#This is my first post please go wasy on me
sexydreamgirl · 2 years
⚜️⋮ Frequently asked questions
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⚜️ General questions
1. Can I manifest _?
Yes you can! If you can imagine it, regardless of whether it feels impossible or illogical, it can be manifested!
2. How would you go about manifesting _?
To manifest anything, all you need to do is assume it’s yours and persist! The idea is to live in the end and feel the wish fulfilled, this simply means that you are accepting what you desire to have/do/be as something that is a fact at this very moment and sustain that feeling. Remember:
“An assumption, though false, if persisted in, will harden into fact.”
You are welcome to go through my list of methods and techniques that will aid you to sustain the feeling of the wish fulfilled!
3. How do I ignore the 3D?
When we say ignore the 3D it just means you don’t let it deter you from what you want, remember that your imagination always prevails so as far as you’re concerned your desires are yours and circumstances don’t matter!
4. What is feeling the wish fulfilled?
“When I speak of feeling I do not mean emotion, but acceptance of the fact that the desire is fulfilled.” - Neville Goddard
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⚜️ Questions about Neville Goddard
1. Which Neville book should I read first?
I would recommend The Power of Awareness or Your Faith Is Your Fortune, they’re both pretty short reads so you’ll finish them quickly!
2. I don't understand what Neville is saying
I'll be posting lecture summaries in the near future which I'll be sure to link here! For the time being, you can check our muselogy's summaries here ♡ 
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⚜️ Questions about self concept
1. How can I work on my self concept?
Read my post about it here and I explain how I got mine in less than 24 hours here!
2. Can I just assume that I already have a perfect self concept?
3. What are your favorite self concept affirmations?
You can find them under Affirmations to become Sexy and Hedonistic (ʃƪᵔ◡ᵔ)*
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⚜️ Questions about affirmations
1. Do I have to believe my affirmations?
2. Which tense should I affirm in?
Whichever one you like most, my love! Tenses don't matter so long as they imply that your desires is yours! However, I personally prefer present tense since it’s something you are acknowledging right now. 
3. Can you give me some affirmations for _?
Affirmations are simply thoughts and they don't need to be complex or worded in a specific manner!
"I need affirmations to manifest an SP" My SP and I are together
"I want to manifest an iPhone 13" I have an iPhone 13
"Affirmations for manifesting my desired appearance?" I have my desired appearance
You can also check my blog here for more affirmations by topic!
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⚜️ Questions about struggling
1. I haven't gotten results.
Persist and don’t take no for an answer, my love!
2. I have been trying to manifest for years/months and still nothing. What do I do?
Start fresh and invest in your self concept!
3. I've been struggling for so long that I'm considering giving up on conscious manifestation.
Please read this post.
4. How can I get rid of my intrusive thoughts?
You can scroll through the posts i've reblogged about the subject here and this is how I dealt with mine below (from my self concept post):
Interruption: I had two methods of interruption I opted for. When I had “what if” moments I often interrupted those thoughts by affirming “it is done” and I said that over and over again every single time that came up, like this:
“What if it doesn’t hap-” “It is done.” “But-” “It is done.”
The other method wasI would finish the intrusive thought off in a positive note like this:
“why is my life so-” “perfect in every possible way? I’m honestly so in love with my life like I am literally the happiest person on earth I think”.
Telling them to shut up: I would envision my intrusive thoughts coming from someone else despite knowing it was me but anyway when I would have one literally respond mentally with “shut up, BITCH” the same way the rock did (like I would LITERALLY use his exact same tone and aggression while doing this lmao) and counter affirm and they stopped!
Deciding I didn’t have any: After so much redundancy of combatting my intrusive thoughts I had the sudden epiphany that I could just manifest them away… I was so surprised I didn’t think of it earlier. Whenever one was coming up I would just be like “nope nope nope I don’t have intrusive thoughts I have never had one of those in fact, what’s an intrusive thought? Never heard of that” and they went away in two days <3
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This list will continue to be updated as i receive more questions! (ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ.゚
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oldmishmesh · 4 years
Headcannon: Filipino! Kageyama
Title: what the hell is a ‘halo halo’??
Prompt: Kageyama is a half filipino, combine that with a few lessons on world history involvine the Philippines, a few filipino delicacies, and some memes while you’re at it turns out to be a chaotic mess
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Kageyama is a half japanese, half filipino. His mother being a filipina, and his father being the other.
Kageyama’s lunch has always been rice and ulam or also known as the main dish. His lunch always has rice. You can’t forget the rice.
Hinata, Yamaguchi, Tanaka, Nishinoya, Yachi, and Sugawara came to his house to study because of the dumb four needs help to pass their exams. When Hinata was hungry, he opened the fridge’s freezer and took the tub of ice cream.
“KAGEYAMA!! I’M TAKING YOUR ICE CREAM TUB!” Hinata says. “Oooh! I want ice cream too!” Yachi stood up and went to Hinata, “EHHH? ME TOO!” Tanaka jumped up, Nishinoya soon followed. Kageyama froze. “..But we don’t have any ice cream.” Kageyama mutters, to which only Yamaguchi and Sugawara heard. “What do you mean you don’t?” Yamaguchi looked at the obvious ice cream tub.
Hinata grabbed a spoon and opened the tub, and ate the contents of it.
He fucking ate raw fish.
He puked.
Heck, he didn’t even looked at the tub before he ate the spoonful of raw fish!
“I-I think I’m good without having any ice cream!” Yachi backed off lmao. “KAGEYAMA!! Why is there fish in the ice cream tub?!” He said, whining. “Well, my mom usually reuses the containers to put other food inside of them. She says it’d be a waste to not use them.” Kageyama said. “A-Ah. So that’s why..” Yamaguchi sweatdropped.
Sugawara, being the mom he is immediately took action and took care of his child, giving him water.
Dumb Hinata
“Ah, gomenasai! I’ll get you all something as an apology!” Kageyama’s mom says.
And that’s how the group got themselves some Halo Halo.
“Finally! Proper ice cream!” “That’s technically not ice cream.” “Blehh, better than raw fish!”
After a while, the vbc had a camping event in the mountain on the weekend for team building
They all hiked up the mountain, played volleyball, and do the things you’d normally do at camping
The managers were preparing a barbecue, so when it was time to eat, a realization had dawned on them
They had no plates or utensils prepared.
“Uhh, didn’t we bring any plates with us?” Kiyoko asked, Ukai tensed. “Fuck..” He facepalmed.
But don’t worry!! Kageyama is here!
Kageyama went into the forest and grabbed himself a large banana leaf
“Can anybody tell me why Kageyama is washing and cleaning a leaf??” Daichi sweatdropped. “Just wait.” Kageyama said.
He placed the leaf over the table and there, lo and behold! A makeshift large paper leaf plate was introduced to the server
One more problem was left
“Okay, but how do we eat though? We didn’t bring untensils or chopsticks..” “Hands.” “What?” “We’ll eat with our hands.”
The team was distaught, they were supposed to eat with their hands??? What??????
Kageyama began eating the food with his bare hands.
Everybody just awkwardly followed
On that night the team had educated themselves about filipino’s boodle fight taught by Kageyama.
One time on cooking class, their teacher was making them cook something from a different country
Kageyama’s group were supposed to make Adobo.
Kageyama just whispered something under his breath.
“Ngayon magluluto tayo ng adawbang manowk..” “Excuse me, what??”
This continued on when he saw the chicken.
“Manok na pula.. Mukhang matapang-..” “I’m not even going to ask anymore.”
Kageyama often calls Hinata ‘Bobo’ as well
Hinata thought he was complimenting him
Poor, poor Hinata.
“Bobo, Hinata!!” “Huh? What does that mean?” “It means you did great.” (sarcasm)
Hinata didn’t pick up on the sarcasm
And genuinely thought that bobo means you did great.
This leads to him calling other players bobo too.
Sakusa was also called Bobo by Hinata
But he knew what it truly meant, as he had few filipino relatives of his own.
“Uhh.. Hinata, so you know what bobo means??” Sakusa asked. “Mhmm! Kageyama told me it meant ‘You did great!’” Hinata replied. Sakusa sighed. “..Hinata, bobo means stupid..” “E-EHH?!”
Lets just say that Hinata only called Kageyama that from now on.
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Halo-Halo - also spelled haluhalo, is a popular Filipino cold dessert which is a concoction of crushed ice, evaporated milk and various ingredients including, among others, ube, ice cream, sweetened beans, coconut strips, and more!
Adobo - is a popular Filipino dish and cooking process in Philippine cuisine that involves meat, seafood, or vegetables marinated in vinegar, soy sauce, garlic, and black peppercorns, which is browned in oil, and simmered in the marinade.
Boodle Fight - it is a filipino activity, where people would use a large clean banana leaves as a subsitute for platers and use their hands to eat instead of spoons and forks
“Ngayon magluluto tayo ng adobong manok.” - is a filipino meme, in english it translates to ‘Now, we are going to cook adobong chicken.”
“Manok na pula, mukhang matapang.” - is another filipino meme, in english it translates to ‘Red chicken looks tough’. This line comes from a filipino song which is about betting on chickens.
Hihi! Ize is here! This is my first post! So please don’t come at me soon aha, and yes! I’m a filipino! I love the philippines and want to show the world our culture, but the philippine’s government is corrupt. Can someone just please put the president out of position?? Anyways! This was really fun for me to write! Though it got frustrating as I had accdientally deleted all of the content and had to rewrite it all again, anyways. That’s all! SAYONARA!
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knuckleduster · 7 years
Masterlist of LGBT music
Against Me!: punk band led by trans woman Laura Jane Grace, a lot of songs about social justice and gender dysphoria. I’d especially advice their album Transgender Dysphoria Blues.
Shura: singer/songwriter. The music video for her song What’s It Gonna Be is especially really gay
Spoonboy: has a lot of punk-esque songs about figuring out your identity, also deals with a lot of heavy subjects so be warned
Jungheim: singer/songwriter Nayla, a lesbian trans girl, has a lot of good stuff on her soundcloud and bandcamp, and she’s releasing her first EP Novella (which can already be preordered on itunes) September 15th! If you’re gonna listen to anything on this list, listen to her please
Studio Killers: who’s behind this “Virtual pop group” is unclear but their song Jenny is a love song about two girls
Mashrou’ Leila: Indie band from Beirut with a lot of LGBT themes in their music. Kalam (s/he), Falakyon and Shim el Yasmine are some of their LGBT-themed songs
Woodkid: an openly gay singer. He makes kinda poppy songs but they’re really unique. Very big fantasy vibe in a lot of his songs
Green Day: kind of an obvious one. 
The Spook School: punk band. Binary is a really good song about being nb
Fabulous Disaster: very gay punk band. Such a Stupid Girl is probably their gayest song
Perfume Genius: singer/songwriter who makes a lot of songs about being gay and about gender expression. Very wide range of music, from ballads to more glam rock-esque songs. Also deals with subjects like abuse so be warned about that
Pansy Division: a classic tbh. gay punk band, really explicit lyrics and really openly gay
G.L.O.S.S.: punk band. im pretty sure all the members are trans girls but dont quote me on that. they only have two EPs out but their music is very good. I’d recommend their song G.L.O.S.S.  (We’re from the future) 
Beatrice Eli: please just listen to Girls 
Kadie Elder: i dont actually know any of his songs besides First Time He Kissed a Boy but that one’s really good
Troye Sivan: gay pop. kind of an obvious one, most people know about him
Neon Trees: im not too familiar with them but i like Songs I can’t Listen To
 BENNY: singer/songwriter (i think) with some songs about gender roles and being gay
Tom Goss: gay singer and pretty much all of his music is about being gay. His music isn’t really my thing but it sure is gay and mostly very happy and positive
Frank Ocean: you probably know Frank Ocean but im putting him here anyway
Sia: pop singer. pretty sure she’s bi but I’ve never been the biggest fan so don’t quote me on that either
Dodie: bi singer/songwriter
Babeo Baggins: This was recommended to me and the music is really good but i have no idea how to describe it
The Internet: R&B group led by Sydney Bennett, aka Syd. Their song Girl is very good and very gay
Small Talk: alternative band. i was just introduced to them so i dont know much about them but the sound is very good
St. Vincent:  singer/songwriter. she’s gay and her music is very good
LCD Soundsytem: dance-punk band. the synth player came out as a trans woman somewhere this year iirc
The Cliks: gay rock
LE1F: gay rapper with really good music
Angel Haze: a really good rapper. their music deals with very heavy themes so please watch out for that
Ladyhawke: lesbian synthpop
Hozier: from take me to church. we all know him
Eli Lieb:  very gay pop
Wasi: gay synthpop, really cute sound
SÄLEN: more gay synthpop
Beth O’Reiley: gay singer/songwriter
Big Freedia: drag bounce
Radical Face: fantasy vibe music made by a gay man
Years and Years: very gay and really good beats
Mykki Blanco: hiphop. i really like her song coke white, starlight. gender is a big theme
MIKA: this is only enjoyable to theater kids but the chance that a theater kid sees this is pretty high so here you go
Passion Pit: poppy dance music, the lead singer is gay
PVRIS: a classic on lists like these. lesbian rock
Ria Mae: very gay upbeat music
Adore Delano: drag queen who makes pop music
Mr. Twin Sister: i just got this off another post about gay music so i dont know anything about them but the music is really chill
the XX: sad pop by a gay man and a lesbian
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nickikpopart · 7 years
Backstory “How to draw LOVE”
Part 2
“Shocking sweet truth”
Jimin´s POV
I still thought about the idea of that blind-date-thing, because JJK1013 had ask me. Now after i saw the picture of Jin that he had posted today, i was questioning myself more. He is Jin´s brother. Why had Jin never mention it that he had one. I was now more interested in meeting him, even i wasn´t really in the mood for a date-thing. He was quite interesting but i still don´t know his name. So it could might be fun. A message from Tae pulled me aut of my thoughts.
“Hey Jimin, i want to talk to you when i´m home.”
“Ok we can do. I will stay up until you here.”
Other POV
30 min after Jimin messaged him, Tae was back at the Apartement. His Hair looked still a little messy which made Jimin laugh.
“It seems u had a nice evening, Tae!” Jimin smirked and made him blush.
“Yeah.. hmmm...” Tae said while covering his cheeks.
“So u wanted to talk with me about something!” Jimin asked him curiously. Tae was putting his shoes of and joint Jimin on the sofa in the livingroom.
“Yes, but there is might be something you want to ask me first. Am i right?”
“Uhmmm... yeah... Did you know that JJK1013 is Jin´s brother?” Jimin asked him directly.
“Not until today. After i saw the picture, i had messaged Jin about it and he said yes to my question.” Tae needed to hold himself back not telling Jimin to much. Their Plan has to be a secret. “Why u ask?”
“Uhmm... so... JJk1013 ask me actually for a blind-date, but i didn´t know yet if i should go and meet him. You know how shy am i and i´m just broke up with yoongi. Wouldn´t it be to soon to date someone new were i even don´t know how he looks like or knowing his name.” Tae was smiling slightly. So Jungkook had already asked him. So their plan might could be work out. “He is nice and i like talking with him, but...”
Ok Jimin... i undertand that you need time but it you like him and i see you do then why not. Go and meet him.” Tae tried to encourage him.
“I don´t know Tae... i... just... “ Jimin was thinking way to much. Jungkook came to his mind. Oh, how he wished it was him. This guy reminded him so much about him.
“Ok, then i will tell you something of the record. Jin told me that his brother is really handsome. Not as much as him but... “ Tae was laughing by saying that.
“hahahaha Tae ok. I think i understand what you want to say. i know he wants to meet me, but actually i don´t want to go alone. i didn´t told him that.” Jimin smacked Tae´s arm while lauging too.
“Then how about a Double Date. Hmmm... Would that be a good idea?” Tae asked him while thinking about to message Jin later that their plan is already on.
“That would help me, Tae. Thank you” Jimin was not so nervous anymore. He was actually a little excited now. Tae said that he would ask Jin later to set the Time for it. A little Do-over-Birthday Dinner.
“Jimin, btw... i was just thinking about something. Why don´t you change your Haircolor again. I know you stayed black because Yoongi didn´t liked your colored hair, but now you can do it again. You are back to be single and you really need a change.” Tae wanted not to be to obvious about that. “And you could surprise your Blind-Date. He might wouldn´t expect that.”
“Hmmm... that is actually a nice idea, Tae. He don´t even know how i look like, so wouldn´t it might be a shock for him!” Jimin was thinking if he should really do it.
“Jimin, why not... just do it. He loves to draw. So he might love colorful hair!” Tae winked at Jimin with a smile on his face. “What about your old hair color? I loved the orange hair on you. You looked so sexy.”
“Tae... hey...” Jimin slapped his right arm while lightly blushing. “Don´t make me blush, but yeah i loved that color to. It´s just bring up some memorys, when i had it.”
“I understand that, but it has nothing to do with that. Ok. just...” Tae didn´t know how to say it.
“Just...” Jimin eye questioning.
“Just do it Jimin. You need a new start. Ok. So should i ask Jin about it?” Tae looked at him, searching for any reaction on Jimin´s face.
“Ok, I will do it and yes you can talk with Jin. You need to help me later with the Haircolor. I can´t do that alone.” Jimin said smiling slightly. The thought of meeting someone he never saw before but liked talking to made him chuckle a little.
“Ok, then.” Tae was rubbing his hands in mind. The plan is perfect now. Jimin agreed to date and change the haircolor. He excused himself to message Jin about it. He heard from Jin that Jungkook agreed to do the double date because he was also kinda shy to meet someone alone. So they settled the date for the meeting right away.
“Time skip”
Two Days later...
“Jimin, come out of the Bath. You look good ok.” Tae was waiting outside since half an hour until Jimin opened the door. “Wow... I really missed that color on you. And don´t worry to much. I think it will be a nice evening. Your clothes are looking good to.”
“If you say so, Tae. I´m still little anxious. What if he don´t like me in real. You know how awkward i can be.” Jimin nervously scratch on his black jeans.
“Jimin, for the last time. Don´t worry to much. Just enjoy the evening. You can´t know what will happen. “ Tae tried to calm him a bit which hardly worked. Jimin was never so nervous before in a long time and Tae could see that. He messaged Jin that they were about to go out now. So they would see each other in 30 minutes.
Jin´s apartement...
"Jungkook are you ready to go?" Jin asked his little brother through the door. When then door got open, he just gave a thumb up for Jungkook´s look. He had choosed the clothes for him. Black Jeans, black Turtleneck Pullover and a leather Jacket.
"Do you really think he likes the way i look?" Jungkook was asking him, still questioning himself about that.
"Yes, you look good. Not as handsome as me but close." Jin smiled while said so.
"Hahaha, stop it, Jin. Don´t praise yourself to much." Jungkook smacked his brother´s arm. "Btw... so your Tae knows him. How small the world is. Huh..."
"Yeah..." Jin scratched his head and thought how the evening will go, when both will see each other. "Kook... we have to go. Tae wrote me, that they are already on the way to the restaurant. So we have to hurry a little."
"Ok, then let´s go." Jungkook took a deep breath while putting his shoes on. He was a little scared to meet that guy. He still couldn´t fully blow off his feelings for Jimin, but Jin was right he has to move on. And he had actually started to like that guy since they were talking more often now. So he tried to be friendly with the idea of meeting him now.
While at the restaurant...
Tae got the message from Jin that they are on their wasy now and Tae told him that they were standing in front of the restaurant now and were about to go in. Jimin was wearing a black jeans and a darkred long sleeve shirt. He had put on a hat, not only because it was cold, also because he thought the orange color wouldn´t fit really color of the shirt. As they were going inside the restaurant, he still insisted to take him off. So they were sitting down like that at the table, while Jimin got a questionable look from the waiter. Jimin was looking on his phone, so he didn´t really saw that. He was anxiously waiting for his blind date. 
Suddenly Tae received a message.
"Tae... we are here now and about to come in."
"Jimin, please take your hat off ok. You look good and it is not nice to be like that here inside. Your shirt goes well with your haircolor." Tae pleased him and he finally took his hat off, not knowing that Jin and Jungkook already entered the restaurant.
"Jin... what... hummm..." Jungkook was really shooked when he pointed at the table were Jimin and Tae were sitting. He knew that color to well. He saw that the last time on Jimin and he really loved it on him. So why this guy was wearing that particular color. It couldn´t be, or?? He was grabbing Jin´s arm with a questionable look. Jin didn´t said anything while walking to the table. He greeted Tae with a kiss while Jungkook still was hanging on him. Standing in front of that guy, Jungkook was looking at his hands and he knew it. Almost whispering, he directly asked:
"Jimin?"  The guy in front of him was lifting his head and Jungkook looked in those brown eyes he fell for when he saw him for the first time. How much he missed it to look at them.
"Jungkook?" Jimin was shocked when he heard that voice saying his name. It was this voice he was longing to hear for some time now. Jungkook could see that the way he looked at him. It was all both said for now. Just that and not more. They just looked at each other while Jungkook was sitting down on the other side of the table. Just looking at each other the whole time. Even during eating they were stealing glances from time to time. One was looking, the other shyly looked away and reverse. Jin and Tae were watching the whole scenery silently smiling. They gave each other signs to leave both of them alone. The thought it was time to go. They should be alone to talk about everything.
Outside of the restaurat they high-fifth each other with a laugh. Their plan had seemed to work but they knew also that it will took time to work things out between them.
"I´m happy Tae." Jin smiled while taking his hand. "My brother is finally getting a chance to confess. I hope he is doing it right this time!"
"I think he will. Didn´t you saw how he looked at Jimin and Jimin at him. There are unsaid feeling between them, they just have to admit them, but surely it will take time." Tae grabbed Jin´s arm and pulled him into a hug. After that they deceided to go to a bar to celebrate that.
Still inside...
"Jimin" Jungkook finally found his voice back to talk to him because he was still little shocked but also happy.
"Hmmm.." Jimin also still couldn´t say a word. It was Jungkook in front of him, it was really him and he caught himself staring at him.
"I... I really like you since i first meet you and i wanted to say that to you back then but i was too scared because after i got to know that you have a boyfriend, i thought you would rejecting me." There was it, it was finally out. Jungkook said it and was glad he did. His heart felt at ease now.
"Ohhh..." Jimin´s cheeks got red right away and he finally knew it. "That´s why you never came back to see me? Ok, now i understand. But then i have to admid something to."
"Yeah you can say it like that. What is it, Jimin?" Jungkook asked curiously, might be knowing what Jimin would say.
“Ok hmmm... I had gained feelings for you too in that time.” Jimin gulped by saying that. He told Jungkook also that back then he didn´t confess because he was scared too and there were also Yoongi. They had problems in that time but tried to fix that with him, so he putted his feelings for Jungkook aside. “Btw.. Uhmm... Huh.. Where are Tae and Jin?”
“Hey, they left us alone? That´s... “ Jungkook was a little shocked about his brother´s behavior but he also liked it that he was alone now with Jimin. They could talk now everything out. “Actually it´s ok that they are gone. I wanted to be alone with you anyway. If it´s ok for you. We can talk better without them.”
“Even i´m freaking out a little right now.” Jimin started to laugh about his own words. “Sorry, hehehehehe... it´s just... i didn´t saw you for a long time and we are outside of the Coffee-Shop. I´m a little shy when it comes to meet someone outside of my comfort zone.”
“Don´t worry, Jimin. Me too but with you it is more easy. Btw... should we go somewhere else?” Jungkook asked him. “To many people here. Oh, i hope my brother didn´t left without paying.”Jungkook called the waiter who told him that the bill was already paid. He was relieved.
“If you want we can go the Coffee-Shop even it is late. I have the keys and we can sit there drinking coffee and talk.” Jimin thought it was a good idea to do and Jungkook nodded his head in agreement. It would bring old memorys up. He smilde by the thought to be alone with him. Finally he has a chance. Jimin saw that little smile on Jungkooks face and he thought that he wasn´t actually never really mad at Jungkook for leaving him without a word. He understand now how he must have felt. How both have felt about the situation. Both putted their jackets on and were about to leave the restaurant.
“No Jimin, don´t put that hat on. I missed seeing that color. I like it on you.” Jimin chuckled a bit by Jungkooks soft voice and pushed the hat in his pocket.
“Ok, because it´s you who said that, i will not wear him.” Jimin left out a little giggle and Jungkook died immediately inside. How he missed hearing that. He found it so cute when Jimin was doing that. He blushed by the thought and turned his face away.
“Jungkookie, are you still blushing?” Jimin said smiling because he definitly saw how red his face became. Jimin knew how shy Jungkook becomes when he giggles. He missed it to tease him like that. They were walking for some minutes now as suddenly Jimin´s phone was vibrating, He knew who it was but he decided not to notice for now. Jungkook was important now.
“Is everything ok?” Jungkook noticed that Jimin was nervous about something.
“Yeah everything is ok. It´s just... Yoongi...” JImin saw that Jungkook wasn´t really happy about hearing that name. “I´m sorry Kookie... I just...”
“It´s ok Jimin, no need to tell me. You are here with me now.” Jimin´s breathing go lighter right away. Jungkook did noticed that and was not so nervous anymore, He will gave his all now to make him happy. While they were walking side by side Jimin had noticed that their hand were brushing together from time to time.He just couldn´t point out if it was because of their walking or if Jungkook did that on purpose. He stopped and looked down on their hands that were so close and then he looked in Jungkooks eyes.
“May i...?” Jungkook said with his soft voice almost whispering. Jimin just nodded his head and Jungkook interwined their fingers. Both were looking down now and had immediately the same thought. It was right, it felt so right. They walkedl like that to the little coffee-shop and even when Jimin was about taking the key out of his pocket and open the door, he couldn´t let go of Jungkooks hand. Jungkook found it really cute how Jimin was reacting.
“Jimin if you want to make us coffee, you have to let go of my hand.” Jungkook said smiling and Jimin chuckled by hearing that. With a sights he let his hand go, already missing the warmth. While he was making the coffee, Jungkook was sitting down and watching him. He still couldn´t believe that it was him all the time who he was talking with and jimin was might thinking the same.
Suddenly... Jimin´s phone rang. He had enough know.
“What...., what do you want. I said it is over.”
“Jimin, please let´s talk. I wanna....”
“Jimin can you bring some milk and sugar with you when you done?” Jungkook was asking, not knowing that it was Yoongi, who Jimin was talking with, right now.
“Who is that... the guy... who are you with?”
“That is non of your business. You don´t have the right to ask. Bye” Jimin was hanging up and took the coffee he made and was going back to Jungkook.
“Hey Kookie, where are you with your mind” Jimin was putting the two coffee´s on the table and placed himself next to him. He interwined his fingers again with Jungkooks. Jungkooks smiled by looking at it.
“Can i guess who it was on the phone.” Jungkook asked him.
“Please let´s not talk about him. i´m over him and i´m here with you ok. So what were you thinking about?” 
“Ok, i will not ask.” Jungkook said. “I know you are Single now but i won´t push you into a new relationship with me. We will take our time. You need time to trust someone again.We will go on dates and will have long talks. I wanna do the right way, ok”
“Kookie, i´m so happy that you think that way and it´s more than ok for me. I think the same. We don´t need to rush. We need to know each other better.” Jimin was glad that Jungkook had the same thoughts like him and he was indeed happy about that. Jimin was looking at him and smiled. Jungkook was holding his hand a little tighter and got almost lost in his eyes. Suddenly he felt a pair of soft lips on his cheek.
“Jimine...” Jungkooks eyes widened and started blushing “Why... what... Ohhh..”
“Everything ok?” Jimin smiled and laid his head on Jungkooks shoulder. The next few hours they were just sitting like that and talked about everything. How they felt about each other. What they did they past 2 years, how Jimin came to follow him and so on. Jungkook didn´t ask Jimin about Yoongi because he knew that he wouldn´t want to talk about him. It was arount 4 am when they went home seperately.
When they got home, Jungkook messaged Jimin immediately and received short after a message from him:
“Hey, it was a nice evening. I can´t wait to see you again.”
“Yes it was and me too. Can´t wait ;)”
“I miss already your small hand in mine.”
“Hihi Kookie.”
“What, it´s true. Are you in bed already?”
“Yes and i will sleep now. Good night Kookie and btw... i like holding your hand too. ;)”
“Jiminie..:) Good night and sweet dreams.”
“btw.. Kookie… the kiss I gave you was something I wanted to do two years ago! ”
"ohh... :), I will do that more often now... Jimin. ;)"
"I hope so... ;)"
Both immediately were drifting off to sleep and dreamed about each other. They knew also they would get squeezed out from Jin and Tae but some parts of the evening would be remain secrets just between the two of them.
HOW TO DRAW LOVE AU ( 11-12/? )
Jimin follows a well known artist on Facebook; not knowing it is Jungkook; a boy he met two years ago and fell for despite being in a relationship. Jungkook suddenly disappeared on him without saying why and left Jimin with a lot of “what ifs”.
So they were at the blind-date today. huh. we will see what´s coming next. Update coming soon. @golden-kookmin :) ;)
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filipinawives · 6 years
Australian Men – A great catch, ladies!
  We’ve praised the Filipina lady regularly and vigorously here on FilipinaWives. And why wouldn’t we? Most wonderfully kind, caring and sweet ladies in the world. And most are also hard-working, practical and responsible. An Aussie man who meets and falls in love with a decent Filipina lady is a lucky man indeed.  
Typical Australian men. Hey, isn't that the Prime Minister in the middle?
  But then again, she’s a lucky woman too. Most Australian men, despite being a bit rough around the edges, are gentlemen. Hard-working, faithful, and fairly domesticated. Most would rather be at home with their wife and kids than anywhere else, and most have little time for womanisers. The paypacket comes home. Life is usually pretty good for a Filipina wife with an Australian husband. Take note that of course I’m generalizing here, and also take note that this is NOT a matchmaking introduction. I have no spare husbands here for lonely Filipina ladies, and my wife would be very annoyed at me if I gave myself away! And yes, Australia has some far-from-perfect men too, so please always use your best judgment. But the main purpose of the article is to explain a few points about what is unique about Australian men, many of which you will see that they differ from Filipino men. And I do this in the interest of helping those existing Australian Filipina couples to understand each other better and hopefully not to HURT each other! I hope this helps.  
Australian men
Australian men are rugged individualists
This will differ between men, of course. But mostly you’ll find Australian men are ruggedly independent and proud of it. We’re used to taking care of ourselves, and definitely not OK about receiving handouts or charity. Most of us would rather go without something that to be indebted to somebody. It also means that while he will understand when there is genuine need due to poverty, he will not understand begging relatives nor will he understand those lazy tambay relatives who expect to live off charity.
Despite being “tough” in many ways, he probably has a soft heart
Don’t mistake being rugged and masculine with being heartless. Most of us a like big teddybears and will respond well to gentleness and kindness, and you will bring this out in him if you stay gentle and sweet.
Australian men value our ability to provide and to produce
We value ourselves according to what we produce. We take pride in our ability to provide for our families. Having our kids giving us support and/or handouts, even when older? Forget it! We would rather go hungry. We help our kids! They don’t help us! What this means, ladies, is that even if your man gets older and retires, NEVER make him feel useless. He will already be sensitive about this. If you get a job and you expect him to hang out your panties on the washing line, you may very well crush his spirit. Encourage him to do something, whether it’s making things, repairing things, or even mentoring and advising.
If you want him to be your knight in shining armor, believe in him
My wife is strong and capable, and she knows her own mind. But she also knows me and my capabilities, and she believes in me. She doesn’t nag me. She doesn’t put me down. She does not emasculate or belittle me. Huwag tanggalin ang kanilang pagkalalake. Treat him as your hero, and he will become your hero. You can make him or break him!
Australian men want to be included. Not different, and not elite.
Best thing you can do for an Aussie man? Treat him as an equal! And NEVER treat him as a foreigner, and never let your relatives do it either. Tell your friends and relatives to relax around him, and not call him “Sir David” or whatever his name is. Hospitality is fine, as long as he doesn’t feel excluded.
He will make YOU his Number One, and expects the same in return
NEVER put your Filipino relatives and family ahead of him. You will damage your marriage, possibly beyond repair, if you do this. Don’t let older Filipino relatives override decisions that you made (or should make) as husband and wife. And build the wealth of your new family first and foremost.
He acts with 100% honesty, and expects the same in return
Lies from a spouse are close to unforgivable. So are secrets, especially involving your relatives. Being “shy” is never an excuse. This applies to spying and sneaking too.
He can’t read minds
Australian men are very honest, and will say exactly what they think. And they will expect you to do the same. That means we are very bad at “reading between the lines” and trying to guess what you really mean. Get into the habit of discussing everything directly and clearly without “codes”, otherwise you will end up unhappy and he will end up confused.
He cannot stand tampos, and will never “make malambing”
Tampo is cruel, and it’s childish. Nothing good ever comes from it. If you are using it as childish blackmail to get your own way? Then suggest you grow up quickly. If it’s because you allow a problem to remain in your head, and you can’t take it anymore? See the point above! Discuss it. And discuss it long before you lose control of your behavior. Learn to work together. And don’t expect him to make malambing (Tagalog for being very very sweet when you’re sorry about something). Learn to speak your mind and learn how to discuss and share feelings.   I hope that helps! And I welcome comments.  
The following post Australian Men – A great catch, ladies! wasis republished from www.filipinawives.com.au
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fitscention · 5 years
via Fitscention
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filipinawives · 7 years
The dreaded TAMPO – How to deal with it effectively
  Tampo. Magtampo in full. If you are in an Australian Filipina relationship, you soon learn the meaning of tampo. This is the great sulk. Being in a huff. It’s a source of confusion and misery to many an unprepared Australian man.    
  What is a tampo?
I detest the Filipina tampo. I really do. Fortunately after many years of being a great husband and teaching-by-example my Filipina wife the benefit of free and open communication it rarely rears its ugly head these days, although I did just have to deal with a bad outburst from one of our extended family over the last few days so it’s not ancient history to me. I also live in the Philippines fulltime, so it’s never that far away.
So what exactly is a tampo, to the uninitiated?
It’s a way of NOT dealing with a problem, and of ensuring whatever the problem is? That it will never go away! It’s the human-interaction version of sweeping dirt under the carpet. The dirt remains, and the lump in the carpet gets larger and people trip over it. It’s not the Filipino way to deal with problems and issues directly. It’s not usual for someone to react to something they don’t like, and less likely they will speak up and say “Hey, I don’t like that! Please stop doing it! It makes me feel bad, so please stop!” This is in fact the negative side to those perpetual Filipina smiles. Yes, definitely, Filipinos are generally happy and easy-going and pretty tolerant of imperfections and faults in others. However they are also human beings, and no one is that happy all the time. Please read my previous article on “onion skin” (being thin-skinned), which is a Filipino characteristic. And fellahs? Be aware of that certain special time of the month where skins are extra-thin and tempers may be on-edge because of hormones. Often a time to be especially careful not to push boundaries and to watch your tongue. So what happens is the pressure of un-fixed problems builds up, and it leads to an explosion. However it’s not a practical explosion. If it was an explosion of “Hey! You keep making fun of me in front of the neighbours, and it hurts my feelings. I want you to stop!” then it might even help! It might make that person see what they’re doing, and maybe things will get better. But that’s not how a tampo works. It’s never so practical and helpful. Tampo is characterized by appallingly bad communication. The Filipina having the tampo does some or all of these things:
Won’t talk
Definitely won’t tell you what the problem is, as you should already know. May utter a few unhelpful phrases.
Resists all attempts to fix the problem
Will appear perfectly normal to others if answering the phone or greeting someone at the door, but will soon return to tampo when dealing with you
May run off somewhere, possibly for several days
Bang cupboard doors and slam things around
May do a great deal of cleaning, or may retreat to bedroom, sometimes for days
This will remain until she gets over it. May apologise, or may not. Definitely will not discuss it, and attempts to say “Let’s talk about it” may trigger a recurrence.  
How to deal with a tampo
How do you deal with a tampo when it happens? To be honest? Not a whole lot you can do when she’s in mid-tampo. At this point all logic is switched off, and if you push too hard you will probably make it worse. She may storm off in the middle of the night and put herself in danger. Dragging suitcases down the road and attempting to walk to the airport to fly back to the Philippines at 2:00am in the middle of winter? These things have happened! You may also end up both saying things that become hard to take back later. Think carefully before you attempt a proactive intervention at this point! Most of the time, you will need to weather the storm and try not to make it worse! Not saying to ignore it. Just saying to delay until a more effective time.  
Should you do malambing?
Malambing…..or lambing…..basically means “sucking up”. Being extraordinarily sweet and attentive. This is the usual advice given, and many a Filipina expects this. My belief? NEVER do this! NEVER “suck up”, and NEVER apologise for something you don’t even understand. This is just reinforcing and in fact rewarding some very negative and destructive behavior. Tampo is not the behavior of an adult who is committed to her marriage. It’s spoilt-child behavior, and shouldn’t be tolerated let alone rewarded. And unless you did something where you really should have known better about, (ie. unless you cheated on her or acted like a complete pig) then you deserved for this to have been handled in a mature way…..not this way! So yes, thinking about it, if she’s having tampo because you did something bad, then sure. Do all the malambing you can. And more importantly, apologise sincerely and try not to do it again. But not because you failed your mind-reading class at school!  
But otherwise, what should you actually do?
You should talk about this when she’s calmed down and a few days have passed.
You should let her know that you are sorry she felt that way, but confirm that you had no idea that anything that you or anybody did was causing her hurt. And that had she simply explained it to you when it happened the first or the second time, you would have stopped it or done what was in your power to stop it.
And help her to understand that while that may have been her way before, that this is no way for a committed married couple to behave. Either the tampos stop, or the marriage is basically doomed. They are cruel, hurtful and very destructive.
You should encourage her to tell you what she thinks and feels about things on a daily basis. If she say “No, really I’m fine” then you should push a bit harder. Let her know that you want to know because you care about her. Let her see that telling you is actually easy, and that it leads to positive outcomes, ie. that nice feeling that comes from realizing someone actually gets you, plus seeing some problems and concerns actually get fixed.
Make sure you do the same thing. Tell her your feelings too. The good AND the bad.
  Make the time to talk at the end of the day, and develop some positive habits. And hopefully problems will get nipped in the bud rather than building up and being a source of misery. And work hard to make this a thing of the past, or you may well see the love slip away.    
The following blog post The dreaded TAMPO – How to deal with it effectively wasis courtesy of www.filipinawives.com.au
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