#Thinking of calling this Evil wonka factory aU
sourtomatola · 7 months
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Candy factory Lore post!!
Main flavors: Butterscotch, mint and lemon
Candy types: hard candies (particularly old fashioned candy) butterscotch glass candy ray's, strawberry bon-bon buttons, ribbon candy ruffles, Loli eyes (not lolipop, just loli) SUNNYDROP bells
Main flavors: blue razzberry, liquorice, spearmint
Candy types: Soft candies such as black liquorice hat, creamy gummy ruffles, gumdrop buttons, M&M eyes, MOONDROP bells
Both have sour gummy pant's, mint disk cheeks, Mint neck polls, and outer shells made of hard candy.
They both live in the Fazbear confection factory, along with many other living candy beings. During the day, they pose for tourists. People can come in, to see these unique sentient candy creatures in the environment provided by the company. Almost like a candy creature Zoo.
The candy they shed have special abilities. Depending the type they drop, they could have a sleepy affect, high energy, a happy feeling, a warm feeling, a cooling feeling, ext. To regain the candy these beings shed, they are fed a pure sugar diet, and their shells will harden quickly withing a couple hours. If they were fed fruit, their shells wouldn't harden/form as fast, but the next shedding would have more nutrition.
The company owner, that good old candy magician, William Wonka* (renamed for branding purposes) introduces them and assures to have their conservational efforts at the height of the company's value. The tours often run late, more often running till about midnight.
Once all the customers have left the building, you'd think it'd be quiet. But as the candy that is shed from these being's is rare and highly valuable, they have rich and elite bidders screaming for it. High class parties aren't worth much without Fazbear candy at each desert table after all.
12 AM, is therefore, Harvest time.
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So long as their main skeletal frame is intact by the end of the harvest, they will survive and reform. What amazing resilient creatures they are!
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misslilli · 3 years
Felix Felicis
MSR. AU. PG-13. | tagging @today-in-fic | read on AO3
Chapter 29 - Moose, Squirrel and the Chocolate Factory (1/3)
[ Sarah ]
On the day Felix asks me to set up what he thinks is a clever plan to annoy his dad but is actually the perfect opportunity for Operation Bullwinkle 2.0.
Is the little one serious? I couldn’t think of a better set-up myself if I tried. And he just does it so nonchalantly, too! I can’t wait to tell the girls!
Opportunity strikes after we’ve ridden home in the car together and D goes to call her mom to talk about their Christmas plans. They’re all very excited to have the family together over Christmas - even her uptight, very conservative brother Bill is coming this year. He’s the only one of the Scully clan us girls don’t get along with, Missy and Charlie are the fun eccentric ones, Mrs. Scully the caring one and the Captain’s just… well, the Captain.
“Girls, hold on to your socks cause I’m about to knock them off! Little moose came to me at recess today, with a suggestion so brilliant I want to make him an honorary member of Operation: Bullwinkle 2.0!” Holly and Alex are on the edge of their seat, so I don’t keep them hanging for long. “He suggested, because he doesn’t want to endure his dad’s watchful eye on our field trip, that we put his dad with another grade. Fourth grade!” Holly perks up at that, clapping her hands gleefully.
“Oooh this is good! It’ll make him rethink going on a field trip ever again, the bus ride with these kids will be wild.”
“I think this is the exact outcome that Felix wants to achieve, even though he pretends otherwise. Speaking of, do you remember the one and only time the Captain ever went on a field trip with us?” Alex laughs at the memory, it was way back when we were in elementary school ourselves.
“I remember we were too scared to breathe the whole time we were in the woods with him, I thought he’d just leave us there to fend for ourselves if we misbehaved! And then we’d get eaten by a bear for sure! It was a very traumatic experience for my sensitive little heart!”
“Yeah, it was awful. But he didn’t leave us in the forest after all and he showed us pretty neat survival tricks, too!”
“We’ll need those when D gets wind of who’s accompanying her on this field trip tomorrow morning at the briefing. She’ll suspect we have something to do with it, even though this time, we’re totally innocent!”
[ DS ]
The next day, huddling over my cup of coffee at the teacher’s lounge table, I’m barely listening to the safety briefing Skinner gives us before our field trip. It’s always the same, don’t lose any children, have them behave politely towards staff, don’t let them wander off, yada yada yada.
My ears perk up, however, when he reads out who’s chaperoning us.
“First grade: Anne’s mother, Second grade: David’s uncle, Third grade: Melanie’s mother, Fourth grade: Felix’s father.” I almost choke on my sip of coffee and shoot the girls an ugly glare.
They planned this, the little fuckers, I’m sure of it! Giving me her most innocent face, Sarah hands over the day passes for the Chocolate Factory, 25 kids, 2 adults. I want to murder them, a field day is by far the most stressful day a teacher can have and with their little scheme, they just upped the ante.
But a little - okay a big part - of me is also kind of (read: a lot) excited.
In the classroom, I give my kids a stern talking to, telling them that I expect them to be on their best behavior, just like I know they’re capable of in school. I stop short of threatening them with the wrath of hellfire if they so much as think about misbehaving.
In no time, we’re lining up to go outside, where our busses are already waiting. I give the kids one last warning stare before we head out.
My chaperone awaits next to the yellow bus that holds a number 4 sign, bundled up in a coat against the cold, his breath coming out in fogs. With a twist of my stomach I’m reminded that while we’ve been hanging out as friends the past few weeks, the feelings are still there, they’re just not riddled with anxiety anymore.
The anxiety has been replaced with a feeling of nervous, giddy excitement at the prospect of spending a whole day together.
I just hope the kids don’t embarrass me.
[ Felix ]
Ha! My evil genius plan has worked, dad is standing in front of the fourth grader’s line with Miss Scully, who is putting the lanyard with the ticket around my dad’s neck. I roll my eyes, he’s not a child, he can put the lanyard on himself! Sure, you’re laughing and smiling now, just wait until you get on that bus, hee hee.
The kids sadly behave themselves right now, though, and with nothing else to see, I turn back to Suzie, who’s my partner in our own line-up. She’s just as excited as I am, a whole day of eating nothing but chocolate, whee!
[ DS ]
My heart is racing a mile a minute when the kids and I reach the bus and with that, a widely grinning Mulder. “Hey, if it isn’t Willy Wonka and the Oompa-Loompas!” The kids chuckle at his joke and even I can’t hide a grin.
“Guess you won the Golden Ticket, Charlie, huh?” I put the lanyard with his real ticket to the Chocolate Factory around his neck. It’s not a gold one, and it seems like I’m the one who feels like she’s won the WillyWonka lottery.
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