#and Viktor hunches a lot
dusty-siltstrider · 30 days
Surely this is a safe place to say this
Random thought while struggling to find references for this fucking outfit THIS ACT 2/3 ACADEMY(?) UNIFORM IS FUGLY I'M GONNA SAY IT
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The fuck is this mess. What is it. Why does it have like 5 layers. wtf is his tie tucked into. The color scheme. Vertical stripes. Tf are those weird strappy buckles for. What are the reflective bits. Is it a reflective vest. For all the forklifts driving around ofc. The only saving grace of this outfit is that it exists on Viktor's body and that elevates it from a 1/10 to a 2/10.
Is this specifically Viktor's wardrobe or is it an Academy uniform cuz it's a lot different from what he and Jayce wear in Act 1 (and they're not really involved with the academy in later acts iirc I guess but I'm in no logical state here)
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Look at that. Comfy. Practical. Scholarly. A dress shirt and a thin vest. The kinda shit you can wear while hunched over at a desk for 15 hours straight. Easy to cosplay. Shit I wear this on the regular already.
Why'd they give him a goddamn sleeveless silver surfer ass parka later on. I hate the vest. Why it look like that. Is so fucking bulky. That shit looks heavy. My boy gonna melt in any decent summer. I worked up a sweat and a sore neck just looking at it. Spent 20 minutes trying to figure out the fucking act 2/3 fit for cosplay and drawing purposes and I'm like 90% sure he's wearing three separate tops not including the vest. Viktor if this is your own style and not like obligatory businesswear then this ain't it (you're still stunning ofc)
(im very sorry im rather drunk and have been spending too much time thinking about this)
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blissfulip · 7 months
On AO3
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Viktor x f!reader
Rating: Explicit
Tags: enemies to lovers, slow burn, angst, idiots in love (?) dubious science, mostly canon compliant, no use of y/n, chemist!reader, eventual smut, masturbation, angry sex, unprotected sex,
Cw: lot's of blood, slight spice if you squint
Words: 1.7k
[A/N: bit of a shorter one this time, in preparation for the teeth-rotting fluff and filth that awaits in the final chapter~ tags and content warnings to be updated in each chapter, updates weekly(ish). (also, let me know if you want to be tagged in fic updates!)]
Tags: @ihopeinevergetsoberr @chemical-killjoy @jinxed-jk @bobobomao @queen-of-elves @thedustybunny @syren201
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Chapter 8: Blood-tinted
You had become so small all of a sudden. The earnest compulsion to scream at Viktor, to tell him how much his constant presence in your life lately had exerted an influence over your thoughts—a negative one you planned to clarify soon thereafter—was brought to a halt. The blood made you panic, and seeing you there, his own shoulders depleted into a pronounced hunch, as if he expected you to pester him with questions he did not want to answer. 
You didn’t; instead, your hand swiftly held his wrist as you conducted him out of the bathroom, and out there, you swerved through the commotion of people clustering in the middle of the room to make your way to the infirmary. It was too late for the nurse to be there, but the room itself was never locked, you knew, so you turned the door handle without a second thought and dragged what remained of Viktor inside. 
Viktor sat on one of the cots, lifting his head up with what you assumed was the intention to stop the bleeding. 
“Don’t do that; the blood is going to end up in your throat." You said as you grabbed a towel and placed it in front of his face, “Pinch right there—yes, there you go." You continued gently nudging his head forward with your other hand. You noticed the bleeding was also coming out of a small cut on the bridge of his nose, so you needed to find some gauze. You heard Viktor sigh audibly behind you as you rummaged through the drawers. 
“Care to explain?”
“Viktor, what happened?” You said this time, looking at him. He closed his eyes and breathed in. 
“I got punched in the face; I believe you’re smart enough to figure that out.”
“Color me shocked!” You said in a sardonic hiss. “By whom and why?” You said punctuating each question with an ironic stare at the same time as you soaked a small piece of gauze in saline solution. Viktor winced slightly at the pain. 
“That vacuous donkey, and I suppose he was unhappy as a consequence of me preventing him from following you into the bathroom.” 
“Asher?” He chuckled at how fast you got to his name with only that description. “Why would he follow me into the bathroom?”
“Judging by my state, I think you can presume I did not ask any questions.”
Although your knitted frown made it seem like you were upset, it was confusion that bounced all over the walls of your skull. 
“Why?” You managed to ask, finally.
“I’ve already said—“
“No, why did you do it? It simply doesn't make any sense to me that you would put yourself in jeopardy for me.”
Silence once again. 
“A jumbled mess, selfish, intolerable, and big-headed, remember?”
“I don’t actually believe you are most of those things.” Viktor started in a timid voice. “You are not selfish; eh, I suppose I feel a sense of longing for the time in my life where I would take risks the way that you are allowed to do now. I envy that freedom, that’s all.”
The hand you had holding his face in place had long dropped to hold the edge of the cot firmly. 
“I do think you are a mess, but that carefree nature you have is not something negative necessarily,” he continued when you gave no signs of interjecting, “and when I said big-headed, I meant to say stubborn.”
“Oh.” A small smile creeped up the corners of your mouth. “I thought you meant I have a big head.”
“I can assure you that you have a normal-sized head.” Viktor said with a lighthearted chuckle. “But you are, in fact, very stubborn.”
A comfortable atmosphere washed over as you went back to disinfecting his wound. The bleeding had stopped both from his nose and the cut, so you rummaged through the drawers once more to find some medical tape to patch him up. 
“To be fair, I also don’t believe you are most of the things I said yesterday.”
“The things you said before we slept together, or during?” You rolled your eyes. 
Viktor hummed, a small smirk on his dry-blood-tinted lips.
“So I’m a tad more tolerable to you than I thought, but getting into a fight for me still feels unbelievable.”
Viktor inhaled sharply before giving you a defeated look. 
“I can tell you are trying to make me say it, and I don’t appreciate that.” 
“Say what?” He looked at you with one eyebrow raised and a long silence, slowly letting it sink in. You were dumbfounded. He couldn’t possibly mean it, but then again, if the previous night did something, it was proving your attraction to him was mutual, and now knowing he does not in fact have the deep aversion to you that you were certain he did, it all fit into an odd puzzle perfectly. 
To him, the long, numb silence you had fallen into as your mind followed your convoluted line of reasoning had come off as a cold but polite rejection.
“Naturally, everything was likely circumstantial on your part, and I understand that,” he started saying as he stood up. “You were heavily intoxicated that night at Lara’s house…” 
“What? No Viktor—“ You started to say this as you moved out of his way.
“...and I appreciate how well you dealt with what transpired at the lab. I do apologize; however, I should have put my feelings in check and known it was a terrible idea...” Every word he uttered left his mouth louder than the last, and you could hear the tension in his voice as he tried to find the correct string of words to use. Around the last few words, you heard his volume deplete, and before he even finished speaking, his nose started bleeding again. 
“Viktor, stop! You are bleeding again— settle down for fucks sake!” Anything you could have said would’ve been useless, as he seemed to not hear any word that came out of you at that moment. He leaned against the wall, and the blood trickled down his mouth like delicately embroidered stitches over his lips.
“...my care should have extended to what happened yesterday; deep down, I knew it wouldn’t be a casual slip-up and an easy-to-forget mistake as it probably is for you, yet I couldn’t hold back—though it was entirely my fault. I recognize that, and I won’t hold it against you…” 
It wasn’t that for you either. You said so out loud and tried to convince yourself of that much, but it was not the truth—another well-crafted lie that came porcelain cold and perfect through your teeth. The thin stream of red percolated all the way to his neck. You wanted to say so much, but only lying came easy to you; lies were far and detached, and telling Viktor how you felt seemed too near and vulnerable, too constricting. His eyes now looked at you, not expecting an answer but simply giving himself a break, glossy and distant but still vibrantly golden. You remembered the dreams you had the night before, and they fueled whatever timid wish you had in you. Sure, you couldn’t say something, but you could show him. 
The room was narrow enough that the step forward you took was small. You had him pinned against the wall, although not of your own volition, and that aided you in finding a firm grip on the sides of his face before you met his lips with your own. You almost second-guessed yourself when you initially felt no struggle, thinking he must have been so weak from the loss of blood that he hadn’t been able to wriggle himself out of your grasp. A metallic taste creeped its way into your mouth when Viktor’s fingers slithered their way to your jaw, softly prying it open to make way for his tongue. 
You tasted his lips for a long while before you both had to grasp for air, Viktor being particularly in need of a break. Endearment peaked through his eyes as he unsuccessfully tried to wipe the bloody tint off your mouth and chin, and you both laughed quietly at the vampiric state of your faces, a picture painted by your silent confession to him. You could have said something then and even had something in mind, but your plans were spoiled by the dry sound of Jayce clearing his throat in an attempt to make himself known. 
You know there was nothing you could have said that would serve as an excuse for what happened, and no well-told lie could have steered Jayce’s mind away from the murder scene on your faces; thus, against what you would’ve normally done, you stayed quiet. Viktor did too. 
“Just so we’re clear, I always suspected.” He said, an eyebrow raised on his forehead as a sign of satisfaction. 
“Is it a prize you want? A pat on the back? A handshake?” Viktor said only half-annoyed, his mood unable to be ruined by any of Jayce’s brazen commentary.
“Do you mind?”
“Alright, I’m going. Just don't do it here; it’s so unsanitary.” He quickly left the room, only a millisecond away from being hit by a bloody towel thrown in his direction. One of the small pieces of gauze you still had on hand was enough to clean both of you up, and you helped each other out among light giggles and child-like mischief, followed by another small kiss to seal the deal. 
“How about a proper date?” You asked as you handed Viktor more cotton pads to replace the now-drenched one in his nose. “We could go to the café from last time.”
“I refuse; I won’t be able to look at that waitress's face without wanting to be swallowed by the ground with embarrassment.”
“How dramatic.” You said, rolling your eyes playfully, and Viktor shook his head.
“My dorm tomorrow, we can cook something; I’ve come to find out I rather enjoy it.”
“Why yours? Do you still think my dorm is messy?”
“Yes.” Your hand shot up to clutch your imaginary pearls in an inflated expression of fake outrage.
“Have you considered that if I keep going to yours, it will end up untidy as well?” You smirked at Viktor’s defeated expression.
“Fine.” He said with a loud, frustrated groan, followed by a mellow grin. 
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ursawastricked · 1 year
Distracting: Part 5
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The Sun Chaser: An annual, 24 hour work day in the lab, used to catch up on any missed work time from the past year..and this is your first year joining Viktor and Jayce for it..armed with an ungodly amount of caffeine, excitement for time with his lab partners, and a crippling sense of shame for his newly found intimate thoughts of you, Viktor will try and make it through an entire day without thinking of you in that way again..at least not with you realizing..
Wordcount: 3,366
WARNINGS: Alcohol, mention of sexual acts, but mostly fluff and light flirting so have fun! part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4
After another long shower, the third one that night, washing, rewashing, trying to scrub away any of shame that still coated the extent of his being. It had soaked far below his skin however, and had settled somewhere in his stomach, somewhere he couldn't run over with a loofa. But he would be damned if he didn't try. He stood in the kitchen, towel wrapped around his shoulders as he poked at some over cooked eggs on his plate, making every attempt to eat them as fast as possible after they had made a particularly squishy sound, and only further added to his shame. Oh that awful noise,
“Viktor, are you crying over your eggs?” Jayce asked, leaning on the counter edge, successfully getting Viktors attention as he had been hunched over, head in his hands for about five minutes at this point.
“What? No..just thinking” Viktor replied..in all fairness it was not a lie. He wished it was, because honestly not thinking right about now would probably save what was left of his sanity. He glanced at Jayce, taking what he realized was a coffee being offered to him, an offering he eagerly consumed, hoping it would jolt his brain into working order.
“Are you getting excited?” “For what?” “The Sun Chaser..” Jayce spoke the words like it was a legend, and in a way, it was.
The Sun Chaser, an annual tradition in The Hextech Lab. It was one, twenty-four hour work day, no sleep, non-stop make-up day, to push themselves ahead just a little bit and catch up on any work time lost over the last year. It was a night filled with workshopping, junk food, drinks..an ungodly and probably severely unhealthy amount of caffeine. But it was one of the pair's favorite nights of the year. The mixture of constant work, and sleep deprivation always made for a good time, lots of bonding, not to mention many many hours of laughing at jokes that probably aren't actually very funny.
“The Sun Chaser? Is that tonight?”
“Tomorrow, we have to prep Vik” Jayce chuckled, patting his shoulder and shaking Viktor a bit. “So you should get dressed, we need to go shopping. Here I made the list for this year,” Viktor glanced at Jayce, who held out a small folded paper, which he promptly plucked from his hand. He hummed to himself as he unfolded the paper, glancing over it for a little sneak peak into tomorrow's events. “Energy drinks, instant coffee, pastries, sweet milk,” he sighed constantly, already excited for that last item. “Booze, lemon juice..salt..what is all this extra stuff Jayce? Why would we need booze, a-and lemon juice?” “Oh,” Jayce blinked, uttering your name under his breath. “Yes..what abo-” Viktors sentence stopped in his throat..of course. You will be there tomorrow too. Of course you would, how on earth did he forget, “And..they asked for this? Why?” “Why said something about how booze would be fun as it got later, lemon for a chaser, and salt for before.” “They want to do shots?” “Sounds like it..oooo maybe they want to try body shots-” Viktor was quick to stop that idea, with a swift hard kick to Jayces leg. “OW!” Jayce howled out, quickly following it with a loud laugh as he saw that Viktor was now covering his head, shielding his entire upper body against the counter top.
“Oh this is going to be the best year yet!” Jayce cheered, shaking Viktor hard  by the shoulders with a loud huff of excitement.
The clock rang twelve o'clock, and with it Jayce banged an obnoxious fake gong with a loud howl into the empty lab, you followed suit with your own, egging Viktor join in as well before you all took one long sip from individual mugs of coffee. The usual starting ritual for this thing, with one extra person this time around. “Hell yeah! Let's do this!” You call, quickly rushing to your notes and starting immediately, Viktor laughed, watching as you scattered away and quickly began his own work. A very pleasant beginning to the Sun Chaser.
Five hours in,
“Viktor! Viktor, can you come help me with something?” You asked, holding together two wires, observing how they resulted in a small spark. You heard the familiar click of Viktors cane against the floor before you felt the warm sensation of his body leaned over your shoulder looking down at your work. “What is it?” He asked, glancing down at your current project. You turn to meet his gaze, finding him much closer than you already had expected. He met your gaze, about half an inch between yourselves. Your cheeks grow warm, your mind stalling a little in its tracks as you watch his face stare back, maybe a little more surprised than you. He cleared his throat, catching your attention away from where it had settled on his lips. You flicker your gaze back to the device you have noticed was now smoking just a little from the unstable wires touching. “Oh shit..” You mutter, ceasing the connection. From next to your ear you hear the familiar sound of Viktors chuckle, right before he reaches over into the device.
“I see..You need me to hold these while you weld them together?” He assumed, but you again were not paying any attention, your mind a bit foggy from the smell of Viktors collogne wafting off of him. “Yes..” You whisper, finding yourself out of breath. You try again, inhaling and rephrasing the reply “Yes, you need to hold them for me okay? D-don't get burnt alright?” You remind him. And again you fight away a shiver when you can feel his chest rumble with laughter behind you.
Needless to say it took about ten minutes to finish the melding of the wire, all the while Jayce sat back in his chair, watching you with a familiar smirk. “Cute..” He muttered to himself, writing down a note in a little black notebook.
Nine hours in
You were eating your dinner quietly, a moment of shared silence while you took a much needed break. Viktor had taken liberties with the word “break”, hence why he was currently jotting down a theory he had in an almost full book of notes. But then the slightest movement caught his eye. He turned his head to look toward you, catching the tail end of your shiver.
He watched as you brought your hands up to your bare arms, rubbing them for some needed friction, the slightest bit of warmth. And before he could think too much about it he walks over, coat in hand before tapping your shoulder,
“Are you cold, děcko?” he asked, putting a hand on the back of your chair. You barely lift your head from your food to give him a little groan, rubbing your arms a little more furiously. “It's cold..” You reply quietly, resulting in a soft smile from  Viktor. He nudged you with his coat, offering it to you,
“Here, until the heat comes on '' he said quietly, handing you the coat which to your credit, you stole away faster than he expected. In nearly half a minute you stood in front of him, hugging the coat around your form. It fit around you rather well in all honesty..but god this was a mistake.
Your body was perfectly tucked within something of his..he could feel his stomach tightening. And with the length of the fabric, it almost looked like you were not wearing anything under it- he needed to walk away. And so without a word, he walked away, very fast, to the bathroom, leaving you to settle back into your chair with a new found sense of warmth. Meanwhile, Viktor took the next fifteen minutes to try and cool down in the locked bathroom. Fifteen hours in
“Okay, okay, best shitty pick up line go!” You were all sitting around, about two shots in each. Jayce pointed to you first, “Go go go!” he chanted, watching as you chased your shot with an energy drink.You coughed a bit, tapping your chin as you tried to pick one, “OOOh I have it ok..” You turn to face Viktor, giving him a lightly goofy smirk, one you couldn't hold without giggling, “hey Vik..are you a triangle? Because, you would be acute one,”“What?” Viktor chuckled, watching as you nearly lost your mind giggling, leaning back against the floor as he began to mirror your giggles, “That..truly was terrible.” He sighed, sipping his drink and leaning back against his hands and watching as you began to wildly gesture to Jayce,“Ok now you! You go!” Jayce jumped at the idea, and quickly grabbed Viktor by the shoulder to get his attention, “Viktoooor..” Vik lazily turned his face toward his lab partner, raising an eyebrow inquisitively. “Do you have a bandage?” “No..why Jayce?” “Because I scraped my knee..falling for you~” Jayce cooed, leaning closer and swiftly giving Vik a kiss on the forehead before he pulled away, the three of you all bursting into tired laughter. Viktor took a brief moment, watching as you held your aching stomach, your hair splayed out on the ground around you like a halo..he couldn't begin to think about how pretty you were before Jayce caught his attention again. “Ok, Viktor..your turn. Best, shitty pick up line..go”  Viktor blinked, trying to filter through any he had heard, at this point his memory was a little foggy, and now with booze in his body, he was having a harder time thinking of any he would consider particularly"shitty ".He grabbed hold of your forearm, with a little effort, hoisting you back up into a sitting position. You snickered lightly, leaning closer as he kept a firm hold on your arm, gazing into your eyes with a passion that had your belly fluttering. “You look familiar..did we have class together?” He asked, his accent thick and breath smelling of the rum you had been sharing. You give one soft chuckle, tilting your head in prep for the rest of this surely crappy punny joke, “Because I swear..” He leaned a little closer, your nose scrunched..but you didn't pull away, “we had chemistry.” He hummed, drawing out the end of the word a little and leaning close enough that your noses brushed briefly, right before he pulled back. You felt your cheeks burn, and you stared forward at him as he took a leisure sip of his mostly empty drink. His gaze flickered off you, toward Jayce who groaned loudly, “BOOOOOOOO!” “What?” “BOO that was gold, I said shitty!” Jayce protested, sending you to his side of the argument, “Yeah that was so good! BOO!” Viktor laughed, putting his hands up to defend when you tossed an empty can toward him, weak enough that it just bounced off him. Jayce watched as you both continued your little scuffle, a few kitten bats here and there as you debated what exactly made a pick up line, a good one. He quietly jotted down another little note, smiling softly to himself when he caught You and Viktor leaned over, laughing toward each other, your hand using his shoulder to support yourself.
Twenty hours in
Viktor was so exhausted at this point. His mind was barely functioning at this point, so he was working on auto-pilot, which meant only his hands and eyes worked in full. That's probably why when you asked him if he had an extra screw, he didn't respond in english..not fully. It was a mix of his mother tongue and a few english words half slurred in there. “What?” you giggle, leaning closer. He lazily leaned sideways to hear you better, “Hm? jenom chvilku..I will..” He sputtered off after that. You chuckle slightly, stealing some of his empty cans of soda away so you could sit closer on the desk. “Jenom..” You try to repeat. Viktors brain gets the little spark it needs, one that brings a little more consciousness to him and he turns to look at you, still tucked in his sweater and leaning a few inches away from touching him. “What was that?” He asked, putting a hand on your head to keep it from laying on his shoulder..at this rate he knew it would completely turn his brain off if he could smell your hair. “I'm trying to speak your language. You sometimes mutter under your breath while you're working, and it always sounds really pretty.” “Well, your accent is atrocious..” He chuckles, resting his cheek against his hand as he watches you mirror his posture again..it was becoming one of his favorite of your habits. “You need to stop enunciating so harshly..Jenom. Chvilku” He purred, saying the words slowly for you to repeat. “Jenom chvilku,” you chuckle, trying to mimic his accent. “What does that mean? Does it mean something pretty?” Viktor shakes his head slowly, his smile plastered on his face as he watches you exhausted form slump over the desk, “It means ‘just a moment’,” he replied, “something pretty would be ‘něco hezkého’, if you meant that literally” “I didn’t, but that still sounded nice” you mutter, smiling toward him. At this point the sun had risen again, but Viktor in his ever nocturnal nature had drawn the curtains, allowing for the softest golden glow to invade the lab. The gold color played well of Viktors features, his chiseled cheekbones glowing lighty, and his eyes almost the color of the lighting..it was warm and soft, sending a buzzing feeling into your chest. One you were only partly aware of how mutual the feeling was. “Do you want me to keep talking?” He asked, bringing his hands back to his work. His gaze flicked between yours and and his project,“Yes please,,” You mutter, resting your head on your folded arms, watching as he fiddles with the machine, letting his voice filter through your brain and numbing it beautifully.
Twenty-four hours in
You were out. Your head was heavy against the desk, your chest rising and falling in a calming rhythm, one that Viktor had been observing for the past hour. A full day of working had passed, just about, and he had finished all he needed too, even fixing one or two of your projects up for you after you had fallen asleep. Jayce was sprawled out on the couch, watching the clock and trying to finish his calculations. Though he had made sure to keep check on you and vik as he worked. Viktor was slumped over the desk, watching you sleep lazily, a dumb smile on his face as he fiddled quietly with your relaxed hand still laid out on the desk. He was gentle..simply fluttering your fingertips under his, experimentally brushing them against your palm from time to time. Your skin was soft, and while your cheek was flushed with exhaustion, all he could do was focus on how lovely you looked. The sun had snuck its way into the lab, and dotted along the desk, warming your skin and highlighting the shine in your hair. It was bliss, the kind that had him humming a little song from his home, imagining that he was singing to keep you asleep. It was a brief moment, a perfect ending to the long day in his humble, love sick, opinion.“Watches her sleep..” Jayce muttered, scratching down the note in his book. Viktor raised his head, swiveling it toward his lab partner to see him jotting down something again.“What? What are you doing?” “Adding to my list,” Jayce replied simply, giving Viktor an innocent look..one Vik was able to see past instantly. “What list..” He muttered, standing and taking a firm hold on his cane as he limped closer. Jayce chuckled, hiding away the contents of the notebook like a teen girl hid her diary, “It's private! Kinda, if you still wanna play the clueless act” He laughed, leaning away as Viktor went in to snatch it from him eagerly. The boys played this game for a few minutes, one minute Jayce offering the book, before pulling it away again and adding to an ever more impatient Viktor, who was now too curious to let something like this go. “You have been writing in this thing for the whole day-” “I've been writing in it way longer than that,” “How long?” “I don't know, a few months?” Jayce shrugged, trying to do the math with what little was left in his tired brain, that is when Viktor was able to steal away the notes, snatching them and leaning away from a weak attempt to get them back. He flicked open the small book, reading the first few lines, “What could you possibly be taking note of? ‘Pointed out a bruise on their thigh’, ‘fixed his hair’, Jayce what is thi-” Viktor lost his words half way through, his tongue feeling heavy as his overworked head began to place memories together..notes..he was nothing interacts between you two? Why? How many things have been written down? His eyes widened, ‘spent the entire party staring at them, and then stole a champagne glass they used’. His cheeks flushed, a mix of rage and embarrassment filling his exhausted body almost enough to spill over and lash out if his weak body would allow it. “Y..you have been taking notes? Why?”
“Research..thought you would wanna keep track of each little detail for later” “Jayce this is improper! Taking notes on my interactions?” “Theirs too,” Jayce corrected, watching as Viktor gave him a confused look, he pointed to the index on the first page, “Red is interactions you initiated, blue is when they initiated”
Vik looked  at the pages, flicking through them quickly and indeed..seeing a mix of red and blue scrawled across the pages expances.He took a brief moment to read over some, ‘Stared at Viktor while he tested the Hexclaw’, ‘Asked if Viktor liked milk in his tea’ His cheeks flushed lightly, flicking through a few more pages before the pair heard you stirring at the desk.
Your head felt heavy, like it was full of rocks. Not only that, but your ears rung, as your eyes watered in protest of your current consciousness. It was not a good idea to be awake right now, however you had found that a desk was not a comfortable place to rest, despite how cozy Viktor seemed to make it look.
“Guys..? Is it over? Did we do it?” you ask, turning your head to look at your lab partners. You for a brief moment can't make out what is happening, seeing only a blur as Jayce struggles to his feet, and Viktor hurries to put his hand in his pocket. When your vision clears, you see them looking at you, a little too surprised for your liking. “What..?”
“Uh..nothing! Nothing! Just..packing up” Viktor barks out, rushing to grab the things still left on his desk. Jayce follows suit, packing his bag at a speed that leaves you trying to catch up,
“OH!” Jayce suddenly pipes up, interrupting as you try to wrestle your notebook into your bag, “You're still sleeping over at our place today right?” He asked. Viktor froze..his hands stalling over the zipper on his satchel as his mind tried to double check what he was hearing. ‘Sleeping over…at our place’..
You were. 
Two days ago, while planning for The Sun Chaser with you, Jayce had offered for you to crash at their shared apartment the day after, seeing that your apartment was much further from the lab, it would be best to sleep in their apartment and not risk passing out on the way home.
“Yeah! I got my pajamas packed and ready in my bag!” You reply, smiling as you start to make your way to the door, following close behind an exhausted Jayce, and behind you..a much more awake Viktor.
A very awake, and very screwed Viktor.
TEEHEE HEE thank you for reading part 5 HEHEHEHEHEHEHHE, oooo shits going down next time gang, bro cant find his shit anymore @zaunitearchives @astralkiss @mackbethart @theseuscloud @g4l4xy-qu33n @ears-queers-gears-n-fears @thymesoup @cheeriecherrymain​ @saumspam​
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nichenarratives · 1 year
An Obscure Oneshot
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Inspired by this post.
Deep within the forested trails of Missouri, an orange aura licks the midnight sky, casting a glow as potent as the early morning sun over the trees. Closer, the crackle of wood as flames engulf an inconspicuous log cabin is as intrusive as the heat itself radiating from the cabin's carcass, a bright, monstrous creature waning and waxing with the wind, too powerful to be thwarted by the thin flurry of snow fluttering down on the three who watch the building burn.
To the left, an austere feline with a strong jaw and face stripes hunches forward to light a cigarette. Despite his proximity, Atlas May has done little to set these wheels in motion; he arrived with the other two and set them upon the establishment instead, holding back to watch his pilfered heavy hitter and triggerman work their first mission together, gauging if his earlier deduction - that they would be perfect partners - were accurate.
Smoke lit, the striped feline straightens and flicks his match into the snow, where it promptly extinguishes. He raises his gaze to the flaming cabin and calmly drags on his cigarette, relishing the heat it brings to his chest, enjoying the potent hit of nicotine as his rival's storehouse burns to the ground at his order. Atlas quirks a slight smile and exhales smoke in a steady stream. 
The night was almost flawless. Almost.
He can feel the young triggerman staring at his cheek, the anxiously perfectionistic tuxedo attempting to discern their boss' opinion on the job. Mordecai Heller has worked for the Lackadaisy Speakeasy for almost eight months, keeping on top of their books as an accountant, but this is his first job as triggerman, and he fucked up getting into a physical altercation with a guardsman, almost costing him his life.
Atlas knows that's not what worries the tuxedo, however; he isn't begging to return to his desk job nor in crisis after a brush with death, but concerned he's been inadequate. The boy has a lot of anxiety compared to his partner who, even before he had completed dozens of similar assignments, had the confidence to handle himself. 
Viktor Vasko never looked for reassurance or validation, never pandered to his boss, and it's those qualities Atlas wants to encourage in their new triggerman. With life or death hanging on the pull of a trigger, Mordecai couldn't be second guessing himself. He has to be confident, capable, and possess enough autonomy for self-preservation, not hinge his worth on the words of an authority figure that won't always be there to pat him on the back.
The striped feline takes another drag of his cigarette as the experienced bobcat draws Mordecai's attention and hands him back his dropped spectacles. Another slip up, the older businessman turned smuggler muses, sharp eyes still on the roaring flames. Had he lost those, he'd be useless as a sharpshooter and an accountant until they were replaced, if he'd even managed to get out of the flames without time to find the exit with blurry vision. He's got a lot to learn. Viktor will have his hands full for a while.
"Job done," Atlas finally states, drawing the attention of both the man and the boy. He pauses to take a last drag on the cigarette before dropping it to the snow, the sizzle of hot ash lost to the violent crackle of the larger fire. "Take him to see Elsa," he orders, catching Viktor's gaze over the tom's head. He doesn't intend to address Mordecai directly tonight; such attention is reserved for when he does a good job. "Get his arm stitched, then get some sleep. I want you both back in my office tomorrow at one tomorrow, to debrief."
The bobcat simply nods in acknowledgement, then watches as Atlas turns and strides away, back to his own car, taken swiftly by the trees and snow, tracks buried as if he were never there. Only once their boss is gone does Viktor look to the young man now in his charge, the tuxedo barely out of adolescence, a boy with a man's weapon at his hip and an unerring need for acceptance he won't find in Atlas May.
Mordecai drops his gaze to the snow, hand clutching at his injured arm more tightly. He doesn't need to be explicitly told he messed up; he's supposed to be their trigger man, to keep his distance, to protect the brawler and take out any who tried to get the jump on him. He'd been a fool not to take the second shot before approaching, to try to save ammunition instead of safeguarding himself.
The subsequent shot had been aimed at his heart. Had he not brought his satchel, had he not raised it in time, he'd most likely have bled out on the stairs long before they set fire to the building. Falling through the banister, rotted wood splintering into his arm, the dull thud of landing on the joint, are all still visceral memories, as was the lightning decision to shoot at the man who loomed over the broken banister, weapon raised for a second shot. 
Mordecai hadn't even aimed, didn't have time, but it was enough to bring the man tumbling down on top of him, whereupon the tuxedo managed to get the upper hand and impale him with the shattered banister, the crescendo of the fight. He'd lost his pince nez in the scuffle but ordered to leave immediately after, had scurried off without them, teeth grit against the aching throb in his left shoulder, the gun still grasped in his less dominant hand.
He'd survived, but barely. Mordecai shudders, both from the cold and the icy reception from Atlas, the man he wanted to impress. Alive, but a disappointment.
Viktor hadn't wanted to bring the boy on this job, but Atlas had insisted, touting that he needed to learn the stakes, that easing him into it would be detrimental. He believed the boy had what it takes to be a successful triggerman, if only he had the right teacher. "You," Atlas had posited, clapping a hand on the bobcat's shoulder as they watched Mordecai through his office window. "That's why he's coming tonight, so you can show him how it's done. You wait; a couple of jobs, and he'll be the best triggerman we could ask for."
The tuxedo looks as far from a triggerman as anyone could be in that moment; fragile, sullen, freezing. Mordecai shivers and clutches his arm, barely suppressing a cringe of pain into a slight flinch. He's a lost and lonely body, out in the woods all on his own, and without guidance he may perish. An almost vacant expression plays in downcast eyes and the bobcat's expression softens slightly, a sudden wave of empathy in his stomach.
He saw that face looking back at him in the mirror many times after returning from the war, and knows the hollow feeling that accompanies leaving everything you love behind to start anew, only to feel wholly inadequate. It's the wonder if the difficult decisions you made really were right, or if you've screwed everything up so badly, perhaps you'd be better off not waking up tomorrow.
Without a word, the bobcat side steps to close the distance between them to mere inches. Mordecai sees his feet shift and glances up through his lashes, shoulder still hunched against the cold. Eyes still locked on the raging fire, Viktor opens arm arm out behind the tuxedo, his hand pressed into a pocket so his coat also fans out, silently offering the tom a chance to step closer if he wants. 
An offer of comfort and warmth, in a moment of uncertainty.
Mordecai hesitates, ears half-turned away from the crackle of the fire, eyes slowly shifting between the bobcat's stony face and the free space at his side. It would be a step to the left - a simple, single step towards his new comrade - and he'd have accepted the unexpected offer, an offer he's not sure he fully understands the scope of, but is enticed by the warmth nonetheless.
Eventually, much like Viktor, he sets his eyes on the fire and silently steps closer, allowing his injured arm to brush the other's fluffy jumper before angling the appendage to rest on the bobcat's front. Viktor gently closes his arm around him, encasing Mordecai in half of his overcoat, which the tuxedo grabs the edge of to hold around his body, trapping the heat in with them as he pulls it tight, unperturbed by the feel of Viktor's arm around his back and side.
The flames continue to lick the darkness, burning the inky black in orange and yellow as they watch, mesmerised by flames in a comfortable silence. A bobcat, offering simple solace to a tuxedo, in need of reassurance... and perhaps a warmer coat.
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thehistoriangirl · 2 months
HIII i love your works soooo much i literally cry when you update anything *violent sobs* you dropped this my queen 👑 also i don't mean to pressurize or anything, but is the work "If You Hadn't Left (Me)" on AO3 still continuing? if not no pressure! as always, take care of yourself and your health lots of love mwah
I had been in a writing slump—and plotting my original novel didn't help—, but I'm going to start college soon :3 so ofc I'm starting to write for Viktor again!!!
Here's a sneak peek at a scene for chapter 2 👀
Viktor's eyes swept over your designs. All swifts lines and clean sketches you've surely done a million times.
He couldn't help but remember how you had drawn him before, after carefully examining the features of his face with attentive eyes and feather-like touches.
His sigh echoed in the quiet lab, and he felt your gaze over his shoulder, waiting.
"I don't like it," he said, recoiling inside himself after hearing his whine. But it was true; this wasn't your style. You loved sinous curves and flowery details, soft edges that would end in intricate carvings like vines ensnared in an old tower.
Rather, the building was like a rounded obelisk, with sharp walls and a rounded roof that would merge well with the rooftops of the boulevards' buildings. A gigantic tower that was meant to be awed and feared.
"It doesn't surprise me that you never won any ingenieering competition," you huffed, your petty tone trying to conceal the hurt of his words. "Your machines may be good, but they're ugly. You clearly have no taste."
Viktor chuckled, humorless. "I must dissagree, Miss." He could do 'cute-looking' machines. Usually made to decorate your shelves, but he wasn't going to say that. "I dated you, after all."
He didn't register the words until they had come out his mouth, the damage undone and his professional reputation on the floor.
Your eyes were wide open, clutching the papers against your chest as if scandalized.
"You're insufferable," you mumbled, taking your sketch from his desk and dashing toward Jayce's empty desk, where you would finish the necessary blueprints copies for Jayce and the Council without daring to look at Viktor's direction.
"Isn't it a little bit early to already get out of work?" Viktor mused, looking at you putting your things inside a bag. Past lunchtime, but with the sun still shining and the streets still lively with children and students chatting all over the Academy's courtyard.
"I'm working full time. Just not here," you answered dryly, already heading toward the door.
"Why?" He couldn't help but question. It was because of what he had said, of course. How could he let his tongue run so carelessly in an art he had masterfully controlled before?
"I don't have my drafting table here," you said, eyes connecting with his just for a second. "And I forgot my portfolio with my scale rulers and other stuff. I will bring them tomorrow."
He nodded, ignoring the way his heart made a somersault. You'll return here tomorrow—because of course you would, this was your job.
"Good evening then," he said, turning back to his stool, back hunched as he continued to scribble his equations away.
Viktor just heard the click of the door closing behind your back, and then you were all gone.
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Mila looked back and forth at both of them, mouth flapping silently. “How?” she finally asked.
“We have no idea,” Viktor said. “Probably magic.”
“Magic is not real,” Chris sputtered.
“Sure looks real to me,” Yuri said.
After falling into a magical lagoon during a once-in-a-lifetime eclipse, music students Viktor, Mila, and Yuri find themselves transforming into merfolk whenever they touch water… and considering that they live on the coast, that’s probably going to cause some trouble. Things get even weirder when they discover strange powers that may have bigger effects on their daily lives than they could ever imagine.
Add to the mix a thalassophobic pianist, a marine biologist (possibly cryptozoologist) who might actually be completely insane, and a treasure-hunting Canadian… one thing’s for sure: their lives sure just got a whole lot more interesting.
Start from the beginning HERE / new chapter HERE
Chapter preview under the cut!
“Your phone went off,” Otabek said instead, grabbing it and tossing it to Yuri.
Yuri caught it and frowned as the screen lit up. “Oh,” he said. “Gimme a sec.”
He unlocked it and turned away, holding the phone up to his ear. Otabek was across the room from him, but he could still hear Yuri’s mom’s voice even without it on speakerphone.
Yuri’s shoulders were hunched up as he listened to the voicemail, and it cut off abruptly but the tension didn’t go away.
“You don’t need to call her back right away,” Otabek said. “She sounded angry, maybe she needs time to cool down.”
“She doesn’t cool down,” Yuri said, weary with resignation. “And if I don’t call her back now she’ll only get angrier.”
Otabek nodded. “Do you want me to give you privacy?”
“Yeah. Sorry.”
Otabek shook his head. “It’s okay,” he said, standing.
In this chapter: It's the full moon, and Otabek has his hands full keeping his best friend safe.
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gentlemanmoth · 2 years
Little Bundle of Joy
[A Viktor X Reader SFW fic]
This one is dedicated to @mischievous-piltovan for the @therealtendercrisps Secret Santa event! I was super torn between doing an art piece and a fic, but ended up choosing this one because, hey, I love cats too. Merry Christmas, Mischie!! ❤️
And merry Christmas to everyone else who participated in the Secret Santa!!! This was really fun!
Knowing Viktor, it would take a lot to get him to come away from his work– even for a fraction of a second– he was that passionate and engrossed in his work. Little to nothing could tear him away from it. Not even you could half the time, but that suited you just fine. You were content to watch him work and to bombard him with fifty million questions about what he was doing and what parts went where and whether or not the Hexcore was safe to touch– oftentimes it drove him up the wall… in the best way, of course. But he wouldn't tell you that to your face.
Today would be different though. The weather had been absolutely lovely all week, and yet Viktor had still stayed cooped up in his lab. While everyone else was taking advantage of the warm sun and cool breeze that countered it, he was hunched over his desk trying to find the key to cracking Hextech. His work was admirable to be sure, but he still deserved a break.
That was why you stormed into the lab and promptly pulled his chair away from his desk, making him gasp in surprise.
"What do you think you're doing?" His tone hinted at mild irritation, but his expression as he looked over his shoulder at you was warm and welcoming. He loved your intrusions regardless of timing.
You smiled down innocently at him in response to his question. "We're going out today! No more Hextech. Forget Hextech for… I don't know, at least an hour! Two would be even better! Maybe three!"
He chuckled and shook his head. "I'm afraid I cannot accept your offer, lyubov. I'm so close, you see, and–"
"It wasn't an offer, Viktor," you interrupt, "it was an instruction. You're coming with me and you're going to like it."
Pulling away, you reached for the cane that rested against his desk and handed it to him. His eyes glinted with a mixture of affection and mirth. He would give in to your whims today… but that would mean that you couldn't do this again tomorrow…!
With a groan, he pulled himself out of his chair and stood, leaning heavily on his cane. As much as he hated to admit it, it would do him some good to stretch out his aching limbs… sitting alone in that dark, cluttered space for so long had done nothing for his condition.
"All right, all right. I'm coming. But to where, if I may be so bold as to ask?"
You started walking towards the door and threw it open again, letting the light and fresh air in. "Out. You're going out. Out of this room. Out of the academy. Just out." You turned back to him, holding your hand out as he approached more slowly. "C'mon! I promise you'll have a good time. I do not have any ideas."
"That's for the best," he replied, lips quirking up in a sly grin, "your ideas are little more than scatterbrained schemes at best in times like these."
You rolled your eyes at his remark. "You can't possibly tell me you don't love it."
"You're quite right. I can't." He took your hand and followed you out of the lab; blinking and shielding his eyes from the glare of the sunlight … perhaps in hindsight I should have at least left a window open, he thought to himself.
"I figured we could just go for a little walk. The weather's too nice for you to be cooped up in there all day." You murmured thoughtfully. In reality, there wasn't much else to do, but this still meant you could have quality time with him regardless.
"Lead on, beloved. I will follow." Giving your hand a squeeze as he spoke, Viktor leaned in and kissed your cheek. As reluctant as he was to leave the lab, he appreciated your efforts to take care of him and make sure he was looking after himself.
As such, he was perfectly content to follow your lead out of the academy and into the warmth of the sun. The twisting and winding streets of Piltover stretched out before you– infinite possibilities ahead. You opted to lead the two of you towards the brighter, sunnier paths. The shade wasn't what Viktor needed right now.ord knows he'd had enough of that for a lifetime.
The two of you were perfectly content in that moment. Walking along at a leisurely pace together and without a care in the world. At least for now. There was still work to be done, and Viktor would resume his old habits the moment the two of you returned to the lab. But you would enjoy this time with him now regardless, and you would continue to listen to his rambling about Hextech and the discoveries he had made that morning… at least until–
… What was that noise?
"Vitya… did you hear that?" You asked softly, interrupting his train of thought and his rambling. Regardless, he went silent and listened intently– not knowing exactly what it was he was trying to hear… until he heard the sound again.
It was soft, barely more than a tiny mewl amongst the hustle and bustle of a prominent city. If he hadn't been straining for a small sound such as this, he would have missed it. He glanced around, looking for the source. "Yes… yes, I hear it. But what…?" He trailed off as you let go of his hand, headding towards the source of the sound. You were certain that it was emanating from a bush just a few paces out of your way. As you approached, the tiny sound came again. You crouched to peer under the bush and… there!
"Darling… come look! Look what I've found!" You encouraged him to come over, motioning with your hand before you reached down and pulled out the sweetest little kitten you'd ever seen. Its fur was soft, downy baby fluff that you would have expected from such a tiny, fragile kitten. Black fur with a thin layer of dirt and filth from the street and a tiny but wide open mouth that squeaked at the indignation of being picked up. Viktor looked over your shoulder at the little kitten and his eyes lit up with excitement.
"Well hello there, little friend!" He murmured softly, reaching out to give the tiny kitten a scratch behind the ears. It purred loudly and blinked up at him slowly, leaning into his touch with a degree of affection that only a kitten could manage. "Aren't you a sweet thing… how cute."
You laughed softly, tilting your head as you looked into the kitten's eyes.
"Y'know, I swear I've seen eyes like these before somewhere…" you glanced up at Viktor, admiring the molten gold and warm amber of his eyes. So full of warmth and life and passion… he smiled back at you, sliding an arm around your waist and holding you close as he leaned on his cane. "Well, I can certainly see the resemblance, if that is indeed what you mean."
"Can we keep it? Pretty please, Vitya? It's such a sweet little kitty…" you pleaded, lips curled into a hopeful smile. Viktor frowned and glanced around.
"Eh, well, I think that very much depends on whether or not the kitten already has a home…" he trailed off again, humming in thought. "Yet I don't see why a kitten with a home would be here of all places…" finally he nodded. "Provided we are unable to find an already existing home, I don't see why we can't."
You immediately turned around in his arms, peppering his face with kisses. "Oooh thank you, thank you, thank you! You're amazing. You're perfect. You're –"
"All right, all right!" Viktor interrupted, face turning a soft pink as he laughed, "Save all of your affection for when we take the kitten home!" Despite his words, he leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to your temple, showing that he still very much appreciated your display of unashamed love and tenderness.
"Oh! Oh, right. Of course. Home!"
And home would be where that kitten went. There was no one else to take the poor little baby on. None claimed it, and none wanted it. Therefore, you and Viktor were able to adopt it as your pet.
And it was back at your shared home that the real fun began. You were pleasantly surprised when Viktor opted to return home with you rather than to the cramped and dark lab.
"I think we should name them Rio." You stated, tying a red ribbon around the kitten's neck as a makeshift collar. Rio started wandering around freely, exploring every inch of their new home while the two of you watched.
"Every time I think I couldn't love you more, you somehow manage to prove me wrong." Viktor's laugh is melodic and full of joy as he pulls you into his arms for a tender embrace. You rest your head against his shoulder, rubbing slow, lazy circles over his back and humming contentedly. "I love you too, you weirdo."
He laughs. "'Weirdo?' I call you all manner of sweet things and I get 'weirdo?' Where is the justification?"
"There doesn't need to be any!" You retorted, scrunching your nose up at him. He rolled his eyes and kissed the tip of your nose.
"Well, this weirdo let you keep Rio."
"Ooooh so you do like the name Rio."
"It was never in question!"
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y2kbugs-moved · 2 years
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@pinkdovess​ @shinobi-illuminator​
I’m focusing on his lung disease mainly here, but yes very good points on his physical disabilities too! I’m definitely more familiar with infectious and respiratory diseases than musculoskeletal conditions…Scoliosis is something I do have and I can say he absolutely has it. Not sure on the leg exactly. With his posture and being in pain I want to say ankylosing spondylitis but that’s a wild guess from me admittedly, it does fit his posture being increasingly hunched over and his issues with back and hips.
The easiest and shortest answer is obviously "fantasy disease that the writers used Tuberculosis as a basis for" but I am way too interested in the medical field to just go with the easy answer.
We know his disease is terminal, and that he got it from gases originating from the fissures in Zaun where he grew up around. Now, a geological fissure is “a long, narrow crack along the surface of Earth”, (and thanks to google being stupid if you try to search for fissures you will not get the geological meaning of the term)...
I’m unsure what fissure gases could mean in this context exactly and the closest I can think of are volcanic fissures/fissure vents, and volcanic gases are indeed hazardous but I really don’t think Zaun and Piltover are situated in a volcanic area at all. If we’re looking at air pollutants then sulfur dioxide is the closest thing I can think of, but as I said, I don’t think the setting is in a volcanic area at all and the symptoms can be severe but not exactly like what we saw in Viktor’s case.
I heavily headcanon Viktor's parents were mine workers at this point because it would have given him the closest proximity to the areas where such disease would occur, and he's definitely lost a loved one to this disease (that and miners are historically very poor and low-class).
A lot of his symptoms are definitely reminiscient of Tuberculosis and that’s absolutely what the writers based it on, but his disease is not infectious. TB is highly contagious, like COVID, that’s kind of the biggest scare about it besides the whole...coughing up blood thing.
But Tuberculosis does have a cousin, (or arguably a twin, considering how similar it is and how it’s been misdiagnosed) in an occupational lung disease called Silicosis (There is an image of a diseased lung in the article if you are squeamish, but the text is informative).
It’s non-contagious, often found in poor mining conditions, can be chronic and take a decade or more to show symptoms. The only thing that feels different is that it does not cause hemoptysis (the classic coughing up blood symptom) as far as I know, but since the condition is so comorbid with TB, it’s probably going to happen.
More broadly, Viktor has a form of Pneumoconiosis.
CF is an easy guess but can’t be it because not all the symptoms match up and it is a disease where the primary cause is genetics inherited from parents, whereas Viktor’s disease is most definitely from air pollutants/gases and may be occupational.
Silicosis also leads to lung cancer as well as tuberculosis.
Of course he isn’t gonna be 100% accurate to real world diseases and most likely the writers just went with tuberculosis and scoliosis as easy, well known diseases to use as the basis. And they did that really well!
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At the tender age of 3, she was abandoned near the grounds of a cemetery and raised by the wild dogs roaming the forest nearby.
At the age of 6, she was found by the new local priest, father Henrik, of the town, and taken to the orphanage.
At the age of 8 she fell in love.
At the age of 10 she tried making friends and she joined the church choir.
At the age of 15...
At the age of 18, she became Father Henrik's church custodian and...
Age: Unsure, somewhere between her early or late 20s.
Pronouns: she/her. Hates being called an it as the people at the orphanage would call her that constantly.
Gender: Cis woman
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Birthday: Unsure when she was born, but the orphanage celebrated her birthday on November 30, the date she was taken in.
Sign: Unsure, but it would be a Sagittarius if we go of that her birthday is in late November.
Birthplace: Moldova, a little ghost town whose welcome board is so old, its name has become illegible.
Personality: a wary and anxious young woman who wishes to be loved and understood. Odile is very distrustful of many individuals who roam the forest and cemetery she dwells in, but with one kind action, she becomes putty in their hands. She acts like a wild animal when feeling threatened or scared with no way to escape. Lying or abandoning her spurs her aggression, making her act out and do everything in her power to prevent others from leaving her. However, if you manage to slowly chip away the feralness she has, you'll see that her shell contains a very shy and soft-spoken girl that is affectionate and sweet as sugar. One should also make sure not to make her question her relationship with you because she is EXTREMELY jealous when she loves someone romantically.
Height: 1.81 m/ 5' 11 " (but considering she tends to hunch down, she appears smaller than she is.)
Weight: 61 kg/134 pounds
Physical description: a tall and lanky young woman with long and unruly strawberry blond hair that reaches her hips and olive eyes. Her skin is sun-kissed (but quite pale when her tans leaves), littered with scars and beauty marks. A distinctive smell of incense, soil, and death seems to have ingrained itself on her skin.
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Hobbies: embroidery and sewing. Has a nice singing voice. Likes to read as well
Favorite authors: Charles Perrault, the brothers Grimm, Hans Christian Andersen
Favorite stories: Beauty and the Beast, Donkeyskin (Allerleirauh), The Wild Swans, any story you suggest
Favorite artists: William-Adolphe Bouguereau, Alphonse Mucha, Jean-Honoré Fragonard, François Boucher, Viktor Vasnetsov
Favorite art pieces: The Swing, The Abduction of Psyche, The Fallen Angel
Favorite movies: Sleeping Beauty (1959), Beauty and the Beast (1946), The Little Mermaid (1968), The Scarlet Flower (1952), Three Wishes for Cinderella (1973), The Wild Swans (1962)
Music taste: soft ballads, classical music primarily that found in Ballet, church hymns, might even like soft rock if shown
Loves: her prince
Likes: bunnies, warm beds, soft dresses, fawns, baby pink, porcelain dolls, rose-scented products, sugary desserts, petrichor, fairytales, lambs, red meat, sugar cubes
Dislikes: loud noises, screaming, large bodies of water, pigs, cathedrals, thunder, demon imagery, the toaster, snakes
Hates: Lies and liars
Tends to stutter or slur her words when nervous or pushed to speak. Mispronounces a lot of words, too.
Giggles and let's out small chuckles out of nowhere, even during times she isn't meant to laugh.
Extremely expressive (unless she disassociates)
She is left-handed.
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silver-heller · 1 year
KISS for Viktor, please. I hope you've been doing well, friend/loved one.
Hi Kevin! I'm doing alright, thank you sweetums. I got 28 which is middle of the back. I haven't written much Silver x Viktor, even though I should, so thanks for this!
I've Got Your Back
T | One | Viktor | Read it on Ao3
Tws: Discussed bruise/injury
Viktor was fixing the main car’s ignition when Silver stumbled into the garage. The cat was slumped over as he went through the entrance on the side, letting out small whines as he dragged his feet across the concrete floor, keeping his head down.
Viktor tinkered for a while longer, finishing up before putting down his tool and brushing at his sweaty forehead. He watched as Silver went to sit down on the bench just off to the side, shivering at the act and struggling to do so without gritting his fangs.
Enough was enough.
“Vhat is wrong, Silver? You have been hunched over all day. It has me vorried,” Viktor said, turning to him and leaning on the car to indicate he was listening.
Silver sighed, struggling to become comfortable on the bench and eventually just leaning back in surrender. His face had become all scrunched up, rubbing at it.
“I think I hurt my back or something. It keeps aching and it hurtssss to walkkkk,” Silver whined, placing his head back and staring up at the ceiling.
Viktor wiped his hands off at that, mentally musing that Silver always looked like he did after hours of work with the black tips of his ears and tail. The flicking of both always made him smile. Silver’s hair always became mussed too after some point and, when they didn’t, Viktor was always willing to do the deed himself.
As if reading his thoughts, Silver tilted his head toward Viktor with a smile.
“Anyways, is it okay if I stay here with you for a little while? I felt crazy just sitting in my room…alone.”
Viktor nodded, ears going down at the solemn look in his companion's eyes. Silver never could sit in one place for too long. He was an overly energetic, sometimes violent maverick, which was the best thing about him. Or, so Viktor thought.
“Yes, but let me take look at your back. Ve vouldn’t vant it getting vorse,” Viktor said and Silver hesitated.
However, after a moment of looking Viktor up and down, and seeing how concerned his expression had become, Silver turned around. He lifted up the bottom of his shirt, Viktor kneeling down to take a look. He reached over, then paused. He peered up at Silver’s expression, who was biting his lip nervously.
“Can I?” he asked, waiting for Silver’s hum before daring to touch him.
After brushing back his fur here and there, having to look past his rather distracting stripes, Viktor eventually found the problem. A large bruise had made itself known on the middle of Silver’s back, stretching quite far both ways, which explained the pain. Viktor frowned, wincing at the sight.
“You are bruised. You should ice it down,” Viktor said, though he continued to stare at it, wishing there was more he could do.
He lingered and, after a moment of consideration, he pressed his face forward. He made sure to control his strength, pressing the gentlest of kisses he could muster to the wounded area. Even if it was only the thought that would count, he hoped it would soothe Silver some and make recovering that much easier. He could not imagine how annoying it would be until it was healed, making a mental note to remind Silver to ice it and rest until it was.
He flinched back when Silver let out a yelp, dropping his shirt in shock and turning to Viktor with wide eyes. Viktor took another step back, holding up his paws. 
“Am sorry. Did I go too far?” Viktor asked, feeling his cheeks heating up.
Silver felt the same, apparently, tail swaying at a record speed behind him as he just stared. He broke eye contact, however, when it sunk in, pulling his paw up to his face to hide his expression.
“N-no,” Silver said at first, eyes slowly peering back, “Thank you, Viktor. I feel a lot better already.”
Viktor smiled at that, putting his hands on his hips and nodding at Silver.
“Glad I could help.”
Silver’s eyes sparkled at that, and Viktor could tell he was feeling better already.
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Lackadaisy Tomodachi Life Old Personalities
I did the 3DS personalities for them, and now I'll do the DS versions.
He would be Fun Intense:
Energetic, believes in hunch, sketchy, optimistic, sensitive. Very energetic and determined. Likes to do things on a whim, and no one can stop them.
Rocky is fun and intense by every definition. He has a darker side, yes, but a part of that is his energetic determination, which can sometimes get him into trouble. Or well, always get him in trouble.
Unsurprisingly, Ivy would be Fun Shiny:
Energetic, believes in hunch, sketchy, optimistic, sensitive. Everyone's Idol. Always so energetic and full of motivation. Quite struggling behind-the-scenes.
Ivy is energetic, she lights up the room, and she's far from shy. However, she's burying and hiding how much the terrifying world she's become involved in effects her. That and he general concerns and potential insecurities.
He of course would be Calm Gentle:
Takes things slowly, naive, delicate, meek, attentive, kind. Usually worries about others. Wants to get along with everyone. Easily trusts people.
Freckle is definitely naive considering he goes along with Rocky's plans in spite of himself, and he worries a lot about others. He does everything he can to protect the ones he loves and to mediate any potential conflict.
She would be Dry Active, though it was hard to pick one for her:
Formal, hates to lose, short-tempered, frank, obsessive. A strict leader. Always tackles things with full strength. Suffers from a gap between ideal and reality.
This was difficult because she's not formal in an obvious sense but, thinking about it, she often puts on an act. She does this to get what she wants, she doesn't appear like a strict leader, but, she's going in head first encouraging others to try and impress her to their own detriment. She doesn't hates losing.
I would consider him Cool Quiet:
Reserved, careful, stubborn, logical, indifferent. Very reserved, and unable to say things frankly to other people, but has a strong will.
Viktor is always speaking vaguely, his stubbornness making him unwilling to drop certain arguments but they're often made worse by him avoiding being direct and struggling to communicate his true intentions or feelings.
He'd probably be Calm Smiley in this case:
Takes things slowly, naive, delicate, meek, attentive, kind. Always smiles to people and always makes people laugh, but is actually reliable.
Wick cares about appearances, so he's always polite and smiling. However, despite seeming a bit superficial, he's genuinely caring and helpful in his own ways, even if he refuses to financially help the Lackadaisy besides visiting. He is certainly meek, struggling to stick up for himself, naive considering how Mitzi uses him, but also attentive and a good listener when need be.
Calm Mellow is the closest I could get for him, and it's surprisingly accurate:
Takes things slowly, naive, delicate, meek, attentive, kind. Relaxed and carefree type. Very laid-back but also has a lot of things to worry about.
I wouldn't call Zib meek, though a bit naive for still going along with Mitzi, kind in his own ways, and he goes at his own pace. However, he does come off as relaxed and carefree despite secretly worrying about everything.
I actually really like Mordecai's better for this one, it's very accurate (though the other one is as well), Cool Careful:
Reserved, careful, stubborn, logical, indifferent. Doesn't show emotions much and always thinks about everything carefully.
Mordecai is logical, careful, stubborn, reserved, and he tries to act indifferent, despite it not being true. As the description says, he hides his emotions, thinking everything through carefully from his plans to how he expresses himself to hide his true motives and feelings.
A bit obviously, Fun Noisy:
Energetic, believes in hunch, sketchy, optimistic, sensitive. Enjoys everything in life. Has fun even in bad situations. Can immediately befriend people.
Serafine is energetic, follows her hunches, though optimistic isn't the description I'd use. However I do think she is sensitive in her own right, even if she won't admit it. Her philosophy is enjoying life, so she has fun even in situations where her life is on the line. Can she immediately befriend others? No, but I do think a lot of people admire her style, even if from affair.
Fun Noisy just like his sister, although in a more gentle way:
Energetic, believes in hunch, sketchy, optimistic, sensitive. Enjoys everything in life. Has fun even in bad situations. Can immediately befriend people.
He has the same philosophy as his sister, being energetic and following his gut. However, I do think the befriending part is more accurate to him. He's more down to Earth and has a clear charm people are attracted to. I believe he finds it easy to make others like him.
He's a Fun Flare of course, calls him out more than the other personality lol:
Energetic, believes in hunch, sketchy, optimistic, sensitive. The hot-blooded type. Likes to get involved with other people. Somewhat pushy.
Asa adores getting under people's skin, he has a low tolerance for people that annoy him, and he's more than a little pushy.
My OC and @horsegurltrainor's OC
I also absolutely adore this one for Silver too, really cuts deep into his personality, Cool Bashful:
Reserved, careful, stubborn, logical, indifferent. Very patient. Cares more about others than oneself. Might explode if things go over the limit.
Silver is also quite reserved and can be quite stubborn, cautious, and logical in his own ways. Silver comes off as very patient and often puts others before himself, however, he is more sensitive than he seems and can be quite explosive if pushed to his limit.
She actually got the equivalent of softie this time, Calm Soft:
Takes things slowly, naive, delicate, meek, attentive, kind. The soothing type. Always shows emotions obviously on their face.
Dorothy can be pretty naive, as @horsegurltrainor has said themself, definitely delicate and definitely meek, but also very loving and attentive to friends, lovers, and loved ones. She's worse at hiding her emotions than she thinks and wants to sooth people, whether or not she believes she is the one who wronged them.
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opedguy · 2 years
Richardson Said Griner Out by Year’s End
LOS ANGELES (OnlineColumnist.com), Oct. 9, 2022.--Former U.N. ambassador and New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson, 74, after traveling to Moscow in September, believes that 31-year-old WNBA star Brittney Griner and former Marine Paul Whelan could be released by the year’s end.  Richardson offered zero insights into his prediction, even telling CNN he hates to make forecasts but still thinks the prisoner swap could happen by year’s end.  Richardson said he believes the U.S. will have to do a two-for-two prisoner swap, not the one offered by 59-year-old Secretary of State Amtony Blinken that offered 55-year-old arms smuggler Viktor Bout in exchange for Gnriner and Whelan.  News of a two-for-two swap has not been confirmed by the U.S. government, nor has Richardson’s trip been approved by the State Department.  Richardson expressed “cautious optimism,” but offered no specifics to back up his forecasts.
Griner was arrested Feb. 7 in Moscow’s Sheremetyevo airport for possessing cannabis laced vape-cartridges, something highly illegal in Russia.  Griner told her Moscow judge that she packed the vape-cartridges inadvertently in he luggage but had been prescribed the drug for pain relief under Arizona’s medical marijuana law.   Griner was convicted July 7 of violating Russia’s drug laws, then sentenced Aug. 4 to nine years in a Russian penal colony. Griner’s wife Cherelle met with 79-year-old President Joe Biden Sept. 16, trying to reassure the family the U.S. government is doing everything humanly possible to get Brittney out.  So when Richardson senses he has a hunch she’ll be out by year’s end, a lot has to change between the U.S. and Moscow. As it stands right now, 70-year-old Russian President Vladimirj Putin is in no rush to cut any deals with the White House.
Richardson didn’t mention a thing about the extraordinary circumstances of trying to get Brittney out in the middle of a U.S. proxy war against the Russian Federation.  Things changed March 26 in Warsaw Poland when Biden said Putin must be removed from power.  Then, one month later April 26, his 69-year-old Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin told a Ramstein, Germany audience that the aim of the U.S. military in Ukraine was to degrade the Russian military to the point it could no longer wage war.  If that’s not a declaration of war, then what is?  Richardson knows that his hostage negotiation strategy got a lot harder with Biden at war with the Russian Federation.  Biden admitted Oct. 6 that the world faces Armageddon if Putin uses tactical nuclear weapons in Ukraine.  Biden said he took Putin threats to use nuclear weapons seriously but offered no way of deescalating the situation.
Griner and Whelan find themselves caught between a rock-and-a-hard place, knowing they’re hostages in the middle of a hot war with Russia.  No matter how much the U.S. pretends it only supplies cash-and-lethal arms to Uraine, Biden, in fact, fights a deadly proxy war using Ukrainian troops to topple the Putin government.  Zelensky said last week that the only time he’d negotiate an end to the war is if Putin is removed from power. Ukraine’s 44-year-old President Volodymyr Zelensky knows without U.S. funding and arms shipments, the war would stop.  Zelensky knows that the U.S. foots the bills to the Ukraine government and war effort.  Calling for Putin’s removal only antagonizes the current standoff, leaving Russia controlling some 25% of Ukrainian sovereign territory.  Zelensky is in no position to call any of the shots, since the U.S. subsidizes his government and war against Russia.
When it comes to getting Griner and Whelan out of Russia prison, Putin must see Biden stop funding the Ukraine war.  There’s currently no deal that’s good enough to convince Putin to finish and prisoner swap with the U.S.  As long as Biden fights a bloody proxy war to remove Putin from power, Griner and Whelan will rot in prison without any end in sight. If Biden really wants to get Griner and Whelan out, he needs to end the conflict by starting ceasefire and peace talks in a neutral country.  Biden and Zelensky have showed no interest in ceasefire and peace talks because Putin controls some 25% of Ukraine’s sovereign territory.  Biden said Ukraine must win more territory on the battlefield to have any leverage at peace talks.  When Biden talks of Armageddon, he acts like he’s not able to deescalate the situation.   Any announcement about ceasefire or peace talks would deescalate the threat of nuclear war.
Richardson’s trip to Moscow was without White House blessings, only going as a private citizen. As long as Biden continues his proxy war against the Russian Federation, it’s doubtful Putin would negotiate a prisoner swap to get Griner out.  Only real progress toward a ceasefire and peace talks would convince Putin to negotiate in good faith to get Griner and Whelan out.  Prisoner swap negotiations can only happen if Biden’s willing to move the Ukraine War to the peace table. Continuing the proxy war against the Kremlin gives Putin no incentive to do anything with Griner or Whelan.  Richardson hopes there’s progress on a ceasefire and peace deal before Ukraine’s long winter where combat operations slow down.  If Biden really wants to get Griner and Whelan back home, he needs to move the Ukraine War to the peace table where Biden’s proxy war ends.
About the Author
John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in national and global news.  He’s editor of OnlineColumnist.com and author of Dodging The Bullet and Operation Charisma.
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goddessofroyalty · 2 years
I just read your Zaun Family heights post and did both Silco and Viktor use Jayce as a measuring stick for how tall they wanted to be? Viktor going the extra mile to his dam and adding an extra inch
Yes! They did!
Apparently "being really petty about being seen as short despite not actually being that short" was something Viktor inherited from Silco in the verse. (And yet somehow the actually short Vi and Powder did not learn it off them)
I mean, to be fair, Silco was never going to close the gap between himself and Vander but 3 inches is easily doable between slight heels and internal lifts in his shoes. Jayce just happened to be... exactly 3 inches taller than him.
Viktor was mad at Jayce when he made the Machine Herald armour so he did the extra mile to make sure he'd be taller. Honestly it's only because I don't think he adds much to his original height when out of the armour (because of the Hexgem being involved and generally how this verse is meaning he's more... reinforcing his body with external additional armour that is put on/taken off instead of creating a Whole New Body) that I didn't make him go to like 6'5" as Machine Herald to really be looking down on Jayce. But he definitively had "taller than Jayce" in his mind when designing it all.
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nichenarratives · 1 year
Frozen Hearts
An Obscure Miniseries
In an attempt to raise Viktor for a job without freezing his tail off, Mordecai decides to drive in the thick winter snow, only to have an accident. Irritated his young triggerman continues to be reckless, Atlas orders him out of the speakeasy and into Viktor's apartment to recover, leading to some awkward conversations, situations and a whole lot of bonding.
1. Bad Idea
Winter takes Missouri in its icy grip early in 1922, suffocating foliage and freezing pipes with extreme prejudice. Even the evergreens seem to struggle, the ground frozen and barren around their roots refusing nourishment or water. Firs lining the streets begin to brown beneath the weight of snow and frost, only the most resilient trees retaining their green pine needles as February approaches, the felines of St Louis all desperately awaiting the thaw and arrival of spring buds.
Being temperate, the natives would say Missouri benefits from milder seasons than neighbouring states, yet Mordecai Heller would call it unfortunate to experience both. A native of New York, known for harsher winters and mild summers, most assume he would suffer more in heat. Unfortunately, equally affected by minor deviations from innate comfortable temperature thresholds, the shorthaired tom finds both to be unbearable in their own specific ways, especially the cold.
In the winter, he can't seem to wear enough layers to keep warm, not when conforming to his own strict requirements for propriety. There's only so many long sleeve vests and long johns one can squeeze beneath a suit before it starts to look awful, and Mordecai won't sacrifice appearance for comfort. His three piece, fleeced undergarments and a coat are all he will permit, but even with a scarf and hat, he feels the chill permeate his bones as soon as he steps outside.
Given the choice, the tuxedo would hibernate through the winter; woolen pajamas, thick blankets and copious cups of tea all take the edge off, as does attending a roaring fire in the hearth. Mordecai would wile the months away, reading through texts and classic literature until the snow and frosts were replaced with spring grasses.. if only he could.
A cup of tea and a blanket sound like heaven, he thinks as, with his collar turned up against the cold, Mordecai trudges through an inch of snow to the car. Unfortunately, the world at large doesn't share his hibernation sentiments and with the Lackadaisy Speakeasy blossoming in the years since prohibition, its liquor stores constantly need resupplying. Tes would be far more warming than that awful liquor…
An often hours-long round trip to trusted importers in a cold, metal death trap, Mordecai isn't fond of resupply runs. He'd much rather be burning storehouses to the ground, covering Viktor in raids or even the god-awful task of interrogations. Excessively long, silent road trips aren't exactly enjoyable, especially when his partner is crime has made it obvious he prefers the silence; and now, to top it off, he's going to be teeth-chatteringly cold while they're at it. 
Jamming the key into the car door, Mordecai unlocks the driver's side and slides behind the wheel, before taking a moment to blow into his gloves palms. He'd normally walk to Viktor's apartment a few blocks from the speakeasy and let Viktor walk back to get the car, but it's too cold; even inside the vehicle, he can't stop shivering, ears folded back to his head in an attempt to warm their icy tips and shoulders hunched against the frigid air.
When his breath seems to do very little to warm his hands, Mordecai gives up and guns the engine, hoping running the thing will create some warmth in the cabin. 
A terrible driver - having only ever been shown the basics in an emergency by Viktor, when he was too injured to drive and needed medical assistance - he grits his teeth when the gears grind as he forces the car into drive. A quick pause to check his mirrors, he steps a little too heavy on the gas and gasps when the car lurches forwards in his unskilled hands, squealing tires throwing up filthy snow as he careens out into the icy street.
It takes minutes to get to three blocks at one in the morning. Mordecai somehow manages to avoid hitting anything right up until he tries to stop. With no experience driving on ice or snow, he jams on the brakes and exudes a strangled murr of concern as the wheels lock and the car continues skating down the road at thirty miles an hour. When another attempt to brake fails and he rapidly overshoots his intended mark, the tom makes a final mistake; he swiftly turns the wheel.
The rear of the car swings wildly forwards, dispelling much of the forward momentum but carrying the vehicle onto its two passenger side wheels. For a brief moment, Mordecai is flying; clinging to the wheel as his feet are carried off of the pedals, eyes wide and mouth open in a silent scream while both gravity and basic physics seem to tip the car in slow motion, hat and pince nez in flight within the cabin.
Gravity wins; the Cadillac overbalances and with a distinct crunch, the wing mirror crushes against the asphalt, the entire right hand side of the car impacting on the road a millisecond after. Mordecai is haplessly thrown to the other side of the cab, wrenching his arms off the wheel and slamming his face, shoulder and right arm into the somehow still intact passenger window so hard, it shatters on impact.
The contraption skids across the cobbles, ten entire seconds of screeching metal and crushed glass piercing in an otherwise silent road until finally, it comes to a halt thirty feet away when it hits a light pole. Silence falls again; the light pole flickers and dies as if the sound were swallowed by the same darkness enveloping the scratched up, overturned car. Snow continues to flutter down around it, filling the skid tracks anew, coating the tragedy in white.
Mordecai daren't move; his head hurts, his face stings like a raw wound and he's seeing double, hazy vision swaying as if rocked by a non-existent breeze exacerbating his inherited myopia. Bracing a gloved palm on the broken glass beneath his face, the tom tries to lever himself up, but with his lower body wedged between the gear stick and dashboard and a leg bent against the cracked windscreen, his attempts are a futile waste of rapidly draining energy.
An overwhelming exhaustion turns Mordedai's sight black at the edges, dragging him away from consciousness. His arm dives way and he falls back to his burning shoulder with a weak whimper. Vaguely aware he can't feel his fingers and a weak attempt to move them, warm blood drips into an eye from an open wound on his forehead, turning his world an unnerving red just a moment before it fades to black.
The bobcat is attempting to fix a leaky faucet when he hears it; skidding tires, an ear-splitting screech of metal on tarmac, and a final crunch as two metallic objects collide outside. He pauses his work and looks towards the window, cracked just a smidgen for the luxury of fresh air despite the oppressive chill, contemplating going outside. 
With a palm splayed on the underside of the sink and his other clutching the wrench still in place on the leaking nut, it would be easy to go back to work like nothing happened. Having the window cracked might be the only reason Viktor heard it though, which means he may be the only bystander aware of an accident taking place. Normally, he wouldn't be so bothered; with the speed limitation on public vehicles - a limitation he'd effectively removed from the company car for illicit purposes - most people walked away from a crash with minor wounds, making bystander intervention pointless.
Unfortunately, he's also aware of the sub zero temperatures outside. Even as a bobcat, fully fleeced with a thick double coat for optimal heat management, Viktor can feel the cold seeping into his apartment through the window. If knocked unconscious or trapped within the vehicle, it wouldn't matter if the driver's injuries were minor; he could freeze to death in a quarter of an hour in this kind of weather.
Viktor closes his eye and sighing heavily, abandons the still leaking faucet, using the nearby armchair to rise to his feet with a grunt when his stiff knee complains. The cold is bad for his old joint, no matter how warm he seems to dress; his long johns, vest and woolen pajamas keep him adequately warm alongside his fur indoors, even with the window open.
He grabs a sweater off the sofa, then pulls on an overcoat and thick, leather boots, picking up a lantern along the way for good measure before he steps outside his first floor apartment and heads out into the icy night. The falling snow, expanse of white and empty streets momentarily stop him on the step, a litany of nostalgic memories of home assaulting his senses, but he shakes them off and treads carefully into the snow, lantern raised as he searches for the accident.
If no one is dying, he's going to be so pissed.
It takes a few minutes and a short walk to find it; a divot in the snow already filling up with fresh powder flecks, roughly the length of a car and extending beyond the range of his lantern. With a frown, Viktor steps into the divot and follows it back to an extinguished light pole, a Cadillac bent around the base almost exactly at the halfway mark. With the roof dented in the vehicle is almost comically banana shaped.
"Hello?" The Slovak calls into the darkness, holding out the lantern and turning up the gas, the yellowish hue making it hard to discern the car's actual colour. There's no reply, but he steps closer, walking around the back of the car for any sign of a hasty exit - a busted window, open door, blood on the frame - but finds nothing; if someone was inside the car when it crashed, they're still there. 
He treds through the snow towards the front of the car and sees a dark shadow crumpled against the passenger side of the vehicle, unmoving and not unresponsive. "Anyvone hear me?" Viktor tries again, but with no response, a bad feeling begins to swirl on his stomach. He almost doesn't want to step closer, but he does so, resting a palm on the upturned hood to shine his light on the crumpled figure. "Van't hel-?"
The bobcat's question dies in his throat when he's met not with a stranger, but the twisted, bleeding body of a familiar face; he assigned partner and coworker, Mordecai Heller. The snow around the broken passenger window is turning pink, while his contorted body is jammed between the gear stick and mahogany console, foot awkwardly braced against the windshield and arms in disarray around his head.
Viktor drops the lanturn to the snow, unaware of it toppling over, glass case protecting the flame within. Of all the things he'd expected to find - of the tragedies he could have borne witness to, attending this accident - the unconscious body of someone he cares about wasn't one of them. The feeling in his gut swiftly evolves part fear, conflicting emotions masked by a military-drilled compulsion to act quickly.
It takes a single strike for the compromised glass to shatter under his heavy boot. Glistening shards scatter, invisible in the snow except for the lantern's dancing reflections. Viktor pays it no mind and crouching down, reaches into the car to extract the smaller tom with as much care as he can, while still moving swiftly, well aware that stronger men have died of exposure after less time in blizzards back home.
Despite being manhandled in ways that would usually make him squirm, Mordecai remains limp and unresponsive as the bobcat pulls him from the wreckage. Glass clinks and falls from the tuxedo in shimmering, sparkling flakes, more still glistening in dark facial fur as Viktor draws him close to a broad chest and presses two fingers to his throat, holding his breath without meaning to.
Ba-bum... Ba-bum.
It's sluggish beneath chill skin, but there's a pulse. Viktor isn't sure if he's relieved or afraid, looking up at the empty street shrouded in white, not another soul to be seen. With no clear idea what to do beyond warming the tuxedo up and finding medical assistance, the bobcat shrugs off his coat to bundle Mordecai up, disconcerted that he doesn't complain or even flinch when obvious injuries are manipulated.
His best friend on the verge of death and swaddled like a newborn, Viktor draws the tom close to us chest and begins the three block walk back to lackadaisy. The nearest place he knows who have a phone to call a doctor, or a car he can use to drive out to Elsa, because he's not sure blankets and a warm fire will be enough on a freezing February morning.
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thehistoriangirl · 2 years
ViktorxReader - reader massaging Viktor's shoulders when he clearly had a long day pls!!!!
Hi Anon, sorry for the belated answer. Here is it, I hope you like it <3
To Feel Better, All I Need Is You
Viktor x gn!Reader----848----SFW
Tags: Established Relationship| Domestic Fluff| I tried not to make it horny, and I think I suceeded (mostly)
It was a slow Friday night for Viktor, forcefully so.
He was lying in bed, pillows all around his body, especially under his right leg and below his shoulders. From the corner of his vision, he could see you wandering around the hallway, tidying the living room now your working hours were over.
From time to time, you peeked inside the room to check on him, when Viktor pretended to be asleep, eyelids fluttering to unmask his attempt, though you were far enough to notice it. Or so he thought.
 The truth was that Viktor came earlier from the lab because his back hurt more than usual—probably because of all the hunching over a tiny motor he was constructing since yesterday. That and because his back brace needed adjusting.
Viktor wanted to fix it over the afternoon, but when he arrived home, he only wanted to plonk over the mattress, and once his body was almost covered in blankets, he didn’t have the energy to move.
Streetlamps began to lighten when you sat at the edge of the bed, a hand massaging his scalp while playing with his hair. He closed his eyes, leaning closer to your touch, and you could faintly feel the vibration of his happy humming.
“Long day, dear?” You glided closer until his shoulders bumped into yours when you stretched your neck upwards, to kiss his cheek.
Despite being together for over two years, Viktor still blushed a little when you gave him affection unexpectedly, being in private or in public, making the tip of his ears light pink or bright red just like his cheeks.
He tilted his head toward you. “It’s getting better.”
You chuckled, feeling your face getting hot too. “Certainly.” Shifting to kneel on the mattress, you planted in front of him. “Does it hurt a lot today?”
His eyes widened, fingers playing with the hem of his shirt. “It’s my fault. I… eh—I didn’t sit properly at work.”
Your fingers traced the lines of his cheekbones down to his jaw, where you cradled his face. “Don’t say that. It’s okay. I’ll help you feel better if you want. Of course.”
His hand met yours, interlaced fingers. “What do you have in mind?”
Beaming, you said: “A massage!”
He pouted exaggeratedly. “Ah, I thought it would be something more—”
You took a little pillow and bash it lightly over his stomach, laughing. “Scandalous. A very indecent proposal to make.”
Viktor chuckled. “I didn’t say anything. I’m afraid you’re the one with the dirty mind.” He began to propel himself to sit against the headboard. “A massage would be perfect, thank you, my love.”
You patted further down the bed, for him to sit so you could slide between the headboard and his body. “I know you like them; I’ve seen it in your face! You’re just too shy to tell me to give you one more often.”
Your fingers gave him tickles when you took his shirt off, already buttoned down since Viktor took his back brace off to lie on the mattress, a couple of hours ago. He shrugged.
“You’re busy too, and I don’t want to be petty.”
He groaned when your fingers slid around his shoulders, your digits already familiar with this part of his body—one of many. You always sat with open legs so he could lean against you when his back began to protest.
“Do you remember when I asked you if you could fix the stool over the breakfast bar because it squeaked too much? Or when you make me a reading lamp with a dimmed light because it hurt my eyes? That’s being petty, and you help me nevertheless. I’m doing the same.”
“I didn’t do those things expecting something in return—”
“What I want to say,” you commented, pausing to recollect some lotion in your hands. Viktor hissed when the cold liquid fell in contact with his skin. “Sorry. I just want you to know that I’ll help you as much as I can. Not because I’m expecting something, but because I love you.” You sneaked your head in the curve of his shoulders, to peck his jaw. “Alright?”
Viktor sighed, but you could see the curve of his cheeks when his lips extended in a smile. He leaned against your body, head resting on one of your shoulders. You wrapped your arms around his stomach.
“Do you know how much I love you, right?” he said, looking at you through his dark lashes.
You mimicked his smile. “I do. Of course, I do.”
He hummed, turning his body to cage you between his limbs. It would be toppling you if it weren’t for the headboard and the pile of pillows that kept you half-sitting. Viktor hugged you, his arms tangled over your waist, head laying in your lap.
“Humm, Viktor?”
“Let’s sleep now, yes?” his words were muffled, with his face hidden inside your shirt. “I’ll dream with you.”
You caressed his head, combing his locks, the noise in the streets growing quieter. “Goodnight then,” you muttered, but Viktor’s eyes were already closed, his lips open in a light snoring.
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gravity-barbie · 2 years
Coming out as LGBT+ to the Hargreeves HCs
(GN Reader) Happy pride month
TW: Brief mentions of bigotry
Sparrow version
Luther Hargreeves
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-Luther’s lack of world experience means his knowledge on the queer community is limited but thanks to Klaus and Viktor it isn’t non-existent
-He’s familiar enough with the concept to not be taken aback when you come out, though he’s also uncertain on what the appropriate response is and so he’s just a bit awkward
-But he’s incredibly supportive and eager to learn anything you’ll tell him about your orientation/identity, he’s a step away from taking notes
-He is genuinely very happy for you that you’re taking this step forward and makes it clear you can lean on him for support if you need it
-The more he thinks about it the more touched he is that you chose him to confide in
Diego Hargreeves
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-Diego is a little bit surprised but he bounces back quick
-He’s very causal about it and willing to drop the subject if that’s what you want, but if you have more opening up to do he’ll listen
-Though it’s not his specialty he really tries to be respectful about this, he thinks about it more than you’d expect and talks about the matter with thoughtful wording
-He’s instantly concerned about bigots, he doesn’t say anything but he becomes more vigilant around you at the prospect
-And if the day ever comes that his fear comes true you can bet that he’ll tear the perpetrator to pieces
Allison Hargreeves
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-Allison’s a very compassionate person so it goes over very smoothly, you’d think she’d just read a pamphlet on how to respond to someone coming out
-Plus, while it’s not exactly the same thing she has had her own experiences of being discriminated against so she can put herself in your shoes and has a pretty good idea of what you might need to hear
-She realises it must be scary so she rushes to reassure you that it’s totally okay and she’s glad you’re telling her
-Honestly she is very honoured that you trust her enough to tell her
-She let’s you know that she’ll be there for you if other people aren’t as accepting
Klaus Hargreeves
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-Klaus is happy to have another queer person in his life and extends you a warm welcome into the community
-He can empathise with the position your in and tries to tone down his eccentricity a bit to relax you and offer you a more intimate atmosphere
-He does undercut some of the tension you feel with jokes but also gives you the room you say your piece
-If you are a bit new to the self-discovery process or just the LGBTQIA+ community he has a lot of experience with more branches of it than you may expect and has some wisdom he can offer, it’s worded wackily but it’s wisdom nonetheless
-He offers to keep you company more often over the following month, intending to keep your spirits high during this potentially difficult time
Five Hargreeves
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-Well to be blunt he doesn’t care… However with his growing empathy he thinks better of being so flippant and risking hurting you when it was clearly something you felt the need to tell him
-So he let’s you go on for as long as you need and does listen, all the while calculating the best response
-He’s stoic but not insincere as he congratulates you for opening up, telling you that it’s important you live your truth and that he’s happy for you
-Despite how generally out of touch and insensitive he is he’s surprisingly unprejudiced, if a little indifferent
-Overall he gets used to the new information quickly and rarely acknowledges it aside from using more specifically inclusive language for your sake
Ben Hargreeves
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-Ben wasn’t gonna say anything but he’s perceptive and kind of had a hunch about this for a while
-Not that he alludes to that, he gives you your moment and doesn’t want to undercut the significance of it
-It goes without saying that he’s completely accepting, actually he’s a step further and quite proud of you
-There is no one better to come out to, he’s an extremely empathetic person with a way with words and you’ll definitely feel better after this conversation than you did before
-In fact, talk to him any time your struggling and he’ll probably make you feel better
Viktor Hargreeves
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-Viktor is not only thoughtful and sensitive but he also has gone through the exact same thing so you’re with good company
-He’s happy that you two have another thing in common, especially a thing a thing that can be so isolating
-On that note he makes sure to check in more frequently to keep you from feeling alone and be there for you if you need it
-You two end up bonding even more through comparing your experiences, keeping each other updated and talking through things your struggling with
-When things do get difficult you both have a way of reminding the other of all the upsides to being queer like finding a community, empowerment, ect
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