#This is also to say I think a bunch of the stuff white goyim have had to say about Israelis isn’t just antisemitic but outright racist
rotzaprachim · 11 months
many people on here would lose it if they really realized the extent of land dispossession and state violence carried out by many “post colonial” states across Asia, Africa, Eastern Europe & Latin America against ethnic minorities and indigenous people. This is not to state that it’s ok when the state of Israel does it- far from it. The state of Israel’s violence is inhumane and grotesque and I want nothing more than for it to be dismantled. What I do mean is the need many people - including white people, including people of color in diaspora, people everywhere- to linearly sort the world into categories of the “oppressed” (who are not white, by American standards) and who are “white” (by American standards ) has really come into sharp focus this last week over I/p, which millions of outsiders decided to apply a U.S. racial framework on to. If you need to understand Israelis as “white” in order for them to be oppressors you are going to have a very hard time unpacking how state violence actually runs in many modern nations, and if the idea that Jews can in a specific regional instance be a disproportionately privileged majority that has regional power at the same time they are internationally an often culturally oppressed minority, that a people can be in a complicated way both the oppressors and the oppressed even while many members of this group do not have the privilege of whiteness - if these nuances are too much you are going to have great difficulty with the modern nature of mass state violence and Neo colonialism
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aces-away · 4 years
Hi! I'm a writer who has a Jewish character, and I'd love to hear tips and info that could help me portray the fact that he's Jewish. When I did some light research, the main consensus I came to was that being Jewish is more than just a religion for most people. Since culture is really an experience, I was wondering if there's anything that you'd be willing to share so I can do a better job. The more the better, since I really don't know much except the basics of what NOT to do. Thanks :D
Hi! Thanks for reaching out! Keep in mind this is all from my own experience and there are plenty other jewish people with different ones, I highly recommend swinging around to several blogs and asking this if you want a more rounded character :)
First thing from personal experience: If your character is an Ashkenazi Jew like I am there is a good chance they have Yiddish words and terms sprinkled throughout their everyday speech. That leads to a lot of Goyim(non-jews) going "wait what was that word? What does it mean?"
For instance I used the term Tchotchkes the other day and when someone asked for an explanation I actually had trouble articulating it, i replied "Uh, y'know, tchotchkes....ummm...b-bobbles? Trinkets? Cute little decorations?" Because I've never had to use another word for it.
I often say Oy Vey the way other people say omg or 'big oof' etc. And if I'm emphasizing, I use Oy Gevult instead.
There are a lot of everyday microaggressions that jewish people face! Such as "oh! You dont look jewish!" Which is one hundred percent an insult to us, like what am I SUPPOSE to look like? There's also "you talk about being jewish a lot" and "but like, the holocaust was forever ago, you havent faced anything since then" and "you sound funny when you pronounce words like that"(like using the Chet- a sound that comes more from your throat than your mouth) and many others. I'm vocal about it when people say this to me, but only if I'm in a comfortable and safe setting, otherwise my brain goes through a million ways me correcting them could go wrong or dangerous for me.
As the youngest sibling, and second youngest cousin, I had to learn to be assertive and vocal at family dinners or I would not be heard. There is a lot of cross talking and multiple conversations going on at once. If you dont speak up and keep yourself in the conversation, you'll probably end up just sitting there while waiting for the food to be finished.
If you have tattoos or piercings you cannot be buried in a jewish cemetery so if you want to be buried with family you would not get body decorations.
There is a strong vying for relatable jewish characters by jewish people as most in television and books are crappy stereotypes and antisemitic tropes.
For many pale jews being called "white" is actually quite uncomfortable.
If things are going south politically one of my first thoughts are often "do I have any friends that would hide me" and "where will I have to hide my Jewishness to stay safe" etc. There is a lot of generational trauma that comes with being Jewish and often the thought process goes unnoticed by Goyim.
That instant connection you feel when it's you and one other jewish person in a sea of goyim, esp. Christian goyim, is often like that LOOK 2 women share when a man is talking, if that makes sense.
Due to our history jewish people are often very social-equality minded and are part of movements and protests.
REMINDER this is all from my own experience, I would say check out pages like @progressivejudaism and @jewish-privilege for knowledge and for more day to day experiences/ideas look for @jewish-people-problems and @littlegoythings
That's all I can think of right now, sorry if it makes no sense I am very tired lol.
Honestly just also feel free to look up "jewish" and "jewish stuff" and "actually jewish" on my blog as well I'm sure theres a bunch of stuff there.
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