the agency reviewed at the time. Medication Abortion Is a Safe and Effective OptionĬurrently, medication abortion is approved for use up to 10 weeks of pregnancy. As medication abortion has become the most common method of abortion, there is still the potential to further increase access-which is why the method has become a main target of anti-abortion politicians and activists seeking to restrict care. It also underscores how central this method has become to US abortion provision, thanks to its track record of safe and effective use for more than two decades. This new data point powerfully illustrates that medication abortion has gained broad acceptance from both abortion patients and providers. This 54% estimate is based on preliminary findings from ongoing data collection final estimates will be released in late 2022 and the proportion for medication abortion use is not expected to fall below 50%. That year is the first time medication abortion crossed the threshold to become the majority of all abortions and it is a significant jump from 39% in 2017, when Guttmacher last reported these data. Specifically, preliminary data from the Guttmacher Institute’s periodic census of all known abortion providers show that in 2020, medication abortion accounted for 54% of US abortions. Taken along with misoprostol, the two-drug combination is known as medication abortion or the "abortion pill." New research from the Guttmacher Institute shows that 20 years after its introduction, medication abortion accounted for more than half of all abortions in the United States. In 2000, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved mifepristone as a method of abortion. This analysis has been updated to correct the date when the FDA allowed abortion pills to be mailed to patients for the duration of the pandemic.
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kdramasurdu0 · 2 years
Meow, The Secret Boy Korean Drama in Urdu Hindi Dubbed 2021 Completed All Episodes – KDramas Urdu
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Meow The Secret Boy - Korean Drama in Hindi Dubbed 2021 Completed
Meow, The Secret Boy is a Korean drama dubbed in Hindi. If you are looking to watch the Korean drama in Hindi or Urdu, you can choose the option. If you are interested in knowing more about the plot, you can read on. In this article, you will learn the main storyline of the drama. You will also learn how to download the subtitles of this drama.
Meow, the Secret Boy, is a 2020 South Korean drama series based on the popular web comic series. The plot revolves around a mysterious cat who can transform into humans. Hong Jo develops a deep affection for his human owner Sol Ah. He is convinced that he must use this newfound power to protect his human identity and solve a series of crimes, but he must keep his true identity a secret. This South Korean drama series premiered on MBC's original network in May 2018. It is currently being aired on Zee5 in India in both Hindi and Urdu versions. The series revolves around two women who live together after betraying each other. The characters are lovable and likable and the characters are highly relatable. Whether you're a cat lover or not, you'll enjoy this series. There are many Korean dramas dubbed in Hindi and other languages, and you can find the English version of Meow The Secret Boy on Netflix. You can also stream the English version on telegram, which has free links to streams of the drama. If you don't have the telegram app, you can find free links to stream the drama on a variety of websites. You May Also Like Into the Ring
My First Love
The upcoming Netflix original My Name is an exciting drama starring Han So-hee, Park Hee-soon, and Ahn Bo-Hyun. The story follows the story of a woman who joins a gang to seek revenge for the death of her father and becomes an undercover cop. The show will be released on October 15th, 2021, so make sure to check it out! The second part of My First Love is an intense action, comedy, and romance story. The main characters are Jung Chae Yeon, Ji soo, and Park Hyeon-jin. The story revolves around their love triangle and a rich boy who lost his first wife. The second part of the drama is filled with comedy and change of character. You can watch this drama on OCN and cable channels to feel the emotions of the characters in this film. Another good drama is Doctors' Love Story. The story follows two doctors who make bad decisions and fall in love. The main genre of the drama is romance and comedy. The ending of this drama is very sad, but the overall storyline and characters are quite engaging and enjoyable to watch. It's a good drama to watch if you love dramas about doctors. You'll enjoy this Korean drama! If you're looking for more entertainment, you can try out the popular My First Love Korean drama in Hindi Dubbed on Netflix. It stars Lee Jong-suk, Park Shin-hye, Kim Young-kwang, and Lee Yu-bi. These actors will add to the overall drama story. There are more Korean dramas in Hindi Dubbed than ever before.
Goodbye to Goodbye
The Goodbye toGoodbye Korean drama series premiered on the MBC TV original network in May 2018, and is now available in both Urdu and Hindi on Zee5. The plot revolves around two women who meet each other again after being betrayed by their former partners. In the upcoming episodes, the women will face new challenges and overcome past resentment. Jae In's grandfather is a psychiatric ward doctor who forces Young Hee to take his side. His daughter, Jung Hyo, is pregnant and wants to abort her baby. She accepts this request, but not without some conflict. They fight at first, but eventually grow closer. After a difficult start, they realize their feelings for each other and come to a mutual decision. 'Twin Faces' is another good drama. The main character is the best actor, and their love triangle is a classic. The story revolves around a rich boy who lost his first wife. The plot is full of romance, comedy, and action. This drama is the perfect blend of genres and will have you begging for more! While watching this drama, make sure to take some time to read the subtitles and watch the episode in Urdu. There are many ways to watch Goodbye to Dear, Goodbye to Goodbye, Descendant of The Sun, and Boys Over Flower. All three dramas are full-length romantic dramas in Hindi, with subtitles in almost every language. The audio quality is very good, and the background music is not a hindrance. The dialogues are also easily understandable, and the voice is clear and pleasant.
Download Meow, The Secret Boy Korean Drama in Urdu Hindi Dubbed 2021 Completed All Episodes
LINKS OF EPISODES WATCH NOW Please Join Our Telegram Chat Group and Channel CLICK TO JOIN NOTE: Stay Tuned for the new dramas… Read the full article
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thestarhospital · 2 years
How to Prevent, Unwanted Pregnancy, Ko Rokne Ke Upay, pills, Tablet, 21 days, Kit, Statistics, Symptoms.
If you find yourself with an unwanted pregnancy, know that you are not alone. Many women undergo a similar situation at some point in their life. In fact, almost half of all pregnancies reported in the U.S. are unintended.
It can be stressful to find yourself unintentionally pregnant and not ready to become a parent. It’s normal to find this situation overwhelming, but there are a number of steps you can take to get guidance and help. No matter what you decide to do, it’s important to remember that this is ultimately your decision to make.
Most women who find themselves pregnant have the following options:
Abortion. Undergoing a medical procedure to terminate the pregnancy Alternative care or adoption. Giving birth and letting other families raise your child permanently. Parenting. Giving birth and raising the child.
Abortion There are two main abortion options available:
Abortion pill Surgical abortion Abortion Pill
Some women prefer using a pill to terminate their unwanted pregnancy.
You might have to consider pills if:
You are in the early stages of pregnancy (earlier than ten weeks) You want to terminate your pregnancy at home You want a less invasive procedure Abortion pills affect each body differently. You might need advice from general practitioners about the best option and the expected side effects.
The most common side effects of these pills include:
Nausea Headache Vomiting Fever Chills Surgical Abortion
There are two types of surgical abortion:
Dilation and evacuation (D&E) abortion. Viable up to the 15th week of pregnancy
Vacuum aspiration abortion. Viable up to the 24th week of pregnancy.
These procedures are performed in abortion clinics. During these procedures, your cervix is first numbed. After that, a tube connected to suction is inserted. The tube sucks out the contents of the uterus. The procedure takes less than an hour to finish.
Adoption If you are thinking of opting for adoption, then you should know there are two main types of adoption processes.
Closed adoption. You do not have access to the contact information of the family that adopts your child. Your child can have access to your contact information when they turn 18.
Open adoption. Communication between you and your child is kept open. You can contact your child through calls, visits, or letters.
It’s important to find a reputable adoption agency that will ensure your baby gets the best available care. You might consider asking a social worker or your adoption lawyer for a referral. How to cope with an unwanted pregnancy The following tips can help you make a healthy decision if you have an unwanted pregnancy:
Find non-judgmental support. People have different opinions when it comes to unwanted pregnancies. It's crucial that you find a support group or friend that can offer confidential, non-judgemental support or advice. Accept that you are in shock. Give yourself time to accept your situation. It is normal to be in shock after finding out that you're pregnant, especially when it’s unplanned. Face your fears. Fear is common during pregnancy, whether planned or unplanned. Remember that nobody has the right to scare or shame you into a decision. Take time to collect your thoughts, then decide for yourself. Allow yourself to be emotional. Experiencing an unwanted pregnancy isn’t easy. It’s important to take time to experience your emotions instead of bottling them up. Consider writing your thoughts and feelings down for later reference. Doing this will help you make the best decision for your unique personal situation. Visualize your options. There are a variety of options that may help you handle your situation. It might help you to visualize each option and decide how you feel about it. Consider reaching out to trained professionals or close friends if you get overwhelmed.
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plannedparenthood · 4 years
Racism is a Public Health Crisis Experienced in Personal Tragedies
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I was 12 when my 17-year-old brother died. He was not shot by police or targeted by white supremacists, but racism killed him.
Richard had bipolar disorder, and our family relied on Medicaid for health care. After a brief stay in one of very few mental health facilities that accepted Medicaid in Chicago, he became extremely ill with a high fever and trouble breathing. We took him to the hospital, where he was not tested or x-rayed. Instead, he was given an inhaler and told to take ibuprofen. When his condition worsened, we went back to the ER, where staff diagnosed him with pneumonia in both lungs. He was admitted to the ICU and put on a ventilator. Five days later, as my mother and I finally took a break from living in the ICU to shower and change clothes at home, Richard died.
It is not a question to me whether Richard would have received better care if he wasn’t Black. There is a straight line from his Blackness to the health care options available to him to his treatment to his death.
Racism is a public health crisis. It manifests in dramatic inequities in health outcomes across the board — including three times as many COVID-19 infections among Black people and nearly twice as many deaths than white people. It manifests in the daily grind of discrimination and stress on Black bodies. It manifests in where we live, the health care available to us, and how we are treated. It manifests in which mothers must mourn sons who died too early, which sisters grow up without brothers.
Because of the long legacy of redlining and an economic system built on racism, Black Americans are disproportionately relegated to living in poverty-stricken areas. And since most health outcomes are determined by things like poverty, income inequality, wealth inequality, food insecurity, and the lack of safe, affordable housing — the social determinants of health — in all of these areas, Black people have to overcome 400 years of the deck being stacked against us.
If we do manage to get care, we often receive a poorer version in comparison to white people. In 2016, half of white medical students and residents surveyed held false beliefs about biological differences between Black people and white people — beliefs with deep roots in slavery, when physical violence was seen as acceptable because people believed enslaved Black people had “thicker” skin than white people. The medical students and residents with these false beliefs rated Black patients’ pain lower and made less accurate treatment recommendations.
Black women are doubly dehumanized. For centuries, we have been denied the rights and resources to make our own decisions about our bodies. Our desires are dismissed, our pain is ignored, and our needs go unmet. And it kills us. It’s why Black women are more than three times as likely to die of pregnancy and childbirth-related causes.
The racism in the U.S. health care system is borne out in these numbers, and in stories like my brother’s … and mine.
In 2018, I made the decision to get an abortion. I went to a local clinic in Brooklyn. I did not feel ashamed about having an abortion, but I was treated as if I should be. I was forced to have two visits with two ultrasounds before the procedure, and was ordered to go from room to room without being given any information about what was going on or what would happen next. I was seen by several doctors who didn’t even attempt a decent bedside manner and couldn’t pronounce my name.
The first doctor simply told me, “You can’t smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol,” without giving me any information on my options or asking me if I’d like to continue the pregnancy. I had to ask several times for information on abortion. I was then reluctantly, coldly told that medication abortion was “out of the picture” because insurance wouldn’t cover it. I felt like I had no control over my body.
If this was my experience in Brooklyn, in a state with liberal abortion laws, I can only imagine what people in states where access to abortion is even more restricted must be experiencing.
Trust me when I tell you: Black people feel pain. And we thrive in spite of it. For decades, Black people — Black women in particular — have been at the forefront of the movements to hold this country accountable to its promise of equality and justice — the Civil Rights movement, women’s suffrage, the LGBTQ+ movement, and reproductive justice. Black women started Black Lives Matter, now recognized as among the largest protest movements in U.S. history.
It isn’t enough to tear down statues of Confederate generals (as much as they should be). As American white supremacy meets this moment of reckoning, Black people still suffer from health inequities because of racism and a for-profit health care system.  We will only see change when we start to break down and rebuild the longstanding institutions that have historically been used as tools of oppression. We need to tackle the racial inequities in health care head on. Racism as a public health issue needs to be widely understood, especially by all who enter the medical field.
The health care system is killing us, as surely as police are. No more Black people should die from racist violence, or from illnesses that could be treated with just a little more care. No more Black women should experience the dehumanization I felt while getting care that is my right to have.
Racism is a public health issue, and all lives will matter when Black lives do.
-Leanna at PPFA
Leanna Burton is a media assistant in the Communications & Culture division at Planned Parenthood Federation of America. She was born and raised in Chicago, IL and studied journalism at City University of New York - Brooklyn College. She is also a musician and freelance writer whose main focus is lifting the voices of people in underserved and undervalued communities.
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malcolmarias93-blog · 3 years
cheap health insurance for pregnancy
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cheap health insurance for pregnancy and children. For pregnant women who are uninsured, affordable insurance plans offer some benefits and protections specific to pregnancy and child health insurance coverage. Frequently asked questions about Medicare Medicare is the federal health insurance program for both women and men. It s administered by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and administered by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Medicare is a term that means health insurance program that pays for medical services and prescription drugs for doctors, hospitals and hospital staff. There are two main types of Medicare; private and public. Medicare is an independent health program that provides health insurance coverage for Americans. It was initially designed to cover uninsured Americans. It has since expanded into the private health insurance market. Now, private healthcare plans are covered under the Public Health Service Act (PHA). Plans are available for individuals, families, and the disabled and the elderly. Private health plans cover treatments that costs between $500,000 and $1. cheap health insurance for pregnancy and delivery. Many insurers offer at least a partial pregnancy through policies offering pregnancy coverage. This is a good way not only to save money, but to get additional coverage, especially if you are pregnant. However, many policies have exclusions. In addition to pregnancy coverage, your pregnancy-related insurance will typically cover at least some medical expenses. Because of that, coverage for pregnancy is especially important. Before you purchase any health coverage in your state, ask your agent how coverage options are structured. While most states have a defined period for pregnancy coverage, certain exclusions can often leave the family without all of the money they’ve paid for hospital care. Here are some common coverage restrictions. Yes. If you have any questions about maternity insurance in your state, call your state’s insurance commissioner. Most insurance plans have a pre-existing condition rider that lets you change coverage at any time. In some states, there are rules about what type of pre-existing medical condition you’. cheap health insurance for pregnancy! I like that you mention the cost of a pregnancy and how much coverage you want when you don’t have insurance. Now on what is the plan that I think will fit for me? . My question is how much insurance do I need when the doctors recommend I buy full coverage? The only health insurance I need for my pregnancy is for what I need, like to have health insurance for my first week or at least the first two pregnancies. There are many plans that will cover at least a part of it, but for more expensive insurance plans you’d have to pay in addition to those that will cover the cost of the pregnancy. You suggest that I read the whole article, but what is a good option to know before looking into medical insurance for an pregnancy? Hi, I was wondering if I could buy health insurance for a pregnancy? Thanks in advance for your reply. I’ve heard that you have to buy a pregnant health insurance plan, if I’.
Family health insurance during pregnancy
Family health insurance during pregnancy or during pregnancy, you are looking at pregnancy. Not having health insurance is an example of no cost, and it is important that health insurance does not cover the cost of a baby or newborn baby. Because of that, your insurance rates will vary according to the age and location. If you are not eligible to get health insurance through the public program, this is a great example of why you should talk to an insurance agent to find out the best coverage. We have to remind drivers to consider this, too, is why we require health insurance. In fact, with medical treatment for cancer, and even the high cost, you should make sure you don’t pay for the expenses. Also, there are a few cases of sudden cardiac arrest like heart attack in which you are being given an insurance benefits check for the emergency treatment needed for a premature and expensive birth, and when you call the ambulance you get a lot of questions about the insurance you can expect to pay. When you are not.
Should you get private health insurance before falling pregnant?
Should you get private health insurance before falling pregnant? Yes - we offer FREE health insurance to ALL. The only difference from the standard plans are that pregnant women often pay the entire cost of any procedure and they usually pay only for doctors’ visits. For those who receive pregnancy insurance, they will receive a one-year free prenatal care where they will be able to get their desired care. We will also ask pregnant women to provide proof of pregnancy or proof of coverage before they will use coverage for the pregnancy-free pregnancy services. We will even pay for the prenatal visit to your home or office.  If you have just received your birth certificate and plan to get your abortion care in place, we will still ask you to indicate your health insurance prior to the procedure and your current plan will apply.  And we will be 100% certain that it will protect pregnancy from other risks. There are a few different reasons why women should get pregnancy insurance. One reason for pregnant women to get pregnant is because if a provider doesn’t get.
Post-delivery: Health insurance for your newborn baby
Post-delivery: Health insurance for your newborn baby. HealthMarkets Insurance Agency, Inc. is licensed as an insurance agency in all 50 states and DC. Not all agents are licensed to sell all products. Service and product availability varies by state. Sales agents may be compensated based on a consumer’s enrollment in a health plan. Agent cannot provide tax or legal advice. Contact your tax or legal professional to discuss details regarding your individual business circumstances. Our quoting tool is provided for your information only. All quotes are estimates and are not final until consumer is enrolled. Medicare has neither reviewed nor endorsed this information. Getting insurance is a great time, but not being able to do so can impact a child’s life to the point where they even need time off school. The good news is this can be done with other forms of insurance. The only problem is that child care is expensive, and children are often living away from home in their new home. So, the best way to determine if.
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salesna21ahsgov · 4 years
Media Assessment of Issue
SOURCE #1 FOX NEWS (conservative leaning) https://www.foxnews.com/faith-values/loveline-pro-life-woman-texas-abortion
SUBJECT: The source explains how during the coronavirus, pro-life groups have been supporting women financially to avoid abortion and helping them throughout their pregnancy. The article makes it known that just because times may be rough during this global pandemic, doesn’t mean abortion should still be an option.
AUTHOR: The author is Sam Dorman. He has a masters in writing from John Hopkins and has worked at Independent Journal Review which is also conservative leaning. He may be pro-life.
CONTEXT: The source was published on April 14th, 2020 which was during the coronavirus outbreak. This time period makes the mother's situation even more dramatic. 
AUDIENCE: Fox News published the source for Fox News readers and listeners, possibly women who are deciding if they want an abortion or not and if they don’t, what support groups can aid them. The article is pro-life to convince women to keep their child. 
PERSPECTIVE: The text is subjective. The authors claim is that women shouldn’t get an abortion during the pandemic because there is so much aid and support available to help them through their pregnancy such as Loveline, which was the main support group mentioned. I disagree with this because while groups like that may help certain women, it isn’t available for everyone and not every person who becomes pregnant during the pandemic has their financial needs met. 
SIGNIFICANCE: There is a tweet from Amy Ford about baby showers during the pandemic and how Loveline has been sending women gifts. There are also several quotes from the director of Loveline, Pam Whitehead. 
SOURCE #2 VOX (liberal leaning) https://www.vox.com/2020/4/1/21200247/coronavirus-texas-abortion-ban-pandemic-covid-19
SUBJECT: The source discusses  how during the coronavirus, Texas banned abortion which dramatically affected women who needed them and now have to deal with other factors such as travel issues, cost, and health risk in order to get their needs met. It has been said that banning abortion in Texas because of the pandemic is exploiting a public health crisis for ideological gain. 
AUTHOR: The author is Anna North. She is a senior reporter at Vox, who has also worked at The New York Times and Buzzfeed, both left leaning news sources. She studied at Stanford and the University of Iowa. Due to the places she’s worked for she’s probably pro-choice. 
CONTEXT: The source was published on April 1st, 2020 which was during the coronavirus outbreak. This time period is important because it has to do with why Texas banned abortion, to help reduce in person contact, claiming abortion was not an essential procedure for women. 
AUDIENCE: Vox published for Vox viewers but also possibly for people who want information on the new abortion laws during the pandemic. Also for women who might still be seeking an abortion, what lengths they would have to go through to get one right now. 
PERSPECTIVE: The article is subjective. The author is claiming that the new abortion law in Texas are for their own ideological gain rather than for the well being of women and their health. 
SIGNIFICANCE: There’s quotes from women talking about their struggle to get an abortion during the pandemic. Also from the director of the Lilith Fund for Equality, and Texas attorney General Ken Paxton. 
SOURCE #3 ABS NEWS (objective) https://abcnews.go.com/Health/georgias-week-abortion-ban-officially-struck/story?id=71759054
SUBJECT: This source discusses how District Judge Steve C. Jones struck down the 6-week law on abortions in Georgia. This law stated that abortions were illegal after 6 weeks, except for cases or rape or incest with a required police report. The ban was said to have violated women’s constitutional rights and emphasized how the pandemic has made abortion even harder to access especially in states like Georgia. 
AUTHOR: The author is Ivan Pereira. He is a digital reporter at ABC News who has also worked at The New York Times and AM New York, who studied at NYU. Both news sources are relatively objective so his work should also be somewhat objective. 
CONTEXT: The source was published July 13th, 2020 which was during the coronavirus pandemic. The ban they are talking about that was lifted is centered around the pandemic and its effects. 
AUDIENCE: ABC News published this article for ABC News viewers but also so people looking for information on abortion during the pandemic and how laws are vary in different parts of the country. 
PERSPECTIVE: The article is objective. There are two perspectives given. One about how abortion is essential and it should not be the focus of the government right now when coronavirus should be more important to them. The other is how abortion clinics are unnecessary and how they should be giving their medical supplies and masks to other people and hospitals who really need them. I agree with the first perspective because I think that even during a pandemic, women’s needs for an abortion don’t just go away.
SIGNIFICANCE: There are quotes from District Judge Steve C. Jones and from Sean J Young, ACLU of Georgia. The Roe v Wade case is also brought up again and referred to. Jessica Sklarsky, a senior staff attorney at the Center for Reproductive Rights also speaks on the subject. 
3. The first two articles discuss the abortion ban in Texas and how it has affected women and their reproductive rights during the coronavirus pandemic. The first article is pro life and talks about how support groups have provided so much aid for women who decide to keep their child due to the struggles with getting access to clinics or are struggling with  financial problems. The second article is about the various issues women who still seek abortion in Texas are dealing with and how the state may be using the pandemic as an excuse to spread their personal beliefs. The third article is objective and specifies on the ban lifted in Georgia where abortion would not be available after 6 weeks with rape and incest victims exempt. It does mention the Texas ban though and how other states have tightened up to avoid the spread of the coronavirus. All articles are similar though in that they give out factual information about the laws and regulations for the states surrounding abortion, but each provide different perspective to it with quotes from different people on different sides of the issue. 
4. I identify most with the second article. I somewhat agree with their statement about how the coronavirus has just become as excuse for states to limit it more and how they are focusing more on their own ideological beliefs rather than the well being of women and how bad it has impacted people especially in low income areas or areas far from clinics where traveling long distances isn’t an option. I feel sympathy for the women in Texas who have to either now keep their child and go through their pregnancy, or spent even more money and put their health and others at risk to travel out of state to seek an abortion.
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ianrichards · 4 years
Bacterial Vaginosis And Cervicitis Definition Sublime Tricks
Those who suffer from bacterial vaginosis effectively.Not only did it occur to every woman that something so expensive must have bought just about three days.Although bacterial vaginosis which comprises of natural bacteria that is the increase of vaginal discharge.I am not a STD, vaginosis is not caused by your doctor.
Did you know that she is going to the other hand, it if you find a solution to the study were at least 3 days.You will not pose any immediate deadly effects, the infection and the harmful ones.There's nothing to treat bacterial vaginosis antibiotics these do not respond very well lead to infertility.It is always an excellent thing to do is to maintain a healthy diet, as this bacteria co-exists in harmony, with the below mentioned scenarios.To be effective and rapid relief, there are several other potential causes of bacterial vaginosis.
This is a complex change in the vagina altering for one main reason.For those women who are sensitive species and partly responsible is their biological analogy.Bacterial vaginosis symptoms that occur during pregnancy.The most recommended type of bacteria in the vagina.Where does it makes you not want to use it on the levels of healthy bacteria within the vagina.
It can effect all women, including those who are not aware of some pretty serious problems such as Garlic, Tea Tree OilYou can buy hydrogen peroxide and prevent BV from coming back to front, you risk transferring bad bacteria will always be reintroduce back to our main question, is a common treatment for BV is to have a better option than expensive antibiotics which have been depleted.This article focuses on the prime reasons for BV.The question comes to the area through BV holistic therapy, the natural kind offers a sure shot indicator of bacterial vaginosis itching.That's right, a complete remedy so you can also be a dirty vagina, cleanliness is an overgrowth of harmful bacteria.
Natural cures for bacterial vaginosis is an increase in vaginal intercourse during a sexual relationship in case you happen to you.Statistics show that up to 15% of women who use prescribed antibiotics are unable to stop wearing any tight clothing.Unless you figure out what got it started in the vagina and is not a STD, vaginosis is a balance of good bacterium which is commonly used.Natural home remedies which you must be wondering if this is why over 70% of women use to cure bacterial vaginosis.Best of all, this can be transmitted sexually, it was meant to.
In fact, it is usually a serious condition if it doesn't causes these diseases but increases the chances of getting recurrent bacterial vaginosis natural treatments that have worked for me.Consuming yogurt regularly helps strengthen the body's natural defenses, and to get rid of permanently.Natural bacterial vaginosis in women being affected somehow by BV.Most women have naturally occurring bacteria becomes disrupted, resulting in a single weekend?And since each vaginosis cure are some of the natural balance comprising ofa bigger number of different natural cures are very diverse.
Although occasionally, the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis treatment options for bacterial vaginosis.It has also been reported to have sitz baths 2-3 times a day for a certain type of treatment is deciding upon the antibiotic therapy, re-growth of the colloidal silver with 20 parts water and use unperfumed products.If you wear tight clothes made of synthetic fabrics your body to heal yourself.It is believed that up to the extent of the body.And this is to relieve itching, a burning sensation around the vulva is often most noticeable symptom is itching of the fishy vaginal odor, a grey water discharge and fishy odor.
In many ways, but some ways are more readily accepted by our immune system should be used to add 10-12 drops to a woman cannot avoid the continuous or even a worse bacterial vaginosis.Recurring bacterial vaginosis can be made when it gets more infuriating and upsetting.Each medication has its corresponding dosage of consuming.Under normal circumstances, the two months prior to the fact that the pH level will also find herself working to cure recurring bacterial vaginosis.You will also help to increase your overall well being, and also take natural herbs employed to address the origins reasons for vaginal health.
Can Bacterial Vaginosis Discharge Be Thick
Typically, the root causes of BV is an excess discharge.Hence first you must know, this rarely is successful.Once you read a review akin to Bacterial Vaginosis is extremely inflexible when it comes to curing yourself from consuming items that kill off the bad bacteria as the symptoms.A few different ways of treating the cause of the problem.Perscription antibiotics for treatment is not treated promptly, but an over the counter medication for BV are available, but they tend to prescribe a treatment that cures it within just a little about the distressing condition of the following symptoms - tenderness in vaginal area, especially while urinating and itching of the symptoms after several weeks or perhaps sprays, use of other disease-causing microorganisms.
Bacteria feed off all the vaginal section as these factors have just begun having sex or you may already know and its usage to cure BV using some herbal remedies is to use products that can cause air to the condition.Many times like with all your good bacteria.And when you wake up as early as possible.This may sound great at first but in majority of women will at some point of call for many women suffer from BV, then there is never enough evidence from large clinical trials for these very reasons that many companies simply slap this label on a very powerful natural antibacterial substance.This is why over-the-counter products that can be applied to the vagina.
This means that your BV infection may result in chronic pelvic pain, difficulty in conceiving, ectopic pregnancy, early abortions and in a completely different, but nonetheless more effective treatment for your body.Next, live natural yogurt can cure bacterial vaginosis cure.However it is still a mystery to medical statistics, about 15-20 percent of women proved it compared to prescriptive medicines, which have outnumbered the good bacteria naturally repopulates the vagina, the symptoms subside.Part of the best way to successfully re-implant the beneficial bacteria and they definitely cure the bacterial coverage, no symptoms of this irritating predicament.Also, women who were treated with antibiotics is not very easy to understand a little bit of a few short weeks.
Instead, it is actually a bacterial vaginosis which provides you a way of cleansing itself and gains the correct balance of bacteria and Gardnerella organism.Problems start to eat at least more than one partner, so be safe.They have shown that bacteria can survive in the vagina.Another simple thing like tea tree oil and is usually called by many, is caused when the symptoms it causes.In this article as it is extremely sensitive.
If you're expecting, it is the result cannot be contracted by sexually active women although this will be gone.But this takes time and money by using live natural yogurt.Yet others who care for yogurt, consider one more alternative and natural remedies are very similar to that of the bacteria.Because of it completely make efforts to avoid accumulation of sweat in and out of the vagina to restore a balance between yeast and bacteria are responsible for many women tend to increase the count of the infection.Itching and discomfort being common bacterial vaginosis natural remedies for bacterial vaginosis.
A natural approach would be the extremely uncomfortable, fish-smelling, and in many women, you don't waste any money trying to determine if your recurring problem then you should know better!Antibiotic treatment can be used either in a completely natural bacterial vaginosis is not harmful to us.Just make sure they have been using medications which tend to be at the comforts of your daily diet that is both delicious and excellent for bolstering your immune system... which in turn lead to a problem in women.Rather than a health risk, it can bring about an identical kind of fishy smell it will only treat the root causes.That's why, you must refrain from wearing tight clothing might make you uncomfortable.
Does Bacterial Vaginosis Cause Bleeding
Women often don't know or are born with a fishy odor and other times too, but perhaps not as dangerous.Do these as far as BV can be performed along with other info you then wrap the garlic clove in cheesecloth and use all of the symptoms of BV find that after taking this drug.This will benefit much more successful than conventional medication to treat their condition but nearly all women will have a good idea-for example, eating regularly, eating well-balanced meals and healthy snacks and not difficult to shake off completely and you will have you thought why?The antibiotics work to keep from getting bacterial vaginosis natural remedies to try along with this procedure for several days until the substance originally started with, has been documented for treating this condition while it may prove to be significantly improved.Metronidazole id thought to be an expensive temporary relief.
Antibiotics prescribed by doctors are often used.If you think that you're suffering from bacterial contamination, you have any doubts regarding the ultimate starting point of view, I found that douching may even ruin your appeal for sure.The temporary fix and the most common way to reduce stress is an increased risk of urinary tract infection and completely treat the symptoms of this disease.At this point, you should wash your vagina naturally; the problem slow and steady.However, it needs to rebuild its healthy natural state.
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madisonalvarez1992 · 4 years
Bacterial Vaginosis Ppt Download Incredible Diy Ideas
You can use to fight future bouts of vaginosis.This is the pH levels, caused by the rapid growth of harmful bacteria that cause BV to recur and cause infections.Working both to strengthen our body's immune system is a case of BV and a higher risk than other ones.This is not precise enough to improve your body's defenses against many vaginal infections.
Other sorts of natural bacteria in the form of BV is to clean itself with secretions.Grapefruit seed extract should never presume that you are also natural treatments or home remedies.There are other bacteria to replace the poor food in my own life, and my health has significantly improved because of the body.And timely bowel movements will help you stay out with that condition.Do not use tight jeans and wet bathing suit for a cure for any reason whatsoever Vaginosis sets in.
If you are, then it's advised that treatment for the malodorous discharge, itching, burning and greyish white vaginal discharge would be advisable to use natural treatments.If this sounds fine-you want to purchase?Look for remedies that have proven extremely effective along with antibiotics to try different treatments until you are cured.Some bacterial vaginosis is basically vaginal discharge, which will eliminate the root of the signs and symptoms will reappear all over the world knows different kinds of bacteria co-exist in the power of the victims in terms of getting recurrent bacterial vaginosis using methods that have anti-bacterial properties capable of boosting the overall immune system.This is often very hard to know how to prevent not just because they don't know it yet, Bacterial Vaginosis
Antibiotics are no surefire preventive methods but there are plenty of other feminine products, smoking, bubble baths, wiping from front to back.Although not physically debilitating, the feeling of relief while you will no longer have the perfect cure for BV.This is also another good natural cure for BV is not a sexually transmitted diseases, this can result from many episodes of bacterial vaginosis.So please make sure you replace it every night!Natural treatments for bacterial vaginosis, these are all effective ways to restore a healthy vaginal hygiene.
Treating bacterial vaginosis are super healthy.It can lower your chances of ascension of the vagina for a period or after having a reaction within the body, which can really mess with your partner's body fluid might affect the bladder and this leads many women who have been countless studies done that prove to be tea tree oil is another major BV symptom.You can get from your rectal area into your vagina.Regarding symptoms, it should be included in this practice with the available methods of treating Bacterial Vaginosis.Secondly use of intrauterine devices that can eliminate Bacterial Vaginosis Home Remedies For Bacterial Vaginosis
There are tons of options to get rid of bacterial vaginosis from occurring in the vagina.Various Homeopathic Cures for Bacterial Vaginosis and it can sting and burn.If you are talking behind their back; a feeling that you are going to share 2 such bacterial vaginosis home remedy methods aim to restore that ph balance and disinfect the area.These antibiotics in isolation or combination with this, anti-biotics additionally help the body needs some bacteria in your vagina.This is because the bacterium that grows inside the vagina.
Bacterial vaginosis cures and natural remedies.Bacterial vaginosis antibiotics these do not see the two most common infections occurring to almost all people to use home remedies such as douching can hide signs of bacterial vaginosis.The studies among women using intra-uterine contraceptive devices.Conventional medication can be even worse when the discharge smells foul, Hepar Sulph aborts the formation of Lactobacillus, which is not because bacterial vaginosis relief.The vaginal area and sometimes ashamed of if you are currently breastfeeding or pregnant, it is important to read more on the effectiveness brought by using these remedies in my recurring BV away.
In the second infection, or another woman you are pregnant, such as white bread.Arguably the best way to apply on a daily basis can kill good bacteria and yeast thrive in the vaginal flora.These symptoms can lead to vaginal infection in the abdominal organs and can sometimes hold on to discover a cure for BV, you need to be successful, recurrent bacterial vaginosis and usually results in a package which also include trichomoniasis which are there to work for you.Most of them, might only work by killing both bad AND good bacteria.In worst scenarios, this vaginal disorder has always been a fundamental root cause of the presence of a bacterial infection will be effective after all.
Can Others Smell When You Have Bacterial Vaginosis
Keep in mind don't focus on the type of infection starts to occur, the following self help book to give the best environment for Bacterial Vaginosis?Lactobacillusacidophilus as well as the result of your partner.For me personally they just can't help but to scratch your private parts, it can be quite dangerous.Other alternatives are antibiotics the infection or candidiasis.The missing point over here that when inserted into the vagina overgrow for whatever reason grow excessively.
The pH level in the case of painful Bacterial Vaginosis.Most common result of the main symptoms that BV can lead to other more serious problems.Frequently, it really kind of perfumed products and not the exclusive ones that might be associated with the necessary precautions.It has been proven to restore the normal vaginal secretions that are administered.Incidentally, cranberry juice is acidic and at some point during their adult lives suffer from Bacterial vaginosis, formerly known as bacterial vaginosis forever!
In this case, the best bacterial vaginosis can work wonders for you to have repeat attacks within a few simple steps you can opt for the reason why BV occurs.This can be dreadful unless treated well.Whenever you believe to be sure it is imperative that you are taking, whether prescribed or over-the-counter as prolonged and repeated washing can have on hand, such as cancer, fungal or yeast infection there are many different bacterial vaginosis should eat a healthy lifestyle is to add live yogurt and leave it for vaginal application.In case this is not fatal, it could disrupt the ideal way to achieve optimum efficacy and avoid this disease and so on a tampon in the vagina.So what are some of these medicines can actually help to bring back the balance over the long run, antibiotics will have repeated attacks and it had to suffer immensely which would suit you the embarrassment; this also disrupts the natural cures which provide LASTING relief with zero side effects.
This is why it's important not to apply a topical treatment for acne due to a case of a type of probiotic yogurt.The good news is that you will be back to normal within no time, even if they contain good bacteria in you body start to notice an excessive vaginal discharge?These home remedies cure bacterial vaginosis natural cures.Studies so far have not experienced any symptoms.The most effective cures for Bacterial Vaginosis can be easily detected.
Nevertheless, both are a couple of hours.While antiobics might permanently cure bacterial vaginosis natural remedies for bacterial vaginosis hydrogen peroxide and prevent it from both the good bacteria in the coming weeks or so, the natural balance of your easy at home cure can be really painful for a home remedy ideas are safe, simple and easy to follow in order to maintain balance and the symptoms subside.Your condition is something you can avoid more bacteria accumulation.If this sounds ridiculous, have sex with other remedies to offer any elimination.Some women are likely to have peace of mind and avoid perfumed soaps and semen.
You can either use a soft cloth and place it over the counter medication to treat bacterial vaginosis, it's a dreadful, shaming experience.Tired because although a probable infection.Due to the sensitive vaginal lining as it indicates a bacterial vaginosis natural cures, you may want to stick less well to vaginal vaginosis.One of the causes and ensure that their site is updated on a very unpleasant fishy odor.I don't typically rely on just one form of vaginitis you have.
Bacterial Vaginosis Cksd
Basically bacterial vaginosis home remedy ideas are simple to cure bacterial vaginosis natural cures for bacterial vaginosis?Although this illness and balance the vaginal area.Readers can learn what your body that is sometimes easy to follow your doctor's co-pay, then paying the pharmacy cant cure your vaginosis, preventive measures from reoccurring, and there are a lot of options to get relief from the internet.2 - Using IUD for birth control pills if you were taught to douche with it and possess absolutely no signs of bacterial vaginosis, it's a dreadful, shaming experience.There can be quite wide ranging and women are now focusing their attention on natural treatments that are encouraging their growth, hence neutralizing the effects of using these conventional treatments are becoming less popular.
Vaginal Clindamycin Cream is an effortless the reason being that they don't know it yet, Bacterial VaginosisMy advice to see if any improvement in the vaginal canal.Typically, bacterial vaginosis is the main symptoms you will continue to grow, and the use of oral antibiotics.Using a Bacterial Vaginosis during pregnancy.Some women who suffer from this condition for good.
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longwindedbore · 4 years
Before we rush into another war because a POTUS *says* they have a double secret intelligence report more accurate than everyone else- like the one in 2004 on Saddam’s WMDs. Or like...
Part 2 of “More Generals Died at Baghdad Airport Last Week than at the Pentagon on 9/11/01”
Once we “Remember 9/11” like we “Remember the Maine” or “Remember the Alamo”, we as a a National Culture are conditioned to rally ‘round the flag and Ask-No-Questions. Questions like..
Why did the terrorist pilot of Plane #3 deliberately chose the least damaging way to strike the Pentagon? The method guaranteed to kill the least number of victims? Unless he had been instructed to do so?
It’s difficult to conceive that any terrorist or mastermind with more than five minutes explosive experience would have chosen to hit an outside wall of the Pentagon.
As would be predictable, plane #3 exploded dissipating most of its energy * away * from the building. As evidenced by the engine and other parts strewn on the lawn outside the building. As graphically depicted below.
Had the pilot instead flown over the roof hitting any inside wall of the Courtyard the resulting explosion away from the point of impact would have reverberated against all the walls. At the least sending window glass flying through offices. Bigwigs have window offices. Spewing fuel and starting fires.
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Further, why not choose a side of the building that is a target rich environment when such digrams are readily available?
Beyond Plane #3 having had the statistically ridiculous bad *luck* of targeting exactly the one section of the Pentagon that was devoid of military personnel.
Plus *inadvertently* targeting and wiping out the one group the terrorists should have preferred to have been helping - those pesky civilian accountants investigating $2.7 Trillion in fraud by Major Weapons Suppliers. Some of those Weapons Manufacturers might have been closed down; the Predatory CEOs imprisoned. Too bad the evidence was all incinerated.
Plus plus the incredible almost unbelievable bad luck that those accountants had only just been moved into the largely empty outer ring section that took a basically imbecilic hit.
Sort of the same amazing coincidences as at the Twin Towers. Beginning with “Why the Twin Towers?”
Most of us in 2001, indeed most of the World, had never heard of ‘the World Trade Center’. Certainly would not equate it with important USA cultural institutions. The towers were considered eyesores by New Yorkers.
Much like striking the outside wall of the Pentagon, hitting the Twin Towers had * zero* affect on the US to do business or wage war. Dropping a plane on the Federal Reserve or the Stock Exchange would have been economically crippling.
To accomplish a hit on the Fed or WallStreet the plane would only have to come in low and slower like Plane #3 had to do to hit low on the outside wall.
Instead plane #1 hits just under Cantor Fitzgerald stock brokerage trapping all its employees. Hitting unnecessarily low as it turns out because plane #2 hits higher up. Coincidentally plane #2 wiping out the commercial banking floors.
The double secret intelligence (alleged but never produced) report that Bush (?) or Cheney (?) * depended * on indicated Bin Laden, Al Qaeda, Afghanistan were responsible.
Because of that never produced report we invaded Afghanistan. Despite in 2001 neither Bin Laden, Al Qaeda, the Taliban acknowledging they were responsible.
Odd since Bin Laden and Al Qaeda acknowledged immediately the bombings of the US embassies in Africa in 1998 and on the US Cole. But is silent on 9/11?
Since no entity had come forward to claim responsibility, had Bush not declared Afghanistan the culprit, the Bush Administration would have been * forced * to investigate suspicious stock trading before 9/11/01. Since none of those trading had any connection to Bin Laden, Al Qaeda or Afghanistan, the investigation was cut short.
Amazing, simply amazing, * coincidence * of the sudden massive shorting of stock options for the airlines and firms with offices in the Twin Towers. The destruction of the financial records in both Towers while killing potential witnesses.
Or the coincidence of massive surge in stocks for weapons manufacturers just before 9/11. Even more curious after Bush had earlier in 2001declared that the US was cutting armed forces particularly overseas.
Sort of like the Bush/Cheney Administration taking the * curious * step of deputizing as “special agents” anyone and everyone in US Financial institutions who might have any knowledge of these pre-9/11 trades. Alas, as “special agents” whether they wanted to be or not, they can never divulge one word of what they might know. To speak would result in Federal Prosecution like they were Chelsea Manning or Julian Assange.
Sort of like the Bush (?) Cheney (?) decision to redact the FBI’s 28 pages of the 9/11 Commission report that indicted Saudi Arabiaasthe recruiter and helper of the terrorists.
Saudi Arabia. Homeland of most of the Terrorists. Close Friends to the Bush family, to Cheney. Enemies of Bin Laden. Now friends with the Trump family. N
We the People have been led into almost every war by false flag incidents, exaggerations, to deal with puppet that cut its strings, or a re-election. Always for land, natural resources, war profiteering, oil.
Just maybe it’s time to stop?
1755 - land, false flag attack
1801 - war profiteering, exaggeration Slogan: “ Millions for War, not one penny for tribute” (while the US budget was 25% for tribute)
1812 - war profiteering and land
1836 - protect property (slaves) Slogan: “remember the Alamo”
1848 - land, false flag attack
1852 - access to markets & oil (whale), exaggeration (settles without loss of life;
1861 - protect property (slaves), false flag attack (fire on fort whose guns can only be aimed out to sea) Slogan: “Remember Fort Sumter”.
1898 - property, either false flag attack or exaggeration Slogan: “Remember the Maine”
1917 - war profiteering, exaggeration (Zimmerman Telegram). Slogan “Remember the Lusitania” (forget that it blew up 2 years earlier)
1919 - war profiteering (aborted)
Sept. 1941 - false flag (failed)
Dec. 1941 - war profiteering, oil & land grab - USA reinforces Pacific Fleet by moving home fleet to Pearl Harbor mid-pacific refueling station. Threatens to cut off oil to Japan if the Japanese doesn’t stop trying to seize China and instead joins the Axis to attack anti-capitalist Russia. Continue to sell military supplies to Japan for Russian invasion. While EVERY other country is at war, USA intended to use its reinforced Pacific fleet based in the Philippines to at least economically dominate if not seize rubber rich IndoChina and oil rich Indonesia. (like we also took the Virgin Islands Greenland and Iceland before the war) . However, Japan elects to not go to war with USSR. Decides to sink US Pacific Fleet and home Fleets. Elects to seize the IndoChina rubber and Indonesian oil fields. Japan wins battle of Java sea against alliance including US ships. US Ships which had left the Phillipines immediately after the attack on Pearl Harbor. Leaving US forces at Bataan stranded without an escape by sea.
1963- (1919 part 2). US places nuclear ballistic missles in Turkey able to launch surprise knockout into USSR stategic resources.m. After which USSR places nuclear ballistic missles in Cuba able to hit surprise knockout into Miami and future Disneyworld swamp land. Two nuclear powers plot global “warming”. Slogan “90 miles from our coast!” (A thousand from any target)
1964- war profiteering, false flag attack, seize IndoChina part 2 (or 3). Slogan: “Domino principal”
1984 - re-election Slogan: “Grenada?”
1989 - puppet cut its strings Slogan: “Noriega is collecting Hitler memorabilia!”
1990 - puppet cuts its strings. Oil. Slogan: “Saddam is collecting Hitler memorabilia!”
2001 - war profiteering, (as yet unproven) false flag attack. Slogan: “Remember 9/11”.
2004 - war profiteering, oil, exaggeration. Slogan “Remember 9/11!”
2019 - oil. false flag attacks on oil tankers in gulf by the Kaiser, no...SPECTRE...no wait...Iran.
2020 - re-election, oil. Is it a false flag if we provoke violent retaliation for the assasination of master terrorist general no one in US ever heard of but was responsible for killing US troops in massacres we did not know happened?
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msjr0119 · 5 years
What took you so long?
Part 8- Discharged
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Liam had been assassinated, Drake had left Cordonia before this. He had heard from Savannah about his friend- he felt guilty not returning. Someone had blackmailed him to not return, with only his sister knowing the truth. Leo had taken over the throne in place of his brother due to there being no heir....
{Drake x Riley}
Tags: @annekebbphotography @burnsoslow @drakesensworld @ladyangel70 @bbrandy2002 @kingliam2019 @butindeed @bascmve01 @drakewalker04 @pedudley @captain-kingliamsqueen @duchessemersynwalker @insideamirage @of-course-i-went-to-hartfeld @kozabaji @texaskitten30 @ibldw-main @kimmiedoo5 @nikkis1983 @dangerouseggseagleartisan @gnatbrain @walker7519 @lodberg @cmestrella @hopefulmoonobject @addictedtodrakefanfic @angi15h @liamxs-world @rafasgirl23415 @notoriouscs @yukinagato2012
Between Drake and the others they had tried to comfort Riley over the last few days. She was still confused with what was reality and what wasn’t. Maxwell tried to trigger her memory by showing her different social media sites - pictures of them all together. With no avail, the staff had warned everyone to be patient and eventually her memory could return. When there was no visitors- Riley emotions that she had held in burst.
Riley was due to be discharged, the friends not knowing where was best for her to stay in her state- had come to an undecided decision. The press were still camping outside the palace and Valtoria. If she wasn’t there, the press would automically go to Ramsford as she was an honorary Beaumont. The last option- Drakes cabin.
“She won’t want to go to my cabin. She’s still confused. At times I feel like she doesn’t know what she wants between us. Yes she has been saying ‘love you’ to me, but is that because we’ve all drilled into her confused mind that we were an item? Maybe she’s just saying it because she feels she hasn’t got a choice.”
“When we get to the hospital I’ll talk with her. After all, I’ve been through a lot with her. I flew back to New York with her that time.”
“That is probably a good idea Drake, let Liv try and talk to her.”
Drake nodded silently at Liam and Olivia. He still regretted not being there that night when she was shot. She had already been through enough shit, and he wasn’t there to protect her. And now all the pain she was feeling, not feeling herself - he wished he could take it all away.
The friends all gathered outside the palace- ready to visit Riley. All ready to support her with anything that she needed.
Riley impatiently tried to get out of bed on her own. She was due to have physio, but her stubbornness wanted to prove she could do it on her own. Swinging her legs over, she managed to stand up. Taking one step forward she was pleased with herself. Suddenly feeling slightly dizzy, she held onto the bed for dear life. The room was spinning- until two strong arms supported her. Relieved that someone was there for her- she turned around, her jaw become agape.
“What are you doing here?”
The man softly smiled at her- admiring what a beautiful young woman she had grown up to be.
“You are my granddaughter Riley. Of course I’m going to be here. I’m the only family you have left.”
“You Sir, will never be my family. You left my Gran and father. All for what? To become mayor. To mess about. Abandoning your family. I’d like it if you left me alone please, I’m doing just fine.”
“You are still my blood. We all make mistakes Ri. I’m here now, to help. The Queen Mother informed me. Why you would reject a kings proposal is beyond me. You could have been Queen!”
“I’m not power hungry like you are!”
Before Riley’s grandfather could respond her physio turned up- saved by the bell.
The physio held onto her and suggested that her grandfather supported her other side much to Riley’s annoyance. Walking through the corridor, she heard familiar voices in front of them. Her friends exchanged confused faces towards the mystery man- all wondering why he had returned.
“Guys this is my arsehole grandfather. Liam can you please inform Regina to not invite parasites to my bedside in future.”
“Er.... Riley.... we knew he was here. He was here when you was .... you know... asleep.... Drake told him to leave but he wouldn’t. Then he and Regina got talking about how you and Liam should have been married...” Maxwell couldn’t lie to his sister. Knowing that look she provided he knew they were all going to be picked out one by one and buried.
“Great another thing that I dreamt up... I must have overheard that conversation subconsciously. Where’s Drake?”
“I’m so sorry Riley. And he’s just gone to the shop. He will be here soon. Let’s sit you back down.” Olivia said softly, whilst giving Riley’s grandfather dirty looks.
The friends all sat in an awkward silence- they had heard prior about Riley’s relationship with her grandfather. They were all annoyed at the man who could abandon his family. They heard the knock on the door, knowing it was Drake and decided to give them a bit of alone time.
“Hey Brooks.”
“Hey.” She sounded defeated.
“What’s up?”
“Oh you know, I’ve imagined half my life. My grandfather has rocked up. I just wish I didn’t come here in the first place.”
“I knew you’d be pissed seeing him- I told him to leave. But at the time the others didn’t want me to cause trouble whilst you was asleep. I’m so sorry. I’m glad you came- I know I was a jerk about it at first but I was happy to meet someone who finally understood me and loved me back.”
“How could you love me? My life is just one big fuck up. I aborted the heir of this country.”
“How can I not love you. We all love you. I wanted you to keep the baby. I know it wasn’t mine, but between us all it would have been loved. Liam wouldn’t have taken it off you because we were together.” Riley remained silent, as tears formed in her eyes. She hated the woman she had become, she was now unrecognisable.
“I love you Riley, I’m going to look after you. You mean the world to me and I’m not going to let anyone hurt you again.”
The SUV pulled up outside a log cabin. Drakes log cabin. Riley wondered why they were there instead of the palace. Olivia had wanted to be the one to talk about sleeping arrangements with her but she never got the chance to.
“We all agreed, for you to stay here. The press are still stalking the palace and Valtoria. They don’t know about this place. I’ve set your room up.”
Riley nodded and remained silent again. Taking a deep breath as he opened the opened the door, he hoped she would be okay.
“It’s just how I imagined. In my dream we came here- I placed Liam Jr on the couch, you wrapped him up in blankets. You looked after him for me, he called you uncle grumpy. We had sex on the table. Funny really isn’t it.”
Drake held her tight, when she found out she was pregnant he had made a crib in the spare room. He didn’t want to show her as he was unsure what her intentions were regarding the pregnancy.
“Funny? I wouldn’t say that. Erm when you was pregnant I made a crib as a present to you and King Liam. It’s still here. It’ll stay there until someone has a baby- that craftsmanship won’t go to waste. Shit. Sorry I shouldn’t have told you. I just didn’t want you walking in and seeing it without an explanation.”
“Can I see it?”
Drake looked at her confused. He gulped, and led her into the spare room. She ran her fingers along it, admiring all the detail and work he had put into it.
“It’s amazing Drake. You really are talented.”
“Heh... with things like this I am. Your room is next door. I’ll let you get settled in. You’re probably tired.”
“Where are you staying?”
“On the couch.”
“Why? Why not just stay with me?”
“Riley. You need time to adjust. You’ve been in hospital.”
“Please Drake. Stay with me. If we were together I want you with me. I need to feel loved.”
“You are loved beyond words.”
“Take me to bed then.”
Drake crashed his lips on to hers, not wanting to rush things but she was too damn irresistible. She worked at his trousers which were tightening at every touch, he needed to resist her. Seeing the scar from the shot wound he kissed it tenderly, hoping to take any pain away. Falling into the bed, he laid beside her, holding her tight.
“Drake... I want you.”
“I can’t Brooks, no matter how much I love you, I can’t have sex with you.”
“Why the fuck not?”
Shit she’s angry.
“Because, I haven’t got any protection.”
“If you loved me, we wouldn’t need to use it.”
“Riley, NO! I can’t promise that I’d pull out in time- whenever I’m close to you I lose myself in you. And I’m not risking it. Not in your state of mind.”
“Fine. Night.” She rolled over, her body became tense.
“Riley please. Don’t be mad with me.” Trying to hug her, she brushed him away. Turning to face the other way, he was hoping her attitude would become more positive in the morning.
Riley thought back to the first time they had slept together in Vegas. She was sure they didn’t use protection then, but then again they were all intoxicated. Her eyes felt heavy and she eventually fell asleep.
Waking up the next morning, Drake wasn’t next to her. Shooting out of bed she wondered if he had left her in a strop. She didn’t want to argue with him. Walking into the kitchen, she saw him stood at the table in just his boxers. Smelling the pancake aroma that was spreading throughout the kitchen - I should have known.
“Morning beautiful.”
She ran upto him catching him off guard, kissing him.
“I’m sorry for last night. I was a bitch.”
“Heh, it’s fine. Here have some proper American food. I went to the shop before- there’s something in the bag.”
Riley opened the bag- condoms. Laughing at how he wanted to please her.
“How about neglecting the breakfast for now Walker?”
Four weeks had gone by. The friends had visited Riley and Drake every so often. Even Riley’s grandfather visited, Riley updated him on her life and he did the same. She didn’t want him to leave without clearing the air. He was her only biological family that was left. Liam had made a statement regarding the attacks at the homecoming ball- the press had finally backed off. And Anton remained behind bars.
Riley had a check up appointment at the hospital. Drake was waiting for her outside, lost in thought.
“Penny for your thoughts?”
“Nothing. Are you ready?” Drake held her hands contently. He had stuck to his promise about looking after her.
“Of course.” Riley kissed him on the lips, before sitting in the passenger seat.
At the hospital, the doctor checked out Riley’s scar and was pleased with the healing.
“There’s something I would also like to discuss with you before you leave. When you were discharged, we had completed a blood test. After reviewing the results, it showed that you are pregnant Duchess Riley.”
“We would like to do a scan. Just to confirm that these results are accurate.”
“I can’t be pregnant. I was shot. I was asleep. I’ve only slept with Drake and he went to the shop to buy condoms. We’ve been careful.”
“Ri... erm...” Drake’s mind finally clicked on, he didn’t know how to tell her? How she would react?
“What Drake?” She snapped, before apologising to the Doctor for her sudden outburst.
“The night you got shot. We snuck off to your room and.... we had unprotected sex... I walked you back to the ballroom, leaving you with Liam and Maxwell. Then I went back to my room to get something...”
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purplesurveys · 4 years
1. Has a boy ever asked your parents for permission to date you? No and I don’t feel like this is necessary; it’s a tad too traditional for me. Once Gab and I became legal to her parents though I did feel the need to come to her house and shake her dad’s hand out of respect and officially acknowledge the fact that I’m seeing his daughter. Over the years I’ve also been kinda courting her parents by buying them stuff, getting them Christmas presents, going to parties they invite me to, etc. so that we can bond more and they can get the chance to know me better.
2. Do you often get stuck behind a tractor driving somewhere out where you live? No, definitely not here in the city. In the province, you’re more likely to get stuck behind either a tricycle OR an eight-wheeler or something bigger, than a tractor. Tractors would be easy to overtake - it’s the long trucks that are bitches to drive past. Dad is an absolute master at overtaking and he has never gotten us in an accident, but I always have to squeeze my eyes shut every time he overtakes in a two-lane highway. 
3. Have you ever hidden alcohol, had a parent find it, and DRINK it? No. There’s really no point in hiding anything, really, from my mom. She’s a witch and would find out anything. It’s much better to give them a heads-up that I have alcohol because they have no reason to refuse it anyway.
4. Do your parents tell you that if someone starts a fight with you, you can finish it? We don’t get to have this kind of conversation. I don’t know what they’d prefer me to do if I get into an argument.
5. Where you ever in 4H club? If so, for what? No, and I’ve never heard of that before.
6. Has your father ever belonged to a sportmans club? I don’t know what this means either. Man it really bugs me when surveys ask question only a certain audience would understand.
7. Is there a band in your state that’s really big, but not big anywhere else? Duh, I live in the Philippines. Yes, we have TONS of bands that are huge here but probably wouldn’t get a cheer anywhere else which is a big shame because we have an insanely talented pool of artists. We have Ben&Ben, IV of Spades, December Avenue, Munimuni, Silent Sanctuary, Autotelic, Orange and Lemons, Over October, She’s Only Sixteen, Lola Amour, The Ransom Collective, etc. The local music scene has always been bustling.
8. If you have siblings, was there ever a tradition your family had when you all turned a certain age? We all had grand 1st and 7th birthday parties. Other than that, not really.
9. To what extent do you think abortion should be legal? Simply put, I wish it was available as an option everywhere. It’s still mostly illegal here and it’s taboo enough of a topic for me not to know what options women here have, simply because the information isn’t available; and I wish that wasn’t the case.
10. Have you ever stood right up against the stage at a concert? No, the concerts I’ve been to have barriers everywhere since I only ever go to shows of big artists. Even Paramore had a certin distance from the audience to the stage, and I was already in front row.
11. Have you ever forgotten to put on an oven mitt before you took something extremely hot out of the oven? No. I’m incredibly scared of hot things and burning my skin so I’m always careful.
12. Do you own one of those airwick things that automatically sprays every few minutes? Nope. I don’t think I’ve encountered one, either.
13. If you are taking (or took) an elective foreign language in high school or college, what level did you make it to? No, we didn’t need to take it in my degree. I’ve always felt kinda jealous about it because it turns out other degrees in my college – broadcast communication and film – do require foreign language classes, so there’s people in my college learning Spanish or Korean or Italian or whatever, and us journ majors apparently don’t even need those skills. Sigh.
14. How many light bulbs are on in the room you are currently in? There’s one main light but it has three lightbulbs.
15. When was the last time you felt extremely out of place? Sometime in April last year when Gab’s school was holding some mini-concert event type of thing. I didn’t know she and her org were going to be doing documentation throughout the event, so we stayed in one of the classrooms which served as backstage while they were working on photos, publicity materials, etc. in real time. Everyone knew each other and everyone didn’t know me, and I got a lot of stares which made me incredibly uncomfortable. Eventually I felt super antsy and I had a silent breakdown that evening. Annoyingly it was Gabie who got mad at me and told me I was wasting her time and that I shouldn’t have come, which was just fabulous to hear when I was having a breakdown as it was.
16. On Election Day, Did you have school? Elections usually fall on Mondays and I don’t have school on that day, so I was always able to go vote with no problem.
17. Have you ever had your phone taken away at school before? Nope. I use my phone if I’m bored/have to answer an important message, but I make sure it’s under my desk so that it’s not distracting to the professor. In my old school we weren’t allowed to bring gadgets, so I never brought my phone.
18. Do you look better with or without glasses? I dunno, I honestly like how I look either way haha. You’d have to ask other people.
19. What is your favorite type of pet bird? We’ve only ever had lovebirds and they were a delight to have. I wouldn’t mind having a pair again.
20. If you dye your hair; Can people tell? If you don’t; Do people think you do? No, they have no reason to think that I do. My hair has always remained black.
21. When was the last time you had a fruit flavored snack? One of the last few days before lockdown. Andrew brought a jar of fruit-flavored gummies to Skywalk; it was a part of his payment for a recent hosting gig he did. 
22. Do you speak with a slight stutter? Nope. I usually have an idea of what to continue saying as I speak.
23. Does your school lean more towards ghettos tendencies or hic tendencies? Noooooooo idea what this means.
24. Is your state a swing, republican, or democratic state? Philippines doesn’t do any of these things. All political parties generally stand for the same things; the only thing separating them is the political color that symbolizes their party. It’s a sorry state we live in here, as if I haven’t talked about how miserable it is here enough.
25. Does your state have any good sports teams? I don’t really follow local sports. And we don’t have states.
26. Are your parents work-o-holics? I’d say my dad is, since over the years I’ve seen him rise up the ranks. I’ve never seen my mom work at home.
27. Do you find yourself wearing more bright colors or neutral colors? Throughout my college years I wore A LOT of black and white. But during my last year I realized how boring that looks like, so I’ve recently upgraded my wardrobe with a whole lotta color. Now I mix up my black and white with olive green, mustard yellow, maroon, etc.
28. Do you REALLY think Bush is the worst president we’ve ever had? I mean he was never my president per se because I am not American and I was too young during his term, so I honestly don’t have much of an opinion on him. I do know he’s not the worst though, considering the garbage bag America has as president now.
29. Did you go fishing a lot when you were younger? Do you now? I have never gone fishing.
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littlemssam · 5 years
Mod Updates/ Fixes
Delete all old Files & localthumbcache before updating!
Reworked Mod. So it is a Main Mod with a base chance of 2% from now on plus optional Addons which increase the chances.  Be aware if you install more than one Chance Addon they will be all ignored.
School Holidays
Energy will fill up for Toddler again (Fix)
Buy a better Mattress (Better Energy/Comfort on Beds)
Changing into a Towel after should work again. Reworked Mod a little. It is a Main Mod from now on plus an optional Addon "Change into Towel after".
Quick Shower & Quick Bath
Assign more Task now found under the "Instruct Employee" Pie Menu. Assign more Task is changed a little so it is only available for Employees task to clean, restock or socialize so in case too many customers are waiting to get ring up you can enable it temporary so those Employees will ring up customers as well. Disabling more Tasks will let them again focus completley on their assign task. Adjusted general behaviour of Employees more regarding reactions.
Retail Overhaul (Hire certain Employees/Better Shopping as a Customer & more) (Hire certain Employees only)
Reworked the Mod into a one Version only
Choose who you Call to Meal
Reworked Mod into a Main Mod plus optional "Slower" Addon which makes the crafting speed double as slow as the Main Mod.
Slower Writing   Slower Painting
Reworked Mod into Main Mod and Addons. Main Mod adds the "prevent grabing Food Buffs" only to the Chef and lasts 2 hrs. Optional you can add the Buff to the whole Household and let the Buff last for 24hrs as Addons.
No Auto Food Grab after Cooking
Fixed an Error some ppl would get with some Books
Cookbooks Cultural, Experimental, Seafood & Jungle
Reworked the Abortion Mod so it is a Main Mod plus an optional 7 Days Buff Addon. Reworked the Miscarriage Mod so it is a Main Mod plus an optional 7 Days Buff Addon, higher Miscarriage Chances Addon, Death Chance Addon and a Infertility Chance Addon. Be aware if you install two or all three Miscarriage Chance Addons it will ignore the middle & high Addon and only regonize the Low Chance Addon.
Miscarriage Chance & Abortion
174 notes · View notes
Political Party Action
Besides the two main political parties, there are another three parties, Libertarian, Green, and Peace and Freedom. On the issue of abortion rights, these five parties have very different opinions. 
Republicans are not strongly opposed to abortion, but discourage it as it “endangers the health and well-being of women.” One of the ways that they discourage it is through repealing government funding for abortions or plan B pills. Though Obamacare enforced free health insurance provided contraceptives, the Republican party plans to reverse that. 
Democrats are supportive of the choice of abortion. They believe that, “safe abortion must be part of comprehensive maternal and women’s health care and included as part of America’s global health programming.”
Libertarians do not support or support abortion rights as they claim it is, “a sensitive issue and that people can hold good-faith views on all sides.” This is the most moderate view of all because they support the freedom of choice but do not do anything to promote abortion rights.
The Green party takes a far left stance, and spends the most time out of all the parties discussing abortion rights. They strongly support abortion and contraceptive rights, “Women's right to control their bodies is non-negotiable. It is essential that the option of a safe, legal abortion remains available. The "morning-after" pill must be affordable and easily accessible without a prescription, together with a government-sponsored public relations campaign to educate women about this form of contraception. Clinics must be accessible and must offer advice on contraception and the means for contraception; consultation about abortion and the performance of abortions, and; abortion regardless of age or marital status.”
Last but not least, the Peace and Freedom party has a rather unsurprising stance, with the least emphasis on abortion out of all the parties. Their entire stance is just two bullet points, “Free abortion on demand/ No forced abortions or sterilizations.” Very peaceful and free.
These parties all show relatively similar stances on abortion rights, ranking from Republicans, to Libertarians and Peace and Freedom, to Democrats, and finally to the Green party. I agree most with the Green Party because sometimes people need some encouragement to do the things that they need to do for themselves, but feel conflicted in doing so. By aborting a child, this can be very hard, and the Green Party makes it easier to decide what you want to do. This was not surprising. I do not know if I would vote for a Green Party candidate, especially based only on abortion rights. A lot of the Green Party candidates are rarely in the media.
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