angelasscribbles · 8 months
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Neurodivergent Things
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sticksandsharks · 2 months
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Egret Nurse
design from The Wildercourt (a graphic novel I am working on and hope to have finished in 2025)
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Okay I’m currently furious that migraines are often so blindly easy to treat and I had to find this out myself at the age of 26 when I’ve been to a neurologist since I was 11 lol so I’m about to teach you two neat and fast little tricks to deal with pain!
The first is the sternocleidomastoid muscle, or the SCM muscle.
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This big red section is responsible for pain around the eye, cheekbone, and jaw, as well as some temple pain. Literally all you have to do is angle your head down a little, angle it away from the side that hurts, and then you can gently pinch and rub that muscle. I find it best to start at the bottom and travel upwards. The relief is so immediate! You can increase pressure as you feel comfortable doing so.
Here is a short and easy video showing this in action
The second is a fast and easy stretch that soothes your vagus nerve, which is the nerve responsible for calming you down. The vagus nerve, for those unfamiliar, is stimulated by deep breathing such as yawning, sighing, singing, or taking a deep breath to calm your anger in a tense situation.
You can stretch this out by sitting up as straight as possible (this does not have to be perfect to work) and interlacing your fingers. Put your hands on the back of your head with your thumbs going down the sides of your neck and, while keeping your face forward, look all the way to one side with just your eyes. Hold that until you feel the urge to breathe deeply or yawn, or until you can tell there’s a change. Then do the same thing on the other side. When you put your arms down, you should clearly be able to turn your head farther in both directions. If the first session doesn’t get rid of your migraine, rest and repeat as many times as necessary. I even get a little fancy with it and roll my eyes up and down along the outer edge sometimes to stretch as much as I can.
If you need a visual here’s a good video on it. I know some of the language they use seems questionable but this is real and simple science and should not be discarded because it’s been adopted by the trendy wellness crowd!
I seriously cannot believe I didn’t hear a word of this from any doctor in my life. Additionally, if you get frequent recurring migraines, you may want to see a dietician. Migraines can be caused by foods containing histamines, lectin, etc. and can also be caused by high blood pressure in specific situations such as exercise, stress, and even sex.
If any of this information helps you I’d love to hear it btw! It’s so so fast and easy to do. Good luck!
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vaalgaendrum · 4 months
Common Vitamin D-Deficiency Symptoms and Treatment
Vitamin D insufficiency is a lack of vitamin D. Your body needs vitamin D for bone formation and preservation. Vitamin D affects your neurological, musculoskeletal, and immunological systems
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bisexualseraphim · 3 months
You know what, fuck it. Let’s show some love for the “unpleasant” autistics.
For the autistics who are always accused of being angry or moody when all they’re doing is sitting there.
For the autistics who take everything literally and respond sincerely.
For the autistics who come across as “blunt” or “rude” for being honest.
For the autistics who are called “control freaks” for needing a sense of order and routine.
For the autistics who get told to shut up for infodumping about uncomfortable topics.
For the autistics who find it too exhausting to mask and pretend to be sunny and friendly.
“Unpleasant” autistics, I love you.
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swordsonnet · 24 days
i'm sorry but i don't think we should call this the "autism website" when there's still posts with tons of notes mocking people who:
struggle with social skills / have anxiety around social settings
are unemployed / unable to work certain jobs
have intense or "age-inappropriate" interests
haven't had certain life experiences that are deemed universal/essential
struggle with personal hygiene
don't have any friends or dating experience
don't go outside much or at all
take things literally / don't get sarcasm/jokes
have unusual ways of speaking
generally aren't "normal"
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randomalistic · 29 days
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daisiesonafield-blog · 3 months
“Mystery virus” getting everyone sick… …. It’s COVID
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knox-knocks · 3 months
nicky and aaron: when andrew’s on his meds he’s unhinged, but you haven’t seen him when he’s sober! he’s so much worse
andrew off his meds: *has clinical depression*
nicky and aaron: he’s craaazy
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vixensofdeath · 6 months
I am so tired and burnt out, I don’t even know what I’m doing anymore
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k-dhd · 2 years
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aitadjcrazytimes · 6 months
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slutdge · 4 months
decriminalizing drugs and being opposed to forced rehab is important as a leftist but what a lot of leftists i meet seem to be unable to grasp is that you need to also be ok with people doing drugs for the rest of their lives. of course healing the environment that causes people to become addicts and making mental health services available and making drug use safer via needle exchanges is important, but you also need to know that even if all addicts are given all of those resources some of them will still continue to use drugs and you need to be ok with that. you need to view that as neutral. you cannot proclaim yourself a leftist while trying to dictate what people do with their own bodies even if you think you have good intentions or that its in the best interest of an addict. you need to accept this if you have truly destigmatized drug use in your mind like a lot of yall claim you have but dont actually reflect that in your words and actions when you call for forced rehab. help should always be available and encouraged, but the option to still use drugs despite that should be too. zero criticism will be considered on this post cause i know yall that disagree with this and merely cosplay as leftists online have never actually had an addiction or known someone with an addiction. have a nice day.
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aropride · 10 months
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t00thpasteface · 8 months
"it's very problematic to make your space aliens autistic-coded" SPEAK FOR YOURSELF 👽👽👽👽👽🛸🛸🛸 ALIEN LASER BLAST ATTACK ✨✨✨🌠🌠🌠🌠🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
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zegalba · 1 year
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Kimio Tsuchiya: Symptom (1987) medium: stone, wood and Spiral jetty.
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