#They both have Nepoleon syndrom
goddessofroyalty · 2 years
I just read your Zaun Family heights post and did both Silco and Viktor use Jayce as a measuring stick for how tall they wanted to be? Viktor going the extra mile to his dam and adding an extra inch
Yes! They did!
Apparently "being really petty about being seen as short despite not actually being that short" was something Viktor inherited from Silco in the verse. (And yet somehow the actually short Vi and Powder did not learn it off them)
I mean, to be fair, Silco was never going to close the gap between himself and Vander but 3 inches is easily doable between slight heels and internal lifts in his shoes. Jayce just happened to be... exactly 3 inches taller than him.
Viktor was mad at Jayce when he made the Machine Herald armour so he did the extra mile to make sure he'd be taller. Honestly it's only because I don't think he adds much to his original height when out of the armour (because of the Hexgem being involved and generally how this verse is meaning he's more... reinforcing his body with external additional armour that is put on/taken off instead of creating a Whole New Body) that I didn't make him go to like 6'5" as Machine Herald to really be looking down on Jayce. But he definitively had "taller than Jayce" in his mind when designing it all.
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