#This Is Us 1x16
submissiveness · 1 year
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briansjustin · 2 months
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brian kinney in every episode 1.16: french fried
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gleesongtournament · 1 year
Glee Song Tournament Round 1
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thebeautyofspnanime · 8 months
— 🎞️ —
episode tag list:
ep: 1x01 alter ego
ep: 1x02 roadkill
ep: 1x03 home
ep: 1x04 ghost on the highway
ep: 1x05 savage blood
ep: 1x06 till death do us part
ep: 1x07 temptation of the demon
ep: 1x08 everlasting love
ep: 1x09 the spirit of vegas
ep: 1x10 moonlight
ep: 1x11 nightmare
ep: 1x12 darkness calling
ep: 1x13 what lives in the lake
ep: 1x14 reunion
ep: 1x15 devil’s trap
ep: 1x16 in my time of dying
ep: 1x17 rising son
ep: 1x18 crossroad
ep: 1x19 loser
ep: 1x20 what is and what should never be
ep: 1x21 all hell breaks loose part 1
ep: 1x22 all hell breaks loose part 2
— 🎞️ —
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persefoneshalott · 10 months
Sam's tied up and being perved on by Meg and Dean's like ugh get a room 🙄 super normal reaction
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gh-0-stcup · 2 years
Let's go, Angel! Destroy their operation, ruin their lives, burn their cities to the gro - whoops. Sorry, got a little carried away there.
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I forgot how wild Reign episode 1x16 was.
“I don’t take orders from bastards.”
“Haven’t you heard? I’ve been titled Master of Horse and Hunt. So gather your horses and go out and hunt.”
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confused-pyramid · 8 months
Coming Up For Air | s1
pairing: aaron hotchner x childhood bsf!reader
summary: Hotch and his childhood best friend working together at the BAU: a slow burn across the seasons.
word count: 10.4k
warnings: canon!typical violence, mentions of abuse, death of a spouse, slow slow slow burn, specific episodes mentioned in this part are 1x01, 1x06, 1x07, 1x08, 1x15, 1x16, and 1x22
a/n: I started rewatching Criminal Minds from the beginning, and this is what came out of it heh. This is the first part in a little series I'm starting that follows Hotch and his childhood best friend in the BAU, beginning with the pilot. If all goes well, this will continue through the rest of the show, with ~1 part per season :) Title is from Coming up for air by Signals in Smoke
series masterlist
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You haven't used your oven in over a year. It's not that you don't like cooking - because you do - you just haven't had the time. If you could, you would blame it on the extra hours you have had to put in after starting at the BAU, but that wouldn't be fair. Your transfer to the unit was the only thing that got you through his death at all.
After your husband was shot and killed in action while tailing a kingpin of one of the New York mobs, you couldn't bear to be in this house at all. You had gone back home to stay with your father for a couple of months, but eventually you had to get back to your real life. With a month remaining on your bureau-mandated leave, you returned to the home you had shared, before one of the lower-level mob soldiers misfired -
You didn't let yourself think about it for almost a year, but time heals all wounds. The poets were right. At least you hope they are.
Even back at home, you still couldn't bear to be there alone, other than when you were sleeping. That's why your peloton was gathering dust and your kitchen went untouched, until just now.
So, of course, the call from the office comes when you're making dinner. It takes five minutes to change into slacks and a button-up, and two more to toss your half-cooked vegetables in the trash, before driving down to headquarters.
A fourth girl has been taken in Seattle, and the local PD only now decided to invite your team. You know the BAU isn't well-liked by the other departments, but that doesn't mean you aren't effective.
When you enter the building, you rush through the I.D. check and jog over to the lecture hall, where Morgan and Reid are standing outside of a neighboring office like children waiting for their father to come and get them.
Shooting them both a thin-lipped smile, you step inside just as they finish discussing the unsub's pattern.
"They want you back in the saddle," Hotch says to the man beside him after greeting you with a nod.
Your eyes are so immediately drawn to Hotch that it takes you a moment to realize that you recognize the man standing next to him. You haven't seen him since the day you were assigned to the BAU, mostly because you were technically transferred to this unit because of his extended leave.
What was supposed to be one month became six, before Hotch informed you that your temporary placement would be permanent, if you were willing to stay in Virginia.
It was a no-brainer.
You turn your gaze to Jason Gideon as everyone in the room stares at him expectantly. He looks self-assured, but you're sure the confidence is a front. "They sure they want me?"
"The order came from the director," Hotch says simply.
"Well," Gideon states, "we'd better get started, then."
Hotch glances over at you as everyone files out of the room and you raise your eyebrows momentarily, a quick check-in between the two of you. He nods imperceptibly and it's enough for now. He didn't tell you Gideon was coming back today, but now isn't the time to give him hell for that.
Hotch is the last to board the plane, and he takes his usual seat beside you, this time in the aisle, a few rows away from the rest of the team.
"I was going to tell you," he says as soon as you close the case file in your hands. "The section chief wants me to evaluate him to see if he's ready to return to the team."
"That's a lot of pressure." They have to know that Gideon will be able to smell him out within the day. "You sure it won't get in the way?"
Hotch makes that face you hate, the one that says he knows you're deflecting. "I was going to tell you."
It doesn't take much for you to forgive him. It helps that you trust him completely, especially after everything he has done for you.
"Still," you smile, bumping his shoulder with yours, "it would have been nice to know about the sudden change to my job security."
You're mostly joking, but his frown is genuine. "Don't be silly. You'll always have a place on this team."
He takes everything so seriously these days. You suppose it's only fair, given the files he has to sort through on a daily basis. Picking which case deserves the team's attention the most.
But he wasn't always like this. You're the newest member of the team, but you've known Hotch longer than any of them.
You still remember the first time you met him, at eight years old. He was your first real friend at school, and you became inseparable easily. Your shared love for The Beatles and Law and Order made you fast friends, and as you grew older, your interests shifted in tandem.
Sometimes when you look at him, you still see that little boy who knew too much, but still managed to always make you laugh.
The team disperses soon after you land in Seattle. You've never had to come up with a profile in one afternoon, but it's also been a long time since your ticking clock to find the victim was just over a day.
When Gideon and Morgan head to the latest crime scene, you join Hotch and Reid to interview the victim's brother. The moment the three of you step into his house, his dog, Sandy, starts barking up a storm.
"It's what we call the Reid effect," Hotch smiles, walking over to pet her. "Happens with children, too."
You can't help but smile as well, peering over at Spencer, who looks about as uncomfortable as he usually does.
It doesn't escape your notice that the brother looks looser now. Hotch has a way with people that traces back to his childhood self. He was always wiser than his years, something you chalk up to his need to grow up faster than he should have, but his paternal instinct comes from practically raising his brother, Sean, after his dad's untimely death.
The casual interview reveals enough about the victimology that when you head back to the station, Gideon calls the officers in to explain the profile.
You can feel Morgan's agitation wafting off of him as he watches Gideon state his assumptions with startling clarity and confidence. Hotch, on the other hand, looks contemplative, which reminds you that he's been tasked with the returning agent's evaluation.
He can see your furtive glances in his direction, even as you try to remain secretive about your interest in his demeanor. He presses his lips together to keep from smiling as he thinks about how lucky you are that you went into profiling and not covert operations.
You have never been especially good at keeping your own thoughts or intentions to yourself around him. While some would call that a weakness in this field, he sees it as your greatest strength, because it clearly shows how much he can trust you.
As a kid, you were outspoken about every idea you had, and you used your strength and willpower to look out for him when he needed it. It took him a long time to admit how much he used to need you (maybe too long), but you always knew.
Gideon's profile leads to the arrest of Richard Slessman and Tim Vogel, and Elle manages to save the last girl while she's still alive. You catch your breath for the first time in 36 hours as you stand with Hotch in the shipyard, watching the paramedics and local police clear the scene.
"What are you going to tell them?" you ask under your breath as his gaze turns to Gideon, who is getting patched up in the back of an ambulance.
He had goaded the unsub into shooting him instead of the girl, but your mind can't seem to focus on the silver lining.
Hotch sighs, crossing his arms over his chest, as though to hold his coat closed against the breeze. "They want to know if he's fit to be a field agent again."
Normally, you would give him shit for using that tactic. Avoiding a question by providing more information. This time, you know he's just thinking out loud.
"What would you say?" Hotch asks as Morgan walks over and sits on a barrel next to you.
"Gideon saved her life," Derek shrugs, his eyes flashing to you for a moment. "That's good enough for me."
Hotch seems to ponder this for a second. "Do you know what Gideon means in Hebrew?"
"Mighty warrior," Reid interjects, popping in to the conversation with the subtlety of a tiger.
You're confused at first, but then you remember the baby names book that was sitting in Hotch's living room the last time you visited him. "You cannot let Haley name your child Gideon."
Hotch laughs suddenly, and you can tell you surprised it out of him. Your chest warms comfortably as he smiles, his cheeks flushing softly in the chill air.
He looks over at Gideon again, deciding in real time that he's going to recommend him to come back to the team. He would never admit it to you or anyone, but he knows that if your position on the team was in jeopardy from Gideon's return, he wouldn't have been able to complete his evaluation fairly.
It was Hotch who recommended you for the open position after he was promoted into Gideon's role as unit chief. You deserved the spot, of course, but Jeff's death had still been fresh and he knew better than most how much the job can take one's mind off of the other aspects of their life.
While Hotch watches Gideon, you watch him. You can tell from the look on his face that it's a done deal. Jason's coming back to the team. It will be a change of pace for everyone, but that doesn't mean it won't be good.
Having joined the team right after the bombing, you saw exactly how Gideon changed after getting the profile wrong, but so did everyone else. What people didn't talk about was how Aaron changed too. Rising into the rank. Growing to fill the hole that Gideon left in the unit, but somehow also shrinking into himself at the same time, because that's what this job does to you...it takes and it takes and it takes until you have nothing left to give.
But sometimes that's what you need: to give something up so you know you aren't losing everything.
Gideon settles into the team faster than you anticipated, and soon it's almost like he never left. Even though you can see the vein on Morgan's neck pulsate every time he hijacks a profile, you can't help but appreciate the support he gives to Spencer and Elle, both of whom are becoming incredible profilers before your very eyes.
That's also why you find yourself a little worried when Hotch tells you that Reid failed his weapons recertification.
"I thought you said you were helping him practice," you say as the two of you walk past security and toward the bullpen.
"I was," he emphasizes, before correcting himself, "I did. I'm sure he was just nervous."
You nod, pushing open the doors and spotting Reid sitting quietly at his desk. "He can test again in two weeks. He'll be fine."
When Morgan hands him a whistle with a quippy joke, you sigh into your coffee tumbler, but don't bother stepping in. He's being childish, but if you try to intervene, it'll just embarrass Spencer more.
"Okay," JJ starts, "Franklin Park, Des Plaines. Yesterday afternoon."
She dives into the case, but you have already read the file (and you know Reid has too) so you scoot your chair over to his desk and lean forward so only he can hear you. "I failed my first weapons certification at the bureau too."
Spencer looks up immediately, his face colored with surprise. "Really? You're one of the best shots I know."
You smile with a shrug. "The tests aren't real life. When it comes down to it, I get the job done. Just like you will."
He doesn't say anything for a moment, but then his lips curve up into a small smile. You both turn your attention back to the front just as JJ finishes explaining the case details.
"Wheels up in 30."
The flight to Illinois is filled with heated discussions about the bureau's fruitless history of trying to profile long distance serial killers.
"L. D. S. K.s are so rare, we haven't been able to build a standard profile," Hotch explains as the jet reaches cruising altitude.
Gideon chimes in immediately. "Here's what we do know: they're always male, and they frequently have law enforcement or military experience, and they always contact the police or the media."
Elle looks confused and you echo her sentiment as you lean your hip against her armrest. "To take credit or relive the experience?"
"Both," he says simply. "All serial killers attempt to relive the ecstasy they get from their killings. Some use souvenirs taken from the victims, and others return to the dump site to interact with the body. Both modes require contact with the victim, contact which, by definition, long distance serial killers don't have."
"Our unsub hasn't contacted anybody," you point out. "What do we do until then?"
"Sometimes it's not what the unsub does that reveals the profile. Sometimes it is what they do not do."
Reid glances up from the file in his lap, and you notice that he looks at Gideon first. "He doesn't kill his victims."
"Underkill's a unique signature," Hotch ponders, standing up and walking along the cabin. He only paces when he's deep in thought. "The question is, does he shoot them in the stomach intentionally just to wound them, or is he just aiming at the biggest part of the target?"
The team is silent as you take in this new analysis. You're not surprised when Gideon is the first to speak up. "Specifically, does the unsub lack the skill to make the head shot, or simply the will to take it?"
When the plane lands, you check out the last crime scene before spending the day talking to the local police and the victims' surgeons at the nearby hospital.
That night, when you check into your hotel room, the click of the door lock closing behind you is a welcome relief from the tension of the day. Many of the Des Plaines police officers were unhappy with the team's initial assessment, because it heavily implied that the unsub may have been a law enforcement official himself.
You wash your face and change into a tee shirt and a comfortable pair of sweatpants, before climbing into bed and opening the case file back up again. The rest of the team has also gone to their own rooms, but you can't help but wish you had another set of eyes looking at this with you.
As though reading your mind, a knock thuds on your door and you stand up quickly, in case it's an emergency. When you check the peephole, you see Hotch standing way too close to the door.
Unlocking it slowly so you don't startle him, you open the door to find him in still in a full suit.
"Is there a problem?" you ask immediately. "Do I need to get dressed?"
He shakes his head, glancing around the hallway so quickly that you almost miss it. "I was just looking over the profile and I wanted your opinion on some thoughts I had."
The corner of your mouth twitches and you open the door further to let him in. He doesn't miss a beat as he takes a seat on the armchair in front of your bed and flips open his notepad.
"I was thinking about the bullet we recovered on the scene," he says slowly, like he's thinking through every word he's saying.
You nod, sitting on top of the bed covers and crossing your legs under you. "Garcia called after you left the station. The bullet was a .223 fired from the M-4 variant of the M-16."
"That means he's military," Hotch says, reaching his hand out without taking his eyes off his notepad. You close the case file you had laid out and hand it to him. "M-4 is a shorter barrel than the M-16, so it's less accurate and a lot harder to fire, especially at these distances."
"This level of skill indicates specialized training. That means..."
"It means the underkill was on purpose," Hotch says, finishing your thought. "What is he trying to prove?"
You purse your lips as he sits up in the chair to give himself room to remove his jacket. His pinstriped button-down is slightly crinkled under his arms, but you can tell it was freshly ironed this morning.
"Maybe he's in a fast-paced occupation," you suggest, "which would fit with the profile that he has a big ego."
"Then we're back to law enforcement."
You lean forward, your eyes following his hands as they fidget with his cuffs and undo the buttons, one at a time. You've always been attune to every one of his movements, but maybe it's just because you've spent so much time around him.
"Hotch," you whisper-yell, snagging his attention from your case file, which he tosses back to you.
He hums and you take that as an invitation to continue speaking. "Be careful tomorrow, when you're giving the profile."
One of his eyebrows lifts and you can tell he's holding back a smile. "It's just in front of the Des Planes PD. You'll be there too."
"It's not that," you sigh, shaking your head. "Everything about this profile points to the shooter being either current or former law enforcement. I'd be surprised if they didn't take it personally."
His eyes flit up to yours, his brow furrowing. "I can handle myself."
"I'm sure you can, Hotch," you say with a breathy laugh. "Doesn't mean I don't still look out for you."
He pauses and it's like his whole body takes a beat. "I know."
You're talking to Dr. Landman with Derek, Elle, and Jason the next day when a gunshot rings out through the hospital. Last you checked, Hotch and Reid were in the E.R., but you haven't heard from them since you arrived.
"It's Phillip Dowd," a nurse informs you when you meet with local police outside the closed E.R. door.
After a quick call to Penelope, the profile becomes clear.
"He joined the army at 18," Gideon recites, pacing around the room in a vaguely reminiscent manner, "went to ranger school, did 6 years before being dishonorably discharged in '95 for conduct unbecoming. Obviously lied about it, joined the Arlington P. D."
"You were right," the police captain sighs. "He was a cop."
His hopeless tone is disheartening, and you find yourself upset for not the first time that your team was correct in their assessment.
After the initial commotion, the E.R. is silent except for a few muffled voices. You can't hear what's being said, but the lack of gunshots or loud noises is all that's keeping you from falling apart.
"It'll be okay," you hear whispered from next to you. You turn to see Derek, who presses his shoulder to yours briefly. "Hotch will know what to do."
You know there's nothing you can do from out here, especially with how precarious the situation inside is, but doing nothing has never been your strong suit.
"I know," you tell him, echoing your thoughts. "I just wish we could help."
Derek cocks his head at the S.W.A.T. team readying themselves to break the door down. "We can help. We need to give Hotch and the kid time to wear Dowd down."
His tone is light and you feel yourself laugh, ignoring the thickness that swells in your throat. "That shouldn't take long."
Derek bumps your arm again in a silent extension of comfort, and you mouth a silent thank you.
You can feel Gideon losing patience as he reasons with the captain, but he eventually buys them three minutes to do what they can. When the final five second countdown starts, you unconsciously hold your breath, only to be released when Hotch's voice calls through the door.
"Hold your fire!"
Your breath comes out like a gasp and you squeeze Derek's arm before rushing forward. Hotch stumbles past you with a murmur that sounds obscurely like "help Reid", so you push your way through the throng of civilians moving to escape until you see him.
"Spencer," you gasp, crouching down to help him into a standing position. You would never admit it to him, but ever since he joined the team, he's been something of a little brother to you. "What happened in here? Are you okay?"
"You were right," he says with a surprising steadiness to his voice. "I got the job done."
You don't ask what he means, knowing that Hotch will fill you in when the time is right. Instead, you decide not to fight the vaguely maternal urge rising within you and you pull him into a tight hug. It's more of a quick squeeze, because you don't want to push past his physical boundaries, but he doesn't complain, instead looking over at you with a small smile that's more than enough for now.
You find Hotch where the departed ambulance that patched Reid up was parked. All of the hustle and bustle of the paramedics and local police officers and bureau agents comes to a standstill as you walk over to where he's sitting on the edge of the curb.
"I heard what happened," you say as a way to announce your presence. "Can I sit?"
He nods without looking up, and you crouch down next to him, settling on the curb with your shoulder pressed to his. You can feel the tension in his muscles as he grips the sidewalk, his palms digging into the concrete like he could break through if he pressed hard enough. "Reid.."
"..is fine," you whisper, nudging him so he looks up to where Spencer and Jason are chattering excitedly. "He's more proud than anything."
He doesn't say anything, so you bump your knee against his. "I guess all of the physical training classes you made him take at the academy paid off."
He knows you know exactly what is running through his mind, so he doesn't bother trying to articulate it. Instead, he lets out the breath he didn't realize he was holding, and looks over at you. "Do you remember that self-defense class we took before law school?"
You're not expecting this question, and you almost laugh. "You mean the singular self-defense class you dragged me to before dawn in the summer before we started at Georgetown?"
He levels you with a look that you would think is serious if you didn't know him so well. "You don't regret it, though."
"No," you smile, your eyes blurring with emotion. That's where you met Jeff. "I don't."
He was your instructor that day. He only taught that class twice a week, between lectures at Georgetown Law, and it doesn't escape your mind that you so easily could've missed him. One day earlier or later and you never would've met him, never would've been his girlfriend, or his wife, or his widow.
Hotch remembers meeting him that day too. He had to literally come to your apartment and drag you out of bed to make the seven AM class that he had signed you both up for, and you had been grumpy the whole drive over.
There wasn't much, other than coffee, that could get you alert before eight in the morning, but the moment you walked into that gym, it was like you were wide awake. He spent the rest of the class trying not to look as the man he would later come to know as Agent Adler kept coming over to give you extra pointers, and he pretended that the coil of ice slithering up his spine was there just because he was watching out for you.
When he found out the two of you had started dating, he continued to pretend the nausea rising in his stomach was from the day-old sandwich he had had for lunch, because it wasn't fair. Especially since he was with Haley, and he was happier than he had ever been, even if the new law school course load was making it harder to see her as often as he wanted to.
But eventually, your happiness with him overpowered every protective urge he felt, and he realized that even if there was a feeling in his gut that he didn't recognize when he saw you two together, Jeff was perfectly suited for you.
"He's so gorgeous!" JJ coos, her hands twitching at her sides like she's trying not to reach forward and take the baby out of Haley's hands.
She brought Jack, their newborn son, in to work today to show the team, and Hotch looks prouder than you've ever seen him. "Thank you."
"If you find baldness and wrinkles attractive."
"Reid!" you chastise, swatting at him. He dodges your hands without even looking.
"Look at his widdy biddy nose," Garcia squeals, before turning to Morgan with an inquisitive look. "Don't you want one of these?"
He just laughs as he rests his chin on her shoulder. "Mm, I'll stick to practicing."
"Congratulations," Elle chimes in before returning to Gideon's side to continue discussing the new case that came in. She's always on top of things, and it's something you respect greatly about her.
"Thanks," Hotch smiles, his gaze returning to Jack after looking away for only a moment. Jack is like a siren, the way each of his little sounds or movements holds Hotch's attention so steadily. He's the most focused of all of you, but you've still never seen him this enamored. "She's amazing. I'm a little terrified."
"You're glowing," you tell Haley as the rest of the team heads to the briefing room. "How is it that you had a baby just a few weeks ago?"
"You're sweet," she smiles, before tilting her head forward. "Do you want to hold him? You're practically his aunt."
You gasp quietly, so as not to wake little Jack. "That is a title I will carry proudly. And yes, I would love to hold him."
Haley hands him to you slowly, and you make sure to support his head carefully as you cup your arms around him. He looks so much like Haley that you almost make a joke about Hotch's genes not even putting up a fight, but that nose...that nose has Hotch written all over it.
When you glance back to where the team left from, you see him turn back at the same moment and offer you an encouraging smile.
"How are you holding up?" you ask Haley, barely able to focus on your surroundings with a newborn in your arms. Maybe there is something to the siren thing.
"Jack's been incredible. He barely cries, it's kind of a godsend...but I do wish Aaron could take time off with me."
You give her what you hope is your most comforting smile. "We've been super swamped with cases here, but in all my years working with him, I have never seen him so eager to leave every night."
She laughs, a pretty sound you remember from your youth. "I know. I feel so unfair when I complain about these things, but I appreciate you humoring me."
"Not at all," you assure her, glancing back down at Jack, who is mid-yawn. "I understand completely. If I had one of these little guys, I wouldn't be able to think about anything else."
You hear her breath catch and you open your mouth to reassure her that it's fine, but she is already reaching forward to squeeze your arm. "You and Jeff would have made amazing parents."
When you both joined the bureau, you were so busy with work that kids weren't on your mind at all. It wasn't until you got settled at the BAU, and Jeff found his place with organized crime, that you even started talking about it.
You want kids, don't you?
Only a few. Maybe four or five. Yeah, five's a good number.
"I should get back to the team," you say softly, blinking away the memories.
Haley sees your face and she smiles sadly as she takes Jack back from your arms. "I'll see you soon. Tell him I'm heading home, will you?"
You nod and watch the elevator doors close in front of her, before joining the team.
"I can't believe you went bar hopping without me," Derek shakes his head, feigning offense as he leans so far back in his chair you're afraid it may tip over.
"I think hopping is kind of a strong word," you say, glancing over at Elle, who is perched on the edge of your desk. "We only had one bar in mind, but it closed earlier than we thought, so we went somewhere else after."
"This was a much needed girl's night," Elle grins, patting Morgan on the shoulder as he continues to pout. "We'll invite you next time."
"How was your weekend, Dr. Reid?" you ask, turning around to face him.
Spencer doesn't look up from his crossword.
You say his name again, recalling the attention of Derek and Elle, who had started talking about some trip they've been planning for what feels like months.
When he still doesn't look up, you pick up one of the BAU-provided pens on your desk and chuck it at him, just hard enough to bridge the gap between your desks, but not so hard that it hurts on impact.
"Ow!" Spencer yelps anyway, glancing up with a look that's somewhere between confusion and indignation. He picks the pen up off the ground and turns it over to see the tiny insignia on the cap. "This is FBI property."
"How was your weekend, Spencer?" you ask again, ignoring him. "Didn't you say you had some fun stuff planned?"
"I did," he lights up, instantly forgetting about the pen incident. "My local movie theater was showing reruns of the first season of the original Star Trek, so I got to experience it on the big screen."
Derek laughs and walks back over to his desk next to yours. "We have very different definitions of fun weekend plans, kid."
You're about to tell Derek that no one wants to hear what his idea of fun is when the office door upstairs flies open and Hotch and Gideon walk out.
Reid hands you back your pen, and Derek sits up in his chair so fast it's almost comical.
"We have another case," Hotch announces before coming to a stop.
Gideon takes it away. "Our unsub is male, intelligent, organized and methodical. He has the confidence of a man who's been killing for a long time."
"Only victim removed from the scene is Freddy Condore indicating some tie to him."
Hotch turns to you. "You, Elle, and Reid stay on Condore's background with Garcia. The rest of us will head to the crime scene."
You nod before standing up. "Let's go, kids."
Penelope's lair is just as eccentric as you remember it.
"Take a seat," she instructs before logging into her computer and opening up her criminal history database. "Just don't get too comfortable."
Your lips quirk up as Elle flashes her eyes at you, and you nod your head at the empty chair on Garcia's opposite side. Reid is already sitting on a desk chair by the back, spinning in aimless circles as he rattles off a list of markers to search for.
After a minute, Penelope stops typing. "Credit card receipts show Freddy loved crab cakes, preferred light beer and used to spend his Thursday nights with a woman in Fells Point."
You pick up a stress toy shaped like a tomato from one of her shelves and bounce it in your palm, just for something to occupy your hands.
"What about his associates?" Elle asks, grabbing a pen with a pom-pom on the end and poking it at Spencer's knee.
"Most of them have criminal records."
Elle glances up. "That much I guessed."
Penelope frowns, and looks pointedly at the pen in her hand.
"She's holding the tomato!" Elle complains, throwing a finger at you.
You lift up your hands in surrender, dropping the stress toy. "Thanks a lot, Greenaway."
"Anyway," Reid interrupts, to everyone's surprise, "One of these guys is particularly interesting. Pull up James Baker's rap sheet."
Penelope turns back to her computer as Spencer reads over her shoulder. "He spent time in juvenile detention for attempted murder, was released at age 21, and then subsequently arrested for, and this is in order, armed robbery, petty theft, burglary, narcotics sales, and rapе."
"What's so interesting about that?"
"When it comes to psychological behavior, anything is possible but this criminal history? It just isn't probable."
Elle nods in agreement. "I mean, as a minor, he began with attempted murder and then devolved into pettier crimes?"
"It's the criminal history of a fractured schizophrenic with multiple personality disorder," you sigh. "It just does not make sense."
Hotch calls you into his office when he and Morgan return from Baker's address. You can tell something is off before you even step through the door, so you shut it behind you and take a seat in front of his desk.
"What's going on?" you ask, your eyes glancing over his face to see if his micro-expressions can give you a hint. "What's wrong?"
He looks up with a sigh, his hands clasped on his desk. "Baker's place was an artificial dwelling, and the weapon we recovered on the scene was standard law enforcement issue."
It takes you a few seconds to comprehend what he's trying to say - a few seconds longer than usual - and your breath stutters in your throat. "He was undercover?"
"That's what it looks like," Hotch agrees. "I wanted to inform you before telling the rest of the team."
You nod, pressing your eyes closed for a beat.
He missed his pick-up, Mrs. Adler.
We'll call you as soon as we know more.
The memories start to flood back in and you squeeze your eyes shut tighter before opening them. Hotch looks blurry for a moment until your eyes adjust to the light again.
"Does organized crime know where he is?" you ask, desperately needing to fill the silence.
He looks down at the case file. "We assume so, but it's not like they would tell us. They weren't too happy that we were taking on this case at all, and now we know why."
"Maybe they'll talk to me," you suggest, even though the idea of talking to Josh Cramer makes you taste bile. You haven't seen him since a month after the funeral. It's not for his lack of trying, you just couldn't stomach looking at any of them after what happened. One missed call turned to ten and eventually they stopped trying.
There's a piercing pain behind your eyes and you squeeze them shut for a momentary relief. "It was only supposed to be three months."
Hotch's brow furrows and you don't look up at him just yet. You can already picture his expression, the anguish you know he feels for you whenever you bring up Jeff.
"It was a three month operation," you continue, knowing you won't be able to discuss it later if you stop talking now. "That's all we signed up for. Three months away from me and then he was on leave for the rest of the year, so that we could focus on us again. Maybe even start a family."
Your voice cracks on the last word and you tilt your head down to hide your face. He hates it when you cry, but that's not fair. He knows how important it is to get your emotions out, so they don't pile up inside of you, but if he had his way, you would never have had a reason to cry in the first place.
"I hadn't seen him in over a month when he was..."
He can hear the tightness in your voice and he resists the overwhelming urge to reach his hand out and take yours. You're sitting a foot back from the desk, and it's not he could reach you from here anyway, but his fingers still ache.
"I don't want to blame them, Aaron," you sigh. Your words sound watery, and he pulls a handkerchief out of his inside jacket pocket and hands it to you. He's almost surprised when you accept the gesture, pressing the cloth square under your eyes to catch the tears leaking out. You were so self-reliant as a kid, never wanting or needing anyone else's help. "I don't want to blame them, but I do. I can't help it, I just do."
Someone else would have consoled you. They would have assured you that feeling this way was natural, and that no one could blame you for feeling what you do, but that isn't who you two are. "Jeff wouldn't."
His name is like a dagger to your heart. You practically wince as Hotch digs further. "That team was his family, just like we are yours. He wouldn't blame them, not for this. Not for something he chose."
Something he chose. This is why you don't let yourself remember that day. This is why you kept that day - the day you got that horrible call - locked up inside your brain, where not even you could reach it. Because if you let yourself think about it and remember, then you will remember that it wasn't really Cramer or his unit or the bureau that you blamed. It was him.
For choosing to miss his pick-up. For choosing to go undercover. For choosing to join organized crime.
You take a deep breath and re-adjust yourself in the uncomfortable chair Hotch refuses to replace, even though it's literally splitting at the seams. Something about your tax dollars hard at work. "What are you going to do about Baker?"
He lets you change the subject. "We have to contact Agent Cramer before-
"What the hell is wrong with you people?"
Speak of the devil and he shall appear.
"Sorry?" Hotch frowns, both of you standing up immediately.
Cramer doesn't take his eyes off Hotch as he seethes with anger. "I told you, this is my case! You ran my agent through IBIS?"
"Because I wanted to know who he worked for and now that I do, I'd like to talk to him."
"You don't have him?"
You can hear your heartbeat in your skull.
Hotch looks at you then, and finally Cramer notices your presence. "Y/N...it's been a while."
Your lips press into a thin line. "Almost two years." The anger you've been trying to avoid seeps into your voice against your will and you sigh, returning to the investigation. "How long has Baker been missing?"
"About 12 hours."
"You think he ran?" you ask, watching Cramer closely as his jaw ticks.
"No, Jimmy's too experienced to run without contact."
He realizes his misstep immediately and his shoulders fall. To his credit, he doesn't break eye contact, even as his expression softens. "That's not what I meant. All I'm saying is that I think someone's keeping Jimmy from calling in."
You can feel Aaron looking at you, but you avoid his line of sight. If you're going to have to interact with organized crime, you might as well make yourself useful. "We all want the same thing, Cramer: to get Baker back to his family."
You wait outside as he explains the situation in more detail to Hotch and Gideon, and you're surprised when he's the first to leave. "Can we talk?"
Hotch comes out behind him and raises his eyebrow for a fraction of a second, a check-in. Swallowing thickly, you nod your head and follow him down the hall to the top of the stairs.
"I'm sorry I haven't reached out recently," he says as soon as you're out of earshot of the others. "You know Jeff was one of our top guys."
Your eyes shut at his name, as though someone clapped their hands too close to your face. It's almost laughable how sure you were that you were past your grief. You passed the bureau's psych evaluation after your six month leave with flying colors (because your team practically wrote the answers yourselves), and as each new day passed and you weren't so debilitated by just the thought of him, you thought it meant you were fine. Because time heals all wounds. At least it's supposed to.
"I know," you whisper scratchily, before clearing your throat. "I know that. And it's okay. We've all been busy." You look down at the bustling bullpen where his agents are interacting with your team. "Clearly."
Then you remember you're job here in the first place. "We really are just trying to help. It wouldn't hurt to keep us involved."
Cramer sighs and you know he won't refuse. "We'll loop you in."
James Baker is found and Vincent Perotta gets taken into custody, but you can still hear the end of the interrogation ringing in your ears.
"You were just responding to what you learned, Vincent.
When you grow up in an environment like that, an extremely abusive and violent household... it's not surprising that some people grow up to become killers.
And some people grow up to catch them."
You can't pinpoint exactly what you're feeling, but if you had to guess, it would be sorrow. Sorrow for that little boy who got dealt the worst hand you can imagine, and still turned into the best version of who he could've been.
Hotch can't get the interrogation out of his mind either. He had grabbed his briefcase and headed out to the elevators as soon as Perotta was taken away, in the hopes of avoiding everybody. He's about to let out his breath when a hand reaches between the doors and sends them flying open again.
Normally your appearance is a welcome sight, but tonight, he's had enough talking. Perotta took everything he had to give, and then some, and he doesn't know if he has the strength to go through the proceedings again with you.
"I just want to get home," he says as you stand next to him without a word and face the doors. To my family.
You don't say anything as the little fluorescent floor number ticks down - has it always been this slow - and he feels his nerves tighten with agitation. You're never silent, especially not about something like this.
Just before the elevator reaches the second floor, you reach forward and pull the emergency stop button. He whispers your name, half irritated half relieved, and you step in front of him, focusing your eyes on his. It's a classic profiler technique, both to mentally establish trust and to physically block him from the keypad.
"You're a great father, Aaron."
His mind flashes back 25 years, but he squeezes the hand in his pocket into a fist to keep himself from succumbing to the memories. "I'm trying."
He knows what you're doing, and he would normally be open to a healthy exchange between two adults, but tonight he just can't. It's too fresh.
You seem to understand at least a fraction of what he's trying to convey. Your next words are gentle. "That already makes you a thousand times better than him."
That almost makes him smile. "You can say his name, you know."
You shrug, looking at him with a glint in your eye. "Honestly, I don't think I can. I'm afraid I'll turn into a pile of ash, with the fury your father instills in me."
That's what gets him. He coughs out a laugh that echoes around the elevator, and you return to his side, giving him a moment to breathe on his own.
This time, when his mind spirals back to his childhood, he's not as equipped to block it. The memories come in flashes, a blackening bruise on his abdomen, a split lip explained away through roughhousing in the backyard, the thin scars on his hands and elbows as he finally started to fight back. He would've taken it all forever if he had to, if it meant that he could keep the horrors away from the people he loved. "I really should go."
"Yeah." You push the emergency stop back into place and the elevator hits the ground floor in no time. "I'll see you tomorrow, Hotch."
He steps out, half expecting you to follow him. Instead, the doors close and he's by himself again, and he suddenly can't remember why he wanted to be alone in the first place.
When the Keystone Killer is finally caught after 18 years of inactivity, he finds himself expecting for there to be some sort of celebration, either in the form of a commendation, or a much-needed break. Instead, what he gets is a mountain of paperwork.
He usually doesn't mind the paperwork that comes after a long case. It's a helpful way for him to sort through his thoughts on what went down, and to learn from mistakes that were made along the way, whether in the profile or in the capture of the unsub.
Lately, paperwork has felt like an added torture to the long hours he already spends at work. It's not that he wasn't excited about going home before, but ever since Jack was born, he hasn't been able to get out of the office fast enough. But being the unit chief of the BAU has its responsibilities, and this is one of them.
He's drowning in consultation files and case reports when you knock on his door, two coffees in hand.
"Thought that was you," he says, finishing the sentence he was writing.
You frown, setting one steaming cup down on his desk. He hasn't even looked up yet. "How'd you know? Or do you just say that to everyone who walks in here?"
His lip twitches and he puts his pen down. "I could smell the coffee. It always smells the same when you make it."
"Oh?" You weren't aware you had a method. "And how's that?"
You take the lid off your cup and chuck it at him with surprising accuracy. It would have thwacked him in the forehead if he hadn't swatted it aside with his stupid catlike reflexes.
"What are you working on?" you ask after taking a scalding sip of perfectly brewed coffee.
He looks up for a beat before diving back into the file he was skimming. "Paperwork for the Keystone Killer case."
"But we just finished that," you point out before reaching forward and taking the file out from under his nose.
He huffs. "I was...looking at that."
"This is a report on what happened a couple of hours ago," you say, ignoring his remark. "You can easily do this tomorrow, or later this week."
"It's fresh in my mind now. I don't want to forget any details."
You shrug in a motion that says 'fair enough'. "Or, you could actually go home before midnight for once."
You slide another file off the top of his pile and flip it open, reading over the notes Hotch has scribbled in the margins. He's so meticulous about his job that you almost forget he was promoted just a little over a year ago. He became unit chief at the same time that you joined the team, so you didn't get to see him in his early days, but looking at him now, you almost can't imagine it. It's like he's built for this, for taking responsibility and leading people with kindness and respect.
"Elle said something on the plane today," he says suddenly, jerking you from your thoughts.
You close the file and look up as he runs a hand over his head, pushing his thick hair back just for it to bounce forward again. "She said that she's scared she's going to look up and see that her life has passed her by while she was chasing monsters."
Something cold runs through your veins and you sit up straighter in your chair. "And what did you say?"
"I told her the truth."
You smile in an effort to keep your eyes from shining. "What, that we're all doomed?"
He looks at you candidly. "That this job will eat you up if you let it." Your smile falls and he continues. "You just can't let it."
"I'm sure Elle loved hearing that."
He shrugs. "She was surprisingly receptive."
That gets a laugh out of you, even if the good humor doesn't last long. "I don't know how you do it."
"Do what?"
"This job, while also being a husband, and a father." You sigh, and you can almost feel the weight of the air as it leaves your body. "When I go home, I don't have to be anything to anyone. Most of the time it feels awful, but sometimes, after an especially bad case, I'm almost relieved when I can go home and just check out."
You aren't talking about him anymore, and he can tell. He doesn't mind, if this is what it will take for you to work through your emotions.
"We were gonna start trying for a baby."
That surprises him. Not that you wanted to be a mother - he knows that - but that he didn't know you were already thinking about it, especially because of how you grew up. You don't talk about it often, but after losing your mother to a drunk driver when you were ten, you almost transformed into her, becoming the emotional support for your family when there was no one else to fill that role.
You press your lips into a thin line and take a deep breath, your coffee cold and forgotten on the desk in front of you. "We had been talking about it for years, but with the paths our careers were taking, there just wasn't enough time before then." Your eyes look far away, and you don't seem to notice that your lips have unconsciously curved up into a reminiscent smile. "Jeff wanted five kids. Five. God, can you imagine?"
He can, but he doesn't say anything, because he knows you aren't looking for a response. Just for someone to listen.
"I'm an only child," you say with a laugh. "I don't even know what it's like to have one sibling, let alone four." But Jeff had come from a huge family, and he had wanted you to experience that. He loved how full his home always felt growing up, never without someone to talk to. Now you won't ever get to experience that. "I guess I just wish sometimes that we had tried earlier."
"You'll have it someday," Hotch says simply, practically reading your mind. "If that's what you want, you'll have it."
"I waited so long," you whisper, closing your eyes for a long moment. "I was just so afraid that I wouldn't do it right, because I didn't have my mother anymore to help me."
"You would've been a great mother," he assures you, his voice confident. "One day, you will be."
Your breath comes out like a gasp and you clear your throat to keep the tears at bay. "How do you know?"
"I just know."
When you push through the doors to the bullpen the next morning, you are greeted by a familiar head of blonde hair.
He turns around slowly, clearly recognizing your voice, and pulls his lips up into a smile that you return. "Hey, Y/N, how's it going?"
You weren't close to him as a kid, mostly because of the age gap between him and Hotch. You had tried to make more of an effort after graduating college, but Sean was fierce in his convictions, and there were a lot of things he didn't understand about his childhood that you certainly weren't going to explain to him now.
"Good, good," you say, leading him away from the throng of staring women. You shoot them a look that makes them disperse. "You here for your brother? He's upstairs."
He nods, glancing up at the closed office door. You start to lead him to the stairwell when he stops in his tracks and turns to you. "What mood's he in?"
"Why?" you ask, your brow furrowing. "You got bad news? Nothing I need to worry about, I hope."
Sean shakes his head, glancing up at the closed door again. "Nothing like that. I'll just go up."
You let him walk up on his own, knowing he doesn't want you getting involved in whatever he's thinking about. Before you have a moment to catch your breath, the three women return to your side.
"That's Hotch's brother?" Penelope asks, standing so close you can feel her breath on your ear.
"Maybe Hotch is adopted."
"What do you mean?" you ask, unconsciously glancing up the stairs. "They're honestly pretty similar." You're only half joking. They don't look anything alike, but that Hotchner brand of righteousness runs deep.
JJ frowns. "I don't see it."
"Yeah, he looks...like that," Penelope murmurs, before looking at you. "Did you know him when you were younger? Was he hot then too?"
You choke on your own spit. "He was nine years old when I left for college, so...no."
Her eyes widen and she lifts her hands in surrender.
"Ooh, here he comes."
You look up to see Sean storming down the stairs, Hotch hot on his heels.
"Sean, listen to me."
He turns so fast, you're afraid they're going to crash into each other. "Don't profile me, Aaron."
Sean stomps out of the bullpen while Hotch watches him leave, and you can't get the striking feeling of deja vu out of your head. Two boys, 15 years younger than they are now, standing in the same positions, with the same looks on their faces.
You imagine that you and Hotch probably act the same way around each other as when you first met, at eight years old.
The memory comes easily, even with more than two decades of time standing in the way. The little boy with dark hair who had sat next to you on the school bus, just because there were no other empty seats available that day.
You hadn't said anything for the first few stops, just watched him out of the corner of your eye as he nodded his head unconsciously to the music coming out of his large headphones. Eventually, curiosity got the better of you and you tapped on his shoulder. "What are you listening to?"
He had taken his headphones off quickly, as though caught in the act. "What?"
You repeated your question before leveling him with a pointed stare that meant 'there is a correct answer'. You were a feisty kid, and you weren't always the best at making first impressions, so his steady response impressed you. "Beatles. Revolver album."
"I love that one!" you had gushed, leaning in closer without a warning to press your ear to one of the speakers on his headphones. "Is this Yellow Submarine?"
He had nodded, the confusion in his eyes slowly transforming into delight. "You know their stuff?"
"Of course. My favorite's Eleanor Rigby."
He had frowned then. "That one's too sad."
You weren't surprised by his opinion. You had yet to find a boy your age who could appreciate serious music, but liking The Beatles was a start, at least.
"I'm Y/N," you had said, extending your hand like you were starting a business meeting.
He shook your hand furtively. "Aaron."
"Maybe I'll see you around."
The school bus had stopped at your street then, and you had gotten up without another word to this boy, who would one day become your best friend in the world.
Luckily, the next day, Aaron chose to sit next to you again, this time with a second pair of headphones to attach to his compact cassette deck. Two days turned to three, and before long, you had a new friend.
"I can't imagine what two weeks away from this place is gonna feel like," you sigh, packing some essentials into your bag and snapping it shut. "I might actually miss you guys."
"Not me," Morgan grins, before pressing a kiss to your cheek as he zips around you. "Two weeks of pure heaven with nothing but young, beautiful adults looking to make vacation memories."
"Your friend's resort better be as nice as you say it is," Elle says sternly as she wiggles her finger at Derek, who is busy inviting Reid to join their vacation.
"Thanks, but I'm going home," he says quickly, without looking at any of you. "Have a good one, guys."
"I'll head out too," you announce, grabbing your things and following him to the elevators. "Wait up, Spence."
He doesn't seem to hear you, but you slip through the doors just before they close. "You okay?"
"Huh?" he says, finally looking up. "Oh, yeah. I'm just not looking forward to the Nevada heat."
You can tell he's lying, but you don't want to press him right before the long break. "You can always call me if you need anything. Seriously."
"Yeah," he nods. "I know."
You wave goodbye to him in the parking lot, and you're back in the silence of your home by the end of the hour.
The rest of your day is spent lazing around the house, and you're asleep when you hear a knock at your door. After Jeff's death, you started keeping your gun in your nightstand, more out of a general sense of security than any specific acute fear, but its proximity during late night calls has given you the peace of mind you needed to finally sleep through the night.
Lifting it from the drawer, you hold it behind your back as you tiptoe to your front door and look through the peephole. When you don't see anyone, you carefully pull the door open, only to find a small packet sitting on your welcome mat with your name scrawled on the top.
After bringing it inside the house and locking the door again, you pry open the seal and extract a large piece of paper covered in a series of numbers and dots.
That's when the phone rings.
"How's it going?" you ask Reid and Morgan as you enter the conference room where all of the Fisher King's clues have been laid out. Neither of them have taken their eyes off the paper you brought in since you tacked it up on the board.
As expected, Reid doesn't look up. "The answer to what book we need has to be in here."
"Yeah," Derek sighs, glancing over at you, "but we sure as hell can't see it."
You look at the numbers again, hoping that your short walk to the coffee station and back would have been enough to unlock something new in your brain. Nothing. "The answer has to be based on specific details of each person's clue." A small sound turns your attention to the couch, where Elle is lying on her side. "Is Elle asleep?"
"I'm awake!" she starts, sitting up lethargically.
At the outburst, Hotch walks into the room and points at her bags. "I'm sending you home. You need to get some rest."
"We won't do anything without you, I promise."
"Elle, seriously, we're not any closer than we were."
She nods, her lack of sleep seeming to dawn on her as she yawns again.
"Anderson," Hotch calls out, before you stop him. "What is it?"
"I can take her home," you suggest, looking over your shoulder as she lugs her bags down the hall with bleary eyes. He looks like he wants to protest, so you speak up before he has the chance. "She barely knows Anderson. I'll make sure she's settled, and then you can send him to watch her house, so I can come back here."
"I don't know if that's a good idea," he sighs, his eyes still trained on Elle's silhouette lingering by the elevator. "We may need you here."
You cock your head at Reid and Morgan, who have been sitting in the same positions for so long, you're surprised their necks haven't locked. "It's like they said. We haven't made any progress in over an hour. I'm not helping here."
He still looks unsure, but you know it's just worry. He'll always worry about you. "Okay, go. Call me in an hour to check-in."
You dip your head in a nod and jog through the bullpen to catch Elle as she's heading out.
"So you're my bodyguard, huh?"
You laugh, pressing the button for the ground floor. "Something like that."
"Good," Elle says, trying and failing to stifle a yawn, "you're much more fun than Anderson."
"Prettier, too."
The car ride to her house starts off silent, but eventually you break your internal promise to let her come to you. "How are you feeling after last night?"
She just shrugs. "It was more annoying than anything. I'm just glad I got to enjoy at least some of my vacation."
"I heard there was blood all over your room," you point out lightly, trying to broach the subject in a delicate manner. "That can't have been fun to wake up to."
"It was all on the outside. That's part of why they weren't able to hold me. That, and Hotch's lawyer chops."
You raise an eyebrow, glancing over at her as you pull over to the sidewalk. "His lawyer chops?" You know he used to be a prosecutor before joining the bureau, but you never got to see his skills in action.
"Yeah," Elle gushes, her face brightening considerably, "you should have seen the way he walked in there. Those beat cops had no idea what hit 'em. He was in full prosecutor mode, went all rainmaker on them until they released me."
You can imagine it. If any of you were in trouble, he wouldn't let anything get between him and your safety. "I wish I could've seen that."
When you put the car in park, you help Elle with her bags and walk her up to her door, where she insists that she'll be fine on her own.
"I promised I would wait with you until another agent could come and relieve me," you emphasize, instinctively scanning the vicinity around her home as she walks inside and drops her things on the floor.
"In about thirty seconds, I'll be passed out on this couch right here," she points at the window seat behind her, "so you'll just be watching me sleep for an hour."
You open your mouth to argue but she cuts you off. "Y/N, I'll be fine."
If there's one word to describe Elle, it's stubborn, so you let her shut the door behind her and you walk back to your car. Even if she won't let you sit with her inside, you still can't bring yourself to start the ignition, so you lean your seat back halfway and close your eyes, just for a few moments.
You haven't gotten much sleep either, and you're about to doze off when you hear a loud thud from outside the car. Jerking up, you undo the clasp of your holster and push open the car door. The world is silent, except for the rustling of leaves in the wind, but you start making your way up the drive, just to be sure. There's another thud, quieter this time, and you reach for your sidearm as you ascend her porch steps. Then comes a gunshot.
You start running.
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angelsdean · 4 months
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*record scratch* freeze frame. Reality Check. "You're the one who came and got me at school. You're the one who dragged me back into this." let's re-evaluate that statement, Sam, because that is not, in fact, what happened.
The context in which Sam makes this statement is that he's arguing Dean used to care about the revenge quest and killing the demon because Dean is the one that came and got Sam and thus "dragged him back" into the quest to kill the demon. But, that is not why Dean went to get Sam at school, it was to find John, who was missing and possibly dead. Dean didn't even Know about the demon at this point (they don't find out that "the thing that killed mom" is a demon til 1x11) or that John was closing in on it. Dean goes to Stanford to ask Sam to help him look for John, that's it. Then, at the end of 1x01 Dean brings Sam back to school in time for his interview as promised, and drives away. He only turns around when, in the deleted scene, he notices his watch has stopped, cluing him in that something is wrong. And he gets there in time to save Sam from the burning building.
Sam then makes the choice to leave with Dean because now that he's lost someone, he is personally invested in finding John because John knows more about the thing that killed Mary (and now Jess) than anyone, and Sam is the one who is now consumed by the need for revenge and the first step in getting that revenge is finding John, something he had no vested interest in doing before, but is now heavily invested in, even more than Dean is, as we see throughout the first half of s1 where Sam is often the one calling around looking for John and is more interested in searching for John than taking on random cases.
Anyways, it's just so interesting to track this revisionism of events and how both Sam and Dean come to accept this as the truth when it's literally not what we saw happen throughout the season. And we see Dean start to absorb this belief after Meg plants the seed in their heads in 1x16, trying to drive a wedge between them, by falsely saying Dean "drags Sam around like luggage" when literally the whole reason Sam and Meg meet is because Sam wanted to part ways in 1x11 and Dean let him go. Sam then comes back and decides to stay all on his own, even after Dean offers to drop Sam off somewhere.
Dean expresses in 1x16, that yes, he wants Sam around, he wants his family together again, but at the end of that very episode Dean is also the one who says they need to split up from John, even though it's the last thing he wants. Dean consistently is willing to let people go, even if it's not what he personally wants. And especially Sam. Over and over throughout the season he expressed how he wants Sam to have a normal life, is willing to let Sam go, or stay in some random town and drop the search for John. So even IF Dean did secretly want Sam to stick around when he went to get Sam at Stanford, he never expected it. Never enforced it.
That Sam comes to think Dean "dragged him back" into hunting is a purely revisionism and a bit of projection, I think, because Sam might not want to face the truth of the matter which is that he consistently chose to stick with hunting, and actually enjoys it more than he'd like to admit. And, as both he and John express, this quest to kill Yellow Eyes becomes "their" obsession. Not Dean's. Dean is the one who says he'd rather they never find the demon if it means losing his family. Dean is the one that says getting revenge isn't worth dying for. And then, Sam takes this to heart, when at the end of 1x22 he refuses to kill John Possessed by Azazel at Dean's pleading, AND when he tells John that killing this demon does not come "before everything" while eyeing Dean bleeding out in the backseat.
Dean was never the one invested in revenge. He did not come get Sam from Stanford to aid in the family revenge quest, he came for help in finding their missing father, something Dean cared abt simply because that's family, and Dean cares deeply, despite everything John put them through. Dean is the one that cares, the heart of the narrative, etc etc. He comes to Sam because he is alone in the world, because their only other blood relative is missing, because it's a very human thing, to reach out, to want family around. And still, he was always going to let Sam go after the 1x01. He didn't like it. It's not what Dean wanted. But he was going to let him go back to his life. Sam chose to follow Dean and continue searching for John.
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fluentmoviequoter · 7 months
Keep Living with Me
Requested Here!
Pairing: Tim Bradford x Andersen!cop!reader (r's mom is Captain Zoe Andersen)
Summary: You fell in love with Tim Bradford quickly, and he receives your mother's blessing to propose. After you watch your mother's murder, his plans are thrown off and he gives you a place to heal.
Warnings: spoilers for ep 1x16 "Greenlight," parental death (Captain Zoe Andersen), grief, panic attacks, nightmares. comfort at the end! not proofread
Word Count: 4.6k+ words
Picture from Pinterest
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“Good mornin’,” Wade greets as he enters roll call. “Before we get started let’s give a warm welcome to our newest Andersen. Welcome, all the way from Chicago! I know your mom is here so we’re all too scared to give you any grief, but I hope LA treats you well.”
“Thank you, sir,” you reply, nodding to the officers beside you.
“Andersen?” Tim whispers.
“Captain Andersen’s daughter,” Bishop answers. “She was working her way toward detective in Chicago but transferred a few weeks ago. Wanted to be closer to her mom, from what I’ve heard.”
“Meaning that if you want to lay some Bradford charm on her, you’d have to answer to your boss,” Angela adds.
“Cute,” Tim replies, giving Angela a fake smile.
“You said it.”
“Officer Bradford,” you call, jogging to catch up to him. “I just wanted to say thanks for the assist back there. I don’t know how that second guy got past me, but I’m sorry for not paying attention.”
“It happens,” Tim offers with a shrug. “And it’s my job to have your back.”
“Doesn’t mean you don’t deserve some thanks every once in a while. I’ll let you get back to your rookie, but, seriously, thank you.”
“No problem.”
Tim doesn’t know exactly when it happened, but at some point, after you arrived in Los Angeles, he got attached to you. Now, he keeps an eye out for you and shows you a side of himself that very few people are lucky enough to meet.
Calling your name, Tim beckons you back to his side. “Let me buy you dinner? As a thanks?” he asks, squeezing his hands together nervously.
“Why would you be thanking me? You saved me,” you remind him. 
“I’d love to. But I’m paying,” you answer, smiling before walking away again.
“Doubtful,” he murmurs to himself before returning to his shop.
Two weeks after your first date with Tim, you smile at him over your shoulder in roll call. You haven’t told anyone about your feelings, and Tim is just as happy to keep your relationship private for now – that’s something he made clear from the beginning, private not secret.
“Bradford, Andersen, the captain wants to see you,” Wade says as he enters the room. Neither you nor Tim move until he adds, “I think that means now.”
Once the door is closed behind you, you promise, “I didn’t tell her.”
“Relax,” Tim demands. “It’s probably not about us.”
He opens the door to your mother’s office, and she points for both of you to sit. Pulling your hands into your lap, you fiddle as she looks at a paper on the desk before her.
“Care to explain?” she asks.
“Explain what, ma’am?” you reply.
“You’re in here as my daughter, though I’m not thrilled to learn you and another officer are dating without my prior knowledge.”
You look at Tim, but he seems content observing this confrontation.
“Mom, I-“
“It better be a good reason,” she interrupts. “Because it’s been weeks since Tim asked me if it was allowed.”
Looking over at Tim, your mouth gapes before you accuse, “You told her!”
“I had to,” he answers. “I wasn’t dealing with her wrath, as captain or your mother.”
“So, you’re not mad?”
“Why would I be?” your mom asks. “You chose the best of them.”
“Thank you, ma’am,” Tim says happily.
“Don’t think that makes you infallible,” your mother threatens. “I have a gun and I can fire you, and what I choose to do depends entirely on you.”
Tim nods severely, and they both chuckle when you release a relieved sigh.
“Congratulations,” your mom tells you. “I’m glad you’re happy, and I’ll see you both at dinner on Friday?”
Tim leads you out of the office, and you ask, “What’s Friday?”
“Probably a chance for everyone who loves you to threaten me.”
“Sounds fun.”
Tim reaches out for you, but you turn away quickly. 
“You told my mother without telling me. No hugs for you until Friday.”
Smirking, Tim replies, “Yeah, you try holding out that long.”
✯✯ 1 Year Later ✯✯
“I’ll be back in a few,” Tim tells you, kissing your forehead.
“Where are you going?” you ask, looking up at him from your spot on his couch.
“To get your favorite breakfast,” he answers. “Because I love you.”
“Be careful. I love you.”
After a year of dating, you and Tim easily acknowledge the depth of your feelings for one another. He makes you feel important, loved, and like the center of his world. It was easy to fall in love with Tim, yet every moment spent with him makes you happier.
While you wait on his couch, Tim heads to your favorite café. Fiddling with the box in his pocket, he smiles as he thinks of you. You’ve gotten to know him so well you have become practically impossible to surprise. (At least since he first told you he loved you, holding you close under a starry sky in the California desert.) This, though, should be the best surprise yet.
The bell over the door chimes as Tim enters, and he quickly finds the woman he’s here to meet.
“Good morning, Captain Andersen,” he greets, sitting across from her. She looks at him until he amends, “Sorry, Zoe.”
“It’s been a year, Tim, you’re going to have to get used to it at some point,” she teases.
“I will. I actually asked you to meet me here because I have a question about my future with your daughter.”
Zoe’s smile grows, sure that she knows where this is going. Tim removes the velvet box from his pocket and slides it across the table.
“I want to propose, ask your daughter to spend the rest of her life with me, but I refuse to do that without your permission. So, Zoe, my question is, will you allow me to marry your daughter? I can’t bring her half as much happiness as she brings me, but I will love her until my dying breath.”
“Tim,” Zoe begins, pressing the ring box back into his hand. “I would love to have you as a son-in-law; of course, you can marry my daughter. And if your proposal is anything like that, I can’t imagine her saying anything other than yes.”
“Is she going to cry?”
“Most likely,” Zoe answers with a laugh. “But you should get going before she gets suspicious.”
Tim stands with Zoe, pulling her into a hug as he thanks her. She reminds him that the family is having dinner together on Friday, and his standing invitation still stands.
“We’ll be there,” Tim promises. “And I’ll let you know when I pick a date.”
Tim knocks on Zoe’s door a week later, entering her office and closing the door behind him. 
“I’m proposing this weekend,” he tells her, smiling as he thinks of you.
“Take it easy this week, then. You want everything to be perfect,” Zoe reminds him.
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Are you okay?” you ask Tim. “You’ve been… different.”
“I’m great,” he promises. “Just ready for the weekend.”
You nod, unconvinced by his brush-off answer. Trusting Tim is easy, so you know he will tell you when he’s ready. As the day progresses, with IA reversals, celebrities, and an attempt on Nolan’s life, you’re not sure you and Tim will be able to talk about whatever bothers him.
When you hear about the shots fired and the greenlight on Nolan, you don’t hesitate to meet your mother at the scene. Not telling Tim yourself wasn’t a conscious decision, simply the result of your adrenaline surging and concern for your fellow officers. Lucy is talking to Nolan as you approach, walking behind your mother, and you notice Tim standing to the side, sending him a concerned look.
“According to intelligence, you’ve bee greenlit by Southern Front,” Captain Andersen – no longer acting like your mother – announces.
“How’s a rookie get greenlit before me? I gotta step up my game,” Tim adds.
“It’s not a badge of honor, Bradford,” you reply, giving him a stern look.
“I was kidding,” he promises, his full attention on you.
Listening to the facts and learning why Nolan is being targeted, you know that finding the gang in a city as big as LA will be next to impossible. As your mom and Nolan leave, you rush to catch up with them.
“I’m coming with,” you announce.
“Officer Andersen, no,” your mom argues.
“I have more gang experience, I assisted in countless cases in Chicago. You need to let me help.”
Shaking her head, your mother gestures for you to join them. You know you’ll get yelled at, lectured, and, if you’re lucky, encounter the wrath of a concerned mother rather than an undermined captain when you get home later.
“K-9 unit already swept the property,” Zoe says as she leads you and Nolan into his place.
“Uh, no, Ben left for New York yesterday. So, what’s happening here?” he replies.
“The DA approved a VARDA alarm. It bypasses 911, sends a red alert to all the cops in the area.”
“So, what’s next?”
“That’s up to you.”
“I mean, I can’t just go to work, right? I’d be endangering everyone who came within five feet of me.”
“Being a cop is being at risk.”
“You’re saying I should just report for duty, act like nothing happened?”
“I think we tell the criminals what to do, not the other way around.”
“No matter the consequences?”
“No matter the consequences. But, look, it’s up to you. No one is gonna judge you either way.”
“Yeah, right.”
“Nolan, this isn’t about bravery. You have a family. Any cop who’s ever worn a badge understands that. It seems the system is up and armed. We have a unit parked out front. Try to get some sleep.”
“I’ll stay,” you offer. “And I’m sure West and Chen are on their way.”
“You call me if anything happens,” your mom demands. “And make sure West and Chen know that, too.”
The next day, when you and Nolan enter the station, Tim gives Nolan a nod of approval. The rest of the officers break into a round of applause, and Tim’s eyes move to yours.
“You need to be careful,” Tim mouths.
“I promise,” you reply silently. “I love you.”
“I love you.”
Riding in the backseat of the shop, you listen to your mom and Nolan while thinking about Tim. Being careful has always been a priority, but knowing that you risk not going home to the man you love puts everything into perspective.
The radio comes on as dispatch announces, “7-Adam-15, possible 459 in progress, 1936 Kristol Lane.”
“7-Adam-15, show us responding,” Nolan responds. “I hate this. Feels like everyone’s fighting my battle for me.”
“City still needs policing,” your mom points out.
An engine revs behind you, and you glance out of the back window, quickly noticing the nondescript van behind you. “Uh, mom?”
She nods once, removing her gun from its holster as the van moves into the lane beside the shop. You and Nolan similarly prepare to defend yourselves. The van sits beside the shop momentarily before turning onto another road.
“Uh, that was…” Nolan begins.
“Exilirating,” your mom finishes.
“I was gonna say ‘terrifying.’”
“What if we meet in the middle and say ‘dangerous,’” you recommend.
“That’s a good choice too.”
“7-Adam-15, go to channel 2 for Sergeant Grey.”
“Andersen,” Zoe calls after switching to the proper channel.
“It worked,” Wade says. “Midas forced Cole to lift the greenlight.”
“I guess you are back to being just another rookie,” Zoe tells Nolan as he takes a deep breath.
“But maybe keep your guard up for a few more days,” you suggest. “Just because there’s no greenlight doesn’t mean you’re safe.”
“Does this mean this little partnership is over?” Nolan asks.
“We got a burglary call to take,” Zoe answers with a smile.
Following your mom and Nolan into the open door of the burglary location, you take the left side as your mother goes straight, and Nolan goes right. Nolan turns off a radio before a flashbang is thrown into the room. You cover your ears and move toward an assailant before he throws you onto the floor, taking advantage of your disorientation as another man sticks a cattle prod to Nolan’s chest. You’re unsure where your mother is, but as your eyes close, you hope she proves she’s always been the best cop in your family.
You regain consciousness first, but the men don’t seem to care about you as they watch Nolan. Handcuffed to wooden chairs with your backs to the pool, you don’t have many options to break free, so you can only hope that your fellow officers have noticed how much time has passed since you radioed a code 6 upon arrival.
Nolan groans as he wakes, and you can’t warn him to stay quiet before he’s noticed.
“Look who’s awake,” Cole says as he turns toward Nolan, holding up the electrical prod. “Packs quite a kick, doesn’t it? It’s got four times the voltage as LAPD uses. Could probably cook the eyeball right out of your skull.”
Leaning back, Nolan replies, “Look, look, I did not intend to disrespect Astrid, okay? Or you, okay? And I would be happy to apologize.”
“Too late for that now. Only way this ends is with you dead.”
Your mom chuckles, and your head snaps toward her as she continues, “Yeah, I, uh, I’d heard that you were dumb, but it is shocking to see it in person.”
“Dumb?” Cole repeats.
“Dumb,” you say with your mother.
“Who lured you into an ambush with a false surrender?”
“Does your father know that it was false? Huh, junior? I can’t imagine that revelation’s gonna go too well, huh?”
“I think it’ll go fine.”
“Oh, he’s dubmer that I thought. What’s my rank?”
“Her rank, idiot,” you interject. “You should be able to tell by her uniform.”
“Who cares?”
“I have a feeling you will.”
“You put a hit out on a rookie,” your mom adds. “But two bars and a badge that says ‘Captain’? You’ve just crossed a line that anybody with half a brain would run screaming from. A line that even your father might whack you for crossing. Understood? So, let me tell you how this is gonna go. You and your little goonies are gonna-“
Cole lunges forward, pressing the prod against her. You pull against your restraints as she yells in pain.
“Hey! Cole! No!” Nolan yells. “Hurt me! Right? I’m the one you want hurt, right? Killing me, that’s trouble you can handle, okay? But not her. You need to let her go.”
“Do you think I’m dumb, too?”
Cole looks back and forth between Nolan and your mother. When he moves toward her, you and Nolan yell, “No!” but can’t stop him from kicking her chair into the pool.
“No! No! No!” Nolan chants, fighting the handcuffs.
While you pull as hard as you can, attempting to break free, you begin tipping your chair back toward the water.
“If the line’s already been crossed, then there’s no going back. Which means non of you are walking out of here. As long as your bodies never turn up, the murder can’t be pinned on me,” Cole says.
Twisting in your chair, moving onto two chair legs, you watch your mother struggle underwater through blurry eyes, your vision affected by your tears.
“No, you’re wrong,” Nolan answers before offering to make a video apologizing to Astrid. “Just get her out first. Right now,” he adds after Cole agrees.
“No, you got to make the video first. Come one!”
“Nolan!” you grunt, hoping he makes this quick.
Turning back to look at the pool, you think your mother’s arm is free, and as she swims to the surface, pulling one of Cole’s “goonies” into the water, Nolan tips his chair to tackle Cole to the ground. You move toward the other man, unconcerned, when he points a gun at you. Headbutting him once you’re on the ground, you flinch when a gunshot sounds in the pool.
“No, no, no,” you repeat lowly, turning toward the water’s edge.
Your mom raises over the edge, shooting the man standing above you.
“Mom, no!” you warn as Cole reaches for his gun.
You and Nolan struggle against the cuffs, and when a bullet hits your mom’s neck, time seems to slow down. She presses a hand to the wound before she lowers back into the water.
“No!” you scream, your voice cracking with emotion. “No, no, stay up!”
“No, Cap-“ Nolan calls.
Nolan breaks his chair and dives into the pool as you watch helplessly. 
“Come on,” Nolan repeats, beginning chest compressions.
“Nolan,” you whisper, sobbing against the wet concrete beneath you. “It’s too late.”
Nolan tells you to stay still while he breaks your chair, but with your attention on your mom, that should be the least of his concerns. He frees you, pulling one end of the handcuffs away from the chair so you can move.
“I’m so sorry,” he whispers.
“It- it isn’t your fault.”
You begin crying again, looking at the bloody water as you kick the pieces of the chair away from you. Releasing a pained yell, you move to your knees, sitting beside your mom as sirens approach.
Nolan is beside you, unmoving, until Wade places a hand on his shoulder. Tim rushes to your side, kneeling beside you as he pulls you up.
“It was Cole,” Nolan says.
Tim leads you away from the pool as the coroner moves your mom into a flag-covered coffin. As you follow the procession through the line of officers, you stop beside Tim, waiting for his nod before you continue.
After the coroner leaves and Wade dismisses everyone with instructions to find Cade, you avoid looking at Tim. You can’t fall apart until you catch her killer. 
When you walk into roll call the following morning, Bishop offers you her seat, and you gladly take the place beside Tim. He slides the black strap over your badge before taking your hand under the table. You stay behind the roadblock, letting Nolan and Tim approach Cole to make the arrest. Once he is in cuffs and in the back of a shop, you holster your weapon and keep your eyes on Tim.
He rushes to you, pulling you into his arms, holding you close as you cling to him.
“I’m sorry,” Tim says against your hair. “Do you want to go with them?”
Shaking your head, you move toward Tim’s shop, and Lucy nods as she finds another ride back to the station.
“I- I don’t know what I’m supposed to do without her, Tim,” you say when you’re alone.
“The hurt never goes away, but it lessens,” Tim promises. “And I’m right here.”
Somehow, you manage to get through the funeral without falling apart. The moment you prepare to go home, to begin a life without her, that changes. You freeze on the sidewalk, looking back to the headstone.
“C’mon,” Tim murmurs as he approaches you. “You’re not staying alone tonight.”
“I can’t do this, Tim.”
“Yes, you can. Look at me. She loved you, and she wanted you to live and love, and do what you wanted to do. Do not let that monster take your life, too.”
Tim cups your cheeks, kissing your forehead as you nod.
“I’m sorry.”
 “Don’t apologize. It- I can’t imagine what you’re going through, but you’re not alone, okay?”
“I know,” you whisper. “Thank you.”
Tim holds you against his chest until you fall asleep, but you don’t get much rest before a nightmare wakes you. Slipping out of Tim’s arms, you walk into his backyard and close the door behind you. Sitting on his deck, you feel like you’re back in Cole’s yard, frozen and unable to do anything more than scream. Why didn’t you take action like Nolan? Get the gun somehow before Cole got away from Nolan? … Why didn’t you save your mother?
Pressing your hand against your mouth, you attempt to silence your cries, but you should have realized that Tim would notice the moment you left his side. He closes the patio door softly, sitting beside you.
“Can I come closer?” he asks softly.
You shake your head quickly, and your thoughts spiral. So many things could have been done differently, and maybe this is a sign that you should have never come to Los Angeles, never have become a cop and that you are the reason she is dead.
“Hey, hey, hey,” Tim calls, demanding your attention as he grabs your hand. “Breathe. Breathe with me.”
As Tim grounds you, you crawl toward him, letting him hold you as you fall apart in his arms. Crying into his chest, you eventually fall asleep again, and Tim whispers a promise that he will always be here for you.
The first few weeks are the hardest as reality sets in, and you relive the moment. Tim never leaves your side, though, offering a hand to hold, a shoulder to cry on, or a reminder that you are not to blame. As the time between tears grows longer and you can look at pictures of her and smile, you decide you’re ready to return to work.
“Are you sure? If you need more time, that is completely understandable,” Tim replies.
“I’m sure. You told me not to let Cole take my life, and I’m ready to start living again.”
“Still room for me?” Tim asks with a smile.
“Loads of room for you,” you promise, leaning against him.
“Then I’ll be by your side the whole time.”
So, when you walk into work three months later, you assume that Tim is responsible for the round of applause and the “Welcome Back” banner hanging in the bullpen. You and Tim are both surprised by how easily you return to the station, smiling as you greet your friends and able to walk past your mom’s office with nothing more than a sad smile. 
After practically moving into Tim’s house after the funeral, you know where everything is. So, when he spills a drink while watching the game, unable to draw his eyes from the screen, he asks you to get him some dry clothes.
“Sure thing,” you reply, smiling at him.
Tim yells when his team scores, and you shake your head in loving amusement as you enter his closet. Moving a small basket to get a shirt from behind it, you accidentally knock something onto the floor. When you stand after picking it up, you realize that it’s a jewelry box. Opening it, you see the one thing you didn’t expect.
In the other room, one of the teams calls a time-out, and commercials begin playing. Tim realizes that you’ve been in the bedroom for a while, so he stands, stretching as he sets out to check on you.
“Did you fall into a-“ he begins, freezing when he sees you staring at the engagement ring.
“Sorry,” you say, snapping out of your shocked stupor as you close the box and put the ring back. “I knocked it off and didn’t think, uh, here’s a clean shirt.”
Tim grabs your hands rather than the shirt, stopping you before you can walk around him.
“I’ve had it for a while,” Tim explains. “I just- I could never find the right time to ask.”
Wiping a tear from your cheek, you press the shirt against Tim’s chest and ask, “Can you get dressed, please?”
“For what?”
“I need a hug, but you’re really wet.”
Tim laughs, changing right beside you before pulling you toward the bed. He rolls onto his side, looking at your face as you reach for him.
“What about the game?” you whisper.
“Who needs a game when I have you?”
“Well, if you’re not using the tv,” you begin, trailing off.
Tim sighs, kissing your cheek as he reaches over you for the remote. He turns on your favorite movie, inviting you to lay against his chest as you cuddle against him.
“Yes,” you say a few minutes later.
“Yes what?” Tim asks, looking down at you.
You pause the movie, rolling toward Tim to look up at him as you lay your chin against his chest. “If you proposed, I would say yes. No matter when or where.”
Tim smiles, and you decide to watch him rather than the movie.
Considering what his proposal may be like, you whisper, “I wish my mom was here.”
“A few months ago, I left to get breakfast, and then I was acting different the rest of the week. Do you remember that?” Tim asks. You nod, and he continues, “I went to see your mom that day. I showed her the ring and asked for her permission to propose. She told me that I had her blessing and she’d love to have me as a son-in-law.”
Tim smiles as he remembers Zoe's excitement after learning about his plans.
“I was going to propose the weekend that – that she died.”
“She loved you,” you remind him as he brushes his thumbs over your cheeks.
“And I love you.”
“Get dressed,” Tim whispers in your ear as the movie ends.
“Put clothes on. Unless you want to go to dinner wearing that,” Tim replies, gesturing to your well-loved pajamas. “Not that you don’t look beautiful, of course.”
“Move,” you mumble, pushing past him to reach the dresser he emptied for you after the funeral.
As he drives you to dinner, you watch Tim’s profile, feeling like the luckiest, most loved woman ever. He stops at a park, exiting beside a tree covered in fairy lights. Walking to the passenger door, he takes your hand and helps you out of the truck.
“Tim, what is this?” you ask.
“Something I should’ve done before,” he begins, kneeling. He looks into your eyes, reflecting the lights above you as he speaks. When you say yes, crying just as Zoe said you would, Tim stands, pulling you into his arms before sliding the ring onto your finger.
“Hi,” you greet, lowering to sit in the grass. You look at the sparkling ring on your finger and smile. “Tim proposed. I- I wouldn’t have seen it coming if I hadn’t found it in the closet.”
The wind blows, wrapping around you like a comforting hug.
“He told me that he went to see you and you gave him your blessing. I know you loved him, and you knew how much I loved him, but… sometimes I feel like I don’t deserve him. He singlehandedly held me together after that day with Cole. And I don’t want to receive more than I give.” Leaning toward the headstone, you read your mother’s name and ask, “What do I do to show him I love him?”
“He knows,” Tim answers, approaching with flowers. “May I join?”
You smile, inviting Tim to sit with you at your mother’s grave. He lays the flowers against her headstone before wrapping his arm around your shoulder.
“What are we talking about?” he asks.
“That’s my favorite topic.”
As you fall back into conversation with your mom, and Tim joins you, you feel like your mom is sitting across from you. With her love and Tim’s, plus all the love you have to give, you know you will be okay. Great even, you think as you lean against Tim, and the sun glints off the ring on your left hand.
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agentsofmarvel · 1 year
some of my favorite agents of shield fun facts (season 1 edition)
- while filming the scene where skye gets sh*t by ian quinn in 1x13 [T.R.A.C.K.S], they took hours to film not only because the scene was so intense, but because there was a christmas parade happening nearby that was so loud it kept interrupting the shot.
- another shot interruption occurred in 1x16 when filming scenes at the race track. they couldn’t shut down the track entirely during filming so halfway through a scene a horse would charge past in the background and they would have to reshoot the scene.
- chloe had such a bad driving reputation back in season one that she was banned from driving all golf carts on the lot. she also accidentally stalled a car while rehearsing a scene and everyone panicked.
- they only had 15 days to film 1x01. FIFTEEN DAYS TO FILM EVERYTHING.
- in the end of episode 1x12 [Seeds], there’s a moment where coulson is voicing over and says “the world is full of evil and lies.” during this moment, the camera is on ward. this is one of the first main references of ward secretly being hydra.
- there were three-ish main sets for backgrounds during season one. set 16 was their “labyrinth set” with random sets like the abandoned race track, parts of Providence, john Garrett’s “layer” and a small set for the Freezer.
- clark gregg was so adamant about the casting for the cellist that he actually called audrey nathan personally and told her she was perfect for the role.
- on the day the cast was to meet to discuss filming the last two episodes of the season, a 4.4 earthquake hit los angles which the cast though was foreshadowing the darker episodes to come.
- to represent coulson coming back after what happened to him during the avengers, the wardrobe department tailored his suits differently to give coulson a “new feel”. they really said “let’s mix this shit up and give him a slicker [yes, that’s the word they used] suit.”
- also, coulson never wears black suits after his death due to loki. he only wears shades of grey, never plain black as it reminds him of death.
- the only direction the wardrobe department was given on ward’s outfits was that he needed to look sexy. that’s it.
- as the season progresses, skye wears darker clothes to represent her loss of innocence as the situations get darker.
should i do one for season 2? this was fun and i was bored :)
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fazedlight · 2 months
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Lost (Character study for 1x16 Falling)
I couldn’t save Krypton.
The thought floated past her mind, surprising her with its intensity. While she could never erase the ache inside, her old haunted feelings had softened into fond memory over the years. She didn’t know why that thought would occur to her now. And she had never thought of it as her responsibility to do the saving then - she had been a child, unable to rescue a planet.
She pushed it out of her mind.
That morning as she pulled out clothes - trying to control the strange restlessness in her body - she scanned her wardrobe for what to wear that day. Cat always talks about power dressing, Kara thought, mulling over how easy it’d be to fly over to a clothing store before work. Power. Confidence. A bit of sex appeal. Don’t I deserve that?
And it seemed to have worked when she finally strode out of the Catco elevator in the morning - every head in the room turned. Rao, what she would give to have James look at her like that more often. Even Siobhan seemed intimidated as Kara sniped back.
But still, the drops of pain seeped into her mind all day. I couldn’t save Krypton. 
Kara pushed it away in every meeting, as her jaw clenched and her hands twitched into fists. She pushed the thought away during the DEO briefing where J’onn droned and droned about stolen gold bars. 
Pointless. She knew her job. “Kick. Alien. Ass.” Rao, why does any of this matter?
Kara threw another lazy punch at the weak alien. There will always be Fort Rozz inmates, she thought. The next, and the next, and the next - chasing down rogue aliens like an annoying chore that the DEO couldn’t even bother to thank her for. When does it end?
There was the fear she couldn’t acknowledge. It ends when Non’s kryptonian army takes her down.
J’onn was less than pleased that she had let the inmate go. The fucking audacity, Kara thought, her frustration at being the DEO’s disposable tool finally boiling over. “Every kryptonian on this planet wants to kill me, except my cousin,” she shouted back at J’onn -  an alien almost as powerful as she was, who couldn’t lift a damn finger. “What are you so afraid of?” she demanded, “You talk about honor and your people, and yet you refuse to be one of them.”
Because fuck, she had tried. Tried to honor her culture, as last daughter of Krypton - only to find out that her mother had used her, that her aunt and uncle had killed so many in their attempts to save her planet, that her government had lied to them all. She had tried to honor a culture that had destroyed itself. I couldn’t save Krypton.
J’onn and Alex watched in shock as she turned on her heels. She was almost mindless as she turned the corner, denting a concrete wall as she stormed out of the DEO. My life doesn’t matter to them, she thought, and my people’s lives never mattered to Rao.
She could control the chaos. She felt nothing as Cat’s eyes narrowed on her, a subtle threat for daring to use a fucking elevator. She felt nothing as she got Siobhan fired. She felt nothing as she jerked James’ arm back on the dance floor. All she could do was laugh in the face of absurdity, laugh at how hollow all of this really was.
She had meant what she said to Cat. All she did was enable these humans’ victimhood, carry the weight of their world on her shoulders. “True power, Cat, is in deciding who will live and who will die.” I couldn’t save Krypton, and I can’t stop Non.
“Kara, this isn’t you,” Alex shouted, putting out the fire Kara had set as Kara strode casually away from the charred clothing.
“I’m more me than I’ve ever been.”
She was done with the hero business. She was free. Free of kryptonian rules, free of human rules. Her godlike powers would ensure that she could be worshipped by these insignificant humans, that she could erase the weak child that had lost her entire planet. She could be a god who owned her powers until the planet inevitably fell to Non’s army.
The litany went on in her mind. Krypton is dead, living is pointless, trying is pointless. Somewhere else in her mind came the thought Alex is right, this isn’t me - but it floated away as quickly as it came, darker thoughts breaking through the surface to replace it.
Kara flew away, and it wasn’t long until there were bullets hitting her chest. I was the one who survived, Kara thought as she laughed, watching the metal glint in the street lights. She burned cars and knocked weapons out of agents’ hands, reveling in a past that she was free from. Me, a child. And now I’m the most powerful person in this world.
Something twinged inside her, watching as Alex collapsed against the DEO car, claiming to want to help after attempting to shoot her. She never valued my life, Kara thought, not when she sent me into battle. Not when she slayed Aunt Astra.
“You have to stop,” Alex begged, as Kara’s eyes began to burn red.
“Nothing on Earth can stop me,” Kara growled.
“You don’t want to kill me.”
She was right. Kara knew she was right - she didn’t want Alex dead. But you’ll die anyway, Kara’s mind raced. Non’s army, human ecological destruction, what does it matter how.
The thought tore through her like acid. This planet will die just like before, came the fruitless and angry thought. We’ll be nothing, in the end. 
It was absurd. It was reality. It was everything she was running from. I couldn’t save Krypton, and I can’t save Earth.
She didn’t hear J’onn before the ambush, but she could feel his punches land. He was far more powerful than any Fort Rozz escapee - she had to put effort in to gain the offense again, fighting for the upper hand as they skid up a skyscraper. Kara landed in the concrete, rising from the ground to stare down a man she once called a friend, ready to start again - when she heard a click and a buzz behind her.
And then everything went black.
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seasononesam · 1 year
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1x16 // 4x21 
You're one of us. No. I'm not like you. This is not going to be my life.
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alea-says · 2 months
H50 / Sentinel crossover teaser...
Posting this to try and encourage myself to focus on writing it this week.
Set during H50 1x16, in a Sentinels and Guides are known AU.
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“Steve.” Danny’s voice cracked as it came through the phone speaker – cracked in a way Steve had never heard before. Vine-rope wrapped around his arm and waist, log half-way hauled up into the air, ready to set a trap for those hunting their witness, and suddenly Steve could barely focus on what was right before him.
His ears strained, hearing starting to dial up in response to his partner’s distress. Ruthlessly, Steve grabbed hold of his dials, holding them steady. He would never have made it as an active duty military Sentinel if he couldn’t hold his own dials steady.
Most people thought Sentinels needed Guides. And, for the most part, most people were correct. But – if one happened to be a Sentinel without a Guide, and one was willing to quash their Sentinel senses into submission… well, one could be a Sentinel without exactly being a Sentinel.
All the genes that gave them the extra-sensory abilities, but none of the benefits. Because, as soon as those senses expanded, as soon as they pushed too far, without a Guide – well, that’s when they became useless.
And if there was one thing Steve hated to be, it was useless.
The Navy had taught him well when it came to self-discipline. And Steve had taken all those lessons and honed them into a rigid self-control that allowed him to keep his mind, keep his senses. It meant he never got to stretch his senses out the way other Sentinels did. Meant he basically held himself back from ever using his gifts.
But, if that kept Steve from zoning out and putting his team in danger, well, he was willing to make that sacrifice.
If he’d had a Guide, things would be different. But the Navy had never been able to find a Guide for him. Not one who could keep up – either with his Sentinel or his SEAL self. So Steve had long ago determined that whatever Guide there may have been for him had died and so he just had to make do on his own.
And that was okay. So Steve wasn’t running around using his senses the way they sometimes desperately itched to be used, but he also wasn’t sitting catatonic in some S&G Hospital wing, so he figured that was all right.
Besides, it wasn’t like Steve needed his senses in order to be the best at what he did. The very fact that he’d always had to hold himself back in such a way had caused him to push himself all the harder.
So when Steve’s hearing started dialling up in reaction to Danny’s voice – well, Steve had to stop that immediately. He tried not to think too hard about the fact that his senses were always just that little bit too eager to dial up around his partner. Particularly when Danny was in distress.
“Steve,” Danny repeated, voice laden with pain, “they won’t let me near her.”
Steve frowned. The only reason Danny wasn’t out in the jungle with him was because Danny’s ex-wife and daughter had been carjacked. He couldn’t think of a single reason why Danny wouldn’t be allowed to see Grace (he didn’t think Danny would be in this much pain over Rachel).
“What?” he asked.
“Grace,” Danny confirmed Steve’s thoughts. “They won’t let me see her. Won’t let me near her.”
Steve could hear the strands of his partner’s hair sliding between his fingers as he gripped it tightly. “Talk to me, buddy,” he said, “what happened?”
“I met up with Rachel and Grace at HPD,” Danny explained. “Grace was there, and she was fine. She was fine.”
Steve nodded, that was what he had expected.
“Rachel gave her statement, and then I drove them home. But the door was open.”
Steve pulled back against his senses once more as they tried to flare.
“I called it in and told them to stay in the car while I checked it out, told Rachel to drive around the block,” Danny continued. “The house was trashed – someone had been looking for something.” Danny’s breath stuttered, and Steve could hear his steps echoing slightly as he paced. “I checked the whole house.”
Though Danny couldn’t see him, Steve nodded. He would have done the same. Ensure there was no threat waiting inside.
“When I got back outside, HPD were there, so they took over the scene. But Grace -” his voice cut off for a moment. “Something happened, Steve,” he said, “I don’t know what and they won’t tell me, but something happened!” His voice rose – in volume and pitch – as he spoke. “Rachel said she’d been fine one moment, looking back towards the house, the next she started screaming.”
Steve sucked his breath in sharply.
“Rachel couldn’t get her to calm down, or tell her what was wrong, so she rang for an ambulance. They came, but… Steve they’ve taken her to the S&G Centre, and now they won’t. Let. Me. See. My. Little. Girl.”
Steve ached to be there with Danny. To be able to reach out and wrap his arm around his friend’s shoulders. “Okay,” he said, mind parsing the information, “Okay. It sounds like they’re worried she’s come online.”
“Well of course they’re worried she’s come online!” Danny yelled back at him. “Sudden reaction, no discernible cause, right after a trauma? Those are textbook conditions – never mind that she’s too young for it to normally be considered. But now they won’t let me in to see her!”
There was a thump, and Steve could perfectly picture Danny’s fist against the wall, his anger, his fear, barely leashed. Steve’s senses pushed at him.
“She’s my daughter, Steve,” Danny choked out. “My daughter. And she’s just been through something terrible and they won’t let me see her!”
“What have they told you?”
“Nothing! Absolutely nothing! Only that I’m not allowed near her!” There was the squeak of shoes against linoleum as Danny turned around.
“Can’t see her, either.”
“No reason given?” It didn’t make sense to Steve. He knew the S&G Centre was particularly protective over young Sentinels and Guides when they came online – the younger they were, the more protective they were – but usually they’d at least give some reason for a why a parent couldn’t be near their child.
Was Grace a newly online Guide? Unable to stand the strong emotions her parents would be putting out? Or an online Sentinel? Struggling to regulate dials she’d never had to deal with before?
“They said I can’t see her because I’m not online.” Danny’s voice was bitter, full of something Steve couldn’t fully grasp.
His mind stuttered over those words. Not online. It was a phrase usually only used in relation to Sentinels and Guides who were Latent or Dormant. But Danny wasn’t a Guide, was he? “Danny?”
“Not online,” Danny repeated, bitterness somehow managing to grow. “As if there isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for my daughter, Steve. As if I hadn’t stood before a judge and been told being online would mean even less time with her, as though I hadn’t done everything I could to stay with Grace!”
It – well, it made no sense to Steve, what Danny was saying, But he knew his partner was in pain. Knew the S&G Centre was keeping him from his daughter. Knew he needed to do something.
“Okay, okay, buddy,” he said. “I’m on my way.” His senses pressed against the tight hold he had of them. Dare he loosen it at all? “I’m going to ring a friend of mine, see if I can get some answers, but I’m on my way.”
Danny snorted. “You’re meant to be out protecting a witness,” he said.
“Doing that, too,” Steve agreed. “She’s fine, and the courthouse isn’t that far from the Centre. I’m on my way.”
“I’m going to do something, Steve,” Danny admitted, “if they don’t let me see her soon I'm going to do something…”
“Just hold on, okay? Just a little longer, then I’ll be there, and we’ll figure out what’s going on. You know the Centre wouldn’t be trying to hurt her.”
“I know, Steve, I know. But it’s my daughter. It’s Grace.”
And with those words, Steve’s senses pushed out beyond the boundaries he’d set for them. He had a brief moment where he could hear a strange pounding beneath the rasp of Danny’s breath, the gentle beep of some kind of machine in the distance. Then the phonecall disconnected.
Steve’s senses reoriented themselves to the world around him. There – a rodent digging in the dirt. There – a pair of birds settling down for a nap. There – the quickened breath and pounding heartbeat of one of the hit-men. And there – the rapid footfalls and gun oil of another.
Releasing the log held by his vine-rope, Steve didn’t bother to finish setting his trap. He didn’t need it. He knew exactly where his adversaries were. His hearing, sight, smell, touch, even taste, everything had heightened.
But unlike when his dials had slipped when he had first come online, Steve didn’t feel out of control. He didn’t feel like he was going to fall into the sensations that were coming at him. He felt – in control.
Breathing deep, letting the scents fill his nostrils and the tastes wash over his tongue, Steve felt more than heard the low rumble behind him. He grinned. It was time to hunt.
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mkayoung · 7 months
derya pinar ak in adim farah (episode 1x16 = 85 gifs); for the link go my discord server or ask me (off anon). use/edit however you want. reblog if you find the gif pack helpful.
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hellomxmath · 11 months
I finally found "the points matter to me.txt"
Made this back a decade ago. This is the point totals from "Whose Line is It Anyways" based on the US run from 1998-2007.
I just copied and pasted the list as is. So, here is the top 3 point earners with everyone else in the read more.
Chip Esten: 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,002,000,033,000 Ryan Styles: 1,003,013,982,424.5 Colin Mochrie: 1,003,013,027,331.5
Kathy Greenwood: 1,000,000,071,310 Wayne Brady: 5,007,348,810 Dennis (Audience): 1,500,000,000 Greg Proops: 1,001,095,121 Hugh Heffner: 10,000,000 Brad Sherwood: 2,155,985.5 Karen Maruyama: 1,004,450 Dayna (Audience): 1,002,000 Audience 1x12: 1,000,000 Italian-American Independent Business Men: 1,000,000 Whoever made Drew's shirt: 1,000,000 Jewish Defence League: 1,000,000 Estate of Cab Caloway: 100,000 Denny Siegel: 58,050 NAACP: 10,000 Marine Guy (Audience): 10,000 The Censor: 12,000 Drew Carey: 9,000 Laura Hall: 7,100 Linda Taylor: 5,100 Bruce Springstein: 5,000 Kathy Griffin: 5,000 Jeff Davis: 4,000 Ian Gomez: 4,000 Stephen Colbert: 3,000 Whoopi Goldberg: 2,500 Colin's Wife: 1,400 Ryan's Wife: 1,400 Patrick Bristow: 1,100 Bald Guys (Audience 1x15): 1,000 Guy who burns Props 1x16: 1,000 Shaking Camera Man 1x17: 1,000 Larry the Camera Operator: 1,000 Men Jim (Audience) works with: 1,000 Wayne's Mom: 1,000 Everyone who has seen Ryan Naked: 1,000 Josie Lawrence: 1,000 Tina's Fiance (Audience): 1,000 People watching WLITA from Scotland: 1,000 Kris (Audience): 1,000 Margie (Audience): 1,000 Ryan's Chiropractor: 1,000 Amy and Christia's (Audience) Dress maker: 1,000 Robin Williams: 1,000 Katherine (Audience): 1,000 Micky (Audience): 1,000 Molly (Audience): 1,000 Roaches: 1,000 Diana (Audience): 1,000 Gloria (Audience): 1,000 Ann King: 1,000 Doug (Audience): 1,000 Karina (Audience): 1,000 Debra (Audience): 1,000 Girl who payed Ryan's Girlfriend: 1,000 David Hasselhoff: 1,000 Margret (Audience): 1,000 Bridee (Audience): 1,000 Valerie (Audience): 1,000 Ann (Audience): 1,000 Dude who Played New Recruit 1 (Audience): 1,000 Dude who Played New Recruit 2 (Audience): 1,000 Dude who Played New Recruit 3 (Audience): 1,000 Everyone else who is not listed but in 6x05: 1,000 Confused Man (Audience): 1,000 Lin (Audience): 1,000 Mary (Audience): 1,000 Matt (Audience): 1,000 Mirha (Audience): 1,000 Kathy (Audience): 1,000 Vena (Audience): 1,000 Andrea (Audience): 1,000 Bill (Audience): 1,000 Jenny (Audience): 1,000 Giselle (Audience): 1,000 Rachel (Audience): 1,000 Whose Line: 1,000 Anybody who knows who Bush Wack Bill is: 1,000 Carrottop: 1,000 Wayne's Wife: 400 People Sitting Behind Drew (Audience 1x13): 100 Hansel (Fairytale): 100 Gretel (Fairytale): 100 Kathy Kinney: 50 Chanel: 5.5 Dolorass: 1
Note: Only countable points are calculated here. No money and the like amounts or uncountable (ie zillions) points are included. When points were given in a range of numbers, the highest amount of points was added to total score. Points may be off by a few thousand. I have a life, so I multitask.
The points do not matter, but I did this anyways.
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