#when I was a kid
rorygilmoreh4ter · 5 months
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genuinely had to put the book down and laugh for a second this was so unnecessarily funny at 4 am
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chocodiaxa · 18 days
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🤖✨🦾Twerking to Robin 🌸😳🫣
Animatic test
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sourtomatola · 3 months
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Candy factory Lore post!!
Main flavors: Butterscotch, mint and lemon
Candy types: hard candies (particularly old fashioned candy) butterscotch glass candy ray's, strawberry bon-bon buttons, ribbon candy ruffles, Loli eyes (not lolipop, just loli) SUNNYDROP bells
Main flavors: blue razzberry, liquorice, spearmint
Candy types: Soft candies such as black liquorice hat, creamy gummy ruffles, gumdrop buttons, M&M eyes, MOONDROP bells
Both have sour gummy pant's, mint disk cheeks, Mint neck polls, and outer shells made of hard candy.
They both live in the Fazbear confection factory, along with many other living candy beings. During the day, they pose for tourists. People can come in, to see these unique sentient candy creatures in the environment provided by the company. Almost like a candy creature Zoo.
The candy they shed have special abilities. Depending the type they drop, they could have a sleepy affect, high energy, a happy feeling, a warm feeling, a cooling feeling, ext. To regain the candy these beings shed, they are fed a pure sugar diet, and their shells will harden quickly withing a couple hours. If they were fed fruit, their shells wouldn't harden/form as fast, but the next shedding would have more nutrition.
The company owner, that good old candy magician, William Wonka* (renamed for branding purposes) introduces them and assures to have their conservational efforts at the height of the company's value. The tours often run late, more often running till about midnight.
Once all the customers have left the building, you'd think it'd be quiet. But as the candy that is shed from these being's is rare and highly valuable, they have rich and elite bidders screaming for it. High class parties aren't worth much without Fazbear candy at each desert table after all.
12 AM, is therefore, Harvest time.
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So long as their main skeletal frame is intact by the end of the harvest, they will survive and reform. What amazing resilient creatures they are!
Y/N Info
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loonaversalstudios · 2 months
Rewatching X-men Evolution and they’re so fucking cute I’ve never felt this way about straight people …look at them standing identically
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athena-xox · 1 month
Fuck hopper x briar or hopper x ginger. Give me hopper x prudence step
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I wish we got a webisode of them 😭😭
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the-blind-geisha · 4 months
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Pg 2 of The King of Boos.
My version of KB is a bit of a something, something. More like a deity, if you will with little trickster children. ♥
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lucydacusgirl · 1 month
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I know you think your girlfriend hates you in secret, but don’t take it out on me
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vodika-vibes · 5 months
My brain is going "Commander Cody Groundhogs day AU" so let's see what the Ole Brain Box has in there.
So, Cody goes to sleep at the end of the day (maybe it's the same day the order went out, you know, for funsies) conflicted about the day.
And he wakes up the following morning (what should have been the following morning) back on the Negotiator with General Kenobi talking about the plan to take down the giant fake sith insect.
And Cody's just like, nodding along, because this is clearly some force osik and he's not paid enough for this.
(The joke being that he's not paid at all, of course)
And everything happens like he remembers, and the chip activates for everyone except Cody, who's chip activated the day before.
And Cody watches. Absolutely bewildered, as his reasonable, friendly brothers suddenly become hostile towards General Kenobi and shoot him.
And the next day it happens again.
And again
And again
And on the sixth day he wakes up and the first thing he does is comm Fox and Wolffe (they sometimes have a brain cell and his head hurts and he's tired and he died two times in the last 5 days-)
And he tells them everything.
And they don't believe him
And the next day he does it all over again, only this time he has proof because he can tell them what they're going to say before they say it.
And slowly, somehow, these three men manage to find a way to save the jedi over the course of 12 hours.
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divorcedwife · 2 months
i've been really into golden raisins lately
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devilish-parrot · 4 months
when i was younger, i thought dictionary definations were made by 5 people sitting beside eachother nervously in a room and one by one theyd be call into the next room to define the next word untill every word id defined and the dictionary is made
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thelediz · 2 months
Sonic Underground 05: Mobodoon
I’m watching Sonic Underground in search of inspiration to finish a fic I’ve been writing forever. It’s a sad state of affairs. See the recap of the first three episodes here, if you're interested!
This is episode 5: Mobodoon, which is supposedly telling you about how wonderful Mobius used to be, but is actually showcasing Manic’s emotional centre and how he Longs For A Home.
…Grown up LeDiz has so little patience for this episode, especially in a series that otherwise does a goddamn amazing display of a well thought-out post-monarchy dictatorship. It’s going to show you a perfect little commune and tell you this is how Aleena’s whole kingdom was and IT’S NONSENSE.
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The plot (for want of a better word): On the search for their mother, the royal triplets uncover a magical portal that takes them to their birthplace: Mobodoon! In a peaceful sanctuary where everything is free and everyone is equal, Manic finally feels at home for the first time in his life. Will he abandon the fight against Robotnik—and his family—to stay where he feels he truly belongs?
Of course he won’t, that would require continuity. And I’m running out of wine.
Aleena… it’s episode five. Of forty. Don’t threaten me with the end of the Sonic Underground. Honestly.
Manic said something very quickly, too quickly for me to follow, but “second day of the third month” is their birthday, COMPLETELY OVERRIDING established Sonic canon on his birthday being in June. Yes I make too much of this.
Also, side note, there’s some actually not terrible animation in this opening sequence. Props where due.
Never mind, we’re at the two minute mark, the animators gave up again.
So, Mobodoon. It’s a little hidden portal to city/town/thing that connects to the normal world once every four years, where the royal children are all born. All greenery everywhere, no money, it’s a proper communist dream. Not bad world building for a magical monarchy’s private retreat, I’ll grant you.
And again, everyone knows and recognises the triplets, who I remind you, were removed from public life before they were one. (The world builder in me assumes this is because hedgehogs with their specific colouring went quickly extinct after Aleena put them into hiding. Sonia only survived because of Windemere’s protection and/or lies)(I am such a problem)
(Also, I’m doing the maths. The portal only opens once every four years. Say they were born and immediately left, because no way they were four when they were running from Robotnik. Power to Aleena for being able to make that trip right after giving birth to triplets. Anyway. Four, eight, twelve… they’re either thirteen or sixteen today and either way I’m not… asking any questions, why would I ask questions?)
Seriously, though, if you don’t just accept what she says because of the magic of Mobodoon, Mayor Winniham is creepy as hell.
Ah haha… the town is possible due to a chaos emerald Power Stone, which gives them power and life. Yes I absolutely make too much of that, too.
Sonic “and his mondo world” (in his wooooooorld where one is all, in his world never fear the fall!). Not a reference, but appreciated as if it is one.
…Dingo, you’re supposed to be in love with Sonia, don’t give me this “I hate Hedgehogs” line. That’s your boss’s line. No stealing.
Seriously, this plays so much like Winniham is trying to take advantage of Manic. Animation errors even make her look super sinister in some shots. She’s not, though, she’s just creepy to an adult.
The SONG: I found my home. A rare Manic lead song. When I was a kid, I thought this was the best sound… amazing how your opinion changes, huh?
Ah, evil tax collector Sleet. As distinct from queen hunting Sleet or bounty hunter Sleet. As long as he’s Short Sighted Sleet.
Y’know Manic, in a better series, this whole realisation you have about “I finally found a place to call home and now it’s […] doomed” would lead you to realise you have to keep up the fight to protect it. Funny how you’re not actually going to come to that realisation.
Also, in a better series (though this is still sadly uncommon even in good shows), the fact this is a Manic-centred episode would allow him to take charge with how to protect the town. But no, of course Sonia has to do that, because Sonia is present.
And it’s ultimately Sonic’s plan to recharge the medallions and play roadrunner that saves the day. He's the hero and the drawcard for the Trashfire, so it's ALLOWED, but it's still frustrating. Why have the OC if you're not going to actually give them room to be used???
JEEZ, Sonia, what has Manic ever done to imply he would pawn off the magical medallions that give you all music and power? I know I give you a hard time, but that was so uncalled for! And yeah, he plays along, but jeez!
…and ultimately, Manic decides his home is with his siblings. Two seconds after he says goodbye to them. UGH. I know it’s a pacing thing, and it was common in 90s cartoons, but that does not stop it from being annoying.
Though I will say his point about how the Sonic Underground needs a drummer is legit. It’s actually a thing: rock bands need a drum to keep time and without one will need to find a different way to remain in rhythm. I make too much of this. I really wish the show did too.
Look. LOOK.
This episode is…
I mean, look, the series as a whole is bad, but as I mention when doing the plot synopses, the ideas behind the episodes themselves are pretty sound. You can see how they got through a writing pitch. But what always frustrates me when I watch these bad shows that I love is how good they COULD be with just… minor changes. Like Manic coming up with the idea to save the day, or having a change of heart because of the danger, not his siblings. Also Winniham… you’re still creepy. There’s no getting away from how much you creep me out, I’m sorry.
The counters:
Sonic implying less than 100% American heterosexuality: 2
Sonia's super-strength: 1
Sonia's in love with Bartleby: 1/37
Come back tomorrow if you want to know more!
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nachosncheezies · 9 months
I just saw a post someone saying they're bad at science and idk who needs to hear this but I spent over a decade thinking I was terrible at science when it turned out I just had bad teachers and an unsupportive environment. A few adjustments, like a calculator and a good book with a few flowcharts for remembering some of the more complex maths, and suddenly it turned out I was completely capable. Work ethic can make up for a lot and mentors who won't write you off as too dumb are out there, so if science or science-adjacent subjects interest you please don't give up on yourself before you find those people.
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theereina · 9 months
I remember being a child who dreamed of nothing more than being a fashion designer. Where did that little girl go? She was so creative and adventurous.
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silly-milly-girly · 10 days
When I was a kid I thought the pastor at my church was Colonel Sanders because he looked like Colonel Sanders.
Everytime a KFC commercial came on kid me would say "Look it's the pastor!" and my parents would say "yeah that is the pastor". They probably thought I was joking but I really did think our pastor was Colonel Sanders.
I was a stupid kid
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bibibitchery · 13 days
it’s so fucked up that you have to work on your birthday as an adult
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photofinder · 25 days
It's night. I'm on the beach, walking along the shoreline. In the distance ahead I can see a massive bridge, lit up in the darkness, covered in hundreds of cars coming from and going to the city. There is not a single star in the sky.
The ocean is stagnant. The only sound is that of very distant cars. There is no wind, I smell nothing, I cannot feel the sand beneath my feet. Up head I see my father, walking with his back to me. He does not have shoes. No matter what, I know I can never catch up with him, he will always be there, walking with his back to me.
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