#They seem to be HEAVILY hinting that Em&Nat had something going on
I've just seen a post pointing out that Emilie referred to Adrien as "our little prince" TO NATHALIE and I can't believe I didn't pick up on this like what????? Does this mean????????
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devilbat · 6 years
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Did this as a little Drabble then I decided to add more to it.
Warning ⚠️:drinking, fluff, mention of smut
You had decided on grabbing a drink with Thor down in Tony’s bar, a few floors down. After a difficult mission you both had, it was needed. You didn’t know loki was back. So when you found Thor with his brother waiting for you. You smiled to yourself. You had feeling for the god when you first meet him. At that time he was moody, but it seemed like after you both got to know each other. He seem to come out of his shell.
“Ah, lady y/n!” Thor stood up, when he spotted you walking in. Loki looked over, quickly standing as well. “Look who made it back, alive.” Thor bellowed patting his brother on the back. Loki smiled shyly, a hint of a smirk played on his lips.
“Lady y/n you look ravishing.” Loki cooed, watching as you walked towards them.
“Thor, Loki. How much have you two had?” You question the two. “Or better yet who brought the Asguardian ale with them?” Taking a set between the two gods. You felt tiny in comparison.
“Ah Lady y/n, my brother found ale from our home on his journey. Would you like some?” Thor boomed in delight as he offered you some.
“Um no thank you boys. I really don’t want to be lose what little I had for dinner.” You smiled sweetly. You grab a beer for yourself. Thor had his brother tell you about his journey to his birth realm. When he was done, it was about 1am. You, decided to call it a night. They both watched you leave, after saying good night to them both.
“Brother, I thought you’re going to confess to liking lady y/n!” Thor waited until you were out of range. Thor poured Loki another shot of ale.
“How can I Brother, look at her.” Loki sighed heavily. Looking towards the door from which you had left from. “How will she love someone like me who isn’t just a god but a monster as well?” Loki had been rethinking things after find out his own answers about his Heritage. Which only made him think you could never love him.
“Brother lady y/n, could care less if you were a frog? let a lone being a frost giant. She likes you.” Thor wiggles his eyebrows, as he stated, though his words more slurred then normal. Thor handed another drink to his brother. “Here this will help, now go tell her.”
Moments after you got into your getting ready for bed. There was a knock on your door not thinking much of it. That it was probably Nat, as you saw her walking out of Bruce’s room. ‘Like no one knew’ you thought. Rolling your eyes. The knock on the door started to become more inpatient. Opening the door your eye widened as you looked up at loki who was using the door frame to hold himself up. You tried to cover yourself a little more. As you were just in a shirt. One of his in fact.
“L-loki, what are you doing here?” You stuttered as the god walked passed you, more like stumbling passed, inviting himself in. Shutting the door, you turned to face him. About to ask why he was there. Not realizing he was standing only an inch away from you. Before you could step back. Loki’s hands found their way onto you waist. His slender fingers digging into you tightly like you were going to disappear. Before you knew it his lips were on yours. The kiss was needy yet sloppy. You could taste the ale on his lips.
“Y/n, I-I’m in love with you.” He blurted out. His hands still tightly around your waist.
“What?” You stares at him not sure what you were hearing. He smiled that little sexy smirk of his. “Loki your drunk.”
“That I em, but I know what I feel. And I want to feel you, by my side every night before sleep comes for me, and by my side every morning when I awake.” He slurred over his words, as he stared down at you.
“Okay yep, you are one drunk god. Let’s just have you go to bed. You can confess your undying love to me when you wake up, sober.” You mumbled trying to shove him out the door. Knowing it was no good. You wanted to believe him you did, but he was drunk and men say dumb things when they are drunk.
“Fine I’ll tell you tomorrow. But,” before you could ask but what, green mist of his magic surrounded you both. You were in your bed, with a clinging drunk god using your chest as a pillow. Oh this was going to be interesting. He snuggled into you tightly. Head rubbing against your chest. You thought about calling Thor for help. But if loki this drunk, you weren’t sure what level Thor would be at. Even if you tried to call it may be no use as the god could sleep through just about anything.
Your tried to figure out what to do with your hands. Not entirely sure where to put them at this point.
“Darling?” Loki asked still resting on your rising chest. You breathing had picked up ever since he walked in.
“Yes oh mighty one?” Like he was going to remember any of this.
“You smell delectable, I dint know if I ever have told you that.” His hand snuck up cupping under your breast like he was pushing up a pillow. You breath hitched. You teased up a bit.
“Um n-no Loki you never have. Um thank you I think.” You stuttered out.
“Darling?” Loki purred. With a little hiccup. Almost making you giggle.
“Yes loki?” Your voice was a little bit higher then normal.
“When we wake, can I ravish you?” Your head snapped down looking at his still form.
“Sure loki. You can.” Rolling your eyes. “Like your drunk ass will even remember.” You mumble resting you head back down on to your own pillow. You heard a dark chuckle come from him making you shiver in response.
“My darling?” Loki smiled as he nestled into you more.
“Really Loki? What now?” You try to hold you giggle. As you thought this was rather funny the god of mischief drunk.
“Is this my shirt?” He asked as you felt his hand play with the material.
“Noo why would it be yours?” You said shyly. “And you know for someone who should be sleeping you awfully handsy.” You never got a response.
A few minutes had gone by while you waited to see if loki had yet another comment. But soon realize he had fallen asleep, finally. Shortly after sleep took hold of you. You woke up to movement. Your eyes fluttered open to see the god back at it. Rubber his face like a cat in between you breasts. You weren’t going to lie it was doing things to you.
“Morning loki!” You voice louder then normal. Seeing how hungover he was. He flinched a little.
“Shhh, women, silence.” Loki hissed as he stopped what he was doing to peek up at you.
“There’s my Loki.” You whispered. Looking down at him. “Do you remember anything from last night?” Your eyebrow raised. He nodded slowly a smirk placed a crossed his face. You gulped.
“Yes, now on to having my wicked way with this lovely body.” His hands trailed down a long with him. Throwing the covers over his head. Making you giggle at his dorkyness. You felt him pushing your shirt up. His hands roamed over your body, you giggled as it felt like he was tickling you. He stopped flipping the blanket over his head. “You mean to tell me that, I had total access to you last night? You have no panties on.”
You could only nod in response. His hand still ticking you. As he kissed your torso. Working his way down, the blanket back over his head. Soon your giggles turned into quite whimpers. As his hands stop tickling and started to roam over your breasts, kneading at them. His lips at your navel.
“Loki.” you quietly moaned out. As his tongue licked a crossed.
“So y/n, I saw loki walk into your room last night. Did you finally have him take your-“ Nat walked in cutting herself off. Making you squeak. As you stared at here. You whole body turning red.
“Darling, what’s-“ Loki’s head popped out from under the blankets. Looking over to see a very stunned yet smirking red headed assassin in your room. “Oh.”
“Ah, morning Natasha, hey lady y/n, have you seen my brother we were-“ Thor’s walked up behind Nat. His eyes widened at the sight before him. A joyous smile plastered on his face. You and Loki both were about to say something when.
“Hey, y/n we were going to go over the Porto type from Scott and Peter’s su-uuit.” Tony filed in behind Thor looking around him. At the two of you. You grabbed the blanket and throw it over your head. As Loki pancaked on top of you.
“All right everyone out.” Nat ordered. As she pushed the other two out of your room. After hearing the door close. You throw the blanket back over Loki’s head to look at him. Loki’s head was back between your boobs. Looking up at you with a cheeky grin.
“Well that wasn’t awkward or anything.” You hissed in announce. Loki moved to kiss your lips.
“Could be worse. They could of walked in while I had you tied up. While I took what was mine from this ravishing body of yours.” He chuckled darkly. Hands back to roaming.
“You wish.” You teased. Kissing Loki until the FRIDAY’s intercom came on. “Really, I do need your help like now. I can’t control Scott’s ants and he not here. Hurry I think they are planning on eating me.” Tony’s voice sounded panicked. With a heavy sigh you both got up. As you went to go save Tony again from Scott’s harmless ants.
@kitkatkl @lokilvrr @instantnoodlese @drakesfiance @meyoko10 @jackheart180 @wolfcore227 @mr-hiddlestons-pet @madleiine
Tom/Loki Tag’s: @theoneanna @graveyard-groupie @silverquartx @moonfaery @kcd15 @moonlightprime
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spooderdood-blog1 · 7 years
Royalty (Part One)
Series Summary: (Bucky x POC! reader) After the events of CA:CW, Bucky joins the Avengers in attempting to defeat HYDRA. Reader is a former Wakandan queen who was kidnapped by HYDRA in the 1960′s and is currently a super soldier for them.
Chapter Summary: A mission with the Avengers brings back some memories Bucky wasn’t sure he wanted to regain. 
Warnings: Character death (minor, I’m not that bad of a person... yet), angst.
Word Count:
Author’s note: Hello, friends! I know this chapter has been long awaited, and I’m sorry about that. Work and school have been taking up all of my time, but I’m soo excited to share this with you all! I do not know T’Challa’s actual date of birth, so I put 1985. If anyone knows it, please message me so I can edit the story. Thanks for Reading! :)
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Wakanda, 1992
“T’Challa! Shuri! Come this way!” Both children began running towards their father, his arms spread as he kneeled down to give them a hug. They met him at full force, giggles escaping their mouths as it as the first time they’d seen their father in days due to his diplomatic ventures as King of Wakanda. Ramonda stood behind them, appreciating the joy that the scene in front of her displayed.
“Father, Shuri and I had a question,” T’Chaka released his children to view his son peering up at him with wide eyes, looking slightly shy and nervous.
“Yes, my son?”
“How come we’ve never met your sister? You talk about her with mother, but we never see her,” T’Challa watched his father physically recoil at the mention of his older sister. His father was the strongest man he knew, and the young boy quickly regretted asking his father a question that gave the king of an entire country such pause. T’Chaka placed on hand on each of their shoulders, consoling them both as they knew based on his reaction they had drudged up something.
“She went missing when I was young, younger than you are now, my children,” he softly smiled at both of them, “I don’t know what happened to her. I only know that she would be so very proud of the both of you, exactly as I am.”
New York, 2017
Bucky adjusted the cuffs on his jacket, looking at himself in the mirror and attempting to make himself look presentable for his undercover mission. This wasn’t his first rodeo after time in cryofreeze, but he still was nervous. He had this instinctive ache in his bones that made him feel uneasy, like something was going to jump out right whenever everyone had gotten comfortable.
“Agent Barnes, your presence is requested in the conference room by Mr. Stark,” the AI made Bucky jump as he could see his eyes widen in the mirror. While he’d being living in quarters equipped with FRIDAY and the technological advancements of the century for several months, the voice that you could just barely tell wasn’t human still alarmed him quite a bit.
He mumbled his thanks to the AI as he put his watch on and made sure his phone was plugged in by the wall. He didn’t hate all the technology of this century but he really didn’t like cellphones. That, combined with the fact that he felt uneasy about his first undercover operation with the Avengers was enough to make anyone uneasy. His dread was quickly interrupted by a voice feeding through one of the many rooms in Stark Tower.
“Barnes, I know you aren’t ignoring my or my AI,” Tony called out over the speaker, no doubt jut as ready to get this over with as everyone else. Tony Stark always enjoyed a lavish party, which was why Bucky was surprised that he, Natasha, and Sam were the only ones taking part in the small intel operation.
Bucky approached the conference room, desperately trying to loosen the tenseness that had been forming in his muscles since he tied his tie. He had cut his hair and shaved earlier in the week, hoping to not look as much like the Winter Soldier that could be so easily identified. He opened the door to the conference room, Steve and Natasha immediately giving him a nod as he closed the door behind him.
“Well, now we know what took you so long, Barnes. Glad you could finally join us,” Tony nodded at one of the empty seats on the left side of the table, Bucky sitting down next to Sam. Tony began again without much pause.
“This mission is just intel. Nat, you approach the target, get information out of him. Wilson, Barnes, you guys are there in case there is a need for back up; otherwise, let Romanoff do her thing. The point of this mission is to gain intel on a new asset HYDRA is reportedly engineering. We don’t know much, only that their intention is to use it in the same way they did the Winter Soldier,” Bucky visibly tensed as Tony pulled up several pictures of murders HYDRA had likely pulled off, the rest of Tony’s words fading into static, white noise.  He felt like he couldn’t escape, like no matter how much work into getting away or getting better he put in, it wouldn’t be enough. It made him want to scream and pull out his hair and run 10 miles; he wanted to laugh out loud at the fact that he would live to be 100 years old but he couldn’t find any peace. Most people his age craved some kind of discourse, some kind of excitement; he’d take a rocking chair on some porch in South Florida any day before this shit again. He felt something touch his shin under the table, and he glanced up to see Natasha squinting at him, her chin tilted back in assessment. He felt like she was the only one who would understand him sometimes. He hated that. Not that he had a problem with Tasha, he loved her like you love a younger sister. He had a problem with the fact that someone else felt just as poorly as he had for almost as long.
Tony finally finished talking, but Bucky remained seated for a second, trying to rope it all in. He ran a hand down his face, exhaling deeply and putting his elbows on the edge of the table. He could see Steve going up to Sam in his peripheral, could he see Steve gently moving to adjust Sam’s bowtie, and Sam gently smacking his chest and laughing quietly. Bucky smirked at the idea, the breath of a memory of skinny Steve Rogers in 1939, blushing madly at the idea of holding anyone’s hand in public, and now Bucky knew he had a ring hidden in his pocket to give to Sam. Bucky wanted something like that. Someone that grounded him the way Sam did for Steve. Natasha pulled him out of his thoughts by gently touching his shoulder, gesturing towards the door while trying to meet his eyes and catch some hint that he was okay. He gave her a nod, pushing himself up from the table and moving towards the door.
“Not so fast, James. You-“
“What, Nat? What sage wisdom do you have to offer me this time? What can you say to me that is going to cure whatever the hell we’re going to find out at that dinner party? That I have to find out some guy is suffering the same fate I did? That Steve threw away three years of his life and a semblance of a good relationship with Stark for us to have to defeat God knows how many more of the same assassins we were?” Natasha let out a breath, crossing her arms over her chest and nodding towards the door.
“C’mon Barnes, you know they don’t make ‘em like they used to. There’s no way anyone could take you down. We’ve gotta leave anyway, Bucky, the gun strapped to my thigh is getting cold,” Bucky let out a breathy, humorless chuckle at her comment, placing his hands in his pockets and following her out the door.
Sam and Bucky were leaned against opposite ends of the bar, glancing around the party and trying to inconspicuously look out for Natasha, who was draped all over the side of some booth across from some sleazy guy who she had to gain intel from. All of them had earpieces that were synced together in case they needed to make a break for it. Bucky stirred from his spot when he heard heavily accented English order a drink, causing him to turn his head. All the breath in his lungs quickly left as she saw the most beautiful woman he’d ever laid eyes on leaning against the bar next to him. His eyes moved up from a pair of deadly black stilettos and a floor-length purple dress to smartly pinned back hair and black eyes. The woman tilted her chin back, glancing at Bucky.
“Purple doesn’t really seem like a fall color to me,” Bucky said before he could stop himself. He was on a mission. He was supposed to help gain intel and watch out for Nat, pass lines on this ethereal woman waiting on her amaretto sour.
“Neither is that blue suit, yet here we both are at a party in October. And if I had a say in it, we both look too good for people to care about seasonal colors,” this caused Bucky to scoff, knowing that now he probably woudn’t be able to stop the comments from coming. Even after half a century of mental and physical torture, Bucky still has a certain amount of charm.
“I was hoping someone would acknowledge the effort I put into this outfit,” this caused the woman to raise her eyebrows, and Bucky couldn’t help but notice her soft lips stretch into an easy grin.
“Well, I’m glad it could be me. My name is Adaeze, and that must make you?” She peered at him inquisitively, as if she were trying to guess who he is. He glanced at her, hoping she hadn’t started to recognize him.
“Its uhm,” he had been doing so great until this moment, so charming and peasant and now he’d forgotten his entire cover story, “its Ryan.”
Bucky wanted to crawl behind the bar and vomit. Adaeze’s amaretto sour was handed to her, and she lifted the glass in Bucky’s direction.
“To wearing the wrong colors, but meeting the right people, James,” she nodded at him, downing her drink and then leaving, He smiled at her until she walked away. He looked over at Natasha, realizing she was alone at the booth, glancing at her watch. He glanced at Sam, who looked bored out of his mind. Bucky had about thirty seconds more of clarity before he realized that the woman who said her name was Adaeze had called him James, not Ryan.
Bucky almost dropped his champagne on the way to Sam, cover be damned. Or it looked like it already was. Bucky was five steps shy of Wilson when a blood-curdling scream let out, coming from a coat closet. A woman made her way out of the small room, shouting something about someone being dead. Bucky and Sam met eyes before walking over to the room, seeing that the dead body belonged to the man Natasha was sitting with earlier.
Tony, Sam, and Natasha were all back in the conference room by the time Bucky walked in after changing, bringing Steve in tow. Bucky sat across from Sam rather than beside, deciding to give Steve the proper amount of time to mother hen around his boyfriend while Tony spoke to them about what happened.
“I wasn’t able to get any intel. He was just interested in securing plans after the gala, and he said he was going to the bathroom, and then his body was discovered,” Natasha cleared her throat after finishing her side of the story.
Tony nodded, typing away on his laptop, “Friday, can you pull security footage from the hotel please? The clip I played earlier?” The AI confirmed, the lights dimming in the room so they could all see the screen once Tony started playing the video.
“Before I play the security footage, I did some research on the supposed asset that is in the video. Her name is (Y/N) Udaku, a not-so-distant relative of our feline friend. If my research serves correctly, she is his aunt,” a picture was projected on the wall: one of T’Challa’s grandparents, a young girl in front of the couple, as well as a baby in their arms.
“She disappeared in the 1960’s as a child, and hasn’t been publicly sighted since then. At least, that’s what everyone thought,” Tony pressed play, a video of the gala in the hotel playing. The coat closet coming into view. Bucky’s stomach lurched as he saw the now dead man walk into the closet, and less than a minute later, a floor length purple dress. Bucky coughed loudly, Steve glancing back at him in confusion. Bucky nodded in his friends direction, focusing back on the screen to see the woman who claimed to be Adaeze move down the hallway and exit the hotel right before the commotion started.
SERIES TAGS: @sanjariti​ , @peachyysuugar​ , @learisa​
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