#There's something fascinating about fictional children experiencing a traumatizing event with no proper adults around and like
screwpinecaprice · 1 year
favorite episode of SU? :)
I'd say all the episodes with Connie in it. 😭
But seriously. A really tough choice. 🤔 I think it's Lion 2: The Movie
It's so cuuuute! 😭💕 'Lion's Ocean' specially made it even more so. And the dichotomy of the wholesomeness of simple childish joys, and the sudden distress of facing life-threatening danger, then back to the cuteness is an interesting thing to experience watching it.
I don't know what else I personally loved about it that much. I just know that out of all the episodes, this would be the one I'd be least most likely to get fed up watching on repeat. If not that, it's Sworn to the Sword.
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askderynsharp · 8 years
wait so are deryn and alek buggering or not
((Short answer: Yes, but I’m not gonna draw it.))
((Long nsfwish answer below the cut))
So I used to read, write, and consume porn of characters that were 15 to 16 years old, because at the time I was 15 years old.
See, growing up young girls don’t really get to have the opinion of exploring their sexuality. That’s considered a boy thing. Even the most liberal progressive mother wont bring up sex to her daughter until the daughter is ready to talk about it, and the daughter doesn’t want to talk about it because they’re told between the lines of everything they experience that they arent supposed to be interested in that sort of thing. But I have literally thought about sex every moment of every day ever since I learned about it at 13, and even before then was obsessed with intimacy even before I know what those feelings meant. I am a very sexual person, and I started having really intense sexual feelings at around 14. Of course I was too young to experience sex at the time physically, but I was still THINKING about it, almost constantly. I had questions, I was confused, and though I was not emotionally ready for sex I was fascinated by the concept. I was too young for a proper boyfriend, and porn was sort of empty and meaningless, I wanted to know what it was like to have sex on an emotional level.
I read Leviathan when I was 14, just between eighth grade and highschool. I was obsessed with Deryn Sharp because I felt that I kinda was her. She looked like me, in that she was tall and blonde, and had similar tomboyish personality. I also spent a lot of my pre-pubescence crossdressing (or rather, strapping down my tits with duct tape in the girls locker room) and was constantly wishing I could be one of the boys. (subtle.)
When I started having confusing feelings of wanting to explore sexual concepts I was too ashamed to see myself in a sexual situation. And similarly to most of the girls in my class, I found it easier to think about sex so long as it was about someone else I could easily project myself onto.
A little known fact in the history of children’s media is that it was primarily developed by psychologists because children have an easier time processing emotions if they’re experiencing it through someone else. There is a reason child therapists often have dolls with personalities pertaining to traumatizing situations, kids don’t want to talk about their own feelings but can still understand and explain those feelings under the guise of explaining a character. Fictional characters in children’s media EXIST so kids can relate to them, and navigate their own feelings through them. When I was 15, I didn’t want to read about an experienced sexually confident 30 year old woman’s sex life, I wanted to know what it was like for someone like me, someone who would be scared and embarrassed and have a hard time communicating exactly what she wants out of a relationship. 
As some of you know, in early highschool I started this blog with amateur (and kinda cringey) art asks about my opinions of the book. Most of it was silly, from my infamous ‘fluffy Newkirk’ to ‘crazy femenazi Lilit’ but something I got heat with even back then was my interpretation of Deryn’s sexuality.
In my blog’s canon, Alek and Deryn were at a point in their relationship where they were regularly having sex. I never specified that they were older, as far as I portrayed it the events of my blog took place immediately after the final book in the series, Goliath, ended. I read smut of them on fanfiction.net (incidentally, also written by minors) and even went as far as to publish my own erotic work when I was feeling brave enough.
Now that I am adult, of course, I look back at that shit and shudder. For a while I considered taking the blog down, as it did feature underage sexual content, but ultimately decided it was important that the blog stayed up. I am a huge advocate for keeping children and sexual experiences separate, but I think that it IS healthy and important for children to understand sex before they’re ready to have sex. Someone I’m very close to had his first sexual experience before understanding what sex was like (good little boy, he had never once masturbated or watched porn beforehand) and he said it was one of the most scarring experiences of his life and could have easily been made healthy if he just knew what was going on beyond what a teacher told him in sex ed (which very famously, isnt a lot)
I am uncomfortable with the idea of seeing two teenagers go at it and would never draw someone under 18 naked, but when I was a teenager myself it was validating and satisfying for me. It helped me understand. It told me that I wasn’t bad for having sexual thoughts and desires, and gave me an outlet. Especially since it wasn’t just raunchy porn, but porn of a couple that love and respected each other.
Sexuality on the internet treads a fine line. But I think the important factor about it is that the characters that we are seeing in sexual situations are fictional. This of course doesn’t mean underage smut is harmless so long as its fictional, *cough* otaku  *cough* but I think that the fact that since these characters don’t exist (and furthermore, are shown to be made an appropriate age) means that its safe for young girls and boys to project their budding sexual feelings on them. At 16, I didn’t want to relate to someone who was old and mature, I wanted to relate to someone relevant to me.
And I still heavily relate to Alek and Deryn, and as such still think of them sexually sometimes when considering my own relationships. I think it is very likely that they had underaged sex based on hints in the bonus chapter and what we know about social norms the Leviathan universe. 
But that doesnt mean I’m gonna draw teenagers boning. 
When push comes to shove I’m an adult now, and really dont have anything to gain from imagining literal children having sex. I’m not into 16 year olds, and I’ve pretty much answered most of the questions I’ve had concerning my sexuality by now. As many of you know I have this whole extended continuity that stretches way into the future and has a plethora of ocs that include Dalek’s children. Where do you think babies come from dudes? Of course they’re still having sex, and of course I draw it sometimes because guess what I like sex.
But the versions of Deryn and Alek that I draw porn of are so divorced from their younger canon counterparts that I often just describe them as OCs when showing the art to other people. In my head they’ve completely changed into adults, not just taller and with bewbs but emotionally as well. I’ve taken liberties in altering their worldview to be more mature, borrowing many of the lessons and trials I myself have picked up over the years. My interpretation of adult Dalek was made through me imagining those characters growing up beside me at the same speed, and really I’ve done more written work of them just existing as adults then I have of them having sex. (Here’s the full timeline, btw.) They’re not at all the same as they were in the book, I’ve devoted time and effort into theorizing their development over the course of literal years.
So yeah. They’re having sex. Teenagers do that. If there are any teenagers on this blog feel free to write all the porn you want. But I’m not putting any here, because me and a vast majority of my followers are adults who dont wanna think about kids that way. I’m also gonna try and keep it clean for kids who just dont have an interest in sex and would rather read my quality content that supposedly exists. 
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That being said, please continue to send me prompts to misinterpret. Thats a load of silly goofy harmless fun. Just dont be disappointed when I bend over backwards to make something sexy funny instead.
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asurabackuplogs · 8 years
So I used to read, write, and consume porn of characters that were 15 to 16 years old, because at the time I was 15 years old.
See, growing up young girls don’t really get to have the opinion of exploring their sexuality. That’s considered a boy thing. Even the most liberal progressive mother wont bring up sex to her daughter until the daughter is ready to talk about it, and the daughter doesn’t want to talk about it because they’re told between the lines of everything they experience that they arent supposed to be interested in that sort of thing. But I have literally thought about sex every moment of every day ever since I learned about it at 13, and even before then was obsessed with intimacy even before I know what those feelings meant. I am a very sexual person, and I started having really intense sexual feelings at around 14. Of course I was too young to experience sex at the time physically, but I was still THINKING about it, almost constantly. I had questions, I was confused, and though I was not emotionally ready for sex I was fascinated by the concept. I was too young for a proper boyfriend, and porn was sort of empty and meaningless, I wanted to know what it was like to have sex on an emotional level.
I read Leviathan when I was 14, just between eighth grade and highschool. I was obsessed with Deryn Sharp because I felt that I kinda was her. She looked like me, in that she was tall and blonde, and had similar tomboyish personality. I also spent a lot of my pre-pubescence crossdressing (or rather, strapping down my tits with duct tape in the girls locker room) and was constantly wishing I could be one of the boys. (subtle.)
When I started having confusing feelings of wanting to explore sexual concepts I was too ashamed to see myself in a sexual situation. And similarly to most of the girls in my class, I found it easier to think about sex so long as it was about someone else I could easily project myself onto.
A little known fact in the history of children’s media is that it was primarily developed by psychologists because children have an easier time processing emotions if they’re experiencing it through someone else. There is a reason child therapists often have dolls with personalities pertaining to traumatizing situations, kids don’t want to talk about their own feelings but can still understand and explain those feelings under the guise of explaining a character. Fictional characters in children’s media EXIST so kids can relate to them, and navigate their own feelings through them. When I was 15, I didn’t want to read about an experienced sexually confident 30 year old woman’s sex life, I wanted to know what it was like for someone like me, someone who would be scared and embarrassed and have a hard time communicating exactly what she wants out of a relationship.
As some of you know, in early highschool I started this blog with amateur (and kinda cringey) art asks about my opinions of the book. Most of it was silly, from my infamous ‘fluffy Newkirk’ to ‘crazy femenazi Lilit’ but something I got heat with even back then was my interpretation of Deryn’s sexuality.
In my blog’s canon, Alek and Deryn were at a point in their relationship where they were regularly having sex. I never specified that they were older, as far as I portrayed it the events of my blog took place immediately after the final book in the series, Goliath, ended. I read smut of them on fanfiction.net (incidentally, also written by minors) and even went as far as to publish my own erotic work when I was feeling brave enough.
Now that I am adult, of course, I look back at that shit and shudder. For a while I considered taking the blog down, as it did feature underage sexual content, but ultimately decided it was important that the blog stayed up. I am a huge advocate for keeping children and sexual experiences separate, but I think that it IS healthy and important for children to understand sex before they’re ready to have sex. Someone I’m very close to had his first sexual experience before understanding what sex was like (good little boy, he had never once masturbated or watched porn beforehand) and he said it was one of the most scarring experiences of his life and could have easily been made healthy if he just knew what was going on beyond what a teacher told him in sex ed (which very famously, isnt a lot)
I am uncomfortable with the idea of seeing two teenagers go at it and would never draw someone under 18 naked, but when I was a teenager myself it was validating and satisfying for me. It helped me understand. It told me that I wasn’t bad for having sexual thoughts and desires, and gave me an outlet. Especially since it wasn’t just raunchy porn, but porn of a couple that love and respected each other.
Sexuality on the internet treads a fine line. But I think the important factor about it is that the characters that we are seeing in sexual situations are fictional. This of course doesn’t mean underage smut is harmless so long as its fictional, *cough* otaku  *cough* but I think that the fact that since these characters don’t exist (and furthermore, are shown to be made an appropriate age) means that its safe for young girls and boys to project their budding sexual feelings on them. At 16, I didn’t want to relate to someone who was old and mature, I wanted to relate to someone relevant to me.
And I still heavily relate to Alek and Deryn, and as such still think of them sexually sometimes when considering my own relationships. I think it is very likely that they had underaged sex based on hints in the bonus chapter and what we know about social norms the Leviathan universe.
But that doesnt mean I’m gonna draw teenagers boning.
When push comes to shove I’m an adult now, and really dont have anything to gain from imagining literal children having sex. I’m not into 16 year olds, and I’ve pretty much answered most of the questions I’ve had concerning my sexuality by now. As many of you know I have this whole extended continuity that stretches way into the future and has a plethora of ocs that include Dalek’s children. Where do you think babies come from dudes? Of course they’re still having sex, and of course I draw it sometimes because guess what I like sex.
But the versions of Deryn and Alek that I draw porn of are so divorced from their younger canon counterparts that I often just describe them as OCs when showing the art to other people. In my head they’ve completely changed into adults, not just taller and with bewbs but emotionally as well. I’ve taken liberties in altering their worldview to be more mature, borrowing many of the lessons and trials I myself have picked up over the years. My interpretation of adult Dalek was made through me imagining those characters growing up beside me at the same speed, and really I’ve done more written work of them just existing as adults then I have of them having sex. (Here’s the full timeline, btw.) They’re not at all the same as they were in the book, I’ve devoted time and effort into theorizing their development over the course of literal years.
So yeah. They’re having sex. Teenagers do that. If there are any teenagers on this blog feel free to write all the porn you want. But I’m not putting any here, because me and a vast majority of my followers are either adults who dont wanna think about kids that way. I’m also gonna try and keep it clean for kids who just dont have an interest in sex and would rather read my quality content that supposedly exists.
That being said, please continue to send me prompts to misinterpret. Thats a load of silly goofy harmless fun. Just dont be disappointed when I bend over backwards to make something sexy funny instead.
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