#This is why i forbid my boy from visiting them during covid
oonajaeadira · 7 months
Nothing like your SO's extended, vax-resistant family being just fine with the brother with a heinous cold walking around, talking in people's faces, helping with the food prep, coughing on the buffet....
I'm lookimg at my calendar for next week. Thank goodness I have nothing I can't be sick for, because i'm making room for it now.....
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sablelab · 4 years
Covert Operations - Chapter 108
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SYNOPSIS: Murtagh and Fergus are worried that Dr Foster is not telling them everything about Jamie and offer their help should he need it. James Fraser comes out of surgery and Madeline and Operations question the surgeon about his condition.  As he returns towards his quarters after visiting Med Lab, Murtagh runs into his friend and paramour and they arrange an assignation.
Madeline certainly is a cold operator who takes no prisoners.  Her ulterior motives are more concerned with the success of the Rising Dragon’s mission rather than with Jamie’s life.  One hundred percent success is what she and Operations always aim for as anything else is considered a failure for the Section.   To them, failure is not an option. Hence for the mission to be completed they need Jamie to recover. That is why she was adamant that the operation would be successful or the surgeons would pay the price for their incompetence. THANK YOU all so much for reading my story.
Chapter 107 and all other chapters can be found at … https://sablelab.tumblr.com/covertoperations
Can I please say too that during these trying times, we in Australia are in solidarity with our brothers and sisters across the world as all countries battle to flatten the curve of Covid-19.  Stay strong, look out for others, do the right thing and we will come through this together.  God Bless all of our selfless medical personnel, scientists trying to find a vaccine and all those others holding the fort.
“You’re not telling us everything ... are you Doc?”
 Dr Jeremy Foster gave Murtagh Fitzgibbons a solemn look weighing up if he should confide in the two men or not then quickly averted his eyes before the craggy bugger put two and two together. The doctor knew that the munitions expert was a savvy operative and that Murtagh had honed in on what he had failed to say. However, some things about Jamie’s medical condition were confidential and he was ethically bound by his Hippocratic Oath not to disclose anything about patient confidentiality. He was not at liberty to reveal the details or suspicions about Jamie’s status although it was true … he wasn’t telling them everything. But how could he tell them that they all thought that it was highly probable that Jamie wouldn’t pull through.  The operating surgeon Dr Khan had viewed the x-rays and knew that the operation would be touch and go. The bullet was precariously close to Jamie’s heart and any mistake would be disastrous. He too was under no illusion that if the medical team failed ... the surgeons would all be in abeyance before they left the operating theatre. Nevertheless, no matter what happened with their patient, the team would perform to their optimum … they had to … their lives were at risk if they did not.  Noticing his reticence Murtagh spoke candidly hoping that Dr Foster would let slip what was troubling him. “Is there anything we can do? Anything at all … just name it.”  Despite the trepidation that the weapons’ expert picked up on, the physician was confident that Jamie would survive the surgery. However, it was his post-operative care that may be precarious ... and it was he who was responsible for Jamie’s intensive care. Knowing that he could not tell Murtagh everything, he decided to be somewhat evasive but at the same time give him enough information that would let Fitzgibbons figure out what he needed to know.  “Look Murtagh … I know how concerned you are but ... we’ll do everything humanly possible to get the result we want.” “Is Jamie out of danger then?” Fergus asked hopefully. “We won’t know until he returns from surgery.” “When will that be?” “Some time yet. The operation Dr Khan and the team are performing is more dangerous than first thought. The bullet shattered bone and lodged near a vital organ.” “Oh, boy...” they sighed, thinking of what may have happened if Jamie had not had emergency surgery.  “So will Jamie be okay?”  “Only time will tell. He’ll need post-operative care and if we have adequate blood supplies for him … he should be fine.” Both Murtagh and Fergus jumped in before the doctor had finished speaking. “No worries … we’ll donate Doc … just take what you want.” Dr Foster’s words were measured. “It’s not as … easy … as that I’m afraid.” Perplexed Fergus responded, “Why?”  His next words only confirmed in Murtagh’s mind that they were not compatible donors which meant that Jamie must have some rare blood type. If that was true then the Intel was probably classified. “Jamie donated his own blood for emergencies such as this but his units are low at the moment.” “I see … that’s not so good.”
“No, it’s not.  The situation isn't critical yet as we have enough units for the time being.  It really all depends on how he pulls through the operation.  The next 48 hours will tell us if we need donors or not.” Reading between the lines Murtagh was sure that Dr Foster was concerned about Jamie’s low blood supplies. Did he know who were the compatible donors? Did he even know Jamie’s blood type? Murtagh shared a look with Fergus. Classified Intel was hard to access but it could be done. His mind was already thinking of possible ways to find out what the doctor required. If anyone could find a way around it, Fergus could. Dr Foster noticed that Murtagh Fitzgibbons was thinking about what he had said and what he’d left unsaid. However, he didn’t want to place either of them in any danger if they foolishly went in search of Jamie’s Intel. He tried to appease his words. “Despite this small set back, I’m sure he’ll bounce back in no time. Jamie’s in relatively good health considering what he’s been through.” “Yeah …. I’m sure you’re right.” Nevertheless a sombre expression crossed Murtagh’s face. He was worried. So too was Fergus. Should they find out the Intel Dr Foster needed about Jamie as soon as possible just to be on the safe side? he thought, as Fergus asked the question, “What if Jamie deteriorates overnight and things turn bad? What then?”  “I’ll contact you should things worsen with either Jamie or Claire.” “Thanks Doc.” ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ So it was true … the doc needed help. Jamie’s Intel was classified and no one had access except Madeline and Operations he suspected. That would make it a little more difficult, but where there was a will, there was a way. He and Fergus would need to be careful. It would be dangerous and they’d all be put in abeyance if Operations and Madeline suspected anything untoward. But after being on this retrieval mission nothing was impossible. He felt Teflon coated and his confidence was through the roof. Murtagh felt a new surge of adrenalin waft through his body. He was up for the challenge …. but first he would need to convince Fergus. The doc had said 48 hours. He would check in tomorrow to see where the patient stood to see if they needed to proceed with plans to access Jamie’s personal file. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ In two minds at what the doctor had said but at the same time convinced that he and Fergus could find out the Intel needed about Jamie, Murtagh then asked about his other patient. “So how is Claire doing?” “She is under sedation and resting at the moment. We were a little concerned about her condition as well.” “Should we be worried?” “Not really. Claire’s lost conditioning and strength but the torture she was subjected to may have something to do with that. We took blood tests ... just as a precaution.” “Oh?” “Claire is anaemic and as a result had been fading in and out of consciousness, but we've put her through every conceivable test we can.” “Were her tests okay?” “They were clear.” Seeing the relief on their faces Dr Foster added, “All test results were negative.” “That’s good.” “Can we see her?” “Sorry but no visitors tonight. She needs complete rest. Jamie and Claire will both be monitored overnight, then we will know more in the morning.” “Okay.” Taking pity on the two friends who were reluctant to leave Jeremy Foster added, “There is nothing you can do tonight. Get some rest yourself and come back tomorrow.” Even though they were slightly relieved about this news, Murtagh couldn’t help but say, “Okay … but make sure you keep on top of it, won’t you doc?”  “Sure … we’re doing everything we can and more. They’re in safe hands. Now go ... I think it best that you both leave. There is nothing you can do here. You need to relax too. You can see them tomorrow night. We will know more in the next 24 hours.”  “Let's hope so. Okay ... but I’ll be back! You can count on that,” he added succinctly. Dr Foster laughed. “Get out of here. Jamie will be returning from surgery shortly. I have work to do.”  ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ The physician watched the retreating backs of the two men leave Medical. His mirth however, quickly turned to another emotion as he thought of what would be unfolding in the operating room. Dr Khan had been summoned to the observatory prior to the operation by Madeline and Operations and he knew that Sections’ leaders would expect the impossible of their skills in surgery. James Fraser was one patient they couldn’t afford to lose on the operating table but he knew the surgical team were more than highly competent ... they would need to be to avoid abeyance if ... God forbid ... Jamie died.  Dr Foster checked the blood supplies … thankfully Medical still had enough units for two days. They would have nothing to worry about unless more blood was needed for transfusions. He hurried away to complete his tasks for the arriving ICU patient as everything would have to be ready and waiting. Specialized Medical staff was on standby tonight and he had every confidence that they would perform well. Hopefully everything would go smoothly. However, if the situation became grim and there were any problems with Jamie’s condition, he just may need to make that call to Murtagh. The next few hours were critical. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ After the operation, the head surgeon returned to inform Madeline and Operations of Jamie’s condition. Removing his surgical mask, he wiped the perspiration from his brow and gathered his resolve. The Section leaders glanced his way and although they could see the exhaustion on his face their sentiments lay elsewhere. “Well? What do you have to report?”  The head surgeon glanced at Madeline knowing that her terse ultimatum still echoed in his mind.  He nervously scrunched his mask in his hands to wipe away the cold bead of sweat that had suddenly moistened his palms. Dr Khan then relayed the outcome of the delicate operation knowing that had the team not been successful, they would all be facing their extinction.
“We thought Jamie was not going to make it. It was touch and go there for a while. Luckily the bullet was a couple of millimetres above his heart ... any lower and we would have lost him for sure. James Fraser is one very lucky man.” “But he’ll recover fully?” Operations asked. His motives though were ulterior and focused more on the continuation of the Rising Dragons’ mission, rather than on Jamie’s recovery per se.  Section needed James Fraser to recover in order for him to finish the mission and capture the leader of the triad. “Yes ... I don’t see any problem sir. He’s anaemic at the moment, but once he’s transfused, we should see some major recovery start. Fraser is a fit young man.” “So how long do you think it will take before he’s back up on his feet?”  “It’s hard to say ... but if all goes well ... a couple of days ... maybe a week. He will need some recuperation time but Jamie should be back to normal in no time.” “Thank you doctor ... you may go.” Nodding his head in compliance, Dr Khan made his exit from the observation room to scrub down after what had been a gruelling operation in more ways than one. Madeline looked at Dougal after the surgeon had departed and they both were of the same thinking.  Perhaps the End Game of the Rising Dragons’ mission won’t be jeopardised too much at all if Jamie’s recovery went to plan.  Claire Beauchamp’s recovery however, was another matter.  They had yet to find out her prognosis from Dr Foster and when they did so then they could make contingency plans but at the moment the mission status was in limbo.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ When they had entered Medical, Murtagh and Fergus knew not what would come to pass while they were there. They had certainly not expected to be confronted by Jamie’s mortality and the question mark that hovered over his classified medical files. He and Fergus were in a quandary now as to know what to do. Should they vacillate or go ahead on their own volition just in case, to find the Intel that Dr Foster needed? Murtagh’s curiosity had been heightened by this unknown Intel about James Fraser and although he felt compelled to do something immediately, he would nevertheless sit on his hands until he was given any indication by the doctor that all was not well with Jamie’s condition. Perhaps Fergus could do some preliminary checking first just in case. That way, if they needed to search deeper, he would have done some groundwork. Tomorrow they’d certainly check in to see how Jamie and Claire were both faring, then, if everything was okay, there would be no immediate need for him and Fergus to put themselves at risk to try and access his confidential files.  The hour was late when they finally exited Med Lab at least satisfied with the information that Dr Foster had given them about Jamie and Claire’s prognosis. What he’d said was true; they’d know more in the next 24 hours so both he and Fergus would need to be patient and see if Jamie’s recovery was indeed on track. Given the alternative if anything happened to him, Murtagh was sure Jamie, and Claire too, would get the upmost care and attention over the night by the medical team. It was going to be a long night he could feel it in his bones and despite Operations giving him extra time, the older operative also felt compelled to write his debrief for his superior anyway. Hence given what had happened to Jamie, he would need to be explicit in the details of what he entered in the report, for Operations and Madeline would go over it with a fine-tooth comb. Besides that, Jamie would be under observation in Intensive Care for the next 48 hours and Claire desperately needed to rest after her ordeal. Murtagh took solace in knowing that their capacity for recovery was extraordinary, hence he was confident that there would be no complications with either patient. However, it would take some time until the two of them were back to the conditioning necessary for Section’s operatives to function effectively. Nothing less than 100% would be good enough for Madeline and Operations. What Jamie and Claire needed was the right amount of rest, then their recuperation would surely hasten. Nonetheless, this was a catch 22. Neither of them would want the Rising Dragons to regroup while they were incapacitated but knowing the two operatives’ determination to get back to the mission as soon as possible, Murtagh was convinced that both of them would be in prime condition in no time. The only thing that troubled him was Claire’s mental recovery. She had gone through hell at the hands of the Rising Dragons and if Jamie was in danger as well, he wasn’t sure how she would cope. This may be a problem, but it was no use worrying about scenarios that may or may not happen. They wouldn’t be able to see either of them until tomorrow, so it was best that he and Fergus got some shut eye. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ The doors closed behind them and once outside the infirmary the two friends walked away from the entrance. They stood in silence for a while just reliving in their heads everything that had taken place. There was a lot to digest and Murtagh had much on his mind. After a few moments silence he turned to his friend.
“There’s nothing else we can do here tonight.” Fergus nodded in agreement. “At least we know Claire and Jamie are okay.” “Yeah, we’ll check on them tomorrow.” “Hey? ... What are we going to ...” Fergus was just about to say something else when Murtagh cut him off. “Look Fergus, we’ve got a lot of catching up to do about the mission too, but I’m a bit bushed at the moment.”  “Okay.” He gave his friend a penetrating look and saw weariness cross his wrinkled face. A lot had happened over the past few hours since returning to Section One this evening. It was little wonder that Murtagh was mentally fatigued and physically exhausted for he wasn’t as young as he used to be although he would never admit to it.
“Sorry … I forgot. We can talk later.” “Thanks Fergus.” “I’m with the Doc ... You get some rest buddy. I’ve still got to check on the mission audio tapes before I call it a night and I’ll do some preliminary leg work about Jamie too. It will save us valuable time in case it’s needed after we see how he is tomorrow.” “Sure thing ... I’ll see you later then.” Fergus turned and started to head off in the direction of Systems but stopped and came back to where his friend was standing. He reached into his pocket and pulled something out. “Hey … I nearly forgot.” He handed him a computer disk. “Here. Operations wants your report on the mission.” “Huh?” “Murtagh, the report ... The disk is to input your report. Operations wants it in the morning.” “Oh, yeah ... thanks ... I’ll do that tonight although he did give me some extra time to debrief.” Fergus was surprised at his words about Operations. “Well wonders will never cease?”
He grinned. “Yeah! It came as a surprise to me too.”
“Okay then ... I’ll catch up with you tomorrow. It’s been one hell of a night.” “You can say that again.” “Goodnight buddy.” “Yeah ... See ya amigo.” Fergus again headed off leaving his friend to think about making his way to his quarters for the remainder of the night. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Murtagh Fitzgibbons watched as the young techie disappeared out of sight round the corner.  He knew that Fergus was worried about his participation on this retrieval mission but he also knew that his young friend was ecstatic that he had returned safe and sound.  They made a great team and they had each other’s back.  As he walked away Murtagh also wondered where he would start his check on Jamie. It must have been his fatigue as he hadn’t had the thought to ask him. The weary operative then turned in the direction of his lodgings and started to walk away. Taking a short cut to his quarters he soon entered a hallway alcove. Lost in his thoughts and coupled with the tiredness he suddenly felt, he didn’t hear the light footsteps hurrying to catch up with him, but he did hear a somewhat breathy voice behind him. It stopped him in his tracks. “Hi Murtagh.” The hairs on the back of his neck stood up and he suddenly gained that second wind that had been eluding him. With a smile on his face, exhaustion gave way to anticipation as he slowly turned around when he recognised who the voice belonged to. His eyes caressed the tall, striking woman’s body. Little by little his gaze travelled up from her long legs to over her torso until his eyes rested on her mouth. His lips curled in surprise and a hint of joy.
“Hi ... yourself.” “I heard you’d returned from the mission. So how are you doing?” “I’m fine. You know me … I'm a rebel.” The woman’s eyes lit up. She gave a wry smile but ignored his last remark, instead stating, “Oh, Murtagh... Seeing you back safely has been the best part of my day.” “Keep on talking like that and I’ll forget how old I am.” They both laughed. “It’s very late. What are you still doing here?” “I came to check on Jamie and Claire ... but seeing you has been a bonus,” he added with a grin. “I didn’t know you were working in Med Lab.” The medical nurse looked at him and smiled in return. “Yeah … I know ... I heard your voice but was busy with another patient.” “Is Jamie back from surgery yet?” “He’s just returned.” “Is he okay?” “He’s in ICU recovery ... but it looks as if everything went well.” “That’s great. I guess we just have to wait and see now.”
“Yes, Jamie and Claire are both in good hands. They’re being well monitored by the doctors. You should check on them tomorrow.” “That’s what the doc said.” Bóinne Rivière watched as Murtagh Fitzgibbons’ craggy face lit up with more than appreciation at the news of the two operatives. “Can I help you with something else?” she asked a little flirtatiously .  Ever the optimist his eyes danced with emotion. “Well as a matter of fact you can.” It was clear that they felt at ease in each other's company. “Do you have any plans later on?” “I’m free after my shift ... why?” she enquired, puzzled by his question. Murtagh gave the nurse his idea of a sexy, rebel, smouldering look. “I thought maybe we could get together.” “Oh? ... Where? … Back here?” With a twinkle in his eye, Murtagh raised an eyebrow in a provocative manner. This area was not covered by intrusive surveillance equipment but he was still mindful to keep his voice low in case they were overheard.
“No ... What I had in mind would be better suited to my quarters.” “Hmm ... Intriguing ... So, do I need a reason to just drop by and say hello?” “Hell no!” He emphasised looking her straight in the eye. “Well? ... What did you have in mind then Fitzgibbons? What are we going to do?” He leaned in somewhat and whispered intimately. “You can do anything you want to me and it can last for more than a minute.” Bóinne glanced at Murtagh and smiled, “Really? Are you sure you’re not too tired after the mission you sweet man?” “Don’t kid yourself ... I’m a driven man and besides I’m not that sweet.” Her lips pouted. “Hmm ... I’d like to see that.” Murtagh could see her tongue moisten her full bottom lip. “Anytime, anyplace, any position,” he replied roguishly raising his eyebrow and giving her a cheeky wink. Moving forward he kissed her briefly on the lips. However, when he leaned in for another kiss she hesitantly pulled away. “No more.” “Come on.” “Not here Murtagh!” The innuendo had been bouncing back and forth for a while between the two but on checking her watch the nurse noticed that she’d spent more time talking to Murtagh that she could afford. Her break was over and she needed to get back to work before she was missed. “Why not?” Looking around to see if anyone was coming, she cautiously replied, “Oh it’s … it’s just too dangerous, that’s all. Someone may see us.” “That’s what makes you so exciting.” He started to kiss her again. “I like it ... dangerous!” “Murtagh Fitzgibbons, you’re playing with fire!” “Grrr … I know. Right now, I could self-combust,” he teased with a mischievous look in his eye. Flushed with desire, Bóinne pulled away from his advances. Her words were a little garbled. “Look Murtagh … I've got to go ... I’ll see you when I finish my shift.” Smiling knowingly, he moved forward and kissed her briefly on the lips once more. “Yes … I'll ... see you later.” His eyes crinkled in mischief, “I'll be waiting.”  ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ He watched as the nurse walked away back towards Medical and ogled at her long, long legs that went on for eternity until she finally disappeared out of sight. Briefly shutting his eyes, he groaned.  Ahhhh! ... You’re killing me, then he hurriedly strode away to his quarters to prepare for his midnight guest. That special someone had materialised as if on cue ... now all that was needed was for him to get organised for what he hoped would be a very long night.
Suddenly Murtagh Fitzgibbons was hit in the guts by a bolt out of the blue. He stood still … dazed and a little shocked. A loud audible sigh left his lips, then it finally dawned on him. He was smitten by the leggy, brunette beauty, Bóinne Rivière. 
Wow! I haven't felt like this in a long time. I ... I wonder if she might feel the same way?  With a jaunty walk in his step and a twinkle in his eye, Murtagh headed in the opposite direction to Bóinne. He had other things to do and rest was not one of them, if fact, he doubted he’d get much rest tonight or he hoped he wouldn’t. But first things first ... he had his debrief to write, but that would be a piece of cake. He had plenty of time to write it before Bóinne came and the report would be on Operations’ desk first thing in the morning as ordered. 
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ to be continued on Tuesday 24th March
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