#This is so rude like 😭😭🥴😩??
marciliedonato · 2 years
Lmao i tried one of the markers I bought which was inside the box, sealed, btw, and it's completely dried out like. Nothing coming out ... What the hell and fuck 🥴🥴
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ourlittleuluru · 20 days
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🌟 The brightest of stars 🌟 ~ Lightseeking Obsession
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More landscapes because... I suddenly feel the need to revisit LS kindled TwT and realized I haven't tried this one in landscape yet (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧
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沈星回。。。你也太酷了吧😩🥴 The way he stands there with the moonlight shining down...
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I can never get over the nuzzling... MC reaches out and he automatically moves to put his cheek into her hand and proceeds to nuzzle and hold said hand (๑′ฅωฅ‵๑ )
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When he realizes, okay more like admits, that he shouldn't have left without a word... He's so hurt. Like it hurts him just as much as it hurts MC... (┬┬﹏┬┬)
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We can actually see him properly holding MC by the waist in landscape mode!!! キャー(⁎˃ ꇴ ˂⁎)ッ💕
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Still can't get over the fact that he said he'll still be willing to carry MC even if she can walk... Like it sounds like a confession! YOU TWO PLS 😩😭😭 The amount of subtle flirting... I AM DYING CUZ OF YOU TWO!!!
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AND NAUURRRRRR THE RETURN OF THE EVIL OVERLAYS!!! I was SOOOOO ready to use this part as a wallpaper with the flowers and all... BUT THEN THE OVERLAYS ARE BEING SO RUDE D:<
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Okay yeah... the thing with the hook on his chest plate... yeah... I still can't get it out of my head 😔
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And this one is nice, especially with some small editing and filter magic~ totally wallpaper material... but those lines... 🫠🫠🫠
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And with this, my ramblings shall end here... took a total of 98 pic with this alone 🤣😭 this game is really doing a huge number to my storage space
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butmakeitgayblog · 5 months
After seeing ADC’s birthmark now I can’t get the idea of a Clexa Overboard AU out of my head 😭 The gay urge to queer-ify every straight movie I’ve ever seen and make it about a little blonde bitch and a slightly less little brunette bitch 🥴 Brainrot at its finest
Ok here's my problem. Objectively!!???? Overboard was a terrible movie 😩 not the movie itself on a surface level. The movie itself was entertaining and amazing and a classic. But the plot??? The pLOT??
Dude lied to her, gaslit her, took her and turned her into his maid/nanny. He neglected her and talked to her like shit, degraded, humiliated, and demeaned her repeatedly (often in front of people, to his own glee), and then had sex with her while she didn't have all of her mental faculties. And then had audacity to be genuinely hurt when she was mad and left when she found out. I know they painted it as though she could overlook all that for ~true love~ and that she, whew, that she learned the errors of her ways of being mean to him (I could write a dissertation on what the filmmakers were saying here 😒) but uhhhhhhh being a rude and shitty employer is nOt the same as kidnapping, borderline slavery, and basically sexual assault. I mean he made this woman believe she had children and made her feel like a bad mother for his lazy ass parenting. HE HAD SEX WITH HER WHEN SHE DIDN'T EVEN ACTUALLY KNOW HER OWN NAME FFS. I just
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Believe me I've thought this movie through for clexafication because I do like the movie and have watched it a bunch of times, but I just... idk how I could adjust it realistically so it excludes all that awful shit 🥴
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kithtaehyung · 2 years
Was gonna do this in order of how offended I am but it’s really hard to choose…so this is just in order of how I saw them 😐
1) Him tracing ily on her skin 😭 why did my brain immediately think of him doing this before he has built up the courage to say it out loud, like he can’t say it out loud yet but he’s bursting at the seams so he just- ✋🏽😭
2) I was expecting the 3tan yoongi violence but this cannot be tolerated 😐😐😐😐😐 #1 post I’m mad about as of rn. This Tae is illegal 😭😭😭😭 (spoiler alert: it gets worse 😭)
3) Lmao no but Ryensuela for the Nicholasname 😂☠️ (I am still partial to when I see people call you Ryen Kith Taehyung in all caps, it makes me giggle every time). Didn’t have a particular post to tag for this, just know I thoroughly enjoyed seeing people try to lengthen your name 😂 nicknames are my fave.
4) Sad I missed this ask game but the ones asked were so good 😂😭 (wish there were more sneaky 3tan bro and jk ones but it was still a good mix 👀)
5) I’m sorry wut is this 😐 this is going pretty high on the list. You teasing a Netflix and chill 3tan drabble and bros identity? 🤨
6) I- 😐😐😐😐 your audacity has reached a peak once again 😭 PEAK I SAY agahsdklggl
7) 😳😳😳 this should be illegal. How dare you throw this out into the world.
8) Nope 🙅🏽‍♀️ Absolutely not. Nopenopenopenope. Nope 😐. If I refuse to acknowledge it did this really happen??? 🫢🫢🫢 I-
9) AND I DIDNT THINK IT COULD GET WORSE THEN IT DID 😭😭😭 RYEN! Explain yourself 😐😭 *aggressively shakes tree* agshdkdlgg
10) 👁👄👁 GET BACK HERE 😭 you and your damn tags IM AT MY WITS END ISTG
11) Not the Wendy’s 😂☠️☠️☠️ I’m sorry…but this is just SO funny to me. After the horny hours too. The timing is UNREAL 😈 not so much fun when you’re not the one being the menace is it (Also having the live in those screenshots is taking me out, his face in them is perfect 😂😂😂☠️)
12) IM SORRY WHAT!!!?????? I missed a whole ass huge spoiler 😳😳😳 (I’ve said it a million times but I’ll say it again, your tags I- asgdjjfkg YOU WANNA FIGHT OR??? What do you mean is it!??? You literally said “highly requested FULL basketball scene coming up” DONT PLAY COY NOW 😭)
13) Okay yeah…I…I have…a lot of…feelings…about this 🙂🙂🙂. This is fine. Everything is…fine 🙂 (AGAIN THE TAGS WE’RE GONNA THROW HANDS)
14) 😐☹️☹️☹️ this was uncalled for, unprovoked and just RUDE
15) ☠️ I’m not even sure I have anything more to say than just 😩😩😩😩
16) Ryen…😐 This…this takes #1…the teaser!!??! Agshhsjfkflg 😐 don’t talk to me….DONT EVEN LOOK AT ME 😭🥴 (wait help I just saw the estimated help date nooooo, you can’t do this to me I’m ✨unprepared✨. THIS IS WHAT YOU MEANT WHEN YOU SAID SOMETHING I HAVENT GOTTEN TO YET. Never been more thankful for a delay in release dates, if I came back to a full ass YOONJIN fic dropped I would have yeeted my phone off a balcony)
17) 😐😐😐😐 uncalled for and unprovoked pt 2 ☹️
18) Last peak of audacity reached…the way you tagged this 🍊🍊🍊…SEE…this is how I knew. Just knew it smh 😐. When I saw you were conveniently releasing 3tan9 visuals on jk’s bday 😒
And on that last note…guys…I’ve been saying this but 3tan jk is gonna be at the release party duh!!!! For how long and what interactions we get 👀 only Ryen knows but IM READY 😈
And this has been ‘what you missed in practically 2 weeks on this godforsaken blog’…hope this puts things in perspective 😐. It was a rollercoaster of emotions let me tell you, 10/10 do not recommend going through it in a short time span…it’s…✨a lot✨ 🥴😂 and you’ve created monsters. We’re all menaces™ 😂
Let’s hope tumblr doesn’t randomly eat this ask bc I lowkey don’t wanna hyperlink everything again 😂🤧
OH MY GOD MIKAYLA LMFAOOOO okay… yeah…. We… don’t have any excuses for what the fck you missed🥴
I was gonna respond to all of these when I realized that it’s much more hilarious to just make a scholarly blanket statement and say “If you’re gonna skip, just know you have a lot of make up work to come back to.”💀💀💀
But seriously, we missed you so much! Definitely would’ve been more screaming involved (and faster justice for Friends!!!) All the tags screaming I am CACKLINGGGG HAHAHAH you know to read the tags!! Always read the tags!! Yoonjin piece is still in the works but I’ve realized that I wanna make it perfect so🤪 Stay fcking tuned.
The theory you have is super interesting so we’ll see what happens in the next parts👀👀
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heeliopheelia · 8 months
i really hope i'm not pressuring you but i hope that if you do have the time and energy, you really do write for jjk one day 🥺 also i feel like with ur writing, i feel like u deserve a big platform and ofc i love enhablr and i love u and other talented writers but jjk is such a huge platform too, i feel like u rlly deserve the love!!
i hope i didn't word this weirdly or rudely... i mean this genuinely, i just think you are an amazing writer and your jjk writing would be amazing as well as you deserve another platform which is also big (enhablr's is big too!) 💭💭💭
Naurrrr this is so sweet I'M ACTUALLY WEEPING 😭😩 Thank you so much angel!! These are probably the nicest words I've heard spoken to me in a while 🫶 It's so heartwarming to hear that all the work I've put into working on my writings over the years have paid off and there are people who genuinely like to read whatever I write 🥺
I've seriously thought about creating a second blog for anime but like you said, the anime fandoms are much muuuch bigger on tumblr than our enhablr, which makes me excited and terrified at the same time 😳
Whenever one of my works doesn't do as well as I expected it to, I just can't help but wonder if it would be any different if I posted it for the anime fanbase than in here, but at the end I just let it go bcs after all I'm truly the only one that has to be satisfied with what I put out, and the note count doesn't matter that much to me at the end of the day ☺️ Ofc it always feels nice to be appreciated – all I'm saying is that I don't get anxious or sad anymore when my fic doesn't reach mere 200 notes 🫶
But anyways, I got sidetracked in there a lil bit 🥴 The thought of a second blog is CONSTANTLY hovering somewhere in my mind and I guess that sooner or later I will make this account some day 😚 YOU'LL BE THE FIRST ONE TO KNOW ABOUT IT TOO, LOVE!!
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hobidreams · 3 years
February 1872
(See full Google doc of me screaming for the first half when she sees the queen)
I still stand with now loving the queen for being so understanding. She just wants happiness for herself too and recognizes yoongi can’t give that to her because he loves OC 😭 love this queen so much too.
I am legitimately SQUEALING!!!!!! I knew it was coming, but seeing how it happened made my heart EXPLODE!!!!!!!!!
Our girl RAN to her man. As she should and so understandable. Like no time to waste anymore!! They’re free to be them!!! 😩😩😭😭😭
It’s so funny because they’ve been together for 10 years but she finally was able to confess. Like actually, legitimately tell him how dumb she was because she didn’t know how they could logically live the way they were. (Again, bless up for the new queen for being so understanding. Love her).
“Powerless. When you have all this power over me?” MY MAN IS GONE FOR OC!!!!! Like king of a whole damn country but is whipped for OC and would do anything for her.
“And I will always choose you.” Ah yes Rain back on her “trying to make Amy cry” bullshit. How rude Rain. How rude. BUT LIKE ALDKAKJDJAJFJJD YEEEESSSSSS!!!!!!
I’m just living for these two dummies finally clearing the air. Like there have been so many lines crossed that they could’ve never known. Her never wanting to go to him because it’s not her place so she waited, him trying not to pressure her to make a decision, the whole issue of her not being a concubine and his past with his father concubines, but her telling him she wants to be his lover (same 🥴), him being so scared that she will get hurt again, but her showing him he isn’t his father. Like finally they get it all in the open.
When I tell you I GASPED when she told him she wanted a family with him 🥺🥺🥺 BABIES!!!! (Both theirs and them!! So in love!!) and when he said he didn’t think he could have children and she was so reassuring and was like “well guess we gotta just keep trying at it 😏” and then THEY FINALLY KISS!!!!! I feel like it’s been so damn long since they’ve been them!! And she can totally and completely feel his love her her and I’m melting!!!!
“‘The man is absolutely delighted,” Yoongi mutters when you are alone again, his voice as sarcastic as it is fond.
“I know exactly how he feels,” you say, grinning as you pull your king, your love in for another kiss.”
YEAH SAME OC!!!! 😭😭😭 WERE ALL FUCKING DELIGHTED OVER HERE!!! And god rain. The last line “grinning as you pull your king, your love I’m for another kiss.” JUST FINALLY. FINALLY!!!
I’m so so so so so fond and happy and giddy and this was completely perfect and I had hope this whole time they’d end up together no matter how hard it got in the middle there for a bit. These idiots are so in love and they can finally be happy together.
Rain. You killed YET AGAIN!!!! God I love this story!!! 😭😭😭
BAAAAABEEEEE hahahah omg i will literally treasure ur google doc forever it is PRECIOUS 🌹💗
she rly goes 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️ like U CANT STAND IN MY WAY ANY LONGER but also i thought it'd be way more dramatic. unfortunately she is a Poor Runner because she's not athletic whatsoever so 🤣 i like to imagine she was a whole mess when she showed up but Yoongi was all starry eyed anyway.
man i dont blame her though. they definitely couldn't have lived without defining their relationship. nor could they live together without the queen tbh. she's kind of their shield from the rest of the world LOL. but yes omg finally a confession after a decade 🤣 also partly because ... i dont wanna put those words out there. you know, those three lil ones that we all love to hear. because what's between them goes beyond that. i wanted to challenge myself to create a love story that clearly feels romantic even without those words.
they are SO GOOD for each other. they need the other to keep them grounded and out of their own minds. FOOLS THEY BOTH ARE. heheheheh im so so so delighted you enjoyed this chapter bc i rly put my whole ass heart into it 💜 i wanted to make up for all the pain i gave y'all in the chapters of this arc. i know its been a lot but here's the rainbow. it's come. it's here :')))))))
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borathae · 2 years
I didn't even see that you posted the final chapter, now I just have to work up the courage to read it 🙃
I was coming here to discuss the fact that Grammy Yoongi is SA Yoongi. It was like his stylists took the exact description from SA and was like "YES, this is the look".
After their performance and his hair had that bad boy, wet, messy look? 🤤 I died.
And Tae's curly hair paired with those contacts?😳
It was rude. They didn't have to do that.
Anyway, I'll be back when I'm not a big coward and I read the final chapter 😭😭
OKAY I GET THAT HAHAAH I always procrastinate reading an ending because I don’t want it to end yet 😔
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ThiS IS HIM AT THE MASQUERADE BALL LIKE HOLY FUCK IMAGINE NOT TOTALLY FALLING FOR HIM oc was strong back then I would have fallen so hard for him 🥴🥴
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aquagustd · 2 years
Snora finally said her first line & it was "bitch" 🧍‍♀️
I was lowkey hoping she would've been decent but nah fuck her! Makes a lot more sense now why jk & her are together; both are toxic & rude asf for no reason. All I'm hoping for is that Junho NEVER calls her mom 😫
Also, I can't help but think that the kiss jk gave snora while she was on his lap was so performative 💀 it was out of nowhere LMAO. like bro it's 3 in the morning what do y'all WANT???! I feel like it was him trying to one up oc for when tae gave oc a big ol juicy kiss in front of him before leaving. Jk wished it was him huh (just kidding 😔)
And omg???? Tae installed a ceiling mirror??? HELLO?¿??¿¿? ahHHHHH 😩🥴 I straight up had to put my phone down for a second in shock & pick up my jaw LMAO. He's so hot & when he said that was just the beginning fUCKKKKK THAT HAD MY HEAD SPINNING.
I can't wait to learn more about his upbringing. I still trust tae (present him has never given us a reason not to, well a serious dangerous reason). Clearly he grew & changed a lot 🤍 either way I'm still very curious what he did to the van ppl 😭
nah junho would never call sora mom 🤚🏻 it just doesn’t fit & that’s why i said jk and sora complement each other 🤷🏻‍♀️ that’s just one of the reasons why i said that. the disrespect 😟
LMAOOOO 3 in the morning. but yeah 👁 you’re probably right. he must’ve been trying to get back at oc for putting him through the kiss with tae 🌝
HE INSTALLED A MIRROR ON THE CEILING BC HE KNOWS HOW MUCH SHE LIKES TO WATCH this was something that i didn’t plan to write like my fingers had a mind of its own lmao but it turned out to be 😩😩😩 i want him 👹
yeah !! he hasn’t hurt oc & from what we’re seeing is that he’s trying to protect her 😭 we shall find out during smiley’s bday bash 😌 tysm for reading <333
edit: snoraaaa 😭😭😭😭
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baekhvuns · 2 years
Ooooooh you do 👀 yeah it's obvious idols lurk, some might not understand everything perfectly because of slang etc, but still they must be so confused and embarrassed. My friend's cousins went to school with a few idols, it's so funny because they're not kpop fans at all
I think some fans, girls mostly would rather imagine their male idols with men, because it brings them some sort of arousal, but also they don't wanna see them with other women
Smut gets notes it's true, even badly written sex scenes lmao. It's pretty sad, but also makes perfect sense so I don't blame people for writing it.
Hongjoong daddy I don't think... none of them really, but lmaoooo. I saw TOO MANY daddy Seonghwa fics 🥴
Watersports akydjaydhsshahs maybe they should do it in water to cleanse themselves, but it's just peeing 😭😭😭 why
Thank you I hope I get Seonghwa! Thankfully I always do, my GOMs are <333 please look at his birthday MD cards THE FIRST ONE?!?! 😩 lil professor
THEY DROPPED THAT MV OUT OF THE SUDDEN I HAD TO TELL SOMEONE I'D BE LATE JSYSHASYAHAHAGSG THAT SANHWA THUMBNAIL WAS ALREADY TOO MUCH to handle I kept staring at them like this 👁👁 for 10 minutes. And Hongjoong too excuse me??? Fuck you man!!!
But Sanhwa... corset... bandaged midriff I'm ill, I'm so sick bestie 💀 Yeosang was so rude too, hate that buff bitch :/
Uhm Seonghwa bro, I'm going to manhandle you if you don't stop this shittttt
Gonna have a boxing match baby SQUARE UP🥊🥊 (jk I wouldn't fight him, because he'd cry :"(). Even when he's in the background he's doing the most, main character vibes
JAWLINE FOR FUCKING DAYSSSSSS and the HWAIST 🥵😵 I'm looking SO SO HAAAAARDDDDD my eyes almost fell out. I was on a work call for 3 hours, but this was all I could think of, I was on Twitter the whole time... I'm not team boxer istg, I'm not but I'm all in for Rocky Hwa. Had to watch wholesome videos of him nomnoming to cleanse myself.
Random question, thoughts on merman Hwa? I saw some fan art from DV era and I can't stop thinking about it 😳 - DV 💖
Ooooooh you do 👀 yeah it's obvious idols lurk, some might not understand everything perfectly because of slang etc, but still they must be so confused and embarrassed. My friend's cousins went to school with a few idols, it's so funny because they're not kpop fans at all
i do 👁👄👁 two actually 👁👄👁 you know some too 👁👁 hello 👁👁
I think some fans, girls mostly would rather imagine their male idols with men, because it brings them some sort of arousal, but also they don't wanna see them with other women
THAT IS SOOOOOO TRUE idk why this screams a certain fandom, if u know which one-
Smut gets notes it's true, even badly written sex scenes lmao. It's pretty sad, but also makes perfect sense so I don't blame people for writing it.
yeah !!!! i saw someone like rn, transition into a smut writer after the fluff and it surprises me how much it can change their entire writing fbwbdjd 😭😭😭
Hongjoong daddy I don't think... none of them really, but lmaoooo. I saw TOO MANY daddy Seonghwa fics 🥴
nONE OF THEM SERIOUSLY ARE DADDY put them in a room with a bug and they’re rUNNING,,,,, those daddy kink fics 😔😔
Watersports akydjaydhsshahs maybe they should do it in water to cleanse themselves, but it's just peeing 😭😭😭 why
????? IM????? SO????? HELP?????
Thank you I hope I get Seonghwa! Thankfully I always do, my GOMs are <333 please look at his birthday MD cards THE FIRST ONE?!?! 😩 lil professor
FBMADBSK SEND A EXTRA SEONGHWA THIS WAY FMANDJW i…i prof hwa sounds so good but i just know the trope is so problematic 😭😭😭😭😭
THEY DROPPED THAT MV OUT OF THE SUDDEN I HAD TO TELL SOMEONE I'D BE LATE JSYSHASYAHAHAGSG THAT SANHWA THUMBNAIL WAS ALREADY TOO MUCH to handle I kept staring at them like this 👁👁 for 10 minutes. And Hongjoong too excuse me??? Fuck you man!!!
But Sanhwa... corset... bandaged midriff I'm ill, I'm so sick bestie 💀 Yeosang was so rude too, hate that buff bitch :/
THEIR WAISTS 😩😩😭😭😭😭 the bandage iS ASKING TO RIP,, will pay san to do it @ concert,, NO BC YEOSANG??? THIS ENTIRE MV IS SO?? bANNED BAN BAN
Uhm Seonghwa bro, I'm going to manhandle you if you don't stop this shittttt https://twitter.com/MATZFEED/status/1526589610838614016?t=o6h9EfaqB0VC1wNLxGxAQw&s=19
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Gonna have a boxing match baby SQUARE UP🥊🥊 (jk I wouldn't fight him, because he'd cry :"(). Even when he's in the background he's doing the most, main character vibes
https://twitter.com/rockstarphwa/status/1526584490847571969?t=GiNUy1zPDs_zDhNo1N0kZg&s=19 JAWLINE FOR FUCKING DAYSSSSSS and the HWAIST 🥵😵 I'm looking SO SO HAAAAARDDDDD my eyes almost fell out. I was on a work call for 3 hours, but this was all I could think of, I was on Twitter the whole time... I'm not team boxer istg, I'm not but I'm all in for Rocky Hwa. Had to watch wholesome videos of him nomnoming to cleanse myself
uHUH UR NOT TEAM BOXER HAHA UHUH no bc i watched it first thing i could not register it i had to cleanse myself
Random question, thoughts on merman Hwa? I saw some fan art from DV era and I can't stop thinking about it 😳 - DV 💖
actually i don’t mind it,,,,,, what’s ur thoughts on siren hwa 👁,,, fan art u say 👁
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pinkuberii · 2 years
Hi Esu!! ♥♥♥ It's an honor to be your first anon😳 idk why people haven't signed up to be an anon of yours before me 😩 but you totally deserve it !!! They're missing out on your sweetness ✨
"eSU EXISTS-" 💨💨💨 here i am 🦸typing this ask also im makin some text small bc the ask will take up so much space in normal size :D
I couldn't agree less on what you said on comforting someone 😔 because either i get annoyed with them for being emotional or sweatdrop intensely trying to think what should i do lmao 😭 you're so courageous for even offering an hug 😳 brain-wrecking moment is when it's you and just the other person then they started to get emotional 😷 "wha- what do i even do with you??🧍🧍🧍 Do i vacuum your problems out of you??" First instinct of mine too is to think of some (unhelpful) advice/solution,,,
I rlly like how you express yourself fully with memes♥️♥️♥️ like how i do with emojis/emoticons bc with my serious personality id straight up look rude without the ":D” stuff🥴 Can i please buy one ticket to Esu's Museum? ✨🎫
it very shocking to me that you dont like pink xD and more like, it's counterparts (brown and blue) 🤯🤯 for pink,,, i like the color of the uno card you sent but like the HOT HOT kind of pink is really smth i despise 😤 so it would depend on the shade or combinations of the color(s) f i like it or not— bUT i actually still like cakes if im gonna pick what dessert id like to eat <3 it's not so sweet most of the time <33
AND HIGH FIVE !! 🙏🙏🙏 For some reason the 🍰 kind of cake isnt really typical around my area or idk,, country?? There must be some but maybe in the more big-city cafe parts 😔💔 it's just too fancy for some reason BUT ESU, IMAGINE THIS: us meeting up to buy our first ever fancy strawberry shortcake and eat it together 🤯💝✨ we're like,,, gonna meet up in our imagination and taste the cake in our imagination too—
I could read the text clearly too!! So i appreciate you changing it into a more visible color :DD ALSO!!! I've been meaning to ask you if you have plans to change your desktop theme into something (like the codes stuff) bc idk if you're interested in spicing up your desktop theme look into smth different 💨💨💨 but it's def understandable since fixing layouts take time 💕
If only i could send in images on anon it would be great 😩 but that's okay !! mwa also pls feel free to talk about stuff with me if you ever feel like talking abt it <3 ill do my best to listen ★~
Good luck on your fic too 💪💪💪 it seems you're in progress of writing it and im excited 💨💨💨
Also the pink uno reverse card 💗💗💗
— 🍰.
Hello 🍰 nonnie!!! <3
I’m so glad you’re my first anon tbh, it’s probably bc of my inactivity that people don’t consider being an anon of mine 🙊 BUT YOU’RE RIGHT THEY’RE DEFINITELY MISSING OUT 😳👉👈
no but same???? Like I have no right to be annoyed but I STILL AM- My brain is just,,,, error: 404 not found IDK WHAT TO DO???? Idk man hugs can cure some stuff apparently so I just… do that… 🚶‍♂️ It’s so scary when it’s just you and the person though… I kinda pass away then…
Memes are love, memes are life… my messages are kinda dry without them… 😟😟 but same!! I’d sound rude without emoji’s too… AND YES YOU MAY!! LETS EXPLORE MY MEME MUSEUM!! <33
Ikr??? It’s like discovering you’ve been lied to your whole life… but I do admire the pastel shades of pink!! <3 BUT HOT PINK BURNS MY EYES. Oh!! Yes some cake is not extremely sweet, I like those the most!
I can only find the 🍰 cake in bigger cities…. I think… I MEAN FANCY THINGS ARE USUALLY THERE.. 🤷‍♀️ I AM ✨ IMAGINING ✨ THATS SO AMAZING HONESTLY,, I’D LOVE TO EAT MY FIRST STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE WITH UUUUUU!! <3 I’m sure it’s pretty delicious 😳👉👈
WOOOOOOOO!! I’m glad I could fix the visibility of the text!! :0 I changed my desktop theme when I received ur ask, so ty for asking, my blog looks v v fancy now 😎😎😎
It’s annoying that anons can’t send pics imo :(( like?? Tumblr?? Pls??? Ooooo okay, tysm 🍰 nonnie!!! I appreciate it a lot <3
I just finished writing the fic!! :D but I’m v v glad ur excited! 🥰🥰
It’ll be here tomorrow! :3
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borathae · 3 years
SORRY I AM LATE! But OH different kind of wax play?! I am here for this. In fact I love so much that we get to see them explore different kinks almost every time (I saw an ask earlier about pet play and I would like to second that because 🥵 it would be so hot). I also loved that in between being kinky she drew a heart with the wax 😂 so cheesy and on brand for them.
I'm so surprised his dad was being so bitchy about him having a girl friend? Maybe I should go back to read to confirm, but from his last appearance in the story I thought he was also concerned and wanting the best for Koo like his mom is. Maaaaybe I'd find it more understandable if he knew Lucky used to be a sex worker and that's how they met (not that I'd agree with him for being rude to her because of that, but he is older, probably cares about the company image and all that bs). It doesn't seem like he knows that yet so why is he so upset his son is dating? 🙄
Anyway, I'm really happy and proud of how Jungkook handled everything. He was proudly showing her off and who doesn't want that?
I kinda want to see his sister and her family meet Lucky. Can you imagine how much more in love she will be after she sees how cute Jungkook is with his nieces? 😩💕
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hehehe honestly I loved writing that kind of wax play, it's so intimate and ngngng HOT and I am going insane agAIN JUST THINKING ABOUT IT 🥴🥴
Also okay, okay to answer your question about Koo's dad. Listen, the problem is that his dad truly wants the best for his son. However in his mindset "dating someone who is jobless and not rich" is not "the best for his son". That's the problem here. Like he doesn't have something against her personally but just about the fact that she isn't from a wealthy family. and uff my dude, just give her a chance omfg 🤧🤧
ALSO OMGMGM PLEASE IMAGINE HOW CUTE THAT WOULD BE :(( like imagine how shy his nieces would be and Kook would all be like "this is aunt ___, she is my girlfriend" and his nieces would just be like oOo before giggling and chanting that "uncle jungkook has a girlfriend! uncle jungkook has a girlfriend!" pleaSE I WANT TO SOB 🥺😭💜
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