thicketclan · 1 month
can we ask questions to the characters?
if so- Reedstar, how has being leader been for you so far?
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Yes you may ask questions
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the-skiesdivide · 1 year
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Acornfall . She/Her . ThicketClan Warrior . Clairvoyant
Mother: Unknown(Deceased) Father: Unknown(Deceased) Child: Elmpaw Wife: Primroseclaw
Acornfall has been described by a few cats as "one of those prim and proper types", and they wouldn't be necessarily wrong. She's a polite cat, with a rather formal way of speaking and a high level of social awareness and intelligence.
Known also for her keen hunting ability, Acorn is more often than not called upon to organize hunting patrols and lead them. Over her seasons of duty, she's earned herself quite a bit of seniority within her Clan, and may be in the running for deputy.
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pixxyofice · 10 months
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stationclangen · 1 year
"Hello, Prance. Are you here to tell us of your dreams again?"
The old railroad station had been decommissioned for ages now, and had served as a home for the wanderers who had settled here. Plenty of prey, plenty of places to hide and sleep. Safe from the rains, as opposed to the fields just south of them, or the mysterious forests to the north. Indeed, the Station had just weathered another harsh winter, keeping all cats living within safe and warm…
In the darkness of an abandoned office, sat three cats. The eldest was a cream and orange tom, bronze eyes cold and calculating… he was laying across a rotting couch, licking his paws and grooming himself.
His companion, a long furred white tom with gray patches along his back, was sat up at the foot of the couch, heather blue eyes twinkling in the low light… he had been waiting for his favorite little underling to come back to him, to tell him about his special little dreams…
And said underling was the brown, speckled tom that sat before him.
Prance had been having strange dreams, and as some of the wisest cats at the Station, Lavender and Snapdragon had been the first cats he had told.
"Yes…I… I think the dreams are gonna come to an end soon."
Prance sat down on a mat by the couch, ears flattened slightly in worry. 
He had started having dreams of a forest. Of a strange cat who called themselves Oakfire. Of how there was apparently real estate in the forest to the north of here, for a group of cats to take up the life of a Clan.
At first he dismissed the dreams as…dreams. Obviously they didn't mean anything. And yet, Oakfire found their way back into Prance's dreams, night after night after night.
After three instances of this, he had come to Lavender for help.
And Lavender had helped. So much.
The older Tom had been so kind, so understanding. He had asked Prance to talk about his dreams, what this Oakfire said. And not once did Lavender dismiss his dreams as silly. As mere fantasy. But he had listened. Truly and genuinely listened.
Prance had always been a nervous cat. But he would come by every morning after a dream, telling Lavender about a tidbit of clan life. The code, the way the warriors were named, their lifestyle… and how Oakfire had INSISTED that some few chosen cats should head north and go establish a Clan in a thicket somewhere…
"Well, Prance?" Lavender purred, tail swishing. "What did Oakfire have to say this time?"
"..." Prance shifted his paws, head bowed slightly. He met the older cat's level gaze with a nervous, furrowed brow. "...I…I was told that…"
"That we… we should leave before it's too late."
"....Elaborate." Lavender did not like the way Prance was dancing around the issue. "Did Oakfire say that specifically?"
"Yes. He… He said that Twolegs-"
"Yeah, them. They're… they're coming to… to tear the Station down."
The cream and ginger tom would finally sit up and pay attention, after having pointedly ignoring Prance since he came in.
Lavender sat still, ear flicking as he seemed to think… "...Did Oakfire… give us a timeframe? When will it be too late?"
"I…I think he said 'Before Greenleaf ends…we need to be gone.' I…I THINK that means summer? I really don't know, but…" the brown tom would look up to the now pacing Lavender nervously. "What… What are we going to do…?"
"We leave."
"What?!" Snapdragon, the eldest tom, would jump off the couch, bristling. "You can't be serious?!"
"I am QUITE serious." Lavender would reply, eyes flicking to Snapdragon. "Inform your mate, Snapdragon. We shall leave as soon as we can get an appropriate party gathered."
"You don't really believe this stupid kit's mousebrained dreams?!" Snapdragon would snarl, fur bristling as he swept a paw toward the now balking Prance. "You would abandon this safe haven on the off chance that this clan thing is legitimate?!"
"I can and I will, Snapdragon." Lavender did not move an inch, staring down his nose at the older cat. "You are more than welcome to not join us, old friend. But your skills would be sorely needed if we are to survive out there."
"Mouse dung, you're crazier than a half rabid fox…" Snapdragon groaned, rubbing a paw over his muzzle. "...Fine! But Lilia is going to throw a fucking fit. There's no way she'll agree to take the kits out into those godforsaken woods."
"Then steal them." Lavender would say, as if it were the easiest choice in the world. He turned his gaze towards Prance, purring, "Inform the residents that I will be holding a meeting tonight, in the middle of the Station. And advise them all to be there on time."
Prance nodded, ears still flattened from Snapdragon's outburst. "O-Okay… Okay, yeah s-sure!" He turned and immediately ran out of Lavender's den, leaving the two older cats alone.
"...Well." Snapdragon sighed, padding towards the exit. "Might as well get this over with. You better know what you're doing, Lavender. Or else."
"My dear friend, I ALWAYS know what I'm doing." The white and gray tom sat and began to lick and groom his paws. He had to be presentable for the Meeting.
Many cats called the Station home. Families, loners, old cats, young cats… so long as no blood was shed, cats were welcomed to live under its rusting beams and rat riddled halls.
Lavender would hop onto a collapsed human structure, something that had formerly held water called a fountain. Cats from everywhere in the main thoroughfare of the Station would be able to hear a speaker from there. And a Speaker could see an attack coming from a mile away.
"Good evening, everyone." He meowed, sitting up straight. The soft mumble and murmur of cat voices slowly died away as he continued. "I am Lavender, as many of you know. And I would normally not call so many of you from your lives but this bears sharing."
A pause.
"I have reason to believe that the Station is in danger."
More mumbling and whispering.
"Now. The Station is old. And it is a Human construct. It cannot last forever. And I have been informed by a reliable source that before summer ends, the Station will be no more!"
The gathered cats would immediately start to yowl and meow in a panic, asking if it was true, if they hadn't seen it coming…
"Yeah, alright, Lavender!"
A gold and yellow long furred she-cat named Mite would approach, hopping up to the ruined fountain's stone railings to sit down. Her tail flicked in irritation, eyes narrowed as she glared at Lavender.
"Mite." Lavender would sneer, tail flicking in annoyance.
"What sources do you have, huh?" She demanded, stomping a paw onto the hard stone… "I ain't seen any humans poking around here as of late! There isn't a single sign that this place is in danger!"
"Ah, none that the likes of you can see." Lavender purred. "You see, I have been having dreams! Visions, yes,  of a place north of here. A vast forest, abundant with prey and shelter. A more natural lifestyle, a place free of the fear of rats and the threat of humans! An ancient civilization of cats who came before us! Who lived with honor! Integrity! No longer scraping the bottom of humanity's barrel, but living as our own free cats!"
There was a lull, with many cats staring up at Lavender as he spoke …
"So it's a lie then?" Another laugh, as a tom came forward. This one, named Lake, was a white tom with black and gray Bengal like markings. He hopped up on the railing, purring in amusement. "Unless you had a reason not to tell us this sort of thing sooner?"
"The dreams started at the end of winter, just as the world was beginning to thaw." Lavender replied coolly, ear flicking in annoyance. "I have only recently been made aware of our dire fates. Surely I wouldn't have held this so close to my chest if it hadn't just been made clear!"
"Cut the dung, Lavender. This sounds like a ploy for you to try and curry favor with the masses, another lunge at leadership!"
A tuxedo colored speckled she-cat would hop up onto the railing, bristling. 
"Burnet." Lavender snorted. "You and your self righteous talk. This has nothing to do with me!"
"And yet here you are talking about how these dreams came to you, filling your head with fluff about hunting out in the wilderness and risking our necks to the predators out there!" Burnet snapped. "The Station has been our home for moons and moons! It will not fail us for another several dozen moons, I can feel it!"
At this point, the cats started to yowl and argue, talking over one another and causing an unholy racket.
"ENOUGH!" Lavender yowled from atop the fountainhead's ruined surface. "Believe me or don't. I care not. But I was told this place was going to be destroyed by the time summer ended. So I am going to leave. In three days time, you are welcome to join me."
Lavender stormed off the stage, heading back to his den and leaving the gathered cats in a state of confused yowling and meowing.
Burnet, Mite and Lake all looked at one another, with Lake chuckling and taking up the vacant fountainhead. "Everyone, please calm down! I know that Lavender talks these sorts of things up, but I can assure you, there is no need to panic. There is no legitimacy to his claims. But should his dreams come to pass, then I promise you that I will gladly help those present relocate." He sat down, tail curled around him. "While I do not believe him, it would be remiss to completely disregard him as a mad prophet. After all, we cannot fathom the minds of humans, and they may very well be coming to demolish our dear home."
"Lake! What are you doing?!" Burnet hissed from her spot. "You're not helping!"
"Ah ah, let me finish." Lake raised a paw. "That is why, I am willing to assist in scouting out further territories for instances such as this. After all, while the station has always been our home, is there truly anything WRONG with finding back up homes for our kits? I personally would find peace of mind knowing that we knew what was out there, as opposed to being forced out without any direction!"
The cats around him murmured and mumbled, discussing his words.
"Very well. Mite, Burnet, you two are very capable, and I would like to request your assistance in this. Please, by all means, gather what cats you decide are worthy, and take them with you to patrol the areas around the station."
Mite would flick her tail in annoyance but nod. "Fine. Anything to get you to stop talking."
Burnet could only mrrp in amusement as she watched Mite stalk away. "Very well, Lake. Shall we meet up outside the station tomorrow?"
"Mm. Yes, yes. That should do nicely. Everyone! Thank you for your patience and allowing us to speak to you on this. I know the idea of leaving this place is one no cat wants to think about. But as untrustworthy as I think Lavender is, he brings up an excellent point. We must be ready for the worst case scenario. For now, I bid you all good night."
The mostly white tom would pause, turning back towards the voice. Prance would run up to him, panting. 
"Ah, Prance." He would purr, tail flicking playfully. "Did you like that little speech?"
"But…why did you say that the dreams were yours? They're my dreams, Lavender!" He asked, eyes wide as he tried to make sense of the tom's choice. "I…"
"Pfth! Think of it this way, Prance." The older tom paced around the brown tabby. "Who would you believe? A young, impudent tom who barely qualifies as an adult in the eyes of most, or an older, respected member of the colony who only has the colony's best interests at heart? I had to claim the dreams were mine, Prance. YOU couldn't convince geese to fly south for the winter, with how you stutter and stammer. But hey, since you're still needed, I'll make you a deal." Lavender rubbed up against the younger tom, tail swiping under his nose. "In this new mess of a group, you can be my second in command. How's that sound? You can tell me all those cute little dreams, and I'll allow you some say in the way things are run."
"I…" Prance faltered, ears folded back. He was right. Lavender had a much better reputation than he did, as he was just barely out of kithood to most of the cats who lived in the Station. "..." He sighed, turning away. "...Fine. But only because I don't want you leading all these cats out into the wild to die."
"Your misguided morals and overestimation of your abilities are just adorable. Whatever the case is, be sure to get your affairs in order. We leave in three days time."
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Camp Concepts
While I do have the map sections on each of the posts for the clans, I didn't have the concepts for their camps' layout. Let's get on that, shall we?
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Thicketclan's camp suits its name well, with the walls and dens made from the thick bushes and brambles surrounding the Gathering Branch the leaders use to make announcements. The main exception is the den of the leader, which is made in a bottom hole in the tree's base. As the clan is meant to be fairly large in numbers due to occasionally accepting outsiders, the camp needed to reflect that. The camp is the one place where Thicketclan's members are expected to be able to relax outside of the shadows they primarily use.
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Gorgeclan's camp is at the base of the main waterfall in their territory, with the dens being small caves in the cliffside. The Shallow Rock that's in the water the falls drop into is where the leader makes the announcements. The warrior's den is the first one seen upon entering the camp, with the apprentice's den close by, and both have a clear view of the entrance in return. I've gone back and forth on the positions of the leader's den, elder's den, and medicine den. The nursery, however, is always behind the falls, shielding the view of it from the entrance.
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Sunclan's only den is multi-use, homing the injured, the sick, kits, queens, and the elders. The elders in the Sunclan do have extra duties, which are primarily maintaining the den and keeping it to an appropriate size for use. Usually, this comes down to having one section for the sick and injured and another section for the nursery and elders, but the times when the entire clan does need to use the den is when the most expansion happens. This den is also bigger in general than most dens in other clans, having been an abandoned wolf den prior. The rest of the clan, when not in a state of emergency, uses the rocks surrounding the den as their primary resting spots. The Highest Stone, the top most rock, is where the leaders make their announcements, with the small indent beneath used to store herbs away from the kits that are in the den.
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Floodclan has two camps, the main being called the Hilltop, which is also the name of the boulder the leader uses to make announcements, and Little Butte, which is used when Hilltop gets flooded. Little Butte is not an easy camp to get to, hence why it is only used when the easier to access (for the clan anyway) Hilltop can't be used anymore.
Floodclan actually organizes its camp similarly to its more monarchy traditions. In Hilltop, the leader, the elders, and the medicine dens are closer to each other in comparison to the other dens. I've gone back and forth is I want the leader's den to be under the Hilltop boulder and am still playing around with the idea. However, because Little Butte is a harder camp to reach when it is needed to be used, the Elders are given the den closest to its entrance, while the other side is given to the warriors. The same is for the apprentices' and medicine den, letting the leader's den be between the warriors and the apprentices while the Elders and medicine den surround the nursery.
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Creekclan's camp is roughly the same size as Thicketclan, also due to being more open to letting nonclan cats join their numbers. Instead of having the place for announcements be in the center of camp, it's off to the side. The Sandbar is used for announcements while the leader's den is near the center of the camp to help them reach and access the other dens.
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nightly-ruse · 2 years
Bubdubdubbdud bu! Introducing the new and very meticulously crafted-
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Ever since they were founded they’ve struggled, living in a thick thorny forest with larger than normal predators, few connections out of the woods, and a seemingly persistent curse on their clan since it’s founding. Will it’s new leader Mockingbirdcry be able to pull the snake around her neck or will it poison yet another leader?
They follow a different code, one promoting survival over care. Leaders don’t get the -Star suffix, botanists can have kits (though it’s semi looked down upon after a incident), and believing in their ‘afterlife’ is more out of fear then true belief.
May expand the clan if I need but I’m set on all the characters below. Send asks about them! Or for their ref sheet so I know who ppl want to see drawn.
  Mockingbirdcry- tall black, gray, and white molly with scars all along her back. She is good with its words but deep sorrow stalks her like its own shadow, and a certain cat makes sure it’s secrets stay in her mind. She/it, trans molly and parent of Moonflutter and Witchwing though not close with either.
  Batswoop- long lykoi cat with speckled fur, vibrant yellow eyes, and scars over their face. Xer is very distant keeping a good paw length away from anyone close to them, it’s also mute after a infection to xer’s throat that left xe with a raspy painful voice. They/xer, grayromantic, growing crush on Locustbite.
  Scorpionsprout- heavily decorated long furred cinnamon cat with tattered ears. She is poised and proper, to step out of line in front of her will end with a scratch. Stays tightly to her role and wears it like the plants around her throat, beauty is pain but brings pride and she loves pride. She/her and unlabeled, mentoring Oleanderpaw though the two are on bad terms already.
 Frecklefeather- cream ticked tabby with silver on his muzzle and golden feathers down his spine. He is reserved and looks a lot into how others see him, as such she was never able to be close to little Fledlingkit. Always trying to keep his image clean. He/him and straight.
  Houndstripe- large muscular tom with dark brown fur and brindled fur, his eyes are green and he tries to keep the clan together though his efforts keep on slipping. After he lost his last apprentice he keeps Fledlingpaw close to his side. Bit of jealousy over the clearly less qualified Batswoop being deputy. He/him and bisexual, mate of Yarrowthroat.
  Locustbite- tall caramel molly with sleek fur, one green eye and one golden eye. She’s a very ambitious cat with a desire to be the leader, a few ideas of her are a bit unethical though she doesn’t share them. Training Fledlingpaw to be her little lackey and trying to get her claws into Batswoop though the more she learns about xer the more she feels. She/her and courting Batswoop, mentor of Nightshadepaw.
  Mantisbloom- calico cat with green eyes and long droopy ears, he wears flowers on his pelt and a leaf bracelet. Him and Locust used to be very close as foster siblings but when Locust started going down her dark path he pulled away, that’s when he met Witchwing. The two soon fell for eachother and can’t wait for kits which he plans to raise mostly. He/him trans and mate of Witchwing.
  Witchwing- dusky brown molly with lighter streaks and round sapphire eyes, her ears are long and tufted with moth wings on her mane. She wears a matching tail bracelet with her mate. She is a happy, funny cat who loves to see the brightest part of everything and a massive mom friend. She/her trans, mate of Mantis, Sister of Moon, daughter of Mockingbirdcry. (Black witch moth)
  Moonflutter- fluffy white molly with darker spots down her back and round dark eyes, she wears moth wings on her mane and behind her ears. While her sister always looked to the light she stares right into the shade, her tone sharp and precise and barley any can escape her gaze when she latches onto them. Mentoring Nightshadepaw and teaching the cat well. She/her and aroace, sister of Witchwing, daughter of Mockingbirdcry, mentor of Nightshadepaw. (Yellow wooly bear moth)
  Fledgingpaw- golden tom with ginger speckled stripes and a white round belly, their tail tip cut from a past battle with a fox. He has always been fearful and receiving little support besides bitter words from their dad keeps him quiet, but when Houndstripe stepped in to help he soon started to open up more and sees the tom as more of his father then anyone else. Treats Wolfkit like their sibling and the two mates have pretty much adopted him as theirs. He/they and gay, son of Frecklefeather and adopted by Houndstripe and Yarrowthroat.
  Oleanderpaw- gray and yellow calico with curled back ears, a nub tail, and one empty eye socket, their other magenta. When they were younger their hopes were much higher but the world soon showed them its teeth. While they always felt a draw to plants and learning having Scorpion as their mentor makes their sharp temper even worse, acting out more just out of spite. Still tries to stay sweet for Nightshadepaw. They/them and bisexual, sibling of Nightshade.
  Nightshadepaw- black white and yellow tortoiseshell cat with floppy ear tips, a limp front paw, and pretty violet eyes. Their sibling always shaded them from the harshest truths creating a world for them were their father didn’t abandon them and they weren’t just traveling to find warmth. Now with their secretive mentor Locust they keep the secrets piling up, making them even more naive and quick to protect the cats closest to them. They/them, sibling of Oleanderpaw.
  Yarrowthroat- brown seal point molly with round ears and shaded hazel eyes, her pelt slowly becoming more dotted with white mostly around her face throat and paws. She tries to be very calm but snaps when it becomes too much, and when she lost almost her whole litter of kits it really broke her. While she loved little Wolfkit she can’t help but feel sorrow when she remembers the kits three littermates. Worries she’ll never have any other kits and spends so much time worrying she forgets to groom, luckily the sweet Fledlingpaw helps her a lot and she quickly adopted them. She/her and straight, mate of Houndstripe, adopted mother of Fledlingpaw and mother of Wolfkit.
  Wolfkit- little scruffy brown seal point kitten with round blue and hazel eyes, her coat still having some silver from when she had a fever coat. Wild little kitten who loves to play and doesn’t know much yet, she loved to play with her parents and doesn’t even know Fledlingpaw isn’t her blood brother. Dreams of being a great hunter to feed her whole clan someday. She/her, kit of Yarrow and Hound. Lone survivor of her litter after Snowdropkit, Starflowerkit, and Sunflowerkit passed away from sickness. 
  Addershade- old deep red and silver tom with a crooked long tail, always drawn claws, and slightly clouded blue eyes. He was the old leader of the clan before having to retire once his eyes started to go and he couldn’t do many of his duties with a clear mind anymore. But as he’s aged he’s grown more and more vengeful, seeing Mockingbirdcry as somehow responsible for his downfall holding the secrets he knows over her head and his claws around her throat. Father of Scorpionsprout thought he two aren’t close, just sharing a respect by prowess.
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grandmasickomode · 1 year
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The Medicine cats surrounding this old lady constantly hacking up blood like "Starclan above she just doesn't wanna die."
everyone in the clan is like "Guys. You gotta see this, are you seeing this shit."
Every clan gathering, EVERYONES like "Hey how's Breezechirp? Still coughing up blood? Damn. That's crazy."
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solargoose · 8 months
I really loved how I kept seeing people make warrior cats fanclans/comics/fics set in places they've lived/grew up, which got me thinking about what an Appalachian warrior cats would look like. I was just thinking about it as a fun exercise...and then I fell in love with the idea...and now I'm writing it.
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New Home!
Hello, this is the new Tumblr page for the text based Discord Server, New Beginnings!
New Beginnings follows a whole new set of clans that are starting from the ground up. These clans are located somewhere vaguely in the US, so very different location from the clans of the books! The old clans of the area died out several moons before these new ones popped up, and old StarClan spirits have held on just long enough to see them rebuild before they could fade into nothingness!
Join us as our cats figure out what being in a clan will entail and try to navigate this new chapter in their lives! With StarClan guiding them, they're sure to succeed where their predecessors failed!
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ThicketClan, led by Squirrelstar, lies in the forests of our little slice of the world and shares a border with HiveClan and the two leg town. Primarily made up of friendly and family oriented cats, they strive to be a welcoming and inclusive clan. Their ranks include Sun Warriors whose activities primarily take place in the day, Moon Warriors who are more active at night, and Scouts who are tasked with scouting out the territory often for threats. Moon Warriors are mostly comprised of cats with vision issues who normally wouldn't be able to fully function in the bright day, yet still wish to take on warrior duties!
HiveClan, led by Northstar, rests in the meadows near the forests and share a border with ThicketClan and SheepClan. The cats who have chosen to live here tend to be a bit more on the prickly side, though their loyalties can't be questioned! Their ranks include Guards who take over the typical warrior duties of guarding the camp and borders, Runners who serve as clan hunters and are the first picked to lead predators like foxes and dogs out of the territory due to their typically fast speed, and Drones who are personally paw picked by Northstar and serve as his personal guards!
SheepClan, led by Woolystar, is nestled in the hills and shares a border with HiveClan and the two leg town. These cats tend to be a bit more adventurous and hard working, many of them are more independent than the cats of the other two clans, though they're generally willing to lend a helping paw to those in need! Their ranks include Warriors, Tunnelrs similar to that of WindClan's during the time when Tallstar was an apprentice, and Gardeners who tend to crops for the healers and utilize wild bees to increase their herb harvests! Gardeners are especially important in SheepClan as they help to ensure that herbs that would normally be hard to find in the hills can easily be gathered when needed, and can help to facilitate trade with the other two clans when herbs are scarce all around!
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Our clans are only just beginning as we enter our third moon, so it's a great time to jump in and make a character! All high ranks aside from leaders are open, with healers and seers having applications and leaders about to pick their deputy nominations for the server members to vote on! More info on high and mid ranks will be coming as we work on this blog swap, so keep an eye out!
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thtupidity · 1 year
Obligatory warrior cats au bc there isn't one to my knowledge and im going crazy. Im gonna look insane typing all this.
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Tideclan was made by Juniperpaw (Jake), a Thicketclan cat, as a way to get away from Thicketclan and gain his own freedom. He meets Mintpaw (Fresh), a Breezeclan cat, who wants to see what lies beyond the clans. They eventually form Tideclan after finding Beatrice (Tricky), a kittypet, and Sootpaw (Yutani), a medicine cat apprentice for Moorclan.
Abyssclan (Infinity) was formed by rouges and loners, they don't live within the territories of the others but they do live in the city where Tideclan is. Known members are Rabbitwind, Ashwing, and Foxblaze. Mistdew is suspicious of Zoe but Ivyeyes refuses to believe so.
Juniperpaw is Spikestrike's, the deputy of Thicketclan, apprentice. Spikestrike is well aware that Juniperpaw sneaks out and allows him to leave as long as he returns before sunrise. He occasionally visits Tideclan himself and promises not to tell Bearstar, their leader.
Mintpaw suggested that they rename themselves to have warrior names for their new clan, thus the names Mintdew, Ivyeyes, Soottrail, and Junpierstar were born. Juniperpaw wanted to be Coolstar but the name was immediately shit down by everyone.
Beatrice is a kittypet who wanted to explore the city she lived in, stumbling across the newly formed Tideclan in the process, she was accepted in and excitedly went home to tell her neighborhood friend Zoe. She spends most of her time at Tideclan camp making it nicer for when the others return.
Sootpaw was adopted as a kit by Mudleg (Mully), the medicine cat of Moorclan, and he took her as his apprentice since she was considered to small to be a warrior. Her origins are unknown as Mudleg claims he just found he alone in the rain.
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thicketclan · 1 month
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Don't Look Behind
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the-skiesdivide · 1 year
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Finchstar . He/Him . ThicketClan Leader
Warrior name: Finchnose
Mother: Unknown(Deceased) Father: Unknown(Deceased) Sister: Yewhollow Predecessor: Gardeniastar
A sardonic and wishy-washy tom, it's noted that Finchstar considers ThicketClan the best out of all five. He takes great care with his Clan and defends its borders fiercely. Unfortunately, he is greatly passive-aggressive, even with his own Clanmates.
He's been known to turn away outsiders via somewhat underhanded means, telling them(more like exaggerating) just how hard Clan life really is. He claims he isn't opposed to them, and this is somewhat the case, he just severely doubts their abilities.
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pixxyofice · 10 months
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lightpaw has recieved illness
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shoreclan · 9 months
Welcome to my clangen blog! If you’re looking for more warrior cats art you can find me @lilcrawe
ShoreClan is a clangen play through based in SE Alaska (which is where I grew up!). I’ll be playing a beach game file with a dynasty challenge (a monarchy play style I made/like to use)
The dynasty challenge effectively means that the deputy must be kin (bio or adopted) of the leader. Unless there is no kin of age, then another cat can be temporary deputy.
Additionally, I am limiting the number of cats in the clan to 45. I can’t handle more than that lol.
I’ve never done this before so yeah. I’ll learn as I go haha
Hope you like it!
#moon updates = moon by moon updates
#year [number here] = moons by year
#allegiances = full allegiance sheets (year by year)
#cascadeclan = neighbor clan CascadeClan
#thicketclan = neighbor clan ThicketClan
#cat relationships = relationship value pages
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The Steady
Thicketclan is the clan considered the most traditional of the five clans and is thought to be the oldest of the five because of such. Their pelts combined with the thick forest they live in have them also known for appearing much more secretive than they actually are. These cats are actually known to be friendly, if a bit patronizing, to the other clans. It’s often a Thicketclan cat that will keep a calm mind in troubled times. Compared to the other clans, their number of members always seems to be larger and this fact is often what the clan uses to its advantage should a battle arise.
Typical Traits:
Dark-colored pelts (usually black or brown), short or average heights, small ears compared to the rest of the body
The territory is filled with a thick forest with a large variety of plants from oak trees to the plentiful amount of herbs that the clan has access to. Despite this though, there is a marsh in the southeast of the territory where the border with Floodclan is and a large open meadow near the southwest when one heads to the gathering area that is a favorite hunting and training area during greenleaf especially. There are a few ponds that litter the forest these cats live in.
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Clan Roster
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Mousestar, a fluffy cinnamon mink point munchkin she-cat with teal eyes.
Harestorm, a short-haired, lilac mackerel tabby tom, with green eyes, large ears, and a bobtail.
Medicine Cat:
Snakeroot, a long-haired black mackerel tabby she-cat with orange eyes and a thick tail.
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Goldenfeather, a tall, long-haired pale golden ticked tabby tom with bright orange eyes and plummed tail.
Apprentice: Beepaw
Cormorantstripe, a broad-shouldered, short-haired black ticked tabby she-cat with amber eyes.
Sootfang, a long-haired dark gray she-cat with amber eyes and a thick plummed tail. 
Slugpelt, a lean, short-haired solid brown tom with amber eyes and small ears.
Apprentice: Crowpaw
Spiderberry, a lean, short-haired, scrawny-looking black tom with bright orange eyes.
Apprentice: Bleakpaw
Rabbitwhisker, a small fluffy cinnamon and white tom with green eyes.
Apprentice: Graypaw
Mistpelt, a short-haired sepia point gray bicolor she-cat with green eyes and curled ears.
Apprentice: Falconpaw
Blackclaw, a broad-shouldered, long-haired black tabby she-cat with amber eyes.
Starlingstorm, a broad-shouldered, short-haired cinnamon ticked tabby tom with gold eyes
Beetleshine, a lithe, short-haired, black and white she-cat with gold eyes and a pink nose.
Hollyfang, a lithe, short-haired black tortoiseshell she-cat with an overbite and one orange and one blue eye.
Apprentice: Rookpaw
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Beepaw, a broad-shouldered, short-haired red tom with golden eyes. 
Graypaw, a short-haired solid gray she-cat with green eyes and plummed tail.
Rookpaw, a long-haired black she-cat with amber eyes with a thick tail.
Falconpaw, a short-haired gray mackerel tabby with amber eyes with a long tail. 
Crowpaw, a short-haired black and white tom with green eyes and a bobtail.
Bleakpaw, a short-haired light gray and white she-cat with orange eyes.
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Shadowstorm, a lean, long-haired, very dark gray she-cat with golden eyes.
Owlkit, a short-haired gray-ticked tabby tom with golden eyes and unusually small paws.
Crowkit, a broad-shouldered, long-haired black she-cat with yellow eyes.
Father is: Starlingstorm
Brindleheart, a stocky, short-haired brindled lilac ticked tabby calico she-cat with green eyes 
Wrenkit, a short-haired, chocolate and white she-cat with bright green eyes and small ears.
Brightkit, a short-haired, chocolate calico she-cat with golden eyes and small ears. 
Tigerkit, a long-haired, red-and-white tom with green eyes and small ears.
Father is: Slugpelt 
Rookstone, a stocky, short-haired black she-cat with green eyes with a stump tail.
Mothkit, short-haired, seal lynx point tom with blue eyes. 
Dark-kit, a short-haired, black she-cat with orange eyes 
Nightkit, a short-haired, black tom with green eyes.
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Ravencloud, a stocky short-haired black and white tom with green eyes and curled ears.
Daffodilcloud, a tall, lean, and lithe cream classic tabby tom, with short fur, and green eyes
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pondclan · 9 months
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first moon featuring Rippledusk as an actual illustration and not just a chibi panel!!
also- the ThicketClan mediator is named Flameflight! i love her
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