#There shall be some stat posts coming after this for you stat lovers
Congratulations to GemPearl for being the winner of this tournament and Trafficblr's favourite Life Series Ship of 2023!!!!!!
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A Congrats to Jizzie for coming in 2nd Place!
And a Congrats to Ethubs for coming in 3rd Place!
Congrats to all the ships who have made it far and to all the ones that didn't but still had supporters all the way through
But most of all Congrats to GemPearl for somehow defying all odds. For being given perhaps the hardest path out of any ship on this entire tournament, going against 4 out of the top 6 ships while being an underdog ship and still managing to win through the sheer power and effort of it's fans. GemPearl fans, you have absolutely deserved this win and it has been incredible to witness your journey to victory!
All I can say now is that people have spoken and 2023 is the year of YURI!!!
Thank you to all who have participated in this tournament! Whether you've drawn some art, written some fics, bribed people to vote for your ship some other way or just voted yourself!
Also if anyone's wondering "will this tournament be back next year?"
Your answer is YES!!! See you then o/
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How the Relationships are Structured
The Stats Rehaul update will be a major rewrite of the current stats system as well as the Intro to support that new stats system. That said, here’s what you need to know to understand how relationships will work. 
This post concerns how the relationships work in this game, meaning it applies to Enemies to Friends to Lovers (see what I did there 😉). This is not strictly romance-related, so anyone interested in an enemies/friendship route, this post will address some questions for you as well! 
This post will also briefly touch on the impact of Character Motivations. Here is a different post that explains what hardening is: HERE.  I recommend reading that post first before reading this one. 
Here is a brief look at what the Relationship Stat Screen will look like*:
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*this image may not be what the final product of the game will look like
You’ll notice that the important stats to take away from here are the Motivation stat, the Friendship/Rivalry stat, and the Romance stat. 
We shall start with Motivation. 
The Motivation stat tracks how close a character is to hardening. Once the stat reaches 100%, the character is hardened and the motivation can no longer be changed. Over the course of the game, you will have the opportunity (if you so choose) to influence a character into a motivation. 
There are two possible motivations for each character. Over the course of the game, you will discover what those motivations are, and you can choose which one you want the character to pursue (or you can let the game play out). At the start of the game, motivations are hidden from the player. While interacting with the characters, you will learn (or they will reveal to you) what their motivation is.
Once a character is hardened, they will spend the rest of the game focusing on achieving that motivation/goal. This motivation influences several of their actions in the later half of the game, and will have a direct influence on your friendship/rivalry stats, as well as how they respond to you in the game. 
Next, let’s talk about Friendship vs Rivalry. 
I go into more detail about how this affects a romance in this post. 
The Friendship and Rivalry stats are influenced by certain interactions with the character and are dependent on the character’s motivation. Choosing decisions that support a character’s motivation, increases your friendship with that character. Choosing decisions that oppose that motivation, increases your rivalry. 
These stats are also influenced by who your character is and what side they are on in the war: 
If you are The Mage, you start out with higher rivalry with El, Orion and Talarae.
If you are The Warrior, you start out with higher rivalry with Vik, Alice and Marcol. 
During the course of the game, you will make decisions revolving around the conflict and the two kingdoms (Ilder and Roerhn) and your decisions will also impact the friendship and rivalry stat. 
For example, choosing peaceful options, such as trying to work out peace between both kingdoms, will increase friendship with Alice, while actively encouraging the conflict will increase her rivalry.* 
*there are hidden stats as well that track your decisions over the course of the game which will influence these stats as well. Like killing innocents, or sacrificing allies to save an enemy. 
Finally, let’s talk about the Romance Stat. 
The romance stat will only become available to see when you have triggered a character’s romance. This will be a choice given during a character’s route, or at the beginning of the game (for Vik and El only). 
Once this stat has been triggered, the romance starts between you and your chosen character (or characters). This stat represents the RO’s feelings for your MC, and do not represent how “well” the romance is going. Once you trigger the romance, you do not need to “choose the correct options to romance a character” like in a dating simulator. The RO will fall for your MC as long as you continue down their romance route. 
With that said, you will be given options during the course of the game to end a romance route with a character. This will end the romance with that character, but the romance stat is still prevalent. 
(So if you romance Vik and get to 70% romance before ending the relationship/romance route, they will still be at 70% even though you are not romancing them anymore*. This, hopefully, will make the characters seem more real -- and also allow for that sweet sweet angst). 
*the romance stat will also have the option to decline over time as well if you do want to pursue another RO. This will be triggered by choices you make in game. 
Hopefully the way I have structured this stat will allow you to still choose the dialogue or choices you want to choose without worrying about losing romance points with a RO.
THAT SAID, you can still make decisions in game that ROs will dislike: this is where the Motivation comes in to track these decisions. If you choose certain choices that go against an RO’s motivation, this will increase your rivalry with that RO and shift your romance accordingly (see Friendmance vs Rivalmance post for more information). 
But you can also go too far, and an RO will end a relationship with an MC if that is the case. (This will be most often the case after a character is hardened). 
For example, you are manipulating a character while in a romance. Alice is one such character who will end a relationship with an MC if she finds out you are manipulating her (or others). This is a hard no for her, so watch out! 
And those are the most important stuff you need to know about how the relationship stats work! 
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elkrs · 5 years
Red Suns I: Sand
Oh the blackened souls of charred ones,
Broken under the suns,
Live to dance and cry again,
In the next life and on.
Common Akkaradi song
An Introduction
Akkarad is a burning place of sand and bone. Dead things live and walk again, only to turn to dust once more. We people must live by the sand and the sword. That is, let the sand overwhelm you and you will die. Let your sword loose from your hand and you die. In this land there is only the grind. The constant quest for survival and the constant chill of death behind you. Death herself hounds us on her chariot, rolling past the dunes and waiting for her chance to strike. And she will strike.
This is a weird, dark fantasy setting inspired by the likes of Conan the Barbarian, Dark Sun, Lamentations of the Flame Princess, Arabian Nights, Mad Max and countless other works both real and fictional that crawl around my head at night, whispering their cruel inspiration. In each post there will be some world lore, some interesting ideas to run games in this world and some roll tables and other RPG goodness to steal.
The Sand
This is an apt name for the first Akkarad post. The land is parched and formed almost entirely of sand. There are two suns who burn red in the sky and they have killed most things. There was no catastrophe, no world-ending event that turned the earth to sand and the trees to dust. The suns have always been there, watching and burning. The people have survived here through force of will and a desire to innovate. There are towns and cities in Akkarad who have found a way to survive and thrive, bending the will of the scorching suns to their own ends and finding ways to avoid and defeat the deadly scorching air.
All are but sand, and to sand all shall return.
Common Akkaradi phrase
The sand itself varies depending on its location. In the North, the sand is black as volcanoes erupted and scorched the earth anew. Here, sand is revered, worshipped even by pagan hopefuls, one day seeking to return to sand and join their brothers and sisters. They believe that the sand is formed of their ancestors and that they will one day return to join them, revelling and enjoying the suns’ heat rather than fearing it. More on them later though.
In the South and the East, the sand is a golden red. It retains heat well and bakes in the noonday sun. Some barbaric states may use it to torture and even kill criminals and peasants, as merely allowing the baking sand to touch one’s skin can cause their fat to boil and their hairs to crisp. It can melt a person even if just heated merely by the suns.
The Mothers
How then, in this world without water, can creatures survive? For many, the answer lies with the
Mothers. In the city of Basharoud, the Mothers are revered and worshipped, for they alone keep the city alive. Selected randomly and taken at birth, the Mothers are raised in the Green Palace, a royal and verdant home. They are fed well and even given water to drink and bathe in, becoming fat and unmoving. Then, when old enough, they join the Shahl's (emperor's) Harem and are impregnated. As is well known, when a woman is pregnant she swells and grows, producing milk herself, designed for her children. This milk is taken and pumped into a great well which flows down and nurtures the people of Basharoud. Should the Mother give birth to a girl, she is raised as a new mother. If it is a boy, then her baby is passed to the parents that birthed the Mother.
This way, the entire city survives on the milk of the Mothers. How do the citizens of Basharoud feel about this? They do not. It is a way of life for the and always has been. they treat it as we may treat water from a tap. It does not please them, but does not displease them. Though it may seem strange to an outlander. It is forbidden for the Mothers to take other lovers, and it is forbidden other men to even gaze upon them, but they do not mind. A small price to pay for a life of luxury.
So, for the rest of this post we are going to focus in on the city of Basharoud. I'm not sure why, but I'm just following the stream of consciousness as it feels right. Basharoud is one of the major cities in Akkarad, there are others I'm sure, and we'll come to those in future posts, but for now we will work on this. If you start building small, you can have more details and grow your world organically as you explore the different areas. So, let's get into it.
Basharoud has three districts. First is the aforementioned Green Palace, so named for the beautiful verdant flora that hangs and grows outward. It is so big that it can be considered a district, taking up almost half of the area of the city. It has nearly a thousand guards, each one trained to operate on minimal water and food. They wear light armour and green robes complete with a pointed helmet. They wield sabres and are fast warriors with little regard for human loss. This is due to years of intense training and programming to make them the perfect instruments with which the Shahl (emperor) can exact his will. The palace is also home to the many advisors and viziers that whisper and bicker, trying to implement their ambitious plans and enact their ruthless decrees. Each morning almost the entire city gathers at the gate of the palace to get their share of the milk. A cascade comes thundering down and out a pipe, into a pool from which it is collected by the people.
The next district is the market district, a sweltering mass of bodies. Foods cooked in stalls right on the street, vendors shouting prices and haggling, guards weave in and out, weeding out thieves and pickpockets. It is a loud, chaotic place where one can easily get lost, swept up in the madness of the market.
The final district is nicknamed the sprawl. It is a large area of small houses, huts and tents and is the home of all those who live in Basharoud who do not live in the palace. The buildings are packed together so tightly it is impossible to move between some of them. They tend to be low and squat in order to be further from the sun, but some of them are stack atop one another, simply due to the lack of space.
The Ritual of Red Tears
The Ritual of Red Tears is a dark spell that only the most desperate, foolish or maledictory sorcerers would dare attempt. It was said to have been created by the demon king Vol when he wished to create a new body for himself. It is a dark, cursed ritual that hangs a dark omen above the head of the caster for the rest of their days and into the worlds beyond the realm of the living. This is probably not a great spell to give a player as it could have serious ramifications, but perfect for a villain. Or just give it to your player and witness the madness. The ritual is cast as follows.
First the caster must clean themselves, drawing a bath of water or milk and bathing for a few hours, scrubbing clean and removing all dirt. They must be dressed in grey cotton or fine blue silk and must shave their hair until completely bald.
Then, four lines must be drawn in sand, with the caster kneeling in the centre as they enclose him in a box. The caster must then kill a black lamb, pouring the blood from the wound onto their head while chanting the following over and over.
Hadorech. Halatath. Hezzach. Hor. Hadorech. Halatath. Hezzach. Hor.
They must sit bathed in the blood for a day, chanting continuously. Then, when the blood is black and a day has passed, the caster must stand and sever their own hand. It will fall to the sand and become dust immediately. Then, the caster must rub the stump of their wrist all over their body, covering themselves in their own blood. They must then stand like this for another two days, chanting the following all the while.
Mechtar. Alfar. Nachtar. Sol. Mechtar. Alfar. Nachtar. Sol.
After the ritual is complete, the caster will begin to cry tears of blood. When this happens, they must call out:
Allotech. Arachta. Bast.
The caster's body will erupt in red flames and their consciousness will be wrenched from it. From within those red flames a new creature is born. Black, obsidian skin and bat-like wings form. Red eyes and curled horns, clawed talons and a cragged jaw are birthed in this hellish fire. The caster's consciousness is then thrust back inside the new body, only it must be contorted, wrenched and broken in order to fit, often sending the caster mad. So the caster becomes a demon.
[5e Rules Stuff]
8th level necromancy
Casting time: 3 days
Range: self
Components: V, S, C (see above)
Duration: Instantaneous
The character's stats become that of a Balor from the 5e monster manual.
Wandering Basharoud
Here is a quick 1d10 list of random encounters from around the great city of Basharoud! They are designed to give the DM some ideas for plot hooks and strange encounters, so much of the why has been excluded so that you can make stuff up yourself. Remember to keep checking in as you might find that new ideas spring to mind as we discover more of this setting together.
A thief in a veil runs from the palace guards.
A pickpocket places a gold pin in your pocket. It is the likeness of a lion.
A woman protests as her daughter is taken to become a Mother.
A trident wielding thug attempts to mug you in an alley.
A sand-stained traveller tells tales of giant worms in the sand.
A tremor hits and a black light appears on the horizon.
An ape screeches at you and follows you down the street.
A woman before you screams and instantly dries out, her body shrivels up and turns to dust.
A man is hanged in the street for necromancy.
A drunken sorcerer draws arcane scrawls in the sand.
Did you enjoy this? Consider following this blog to find out when I post again! Next time we'll be looking at the scope and pillars of the world, a much more top-down approach.
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inloveandwords · 6 years
This post was inspired by Ally’s series (which was inspired by Lia at Lost in a Story).
It works like this:
Go to your goodreads to-read shelf.
Order on ascending date added.
Take the first 5 (or 10 (or even more!) if you’re feeling adventurous) books
Read the synopsis of the books
Decide: keep it or should it go?
  You guys, the Francesca Lia-Block obsession when I joined Goodreads was REAL! Every. Single. Book. is by her this time around!
  Here are the stats
Starting Total TBR Count: 1760
Previous Total TBR Count: 1772
Total Marked TBR ASAP: 132
Current Total TBR Count: 1762
      Ecstasia by Francesca Lia-Block
Siblings Calliope and Rafe, along with Dionisio and Paul, are Ecstasia—the most popular band in Elysia, a city of jewels and feathers, of magic and music, where the only crime is growing old. Then Calliope’s visions take her to Under, where the Old Ones go to die, and where her parents had vanished long ago. Rafe joins her there, in search of the Doctor, who can bring back the dead to ease their loved ones’ broken hearts. And that is when rapture turns to nightmare.
Keep or Ditch? Ditch
    Primavera by Francesca Lia-Block
From the very moment she was born, Primavera’s songs made water flow and flowers blossom. She brought new life to the desert where her family lives. But even in Paradise there are dreams that cannot be fulfilled. Primavera is in love with a man who can never be hers–so when a handsome stranger offers her the gift of a horse-headed motorcycle, Primavera leaves home in search of the magical city of Elysia. But in Elysia, Primavera discovers that she has left behind everything she truly needs, everyone she truly cares about–and, if the city has its way, she will never find her way back home.
Keep or Ditch? Ditch
  Nymph by Francesca Lia-Block
An interconnected series of stories, NYMPH is a special journey through the lives and loves of characters like Plum, a Crayon-haired girl who has a gift: if she makes love with a person, that person will then meet their true love, or Tom, a burned out surfer whose luck changes when he is rescued by a mysterious, wheelchair-bound woman, or Sylvie, a chronically depressed poet who finds beauty in unexpected places. Block’s erotic explorations of these smoky, kaleidoscopic fables are anything but conventional; these are stories of love, loss, and life, about the healing power of sex and bonding.
Keep or Ditch? Ditch
  Quakeland by Francesca Lia-Block
After enduring from afar a seemingly endless series of outside worldwide disasters–including 9/11 and the Asian tsunami–while living in earthquake-prone Los Angeles, a bereft Katrina experiences deep inner longings for some sense of permanence, meaning, and intimacy. A pre-school teacher contemplating the unsettling challenges of her mid-life, she finds solace in the company of her dear friend, Grace, and conflict in the arms of Jasper, a narcissistic yoga instructor.
In this intertwining series of emotionally charged stories, wistful characters weave together a dance of joy and sorrow, gain and loss, dissonance and harmony.
Keep or Ditch? Ditch
  Pretty Dead by Francesca Lia-Block
People pity me, but mostly they feel envy. I have all the luxury and freedom a girl my age could want.
Something is happening to Charlotte Emerson. Like the fires that are ravaging the hills of Los Angeles, it consumes her from the inside out. But whether it is her eternal loneliness, the memory of her brother, the return of her first love, or the brooding, magnetic Jared—she cannot say. What if it’s something more . . .
Something to do with the sudden tear in her perfect nails. The heat she feels when she’s with Jared. The blood rushing once again to her cheeks and throughout her veins.
For Charlotte is a vampire, witness to almost a century’s worth of death and destruction. But not since she was a human girl has mortality touched her.
In what way will you be transformed?
Until now.
Keep or Ditch? Ditch
    Blood Roses by Francesca Lia-Block
What shall we do, all of us?
All of us passionate girls who fear crushing the boys we love with our mouths like caverns of teeth, our mushrooming brains, our watermelon hearts?
Keep or Ditch? Ditch
    Topmodel by Francesca Lia-Block
Once upon a time, in the bubble-gum-snapping, glitter polish-wearing, lip-gloss-applying San Fernando Valley, a gentle girl named Barbie met a feisty fairy named Mab: “Maybe Mab was real. Maybe there really are girls the size of pinkies with hair the color of the darkest red oleander blossoms and skin like the greenish-white underbellies of calla lilies…. But it doesn’t matter if Mab is real or imagined, Barbie thought, as long as I can see her.” Mab, with her crabby commentary and no-holds-barred opinions, gives Barbie the strength she needs to face the horrors casting a shadow over her life in sunny, shimmering California. How else could Barbie survive her over-perfumed, over-tanned, overbearing stage mother, dragging her daughter to modeling agencies in the gold-plated hope of reliving her younger days as a beauty queen? Or the “cadaver-pale skin” and “fleshy mouth” of Hamilton Waverly, the “crocodile pedophile” photographer who makes Barbie feel “like the doll she had been named for, without even a hole where her mouth was supposed to be”? Mab glimmers and gabs by Barbie’s side throughout her teen years as she becomes a successful fashion model, falls in love, and endures all the troubles that come along for the ride–in addition to facing the black secret of her past.
Keep or Ditch? Ditch
  Ruby by Francesca Lia-Block
After growing up in an abusive family, Ruby escapes to Los Angeles and learns of her soulmate — Orion — a British actor. She travels to England, where she works at a potions and herbs shop, and through a series of coincidental circumstances, ends up nursing Orion back to health without confessing that she has been on a quest to find him all along. But just when she thinks her dream is becoming a reality, Ruby is stopped in her tracks by the violent demons of her past. Only by facing the darkness together can she and Orion finally fulfill their destiny.
Keep or Ditch? Ditch
  Psyche in a Dress by Francesca Lia-Block
But this is what I could not give up: I could not give up myself.
Psyche has known Love–scented with jasmine and tasting of fresh oranges. Yet he is fleeting and fragile, lost to her too quickly. Punished by self-doubt, Psyche yearns to be transformed, like the beautiful and brutal figures in the myths her lover once spoke of. Attempting to uncover beauty in the darkness, she is challenged, tested, and changed by the gods and demons who tempt her. Her faith must be found again, for if she is to love, she must never look back.
Keep or Ditch? Ditch
    The Frenzy by Francesca Lia-Block
Liv has a secret.
Something happened to her when she was thirteen. Something that changed everything. Liv knows she doesn’t belong anymore—not in her own skin, not in her family . . . not anywhere. The only time she truly feels like herself is when she’s with her boyfriend, Corey, and in the woods that surround her town.
But in the woods, a mysterious woman watches Liv. In the woods, a pack of wild boys lurks. In the woods, Liv learns about the curse that will haunt her forever. The curse that caused the frenzy four years ago. And that may cause it again, all too soon.
While Corey and Liv’s love binds them together, Liv’s dark secret threatens to tear them apart as she struggles to understand who—or what—she really is. And by the light of the full moon, the most dangerous secrets bare their claws. . .
Keep or Ditch? Ditch
Bye-Bye Books: Decluttering my TBR #2 This post was inspired by Ally’s series (which was inspired by Lia at Lost in a Story…
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zippdementia · 4 years
Part 92 Alignment May Vary: The Gathering of the Storm
We last left the gamers in a precarious position... one of them, Milosh, was literally inside the mouth of a Tarasque, under the control of Abenthy, and sent to stop the players from recovering anything that could disrupt his plans! What are those plans? The merger of the material plane with the Abyss, an act that will destroy the planes and bring an end to life as we know it.
Milosh, with a strength that’s impossible to comprehend, holds open the jaws of the Tarasque for just long enough to unleash a blast of magic down the beast’s gullet. The resultant belch of flame blasts him out of the jaws and through the air, just as they hear a roar approaching them from beyond the lava pit at the edge of their battlefield. Argent, their friendly bronze dragon ally, flies in through the lava pit and tells them to get on his back. Breath Giver is with him, and Argent tells them that Breath Giver seemed to know that Milosh was in danger and was able to lead him to their location.
“The soul of Haggemoth may finally be at rest,” he tells them, fleeing away from the Tarasque, flying back out of the lava tunnel towards the beaches of Rori Rama. “His power has finally faded from this island, and no longer am I restricted from entering the sanctum. Good thing, or else I would not have been able to come to your rescue!”
They leave the island behind then, the distant roar of the Tarasque like the sound of the mountain itself groaning.
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Back to Waterdeep 
Imoaza and Carrick sat alone in a tent, set in the woods a mile or two outside of Waterdeep. Or rather, they felt they were alone. Breath Giver was there, too, but the silent shaman had a way of becoming invisible... not truly, not magically, but you would forget she was there. She blended in with her own silence, wearing it like a shroud.
 Milosh, Argent, and Lhu Ee had gone south to investigate a rumor, one they all hoped was not true. Carrick’s mind was not on them, however. He thought instead of something Milosh had told him, when they’d last left Waterdeep.
“Have you asked Imoaza about Aldric?” he’d said, deep in his own melancholic anger. “She murdered him, you know. You would put your trust in us? In her?”
Carrick watched Imoaza now and considered the question. They were coming to the end, he could feel it. They were coming to the time when they needed to be past regrets, past betrayal, past questioning.
He cleared his throat to get Imoaza’s attention. She looked up from the book she was reading, and stared at him, waiting.
Carrick and Imoaza go into a discussion of Aldric’s death. Imoaza no longer connects with the person she was when she murdered Aldric, but neither does she regret it. She tells him that the person she was then wanted power. He asks her what the person she is now wants. She doesn’t know.
They are interrupted by Milosh returning. He says that the rumors are true: Baldur's Gate has been utterly destroyed. Argent, in the form of a black skinned human, says the level of destruction was like "the anger of a hundred dragons." Lhu-Ee says that it was the Tarasque, the great Abyssal beast that Abenthy controls. It is only a matter of time before Abenthy sends the beast against Waterdeep. "When he does though, we also have an opportunity!" the gnome in the painting cried out. “It takes power to transport such a great beast through the Abyss, and when it has been used to attack Waterdeep, we will have a window of freedom from it in which to strike at his base at Friezurazov.”
"What about defending Waterdeep?" Argent asks. Lhu Ee seems to think this is impossible, but Argent reminds them all of a letter they received when they arrived at Waterdeep. Their arrival was not met with celebration by the lords of the city. In fact, they found the city gates barred, their allies who had been in the city banished, or imprisoned, and the lords of the city telling them they would not be welcome there, and that Waterdeep was not going to take part in their war, that Baldur’s Gate had been punished as a warning to others who might think to help fight against Abenthy. So the companions had made camp a few miles outside of the city, in a patch of forest, and now debated what to do next. Time was running short. Every day that passed, Abenthy grew stronger. Only a mysterious letter had given them any hope, but they did not know who it came from. It arrived by being dropped into their camp by a raven, and read as follows:
I write this letter briefly and in some haste, for it is imperative that none in the city know who sent it. More I cannot say, except this: I know what it is you face and what, and more importantly, WHO you fight for. If you would win this war, you will need my help. Go to the ruins of the sea elf post. There you shall wait for my signal, which I shall send to you as soon as I am able, after your arrival. Do not depart, do not despair. There are allies everywhere, if only you have the wit and will to find them. Yours, an ally.
The characters now commiserate on what they know. Who are their allies?
This next section of the game I’ve designed as a prelude to the final battle, which is going to be a massive war against Abenthy’s base at the Jarlberg, in the frozen lands of Friezurazov. For this battle, I’ve got a literal excel sheet of stats and data on what armies and forces they may be able to recruit into the fight. It’s all based on what happens in this next section of the game. Each ally they may gain is going to be played out like a mini-mission. Each of these missions should be thought of like a side quest; played out like a vignette or a montage: quick sequences meant to fill in the gaps before the big battle.
These missions are as follows...
Imoaza reminds the group about the Yuan Ti plot she uncovered when they were last in Waterdeep, and says it is probably their doing which has turned the city against them. If they can find a way to unveil it, they can gain the help of Waterdeep, it will mean having their strength of arms to face Abenthy.
Argent says that they should go to the North, to the mountains where the rulers of his people, the good-aligned Metallic dragons, reside and call on their aid. The dragons are finnicky and will not see the need to aid in a war they feel they will survive one way or another, but if the companions can convince them, they will gain their air support and phenomenal might in the battle to come.
Ruze and Esheballa’s daughter, Hazelwood, left Waterdeep with the changelings, sensing the city was turning against them. The changelings have hidden power, and Hazelwood especially. But no one knows where they have gone. If the companions can find them, they might convince them to help.
When they left the Maakengorge, Daymos had sworn to revive his sister, Jade. They are both incredibly powerful psychics, maybe two of the most powerful beings in the world, and Jade was connected with Nazragul’s soul. Their help in the battle to come would be a tide turner, but where did Daymos go?
Hecate helped free Imoaza and the companions at the Maakengorge. Is she a secret ally, a knife poised at the very heart of the Yuan Ti forces? If they can find her, maybe they can disrupt the entire Yuan Ti operation.
Breath Giver’s people, the Ice Barbarians, are not numerous, but they know the secrets of fighting and traversing ice and snow, and that knowledge could be incredibly useful in the battle to come, as it will take place on the frozen planes of Friezurazov. However, Argent has learned that they have been loaded onto prison ships and are being sailed across the Moon Sea to be sold into slavery in Feylan.
Verrick, Karina’s former lover and now a death knight attached to Nazragul’s power, found his will shattered by Karina’s demise. He wandered from Waterdeep and no one has seen him since. But knowing that he was once a thrall of Nazragul makes the companions nervous... would he go back to Abenthy in the final fight, to once again be a thrall?
Rumor reaches the companions that across the sea in Feylan, at the ruins of Vraath Keep, a small band of survivors keep up a resistance fight against the undead. The fighters are led by Sierra, the half orc who wears the mask of El Ultimo Santo, which Shando once wore. If the companions can help her overcome the undead there, then surely she would join their side for the final battle.
The monsters who once helped Karina and were accepted by her as people have been driven out of the city of Waterdeep and called monsters once again. Bitter and angry, they make their way to Friezurazov to join Abenthy and fight, as they always have, against the peoples of Faerun. But if the companions could find them first and once again accept them as equals, rather than as beasts, perhaps they would fight in Karina’s name once more.
They don’t have time to do each mission. Every time they attempt a mission, they have to roll a d6. On a roll of 1-2, the mission starts off poorly and will take more time to complete. On a roll of 3-4, the mission starts off neither in their favor, or against it. On a roll of 5-6, the mission goes better than expected, and takes a shorter time.
So there are nine total missions they can attempt, but they know even with the best of rolls, they will not be able to do them all (at worst, they will attempt three, at best seven), meaning they have to pick and choose which allies to prioritize. Complicating things is that some of these potential allies could also go to Abenthy’s side, if not won over. 
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The Blackstaff
The companions agree that turning Waterdeep to their side should be their top priority, and so they go to the old sea elf post to await the “sign” from the mysterious ally. 
When the PCs reach the sea elf post it is old and decrepit. They follow a raven to an old bell near the old submerged docks. A raven drops a tiny golden hammer into their hands and, taking it as a direct sign, they ring the hammer against the bell, surprised by the deep gong it makes. This summons the writer of the letter, who soon appears out of a secret tunnel that leads from here to the city.
Their ally is someone they’ve never met before, but he has played a role in our wider story, albeit a small one. Ages ago, when Jade and Verrick and the slime Lee went to Feylan and ultimately fell prey to Nazragul, there was a fourth person who was to go with them. Originally, that scenario had been intended as an easy way for the group to keep playing if they had a TPK while pursuing the Red Hand plotline. When the party didn’t need this, the fates of these NPCs became tied into Nazragul’s machinations. But this fourth person, described only as “an apprentice” was left vague and their fate uncertain.
Now it turns out that this is the Apprentice. He saw everything that happened to Jade and Verrick, but was teleported away by her power before she fully lost control to Nazragul. He fled Feylan and told Karina what he had seen, which is how she knew about the evil growing in Feylan, and why she moved the school to Vraath Keep, to begin fighting back against it. Meanwhile, this Apprentice became a statesman so that he could be her ally in Waterdeep. He is old now, but still loyal to Karina. His name is Nakir Dunspar. He tells the companions his story as he leads them through the sewers and into the city of Waterdeep.
He also tells them of the political situation in Waterdeep. The Open Lord of Waterdeep used to be marked by their possession of the Blackstaff, a relic last held by Laurel Silverhand, a very famous figure in Faerun (and D&D) history. When Laurel died, the Blackstaff was lost. The current Open Lord, an older elf named Vindass Lanteral, carries what he says is the Blackstaff but Nakir believes it is not the real thing. He says Vindass probably doesn’t know that he carries a replica, and if the companions can find the real thing, they could give it to Vindass and with it, he could sway the rest of Waterdeep to aid in the war effort. However, he is also afraid that even now, the Yuan Ti must plot against Vindass and seek to bring harm to him if he turns his support to the companions.
The party discusses the situation and decides to split up. Imoaza uses disguise magic and her arts of infiltration to set her and Carrick up as a mistress and her manservant and attend a ball at Vindass’ estate, where they sneak around and ultimately end up with Imoaza inside Vindass’ rooms, going through his belongings and looking for threats or scrying devices which she can trace back to the Yuan Ti.
Meanwhile, Milosh and Breathgiver have ventured into the city catacombs, to find the tomb of Laurel Silverhand and try and gather clues about where the Blackstaff might be. He finds a riddle written on Laurel’s tomb, that “I still hold the Blackstaff,” and, by sharing this with Nakir, they come to the revelation that the Blackstaff is actually hidden in plain sight, in the hands of a statue of Laurel that rests in a public park in Waterdeep. Thankfully, no one recognizes Milosh in his new form, as he is no longer a Frankenstein-esque metal monstrosity. He and Breathgiver make their way to the Statue and Milosh prepares to draw the Blackstaff.
“It can only be held by one whose heart does not waver,” Nakir had told him, when Milosh had said he was heading to get the staff. “That person must be prepared to give everything they have to the betterment of the people of Waterdeep.”
Now, as Milosh closed his hand around the staff, he asked himself the question... was he ready?
Milosh has to make a Charisma check to see if he can recover the staff and... he critically fails. The staff blasts him away and does not come free of the statue. It seems the companions may fail this mission after all, as Yuan Ti spies have been tracking Milosh’s movements and are beginning to close in on the park. If they discover the resting spot of the Blackstaff, they will destroy. But as Milosh is despairing of what to do next, his player has an idea.
“Could Breathgiver take the staff?” he asks.
It is a brilliant idea. A great story beat. A redemptive arc for the character that, when the party first met her, the players had despised for her enmity towards them. And so, as Milosh lays dazed on the soft grass of the park, Breathgiver approaches the statue, grips the staff, and pulls it free.
Holding the Blackstaff, Breathgiver is filled with power and freed from her curse and her obligation to Milosh. Her heart unwavering, she speaks the first words she has spoken since the Sea of Moving Ice:
“I would fight alongside you still, if you would let me,” she tells Milosh.
Meanwhile, Imoaza has made a disturbing discovery. In going through Vindass’ rooms, she finds a secret compartment with a journal that outlines his communications with the Yuan Ti. He is actually a Yuan Ti sympathizer, in league with them and hoping Abenthy will destory all humanity. Vindass’ hatred for humans descends all the way back from the War of Forgiveness, when the Alliance destroyed the area where his elvish tribe was from. This is a tie back to the plotline that plagued the party in the days of Karina, when much of her storyline dealt with how people thought she was a betrayer of the Alliance during the war.
Of course, just as Imoaza is discovering this, Carrick is keeping watch outside of Vindass’ rooms and sees Vindass himself approaching. This leads to a quick roleplay moment, where Carrick pretends to be weak and falls forward onto the floor, distracting Vindass and actually drawing his concern... Carrick is a half-elf, and Vindass shares a moment with him commiserating that his mistress doesn’t take enough care of him. He gently leads him from the hall to get him some food and water and medical attention, and Imoaza takes the opportunity to cast invisibility on herself and slip out of the door.
With this information, Imoaza and Carrick reach Nakir just as Milosh and Breathgiver are discussing with him how they should go about bringing the staff to Vindass. Forewarned, they change their plans. Nakir declares that Breathgiver must hold the Blackstaff for a while, for it has clearly choosen her, and they must keep her safe in the city until she can be revealed to the public in a grand way, thus stopping Vindass from making machinations to get the Blackstaff back. It is safer if the recovery of the staff goes unknown. Imoaza says she will use her knowledge of the Yuan Ti to feed them back false information about the Blackstaff while Nakir and Breathgiver go into hiding for the time being.
This was just one of the missions the companions take on. They end up being able to complete six of them, so five more await. We’ll cover those next blog post.
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xtoxicblueberry · 7 years
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((not my art, that was done by the wonderful, and lovely @ronyascribbles)
“ I will help you if so desired, if you need my staff or bow just call me. ”
Name: Kari Age: 20-24 Gender: Female Nationality: Nohrian Race: Human Birthday: 08/02
Height: 5'4" (162.56 cm ) Eye color: Apple green Hair color: Light blue Hair style: Typically up, mainly in twin tails. She will wear it in a bun if she’s either in the bath house or its just a super hot day. Though she will wear it down at times. Clothing style: Other then her adventure outfit that she wears to battle; she typically wears comfy clothes. Tank tops and short shorts or pants, depending on the weather. Her clothes are typically black.
Hobies: walking Around, exploring, window shopping. Likes: Talking to people she gets along with, playing with Animals, looking at things she finds interesting, almost all things sweet, ice coffee, relaxing, enjoying nature, making up stories about her scars and seeing how far she can go and what people would believe, stimulating conversation, storms, and rainy weather. Dislikes: Being around so many people, being touched in any way, by a person, unless she is very close with said person, talking to someone she just met, messy things, getting dirty, chocolate flavored things.
Personal Skill: Vigilante - Grants +20 Hit/Str/Crit if attacking a unit that has attacked another unit without a weapon equipped.
Affiliation: None (Recruitable in Birthright, Conquest, and Revelation. )
Roster: A traveling young woman without a set destination. Cold and distant, she is hard to befriend. If you gain her trust she will become a very loyal and trust worthy friend. Most likely to comfort others in distress. Born August 2nd.
History: Kari was born a high class Noble, her father was a leader of one of the higher up fractions from one of the many armies under King Garon, her father was a great Knight and her birth mother was a troubadour. They met in the army. Shortly after Kari’s birth, the mother was killed on the battle field. Her Father developed the habit to get Kari any and everything she could ever want; going above and beyond what she would ask for. He became doting and spoiled her. Though she didn’t like it, her father had her take many lessons, some consist of Piano, violin, dance, chess, singing, stiching and anything else that he felt a proper lady should know how to do. To try and make sure the loss of her mother didn’t affect her to much, he remarried. The woman had the wicked step mom Syndrome, she never wanted children. She would act innocent and kind in front of Kari’s father, but once he wasn’t there she would be mean and horrid. She was a pure Noble woman, both her parents came from money, she never worked a day in her life. She was a floozy and only looked for money in men. She cared more about her social status and looks above all else. She would never allowed Kari to call her “mother” or “mom” though she was in her life for many years. Kari was mainly raised by butlers and maids, due to the demanding hours of her fathers job. This caused her to say humble and kind. The maids and Butler’s tought her many life skills, such as cooking and proper cleaning techniques. she would often help them out with chorus, for fun. When she was still young, but old enough to take care of her self, her father died in battle. Leaving her with the step mom whom really didn’t want anything to do with her. One night, she slipped poison into Kari’s food, though an elderly maid whom took care of Kari since she was born stopped it from ever reaching her. Thus as punishment, the woman made the maid eat the food, losing the closest thing to a mother she had left. After Kari’s father passed, her step mom would bring home a different man every night. One night, the man she took home turned out to be a thief. Him and his small gange turned over the house killing all who lived there. With the help of some maids and Butler’s, Kari managed to stay hidden for a long time, but once he found her he tried to end her life. Though he failed, the man did however leave a large scar going down the left side of her face and partly her neck causing her to have nerve damage on most her face and lose eyesight in that eye. Once she was able to move around once more, she went to an old friend of her fathers. He managed to save her eye. Once he fixed her, and she was fully healed, she left. She now wonders around, she does what she needs to do to survive.
Birthright Recruitment Recruited In: Chapter 12: Dark Reunion Recruitment: The Avatar must talk to her. Starting Class: Adventurer Starting Level: 16 Motivations for joining the Avatar: She wants to help end the war.
Conquest Recruitment Recruited In: Chapter 14: Voice of Paradise Recruitment: The Avatar must talk to her. Starting Class: Adventurer Starting Level: 16 Motivations for joining the Avatar: She wants to help end the War.
Revelation Recruitment Recruited In: Chapter 13: A lost Peace Recruitment: The Avatar must talk to her. Starting Class: Adventurer Starting Level: 16 Motivations for joining the Avatar: She wants to help end the war.
Asset: Speed Flaw: Resistance Skill(s): Point Blank, Luna, Resistance +2, Locktouch, Pass Weapon(s): Killer bow, Recover, Mend Class Sets: Adventurer                   Heart Seal > Maid
Romance Supports: Corrin (M), Jakob, Kaze, Saizo, Subaki, Silas, Xander, Azama, Hayato, Kaden, Hinata, Ryoma, Takumi, Arthur, Keaton, Odin, Leo, Laslow, Benny, Shura, Niles.
Other Supports: Corrin (F), Felicia, Rinkah, Orochi, Setsuna, Mozu, Oboro, Kagera, Nyx, Beruka, Peri, Charlotte, Selena, Asugi, Dwyer, Sigure, Sophie, Shiro, Kiragi, Selki, Mitama, Rhajat, Siegbert, Forrest, Ignatius, Velouria, Soleil, Nina.
Ideal (‘Canon’) Spouse: Keaton or Shura
Event Tile: “ Hum? What’s this? ” (item) “ No such thing as to much practice.. ” (exp) “ Hmm.. I feel I’m improving.. ” (weapon proficiency)
Level Up: “ Wow! I impress myself sometimes! ” (6+) “ There’s always room for improvement.  ” (4-5) “ Do I disappoint you? ” (2-3) “ Tch, that’s it?  ” (0-1) “ forgive me! ” (0-1, most skills capped)
Class Change: “ This is new.. ”
Support: “ I got your back! ” “ I’ll help you! ” “ don’t worry I got you! ” ” I’ll keep you safe! ” “ I’m here for you! ” “ Who’s the enemy here? Hehee kidding~” “ Don’t back down! ”
Attack Stance: “ Let me have a go! ” “ I’ll take a shot! ” “ My turn! ” “ Time to strike! ”
Guard Stance: “ Time and place! ” “ I thought I was the blind one! ” “ I won’t let them hurt you! ”
Critical / Skill: “ I have no mercy for scum like you. ” “ I’ll make you pay! ” “ I won’t hold back! ” “ I’ll shoot you down! ”
Defeated Enemy: “ On to the next. ” “ To easy. ” “ I suppose that was amusing. ”
Partner Defeated Enemy: “ Nice shot! ” “ I missed that do it again! ” “ killer shot! Hehe. ”
When Healed: “ This is a nice change of pace. ” “ Thanks! ” “ Who are you again? Kidding~”
Defeated by Enemy: “ I-I didn’t see you coming.. ”
Death Quote: “ This is it..  Mother.. Father.. I’ll.. See you Soon.. “
Retreat Quote: “ Ugh! It’s to blurry, I can’t tell who is who! I have to fall back! I don’t want to hurt an ally”
DLC Battle Quotes: Boo Camp “ You’re the monsters everyone’s talking about? You aren’t so scary.. I’ll show you true horror! ” Museum Melee “ Ooo ~ I see something shiny ~ that’s mine now hehee” Ghostly Gold “ Huh… Ghosts… Who would have though.. All well, time to die again~” Anna on the run “ I know my eyesight isn’t the best.. But I think I’m seeing double.. ”
Confession Quote: “ I don’t need my sight to see how much you mean to me. You have my heart now and forever…. (I hope you know what you’re getting in to. Hehee)”
Castle Grounds Alone - ” Talk about a sugar rush! “ (surge) - ” I snuck in some training, I hope it paid off. “ (weapon proficiency) - ” This is NOT where this belongs, who left it here? “ (item) - ” What do you think will look good on me? “ (accessory)   - ” Wow! Thank you! “ (accessory given)   - ” So pretty! “ (accessory given)   - ” Is.. This a joke? “ (accessory given, not liked)   - ” Hehe thanks shall I try it on now? “ (Bath Towel given)   - ” Hehee thank you, this means a lot to me. “ (Friendship birthday present)   - ” Ahh hehee you know me so well ~ I love this so much! I’ll cherish it always. “ (Lover birthday present) - ” Hmm? Did you need something? “ (idle) - ” W-what? No I was not just dancing! “ (idle) - ” La laa la ~ W-whaa!! H-how long have you been there?! “ (idle) - ” Is someone there? Hehe ~ I’m kidding! I see you just fine. “ (idle) - ” Wow aren’t you cute ~ don’t I know you from somewhere? Hehe “ (idle, married) - “oh? A new face I see, let me know if you need anything. ” (visiting another castle)
Asking - Normal “ What has you so happy? Did something good happen? ” (happy) “ What do you think your future holds for you? ” (dreams) “ I’ll watch your backside- I mean back in the next battle, sound good? ” (team up) “ Indulge me in my curiosity… How do you spend your down time? ” (free time)
Replying - Normal “ I love the feeling I get when I finish cleaning. ” (happy) “ I hope to find true happiness one day. ” (dreams) “ Alright, no promises I won’t mistake you for the enemy ~ I’m kidding,  I’m kidding! ” (team up) “ I often walk beyond the camp boarders, or wonder around the forest. ” (free time)
Private Quarters Friendship “ You called me for something? ” (invite) “ I baked some cookies, want one? No I didn’t put salt instead of sugar in them this time. ” (invite) “ Hehee now this will be fun ~ ” (invite, MU is married)
Lovers “ Hey! I finished cleaning up, don’t mess it up. ” (greeting) “ I missed you! Don’t leave me again.. ” (greeting) “ I-I’ve been practicing my violin.. Would you mind listening? ” (greeting) “ Hehee that’s the best sight to wake up to. ” (awakening, good) “ Do that again and you will regret it.. ” (awakening, bad) “ My hair is such a pain to dry.. ” (greeting, cool down) “ Hehee thanks that felt nice ~ your turn now ~ ” (cooling down successful) “ Oh my! How beautiful! Thank you! ” (flowers)
Bonding “ If that’s all you need, mind if I go? ” (friendship bonding) “ It was a pleasure spending this time with you. Invite me again some time. ” (friendship bonding) “ I’m glad we can spend this time together..   These are the happiest moments of my day. ” (lover bonding) “ I just want to hold you in my arms and never let go.. Promise you won’t leave me.. ” (lover bonding) “ Come here for a moment, Hehee I’m not going to bit you… (See, I told you I wouldn’t bite you, This time. Hehe) ” (kiss)
Extras/little quirks: She won’t dule someone unless there is a wager of some sort; even if she manages to win she will let the other party have their winnings as well. After her father passed away she continues to practice all the things he wanted her to learn when ever she can. Typically after doing one of them she would cry a little and say softly to her self,  “are you proud papa? ” or “am I improving father? ” she can be fairly vain when it comes to her hair, she takes pride in its soft silky texture. When she’s in deep thought she will twirl the ends of her hair. Because of the damage to her left side of her face, she can no longer produce tears from that eye. The left eye is also significantly lighter in color, and has a small thin line down it from where it was cut. Though she hates chocolate flavored things she loves normal chocolate. If she eats anything remotely spicy she turns red and gets sick, if it’s really spicy she will pass out. She is very flexible and uses it to an advantage in hand to hand fighting.
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voluntarydemise · 8 years
The 100 S3 Hiatus Diary
Once again, let me present to you a chronicle of our fandom’s most glorious hiatus moments. In truest hyperbole fashion we did not scale back after last year’s already impressive BS recordings. Here’s all the drama we managed to fit into the 257 days between the Season 3 finale on May 19, 2016 and the Season 4 premiere on February 1, 2017:
FYI: Entries are mostly focused on the Twitter fandom unless otherwise noted. Also beware, this diary deliberately generalises from the loud few to the many. 
Day 2: Emma Caulfield of EW writes a *love letter* bashing Bellamy into a verb and adjective. Half of the fandom cackles, other half is ready to “bellamy” her. 
Day 3: Ongoing belittling of Jasper’s PTSD in tandem with outrage from same people that show didn’t depict enough PTSD victims.
Day 6: #GiveBellamyBlakeABoyfriend circulates and is amusingly shared by lovers and haters.
Day 7: Kass Morgan is confronted with fandom members defacing and even burning her books. Because we are classy.
Day 10: Tumblr heats up when Johnny Depp beating Amber Heard gets compared to how Bellamy treats Clarke. Because bisexuality. Oh yes.
Day 11: Devon zings Harry Styles - and popstars in general - for trying to act. Somewhere Shawn Mendes cries a tear. 
Day 12: The Fandom-is-Broken article hits. Outrage everywhere, while our fandom is like “yup, sounds about right”. 
Day 15: Bob at Phoenix con says Bellamy wouldn’t have sided with Pike had Clarke returned earlier. Somehow he gets hate for that. Still unclear why. Most likely for no reason at all. 
Day 16: More Phoenix con: Bob utters word “YET”, causes avalanche. Emma Caulfield tweets her and Bob’s are besties now. Fandom responds in typical forgiving ways. 
Day 18: Tumblr has Brollexa gaining traction among BCers, the polyamorous turn it into Clexamy. Not appreciated by the CL fandom. Devon tweet-deletes, shits on cast members for making money off cons instead of donating to charity.
Day 21: Eliza and Bob get nominated for Teenchoice TV Chemistry. Disgust in CL fandom as entertaining as surprise in BC fandom. 
Day 23: Fan at Oz Comic Con asks Eliza about Chemistry nomination and gets booed. Bob speaks slloooowwwhhhuuurr to the iddiiiooootttss on twitter. Most likely entirely unrelated. 
Day 24: Eliza gets called fake/lost/drunk by BC fandom for voicing opinions about Bellarke. Beware of having opinions about ships.
Day 25: Bob replies to hate tweet. Backfires into him getting criticised for passive aggressively focusing on negativity only. 
Day 26: First hiatus hack! Eliza’s instagram. Leads to Alycia unfollowing her. Fandom entertained for a while. Plus the gem of someone comparing Lexa’s death to the Orlando shooting.
Day 28: Alycia cancels Brazil con. In a roundabout way it’s Bob’s fault.
Day 31: On the shipping front Bob  & Shampoo compete against Lexa & Bullet. Because why not. 
Day 33: Somehow BC fandom hits jackpot by criticising both Adina and Mike on same day. For not being pro-BC enough. Adina! Mike! 
Day 35: Layne Morgan attacks Ben Batemen for elevating himself to lgbt+ spokesperson. Fanbase first stunned, then divided. 
Day 37: Second hiatus hack! Layne’s phone. Apparently private numbers get leaked, some idiots message Jason’s wife.
Day 41: Third hiatus hack! (@)emiliascara hacks into Marcus Catsaras’ (Alycia’s boyfriend) icloud, finds footage of him cheating. Catsaras deletes his twitter/fb accounts. Because hell has no fury like a riled-up CL fandom.
Day 42: Lindsey jumps in to fight hackers, (@)morleydebnam jokes about hacking Lindsey.
Day 44: Hacker exposed as guy from Toronto (Michael Brand/Bahramian). 
Day 46: CL fandom overruns and impressively wins 9 of 11 E!Online polls. Still peeved over other fandoms bonding and voting against them. 
Day 48: Jarod speaks up after Alton Sterling shooting. Ends with him getting attacked over *representation* issues. 
Day 52: Eliza vs Alycia in Radiotimes quarter finals. Which fosters minor drama.
Day 56: Layne officially disinvited from clexacon. 
Day 57: Some panelists boycott clexacon after Layne’s exit. Meanwhile the gullible have a clickbait-freakout over O killing Bellamy. 
Day 58: Ben Bateman steps back from clexacon allies panel. (@)riserellamy makes it their mission to get all Arryn-haters blocked by Bob. 
Day 59: Eliza talks freely and excessively about Lexa and Clexa at Brazil Con. BC fandom really wishes she wouldn’t. 
Day 60: From the fanfic policing front: Author gets such harsh attacks for writing Lexamy they pull the fic. 
Day 61: S3 DVD is out! Deleted scenes reheat old rage. While Ricky retweets shade about him not being in the bloopers.
Day 62: #OlicityMafiaExposedClexaParty happens. CL fandom first fandom ever to cheat in a poll. 
Day 64: She said “ship”.
Day 65: Whole fandom aflame over the shit/ship debacle. Shit memes everywhere. Aaron doesn’t give a SHIT. Eliza probably avoids her mentions. Tumblr births Bellarke Drags. The best of days.
Day 66: clexasources promotes WB survey asking people to criticise show. Eliza shall be saved by cancellation. 
Day 67: ELSchaaf claims Eliza speaks condescendingly of Bellarke because she’s threatened by Bob’s popularity. Fandom appalled. In conjunction CLs figure out ELSchaaf is involved with Unity Days. 
Day 68: ELSchaaf on tumblr rampage, invites haters to call her names at con in person. Unity Days reacts swiftly and removes ELSchaaf. 
Day 70: Bellarke Shit necklace sparks controversy. 
Day 73: Wizard Con: Marie says Clarke has *nappy* hair which Eliza laughs at. Racism outrage in some fandom corners. 
Day 75: Jason’s SDCC talk about bi-Clarke getting “with everyone” resurfaces. Not the most well received. clexasources deactivates after Bob+Eliza photo post leads to attacks by followers.  
Day 78: Supposed insider troll Jason Blue stirs up rumour drama of Octavia dying. 
Day 82: Bellarke fanart repurposed as Braven fanart. Bob-birthday charity criticised for being organised by a BC shipper. 
Day 84: Pedowitz stands behind show at TCAs, does neither criticise nor cancel it on the spot, as some had hoped. 
Day 103: Fanfic policing, part 2: Bellamy goes down on Clarke in the commander’s throne. People - ignorant of the concept of *fanfiction* - are mad. 
Day 106: Eliza posts candid pic with guy-boy-friend. Apparently this makes her a lesser lgbt+ ally. 
Day 111: Fanfic’s blowjobgate! Briller&Harper fic on kinkmemes ignites long and nasty Bellarke fanfic community wars. Who gets to and with whom and with how many is not the author’s choice alone. 
Day 125: Tumblr aflame over Bellamy hating Aurora Blake, with usual shades of misogyny and racism. 
Day 130: HYPE article about ADC at Copenhagen Con calls out fans for slightly inappropriate fan behavior. More inappropriate fan behavior in reaction leads to article edits. 
Day 132: Kim retweets Fa Panini’s cute Becho fanart. BC fandom takes that as confirmation of things to come. Mild panic. 
Day 135: A clearly mangled and misrepresented SDCC comment about Clarke and love interest in S4 causes freakout. Because fandom will forever step into all clickbait traps willingly. 
Day 144: The usual bi-monthly kerfuffle about Clarke being forgotten as bi-rep in article. 
Day 145: Layne Morgan sick of TV bi girls ending up with men. Not that stats have discredited this stereotype at all. 
Day 155: Supposed insider troll Jason Blue claims insider cancellation knowledge. Insider arguments quickly debunked. 
Day 159: Photoshopped Variety tweet circulates, claiming show cancellation. Mo Ryan refutes it. 
Day 165: Lindsey stumbles into sexypilgrim drama. Apologises later for wishing people would get involved in causes beyond online outrage. 
Day 166: Press day! Drama day! Fandom-uneducated Nadia voices “Luna is stronger than Lexa”. She may forever feel the consequences. 
Day 167: Nadia tweets “Fiction”, deletes account. #NadiaDeactivatedParty follows. Eliza and later Arryn claim account is fake. Fandom thinks Eliza would rather lie than defend Nadia and her anti-Lexa statement. 
Day 170: Meanwhile in the fanfic warzone: “Bellamy rapes Lexa” gets countered with “Lexa castrates Bellamy”. 
Day 190: Bob reaches annual patience-for-twitter threshold, carries out annual twitter deactivation. States he was made to join. Fandom: lol, ok, see you in a bit. 
Day 199: Bellarke and Clexa both in same Hottest-Ships-of-the-Year list. But fandom can’t share nice things. 
Day 201: Guess who’s back on twitter, guys?
Day 216: BC-shipping jewellery artist called out for making money off Clexa art. Not allowed in the age of receipts. 
Day 219: In spirit of Christmas, Aaron issues Lexa apology. Fandom - less spirited - counters it’s 9 months too late, and never enough. 
Day 221: Katie affirms in slightly too bitter way that show is more than just Clexa. Bad move, girl.
Day 222: (@)bellamysbriller - whom Katie retweeted the day before - is exposed for catfishing and bullying. 
Day 228: More jewellery controversies, as jewellery donations to charities can only come from people who’ve never made controversial statements. 
Day 233: clexaspoilers surfaces, claims access to screeners, reveals Clexa parts. Fandom calls it baiting to make them watch, even though account claims now they DON’T have to watch. 
Day 238: BC fandom gets high on SHE HAS BELLAMY, and actually manages to trend for once. Stunning friends and foes alike.
Day 241: Unity Days report of Lindsey supposedly saying Bellarke is boring. Lindsey gets attacked and goes on twitter detox. BC fandom to blame.
Day 243: Fourth hiatus hack! Ricky’s phone. Beware of Ricky nudes. 
Day 245: Alycia’s management removes The 100 from “known for” section on IMDB. BCers shocked, CLs shrug. 
Day 248: BCers think 600 cookies might be helpful for show renewal. Laughs and eyerolls all around.
Day 249: S4 poster arrives. Cast, writers and fans partake in a who’s-who guessing game with silhouettes. Body shaming leads to #titsoutforeliza, someone leaks S4 callsheets and Funko whitewashes Raven and Bellamy. A busy day.
Day 252: CLs set up White House petition to get Jason fired. A single signature last we checked. 
Day 257: Final hiatus day: (@)the100leaked pops up to generously leak part of the Season 4 finale script and cause mass hysteria. Tadaaaaa! 
And that’s it! See you all next hiatus! Just kidding. I accept more entries, if you can link me to the evidence.
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celtfather · 5 years
St Patrick's Day and Month
Greetings Gunn Runner
And farewell February. Things might've run a little behind. But I made big progress this month. Especially with the release of my Kickstarter for Selcouth. I conquered my $5000 goal just a few days after it launched. It still has two weeks to go. So I'm feeling pretty good about it so far. But before we talk more about that, let's talk about...
Show #259
The Pub Songs Podcast is back with a vengeance. I am a podcaster at heart. I figured it'd be fairly easy to knock out completely live episodes of the Pub Songs Podcast to my Kickstarter every week. And I was correct. I recorded four new episodes so far. Which is good because in addition to promoting the podcast, it also allows me to keep to my initial schedule of how many episodes I want to release this year.
Plus, I love the format. I'm fine tuning it still. But it starts with a song. I go into some news, add a stories from the road, and a couple more songs. It feels good. Like something I COULD keep up every week. Though I don't plan to at present.
Stories from the Road is not getting ahead. But I have a lot of new content. So I'm staying on top of it. That's good because this is my Patron-only podcast.
I got ahead for the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast. But I already feel like I'm losing that lead I got. I want to try and knock out a bunch of summer episodes. But I'm stalling for St Patrick's Day. Sooooo we shall see.   The In the ‘Verse podcast is coming. I apologize for the delay. But it's been crazy.
Course, that doesn't mean I didn't go ahead and setup the Cat Music Lovers podcast. The first podcast I ever published was the Cat Lovers Podcast. I created it to promote my Irish Drinking Songs for Cat Lovers. But I ran out of time and had less interest in keeping it going. But I was still proud of that show. I was happy it was still available. Until I realized it was No Longer available. So I did a bunch of maintenance on the show. It should be back up on Apple Podcasts soon.
2:54 - VIDEOS
My voice is back. Which means Coffee with the Celtfather is back as well.  I feel like I've had some good shows. Though the attendance still seems a little lower than I'd like. Maybe I need to promote the show more.
That said, I am posting new videos on YouTube. And I'm working on a new strategy for the site.
My views have dropped dramatically since I deleted all of the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast videos. Now each video I post gets about 50 views. That's not too good. But it allows me to start over and decide what this channel will be.
So what will it be?
Family videos set to my music. I like doing videos of my family. It's extra cool when I can add in my own music to spice up the video. I haven't figured out how to name the videos yet. But these videos help me learn a lot about shooting and editing videos.
I have a new one featuring Inara. We went for a hike the other day. It was't too bad a video. My editing still needs work though
Travel videos. I recorded a lot of video these past couple o'years going on my Celtic Invasion Vacations. These are a great way to promote my trips. So I'm gonna keep editing these videos.
The sucky thing is that as I edit them, I realize I should've done this or that... Like in the latest video from The Fairy Pools on the Isle of Skye. I did a poor job filming. But there was enough footage that it's not too bad.
Song Performance videos. I thought I had recorded a lot of these videos. After reviewing my site, I realize I haven't. So I'm gonna keep recording me singing individual songs.
This is a great way to attract new followers of my site. So hopefully, you'll see more.
Celtic Geek Thoughts. I'm not yet sure how to do these videos or what content to put on them, aside from the Celtic Top 40 videos I wanna do. But I'll have to tell you when I figure that out.
10:26 - MERCH
My free CD offer went over GREAT last month. If you ever want to find out how many of your fans listen to physical CDs. Give one away. LOL. I had over a hundred that went out into the world. And of course, all you have to do is pay the shipping cost. You'll find a link in the shownotes if you want one.
Again the Kickstarter for Selcouth is going great. I'm $700 over my initial goal. Yes. My actual goal is to earn $7500. But at least my base expenses are covered. I CAN create a new CD. And I still have two weeks to go to hit my first stretch goal.
I ran into one interesting problem as the goal has started to stall out. That is, how do I keep up momentum. Seems like every time I post something fun or interesting, I get a spike. But I'm not the best storyteller I think. So that's making it tough.
I discussed this challenge with Andrew. He suggested that I bring people in on video to chat about it. I'm gonna try and do that the next couple o'weeks. Stay tuned...
12:06 - TRAVEL
The Celtic Invasion of Venice closed up. We have a very small group this year. And I can start planning for Scotland in 2021. But I'm excited to see what happens next...
12:56 - WEBSITES
With St Patrick's Day just around the corner, I started updating my Irish Song Lyrics website. I started this site years ago to promote my Celtic songs. Admittedly, I've done little with it the past few years, Except around St Patrick's Day.
But I decided to update it for two reasons. One, it's that time of year. And two because I want to get back to helping people learn these songs.
You see, the reason I started the site was to offer an incredible resource. How to play songs the way I learn them, by ear. There are just lyrics, chords, and music to listen to on the site. You can play along with me over and over again if you so desire. This makes it a lot easier.
I'm also trying to make it entirely about the user. I removed much of the advertising that was on the website. Now it's just the stuff you really want. It's an amazing, free resource. So go along with me.
I also had a new promotion idea I thought up recently using Facebook groups... Well, actually any online community.
I have two groups that I actively share to on Facebook: Celtic Geeks and Irish & Celtic Music Club. Most everything really goes to the Celtic Geeks group. If I find something I love, unless it's hardcore Celtic, I share it to the Celtic Geeks group.
That makes it easy. I don't use my personal profile. I share to an interactive community. It's awesome.
And that's the tip I came up with.
Instead of trying to share my music to your friends who may or may not share you interests, share to a group, where your interests definitely align.
I haven't seen many Gunn Runners doing that yet, well aside from Sarah, who sort of inspired this idea when she shared Selcouth to a Firefly fan group.
I updated the gig calendar on my website. I'm using Google Calendars again. This is going GREAT for listing shows. You can see everywhere I'll be this year. And yes, it is fully up-to-date.
MAR 7: The Lost Druid, Decatur, GA @ 7:30 PM MAR 12: St Patrick's Day Internet Concert on YouTube @ 8:30 PM MAR 13: Interstellar Ginger Beer & Exploration Co, Alabaster, AL MAR 14: St Patrick’s Day at 5 Points, Birmingham, AL MAR 20-22: ConCoction, Cleveland, Ohio MAR 26: Tucker Brewing Company, Tucker, GA @ 6:30 PM
APR 4-5: Sherwood Forest Faire, Paige, TX APR 9: Internet Concert on YouTube @ 8:30 PM APR 11-12: Sherwood Forest Faire, Paige, TX APR 17-19: JordanCon, Atlanta, GA Weds 10:30 AM EDT: Coffee with The Celtfather, Facebook (Season 5!)
17:24 - STATS
Mailing list subscribers = 1038 is up from 1024 Celtic Music Magazine = 3963 is up from 3859 at the beginning of the year
YouTube Subscribers = 4441 is up 53 from 4388 YouTube Watch Time = 314.8K is up from 19.0K and 32.1K min from the month before YouTube Views = 8.5K is down from 8.8K
Facebook Likes = 3667 is up from 3666 FB Page Views = 501 is up from 392 FB Reach = 9214 is up from 8839 FB Video Views = 9485 is up from 8466
Spotify Latest Single Stats: "Slainte Mhaith Christmas": 3347 is up from 3310 is up from 3238 Spotify Latest Single Stats: "The Last Jedi Drinking Song": 832 is up from 696 Spotify Latest Album Stats: I Will Not Sing Along: 1.4k streams, "One Note Concerto in G" has the most streams
Spotify followers: 1476 is up 31 from 1445 # Number of listens on Spotify: 3266 is up from 2224 Most-popular songs on Spotify: Wild Kitty (1.6K), The Widow and the Devil (1.2K), Doctor of Gallifrey (567), When Kitty Eyes Are Smiling (331), Furagone's Wake (320), Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster (289), Reavers, Malcolm Reavers (264), Hero of Canton (224) Don't Go Drinking With Hobbits (162)
Top Irish & Celtic Music: 431 is up from 426 Firefly Drinking Songs: 103 is up from 101
Patreon Subscribers: 155 is up from 151 Patreon Monthly Income: $1050 is up from $977
Thanks as always for supporting my music. Remember. You can help me create and release more music. Join the Gunn Runners Club to step behind-the-scenes with bonus podcasts, new music, videos, and live concerts. Slainte!
Check out this episode!
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