#They are actually specifically based on my old anthro wolf people
vulpecular-draconic · 6 months
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howdy! this is my side blog where i ramble about my experiences being alterhuman. i don't feel comfortable linking my main blog yet, but i may sometime in the future. on this blog, you can call me vuldra. i'm genderfluid and i'll update my pronouns in my bio when they change.
i am a psychological alterhuman – i am alterhuman due to being neurodivergent. i tend to have pretty strong phantom limbs, and about average species dysphoria (although i don't believe those are necessary to be nonhuman).
i always feel like all of my kintypes to some degree, but how much fluctuates in intensity. being a pearl fox takes the stage most often, although bat-eared fox was the first one i awakened to. i call myself a fox more often than my other kintypes.
i often get mashup shifts, where i have phantom limbs and sometimes impulses/mentalities from several different creatures at the same time. the phantom limbs/etc are usually frakensteined together from my already known kintypes, but they can also include cameo shifts.
the summer of 2023 (june or july) is when i awakened. i've figured out a lot since then, but i'm always learning about myself, so i'll update/rephrase this post every once in a while.
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— red fox [vulpes vulpes]. specifically, the pearl fox color morph. this is connected to my fae/changeling kintype.
— bat-eared fox [otocyon megalotis]. this is not connected to any other kintype in particular.
— maned wolf [chrysocyon brachyurus]. this is connected to my cryptid kintype. i’m technically still uncertain if this is a theriotype vs a hearttype, but for now, theriotype fits best.
usually when i get fox shifts (for both species), i feel like an anthropomorphic fox. not quite like the way most modern furries are drawn – more along the lines of how an anthro fox in an old storybook would be drawn. i like having anthro shifts better, because it's less dysphoric than when i'm an all-fours fox. anthro maned wolf shifts don’t happen as often.
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otherkin types
— fae/changeling. this kintype is similar to cryptid, in that i don’t really have a set appearance — no “true form” — but it is linked to my pearl fox kintype. i often naturally imagine my fae self with pearl fox features, or as an anthro pearl fox. being a pearl fox also can lead me to feel more fae-ish. fae and changeling itself are slightly different experiences. average changeling days, i just feel like myself. i consider it my “base” species, even though i didn’t discover it first. on fae days i’m usually more mentally shifted than is typical, and i’m constantly thinking about and wishing i could do fae things (tricking a human with magic, etc).
— cryptid. i don’t have any specific appearance as a cryptid. mashup shifts often co-occur with cryptid shifts. but i do have a couple of forms that are common: a shadowy being (something that was actually an accidental otherlink), maned wolf and maned-wolf-like forms, and various mashups of the two. i’m also more likely to get phantom antlers when i’m a cryptid, and vice versa, i feel more cryptid when i get phantom antlers. sometimes i feel like not having much of a physical form at all. hiding is my main cryptid instinct — i do not wish to be perceived, and if i do, in a way that would scare people.
– pocket dragon. i'm only about six or seven inches long from head to tail. my scales are blue with mottled silver, layered over atop each other, and most are that classic rounded triangular shape. my mouth is sharp and has no teeth. sometimes my tail has a feather-like fan of scales on the end, sometimes it doesn’t. when i get pocket dragon shifts, i feel the urge to scurry up trees, hide in tiny nooks, stop speaking, and eat berries and beetles.
— dragon [not pocket-sized]. this species is bigger and more sapient than my pocket dragon species. i’m still trying to figure it out. it looks similar to my pocket dragon species, but not quite the same.
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hearttypes, hearthomes, confusion, and more!
— avian-person. i don’t know if this is a kintype, hearttype, reoccurring cameo shift, or something else. whatever it is, it’s part of my identity. …sort of. (i do often forget it exists when i’m listing out my ‘types, even though these phantom limbs tend to be stronger than my others.) i get bird-like phantom wings and a long feathered tail with a fan at the end, similar to the fan on my pocket dragon tail. my feathers (wings and tail) are grey with a smattering of darker grey speckles, and some feathers have shimmery blue on the edges. occasionally i also get digitigrade legs; sometimes more mammal-like, sometimes more bird-like. i often also feel bird-like scales on my forearms and talons on my fingers. other than that, i have no mental shifts and my body is human-like. — cecil palmer [from the welcome to night vale podcast]. hearttype. he gives me extreme gender envy, but it’s deeper than that in a way that’s difficult to explain. i want to be him very badly (or at even just take on a similar role). but i am not him, unfortunately.
— tangled / tangled the series [world]. hearthome. it gives me a sense of longing and nostalgia like nothing else.
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tagging guide
some of these words have different or more broad meanings than the way i will be using them for sorting — just know that i’m aware of that.
if i want the post to reach a wider audience than it would reach with sorting tags alone, i might add more than just what’s needed for sorting.
if a creature says they don't like to be called a certain label, i’ll try to avoid tagging my reblogs of their posts with that label (a rule that is most applicable on posts talking about personal experiences). but sometimes i’ll miss something. if i make that mistake, don’t hesitate to tell me!
# i say some stuff — posts where the op is myself, or where i reblog something and add my own thoughts.
# tags in which i ramble — for posts that are not my own, but where i add enough in the tags that i consider it worth knowing about.
# not my post — posts made by others that i reblog without adding anything to the discussion.
# therian — posts regarding earthly animal kintypes and therianthropy specifically.
# otherkin — posts regarding mythical/magical nonhumanity and otherkinity specifically.
# nonhuman — blanket tag for posts about therianthropy and otherkinity, as well as posts about nonhumanity. (aka, if you wanted to scroll thru my therian and otherkin posts at the same time with some extra posts about nonhumanity, you’d choose the nonhuman tag.)
# alterhuman — posts regarding forms of alterhumanity other than nonhumanity/therianthropy/otherkinity (ie, kithtypes, archetropes, fictionflickers, etc) and posts regarding the nature of the word itself.
# otherhearted — self explanatory. i will mainly use this term instead of the other variants (animalhearted, otherkith, etc).
# critter experiences — posts containing the personal experiences of any who fit under the alterhuman umbrella, both my own and others’. (alterhuman as in the real meaning, not the meaning as i’m using it for sorting up above.)
# critter origins — umbrella tag for posts regarding theories and beliefs on why folks are nonhuman, whether psychological, spiritual, other, or both. related tags would be #psychological critter and #spiritual critter. if the belief is a combo of the two, all three tags will be used, and if it’s neither, just the main one.
# critter questions and/or questioning — for posts where the poster is questioning aspects of their alterhumanity or has questions about alterhumanity, and posts that would help those who are questioning.
# critter info — posts about animal behavior, welfare, environmental stuff, or legends/myths/lore.
# critter community — any posts concerning the alterhuman community, both on history and modern-day phenomena. will sometimes overlap with the following tag:
# term discussion / term coining / term definition — a three-in-one tag that is probably self explanatory.
# critter shifts — umbrella tag for shifts of all types. since i have phantom and mental shifts most often, most posts will probably be about those. 
# critter creativity — moodboards, memes, stimboards, ID packs, joke posts(?), poems, short stories, art, comics, masks, tails, etc.
# critter polls — umbrella tag for polls.
# critter ask game — umbrella tag for ask games (questions and answers).
# humanity — stuff about humans, humanity as a concept, or alterhumans’ relationships with humanity.
# [__] kintype # [__]kin — format for posts relevant to specific kintypes. first one will be for ‘types with two or more words, and second for types that are just one word. (because bat-eared foxkin looks clunky, but bat-eared fox kintype doesn’t. at least not to me.) some you will see frequently on my blog include: bat-eared fox kintype, pearl fox kintype, foxkin, pocket dragon kintype, dragonkin, cryptidkin, faekin. 
# [__] hearttype # [__]hearted — same premise as above, but for otherhearted stuff.
# miscellaneous — self explanatory.
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all post dividers by: @plum98
this post was last updated: june 16, 2024
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papermonkeyism · 3 years
What made you step away from drawing anthros? I think Entica is the closest you've come to them in years
I don't know. I guess I just don't find them as interesting to draw? I spent so long drawing them, mostly inspired by everyone else drawing them, I guess they suffered a little inflation?
I think, in the end, anthros just aren't me. There are So Many great anthro and furry artists around who make great art, and all I was doing was drawing watered down copies of what everyone else was drawing. I merely recycled what was popular at the time.
When I grew older, I kinda just found myself? Started figuring out what makes me, personally, interested; what feels the most fun to work with. And turns out that heavily includes worldbuilding and trying out new things, pushing my own boundaries. I never got that same reward from drawing anthro wolves dressed in some wannabe "native people" stereotype with loincloths and feathers in their hair without thinking about the why behind those aesthetic choices.
Entican people have weird teeth! And fingers and toes! And fancy genetics! And evolutionary history! And an entire world full of weird creatures to play with and interact! There are so much I can do!!
With anthros it's just... There's an animal person.
I certainly wouldn't mind drawing some every now and then, they can be fun excercises, or for commission. Maybe even doing some ARPG-ing with them? Could be fun. But I don't have a world for them to live in, so they'd just be kinda empty and disposable on their own. I'm having more fun with these other characters that come with complete headworlds.
(technically speaking, though, the Singing People of the dinosaur project thingy ARE anthros. They might not be humanoid in shape, but they are anthropomorphic dinosaurs. But they also come with complete worlds, and their cultures as neolithic and not-human-shaped are more rounded than "well, all these other people are drawing their wolf people dressed like this, so I will too")
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cdc1345711 · 3 years
Never-World Characters
Phenas=Bad-Ass Never-World Inhabitant who lost his Arm while saving a Little Person from being sliced up by debris who is an excellent swordsman and sharpshooter and is a cook but is a very terrible one as well as the 'Blood Brother'(not by actual blood but they got simultaneously stabbed and both their blood is in the Other's Body kind of deal) to Tamboro. He is a Calm Levelheaded Warrior whose often the voice of reason concerning Tamboro and Others like him. He is also the Lover of Oriel
Tamboro=My Favorite to draw Tamboro is a Primal Hunter who hates guns and prefers to hunt with swords knives or his bare claws. He often acts firsts and thinks later much to Phenas' annoyance. He is a skilled Hunter Tracker Predator and has HUGE respect for nature. His Emblem is an Owlbear and he has 2 Mates Zada and Lila. Despite his Bull Headedness he is a kind soul would give his life for those he cares about
Koro= A Technomancer aka Magic used specifically for Technology which increases the more Advanced the Tech is. Koro much like Phenas is the Voice of Reason and is the Head of Communications and master for Future Technomancers. His species has 4 fingers(2 on each hand) and a Cyborg esque style to them. Even though he prefers diplomacy he is a skilled combatant especially in the Never-World Skill known as Weirdie. Koro also took part in the Magical Alliance plan to use Multiversal Portals which he remains to this day on the Fence about his part in it
Gobli= Half Goblin Girl with a Steampunk Arm wanting to prove herself as a warrior and not just some kid who talks big(even though she is 22). She os currently learning Technomancy
Demogorgon= Aamuel and Hathradiah the former Prince of Demons who in the past betrayed the Demon Lords and sided with the God(alongside Other Demons) and has grown in age learning honor and loyalty. They're also the Top Powerhouse of the Protagonists
Terret= Furry Man Creature skilled in Old Magic who also took part in the Multiverse Portal Summoning. Rival to Omar who uses Alchemy
Omar= Goblin Alchemist who has Robotic Hands and Feet as well as an Exposed Brain. Terret's Rival
Opal=One of the few Metal Organics born in Never-World who is a Super Bad-Ass Lady sporting 4 elongated swords in her Hands and 2 tiny ones in her feet. Opal also has a major part of the Story but I won't say it. She like most Metal Organics can heal fast immunity to diseases and poisons and has a Don't give a Crap attitude but is super Loyal to her pals.
Redcap=Red Cap Goblin who joined the group after being saved from the Kaiju King's Crazies. Loves to hack and slash
Stargantua=Originally from the Main OC Verse he appeared through a Portal and was found by the group who cared for him and taught him to fight. Stargantua can also change forms depending on the amount of water he consumes
Zada=Tamboro's Mate who he met on a Hunting Trip who fought over a Demon Boar but as the Fighting continued they both embraced and made love becoming Mates. Much like Tamboro Zada is a skilled huntress and tracker and has a few Mechanical appendages due to losing most of her healing from an Ability sucker. She has however perfected her Hardened Illusions which are Illusions but they can hurt. Besides kindness and loyalty she does have a sassy side that Tamboro and their other mate Lila loves.
Kraiglest=A Metal Creature(not Metal Organic) who after the loss of his Lord leads his People. Much like Stargantua they were originally from the Main OC Verse until they somehow ended up in Never-World wanting to rebuild their Race. Though due to the Rampage of the Kaiju King it seemed Impossible until Kraiglest with the MC Council's Permission joined forces with the Resistance
Monkey Chips=An Honorable Primate Kaiju who for the Longest Time remained Neutral until hearing the Words of Armando and decided to use his Club to help them
Mountain Octopus=A Giant Land Octopus used as the opening to the Heroes base. MO is a kind gentle Creature who remains collected..... Until the fighting starts and he shows how powerful he truly is. He is close to Demogorgon Opal Gobli and Armando
Rosaina=Sniper Girl with a Secret Past
Kaijus/Giant Beasts= Yeah nuff said
Kaiju King=A Powerful Antagonist who can control the Beasts of Never-World who believes strength is achieved through hardships and pain
Non Never-Worlders
Armando=Kromakian Army Lieutenant and Brother In Law to Eric my First Ever OC. First one to appear before the leader of the Never-World Resistance and was one of the Few to accept to fight on behalf of Every life ruined by the Kaiju King. Very Stoic yet still pretty funny Armando is a tactical genius and due to his ability to shift arm weapons he's one of the Most powerful protagonists of the Story. He also looks up to Eric as inspiration to be a Great Leader.
Oriel=Twin Sister of Ari that lost her Arm due to an Ability Sucker and has to fight one armed but due to her Changeling abilities she can still morph her good Arm into any weapon she chooses. Lover of Phenas
Lila=A Lesbian Wolf Woman who in the Main World was the daughter of a business man who eventually took over the company after his retirement and she caused the business to boom exponentially. However..... She was super bored with her life until the Multiverse Portals opened and she had to survive in a Demonic Hellscape(though years of Camping helped her). During her time she finally felt alive and felt more alive when she met Zada. Course she had trouble being attracted to Tamboro(because of her LGBTQ life) but after a romantic outing she found her attractiveness to Tamboro. She wears a metal arm because it was infected and was amputated. She slso gained tons of scars while surviving. She hopes to return home one day but not until the Kaiju King is defeated
Ribeye=Former Football Star Anthro Ribs turned Soldier. Ribeye was one of the Few people to actually want to help the Never-Worlders because of all the pain he saw the Kaiju King made(plus he always wanted to take down a God-Zilla lol). His Flamboyant Personality is a huge morale booster and he even teaches Football when not fighting.
Ilodorf and Dira=A Sasquatch and Deer Couple who are both skilled in the Art of Medicine and Health. Ilodorf is a crazy man but his techniques do work well and his Wife while often succumbing to Self Doubt is willing to help any patient they got
Kip=Twin Brother of Rip who is just as Crazy and Gun Happy as Rip
Part 2 Coming Soon
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