#They're meant to be every 20-30 minutes but sometimes it's gotten down to like one every 3 hours
gayspock · 1 year
my bus on the morning is reliable usually but today it didn't show up + im too fucking autistic for this bc my entire week needs to be rearranged. my delicate fucking balances....
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bloomblanche · 27 days
*✿ It's Melly!! ✿*
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I just realized that I haven't talked about her much on my blog. Time to fix that.
(Text cut for aesthetic purposes)
Bear in mind that she kinda evolved from "splatsona" to "OC who shares a lot of things with me (but not everything!) and still represents me sometimes but is mostly her own character now"
❥ Mélusine (full name Mélusine Larchipel) is 20 years old and goes by she/her. Her height is 166 cm, aka 5'5. She's autistic and pansexual.
❥ She's all academics, no street smarts. She's rather shy, overly polite, and has trouble voicing her opinions (as well as socializing in general). Her enthusiasm and eccentricities regularly slip through the cracks of her demure appearance.
❥ Melly moved to Inkadia around 10 years ago (making her multilingual as a result), but she still hasn't gotten used to everything because she would mostly spend her time inside without interacting much with other people. She's only recently started to open up, and she uses ink sports and tableturf as a way to do so.
❥ Her mom is a surface Octoling, but her dad is a Cirraling (which is my fan species of cirrate octopuses). That makes her half-grimpoteuthis! The reason why it matters is that the top design isn't her true appearance. The bottom one is what she looks like all-natural.
(Older drawings for comparison)
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❥ Due to the biological differences of cirrate octopuses, her chromatophores and her ink sac are a bit underdeveloped. It takes roughly 15 minutes of light exposure for her chromatophores to be able to change colour and roughly 30 minutes in darkness for her to revert back to her natural colour.
❥ She's a bit insecure about her differences, so that's why she disguises herself as a regular Octoling. In fact, her hairstyle is meant to make her ears look smaller since she would get teased for them as a kid.
❥ This character is pretty much a metaphor for masking, when you think about it
❥ Now! Being part-dumbo has its perks, such as better night vision, but it also has its downsides. Remember when I said that her ink sac was underdeveloped? Because of that, she has to focus almost all of her gear abilities into ink saving.
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❥ And that combined with her being unable to play anything other than brushes means that Melly REALLY sucks at Salmon Run. She sucks so much that her teammates kept complaining, and she ended up getting kicked out of Grizz Co. She doesn't mind it too much, though, because she's happy earning money with turf war and sewing. Not to mention that the whole business looks really shady anyway.
❥ Going back to brush weapons! Melly has a weird obsession with them. She owns all of the available ones on the market and will only listen to Sheldon's rambles if they're about brush weapons (if they aren't, she will immediately zone out)
❥ She's named Mélusine after the fairy from the eponymous myth. Mélusine is a spirit of fresh water who was cursed to become a serpent from the waist down every Saturday. So! Not only does it have a water theme, but it reflects her appearance-changing deal. She likes her full name, and her family uses it on a regular basis. The reason why she mostly goes by "Melly" is because it's easier for her friends to pronounce.
❥ Her favourite band is Chirpy Chips, and her favourite song from them is Shellfie. She's also a big fan of Raian (guess where that came from) and has a celebrity crush on them.
❥ Her favourite show and videogame are called "Magical Mumi Uni-chan" and "Coral Village 2" respectively.
❥ She loves blueberry pies and hates walnuts for their dry aftertaste (macadamia nuts are more up her alley)
❥ She developed emetophobia as a kid after a severe bout of salmonella.
❥ She really likes flowers as well as lolita fashion and does sewing as a hobby.
❥ While not visible in this drawing, she has some webbing between her fingers (which are tainted purple)
❥ Her shoes are punk whites with ruffle socks.
❥ And last but not least: Melly is based on this specific octopus! She's also very interested in the deep sea and likes to search for books about it.
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Thank you for your interest!!
Here are some silly gifs
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god-save-the-keen · 4 years
Luke Danes, the most perfect man, propmt list!
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1. "Yeah, I'm fine. I'm great. It's big, fat, happy sunshine day for me."
2. "Name, are you a gigolo?"
3. "Ever worry that if a bird flies into your head it might never get out?"
4. "My life meant nothing until you used my toothbrush."
5. "Will you just stand still?" *Kiss her/him*
6. "Name, this thing we're doing here, me, you, I'm in. I am all in."
7. "And it's so good to have someone to share this hate with."
8. "Are trying to kill me?" *Losing his/her patience.*
9. "I just like to see you happy."
10. "When you make plans, then you have expectations, and when you have expectations, they… you will get disappointed."
11. "You know my father always told me that whatever does not kill you makes you stronger." "You're gonna be really strong."
12. "Have you seen Name1 or Name2?" "No, but have you tried the insane asylum, where everyone in this room is supposed to be."
13. "On the verge of blubbering here." "Not doing too well myself." "Not you, too." "I'm blubbering. You're freaks!"
14. "Name, what is it exactly that you want me to do? I'm not mad, I'm not holding a grudge, I heard your apology, I feel I'm being polite, I listened to your donut bit, I got you your coffee. What would make you happy?"
15. "Go to hell!" "Right back at ya!"
16. "You ate that?" "No, I didn't eat it!" "Oh, of course." "I'm upset not suicidal!"
17. "He's systematically buying up the town. He's gonna turn it into Nameville, where everyone will have to wear cardigans and have the same grass height!"
18. *About a messy room* "I'm having nightmares where I'm being chased by boxes with arms and they tackle me and throw clothes on top of me and secure it with masking tape and while I'm lying there, you're standing in the corner laughing putting gel in your hair!"
19. "You know what?" "What?" "This is nice."
20. "We should have eaten before we came." "Shh! And, yeah."
21. "Name1, this is Name2. She/He owns the Independence Inn." "Oh." "That's "hello, nice to meet you" in slacker."
22. "So are you going to act?" "Yes, I am. I'm going to act like you never came in here."
23. "That's it, gets upstairs and change." "Whatever you say, Uncle/Aunt Name." "It's Name. Just Name. Mister Name. In fact, don't address me at all!"
24. "You're really just gonna stand there and watch me eat a Danish?" "Cable's out. I'm starved for entertainment."
25. "Me? Raising a kid? I don't even like kids. They're always sticky like they've got jam on their hands. Even if there's no jam in the house, somehow, they've always got jam on their hands! I'm not the right guy to deal with that. I have no patience for jam hands!"
26. "That's what you want?" "Yes." "That's really what you want?" "Yes!" "You got it." "Thank you!" "You're welcome!" *As they cross over a bridge, Person1 pushes Person 2 into the water.*
27. "Can I ask you stupid questions?" "There's no such thing." *Frustrated* "How does the ink come out of pens?!" "Okay, there is such a thing."
28. "I think you can hack anything."
29. "I guess if you can find that one person, you know, who's willing to put up with all your crap and doesn't want to change you or dress you, or you know, make you eat French food, then marriage can be all right...but that's only if you find that person."
30. "Crazy people. The whole town should be medicated and put in a rec room with ping-pong tables and hand puppets."
31. "Doesn't matter what time it is. I'll always be around."
32. "I warned him/her. I warned him/her when I first met him/her, if he hurt her/him...Ah. Maybe I could key his/her car." "Better yet. Key Name1's car and tell him/her Name2 did it."
33. "Get away from me you mental patient!"
34. "Is this bothering you?" "This conversation? Yes."
35. "I hate that he/she's pleased."
36. "Hamsters can't laugh." "Oh, this one laughed - trust me."
37. "Your mother called me an idiot."
38. "C'mon, you gotta think positive here. Bright side, good thoughts. Rainbows, unicorns. *slowing down* Clowns. *Pause* Little ... cute ... *Longer pause*... furry ... *Giving up* Okay, I'm out."
39. "I can't imagine anyone seeing you as a disappointment."
40. "That's the wrong table." "Since when is there a right table?" "Since the coffee cake I baked for you and the stupid balloons I blew up for you are at that table over there."
41. "Will you marry me?" "What?!" "Just...looking for something to shut you up."
42. "This is not an herbal tea morning. This is a coffee morning." "Every morning for you is a coffee morning."
43. "It's like my life isn't even real to me, unless you're there, and you're in it, and I'm sharing it with you."
44. "I never thought in my wildest dreams that it would happen, that you and me would happen. But we did it."
45. "Don’t add stuff from your to do list to my to do list."
46. "You wanted something festive." "You made me a Santa burger." "It's not a big deal."
47. "The only way out of this life is in a body bag."
48. "Listen, I know I'm not the easiest guy/girl in the world to build a life with and to share a house with, but there is no one who will be more here for you than me. I will never leave. I will never think about leaving."
49. "You won't have to hear my opinion on anything ever again, okay?" "Oh, don't tease."
50. "The things you find amusing astound me sometimes."
51. "Wow, I feel important." "You are important."
52. "Last time you gathered up some of my stuff, you accidentally brought me four bras/brief and no pants." "That could've been intentional."
53. "God, that's terrible! It's like drinking 'My little pony'!"
54. "We kissed." "I remember." "It was a great kiss." "Yeah." "So you concur?" "Dear god, yes."
55. "All you need is six dancing penguins and Mary Poppins floating in the corner--" "--to bring back two of the worst hours of my childhood!"
56. "An ice rink? How did this happen?" "Jack Frost brought it." "Did he look like Name Lastname?" "A little. Not as handsome/gorgeous."
57. "Your slave is here." "And where's the french maid outfit?" "I've got it under the plaid."
58. "You kept this in your wallet." "Eight years."
59. *Awkwardly grabbing the another person's head* "I'm not good at hugging."
60. "I'm prepared to jump up and down if necessary."
61. "I can be a movie guy/girl. You like movies."
62. "You're watching me watch the movie. It's creepy."
63. "I shouldn't have gotten into a business that involves dealing with people."
64. "It just my favorite time of the year. The whole world changes color." "I think I'm blacking out."
65. "Keeping tabs on me?" "Always safer to know which direction the tornado's coming from "
66. "Fresh coffee will be ready in a minute unless you want to just roll up a dollar bill and go nuts."
67. "What the hell was that?"
68. "The only bright side of my day is being asked to be a prostitute." "That's something to cling to."
69. "What? Relationships? Look who you're asking."
70. "You enjoy typing to people more than talking to them?"
Use it, shared them, ask for a request, have fun! ❣️
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